181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 1

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181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 1 181222_ICOMOS_Heft_LXVII_Cover_print_Layout 1 11.01.19 11:02 Seite 1 The Cultural Landscape of the Wendland Circular Villages Wendland Circular Villages Circular Wendland ICOMOS · HEFTE DES DEUTSCHEN NATIONALKOMITEES LXVII ICOMOS · JOURNALS OF THE GERMAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE LXVII ICOMOS · CAHIERS DU COMITÉ NATIONAL ALLEMAND LXVII ICOMOS · HEFTE DES DEUTSCHEN NATIONALKOMITEES LXVII ICOMOS · HEFTE DES DEUTSCHEN NATIONALKOMITEES 181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII_Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 1 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MONUMENTS AND SITES CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DES MONUMENTS ET DES SITES CONSEJO INTERNACIONAL DE MONUMENTOS Y SITIOS МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ СОВЕТ ПО ВОПРОСАМ ПАМЯТНИКОВ И ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫХ МЕСТ Conservation and Rehabilitation of Vernacular Heritage: The Cultural Landscape of the Wendland Circular Villages International conference and annual meeting of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Vernacular Architecture (CIAV) organised with ICOMOS Germany, the State Office for Monument Con- servation and Archaeology of Lower Saxony, and the Samtgemeinde of Lüchow-Wendland Lübeln, September 28 – October 2, 2016 Edited by Christoph Machat ICOMOS · HEFTE DES DEUTSCHEN NATIONALKOMITEES LXVII ICOMOS · JOURNALS OF THE GERMAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE LXVII ICOMOS · CAHIERS DU COMITÉ NATIONAL ALLEMAND LXVII 181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII_print_Layout 1 15.02.19 12:21 Seite 2 Impressum ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees Herausgegeben vom Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Präsident: Prof. Dr. Jörg Haspel Vizepräsident: Dr. Christoph Machat Generalsekretärin: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brandt Geschäftsstelle: Brüderstraße 13, Nicolaihaus, 10178 Berlin Fon: +49 (0)30.80493 100 · Fax: +49 (0)30.80493 120 E-Mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.icomos.de Gedruckt mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages Redaktion: Christoph Machat, John Ziesemer Englisches Lektorat: John Ziesemer Umschlagvorderseite: Luftbild Schreyahn (Foto Alexander Tetsch, © Samtgemeinde Lüchow) Umschlagrückseite: Dali Village, Detail (siehe auch S. 72) Abb. S. 4: Luftbild Klennow (Foto Alexander Tetsch, © Samtgemeinde Lüchow) 1. Auflage 2018 © 2017 ICOMOS, Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet unter http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, sowie Verbreitung durch Film, Funk und Fernsehen, durch fotomecha- nische Wiedergabe, Tonträger und Datenverarbeitungssysteme jeglicher Art, nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Verlages. Die Verantwortung für die Bildrechte liegt ausschließlich bei den Autorinnen und Autoren. Gesamtherstellung: Geymüller | Verlag für Architektur, Aachen – Berlin www.geymueller.de ISBN 978-3-943164-46-6 181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII_Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 3 Content 5 Introduction 71 Fire-resistance Improvement of Vernacular Christoph Machat Timber Architecture in a Historical Dong Village in China: A Case Study in Dali 6 The Beginning of Colonisation in Eastern Cen- Fei Du and Kenji Okazaki tral Europe in the High Middle Ages Matthias Hardt 81 ICOMOS-CIAV Taskforce for the Protection of Vernacular Built Heritage Threatened by Armed 16 Hall Houses of the Rundling Villages in Conflicts Wendland Hossam Mahdy Dirk Wübbenhorst 83 In Search of OUV: A Methodology for 23 Circular, Semi-circular and Oval Villages in the Attribute Mapping in the Circular Villages of the Czech Republic Wendland Martin Čerňanský Michael Schmidt, Kerstin Duncker, Britta Rudolff and Michelle Heese 37 Settlement Patterns of the German Colonisation in Transylvania/Romania 94 Circular Villages: Reflections Based on a Global Christoph Machat Comparative Analysis Britta Rudolff, Eva Battis and Michael Schmidt 42 Arquitectura vernácula y el paisaje cultural en Puebla, Mexico 104 Recommendations adopted 49 English Summary Gerardo Torres Zarate 105 Authors 51 The Stave Churches of Northern Norway - Inter- 107 ICOMOS ∙ Journals of the German National pretation and Reconstruction of a Stave Church Committee at Trondenes Museum, Harstad Gisle Jakhelln 62 The Building Tradition in Russian Karelia and in the East of Northern Norway Randi Berit Sjølie 65 Renewable Energy Optimisation for Vernacular Settlements Marwa Dabaieh Conservation and Rehabilitation of Vernacular Heritage 3 181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII_Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 4 4 ICOMOS · Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees LXVII 181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII_Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 5 Introduction This publication contains most of the contributions to the in- Heritage List, e.g. with regard to the village of Holasovice ternational conference “Conservation and Rehabilitation of (Czech Republic) and the villages with fortified churches in Vernacular Heritage: the Cultural Landscape of the Wendland Transylvania/Romania, but also in the “Filling the Gaps” (on Circular Villages”, Lübeln, September 28 – October 2, 2016, the World Heritage List) initiative of ICOMOS International which was combined with the annual meeting 2016 of the In- (Monuments and Sites, vol. XII, Munich 2005). ternational Scientific Committee on Vernacular Architecture As a consequence, some of the contributions from CIAV (CIAV) of ICOMOS. It was the second meeting of CIAV in focus on the circular villages (M. Čerňanský) and the settle- Germany after 1992, hosted at that time by the Heritage Con- ment patterns of vernacular settlements (C. Machat). Other servation Office of the Rhineland (Rheinisches Amt für contributions of course reflect the scientific work of CIAV Denkmalpflege) and ICOMOS Germany in the framework of members, like the interesting analysis of the relation between a joint scientific conference on cultural landscapes, with an the cultural landscape of an area and the vernacular traditions, expert group of the Council of Europe. The results were pub- including the tangible and intangible heritage (G. Torres, text lished in 1993 under the title Historische Kulturlandschaften in Spanish with English summary); research problems regard- as volume XI of the series ICOMOS Journals of the German ing the typology of wooden vernacular structures in Norway National Committee. (G. Jakhelln) and in Northeast Karelia (R. Sjølie), or specific Hosted in 2016 by the joint municipality (Samtgemeinde) of ”technical” problems related to the protection and conserva- Lüchow-Wendland and organised by the Heritage Conserva- tion of the built vernacular heritage. This includes alternative tion Office of Lower Saxony (Niedersächsisches Landesamt energy problems in Egypt (M. Dabaieh) or risk preparedness für Denkmalpflege), CIAV and ICOMOS Germany, the con- and fire protection in vernacular wooden settlements in China ference focused on the circular villages of the Wendland and (Fei Du / Kenji Okazaki). For the protection of vernacular on the preparations for a UNESCO World Heritage nomina- built heritage threatened by armed conflicts especially in the tion. A first preparatory workshop concerning the World Her- Middle East an ICOMOS-CIAV task force was proposed (H. itage compatibility of the circular villages had been organised Mahdy). in 2014; it included an investigation of the potential of the All these individual contributions also reflect the different villages’ Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the com- traditions of scientific work and presentation worldwide. Bib- parative analysis (demanded by the UNESCO Operational liographies and quotations have therefore not been adjusted. Guidelines). Unfortunately, the Kultusministerkonferenz (Conference of the Ministers of Culture in Germany) at that Instead of conclusions, the final Recommendations adopted time was not convinced of the World Heritage potential and by the conference participants strongly endorse the World therefore did not include the Wendland villages in the Ger- Heritage nomination initiative and request the German state man Tentative List. and national authorities to include the Wendland Rundlinge For this reason, the Lübeln conference started with presenta- on the National Tentative List. tions of the scientific research on the colonisation and settle- ment patterns of the villages (M. Hardt), the analysis of the Christoph Machat characteristic half-timber hall houses (D. Wübbenhorst) and concluded with the final research on the OUV and the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List (M. Schmidt et al) and with the final comparative analysis (Rudolff et al). In be- tween, an excursion day to the villages took place. It should be mentioned that for many years members of CIAV have been involved in the evaluation and preparatory work on nominations of vernacular heritage sites for the World Conservation and Rehabilitation of Vernacular Heritage 5 181222 ICOMOS Heft LXVII_Layout 1 11.01.19 09:12 Seite 6 The Beginning of Colonisation in Eastern Central Europe in the High Middle Ages Matthias Hardt The circular villages on the lower Geest in the Hanoverian emperors Henry IV and Henry V and the Bohemian prince Wendland were established in the early phases of European Vratislav II of the Přemyslid dynasty, whose daughter Judith settlement expansion, a process which was to change Eastern became Wiprecht‘s wife.3 Wiprecht had grown up at the court Central Europe fundamentally over the course of the High of the Margrave of the North Marches, Udo of Stade, who Middle Ages. In what follows, I will
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