The Ancestry of James Patten
THE ANCESTRY OF JAMES PATTEN THE ANCESTRY OF JAMES PATTEN 1747?-1817 OF ARUNDEL (KENNEBUNKPORT) MAINE BY WALTER GOODWIN DA VIS PORTLAND, MAINE THE SOUTHWORTH-.ANTHOENSEN PRESS 1941 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Vil I. MATTHEW PATTEN OF BIDDEFORD 1 II. HECTOR p A TTEN OF SACO 11 III. WILLIAM PATTEN OF Bosnrn 43 IV. RonERT PATTEN oF ARUNDEL HJ V. WILLIAM PATTEN 01<' WELLS ,·0 VI. JOHNSTON OF STROUDWATER. 89 INDEX 105 INTRODUCTION 'I'HE title of this pamphlet, The Ancestry of James Patten, is to a great extent deceptive, for on the paternal side James Patten's father is his only "ancestor" now, or likely to be, discovered, while on the maternal side we can trace a slight three generations to a shadowy great-grandfather. However, the pamphlet is the sev enth in a series dealing with the ancestry of my great-great grandparents, and for the sake of uniformity it is so entitled. Actually it deals with the descendants of six men who emigrated to New England in the early years of the eighteenth century, four of them being the brothers Matthew Patten of Biddeford, Hector Patten of Saco, Robert Patten of Arundel, and '\Villiam Patten of Boston. The fifth, ·william Patten of Wells, presumably a close kinsman of the brothers, is included as by so doing all of the Pat ten emigrants who settled in Maine are conveniently grouped in one volume, while the sixth, James Johnston, finds an appropriate place herein as his granddaughter was James Patten's mother. All of these men were of Scotch descent, springing from fami lies which left Scotland in the seventeenth century, encouraged by the British government, to settle in the northern counties of Ireland which formed the ancient kingdom of Ulster, where they became a tough and unwelcome minority.
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