MALACCA-MAX THE UL TIMATE CONTAINER CARRIER Design innovation in container shipping 2443 625 8 Bibliotheek TU Delft . IIIII I IIII III III II II III 1111 I I11111 C 0003815611 DELFT MARINE TECHNOLOGY SERIES 1 . Analysis of the Containership Charter Market 1983-1992 2 . Innovation in Forest Products Shipping 3. Innovation in Shortsea Shipping: Self-Ioading and Unloading Ship systems 4. Nederlandse Maritieme Sektor: Economische Structuur en Betekenis 5. Innovation in Chemical Shipping: Port and Slops Management 6. Multimodal Shortsea shipping 7. De Toekomst van de Nederlandse Zeevaartsector: Economische Impact Studie (EIS) en Beleidsanalyse 8. Innovatie in de Containerbinnenvaart: Geautomatiseerd Overslagsysteem 9. Analysis of the Panamax bulk Carrier Charter Market 1989-1994: In relation to the Design Characteristics 10. Analysis of the Competitive Position of Short Sea Shipping: Development of Policy Measures 11. Design Innovation in Shipping 12. Shipping 13. Shipping Industry Structure 14. Malacca-max: The Ultimate Container Carrier For more information about these publications, see : MALACCA-MAX THE ULTIMATE CONTAINER CARRIER Niko Wijnolst Marco Scholtens Frans Waals DELFT UNIVERSITY PRESS 1999 Published and distributed by: Delft University Press P.O. Box 98 2600 MG Delft The Netherlands Tel: +31-15-2783254 Fax: +31-15-2781661 E-mail:
[email protected] CIP-DATA KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK, Tp1X Niko Wijnolst, Marco Scholtens, Frans Waals Shipping Industry Structure/Wijnolst, N.; Scholtens, M; Waals, F.A .J . Delft: Delft University Press. - 111. Lit. ISBN 90-407-1947-0 NUGI834 Keywords: Container ship, Design innovation, Suez Canal Copyright <tl 1999 by N. Wijnolst, M .