Running out of land Designing strategies for Ammerland’s competing land use demands 6th EMiLA Summer School 28.08.-06.09.2014 EMiLA SUMMER SCHOOL 2014 Ammerlands historical park-like landscape with its meadows, groves, hedges and nurseries is increasingly challenged by competing land use demands, such as an expanding industrialised agriculture, ongoing construction activities, the expansion of nature reserves and peat extraction. All of these land uses aim to expand, but space is limited. Above all, these recent changes strongly influence the appearance of the historical park-like landscape which is a backbone for the local tourism. The EMiLA Summer School will work on regional landscape design with a particular focus on the involvement of local CONTACT stakeholders. Students will develop landscape concepts based on the cooperation with the real “landscape Leibniz Universität Hannover players”. During the workshop, the international teams will Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences negotiate the stakeholders interests by developing systems Institute of Open Space Planning and Design of cooperations and their future activities. The “landscape Verena Butt players” such as nursery owners, farmers, planners and EMiLA-Coordinator mayors will be actively involved by offering guided tours, Herrenhäuser Str. 2a lectures and joining into design studio discussions. Regional D – 30419 Hannover experts and laymen will be invited to discuss the design proposals during the final exhibition. Phone: ++49 – (0)511 – 762 3627 Secretary: ++49 – (0)511 – 762 5528 During ten days, students from nine countries and four eMail:
[email protected] continents will work in international teams of five, tutored Website:, by two teachers.