WARREN 1 DE WARRENNE Bibliogr2 ~ hy of Sources: AUGUSTAN SOCIETY (Vol X, Pgs 211 & 212) PEDIGREES OF SOME OF THE EMPEROR CHARLEMAGNE'!> DE SCENDANTS (Buck, BMrd & C:.ib~niss) A.t.fERI CANS OF GENTLE BIRTH (Pittman) GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO DOMESDAY BOOK ( Vol I, sir Henry Ellis) SONS OF THE CONQUEROR (Leslie G. 'Pine) WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR (Davin C. Douglas) MAGNA CHARTA (John S. Wurts) PRECEDING THE MAYFLOWER (James P. Leynse) ENGLISH ANCESTRY OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS (Banks) CAPE COD SERIES (Vol II, Hills) COLONIAL FAMILIES OF THE US OF A (MAcKenzie) GENEALOGY OF MARY WENTWORTH (Mrs 'Perle Lee) WITCHCRAFT AND HERALDRY (Forebears Vol 16) TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF ENGLISH EMIGRANTS TO NEW ENGLAND (Banks) l?ARI SH MA 0 OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY GENERAL ARMORY (Burke) LINEAGE CHARTS ,... __ -~· .,... :·\ ;::. i. L 1-\ . _-:,_ t \.~ ·,,.,.. .::... 1. : 'o; .~ · '~·. I. •'-• ( ..." ;,, .;,. ·(., ".,,.. /,:-, ,1':'•".: .• " -~-·~·. 1!be kugustan, Vol. X, No, 5, J"une-July, 1967 Page 211 · THE CONQ,UESr OF ENGLAND, NINE CENTURIES ~GO By Luis Leon de le Barra, F.A.s. The commemoration of this event bas been held in all of Great Britain and of l course with special splendour at · Hastings and other pl aces uhere the events of 1066 ..i ..: and 1067 were enacted; and it is s ince then that the English nation we kncv.r was for med, following the merging of the civilizations of the Saxons and the Normans• lfith the natural intermarriages and the living in common during so long e period of time. Also. it was for this country the lest occasion to be invaded by foreign forces.
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