
Chapter 16

Student: ______

1. Choose the following statement that is NOT accurate concerning the .

A.Fimbriae are fingerlike projections over the . B.The is shaped like an inverted pear C.The lining of the uterus is called the . D.The fertilized ovum is called a . E.All of the choices are correct.

2. The tightly coiled tube in which maturation of occurs is the:

A.testis B. C.

3. Some hepatitis viruses can be acquired through drinking contaminated water.

A.True B.False

4. is produced by the:

A.follicle B. C.anterior pituitary D.posterior pituitary

5. Which of the following is also called the "morning after pill" because it is used to prevent after intercourse has occurred?

A.RU-486 B.Depo-provera C. D.both RU-486 and mifepristone are correct

1 6. Which of the following surrounds the and contributes to seminal fluid?

A.acrosome B. C.prostate D.epididymis

7. Which of the following methods of contraception involves placing a device in the uterus to prevent implantation?

A.IUD B.diaphragm C.contraceptive sponge

8. Congenital syphilis is caused by bacteria:

A.in the birth canal B.crossing the C.in the D.in the uterus

9. Blindness in newborn is most often associated with which disorder of the mother?

A.diabetes B. or syphilis C.yeast infection D.

10. Which type of hepatitis is most associated with sexual transmission?

A.hepatitis A B.hepatitis B C.hepatitis C D.hepatitis D E.hepatitis E

2 11. Which of these is NOT a part of a mature sperm cell?

A.head B.middle piece C.polar D.tail

12. Choose the following which is NOT considered an assisted reproductive technology.

A.artificial B.in vitro fertilization C. intrafallopian transfer D.intracytoplasmic sperm injection E.All of the choices are ARTs.

13. Match the stage of syphilis to skin rash.

A.primary stage B.secondary stage C.tertiary stage

14. Which of the following occurs during ?

A.ovaries do not respond to gonadotropic B.ovaries continue to secrete but not progesterone C. continue to develop but are not released D. continues regularly

15. Blocking development of new follicles during pregnancy begins with the:

A.placenta producing NO B.placenta producing HCG C.corpus luteum producing less progesterone D.None of the choices are correct.

16. Sperm mature in the:

A.acrosome B.scrotum C.prostate D.epididymis

3 17. Since the oviducts are not attached to the ovaries, the ___ are critical in capturing and sweeping eggs into the .

A.cilia B.fimbria C. D.both fimbriae and cilia

18. Which of the following contains the testes?

A.acrosome B.scrotum C.prostate D.epididymis E.

19. Changes in the endometrium of the uterus due to female hormones is called:

A.the estrogen cycle B.the follicular cycle C.the seminal cycle D.the luteal cycle E.the uterine cycle

20. Sperm cells are produced in the:

A.interstitial tissue B.urethra C.seminiferous tubules D.

21. Cutting and sealing the oviducts to prevent pregnancy is called:

A.vasectomy B. C. D.contraceptive injection

4 22. The lining of the uterus that is discharged during the menstrual flow phase is the:

A.endocervicum B.oviduct C.endometrium D. E.mesothelium

23. The endometrium begins to thicken due to:

A.progesterone B.estrogen C.aldosterone D.corticosterone

24. Choose the following that is NOT included in seminal fluid (semen):

A.sperm B.sugar fructose C. D.acidic pH

25. The differentiation of sperm by an organism is termed:

A. B.homologous formation C. D.diploidization

26. Which one of these is NOT part of the human female external genitalia?

A. B. C.labium minora D.labium majora E.

5 27. How may a newborn contract ?

A.by coming in contact with lesions in the birth canal B.by the herpes simplex virus crossing the placenta C.by contaminated milk D.All of the choices are correct.

28. Which pairing of the female reproductive structures to their descriptions is correct?

A.; external genitalia B.; of the uterus C.clitoris; composed of erectile tissue D.All of the choices are correct.

29. During regular , sperm are placed in the:

A.vagina B.uterus C.oviduct D.

30. In the human female, the number of days in the average is:

A.14 B.24 C.28 D.34 E.38

31. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria?

A.genital warts B.gonorrhea and syphilis C.AIDS D.genital herpes

6 32. Which of the following is NOT involved with the functioning of the testes?

A.hypothalamus B.anterior pituitary C.gonadotropic hormones D.posterior

33. The process of the formation of sex cells is called:

A. B. C.apoptosis D.replication

34. Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted viral disease which attacks the

A. B.reproductive system C.immune system

35. In a , cells are removed from the ___ and examined microscopically.

A.cervix B.vagina C.glans clitoris D.labium minora

36. Which of the following is NOT true about estrogen?

A.It causes the endometrium to thicken. B.It causes the endometrium to become vascular and glandular. C.It causes a positive feedback on the hypothalamus to secrete GnRH. D.It causes a negative feedback on the anterior pituitary gland. E.It stimulates the release of FSH.

7 37. Choose the most accurate statement concerning HIV and AIDS.

A.AIDS is caused by a virus. B.There is presently no vaccine for HIV infection. C.AIDS is considered a sexually transmitted disease. D.The primary host is the helper T lymphocyte. E.All of the choices are correct.

38. Spermatogenesis and oogenesis are associated with:

A.mitosis B.meiosis C.both mitosis and meiosis D.neither mitosis nor meiosis

39. The process of producing an is called:

A.oogenesis B. C.oviposition

40. Match chlamydia to the disease-causing organism.

A.Chlamydia trachomatis B. C.Treponema pallidum

41. Meiosis:

A.keeps the number constant from generation to generation B.ensures that all daughter cells have the diploid number of C.occurs when cells are cloned D.All of the choices are correct.

8 42. The female are the:

A.uterus B.fallopian tubes C.ovaries D.

43. Ovulation involves:

A.maturation of the ovum as it gains motility B.penetration of the ovum cell membrane by a sperm C.rupture of a vesicular follicle and release of an ovum

44. What is a contributing causative agent of ?

A.Gardnerella B.Trichomonas C.Vagimonas D.Candida

45. Choose the CORRECT statement concerning female reproduction.

A.HCG stimulates the follicle to burst. B.The placenta originates from maternal and fetal tissues. C.Ovulation follows the . D. mature nearly all of their 400,000 follicles. E.None of the choices are correct.

46. A vasectomy (severing the vasa deferentia) does not affect male secondary sex characteristics because:

A.bulbourethral are not affected by the operation B.the vasa deferentia still produce male sex hormones C.the interstitial cells are not affected by the operation D.the semen will still contain sperm

47. Somatic, or body, cells are:

A.haploid B.diploid

9 48. If a parent cell has 14 chromosomes prior to mitosis, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells have?

A.28 B.14 C.7 D.None of the choices are correct.

49. Choose the following that is NOT a true association.

A.mitosis--one cell division B.meiosis--two cell divisions C.mitosis--same chromosome number as parent cell D.meiosis--twice the chromosome number as parent cell

50. The process of egg (ova) formation is called:

A.oocytogenesis B.oogenesis C.oogonia D.ovapoiesis

51. Which of the following can also be referred to as Cowper glands?

A.prostate gland B.vasa deferentia C. D.

52. Which of the following is considered an accessory gland of the male reproductive tract?

A.testis B.vas deferens C.prostate

53. Which of the following is the function of the urethra in the male?

A.It serves as the sex during . B.It allows for the passage of semen and urine. C.It is the enlarged tip of the which contains the orifice or opening.

10 54. Which is the correct pairing of male reproductive hormones to their descriptions?

A.GnRH; from hypothalamus B.FSH, LH; from anterior pituitary C.; principal sex D.All of the choices are correct.

55. In the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and liquid wastes is the:

A.ureter B.bile C.vas deferens D.urethra

56. Semen production requires the:

A.testes B.prostate gland C.seminal vesicles D.bulbourethral gland E.All of the choices are correct.

11 Chapter 16 Key

1. Choose the following statement that is NOT accurate concerning the female reproductive system.

a. Fimbriae are fingerlike projections over the ovaries. b. The uterus is shaped like an inverted pear C The lining of the uterus is called the mesometrium. d. The fertilized ovum is called a zygote. e. All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #57

2. The tightly coiled tube in which maturation of sperm occurs is the:

a. testis B epididymis c. prostate

Mader - 016 Chapter... #25

3. Some hepatitis viruses can be acquired through drinking contaminated water.

A True b. False

Mader - 016 Chapter... #154

4. Progesterone is produced by the:

a. follicle B corpus luteum c. anterior pituitary d. posterior pituitary

Mader - 016 Chapter... #79

1 5. Which of the following is also called the "morning after pill" because it is used to prevent pregnancy after intercourse has occurred?

a. RU-486 b. Depo-provera c. mifepristone D both RU-486 and mifepristone are correct

Mader - 016 Chapter... #89

6. Which of the following surrounds the urethra and contributes to seminal fluid?

a. acrosome b. scrotum C prostate d. epididymis

Mader - 016 Chapter... #40

7. Which of the following methods of contraception involves placing a device in the uterus to prevent implantation?

A IUD b. diaphragm c. contraceptive sponge

Mader - 016 Chapter... #87

8. Congenital syphilis is caused by bacteria:

a. in the birth canal B crossing the placenta c. in the oviducts d. in the uterus

Mader - 016 Chapter... #131

9. Blindness in newborn infants is most often associated with which disorder of the mother?

a. diabetes B gonorrhea or syphilis c. yeast infection d. chlamydia

Mader - 016 Chapter... #130

2 10. Which type of hepatitis is most associated with sexual transmission?

a. hepatitis A B hepatitis B c. hepatitis C d. hepatitis D e. hepatitis E

Mader - 016 Chapter... #144

11. Which of these is NOT a part of a mature sperm cell?

a. head b. middle piece C d. tail

Mader - 016 Chapter... #53

12. Choose the following which is NOT considered an assisted reproductive technology.

a. artificial insemination b. in vitro fertilization c. gamete intrafallopian transfer d. intracytoplasmic sperm injection E All of the choices are ARTs.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #91

13. Match the stage of syphilis to skin rash.

a. primary stage B secondary stage c. tertiary stage

Mader - 016 Chapter... #123

3 14. Which of the following occurs during menopause?

A ovaries do not respond to gonadotropic hormones b. ovaries continue to secrete estrogen but not progesterone c. eggs continue to develop but are not released d. menstruation continues regularly

Mader - 016 Chapter... #110

15. Blocking development of new follicles during pregnancy begins with the:

a. placenta producing NO b. placenta producing HCG C corpus luteum producing less progesterone d. None of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #76

16. Sperm mature in the:

a. acrosome b. scrotum c. prostate D epididymis

Mader - 016 Chapter... #43

17. Since the oviducts are not attached to the ovaries, the ___ are critical in capturing and sweeping eggs into the oviduct.

a. cilia b. fimbria c. endometrium D both fimbriae and cilia

Mader - 016 Chapter... #108

4 18. Which of the following contains the testes?

a. acrosome B scrotum c. prostate d. epididymis e. penis

Mader - 016 Chapter... #37

19. Changes in the endometrium of the uterus due to female sex hormones is called:

a. the estrogen cycle b. the follicular cycle c. the seminal cycle d. the luteal cycle E the uterine cycle

Mader - 016 Chapter... #71

20. Sperm cells are produced in the:

a. interstitial tissue b. urethra C seminiferous tubules d. vas deferens

Mader - 016 Chapter... #42

21. Cutting and sealing the oviducts to prevent pregnancy is called:

a. vasectomy b. erectile dysfunction C tubal ligation d. contraceptive injection

Mader - 016 Chapter... #102

5 22. The lining of the uterus that is discharged during the menstrual flow phase is the:

a. endocervicum b. oviduct C endometrium d. hymen e. mesothelium

Mader - 016 Chapter... #78

23. The endometrium begins to thicken due to:

a. progesterone B estrogen c. aldosterone d. corticosterone

Mader - 016 Chapter... #80

24. Choose the following that is NOT included in seminal fluid (semen):

a. sperm b. sugar fructose c. prostaglandins D acidic pH

Mader - 016 Chapter... #23

25. The differentiation of sperm by an organism is termed:

a. oogenesis b. homologous formation C spermatogenesis d. diploidization

Mader - 016 Chapter... #11

6 26. Which one of these is NOT part of the human female external genitalia?

a. mons pubis b. glans clitoris c. labium minora d. labium majora E vagina

Mader - 016 Chapter... #62

27. How may a newborn contract genital herpes?

A by coming in contact with lesions in the birth canal b. by the herpes simplex virus crossing the placenta c. by contaminated breast milk d. All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #143

28. Which pairing of the female reproductive structures to their descriptions is correct?

a. vulva; external genitalia b. cervix; neck of the uterus c. clitoris; composed of erectile tissue D All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #58

29. During regular artificial insemination, sperm are placed in the:

A vagina b. uterus c. oviduct d. ovary

Mader - 016 Chapter... #101

7 30. In the human female, the number of days in the average menstrual cycle is:

a. 14 b. 24 C 28 d. 34 e. 38

Mader - 016 Chapter... #74

31. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria?

a. genital warts B gonorrhea and syphilis c. AIDS d. genital herpes

Mader - 016 Chapter... #132

32. Which of the following is NOT involved with the functioning of the testes?

a. hypothalamus b. anterior pituitary gland c. gonadotropic hormones D posterior pituitary gland

Mader - 016 Chapter... #49

33. The process of the formation of sex cells is called:

a. mitosis B meiosis c. apoptosis d. replication

Mader - 016 Chapter... #18

34. Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted viral disease which attacks the

A liver b. reproductive system c. immune system

Mader - 016 Chapter... #137

8 35. In a Pap test, cells are removed from the ___ and examined microscopically.

A cervix b. vagina c. glans clitoris d. labium minora

Mader - 016 Chapter... #109

36. Which of the following is NOT true about estrogen?

a. It causes the endometrium to thicken. b. It causes the endometrium to become vascular and glandular. c. It causes a positive feedback on the hypothalamus to secrete GnRH. d. It causes a negative feedback on the anterior pituitary gland. E It stimulates the release of FSH.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #81

37. Choose the most accurate statement concerning HIV and AIDS.

a. AIDS is caused by a virus. b. There is presently no vaccine for HIV infection. c. AIDS is considered a sexually transmitted disease. d. The primary host is the helper T lymphocyte. E All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #149

38. Spermatogenesis and oogenesis are associated with:

a. mitosis B meiosis c. both mitosis and meiosis d. neither mitosis nor meiosis

Mader - 016 Chapter... #10

39. The process of producing an egg is called:

A oogenesis b. ovulation c. oviposition

Mader - 016 Chapter... #55

9 40. Match chlamydia to the disease-causing organism.

A Chlamydia trachomatis b. Neisseria gonorrhoeae c. Treponema pallidum

Mader - 016 Chapter... #116

41. Meiosis:

A keeps the chromosome number constant from generation to generation b. ensures that all daughter cells have the diploid number of chromosomes c. occurs when cells are cloned d. All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #20

42. The female gonads are the:

a. uterus b. fallopian tubes C ovaries d. oocytes

Mader - 016 Chapter... #54

43. Ovulation involves:

a. maturation of the ovum as it gains motility b. penetration of the ovum cell membrane by a sperm C rupture of a vesicular follicle and release of an ovum

Mader - 016 Chapter... #56

44. What is a contributing causative agent of bacterial vaginosis?

A Gardnerella b. Trichomonas c. Vagimonas d. Candida

Mader - 016 Chapter... #146

10 45. Choose the CORRECT statement concerning female reproduction.

a. HCG stimulates the follicle to burst. B The placenta originates from maternal and fetal tissues. c. Ovulation follows the luteal phase. d. Females mature nearly all of their 400,000 follicles. e. None of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #70

46. A vasectomy (severing the vasa deferentia) does not affect male secondary sex characteristics because:

a. bulbourethral glands are not affected by the operation b. the vasa deferentia still produce male sex hormones C the interstitial cells are not affected by the operation d. the semen will still contain sperm

Mader - 016 Chapter... #94

47. Somatic, or body, cells are:

a. haploid B diploid

Mader - 016 Chapter... #1

48. If a parent cell has 14 chromosomes prior to mitosis, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells have?

a. 28 B 14 c. 7 d. None of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #2

49. Choose the following that is NOT a true association.

a. mitosis--one cell division b. meiosis--two cell divisions c. mitosis--same chromosome number as parent cell D meiosis--twice the chromosome number as parent cell

Mader - 016 Chapter... #9

11 50. The process of egg (ova) formation is called:

a. oocytogenesis B oogenesis c. oogonia d. ovapoiesis

Mader - 016 Chapter... #14

51. Which of the following can also be referred to as Cowper glands?

a. prostate gland b. vasa deferentia c. seminal vesicles D bulbourethral gland

Mader - 016 Chapter... #22

52. Which of the following is considered an accessory gland of the male reproductive tract?

a. testis b. vas deferens C prostate

Mader - 016 Chapter... #26

53. Which of the following is the function of the urethra in the male?

a. It serves as the sex organ during sexual intercourse. B It allows for the passage of semen and urine. c. It is the enlarged tip of the sex organ which contains the orifice or opening.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #30

54. Which is the correct pairing of male reproductive hormones to their descriptions?

a. GnRH; from hypothalamus b. FSH, LH; from anterior pituitary c. testosterone; principal sex hormone D All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #33

12 55. In the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and liquid wastes is the:

a. ureter b. bile duct c. vas deferens D urethra

Mader - 016 Chapter... #41

56. Semen production requires the:

a. testes b. prostate gland c. seminal vesicles d. bulbourethral gland E All of the choices are correct.

Mader - 016 Chapter... #47

13 Chapter 16 Summary

Category # of Questions Mader - 016 Chapter... 56