// Introduction 005 // Documentaries 007 // Projects in development 175 // Production and sales companies 241 // Festivals and awards 253 00

If there is one particular genre into which the Catalan film and television industry has thrown itself and attained greater achievements, it is, without a doubt, the documentary. From the Oscars to the most highly prized awards of the IDFA, Hotdocs or Berlin, our productions have been lauded. In your hands you have a catalogue of close to a hundred new productions for cinema or television, covering almost all topics and with a distinctly international outlook. The documentary filmmakers of have focused their lenses on reality without relinquishing creativity in the way they tell the story. In this peculiar style the work of the late Joaquim Jordà is particularly prominent. Two of his last works are presented herein – The literature of exile (Literaturas del exilio) and Beyond the mirror (Más allá del espejo) – both of which are presently on the circuit of a broad spectrum of showcases and festivals. It is to Joaquim Jordà, father of the creative documentary in Catalonia, that we dedicate this new edition.

Àngela Bosch Director A Catalan in Argentina Sóc català, en Argentina 07 // A tale from two shores Cuento de las dos orillas 09 // A world at their feet Un món als seus peus 11 // Abandonatii Abandonatii 13 // Alhucemas, the park fishermen Alhucemas, els pescadors del parc 15 // Alquimistas company Companyia alquimistes 17 // Alondra Alondra 19// An anarchist’s story Història d’una anarquista 21 // Aqua, the red river Aqua, el riu vermell 23 // Aquaculture. Solution or problem? L’aqüicultura. Solució o problema? 25 // Assurbanipal’s lions La cacera de lleons d’Assurbanipal 27 // Aviation pioneers Els pioners de l’aviació 29 // Beyond the mirror Més enllà del mirall 31 // Black Documentaries memory Memòria negra 33 // Bodrum schooners Les goletes de Bodrum 35 // Can // 00 Tunis Can Tunis 37 // Catalonia in black Catalunya negra 39 // Circus school Escola de circ 41 // City of asylum Ciudad refugio 43 // Conversations with death (delirium 107 // Rock & Cat Rock & Cat 109 // Sea of clay Mar de fang 111 // Spanish for mortis) Conversaciones con la muerte (delirium mortis) 45 // Conversations with adults Spanish for adults 113 // Struggle for urban space La lluita per l’espai urbà depression Conversaciones con la depresión 47 // Dalí (nostrum) Dalí (nostrum) 49 115 // Switch off Apaga y vámonos 117 // Terra Lliure, end point Terra Lliure, punt // De funció: The back room of death De funció 51 // Enigma Cervantes Enigma final 119 // The brand La marca Barcelona 121 // The birth certificate Cervantes 53 // Facing the sea Cara al mar 55 // Franco, the sentinel of the West La partida 123 // The forgotten Els perdedors 125 // The Future L’avenir 127 // The Franco, el sentinella d’Occident 57 // From Madrid to the moon De Madrid a la lluna general’s daughter La filla del general 129 // The journey of the Vite organization 59 // Hermanito Hermanito 61 // I was thirty, when Franco died Jo tenia 30 anys, El viaje de la organización Vite 131 //The legend of time La llegenda del temps 133 l’any que Franco va morir 63 // In jail Confidential En la cárcel Confidencial 65 // Ink // The life after La vida després 135 // The literature of exile Literatures de l’exili 137 and word Tinta y Voz 67 // Journey towards a sculpture: the quixotesancho by // The lives of Palau i Fabre Vides de Palau i Fabre 139 // The nap of life La siesta Guido Dettoni Viatge vers una escultura: el quixotesancho de Guido Dettoni 69 // de la vida 141 // The Nomad experience - spiritual heartbeats of the planet The Jump over the North Pole Alas sobre el Polo 71 // Living well Viure bé 73 // Llach: Nomad experience - Batecs espirituals del planeta 143 // The other Rusiñol L’altre the permanent revolt Llach, la revolta permanent 75 // Loco Fighters Tres caídas 77 Rusiñol 145 // The rapist’s mind La ment del violador 147 // The silence of stones // Love in the meantime Septiembres 79 // LPM LPM 81 // LT22 radio la colifata El silenci de les pedres 149 // The Spanish national football team La selección LT22 radio la colifata 83 // Maybe Buenos Aires? ¿Será Buenos Aires? 85 // Memory 151 // They wanted to kill Franco Els que van voler matar Franco 153 // Through books El libro de la vida 87 // Miquel Bauçà: the invisible poet Miquel Bauçà: poeta the Carmel A través del Carmel 155 // Troll Troll 157 // Utopia 79 Utopia 79 159 // invisible 89 // Miraflores Miraflores 91 // Mr Easter Salve Melilla 93 // My scheduled Walter Benjamin in Paris Walter Benjamin a París 161 // Washing day Fer dissabte strolls Sortides programades 95 // Nomadak TX Nomadak TX 97 // Off season Fora 163 // Waves of Liberty Adéu, Liberty 165 // We are the wind Somos viento 167 // de temporada 99 // Plundering the oceans L’oceà esgotat 101 // Protecting the Welcome Mr. Kaita Benvingut Mister Kaita 169 // When the earth subsides La tierra oceans L’oceà protegit 103 // Quinary territory Territori Quinari 105 // Reyita Reyita se hunde 171 // Words and deeds Paraules i fets 173 A Catalan in Argentina Sóc català, en Argentina

Directed by Francisco Blanes 00 Synopsis: A young descendent of Spanish immigrants to Argentina decides to set out on a journey in search of his roots and to ascertain, through the accounts of Catalan exiles and immigrants, what it is to be a Catalan in Argentina. Produced by by: Francisco Blanes Genre: Creative documentary Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages Based on the historical recollections of the director’s great- Executive producer: Francisco Blanes Running time: 50’ grandfather, this is an auteur road movie in search of the Script: Sebastián Carreras, Francisco Blanes Technical data: Color Director of photography: Francisco Blanes, Original version: Spanish past, present and future of the Catalan cultural centres, or Sebastián Carreras Sales: Francisco Blanes Casals , in Argentina. Sound: Mauricio Albornoz A tale from two shores Cuento de las dos orillas

Directed by Jesús Armesto 000

Synopsis: This documentary investigates the entire multiple reality implicit in the idea of Al-Andalus, and above all its Arabic Produced by: CECC Grup Cinema Art, Sound: Alejandro Fernández Almuta Films Genre: Creative documentary heritage. To this day, immigrants cross the strait in small Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages boats, some driven only by their desire to ‘return’ to the Executive producer: Manuel Armesto, Running time: 90’ Hector Faver Technical data: Color, DVD, Ultra Stereo Andalusia of their forebears. Millions end up dying on the Script: Jesús Armesto Original version: Spanish same beach as 500 years ago. Director of photography: Marc Giralt Sales: CECC Grup Cinema Art A world at their feet Un món als seus peus

Directed by Sandra Camps 011011

Produced by: Multiculti Producciones, S.L Script: Sandra Camps Original score: Javier Mariscal Synopsis: Sound: Javier Mariscal Genre: Social documentary, Boys and girls from countries like Vietnam, Nigeria, , Running time: 13’ Mauritius or Argentina talk about football while we watch Technical data: Color, B&W, DVD, Dolby Digital them playing. Their idols are the same, though they don’t Original version: Spanish, English speak the same language and have very different cultures. Sales: Sandra Camps Abandonatii Abandonatii

Directed by Joan Soler 009 Synopsis: Ever since the end of Nicolae Ceaucescu’s dictatorship in 1989, the precarious economical situation Romania is undergoing has forced many children to live on the streets, Produced by by: Cinefilms Produccions Genre: Creative documentary especially in the capital. Dubbed ‘Aurolacs’ because Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages of their addiction to this brand of synthetic paint, this is Executive producer: Manel Martínez Technical data: Color, 35mm Script: Joan Soler Original version: Romanian the story of some of those children, living it rough in the Director of photography: Carles Muñoz Sales: Cinefilms Produccions sewerage system near Bucharest’s North Railway Station. Sound: Carles Muñoz Alhucemas, the park fishermen Alhucemas, els pescadors del parc

Directed by José Luis Secorán

Synopsis: 015 The coast of Alhucemas forms part of the Alborán Sea, one of the most biodiverse areas in the Mediterranean, but also a sea seriously threatened by the use of drift nets for catching swordfish. These nets were banned in the European Union from the early 90’s, at the same time Produced by by: Rumbo Sur Running time: 27’ Morrocan fishermen began to use them. Last year, a tract Executive producer: Olga Palet Technical data: Color, Betacam, of land to the east of the town of Alhucemas was declared Script: José Luis Secorán Dolby Digital Director of photography: David Rastrilla Original version: Catalan a National Park, in a bid to protect thirty kilometres of Genre: Didactic documentary Sales: Rumbo Sur coastline. Audience: All ages Alondra Alondra

Directed by Carles Porta, Danielle Schleif 017 Synopsis: Alondra left her family behind nine years ago…when she was still a boy. This intimate diary follows the young transgendered Alondra —born Alberto— as she lives out Produced by: Bausan Films, Cuatro, Genre: Creative documentary, the six most intense months of her life. She takes the Porta Gaset, Yolanda Toledano Social documentary Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages camera into the transgender subculture as she seeks fame, Executive producer: Loris Omedes, Tono Running time: 90’ struggles to make ends meet, tries to leave prostitution, Folguera, Carles Porta Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo Script: Susana Guardiola, Carles Porta Original version: Spanish sees her family again and fulfils her dream: to get a full sex Sound: Juan Sánchez ‘’Cuti’’ Sales: Bausan Films change operation and become a complete woman. Cast: Alondra Alquimistas company Companyia alquimistes

Directed by Eli Rodríguez, Joan Noguera

Synopsis: 019 Alquimistas Company is a theatre group formed almost exclusively by mentally handicapped people. In 2002 the company embarked on a new project: to perform in the 35mm short film ‘2+2=5’. Three years later the short film was selected to participate in the prestigious San Produced by by: Parallel 40 Sound: Marc Montañés Executive producer: Joan González, Antoni Genre: Social documentary Sebastian Film Festival in . When the company Tortajada Audience: All ages members received the news they decided to travel to San Script: Eli Rodríguez, Joan Noguera Running time: 30’ Director of photography: Alfonso Moral Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo Sebastian in order to attend the short film screening and Original score: Miquel Àngel Alemany, Original version: Spanish, Catalan the awards ceremony. Jens Neumayer, Alejandro Mazzoni Sales: TVC An anarchist’s story Història d’una anarquista

Directed by Mark Littlewood

Synopsis: In September 1936, revolutionary days in Catalonia and in 021 the midst of the Spanish Civil War, the trade union CNT- FAI issued a call for arms, funds and soldiers to be sent Produced by by: La Productora Video-Comunicació, Película to Spain, as well as help in disseminating their anarchist Films, TVC ideals abroad. As an answer to this call, a young Scottish Executive producer: Joan Arañó, Raimon Masllorens journalist accepted the invitation to go to Barcelona to Script: Mª Dolors Genovés, Chris Dolan collaborate in the creation of the English section of the Genre: Creative documentary, Historical documentary CNT-FAI information service. The activist’s name was Ethel Audience: All ages MacDonald, and this documentary follows the tracks of her Technical data: Color, Betacam stay in Catalonia during these years of turmoil. Original version: Catalan, English Aqua, the red river Aqua, el riu vermell

Directed by Manel Almiñana 023 Synopsis: A fisherman, a prostitute, a textile worker, a family of gypsies, the miners of Fígols, the inhabitants of a Produced by by: Quimelca Genre: Creative documentary submerged village? These are just some of the characters Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages in the stories we will discover along the course of the Executive producer: Jordi Domingo Running time: 90’ Script: Àngel Ràngel, Manel Almiñana Technical data: Color, B&W, 35mm, Llobregat, the main river of Barcelona and one of the Director of photography: Oriol Bosch Dolby Digital most intensely laboured in Europe. Each of the stories Original score: Mikel Salas Original version: Spanish, Catalan Sound: Pablo Demichelis a is illustrated using a different aesthetic and visual Cast: Marcel Dou, Josép M Domènech, perspective, lending them each a distinctive personality. Asunción Balaguer Aquaculture. Solution or problem? L’aqüicultura. Solució o problema? Directed by Juan Carlos Arbex 025

Synopsis: Produced by by: CPI (Centre Promotor Genre: Didactic documentary de la Imatge) Audience: All ages By the year 2030, the population of Earth will have reached Executive producer: Ferran Llagostera Running time: 23’ 9 million. To ensure a sufficient food supply, aquaculture is Script: Juan Carlos Arbex Technical data: Color, Betacam Director of photography: Xavier Camí Original version: Spanish a priority solution. It is essential to preserving the health of Original score: José Manuel Pagan Sales: Cpi the oceans. Sound: Jaume Segura Assurbanipal’s lions La cacera de lleons d’Assurbanipal

Directed by Xavier Juncosa 027

Synopsis: Produced by by: Nèmesi Films Genre: Didactic documentary Classification: 2007 Sound: Octave Bruset A documentary about the friezes and bas reliefs that the Executive producer: Xavier Juncosa Running time: 28’ Script: Xavier Juncosa Technical data: Color, DVD Babilonian Empire dedicated to the lions of Assurbanipal in Director of photography: François Gurguí Original version: Catalan the first millennium BC. Original score: Frederic Mompou Sales: Nèmesi Films Aviation pioneers Els pioners de l’aviació

Directed by Pere Secorún, José Luis Secorún

Synopsis: With the end of World War I, began a prodigious decade for 029 aviation: 1918-1928. In just a few years the innovations were many and fast and aircraft, the dream that had once seemed Produced by by: Rumbo Sur, TVC the delusion of madmen, became a common thing. It was the Executive producer: Jordi Ambrós Script: Pere Secorún, José Luis Secorún beginning of commercial aviation. All activity was directed to the Director of photography: David Rastrilla development of the new invention and after the doubts of the Genre: Historical documentary Audience: All ages first years came a rapid succession of results. Catalonia and Running time: 54’ the region of the Midi-Pyrénées were, at the beginning of the Technical data: Color, Betacam, Dolby Digital 20th century, trailblazers in aeronautic development, promoting Original version: Catalan the new invention of aviation throughout Spain and France. Sales: Rumbo Sur Beyond the mirror Més enllà del mirall

Directed by Joaquim Jordà 031031

Produced by: Ovideo TV, Únicamente Sound: Dani Fontrodona Severo Films Cast: Esther Chumillas, Joaquim Jordà, Classification: 2006 Rosario Villaescusa Synopsis: Executive producer: Quique Camín, Genre: Creative documentary Dària Esteva Audience: All ages A documentary feature that ventures into the world of agno- Script: Joaquim Jordà, Laia Manresa Running time: 123’ Director of photography: Carles Gusi, Technical data: Color, 35mm sia and alexia, neurological disorders that entail substantial Ricardo Íscar, Carla Subirana Original version: Spanish differences in perceiving what we call ‘’reality’’. Original score: Laura Casaponsa Sales: Ovideo TV Black memory Memòria negra

Directed by Xavier Montanyà

Synopsis: The voice of an anonymous Guinean exile who inherited 033 a river when his father passed away. From the distant desert, he recalls childhood episodes, popular legends and ancient African beliefs, leading us into the turbulent Produced by by: Ovideo TV, Colomo Genre: Creative documentary past of Equatorial Guinea. This film deals with the Spanish Producciones Sound: Amanda Villavieja colonization of Guinea and the political, religious and Classification: 2007 Running time: 98’ Executive producer: Quique Camín, Beatriz Technical data: Color, Betacam cultural legacy that surfaced after the declaration of de la Gándara Original version: Spanish, independence, from the blood-stained times of Francisco Script: Xavier Montanyà, Carles Serrat dubbed in Catalan Director of photography: Ricardo Íscar Sales: Ovideo TV, Colomo Producciones Macías’ dictatorship to the current regime of his nephew, Original score: Pablo Cepeda, Teodoro Obiang, supported by the country’s wealth in oil. Jorge Porter-Pidgins Bodrum schooners Les goletes de Bodrum

Directed by José Luis Secorún

Synopsis: The Turkish coast of Anatolia, with its many spectacular 035 islets, peninsulas and bays, has since time immemorial been a privileged place to sail, and it still is. In Bodrum, during Produced by by: Rumbo Sur the summer, dozens of wooden schooners merge into the Executive producer: Olga Palet Script: José Luis Secorún landscape, carrying tourists from one place to another. There Director of photography: David Rastrilla is no other place on the Mediterranean that congregates Genre: Didactic documentary Audience: All ages quite so many schooners. Wooden schooners have always Running time: 17’ been built here for maritime transport, but the boom of this Technical data: Color, Betacam, Dolby Digital industry began a little over 30 years ago, coinciding with the Original version: Catalan development of tourism on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast. Sales: Rumbo Sur Can Tunis Can Tunis

Directed by José González Morandi, Paco Toledo 037 Synopsis: Can Tunis is a slum, a hidden curse in the middle of the design-conscious, post-Olympic Barcelona of tourism. Produced by by: Didac Films Genre: Creative documentary While drug addicts flock here in search of their daily fix, the Classification: 2007 Audience: Adult locals fear for their future because their homes are to be Executive producer: Pedro Costa, Paco Running time: 84’ Toledo, José González Morandi Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo expropriated. Here, where the kids drive stolen cars and Script: José González Morandi, Paco Toledo Original version: Spanish, Catalan when they play at cops and robbers nobody wants to be Director of photography: Paco Toledo Sales: Didac Films Original score: Mártires del Compás the cop, Juan and his friends grow up. They have to fight to Sound: David Rodríguez, keep from going under. José González Morandi Catalonia in black Catalunya negra

Directed by Gilbert-Ndunga Nsangata 039 Produced by by: Alea Docs & Films Classification: 2006 Executive producer: Pablo Usón, Ángela Martínez Synopsis: Script: Gilbert-Ndunga Nsangata Director of photography: Marc Desmots Immigration from sub-Saharan Africa in the 70’s and 80’s Original score: Lluís M’bomio Genre: Social documentary was seen as a rare or, in any case, passing phenomenon Sound: Igor Viza, Jordi Gómez in Catalonia. Twenty years later, it has now become a social Running time: 52’ Technical data: Color, DVD, Betacam reality, represented by a new black African population: Original version: Spanish, Catalan the black Catalans or the Catalan blacks. Sales: Alea Docs & Films, tvc, ccb Circus school Escola de circ

Directed by Ariadna Alvarado

Synopsis: The morning sun’s first rays shine on the caravans camped 041 around the Barcelona Circus School, and so begins our day with a young group of future jugglers, acrobats, clowns and contortionists, whose love for the free and artistic life is balanced by an intense work ethic and great tenacity when Produced by by: Master en Documental Sound: Mauricio Godoy dealing with obstacles. We will see our protagonists in Creativo UAB, Localia Catalunya Genre: Creative documentary Executive producer: Josép Ma Català, Audience: All ages good moments and bad, learning and failing, cooperating Josétxo Cerdán, Marga Baró Running time: 25’ and arguing. We will see their exacting physical and artistic Script: Enrique Eder, Ariadna Alvarado, Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo Yaznaia Torres Original version: Spanish, English learning process, their strange and nomadic way of life, and Director of photography: Jaime Olmedo Sales: Master en Documental Creativo Uab their colorful attire. Original score: Orquesta Firelucci City of asylum Ciudad refugio

Directed by Sandra Camps 043 Synopsis: Produced by by: Multiculti Producciones The persecution of Salman Rushdie inspired the creation Executive producer: Sandra Camps of the Cities of Asylum network around the world, and Script: Sandra Camps Original score: Sebastián Mariscal Barcelona was the first in the network to give refuge to Sound: Javier Mariscal writers similarly threatened with death for exercising their Genre: Social documentary Audience: All ages right to freedom of expression. It is a right that, in many Running time: 52’ countries, comes at a high price: one’s life. Technical data: Color, B&W, DVD, Betacam, Dolby Digital Rushdie already warns of the danger Islamic radicalism Original version: Spanish, English, Persian represents to freedom of expression. Sales: Multiculti Producciones Conversations with death (delirium mortis) Conversaciones con la muerte (delirium mortis) Directed by Morrosko Vila-San-Juan, Pepe Vila-San-Juan 045

Produced by by: Alguienvoló Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Morrosko Vila-san-juan Script: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Original score: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Synopsis: Sound: Marcel Costa, Pablo Zareceasnky Genre: Creative documentary Thanks to a variety of people who have a professional Audience: Adult relationship with death, this report offers a vision, free of Running time: 56’ Technical data: Color, B&W, Betacam fear or prejudice, of this ineluctable fact of life and all the Original version: Spanish rites that surround it. Sales: Alguienvoló Conversations with depression Conversaciones con la depresión

Directed by Morrosko Vila-San-Juan, Pepe Vila-San-Juan 047 Synopsis: A documentary series that focuses on an illness affecting some 25% of the population of the western world. Via interviews with over 200 experts (psychiatrists, Produced by by: Alguienvoló Genre: Diactic documentary Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages psychologists, specialists in other fields, patients and Executive producer: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Running time: 6 x 55’ relevant figures from the cultural arena) it explains, in a Script: Pepe Vila-San-Juan, Technical data: Color, Betacam Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Original version: Spanish lively, honest and occasionally even amusing way, what Original score: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Sales: Alguienvoló depression is and how to combat it. Sound: Marcel Costa, Pablo Zareceasnky Dalí (nostrum) Dalí (nostrum)

Directed by Josép Ma Quintana 049 Produced by by: Createl, Estudis València Synopsis: Televisió, TVC Executive producer: Josép Mª Quintana, People who met Dalí throughout his life talk about his Manel Cubedo Script: Joaquim Roglán, Josép Mª Quintana, individuality in order to provide a deeper understanding Anselm Roig of his work. Like a human prism, Dalí reflected a different Director of photography: Jordi Vacca Original score: Félix Roman brilliance according to the facet receiving the light. Thus, Genre: Didactic documentary we can speak of Dalí the child, Dalí the teenager and Dalí Audience: All ages Running time: 55’ the adult, as well as the artist, the mystic, the man from the Technical data: Color Ampurdan, and the universal man who loved science. Original version: Spanish, Catalan De funció: the back room of death De funció

Directed by Jorge Tur Moltó 051

Synopsis: Produced by by: Sound: Mayra Ortiz In a funeral parlor death is something that can become a Master en Documental Creativo UAB, TVC Genre: Creative documentary Executive producer: Josétxo Cerdán, Audience: Adult daily routine. It is also a place where a kind of performance Josép Ma Català, Toni Tortajada Running time: 27’ is prepared. This documentary takes a look “backstage”, Script: Mayra Ortiz, Adolfo Estrada, Jorge Tur Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo Moltó, Rodrigo Nascimento Original version: Spanish where the deceased are prepared for the staging of the Director of photography: Adolfo Estrada Sales: Master en Documental Creativo Uab funeral ceremony. Enigma Cervantes Enigma Cervantes

Directed by David Grau 053 Synopsis: With his masterpiece “El Quixote de La Mancha”, Miguel Produced by by: Pilar Montoliu Genre: Creative documentary Classification: 2006 Audience: Adult de Cervantes is considered the foremost exponent of Executive producer: Pilar Montoliu, Alberto Technical data: Color, DVD, Dolby Digital Castilian literature. Yet his biography remains punctuated Aranda, Xavier Original version: Spanish, Catalan Script: David Grau by unknowns. A new interpretation of El Quixote and an Cast: Jordi Bilbeny, Henry Kamen, impossible debate between fifteen historians, writers and Frances Luttikhuizen, Ferran Juste, César Brandariz, Carme Riera, journalists, raise new questions and doubts regarding the Andrés Trapiello, Martí de Riquer, figure of Cervantes, his origins and his political ideas. Màrius Serra, Miquel Pérez Latre Facing the sea Cara al mar

Directed by Joan Cutrina

Synopsis: 055 The history of La Barceloneta neighbourhood already spans a quarter of a millennium, but not even this can prevent the locals from observing, and accepting with resignation, that the days are numbered for many of their Produced by by: Genco Films, TVC Genre: Social documentary customs. Times change, and the old days when all the Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages Executive producer: Jordi Ambrós, Running time: 55’ neighbours knew each other, left their doors open or slept Joan Cutrina Technical data: Color, B&W, Betacam, under blankets in the street because there was no room in Script: Guillem Puig, Joan Cutrina Ultra Stereo Director of photography: Sergi Sampol Original version: Spanish, Catalan the famous 30-square-metre “quarter-houses”, are now far Original score: Esther Buxadé Sales: Genco Films gone, remaining only in their memories. Sound: Miquel Solà Franco, the sentinel of the West Franco, el sentinella d’Occident

Directed by Jaume Serra, Iñaki Iriarte

Synopsis: A look into Franco’s childhood, his social and family 057 relationships, his brilliant military career and his very particular views on state politics, but also his habits, personal likes and dislikes, and peculiar sense of humour. This story is built around interviews with relevant Produced by by: Sagrera TV, Canal Història, Audience: All ages personalities holding diverse ideological profiles such TVC, ZDF-Arte Running time: 60’ Executive producer: Juan Carlos de la Hoz, Technical data: Color, Betacam as historians Ricardo de la Cierva and Paul Preston, Ángel Custodio Original version: Spanish, Catalan, journalists Luis María Ansón and Jaime Peñafiel, writers Script: Jaume Serra, Iñaki Iriarte dubbed in English Director of photography: Xavier Gil Sales: Sagrera TV Assumpta Roura and Rosa Regàs, contemporary Original score: Jaume Carreras politicians like José Utrera Molina or José Luis Corral. Genre: Historical documentary From Madrid to the moon De Madrid a la lluna

Directed by Carles Balagué Mazón 059 Synopsis: A chronicle of Spain’s not-so-swinging 60’s, beginning Produced by by: Diafragma PC, Els Quatre Sound: Natxo Ortuzar, Bruno Borbolla, with the arrival of Eisenhower in Madrid and ending Gats Audiovisuals, Sagrera TV, Paco Alonso with the arrival of the Americans on the moon, this PG Production Services Genre: Historical documentary Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages documentary draws on the input of journalists, historians Executive producer: Running time: 90’ and personalities of the time, who share their experiences Josép Anton Pérez Giner Technical data: Color, B&W, 35mm Script: Carles Balagué, J. A. Pérez Giner Original version: Spanish, Catalan and impressions, enhanced by an enlightening selection of Director of photography: Carles Gusi, archive material. Teresa Burgos Hermanito Hermanito

Directed by Marie Arnaud 061

Synopsis: Produced by by: Àrea de Televisió, ADR Original score: Denis Lefdup This is the story of a Mexican shaman with an exceptional Productions, Jaques Debs, TVC Sound: Jean-Luis Garnier Classification: 2006 Genre: Social documentary gift inherited from his mother, Dona Pachita. It is the Executive producer: Oriol Porta, Audience: All ages story, too, of a director, who sees in a dream the “spirit” Jaques Debs Running time: 92’ Script: Marie Arnaud Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo that possesses the shaman when he operates on his Director of photography: Original version: French unanaesthetised patients using nothing but an old knife. Marc-André Batigne, Marie Arnaud Sales: Àrea de Televisió I was thirty, when Franco died Jo tenia 30 anys, l’any que Franco va morir Directed by Gustavo Cortés Bueno 063 Synopsis: A look into this painful period of Spanish history via the parallel testimonies of those who lived through it, protagonists of the political, intellectual and cultural scene of the time. Featuring interviews with analyst, Javier Produced by by: Motion Pictures, RTVE, Original score: Zarafa Films France 5, Zarafa Films Genre: Creative documentary Pradera; historians Paul Preston and Garcia Cortazar; Classification: 2005 Sound: Zarafa Films politicians, Xabier Arzalluz and Cristina Almeida; and Executive producer: Enrique Uviedo Running time: 58’ Script: Gustavo Cortés Bueno Technical data: Color, Betacam committed artists and writers such as Boadella, Maruja Director of photography: Enric Yusá, Original version: Spanish, French Torres, Manel Vicent and Roman Gubern. Manolo Ortiz Sales: Motion Pictures In jail. Confidential En la cárcel. Confidencial

Directed by Albert Solé 065

Produced by by: Alea Docs & Films, Cuatro Executive producer: Daniel Hernández, Pablo Usón Synopsis: Script: Albert Solé Director of photography: Pedro Ballesteros A documentary series showing life in the prison of Brians Sound: Marcos Casademunt Genre: Social documentary (Barcelona), where 2,000 male and female inmates Audience: Adult and almost the same number of guards, educators, Running time: 2 x 60’ Technical data: Color, Betacam psychologists and criminologists, coincide in the Original version: Spanish experience that is everyday life in prison. Sales: Alea Docs & Films Ink and word Tinta y voz

Directed by Melina Gauchat, Iago López

Synopsis: Barcelona, a major publishing center in the Catalan and Spanish 67 languages, is also a hub for the exchange of rare, peculiar, Produced by by: Master en Documental Creativo UAB, Localia antique, or out of print books. “Ink and word” looks into the life Catalunya of four characters whose love of books goes beyond merely Executive producer: Josép Ma Català, Josétxo Cerdán, Marga Baró owning them to deriving a deep sense of pleasure and relaxation Script: Melina Gauchat, Iago López from them. It provides a multi-faceted insight into the book as an Director of photography: Iago López Sound: Jorge Reza, Glenn Santana object of intangible value, an object of desire and a collector’s Genre: Creative documentary item, taking the world of the bibliophile in Barcelona as an Running time: 24’ Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo illustration of the relationship between sellers and collectors, Original version: Spanish, Catalan their passions and their daily lives around the world. Sales: Master en Documental Creativo Uab Journey towards a sculpture: the quixotesancho by Guido Dettoni Viatge vers una escultura: el quixotesancho de Guido Dettoni

Directed by Axel Dettoni 069

Synopsis: Produced by by: Nesher Genre: Creative documentary Executive producer: Nesher Audience: All ages Argamasilla de Alba, that place in la Mancha “whose Script: Axel Dettoni Running time: 30’ Director of photography: Axel Dettoni Technical data: Color, DVD, Dolby Digital name I don’t want to remember” and its people, led by the Original score: Jordi Savall Original version: Spanish sculptor Guido Dettoni, are the protagonists of this film. Sound: Muchado Sales: Nesher Cast: Guido Dettoni, Deogracias Hilario A journey into the land and the novel of Cervantes, to Rodrigañez, María Eugenia Moya Serrano, witness the birth of a sculpture. José Díaz-Pintado Hilario Jump over the North Pole Alas sobre el Polo

Directed by Alejandro Moreu

Synopsis: “Jump over the North Pole” follows in the tracks of three 071 adventure sportsmen on their attempt at the first wingsuit jump over the North Pole. Covering the whole process – the training, the preparations and their thoughts before Produced by by: Media 3.14, TVC undertaking a challenge of this kind – this documentary Executive producer: Joan Úbeda provides an insight into a rapidly evolving sport. We Script: Gilbert Arroyo Director of photography: Pedro Ballesteros follow the expedition to Barneo, a Russian camp just 150 Genre: Adventure documentary km. from the North Pole, where the adventurers have to Audience: All ages Running time: 48’ adapt to extreme living conditions. Unusually bad weather Technical data: Color, Betacam jeopardizes the jump for several days... Original version: Spanish Living well Viure bé

Directed by Josép Ma Quintana 073

Synopsis: Produced by by: Createl, TVC, La Caixa Executive producer: Josép Mª Quintana Targeted at the elderly, this program focuses on issues Director of photography: Miquel Cruz Original score: J. M. Kitflus of interest, promotes activities that either individually Genre: Didactic documentary or collectively provide something more than pure Audience: All ages Running time: 26 x 15’ entertainment, and acts as an initiator of new projects, Technical data: Color especially those involving large-scale participation. Original version: Catalan Llach: The permanent revolt Llach: la revolta permanent

Directed by Lluís Danés Roca

Synopsis: On March 3, 1976, in Vitoria, during the course of a workers’ 075 meeting, police action resulted in five deaths and more than a hundred injured as a result of bullet wounds. That same Produced: Mediaproducción, Bainet Zinema night, Llach composed what was to become one of the most Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Javier Méndez symbolic songs of the Transition: “Campanades a morts”, or Script: Lluìs Arcarazo, Lila Pla “Toll for the dead”. Today, thirty years on, Lluis Llach returns Director of photography: Emili Guirao Original score: Lluis Llach to Vitoria in order to perform the song in a mass concert held Sound: David Mata in memory of the victims of March 3. A journey in space and Running time: 90’ Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital time conducted by the music and words of Llach himself, in Original version: Spanish, Catalan, French, which autobiographical memo anent revolt against forgetting. Basque Loco fighters Tres caídas

Directed by Nacho Cabana, J. Mª Irisarri, Adolfo Blanco 077

Synopsis: Produced by by: Notro Films Classification: 2006 Mexican wrestling is a mix of sport, acrobatics, and comedy Executive producer: Nacho Cabana Script: Nacho Cabana that is tremendously popular in this Aztec country. Genre: Creative documentary, Each Friday, 17,500 people crowd into the Arena Mexico, Social documentary Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital the largest of the hundreds of arenas that dot the Mexican Original version: Spanish landscape. Sales: Notro Films Love in the meantime Septiembres

Directed by Carles Bosch

Synopsis: Every September, Madrid’s Soto del Real Prison celebrates 079 the Festival of Song. The participants are inmates who come from various prisons. They are the protagonists of the film. The festival is simply a point of departure. From there, these four men and four women return to their daily Produced by: Bausan Films, TVC Cast: José Antonio Gardoqui, Jurig Klimenko, routines in prison and allow us to enter into their lives and Classification: 2007 Estefanía Maestre Executive producer: Loris Omedes, Genre: Creative documentary, Social the intimacy of their relationships. Love, or its absence, Tono Folguera, Carles Bosch, Jordi Ambrós documentary serves as the common language to enable the spectator to Script: Carles Bosch Running time: 120’ Director of photography: Walter Ojeda, Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital understand the world of the penitentiary from a perspective David Fernández Miralles Original version: Spanish we can all relate to. Sound: Juan Sánchez ‘’Cuti’’ Sales: Bausan Films LPM LPM

Directed by Eduardo Fillat Clemente 081

Produced by by: Eduardo Fillat Clemente Classification: 2006 Executive producer: Eduardo Fillat Clemente Director of photography: Aurelio Higuera Sound: Aurelio Higuera Synopsis: Genre: Creative documentary Audience: All ages A documentary portrait of the Spanish poet Leopoldo Running time: 29’ Technical data: Color, Betacam Maria Panero, depicted only by his words, his gestures and Original version: Spanish his silences. Sales: Eduardo Fillat Clemente LT22 radio la colifata LT22 radio la colifata

Directed by Carlos Larrondo

Synopsis: 083083 LT22 Radio La Colifata is a radio station run entirely by the patients of the J.T. Borda Psychiatric Hospital in Buenos Aires. Recorded and broadcast from the hospital gardens, Produced by: Bausan Films, Filmanova Genre: Creative documentary, Classification: 2007 Social documentary it is heard the world over. It is a station that questions the Executive producer: Loris Omedes, Audience: All ages limit between madness and reason, a station that breaks Antón Reixa Running time: 90’ Script: Carlos Larrondo Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo down the dividing wall between the “sane” and the “mad”. Director of photography: Carlos Larrondo Original version: Spanish It gives the word to those a voice has been denied for too Original score: Manu Chao Sales: Bausan Films Sound: Juan Sánchez ‘Cuti’ long, who can also show us the many things that we, the Cast: Horacio Surur, Hugo López, “sane”, are incapable of seeing. Silvina de la Moneda Maybe Buenos Aires? ¿Será Buenos Aires?

Directed by Xavier Satorra Larriba

Synopsis: Luís Caro emigrated to Madrid in 2002, where he had to 085 survive playing music in the underground. A year and a half later, back in Argentina, he remembers and compares this experience with the exile that he suffered with his family Produced by by: The Visual Suspects, Aram Sound: Houtech Produccions during the last dictatorship (1976-83). With his particular Garriga Genre: Creative documentary sense of humor he takes stock of the last 25 years. Together Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages Executive producer: Xavier Satorra Larriba Running time: 45’ with Tomás Abraham, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the Script: Xavier Satorra Larriba Technical data: Color, B&w, DVD, self-managed workers of the Zanon factory and many other Director of photography: Àlex Lora Cercós Dolby Digital Original score: Jordi Homs, Cabo San Original version: Spanish anonymous citizens, we observe the consequences and the Roque, A Silver Mt. Zion Orchestra, Sales: The Visual Suspects expectations they have for Argentina. Los Niños Probeta, Luis Caro Memory books El libro de la vida

Directed by Marc Iwen 087

Produced by: CECC Grup Cinema Art Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Hector Faver Synopsis: Script: Marc Iwen Director of photography: Àlvar Jiménez The Memory Books project, run by the non-governmental Original score: Wifredo Sevilla Sound: Alejandro Fernández organization, PLAN International, assists African Genre: Didactic documentary HIV-positive mothers in sub-Saharan countries to write Audience: All ages Technical data: Color, DVD, Dolby Digital books for their children in order to help them remember and Original version: Spanish, English, French follow the advice of their mothers once they have died. Sales: CECC Grup Cinema Art Miquel Bauçà: the invisible poet Miquel Bauçà: poeta invisible

Directed by Agustí Villaronga 089 Synopsis: A documentary d’auteur on the life and work of lauded yet Produced by by: Diagonal Televisió, TVC Cast: Pep Tosar, Manuel Bronchud, near-anonymous Majorcan poet, Miquel Bauçà (Felanitx Executive producer: Albert Sagalés Pepa Charro, Daniel Fuster 1940 – Barcelona 2004). Structured like a mixed-up Script: Jordi Coca, Miquel Obiols, Genre: Creative documentary Agustí Villaronga Audience: All ages dictionary puzzle composed of fictional fragments, archive Director of photography: Xavier Gil Running time: 56’ footage and interviews, the documentary reconstructs key Original score: Toni Martí Technical data: Color, B&w, Betacam Sound: Natxo Ortúzar, Javier Clara, Original version: Catalan aspects of Bauçà’s life and dramatises a number of his key Aritz Sanjurjo Sales: Diagonal Televisió works. Miraflores Miraflores

Directed by José Manuel Fuentes 091

Produced by by: CECC Grup Cinema Art Classification: 2007 Synopsis: Executive producer: Héctor Faver Script: José Manuel Fuentes Miraflores is a reform school for adolescents with different Director of photography: Juan Luís Ruiz Sound: Ana Palau problems within the family. With a long history behind it, Genre: Didactic documentary it is a place that both contains and generates a certain Audience: All ages Running time: 90’ discomfort for society. A team of dedicated people work Technical data: Color, DVD, Ultra Stereo here as educators. Original version: Spanish Mr. Easter Salve Melilla

Directed by Óscar Pérez

Synopsis: 093 Cruz de Guía (Guiding Cross), an annual TV show that Produced by by: broadcasts Melilla’s Easter processions live, has become Master en Documental Creativo UAB a full-scale political and social event. And it’s all due to one Executive producer: Josétxo Cerdán Script: Óscar Pérez man: Carlos Rubiales. With his long, forceful monologues, Director of photography: Óscar Pérez Rubiales moves and shocks, lectures and hits upon the Sound: Óscar Pérez Genre: Social documentary non-believers. Rain, cold weather, fatigue and the lack of Audience: All ages understanding from his fellow citizens are never enough to Running time: 52’ Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo discourage this one man’s particular crusade: a ritual of Original version: Spanish the cultural mechanics between television and religion. Sales: Master en Documental Creativo Uab My scheduled strolls Sortides programades

Directed by José María Pérez

Synopsis: Montse has lived for thirty years in hospital, since an 095 unfortunate accident left her tetraplegic at the age of eight. Perhaps to escape from her loneliness, perhaps because of the way she is, she has decided to step out into the world and become famous. And she has plenty to be famous for: a Produced by by: Nanouk Films Cast: Montse severely deformed body; a brilliant artistic ability which she Classification: 2007 Genre: Creative documentary, Social Executive producer: Ventura Durall documentary manifests through her mouth paintings; and an irrepressible Script: Carlos Font, Ventura Durall, Audience: Adult yearning to experience life - love, sex, friendship... - like José María Pérez Running time: 50’ Director of photography: José María Pérez Technical data: Color, DVD any normal person. Her encounter with the outside world, Original score: Diego Pedragosa Original version: Spanish however, will not be quite as she dreamed it would be. Sound: Diego Pedragosa Sales: Nanouk Films Nomadak TX Nomadak TX

Directed by Raúl de la Fuente 097 Synopsis: The txalaparta is a unique instrument. It is played by two people and the music that emerges from that encounter does not belong to either of them, but to the dialogue and Produced by by: Parallel 40 Genre: Musical documentary the encounter itself. “Nomadak Tx” looks at two musicians’ Executive producer: Igor Otxoa, Sound: Raúl de la Fuente Pablo Uraburu Running time: 94’ desire to make the txalaparta a meeting point, not only Script: Raúl de la Fuente, Igor Otxoa, Technical data: Color, 35mm, Ultra Stereo between people but also between cultures. This desire has Pablo Uraburu Original version: Basque Director of photography: Raúl de la Fuente Sales: Kultur Atelier moved the protagonists to travel to remote places in search Original score: Harkaitz Martínez de San of sounds and voices. Vicente Off season Fora de temporada

Directed by Enric Gili, Despina Pavlaki

Synopsis: A decrepit tourist resort serves as the backdrop to an 099 astonishing tale, criticizing tourist developments as conceived and realized in Spain in the early seventies. Ampuriabrava, a weird, half-baked idea of a tourist resort, fell out of the sky in the middle of Spain’s Costa Brava, Produced by by: Sound: Marcos Garrido, Alejandra Molina forever scarring the natural beauty of the region and Master en Documental Creativo UAB, Genre: Creative documentary Localia Catalunya Audience: All ages instigating a ferocious battle between the engineers Executive producer: Josép Ma Català, Running time: 21’ who designed it and the local ecologists who decided to Josétxo Cerdán, Marga Baró Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo Script: Despina Pavlaki Original version: Spanish, Catalan, English imprison it in a magic bubble in case it decided to grow Director of photography: María Jiménez Sales: Master en Documental Creativo Uab even bigger! Original score: Zumo Plundering the oceans L’oceà esgotat

Directed by Juan Carlos Arbex 0101

Produced by by: CPI (Centre Promotor Sound: Jaume Segura Synopsis: de la Imatge), TVE, Television Trust for the Genre: Didactic documentary Environment Audience: All ages A look at the issue of over-exploitation of the ocean’s Executive producer: Ferran Llagostera Running time: 23’ Script: Juan Carlos Arbex Technical data: Color, Betacam marine and fishing resources. Threats, problems and Director of photography: Xavier Camà Original version: Spanish, English consequences of the crisis. Original score: José Manuel Pagán Sales: Cpi Protecting the oceans L’oceà protegit

Directed by Juan Carlos Arbex 0103

Synopsis: Produced by by: CPI (Centre Promotor Sound: Jaume Segura de la Imatge), TVE, Television Trust for the Genre: Didactic documentary A look at reactions to the problem of the over-exploitation of Environment Audience: All ages fishing grounds, measures to protect the marine ecosystem Executive producer: Ferran Llagostera Running time: 23’ Script: Juan Carlos Arbex Technical data: Color, Betacam and action taken in response to the increasing demand for Director of photography: Xavier Camí Original version: Spanish, English sea products. Original score: José Manuel Pagán Sales: Cpi Quinary territory Territori Quinari

Directed by Marià de Delàs 0105 Synopsis: A 25-minute documentary about what specialists call the fifth economic sector, which encompasses all aspects Produced by by: Mercuri Societat General Audience: All ages of the knowledge society: education, investigation, new de Producció, TVC Running time: 25’ Classification: 2006 Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo technologies, communications media, design, and culture, Executive producer: Jaume Grau Original version: Catalan to name just a few. The programme is hosted by economist Script: Arnau Monràs Others versions available: Spanish, English Director of photography: Francesc Masip Sales: Mercuri Societat General journalist, Josép Maria Ureta and contains sound bites from Sound: Albert Royo de Producció experts and businessmen. Genre: Didactic documentary Reyita Reyita

Directed by Oliva Acosta, Elena Ortega

Synopsis: 0107 The story of a black Cuban woman who was born in 1902: Maria de los Reyes Castillo Bueno, or Reyita, whose story would have gone unnoticed, even by her own family, if her Produced by by: CPI (Centre Promotor de Sound: Fermín Domínguez daughter Daisy had not written a book about it. la Imatge) Genre: Social documentary A story of slavery, discrimination and struggle at a time Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages Executive producer: Montserrat Bou Running time: 86’ when being a woman meant invisibility and fighting Script: Oliva Acosta, Elena Ortega, Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo for survival. This documentary captures the dreams, Rocío Santillana Original version: Spanish Director of photography: Xavier Camí Sales: Ermedia frustrations and achievements of an “ordinary” woman who Original score: José Negrete, sought the unthinkable at that time. Miguel Ángel Chimeno, Félix Rodríguez Rock & Cat Rock & Cat

Directed by Jordi Roigé 0109

Synopsis: Produced by by: Utopia Global, TVC Executive producer: Jordi Roigé A documentary about Catalan rock, a movement that Script: Jordi Roigé Director of photography: Nono Arruga erupted into the music scene in the late 80’s. The report Sound: Pedri González, Roberto Valtueña features a live concert with the most emblematic bands, Genre: Musical documentary Audience: All ages interviews, and the creation of new songs. Includes perfor- Running time: 107’ mances from Pep Sala, Gerard Quintana, Lluís Gavaldà, Technical data: Color, B&W, 35mm, Dolby Digital Josép Thió, Gossos, Cris Juanico, Els Pets, Duble Buble, Original version: Catalan Adrià Puntí, Quim Mandado, Montse Llaràs. Sales: Utopia Global Sea of clay Mar de fang

Directed by Luis Ortas, Agustí Torres 0111 Synopsis: The silence of a 13th century cathedral has been broken. The genious, and the hands, of cutting-edge artist Miquel Barceló have filled Majorca’s cathedral with fish and Produced by by: Oberon Cinematogràfica, Sound: Joan Torrens squid, bread, fruit and vegetables, the quintessence of the La Perifèrica Produccions, TVC Cast: Miquel Barceló Executive producer: Pep Nadal, Genre: Creative documentary Mediterranean. “It’ll be like submerging the temple beneath Jaume Caldentey Audience: All ages the sea”, says the artist, standing before his work: a 300 Script: Ana Ortas Running time: 55’ Director of photography: Agustí Torres, Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo square metre ceramic membrane created in a workshop Jaume Caldentey Original version: Spanish, Catalan, Italian in Vietri Sul Mare, Italy. Original score: Neotokio Sales: Oberon Cinematogràfica Spanish for adults Spanish for adults

Directed by Tomas Tamosaitis 113 Produced by by: Evohé Films Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Pío Vernis, Synopsis: Rasa Miskinyte Script: Tomas Tamosaitis Antonia, a language teacher for immigrants in a provincial Original score: Esteve Molero Spanish town, does not speak any other language except Sound: Esteve Molero Genre: Creative documentary, Social her mother tongues, Spanish and Catalan. And yet, she documentary gives a language lesson to people who do not speak Audience: All ages Running time: 54’ Spanish at all. To tell the truth, there’s not a lot of talk about Technical data: Color, DVD, Betacam the language in Antonia’s lessons. Original version: Spanish, Catalan Struggle for urban space La lluita per l’espai urbà

Directed by Jacobo Sucari 115 Synopsis: This documentary deals with the dramatic changes that urban development is inflicting on the landscape Produced by by: Área de Televisió, TVC Sound: Carlos Gómez and the inhabitants of Barcelona’s Poble Nou district. Classification: 2007 Genre: Social documentary Executive producer: Oriol Porta, Audience: All ages This old industrial neighbourhood of factories and Jordi Ambrós Running time: 59’ workshops is suffering a major process of transformation Script: Jacobo Sucari Technical data: Color, DVD, Ultra Stereo Director of photography: Toni Anglada, Original version: Spanish, Catalan as a result of the City Council’s Regeneration Programme Jacobo Sucari Sales: Àrea de Televisió known as 22@. Original score: Joan Saura Switch off Apaga y vámonos

Directed by Manel Mayol

Synopsis: The Biobío is one of the longest rivers in Chile, flowing from it 117 source in the Andes down into the Pacific Ocean. Produced by by: Andoliado Producciones Classification: 2006 Of incalculable ecological value, it is also of great historical Executive producer: Esteban Bernatas and political importance: during the Spanish occupation, the Script: Clément Darrasse, Manel Mayol Director of photography: Sergio Armstrong Biobío formed a natural border beyond which the Spanish Original score: Delfi Ramírez were unable to subjugate the indigenous pehuenche-mapuche Sound: Alfonso Segura Genre: Social documentary people. The world’s third largest dam, Ralco, on the Biobío, Audience: All ages was inaugurated in 2004, following innumerable confrontations Running time: 87’ Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital with the mapuches. The ancestral land of this people has been Original version: Spanish, Mapudungun flooded by Endesa, the Spanish multinational. Sales: Andoliado Producciones Terra Lliure, end point Terra Lliure, punt final

Directed by David Bassa 119 Synopsis: Through in-depth interviews with the founders and leaders of Catalan separatist group, Terra Lliure, contrasted by political scientists, judges such as Baltasar Garzón, lawyers, victims and political leaders such as Jordi Produced by by: Batabat, TVC, Zeba Sound: Sergi Sala Produccions Genre: Historical documentary Pujol and Josép-Lluís Carod-Rovira, this documentary Classification: 2007 Audience: Adult analyzes the origins, evolution and dissolution of the most Executive producer: Lisa Berger Running time: 60’ Script: David Bassa Technical data: Color, Betacam longstanding armed independentist organization in the Director of photography: Sergi Guix Original version: Catalan recent . Original score: David Jounou Sales: Batabat The Barcelona brand La marca Barcelona

Directed by Sonia Trigo

Synopsis: 121 A criticism of the massive process of urban restructuring Produced by by: CECC Grup Cinema Art that is taking place in Barcelona with little concern for Classification: 2007 the real needs and wishes of its citizens and following Executive producer: Hector Faver Script: Sonia Trigo a model that has opted to overlook its social history, Director of photography: Sonia Trigo especially that of the working class. Through the voices Original score: Pablo Demichelis Sound: Sonia Trigo of some of those affected by this process, this docu- Genre: Didactic documentary mentary provides an insight into this episode of the city’s Audience: All ages Running time: 42’ history which is very different to the information generally Technical data: Color, DVD, Ultra Stereo served up by the media. Original version: Catalan The birth certificate La partida

Directed by Marcela Ascencio 123 Synopsis: At the age of 23, Chus discovered something that would change her life. Lolita, her mother, had adopted her at the age of 5, and her aunt Conchita, was in fact the one who Produced by by: Genre: Creative documentary Master en Documental Creativo UAB, TVC Audience: Adult had given birth to her. Eleven years have gone by since Executive producer: Josép Ma Català, Running time: 27’ then and Chus has never stopped analysing her past. Josétxo Cerdán, Toni Tortajada Technical data: Color, B&w, Betacam, Script: Sergio Pinto, Paola Villanueva Ultra Stereo This is an intimate, thought-provoking story of memories Director of photography: Paola Villanueva Original version: Spanish and the rejoining of a fragmented family. Sound: Joan Gual Sales: Master en Documental Creativo Uab The forgotten Els perdedors

Directed by Driss Deiback 125

Synopsis: Produced by by: Zip Films, Sur Films, Cast: Hammou El Houcine, Amar Lazar Yvonne Ruocco, Utopic Genre: Historical documentary The untold story of almost 100,000 Muslim soldiers from Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages Executive producer: Jordi Rediu, Norbert Running time: 80’ Morocco who fought in the Spanish Civil War and were Llaràs, Yvonne Ruocco, Detlef Ziegert Technical data: Color, B&w, DVD, Betacam, fundamental to Franco’s victory. The film traces a line Script: Driss Deiback Ultra Stereo Director of photography: Udo Alberts Original version: Spanish, Berber linking the historical events of 1930’s Spain and earlier with Original score: Xavier Oró, Pep Solórzano Sales: Media Profile & Communikation the current escalation of cultural conflict. Sound: Marcelo Ruocco The future L’avenir

Directed by Claudio Zulian 0127127

Synopsis: We cross town, entering the homes on the main street, from the city limits to the center and as far as the river - the Produced by by: Acteon Genre: Creative documentary, Classification: 2005 Social documentary end. Following this route, one notices the evolution from Executive producer: Montse Herea Audience: Adult the poorest homes to the wealthiest, passing some public Script: Claudio Zulian Running time: 23’ Director of photography: Bernard Wuthrich Technical data: B&W, Betacam places, too. A collective portait at the beginning of the 21st Original score: Claudio Zulian Original version: French century, in France, in Europe. Sound: Claudio Zulian Sales: Acteon The general’s daughter La filla del general

Directed by María Elena Wood 129

Synopsis: The story of Michelle Bachelet, a woman who went from Produced by by: Parallel 40, TVC Sound: Boris Herrera Executive producer: Joan Gonzàlez, Andrés Genre: Social documentary being the daughter of one of Salvador Allende’s faithful Wood, Felipe Vera Audience: Adult generals, later murdered by Pinochet, to being the first Script: Rolando Opazo, Maria Elena Wood, Running time: 52’ Galut Alarcón Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo woman defence minister in Latin America and, since Director of photography: Arnaldo Rodríguez Original version: Spanish January 2006, President of Chile. Original score: Andrés Valdivia Sales: TVC The journey of the Vite organization El viaje de la organización Vite

Directed by Sebastián Rosselló

Synopsis: 0131131 Sculptures: their happiness and right to a dignified life Produced by: Bausan Films Genre: Comedy, Creative documentary, depends on you! This jaunty, surreal roadmovie follows the Classification: 2006 Social documentary Vite Organization’s one and only representative ‘Sebastián Executive producer: Loris Omedes, Running time: 85’ Sebastián Rosselló Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo Rosselló’ through deep Spain on his quest to find happy Script: Sebastián Rosselló Original version: Spanish homes for sculptures, ‘adopting’ them out free of charge! Director of photography: Pedro Ballesteros Sales: Bausan Films Original score: Kevin López, Over its highways and byways, we see Spain from Madrid Pascal Comelade to Ourense to Cádiz and beyond as it has never been Sound: Isaac Mota Cast: Cristo de la Sangre, El Papa de Cera, shown before: from the perhaps skewed, but definitely Esculturas Vite, Sebastián Rosselló, Luis unique, perspective of this loveable underdog. González, Torero, Maestro Palmitas The legend of time La llegenda del temps

Directed by Isaki Lacuesta 133

Produced by by: Mallerich Films Paco Poch, Cast: Israel Gómez Romero, Makiko Matsu- Synopsis: Jaleo Films, Agus Jiménez, Pepón Siglier, mura, Cheíto Gómez Romero, Saray Pinto, Sergio Castellote Soichi Yukimune A story sung in two voices. One is Isra’s, the young gypsy Classification: 2006 Genre: Creative documentary Executive producer: Paco Poch Audience: All ages who, following the death of his father, stops singing. Script: Isaki Lacuesta Running time: 115’ The other is Makiko’s, a young Japanese woman who Director of photography: Diego Dussuel Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital Original score: Joan Albert Amargós, Original version: Spanish, Japanese travels to ‘the Island’ in search of a way to understand life Ricardo Pachón Sales: Wide Management through flamenco singing or ‘cante’. Sound: Amanda Villavieja The life after La vida després

Directed by Álex García, Óscar Malo

Synopsis: 135 In the year 2001 a group of illegal immigrants, for the Produced by by: Nanouk Films, TVC Classification: 2007 most part African, occupied the old army barracks of Sant Executive producer: Ventura Durall, Andreu, with institutional consent. Two years later, the Oscar Romagosa Script: Óscar De Gispert barracks were demolished and the inhabitants had to start Director of photography: Álex García out all over again. Original score: Diego Pedragosa Genre: Creative documentary This documentary looks at the lives of three of the Sound: Bernat Gras protagonists of this story, from their odyssey into Europe to Running time: 52’ Technical data: Color, DVD their current situation, in 2006, focusing on their organised Original version: Spanish, Catalan, English battle for the barracks. Sales: Nanouk Films The literature of exile Literatures de l’exili

Directed by Joaquim Jordà

Synopsis: 137 When the Spanish Civil War was lost to Franco, hundreds of intellectuals and writers crossed the border to a life in Produced by by: Ovideo TV, TVC exile. Director Joaquim Jordà has followed in the tracks Executive producer: Antoni Camín Script: Joaquim Jordà, Laia Manresa of some of these exiles, revisiting the places they passed Director of photography: Diego Dussuel through and reconstructing the chronicle of these lands. Sound: Amanda Villavieja Genre: Creative documentary Along the way he meets living witnesses of the key Audience: All ages episodes, and is accompanied by the literary accounts Running time: 112’ Technical data: Color, Betacam that have been bequeathed to us by the writers who Original version: Catalan protagonized the events. Sales: Ovideo TV, Tvc The lives of Palau i Fabre Vides de Palau i Fabre

Directed by Pere Secorún

Synopsis: Palau i Fabre has lived one of the most singular adventures 139 in 20th century , yet for a great part of Produced by by: Rumbo Sur, TVC his life his work has been ignored. Suddenly though, his Executive producer: Jordi Ambrós coherent life experience and the power of his work have Script: Pere Secorún, Olga Palet Director of photography: David Rastrilla emerged with unusual force. This documentary reviews the Genre: Creative documentary, Historical life of Palau i Fabre and his artistic and personal progression documentary Audience: All ages through the turbulent history of the 20th century, a century Running time: 53’ of horror and war, but also of great artistic and intellectual Technical data: Color, Betacam, Dolby Digital accomplishments. Among these is Picasso, to whom Palau Original version: Catalan i Fabre has dedicated many of his works. Sales: Rumbo Sur The nap of life La siesta de la vida

Directed by Zé Peixoto 141 Synopsis: Barcelona and the legendary Mediterranean village of Cadaqués provide the backdrop for a reflection upon the nap, or ‘siesta’, a cultural manifestation now under threat Produced by by: Beloze Produccions, Genre: Social documentary Bitcom International, ZDF-Arte Audience: All ages from mass tourism. Observing the lives of ordinary people Classification: 2006 Running time: 58’ immersed in their daily activities, different interpretations Executive producer: Bel·lo Torras Technical data: Color, DVD Script: Zé Peixoto Original version: Spanish provide an insight into the phenomenon and reveal its Director of photography: Ozren Molharcic Sales: Beloze Produccions importance as a reference for life. Sound: Fito Montoya The nomad experience: spiritual heartbeats of the planet The nomad experience, batecs espirituals del planeta

Directed by Jordi Llompart 143 Synopsis: Produced by by: Orbita Max Classification: 2005 “The nomad experience” is an invitation to take an Executive producer: Jordi Llompart extraordinary journey around the world with sensations Script: Jordi Llompart Director of photography: Miguel E. López that vibrate with the beats of the human condition and its Original score: David Giró contradictions. Guided by the reflections of great thinkers, Genre: Creative documentary, Social documentary writers and spiritual leaders of our time, such as André Audience: All ages Comte-Sponville, the Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti or Sigmund Running time: 50’ Technical data: Color, DVD Freud, this documentary film stimulates thought about love, Original version: Dialogue free loneliness, spirituality and human values. Sales: Orbita Max The other Rusiñol L’altre Rusiñol

Directed by Monti (José Antonio Montilla)

Synopsis: Painter, writer, collector and playwright, Santiago Rusiñol is 145 a landmark in the modernization and cultural normalization of 1930’s Catalonia. Despite being the heir to the family business, Rusiñol opted to take up the life of an artist and devote himself professionally to painting. He left Catalonia Produced by by: Benecé Produccions, TVC, Cast: Pere Ventura to study in Paris (Montmartre) from 1889 to 1893. Besides Ajuntament de Sitges Genre: Biopic, Creative documentary the artist’s charismatic personality, was his remarkable Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages ability to portray himself as the modern artist, the priest Executive producer: Xavier Atance Running time: 53’ Script: Helena Sanz Technical data: Color, B&W, Ultra Stereo of art and defender of art for art’s sake in a materialistic, Director of photography: Carles Mestres Original version: Catalan, dubbed in prosaic society, and to turn this image, with the backing of Original score: Tales So Spanish (Pito Costa, Carles Mateu) Sales: Benece Produccions literature and his activity in public, into legend. Sound: Marc Soldevila The rapist’s mind La ment del violador

Directed by Albert Solé 147

Synopsis: Produced by by: Alea Docs & Films, TVE Sound: Marcos Casademunt (Documentos TV) Genre: Didactic documentary Five sexual aggressors with different criminal profiles talk Executive producer: Pablo Usón, Audience: All ages for the first time about their lives and their experiences Daniel Hernández Running time: 52’ Script: Albert Solé Technical data: Color, Betacam in the voluntary treatment programme they are undertaking Director of photography: Pau Mirabet Original version: Spanish, Catalan in prison. Original score: David Giró Sales: Alea Docs & Films The silence of stones El silenci de les pedres

Directed by Jesús Manuel Rubio 149 Synopsis: ‘The silence of stones’ presents an interesting parallelism between the grand endeavour of climbing to a mountain peak and the maturing process of several teenagers. Our heroes face a difficult challenge: climbing the Produced by by: Bonita Films Genre: Social documentary Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages Almanzor peak in Castilla Leon with an altitude of over Executive producer: Emmanuelle Stumpler Running time: 52’ 8,500 feet. It is an expedition marked by companionship, Script: Jesús Manuel Rubio Technical data: Color, Betacam Director of photography: Jacobo Janeiro Original version: Spanish solidarity and cooperation, as the climbers reflect upon the Original score: Marcos Casademunt Sales: Bonita Films world we live in. Sound: José Luís Rodríguez Paredes The spanish national football team La selección

Directed by Jaume Grau 0151151

Synopsis: Produced by by: Mercuri Societat General de Producció A 3 x 50-minute series about the Spanish national football Executive producer: Pilar Razquin Script: Arnau Monràs, Monica Tesconi, team. Three important matches in the history of the Spanish Alia Kirchner team have been chosen to illustrate not only the event Genre: Didactic Documentary Audience: All ages itself but also the political and social circumstances at the Running time: 50’ x 3 time: the European Cup in 1964, the match against Malta Format available: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo in 1983 with a score of 12 to 1, and the 1994 match, lost Original version: Spanish against Italy in the World Cup. Sales: La Sexta They wanted to kill Franco Els que van voler matar Franco

Directed by Pedro Costa, José Ramón da Cruz

Synopsis: The massive arrival of Spanish republican exiles in Mexico 153 after the Spanish Civil War, brings Café Español - their favorite daily meeting point - near to bankruptcy, as they are very generous in their talking, but rather thrifty in their spending. Nacho Jurado, the bartender, comes to the conclusion that Produced by by: Didac Films Sound: Beltran Rengifo only the death of General Franco can bring the café back to Classification: 2006 Genre: Historical documentary Executive producer: Pedro Costa Running time: 93’ the good old times when the Spaniards were not there. Script: Roberto Cabezas, Pedro Costa, Technical data: Color, DVD This story, written by the well known Spanish author and Antonio Ojeda Original version: Catalan Director of photography: Borja Pozueco, Others versions available: Spanish expatriate, Max Aub, reviews all the vain attempts to kill Franco Rafael Lloret Sales: Didac Films from 1936 up to 1964, when the last of them took place. Original score: Nacho Rojas Through the Carmel A través del Carmel

Directed by Claudio Zulian 155

Synopsis: Produced by by: Acteon, TVC Classification: 2006 We set out into an afternoon in the life of Barcelona’s “el Executive producer: Montse Herrera Script: Claudio Zulian Carmel” neighbourhood; almost two hours in the afternoon Director of photography: Quique López of February 10, 2006, to be precise, shot nonstop. Sound: Ernest Peral, Claudio Zulian Genre: Social documentary The residents, who participate by inviting us into their Audience: Adult homes, their garages, their daily occupations, talk to us Running time: 93’ Technical data: Color, Betacam about ordinary, everyday things, through which we can Original version: Spanish, Catalan, English glimpse the origins and the future of the city. Sales: Acteon Troll Troll

Directed by José González Morandi, Eva Serrats 157 Synopsis: Troll has spent many years living in the streets. Homeless and penniless, her only interests are scoring her next hit Produced by by: Fotoleve Productora Sound: José González Morandi, Raúl Lucea and having fun with her friends. But Troll has a pending Classification: 2006 Genre: Creative documentary Executive producer: José González Audience: Adult operation, which will separate her from her world Morandi, Eva Serrats Running time: 66’ definitively. As the moment of admission into hospital nears, Script: José González Morandi, Eva Serrats Technical data: Color, Betacam Director of photography: Original version: Spanish Troll dreams of being the protagonist of a film, to help her José González Morandi Sales: Fotoleve Productora remember all that she is to leave behind. Original score: Raúl Lucea Utopia 79 Utopia 79

Directed by Joan López Lloret

Synopsis: The Sandinist Revolution of 1979 ignited one of the 60’s 159 and 70’s generations’ last hopes of changing the world. Drawing on the magical narrative of some personal diaries we meet people disappointed by the Spanish democratic transition, who travel to Nicaragua in search of their own “utopia”. Meanwhile, other Nicaraguans have dreamed of Produced by by: Frame Zero Genre: Creative documentary Classification: 2007 Audience: All ages their own revolution from the mountain guerrillas or from the Executive producer: Cristina Gironès Running time: 95’ rebel cities. The momentary collective extasis of the early Script: Joan López Lloret Technical data: Color, Betacam Director of photography: Joan López Lloret Original version: Spanish, Catalan, English years of the revolution begins to fade with the beginning of Original score: Ricardo Wheelock Sales: Frame Zero the Contra War financed by the USA. Sound: Frederic Cañón Walter Benjamin in Paris Walter Benjamin a París

Directed by François Gurguí 161

Produced by by: Nèmesi Films Sound: Octave Bruset Synopsis: Classification: 2007 Genre: Didactic documentary Executive producer: Xavier Juncosa Audience: Adult A documentary about the life and times of Berlin-born Script: Xavier Juncosa Running time: 58’ Director of photography: Technical data: Color, B&W, DVD philosopher, Walter Benjamin, during his long sojourns in Jean-François Rollin Original version: French, German Paris. Original score: Jaume Farré Sales: Nèmesi Films Washing day Fer dissabte

Directed by Medhin Tewolde 163 Synopsis: Produced by by: Master en Documental Creativo UAB, TVC An observational documentary about what happens in Executive producer: Josétxo Cerdán, Josép one small corner of the world. Taking a laundry and its Ma Català, Toni Tortajada Script: Medhin Tewolde, Laura Jordan surrounds as the focus, the film continues the tradition of Director of photography: Violeta Salama “symphonic documentaries”, reflecting life in one particular Sound: Daniel Rozas Genre: Creative documentary place over the course of a day. With that objective, two Audience: All ages cameras offer us a visual exercise that highlights the small Running time: 28’ Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo stories of everyday characters that intertwine to create one Original version: Spanish, Catalan unique, multi-layered story of them all. Sales: Master en Documental Creativo UAB Waves of Liberty Adéu, Liberty

Directed by Carles Jover Ricart 165

Synopsis: Produced by by: Canal Paradís, TVC Classification: 2007 In parallel with the dismantling of Radio Liberty’s shortwave Executive producer: Alba Guerra Recas Script: Alba Guerra Recas, antennas at Platja de Pals on Spain’s Costa Brava, this Carles Jover Ricart documentary provides a chronological outline of the most Director of photography: Martín González Genre: Creative documentary, Didactic notorious events involving the transmitter from the Cold documentary War period; its mission, its national and international Audience: All ages Running time: 60’ repercussions, its effect over the Soviet block and North Technical data: Color American geo-strategic foreign policy. Original version: Catalan We are the wind Somos viento

Directed by Pau Itarte, Quim Fuster

Synopsis: “We are the wind” is a story told through the eyes, ears and 167 words of Amparo, lead singer of the group Amparanoia. It reflects her personal experience during her visit to Mexico D.F. and Chiapas to play a series of gigs. This trip turns into a rite of passage during which the viewer, Amparo Produced by by: Leyenda Films, Mortimer Genre: Social documentary and the three musicians accompanying her on her tour Produccions, TVC Audience: All ages Executive producer: Carina Portillo, Running time: 52’ will change their way of thinking. Together we are brought Oihana Parera Technical data: Color, Betacam, Dolby closer to the reality of Chiapas, and see a movement which Script: Pau Itarte, Quim Fuster Digital Director of photography: Marc Zumbach Original version: Spanish is changing the lives of so many people, far removed from Original score: Amparanoia Sales: Leyenda Films its revolutionary image. Sound: Roger Orcau Welcome Mr. Kaita Benvingut Mister Kaita

Directed by Albert Albacete 169

Synopsis: Saggi Kaita, his wife, his three Spanish-born children, and Produced by by: Alea Docs & Films, TVE Genre: Social documentary Executive producer: Pablo Usón, Audience: All ages his younger brother, Mahamadou, return to Gambia for the Daniel Hernández Running time: 80’ first time since they emigrated to Spain. The reason for the Script: Helena Medina Technical data: Color, Betacam Director of photography: Pau Miravet Original version: Spanish, Sarahule journey is Mahamadou’s marriage to the girl, now a woman, Original score: Alberto García Demestres Sales: Alea Docs & Films to whom he became engaged before going to Spain. Sound: Jordi Morera de la Vall When the earth subsides La tierra se hunde

Directed by Jaume Codina 171

Produced by by: Mercuri Societat General de Producció Classification: 2006 Executive producer: Pilar Razquin Script: Judith Hernando Synopsis: Director of photography: Josép Cunill Genre: Social documentary A 25-minute report on the occurrence of land subsidence Audience: All ages Running time: 25’ in Spain and the problems encountered by both citizens Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo and government as a result of this geological phenomenon. Original version: Spanish Words and deeds Paraules i fets

Directed by Joan Dolç 173

Synopsis: Joan Coromines (1905-1997) is considered one of the Produced by by: Massa d’Or Produccions, Sound: Sebastian Vanneuville TVC Genre: Didactic documentary greatest philologists of the Romance languages. His Classification: 2006 Audience: All ages dictionaries and etymological works, and his struggle for Executive producer: Isona Passola Running time: 55’ Script: Joan Dolç Technical data: Color, DVD, Betacam the Catalan culture, whether in exile during the Franco era Director of photography: Carles Mestres, Original version: Spanish, Catalan, Basque or later in Spain, are an example of civilian dignity. Tomàs Pladevall Sales: Massa d’Or Produccions Projects in development // 175

A century of the Palau de la Música of Barcelona Centenari Palau de la Música homes de pau 211 // “My God, it’s a Picasso!” ”Dios mío, tengo un Picasso!” 177 // A passage to India Passatge a l’ Índia 179 // Allariz Allariz 181 // Back 213 // Nadar - Diving in to the past Nedar 215 // Of hermits and recluses to Terra Lliure Retorn a la Terra Lliure 183 // Basant, kiteflying war Basant, la De eremitas y anacoretas 217 // Ordinary boys Joves normals 219 // Pobres, guerra dels estels 185 // Bucharest Bucarest 187 // Butter children Els nens pobres… Pobres pobres… 221 // Ramon’s song El cant de Ramón 223 // Red de la mantega 189 // Exspolium Exspolium 191 // Ghost’s logic La lógica del carpets Norka, life and fashion Alfombres vermelles Norka, vida i moda 225 // fantasma 193 // Grand masters on the road Grans mestres a la carretera 195 of the New World. What future for Latin America? Renacimiento // Hollywood vs Franco Hollywood contra Franco 197 // Homeland Homeland del Nuevo Mundo. ¿Qué futuro para América Latina? 227 // Students for 199 // Hugo’s voice La veu d’Hugo (reaparèixer) 201 // Human towers of the freedom Estudiants per la llibertat 229 // The astronaut diary Diario de un world Castellers en el món 203 // Immigrasounds Immigrasons 205 // Isabel astronauta 231 // The real me Je ne suis pas moi-même 233 // Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e Allende. A thousand and one voices Isabel Allende. Mil y una voces 207 // 235 // Urbanization or nature Aiguamolls de l’Empordà 30 anys després 237 // Maldakistan Maldakistan 209 // Men of war, men of peace Homes de guerra, You white people Vosaltres els blancs 239 A century of the Palau de la Música Centenari Palau In development de la Música Directed by Jaume Grau 177 Synopsis: Produced by: Mercuri Societat General de Producció The centenary of the Barcelona concert hall, Palau de la Classification: 2007 Musica, is the pretext for this documentary which is cons- Executive producer: Pilar Razquín Script: Arnau Monràs tructed around six well-known personalities, all connected Director of photography: Toni Anglada, in some way to the building. The conductor, Zubin Mehta, Antonio Cortés Sound: Albert Royo the architect of the Palau’s contemporary extension, Oscar Running time: 25’ Tusquets, and the dancer, Angel Corella, among others, Technical data: Color, Dolby Digital Original version: Catalan talk about their art, the concepts they represent, and how Others versions available: Spanish, English they are related to the Palau de la Musica. Sales: Jaume Grau, Pilar Razquin A passage to India Passatge a l’Índia In development

Directed by Cristina Mora 179 Synopsis: Our adoption of the title “A passage to India” pays homage to the legendary film of David Lean, based on the book by Produced by: CPI (Centre Promotor de la Imatge) E.M. Forster. There, the author denounced the destruc- Executive producer: Ferran Llagostera tion that British imperialism had wreaked upon India in Script: Cristina Mora Director of photography: Xavier Camí the 1920’s. Here in the 21st century, we aim to provide an Sound: Jaume Segura account of a task of solidarity, and by the word passage we Running time: 55’ Technical data: Color, Betacam refer not only to the physical movement from one country to Original version: Catalan, English another but also to the movement towards inner knowledge. Sales: CPI Allariz Allariz In development

Directed by Ferran Llagostera

Synopsis: 181 Dead trout, a polluted river, political leaders who turn a blind eye, and a community tired of putting up with it. No-one could suspect that a few deadtrout in the waters Produced by: CPI (Centre Promotor de la of the Arnoia River would end up bringing down a well- Imatge), TVC, TVG entrenched local government. Nor that they would ignite Executive producer: Montserrat Bou Script: Mar Gil the collective spark ofthe residents, putting them up Director of photography: Xavier Camí against the incompetence of autocratic local leaders. For Running time: 55’ Technical data: Color, Betacam once the cry, “together, the people, will never be defeated” Original version: Galician becomes full of meaning. Sales: CPI Back to Terra Lliure Retorn a la Terra Lliure In development

Directed by Oriol Gispert 183

Produced by: Mallerich Films Paco Poch, La Lupa Produccions, La Quimera Editora Audiovisual Synopsis: Executive producer: Paco Poch, Oriol Gispert, Valti Roda After many years without having seen one another, the lea- Script: Jordi Sanglas, Marc Balfagón, Marc ding activists of the armed Catalan separatist group, Terra Parramon, Oriol Gispert Running time: 52’ Lliure, meet again in Perpignan to talk about their lives and Technical data: Color, Betacam their point of view on political commitment. Original version: Catalan Basant, kiteflying war Basant, la guerra dels estels In development

Directed by Andrés Antebi, José González Morandi, Pablo González, Eva Serrats

Synopsis: 185 , , days before the coming of spring. Produced by: Fotoleve Productora The sky is full of kites to celebrate Basant, the most Classification: 2007 popular festivity in town. On ground level, the city boils. Executive producer: Andrés Antebi, Eva Serrats The political situation is tense, influential voices cry out Script: Andrés Antebi, José González against kiteflying, considered dangerous, anti-Islamic Morandi, Pablo González, Eva Serrats Director of photography: José González and pro-western. Unexpectedly, the government bans the Sound: Raúl Lucea celebration and applies antiterrorist law to all those who fly Running time: 54’ Technical data: Color, Betacam their kites. The city shuts down in sad silence. But some Original version: Urdu will defy the ban. Sales: Fotoleve Productora Bucharest Bucarest In development

Directed by Albert Solé

Synopsis: “Bucharest” is a documentary about memory. From within 187 a double exile, it follows the personal pursuit of Albert (a journalist born in exile in 1962) to recuperate his own roots. His father, the Spanish politician Jordi Solé Tura, who beca- me a key figure during the Spanish Transition, was obliged to go into exile toward the end of the 1950s for his militant Produced by: Bausan Films, TVC Original score: Ian Briton anti-Franco beliefs. Now, after living a life replete with pas- Classification: 2007 Sound: Juan Sánchez “Cuti” sionate personal and political experiences, Jordi has begun Executive producer: Loris Omedes, Tono Running time: 52’ Folguera, Jordi Ambrós Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo to enter a new, internal exile, this time with no possibility of Script: Albert Solé Original version: Spanish, Catalan, English returning: a fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Director of photography: David Fernández Sales: Bausan Films Butter children Els nens de la mantega In development

Directed by Alois Hawlik 189

Synopsis: Produced by: Àrea de Televisiò In order to alleviate the famine rampant among the po- Classification: 2007 pulation in the years following World War II, the Austrian Executive producer: Oriol Porta Script: Alois Hawlik government mounted a campaign to send undernourished Sound: Lea Perry children abroad in order to ensure they received sufficient Running time: 55’ Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo sustenance. 4,000 were taken in by Spanish families. Original version: Catalan, German This is their story. Sales: Àrea de Televisió Exspolium Exspolium In development

Directed by Xavier Juncosa 191

Produced by: Producciones Kilimanjaro Synopsis: Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Carlos Benpar A documentary feature on the different cases of pillaging Script: Xavier Juncosa Director of photography: Xavier Camí that have taken place in the world, generally in times of Original score: Pep Solorzano, Xavier Oró war. It contrasts the standpoint of the museums that are Sound: Ricard Picallò Running time: 90’ custodians of the works with that of the countries that claim Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital their return. Original version: Multilingual Ghost’s logic La lógica del fantasma In development

Directed by Abel García Roure 193

Produced by: Notro Films, Evohé Films Synopsis: Executive producer: Pío Vernis, Adolfo Blanco, J. Mª Irisarri Over the period of one year, this documentary follows six Script: Abel García Roure people whose lives all intersect in the same Medical Center Technical data: Color, B&W, 35mm, Dolby Digital for Mental Health on the outskirts of Barcelona. All suffer Original version: Spanish, Catalan from the same ailment: acute psychosis. Sales: Notro Films Grand masters on the road Grans mestres a la carretera In development

Directed by Óscar Pérez

Synopsis: 195 Not long ago, chess was one of the emblematic sports of the East European countries. Pampered by their regimes and venerated by their fellow citizens, these players had Produced by: La Productora a sole mission in life: to win in order to maintain the Video-Comunicació prestige of their country at the highest level. Today, Azer Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Joan Arañó, Mirzoev, Oleg Korneev and Davor Kolmjenovic, to mention Raimon Masllorens only three of the great masters, live precariously as they Script: Óscar Pérez Technical data: Color, Betacam, roam Europe like ships a drift from a fleet now under the Dolby Digital command of no-one. Original version: Multilingual Hollywood vs Franco Hollywood contra Franco In development

Directed by Llorenç Soler 197 Synopsis: An illustrated explanation of the close relationship between Produced by: Àrea de Televisiò Classification: 2007 the American government and the film industry, based on Executive producer: Oriol Porta the case of the Spanish Civil War. The film analyzes the Script: Llorenç Soler Original score: Joan Pérez stories behind the production of a dozen films including Sound: Antoni Ruiz “Spanish Earth”, “Blockade”, “For Whom the Bells Tolls” Running time: 90’, 55’ Technical data: Color, 35mm, Ultra Stereo and others in which the political interests of actors, Original version: Catalan producers and the government come into conflict. Sales: Àrea de Televisió Homeland Homeland In development

Directed by Danielle Schleif

Synopsis: “Homeland” explores Cuba and its diaspora, hand-in-hand 199 on the verge of monumental socio-political change, via the most emotionally explosive aspect of the transition: property and home reclamation. The film pivots between the two sides of the story behind four different properties Produced by: Bausan Films Genre: Creative documentary, Social docu- —that of the family from whom it was confiscated and that Classification: 2008 mentary, Historical documentary of the Cuban family or families who now live there. Their Executive producer: Tono Folguera, Audience: All ages Loris Omedes stories capture the disparate views in the wide spectrum of Running time: 90’ Script: Danielle Schleif Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital individuals caught up in the maelstrom. In the narrative pro- Director of photography: Xavier Gil, Original version: Spanish, English David Fernández Miralles cess, the film portrays the distinct Cuban cultures existing Sales: Bausan Films in the world today.. Sound: Juan Sánchez “Cuti” Hugo’s voice La Veu d’Hugo (reaparèixer) In development

Directed by Isaki Lacuesta 201 

Synopsis: A creative documentary about three women looking for traces of Hugo, one of the ‘missing’ from Argentina’s mili- Produced by: Benecé Produccions Cast: Cecilia Rossetto Classification: 2008 Genre: Creative documentary, Road movie tary dictatorship. His wife Cecilia, Cristina, and La Negra, Executive producer: Xavier Atance Audience: All ages along with Hugo’s mother and former concentration camp Script: Isaki Lacuesta, Cecilia Rossetto, Running time: 100’ Graciela Maglie Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital inmates attempt to reconstruct his last days and keep his Director of photography: Diego Dussuel Original version: Spanish, Catalan memory alive. Sound: Amanda Villavieja Human towers of the world Castellers en el món In development

Directed by Agustí Corominas

Synopsis: 203 A documentary showing the various “human tower” demonstrations currently taking place around the world, Produced by: Metròpoli Vídeo Films, focusing on the places where such demonstrations make Teamtowers Classification: 2007 sense within the popular and traditional culture of each Executive producer: Fèlix Miret country and are still significant at the present time. It featu- Script: Vicenç Villatoro Director of photography: Elisabet Prandi res demonstrations from the Govindas of Bombay (India), Sound: Global Scc Moroccan Acrobats (Northern Africa), Czech Sokols Running time: 52’ Technical data: Color, DVD, Betacam (Czechia) and in Spain, Algemesi’s Muixeranga, and the Original version: Catalan Falcons and Castellers of Catalonia. Others versions available: English, Spanish Immigrasounds Immigrasons In development

Directed by Jordi Call 205 Synopsis:

A group of musicians from Catalonia and Argentina have Produced by: Benecé Produccions, TVC joined together to create a platform for artistic exchange Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Xavier Atance between the two countries in order to create the ‘soun- Script: Jordi Call dtrack of immigration’, a homage to all those who have Director of photography: Marc González Original score: Immigrasons crossed the Atlantic in one direction or the other in search Sound: Aleix Cuaresma, Joan Pons of a new future. Throughout the trip, immigrants from both Running time: 54’ Technical data: Color, Betacam countries share their experiences, memories and favourite Original version: Spanish, Catalan songs with the musicians. Sales: Benecé Produccions Isabel Allende. A thousand and one voices Isabel Allende. In development Mil y una voces

Directed by Paula Rodríguez 207

Synopsis: Produced by: Parallel 40 Classification: 2007 This documentary tells the story of Isabel Allende and her Executive producer: Joan González, readers. It will reveal how her life and work has inspired Heike Raab Script: Paula Rodríguez, Andrea Rodríguez women around the world to see themselves as the heroes Technical data: Color, Betacam of their own lives. Original version: Spanish, German Maldakistan Maldakistan In development

Directed by Erika S. Marcos, Xavi E. Casas

Synopsis: “Maldakistan” narrates the reality of three people: Shankar, 209 a Hindu who arrived in Barcelona in the eighties, fell in love with the city and has struggled to settle there; Zulfiqar, a Pakistani who had to flee his country, found refuge in Barce- lona, and now wants to take up his old line of work distribu- Produced by: La Productora ting Bollywood movies; and Barcelona-born José Antonio, Video-Comunicació Executive producer: Raimon Masllorens, a young man with a passion for cinema, who works as a Joan Arañó projectionist and dreams of one day producing his own films. Script: Erika Sánchez, Xavi Esteban Three stories that converge for the realization of a dream. Technical data: Color, Betacam Their inicial idea is to distribute Bollywood movies in Spain. Original version: Spanish, Catalan Men of war, men of peace Homes de guerra, homes de pau In development

Directed by Marc Roma, Oriol Cortacans 211

Synopsis: Produced by: Batabat, EITB, Soilsiu FIlms, TVC A look at the peace process in Northern Ireland through the Classification: 2007 eyes of two ex-prisoners: one Republican and one Loyalist. Executive producer: Marc Roma, Oriol Cortacans Their experiences, thoughts and ordeals take us not only Script: Marc Roma, Oriol Cortacans into their personal odysseys but also towards a collective Director of photography: Joan López Running time: 60’ portrait, enriched by other voices from the protagonists’ Technical data: Color, DVD, Betacam milieu. Original version: English “My God, it’s a Picasso!” “Dios mío, tengo un Picasso!” In development

Directed by Echavi

Synopsis: The amazing story of Enrique and Fredy Ibañez, two simple 213 men who one day discover that the picture hanging on the wall in their family home is a Picasso! The picture had been donated to their grandfather to help finance the guerrilla for- ces fighting against Franco. We will discover the origin of the painting, the way Picasso’s political commitment is part of Produced by: Parallel 40 Classification: 2007 the story, and we will find out whether the money the cousins Executive producer: Joan González get for the sale is enough to make their dream come true, Script: Echavi Technical data: Color, Betacam enough to buy a greyhound which will be the fastest runner Original version: Spanish in the village of Villamalea. Sales: Parallel 40 Nadar - diving into the past Nedar In development

Directed by Carla Subirana

 215 Synopsis: Every family has its own secret story. My grandfather was shot dead when the civil war ended. Nobody ever knew in what circumstances. As a documentary filmmaker, I’m Produced by: Benecé Produccions Audience: All ages interested to investigate his story. The only person who Classification: 2008 Running time: 95’ Executive producer: Xavier Atance Technical data: Color, B&W, could help in my research is my grandmother Leonor, but Script: Carla Subirana Dolby Digital she suffers from a degenerative illness: the main symptom Director of photography: Carles Gusi Original version: Spanish, Catalan Sound: Dani Fontrodona Sales: Benecé Produccions is loss of memory. A single photo of a man in a cap will be Genre: Creative documentary, Film Noir my only reward. Of hermits and recluses De eremitas y anacoretas In development

Directed by Jordi Amat 217 Synopsis: Produced by: Homero Films The cranes have arrived in the Sierra de Cardó to write the Executive producer: Aquiles Vilaghrasa-Roth third page inthe history of its monastery. An ode to a world Script: Rosa Serra of isolation and meditation in the Desert of Cardó, to a life Director of photography: Juan González Original score: Materia Activa, Adam Colier, lived in silence. This documentary aims toprovide an insight Sergi Cochs into the meditative life and human essence through the Sound: Alejandro Fernández Running time: 52’ solitude and introspection of monks over almost 250 years Technical data: Color, B&W, Betacam of life at the monastery in Spain’s Cardó Valley. Original version: Spanish, Catalan Ordinary boys Joves normals In development

Directed by Daniel Hernández 219 Produced by: Alea Docs & Films, Alegría Productions, Gebrueder Beetz, TVC Classification: 2007 Synopsis: Executive producer: Pablo Usón Script: Daniel Hernández, Gabi Martínez A chronicle of everyday life in the neighborhood of Jamaa Director of photography: Pedro Ballesteros Mezwak, in the Muslim city of Tetuan (Northern Morocco). Original score: Alberto García Demestres Sound: Gaël Wermelinger This small community was birthplace and home to five Running time: 90’ of the “Islamic terrorists” who commited suicide when Technical data: Color, 35mm Original version: Arabic surrounded by the police after the March 11 terrorist attack Sales: Pablo Usón in Madrid. Pobres, pobres... Pobres pobres... In development

Directed by Albert Pla, Lulu Martorell 221 Synopsis: Produced by: Alguienvoló A documentary portrait of the life and work of Pepe Sales Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan (Barcelona 1954 - Vallclarà 1994). Poet, artist, musician Script: Lulu Martorell and ‘accursed’ Catalan, Sales was a radical element in a Original score: Judith Farrés Sound: Judith Farrés, Albert Pla generation of free spirits who was taken before his time by Running time: 50’ AIDS, drugs or social and sexual repression – which, makes Technical data: Color, Betacam, Dolby Digital little difference now. The establishment paid him scant Original version: Spanish, Catalan attention, just as he had little time for the establishment. Sales: Alguienvoló Ramon’s song El cant de Ramón In development

Directed by Cesc Mulet

Synopsis: 223 Ramon Llull is one of the 13th century’s most extraordinary, original, daring and spiritual men. Writer Biel Mesquida Produced by: Oberon Cinematogràfica, searches, scrapes, finds, speculates, probes, imagines, La Periférica Produccions Executive producer: Nuria Cano, considers and relives the what, who, how and where of Montse Rodríguez, Antonio Chavarrías Ramon Llull, the writer whose work actually kick-started the Script: Matíes Salom, Cesc Mulet Director of photography: Jaume Caldentey Catalan language, literature and culture. It is a journey Original score: Xisco Juan in time that will take us from Mallorca to Barcelona, Sound: Joan Torrents Running time: 60’ Montpellier, Paris, Genoa, Bologna, Bugia (Algeria) and Technical data: Color Freiburg. A journey into politics, education, etc. Original version: Dubbed in Catalan Red carpets. Norka, life and fashion Alfombres vermelles. Norka, In development vida i moda Directed by Zé Peixoto

Synopsis: 225 Havana and Barcelona. A stroll through the world of fas- hion by the hand of Norka, a woman who lived the Cuban revolution from the inside as amember of the militia, as she Produced by: Beloze Produccions simultaneously paraded the haute couture collections of Classification: 2007 Dior in Paris. Companion and muse of Korda, the photogra- Executive producer: Bel·lo Torras Script: Zé Peixoto pher who immortalized Ché Guevara in the world’s most Sound: Alejandro Castillo reproduced photo, we follow Norka as she prepares the Running time: 58´ Technical data: Color, DVD fashion show of a Cuban designer in Havana and attends Original version: Catalan the Barcelona Fashion Week as a special guest. Sales: Beloze Produccions Renaissance of the New World. What future for Latin America?

Renacimiento del Nuevo Mundo. In development ¿Qué futuro para América Latina?

Directed by Gonzalo Arijon

Synopsis: 227 Mercosur vs ALCA: two visions of the world and of the futu- re of the Americas. At the heart of the battle, the fundamen- tal issue of the exploitation of natural resources. The South Produced by: Luki Media, Dissidents Sarl Executive producer: Pascal Dupont American states have finally realized that they have all they Script: Gonzalo Arijon need to build their economic autonomy. It is this unique Original score: Caetano Veloso Running time: 52’, 90’ moment in history that this documentary wishes to descri- Technical data: Color be. Will the New Left of Chavez, Kirchner, Lula and Morales Original version: Spanish Others versions available: French, finally be able to form a front against the Big Brother in the German, English North? The people and the land will tell us. Sales: Luki Media Students for freedom Estudiants per la llibertat In development

Directed by Francesc Canosa 229

Synopsis: Produced by: Createl, TVC Executive producer: Josép Mª Quintana The history of the university movement during Franco’s Script: Joaquim Roglán, Francesc Canosa Director of photography: Marc Barceló regime, from the Civil War to the re-establishment of Original score: Àlex Garcia democracy. The documentary reviews the different Sound: Marc Barceló Running time: 56’ generations of students who fought for freedom and, through Technical data: Color, B&W their actions, helped to finally undermine the regime. Original version: Spanish, Catalan The astronaut diary Diario de un astronauta In development

Directed by Manel Huerga 231231 

Produced by: Bausan Films , Mediapro, Sound: Juan Sánchez “Cuti” Synopsis: Pentagrama Films Cast: Michael López-Alegría, Mikhail Tyurin Classification: 2007 Genre: Creative documentary, Social The onboard diary of the astronaut Michael López-Alegría Executive producer: Loris Omedes, documentary José Ibáñez, Joan Ubeda Audience: All ages recorded during the six months he spent on the Internatio- Script: Lillian Gonzalez, Manel Huerga Running time: 90’ nal Space Station in the company of a Russian cosmonaut. Director of photography: Technical data: Color, 35mm, Dolby Digital Michael López-Alegría, Xavier Gil, Original version: English This documentary film is the first to be recounted and Jordi Abusada Sales: Bausan Films filmed by the protagonist himself. Original score: Ian Briton The real me Je ne suis pas moi-même In development

Directed by Anna Sanmartà, Alba Mora 233 Produced by: Nanouk Films, TVC Synopsis: Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Ventura Durall, Óscar Three objects of art leave Africa, headed for Europe. Each Romagosa Script: Anna Sanmartí, Alba Mora of them has travelled a different path, moved by different Director of photography: Anna Sanmartí, motives, in order to make this trip. This documentary re- Alba Mora Original score: Diego Pedragosa cords the story of these three works, from the remote regio- Sound: Diego Pedragosa ns of Africa to private collections in Europe, highlighting the Running time: 55’ Technical data: Color, DVD roles of the different actors involved in their conveyance: Original version: Catalan, English, French dealers, traffickers, gallery owners and collectionists. Sales: Nanouk Films Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e In development

Directed by Isao Llorens 235

Produced by: Genco Films Classification: 2008 Executive producer: Joan Cutrina Script: Isao Llorens Synopsis: Director of photography: Sergi Sampol Original score: Esther Buxadé A documentary feature film which will take us to the epi- Sound: Miquel Solà centre of the Japanese mafia, or Yakuza, through the world Running time: 60’ Technical data: Color, Betacam, Ultra Stereo of the Irezumi, the traditional Japanese tattoo art and its Original version: Catalan, Japanese precursors. Sales: Genco Films Urbanization or nature Aiguamolls de l’Empordà. 30 anys després In development

Directed by Cristina Colls 237

Produced by: Valentí Films Synopsis: Classification: 2007 Executive producer: Lluís Valentí After the tourist boom of the 60’s took a good part of the Script: Cristina Colls, Lluís Valentí Catalan coast, the natural lands of the Ampurdan marshes Director of photography: Raül Busquets Running time: 52’ (Aiguamolls de l’Empordà ) were seen as an optimal place Technical data: Color, Betacam to continue urbanistic growth. Thirty years later, we have Original version: Catalan Other version available: Dubbed in English new urbanistic threats and a poignant question: is it a natu- and French re reserve we have here, or a museum? Sales: Valentí Films You white people Vosaltres els blancs In development

Directed by Lala Goma

Synopsis: 239 Eria lives in the school where he studies. When he can, he goes home to visit his family, who live in a hut that lies far away from his boarding school. He has never been to Produced by: Oberon Cinematogràfica, TVC, Zorn Production the city. The child explains to us his vision of his homeland, Executive producer: Antonio Chavarrías Africa, and the everyday life that surrounds him: his family, Script: Lala Gompa Director of photography: David Bou school and friends, with whom he discusses the main Sound: Joan Sirvent things that concern them, as well as other subjects that we Running time: 52’ Technical data: Color suggested to them. One day, he travels with his friends to Original version: English, Kampala, the capital of Uganda. Lusoga (Ugandan dialect) Production and sales companies Documentaires ‘07 // 241 Acteon Alea Docs & Films Andoliado Producciones Bainet Zinema Beloze Produccions Bonita Films Montse Herrera David Moreu Esteban Bernatas A. Moran Bel.lo Torras Emmanuelle Stumpler Girona, 97 2º 1ª Mallorca 317, 2º 1ª Sant Guillem 17 1º 1ª Uribiarte, 18 6º Guerau De Liost, 8 Sotan 2 P. 31 Sagués 36 baixos 08009 Barcelona Spain 08037 Barcelona Spain O8006 Barcelona Spain Bizkaia Spain 08017 Barcelona Spain 08021 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 207 57 73 Tel: +34 93 207 68 50 Tel: +34 93 209 08 97 Tel: +34 94 499 94 10 Tel: +34 93 406 80 38 Tel: +34 93 414 71 27 Fax: +34 93 207 57 73 Fax: +34 93 207 68 60 Fax: +34 93 209 08 97 Fax: +34 94 401 07 57 Fax: +34 93 406 80 38 Fax: +34 93 414 57 36 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.acteon.es www.aleadf.com www.andoliadoproducciones.org www.bainet.es www.beloze.com www.bonitafilms.es

ADR Productions Alegria Productions Arte/ ZDF Batabat Benecé Produccions Canal Historia Jacques Debs Christine Camdessus Lise-Meitner-Str. 9 David Bassa Antónia Andúgar Saturno,1 Rue de la Roquette, 2 Escalier Avril Rue Charles Baudelaire, 22 55129 Mainz Germany Calàbria, 166 Passatge Tona 10 28224 Madrid Spain 75011 Paris France 75012 Paris France Tel: +49 6131 991 0 08015 Barcelona Spain 08023 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 91 714 10 80 Tel: +33 143 143 434 Tel: +33 153 179 924 Fax: +49 6131 991 260 Tel: +34 93 229 21 87 Tel: +34 93 284 07 19 Fax: +34 91 351 58 71 Fax: +33 143 143 430 [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34 93 425 00 26 Fax: +34 93 219 51 17 www.multicanalonline.com [email protected] www.alegria-productions.com www.zdf-enterprises.de [email protected] [email protected] www.batabat.cat www.benece.es

Ajuntament de Sitges. Any Alguienvoló (Audiovisual Àrea de Televisió Bausan Films Bitcom International Canal Paradís Rusiñol & Arts) Gemma Garcia Loris Omedes Jochen Wünsche Carles Jover Vinyet Villa Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Jonqueres 15 Pral 1ª Muntaner 244, 4º 2ª Kosterallee 78 20144 Hamburg Edifici Cinc. Güell, 58 Edifici Miramar Pau Claris, 139 2º 1ª 08003 Barcelona Spain 08021 Barcelona Spain Germany 17001 Girona Spain 08870 Barcelona Spain 08009 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 467 10 10 Tel: +34 93 241 15 11 Tel: +49 4042 1016 Tel: +34 97 294 09 72 Tel: +34 93 499 93 33 Tel: +34 93 467 61 38 Fax: +34 93 467 10 11 Fax: +34 93 414 17 97 Fax: +49 4042 10167 Fax: +34 97 294 09 41 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.alguienvolo.com www.areatv.com www.bausanfilms.com www.bitcominternational.com www.canalparadis.net Production and sales companies XXXXXXXX ‘07 // 243 CCCB Colomo Producciones CUATRO TV Didac Films Eduardo Fillat Clemente Estudis València Televisió Montalegre, 5 Génova, 27 Avda de los Artesanos, 6 Pedro Costa Eduardo Fillat Clemente Polígon Industrial l’Oliveral, 08001 Barcelona Spain 28004 Madrid Spain 28760 Madrid Spain Major de Sarrià 204, 2º Fernández Duró, 30, 2º Subsector 4, Parcel·la 10 Tel: +34 93 306 41 00 Tel: +34 91 310 38 34 Tel: +34 91 736 70 00 08027 Barcelona Spain 08014 Barcelona Spain València Spain Fax: +34 93 306 41 01 Fax: +34 91 310 46 13 Fax: +34 91 736 89 08 Tel: +34 93 204 35 28 Tel: +34 650 723 263 [email protected] [email protected] www.cuatro.com Fax: +34 91 361 00 28 [email protected] www.cccb.org www.colomoproducciones.com www.egeda.es/didacfilms

CECC Grup Cinema Art CPI (Centre Promotor de la Diafragma Produccions Didac Films (Sales) EITB Evohé Films Homer Etminani Imatge) Cinematogràfiques Pedro Costa Jesús M. Higuera Pío Vernis Passatge Flaugier 49 Montserrat Bou Sala Susana Batalla Otero, 2 Bajo A 48215 Euskadi Spain Anglí, 33, 3º 1ª 08041 Barcelona Spain Betania 11 Passeig de Gràcia, 54, 4º A 28028 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 94 603 10 00 08017 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 433 55 01 08023 Barcelona Spain 08007 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 91 361 21 61 Fax: +34 94 603 10 9 Tel: +34 93 295 59 75 Fax: +34 93 450 42 83 Tel: +34 93 418 21 05 Tel: +34 93 215 10 87 Fax: +34 91 361 00 28 www.eitb.com Fax: +34 93 295 59 75 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 418 69 55 [email protected] www.egeda.es/didacfilms [email protected] www.cecc.es [email protected] www.cinesmelies.net www.cpiproduccions.com

Cinefilms Produccions Createl Diagonal Televisió Dissidents Ermedia (Sales) Fotoleve Productora Manel Martínez Corredera Maria Soler Judi Sydes Amalric de Poncharra Elena Rodrigo Eva Serrats Luyts Alfons XII, 19 Rosselló 346-346, Ent. 3ª Domènech, 7-9 Rue Montmartre, 59 75009 Paris Jerónimo Borao, 16 50004 Nou de Sant Francesc 4, 2º 08241 Barcelona Spain 08025 Barcelona Spain 08012 Barcelona Spain France Zaragoza Spain 08002 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 872 25 76 Tel: +34 93 457 70 70 Tel: +34 93 268 85 30 Tel: +33 155 349 862 Tel: +34 97 643 63 28 Tel: +34 93 412 5826 Fax: +34 93 872 52 66 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 268 85 32 Fax: +33 155 349 113 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 412 5826 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.ermedia.com [email protected] www.diagonaltv.es www.dissidents.fr Production and sales companies XXXXXXXX ‘07 // 245 Frame Zero Gebrueder Beetz Homero films Kultur Atelier La Periférica Produccions Leyenda Films Cristina Gironès Salvó Christian Beetz Aquiles Vilagrasa-Roth Iker Tolosa Montse Rodríguez Carolina Barco Pau Claris, 97 2º 2ª A Heinrich-Roller-Strasse, 15 Olzinelles San Sebastian Spain Pelleteria, 6 1º B Balmes 165, 3º 2ª 08009 Barcelona Spain 1045 Berlin Germany 08014 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 94 321 88 99 Palma de Mallorca Spain 08008 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 481 57 37 Tel: +49 30695669 10 Tel: +34 696 335 634 Fax: +34 94 321 43 20 Tel: +34 93 441 06 17 Tel: +34 93 368 05 22 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34 93 368 19 09 www.framezero.es www.gebrueder-beetz.de www.kultureatelier.org [email protected] www.leyendafilms.com

France 5 Genco Films Inc Ikiru Films La Caixa La Productora Localia Catalunya Rue Horace,Vernet, 10 Joan Cutrina Edmon Roch Diagonal, 621-629 Video-Comunicació Marga Baro 92785 Paris France Muntaner 168 Maignon, 27 3º 08028 Barcelona Spain Joan Arañó Casp, 6 Tel: +33 156 229 191 08036 Barcelona Spain 08024 Barcelona Spain www.lacaixa.es Pujades 81 08010 Barcelona Spain Fax: +33 156 229 595 Tel: +34 93 476 63 49 Tel: +34 93 219 20 77 08005 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 344 14 00 www.france5.fr Fax: +34 93 476 63 49 Fax: +34 93 219 20 52 Tel: +34 93 459 01 99 Fax: +34 93 317 95 79 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.gencofilms.net www.ikirufilms.com www.laproduc.com www.localiacatalunya.com

Francisco Blanes Homero Films Jaleo Films La Lupa Produccions La Quimera Editora Luki Media Francisco Blanes Aquiles Vilagrasa-Roth Agus Jiménez Oriol Gispert Audiovisual Stephanie Von Lukowicz Balmes 48, 2º 1ª Olzinelles, 57 Bajos Interior Sevilla- Málaga KM 6,3 Placeta de Montcada, 1-3 Pral Valti Roda Tanger 147-149, 2º 2ª 08007 Barcelona Spain 08034 Barcelona Spain 41500 Sevilla Spain 08003 Barcelona Spain Gomis, 32 1º 08018 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 487 9247 Tel: +34 93 298 92 97 Tel: +34 95 563 72 69 08023 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 676 368 214 [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34 95 563 72 68 Fax: +34 93 504 85 53 www.cactusfilms.com.ar [email protected] [email protected] www.jaleofilms.com www.lukimedia.com Production and sales companies XXXXXXXX ‘07 // 247 Mallerich Films Paco Poch Media 3.14 Mercuri Societat General Motion Pictures Nèmesi Films Oberon Cinematogràfica Paco Poch Joan Ubeda de Producció Xavi Mas Xavier Juncosa Àngels Masclans Hort de la Vila, 38, 1-1 Gaspar Fàbregas 81 3º Pilar Razquin Reina Victòria, 8 Muntaner 416 4º 4ª Aragó, 217 5º 08017 Barcelona Spain 08950 Barcelona Spain Gaspar Fábregas, 81 08021 Barcelona Spain 08006 Barcelona Spain 08007 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 203 30 25 Tel: +34 93 476 15 51 08950 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 200 25 00 Tel: +34 93 200 81 44 Tel: +34 93 451 25 60 Fax: +34 93 205 34 20 Fax: +34 93 476 15 52 Tel: +34 93 410 40 00 Fax: +34 93 200 40 61 Fax: +34 93 200 81 44 Fax: +34 93 451 51 40 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.pacopoch.cat www.mediapro.es www.mercuri-sgp.com www.motionpic.com www.oberoncinematografica.com

Massa d’Or Produccions Mediaproducción Metròpoli Vídeo Films Multiculti Producciones Nesher Orbita Max Isona/ Lluis Passola/ Ferrando Javier Méndez Rosa Murtra Sandra Camps Laura Pelegrin Nerea Rubio Sant Pere Més At 66, Pral. 1ª Gaspar Fàbregas, 81, 3º Aragó, 61 Raurich 8 Xiprer, 58 Diputació 279, 2º-7ª 08003 Barcelona Spain 08950 Barcelona Spain 08430 Barcelona Spain 08002 Barcelona Spain 08041 Barcelona Spain 08007 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 310 35 10 Tel: +34 93 476 15 51 Tel: +34 93 879 53 03 Tel: +34 696 452 410 Tel: +34 93 450 17 82 Tel: +34 93 505 20 30 Fax: +34 93 268 81 99 Fax: +34 93 476 15 52 Fax: +34 93 879 53 03 [email protected] Fax: +34 607 214 628 Fax: +34 93 505 20 29 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.multicultibcn.com [email protected] [email protected] www.mediapro.es www.metropolivideofilms.com www.nesher.org www.orbitamax.com

Master en documental Mercuri (Sales) Mortimer Produccions Nanouk Films Notro Films Ovideo TV creativo UAB Pilar Razquin Balmes 165 3º 2ª Marieke Van Der Beerselar Raquel Luque Esther López Carmen Viveros Gaspar Fàbregas, 81 08950 Barcelona Spain Calàbria 202 Entl. A Lincoln, 11 3º 4ª Tibidabo, 49 UAB Edificio I. Campus de Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 238 95 36 08029 Barcelona Spain 08006 Barcelona Spain 08035 Barcelona Spain Bellaterra 08193 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 410 04 00 Fax: +34 93 368 19 09 Tel: +34 93 419 60 22 Tel: +34 93 567 05 05 Tel: +34 93 253 03 20 Tel: +34 93 581 35 85 Fax: +34 93 476 15 52 [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34 93 567 05 04 Fax: +34 93 212 00 29 [email protected] [email protected] www.mortimerproduccions.com www.nanouk.tv [email protected] [email protected] www.uab.es www.mercuri-sgp.com www.notrofilms.com www.ovideo.com Production and sales companies XXXXXXXX ‘07 // 249 Parallel 40 Producciones Kilimanjaro Sagrera TV Teamtowers TVC (Sales) Utópic Marta Castañé Carlos Benpar Xavier Figueras Felix Miret Oriol Baquer Neus Marà Mallorca 209, Pral Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Arquitecte Sert, 10 1º 1ª Vidal i Baquer, 11 Carrer de la TV3 s/n Barcelona Spain 08036 Barcelona Spain 516-1º 08015 Barcelona Spain 08005 Barcelona Spain Barcelona Spain 08970 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 238 87 94 Tel: +34 93 453 00 25 Tel: +34 93 323 87 87 Tel: +34 93 225 92 92 Tel: +34 657 196 469 Tel: +34 93 499 93 93 Fax: +34 93 238 87 95 Fax: +34 93 323 93 30 Fax: +34 93 451 90 57 Fax: +34 93 221 30 29 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 473 15 63 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.utopic.tv www.parallel40.com www.filmmakersinactionvstycoons.com www.sagreratv.com www.tv3.cat

Pepin Singler/Sergio Rodriguez Hachimaru Soilsiu Films The Visual Suspects TVE Utopia Global Castellote Ayuko Hachimaru Neasa Ní Chianáin Xavier Satorra Larriba Prado del Rey Alba Laguna València, 352 Príomh Sráid, Gort an Choirce, Tír Santjoanistes, 1 2º 3ª 28223 Madrid Spain Doctor Trueta 69-71, 4º 1ª Spain 08009 Barcelona Spain Chonaill, Éire Ireland 08006 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 91 581 79 92 08005 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 96 380 22 56 Tel: +34 93 458 77 33 Tel: +35 37 491 8073 Tel: +34 93 218 68 95 Fax: +34 91 352 50 72 Tel: +34 93 511 66 90 Fax: +34 93 458 77 33 Fax: +35 37 49180732 [email protected] www.rtve.es Fax: +34 93 511 66 89 [email protected] [email protected] www.thevisualsuspects.net [email protected] www.rodriguez-hachimaru.com www.soilsiu.com www.utopiaglobal.com

Pilar Montoliu Rumbo Sur Sur Films TVC TVG Valentí Films Pilar Montoliu Olga Palet Yvonne Ruocco Carrer de la TV3 s/n Bando - San Marcos Santiago de Lluís Valentí Teodora Lamadrid, 52-60, Esc.E, 1º Joan Cornudella, 18 B 1º 1ª Germany 08970 Barcelona Spain Compostela De la Cellera, 17 1ª 08022 Barcelona Spain 08035 Barcelona Spain Tel: +49 421 5980 485 Tel: +34 93 499 93 33 15820 A Coruña Spain 17457 Girona Spain Tel: +34 93 211 20 92 Tel: +34 93 427 41 42 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 473 15 63 Tel: +34 98 154 07 66 Tel: +34 97 247 73 23 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 428 69 04 www.surfilms.com [email protected] Fax: +34 98 154 07 69 Fax: +34 97 247 76 46 [email protected] www.tv3.cat [email protected] [email protected] www.thalassa-online.com www.crtvg.es www.valentifilms.com Production and sales companies XXXXXXXX ‘07 // 251 Wide Management (Sales) Zorn Production Andoliado Producciones Bainet Zinema Beloze Produccions Bonita Films Rue Lourmel, 42 Bis Rodolphe Dietrich Esteban Bernatas A. Moran Bel.lo Torras Emmanuelle Stumpler 75015 Paris France Boulevard de Belfort, 51 Sant Guillem 17 1º 1ª O8006 Uribiarte, 18 6º Bizkaia Spain Guerau De Liost, 8 Sotan 2 Porta Sagués 36 baixos 08021 Tel: +33 153 95 04 64 59000 Lille France Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 94 499 94 10 31 08017 Barcelona Spain Barcelona Spain Fax: +33 153 95 04 65 Tel: +33 320 880 103 Tel: +34 93 209 08 97 Fax: +34 94 401 07 57 Tel: +34 93 406 80 38 Tel: +34 93 414 71 27 [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34 93 209 08 97 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 406 80 38 Fax: +34 93 414 57 36 www.widemamagement.com www.zornproduction.com [email protected] www.bainet.es [email protected] [email protected] www.andoliadoproducciones.org www.beloze.com www.bonitafilms.es

Zarafa Films Arte/ ZDF Batabat Benecé Produccions Canal Historia Rue Méhul, 29 Lise-Meitner-Str. 9 55129 Mainz David Bassa Antònia Andúgar Saturno,1 28224 Madrid Spain 93500 Paris France Germany Calàbria, 166 08015 Barcelona Passatge Tona 10 08023 Tel: +34 91 714 10 80 Tel: +33 174 734 050 Tel: +49 6131 991 0 Spain Barcelona Spain Fax: +34 91 351 58 71 Fax: +33 174 734 057 Fax: +49 6131 991 260 Tel: +34 93 229 21 87 Tel: 93 284 07 19 www.multicanalonline.com [email protected] [email protected] Fax: +34 93 425 00 26 Fax: 93 219 51 17 www.zarafa-films.com www.zdf-enterprises.de [email protected] [email protected] www.batabat.cat www.benece.es

Zip Films Alguienvoló (Audiovisual Àrea de Televisió Bausan Films Bitcom International Canal Paradís Marina Lahoz & Arts) Gemma Garcia Loris Omedes Jochen Wünsche Carles Jover Rambla de Les Flors 22, 2º Morrosko Vila-San-Juan Jonqueres 15 Pral 1ª 08003 Muntaner 244, 4º 2ª 08021 Kosterallee 78 20144 Hamburg Edifici Cinc. Güell, 58 17001 08001 Barcelona Spain Pau Claris, 139 2º 1ª 08009 Barcelona Spain Barcelona Spain Germany Girona Spain Tel: +34 93 441 07 33 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 467 10 10 Tel: +34 93 241 15 11 Tel: +49 4042 1016 Tel: +34 97 294 09 72 Fax: +34 93 441 99 88 Tel: +34 93 467 61 38 Fax: +34 93 467 10 11 Fax: +34 93 414 17 97 Fax: +49 4042 10167 Fax: +34 97 294 09 41 [email protected] Fax: +34 93 272 21 52 [email protected] [email protected] wuensche@bitcominternational. [email protected] www.zip-films.com [email protected] www.areatv.com www.bausanfilms.com com www.canalparadis.net Festivals and awards Documentaires ‘07 // 253 3055 Jean Leon Gijon International Film Festival 2005 Invideo Festival (Milan) El barrio de las islas 3055 Jean Leon San Sebastian Human Rights Film Festival 2006 Recontres du Cinéma Européen de Vannes El barrio de las islas Sitges – International Film Festival of Catalonia Water World Forum Mexico 2006 By Daniel García-Pablos. Bausan Films, Osaka European Film Festival Seoul Independent Documentary Film Welcome Mr. Kaita Astronauta Films, IMVAL Producciones, & Video Festival 2006 Benvingut Mister Kaita Iguana Estudis, La Filmería Through the Carmel Planet in Focus – Toronto 2005 (Best Film) By Albert Albacete. Alea Docs & Films, TVE Independent Film Festival of Barcelona A través del Carmel Ecocinema – Atenas 2005 (Testimonies. Best Film) Donostia – San Sebastian International Film Festival Documenta Madrid (Audience Award) By Claudio Zulian. Acteon, TVC International Festival Dignity – Gdansk 2005 Sitges International Film Festival of Catalonia (Special Prize of the Jury) Can Tunis The mistery of Nile Galway Film Fleadh – Galway 2005 (Special Mention) Can Tunis El misterio del Nilo Abandonatii Bogota Film Festival (Honor Mention) By José González Morandi, Paco Toledo. By Jordi Llompart. Órbita Max, Abandonatii Festival Internacional de Documentales del Sur Guía de Dídac Films MacGillivray Freeman Films By Joan Soler. Cinefilms Produccions Isora (Special Jury Mention) Gijon International Film Festival Giant Screen Theatre Association Sitges – International Film Festival of Catalonia IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival (Best Photography, Best Score, Zinebi – International Festival of Documentary Aqua, the red river Amsterdam (First Appearance Award) Special Prize Best Production, Best Marketing) & Short Film Aqua, el riu vermell Festival International de Cinéma By Manuel Albiñana. Quimelca Alquimistas company Grand Format La Géode Switch off FICMA – Catalonia International Companyia alquimistas (Jury Prize, Audience Award, Apaga y vámonos Environmental Film Festival 2006 By Eli Rodríguez, Joan Noguera. Young Audience Award) By Manel Mayol. Andoliado Producciones Parallel 40 Sociedad Geográfica Española IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival The future L’Alternativa – Independent Film Festival (‘Viaje del año’ Award) Amsterdam 2005 L’avenir of Barcelona 2006 Hot Docs Canadian International By Claudio Zulian. Acteon The dream of the water Documentary Festival 2005 Dok – International Leipzig Festival for From Madrid to the moon El sueño del agua Docupolis – Festival Internacional Documentary & Animated Film De Madrid a la lluna By Albert Solé. Documental de Barcelona 2005 (Ecumenic Award) By Carles Balagué. Diafragma PC, Bausan films Sheffield Docfest 2005 Festival Internacional de Viña del Mar (Chile) Els Quatre Gats Audiovisuals, Sagrera TV, PG Spanish Film Festival of Toulouse Human Rights Watch International Film Festival Tampere International Short Film Festival Production Services Valdivia International Festival Asuni Film Festival Valladolid International Film Festival 255 The forgotten TVC, Ajuntament de Sitges Viennale 2006 LPM Els perdedors Sitges - International Film Festival of Catalonia Alcances – Muestra Cinematográfica del Atlántico LPM By Driss Deiback. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival By Eduardo Fillat Clemente. Eduardo Fillat Clemente Zip Films, Sur Films, Yvonne Ruocco, Utópic My grandmother’s house Yerevan International Film Festival Zinebi – International Festival of Documentary & Short Valladolid International Film Festival La casa de mi abuela BAFICI – Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Films By Adán Aliaga. Salto de Eje, Ignacio Benedeti Independiente They wanted to kill Franco Cinema, Videogenic Broadcast Festival d’Alba Black memory Els que van voler matar Franco Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival Festival de Cine de Guayaquil Memoria negra By Pedro Costa, José Ramón da Cruz. (Special Jury Prize Documentary) Melbourne International Film Festival By Xavier Montanyà. Ovideo TV, Colomo Dídac Films Miami International Film Festival (Special Jury Prize Paris Cinéma Producciones Valladolid International Film Festival Documentary) European Film Festival of Brussels 51 Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid Brooklyn Underground Film Festival (Best Documentary) Hermanito Belgrade International Film Festival (Best International Struggle for urban space Beyond the mirror Hermanito Documentary) La lluita per l’espai urbà Més enllà del mirall By Marie Arnaud. Àrea de Televisió, Documenta Madrid By Jacobo Sucari. Àrea de Televisió, TVC By Joaquim Jordà. Ovideo TV, Únicamente Severo ADR Productions, Jacques Debs, TVC Punto de Vista, Navarra Documentary Film Festival Berlin International Film Festival Films Sitges - International Film Festival of Catalonia (Special Mention) Sitges – International Film Festival of Catalonia Donostia – San Sebastian International Film Festival Zinebi – International Festival of Documentary Valdivia International Festival (Best Documentary) L’Alternativa – Independent Film Festival of Barcelona Sitges – International Film Festival of Catalonia & Short Film Taipei International Documentary Festival (Grand Prize 2006 Torino Film Festival L’Alternativa – Independent Film Festival of Barcelona Documentary) International Film Festival Rotterdam 2006 Inquiet (Best Documentary) Docupolis 2006 – Festival Internacional Documental de Miquel Bauçà: The invisible poet Docupolis 2006 – Festival Internacional Barcelona Miquel Bauçà: poeta invisible Documental de Barcelona (Best Documentary) The legend of time Cinéma du Réel By Agustí Villaronga. Doclisboa La llegenda del temps Diagonal Televisió, TVC Docusur By Isaki Lacuesta. Mallerich Films-Paco Poch, Jaleo Llach: the permanent revolt Inquiet – Festival de cinema en valencià Films, Agus Jiménez, Pepón Siglier, Sergio Castellote Llach: la revolta permanent XI International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary & The other Rusiñol Donostia – San Sebastian International Film Festival By Lluís Danés. Mediaproducción, Bainet Zinema Reportage L’altre Rusiñol Locarno International Film Festival Donostia – San Sebastian International Film Festival XII Mostra de cinema i vídeo de la part forana By Monti (José Antonio Montilla). Benecé Producción, International Film Festival Rotterdam 257 Nomadak Tx Reyita Maybe Buenos Aires? Journey towards a sculpture: the Nomadak Tx Reyita ¿Será Buenos Aires? quixotesancho by Guido Dettoni By Raúl de la Fuente. Parallel 40 By Oliva Costa, Elena Ortega. By Xavier Satorra, The Visual Suspects, Aram Garriga Viatge vers una escultura: el Donostia – San Sebastian International Film Festival CPI (Centre Promotor de la Imatge) ‘El Ojo Cojo’ Film Festival 2006 quixotesancho de Guido Dettoni IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival La Habana International Film Festival of New Latin L’Alternativa – Independent Film Festival of Barcelona By Axel Dettoni. Nesher Amsterdam American Cinema 2006 Girona Film Festival Eutopía – Festival Europeo de la Creación Joven 2006 Who killed Walter Benjamin… ? Rock & Cat (Audiovisual Award) Qui va matar Walter Benjamin... ? Rock & Cat Punto de Vista – International Documentary Film Festival By David Mauas. By Jordi Roigé. of Navarra 2006 Medianimación, Milagros Produccions, Utopia Global, TVC TVC, Nik Media Berlin International Film Festival Troll Malaga Spanish Film Festival Cannes International Film Festival Troll Alcances – Muestra Cinematográfica del Atlántico Donostia – San Sebastian International Film Festival By José González Morandi, Eva Serrats. Fotoleve Sitges – International Film Festival of Catalonia Sitges – International Film Festival of Catalonia Productora IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival BAFICI – Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Raval, Raval Amsterdam Independiente Raval, Raval International Film Festival Rotterdam Festival Internacional de Cine de Viña del Mar By Antoni Verdaguer. Iris Star Inquiet – Festival de Cinema en valencià Gijon International Film Festival International Film Festival DIBA – Digital Barcelona Film Festival (Special Jury Salve Melilla Prize) Renaissance of the New World. What Salve Melilla Documenta Madrid future for Latin America? By Óscar Pérez. Micec 06 – Mostra Internacional de Cinema Europeu Renacimiento del nuevo mundo. ¿Qué Máster en documental creativo UAB Contemporani de Barcelona futuro para América Latina? Mar de Plata International Film Festival Miniput 2006 By Gonzalo Arijon. Zinebi – International Festival of Bogota Film Festival Luki Media, Dissident Sarl Documentary & Short Film SANFIC – Santiago International Film Festival IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival Strasbourg Film Festival Amsterdam (Forum for International Coproductions) Docupolis 2006 – Festival Documental de Barcelona Mestre Nicolau 23 ent. 1 08021 Barcelona · Spain [email protected] Tel.: + 34 935 524 940 Fax: + 34 935 524 953 www.catalanfilms.net

Director: Àngela Bosch

Associate Director: Elena Rué

Coordinators: Carme Puig - Int’l Department Mònica Garcia i Massagué - Marketing and Communication David Matamoros - Market Research and Coproductions Carme Romero - Administration Cata Massana - Assistant Director Glòria Vidal - Webmaster

Design: Estudi Walabi