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[email protected] 328 Index Index A amphetamine 211 A Notice for Further Liberalizing the An Giang 237 Border Towns and countries of Ananda Thera 147 Nanning, Kunming City, Pingxiang Annam 42, 106 Town, Ruili, and Hekou Country by Annamites 261 the State Council 77 Announcement of Several Problems acculturation 116 Pertaining to Border Trade 91 Achang 51 anthropologists 254 ADB 126 anthropology 7 Admiral Zheng (Ma) He 223 anti-communist 108 aggression 115 anti-government armed forces 63 agricultural development 197 anti-Manchu 32 agricultural products 132 Anti-Rightist Campaign 55 agriculture 90, 204, 209 Arabic 228 AIDS 170 Arakanese 227 aiguo zhuyi 294 Archibald Colquhoun 105 airports 136 Argentina 114 Akha 2, 3, 99 arms trafficking 185 Akha caravan 206 Asia Inc 11 Akha entrepreneurs 206, 212 Asia Times 12 Akha oral texts 206 Asia Watch 260 Akha traders 207 “Asian capitalism” 2 Akha-Chinese 217 Asian Danube 234 Alavi 147 Asian Development Bank 126 alcohol abuse 190 Asian economic crisis 1 America 116 “Asian Economic Miracle” 1 Americans 104, 109 Asian Megatrends 13 © 2000 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Index 329 Asian “tigers” 8 Bianzu Yaozu Zizhiqu 293 Asoka 147 bilateral trade 237 assimilation 5, 32 Binh Tien Plastics Company 246 Association of Overseas Chinese (Hoi biodiversity 51 Kieu Lien) 247 biological