Journal Vol21 No106 Pp311-340

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Journal Vol21 No106 Pp311-340 Vol. Vol. 21 No. 106 Journal of the Radio Research Laboratories 1974 Printed Printed in Tokyo, Japan pp. 311-340 UDC 523. 7: 525 “1972.08 ” SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL DISTURBANCES OF AUGUST 1972 4. 4. SOLAR X-RAY FLARES AND THEIR CORRESPONDING SUDDEN IONOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES By Mitsuo OHSHIO (Received (Received Feb. 22, 1973) ABSTRACT Four Four solar X-ray flares which occurred early in August, 1972, were large, being being inferred from sudden ionospheric disturbances caused by the pertinent flares. The time variations of the solar X-ray flux intensity observed could not be obtained obtained at the maximum stage of these four events owing to the artificial satel- lite lite eclipse and/or the saturation of the detector. Both of estimation from extra- polation polation in the shape of time variation and from the maximum phase deviation of of the normalized sudden phase anomaly (SP A) observed show that the maximum solar solar X-ray (1 ~8 A) flare flux intensities or the maximum enhanced ones for August August 4 and 7 were as large as to exceed 1 erg cm-2 s-1. Their decreasing stages stages were as long as to last more than half a day. The use of a flare model valid valid for the arrival of solar ionizing agents of the largest class during the pertinent pertinent period showed that the enhanced electron density in the ionosphere was larger larger than the quiet one by about two orders at the altitude of 70 km and by 2 to to 1 times at the altitude of 90 to 120 km. is It supposed that in these four events, particularly particularly in August 4 and 7 events, solar extreme ultraviolet ray flares also occurred occurred to cause all kinds of sudden ionospheric disturbances on their largest scale. scale. 1. 1. Introduction Early in August, 1972, large-scale solar eruptions seen rarely occurred, also caused various large-scale disturbances both on the solar disk and in the earth ’S ionosphere and magnetosphere, and increased the cogmtion on the solar-terr 田 trial physics physics which had never been experienced hitherto. In this paper, the disturbed phenomena in the pertinent period are described in terms of solar X-ray fl.ares and sudden ionospheric disturbanc 白. Since the data on sudden ionospheric disturbances disturbances were limited to those observed at the Laboratories, the data could not help receiving restriction largely in space and in time, but the event on August 7 depended upon foreign data. In spite of many restrictions, the con- sideration sideration on the elongation of the relation of magnitude of sudden ionospheric 311 311 312 M. Ohshio disturbances disturbances to enhanced solar ionizing intensities which has been given by the author author and the estimation for the presumed maximum enhanced flux intensities of of solar ionizing agent owing to the saturation of the observed data and/or to the the artificial satellite eclipse are compared and investigated. Further, enhanced electron electron densities in the ionosphere are estimated by a flare model valid for the arrival arrival of solar ionizing agents of the largest class during the pertinent period. 2. 2. Data Used The data used on solar ionizing agents completely depended upon the results of of solar X-ray flux intensities with wavelength ranges, 1~ 8, 8~ 20, and 0.5rv3 A observed observed by solar X-ray monitoring satellites, SOLRAD 10-Explorer 44 and SOLRAD 9・Explorer 37, under the superintendence of R. W. Kreplin, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. ci >~( 8) Out of the data on sudden ionospheric disturbances observed at the Labora- tories, tories, the available radio wave propagational circuits and their geographical disposition disposition are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Further, the event on August 7 depended upon the sudden phase anomalies (SPA's) on the circuits received in Sao Paulo and with small representative solar zenith angles. K;ndof N。。 f SIO's SIO's C"c 凶IS Mo•ks ~Vl.i:. SPA 8(1 。INUBO) ー一一一- -\ SPA 1 (lo HIRAISO )ー・----- \ SWF 4(1o HIRAISO) ---・ Fig. Fig. 1. Geographical disposition of radio wave propagational cir- cuits cuits received at the Radio Research Laboratories, available for detecting detecting sudden ionospheric disturbances. Out of the circuits shown, shown, those given in Table 1 are adopted. The Loran-C circuit, circuit, IWOJIMA-HIRAISO, and the SWF circuit, SHEP- PARTON-HIRAISO, PARTON-HIRAISO, are superposed each other on the map. Table Table 1. Available radio wave propagational circuits detecting sudden ionospheric disturbances. Transmitting Site Receiving Site Distance along the LKαorロrmnDPnNhι Kind Call R11;dia Location Great Remarks Sign 向 gd ほ tion HV Circle of of Name 円し 剖 1 Frequency Name (Geographic or ∞ ノ Power (km) SID ’s Abbr・. (kW) Coordinate) 52°22'N 16. OkHz Fr 巴quency RUGBY GBR 001°1l'W 40 9550 Standard めと白培、・ NORTH 21°49 ’S WEST NWC 22. 3kHz 1000 6990 U CAPE 114°10 ’E S42寸 10.2kHz 35 。42 ’N Omega 21°24 ’N INUBO HAIKU・ HAIKU 12. 2kHz 2 140°52' E 6100 Navigation 町、足』 157°50 ’W 13. 6kHz SPA 44°39 ’N NV2Hhh CUTLER NAA 067°17'W 17.SkHz 1000 10640 『 JIM 48°12 ’N 18.6kHz 250 bbw CREEK NPG 121°55 ’W 7620 同門司旬。 qOpnunHu。。nJuqonLooNE H RA Y GU O h 24°4S'N A- IWOJIMA 100 kHz 4000 司自ム組処 1290 Loran-C . 141°20' E bNhhHaahbuwN 、111tilia 35°41 ’N 21MHz( 3-13) EJV TEHERAN Te 051°25' E lOMHz(13- 3) 7700 -- t SHEPP AR- 36°20' s 、〆H官・ RA v-Qu O 36 。22'N i A A SWF Sh 18MHz( O・- 8) 100 } ・s100 TON 145°25 ’E lht 140°38 ’E ’ 18MHz(20- 6) fll 12°03 ’S ト LIMA Li 15MHz( 6- 8) 10 tJ 15380 077°03 ’w llMHz( 8-13) NOTES: 1. The value of Distance along the Great Circle (km) is rounded in the first place. 2. 2. The number within the parentheses successive to the frequency of SWF denotes time interval (U. T.) during during when the frequency had been transmitted in July and August 1972. ωHω 314 M. Ohshio 3. 3. Time Variations of Solar X-ray Flux Intensities There are shown in Fig. 2 the observed hourly average so!ar X-ray flux intensities intensities F (A.1 ~ん t) with wavelength ranges, A.=1 ~8 and 8~ 20 A from July 25 till till August 16, 1972. It is immediately noticed in the figure that there are four giant giant X-ray flares conspicuous in both ranges. Out of them, two, one, and one flares flares are situated on August 2, 4, and 7, respectively. Also on August 11 a 宜are with large F(S ~ 20 A ,の is recognized; however, the flare is indistinct in terms of F(l ~sA ,め. If the above-described four flares are paid attention to, each each F(l ~8 A) of these maximum values exceeds 10-1 erg cm-2 s一九 and conversely the the flares whose maximum values of F(l ~ 8 A, t) exceed 10-1 erg cm-2 s-1 are limited limited to the above-described four flares in the period shown in the. pertinent figure. figure. They have 1.72 ×10-1, 1.29 × 10 1, 3.43 ×10-1, and 4.56 × 10-1 erg cm-2 s-1 in their their maximum values in the order of time, even in their hourly average F(l ~ 8 A, t). It is conjectured, therefore, that these flares are still larger in their instantaneous instantaneous maximum flux intensities Fm(l ~ 8 A, tm). In this sense, so far as solar-terrestrial solar-terrestrial disturbed phenomena early in August, 1972, are discussed from the the point of view of solar X-ray flares, th 白 e will be called four giant solar X-ray 但ares worth noticing. They are named solar X-ray flare event Nos. 1. 2, 3, and 4 in the order of lapse of time. As seen in Fig. 2, the flux intensities at the starting time, t,, of these flares, F,(1 ~sA t,) ’s are as large as other flares existing actually to whose Fm(l ~ s A, t,) ’s the the values of F ,(1 ~ sA, t,) ’s correspond. <4J,<•J Especially, large are F ,(1 ~ sA, t,) ’s in in Event Nos. 2 and 1 and F,(8 ~20A, t,) ’s for 4 events. These values are difficult to to be recognized as the quiet values of flux intensities in terms of long-term variations variations of flux intensities. If t,(A.1 ~ん Event No. 1) is retroactive, F(A.1 ~ん, t) decreases decreases gradually as a whole including even flares with smaller hourly average maximum flux intensities than F ,(A.1 ~ん t,, Event No. 1). Though on July 28 a medium scale of flare occurs, F(A.1 ~-< u, t) still decreases, and on July 25 the mini- mum value which seems validly to have reached a quiet value is found out in terms of the whole tendency. The day when the flux intensities seem to have reached reached their quiet value throughout the above 司 described four giant flares is August 16 especially in F(8 ~ 20 A,の. The 21 days of the period, therefore, will be discussed that the solar X-ray would have been in a disturbed period even if if no large flares had occurred. Thus, the minute observation of solar X-ray flux flux intensities will be an index to the prediction of solar disk disturbances.
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