(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,314,068 B2 Schmutte (45) Date of Patent: Apr
US009314068B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,314,068 B2 Schmutte (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 19, 2016 (54) SELF-CUSTOMIZED, MOLDABLE, (56) References Cited WEIGHT DISTRIBUTING INSERT FOR BALLET POINTE SHOES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 1,525,848 A 2f1925 Bonaventure (76) Inventor: Kelly Susan Schmutte, Davis, CA (US) 1,704,281 A 3, 1929 Salvatore (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1103 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 136415 A1 * 4f1985 (21) Appl. No.: 13/096,852 FR 266O168 A1 * 10, 1991 (22) Filed: Apr. 28, 2011 (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65) Prior Publication Data Shepherd, Lesley. About.com: "Use Two Part Silicon Mold Putty to US 2011 FO265348A1 Nov. 3, 2011 Make Easy, Simple Molds”. Jul. 25, 2007. URL: <http://miniatures. about.com/od/miniaturebasics/p/silmoldputty.htm?p=1D.* (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 61/330.312, filed on Apr. Primary Examiner — Alissa L Hoey 30, 2010. Assistant Examiner — Jameson Collier (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Carr & Ferrell LLP (51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT A43B 7/14 (2006.01) A43B 23/08 (2006.01) A customizable pointe shoe insert is provided. Such an insert A43B5/12 (2006.01) achieves a “perfect fit” that is customized to each dancers (52) U.S. Cl. foot by using a moldable material to substantially fill the CPC. A43B5/12 (2013.01); A43B 7/145 (2013.01); voids within the box of the shoe, so weight is optimally A43B 7/1465 (2013.01); A43B 23/086 distributed across a greater percentage of the Surface of the (2013.01) forefoot when en pointe.
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