*. "** 5 '* Students: '* Senate abortion action draws fire *'* By WILLIAM FLANNERY WiUiam Hargrave of Iowa City, and problem of non-agricultural cor­ hIP IlltDOVer rate 01 officers I. _y '* eIIertioM ia tile I..a UiJDeI&er " a wall to ..., be laid, ud tile backIot Edlt«ial PAle EdItor IftIJWlCY ....eta &be We II Rep. John Patchett of North Liberty .. poratlons and foreign interests pur· Dean yea! omaa'. of IppliclJltl tile state pellet "It is disastrous for \hOse who sup­ la cIu,er. A doetor t!OIIld flce a The two and one-half·/Iour panel chasing Iowa farm land. to academy. * RD­ discussions were moderated by Sen. "At present, we don't know who port abortion." said Sen. Minnette UD-year jall lellteaet If toIIvkted * Doderer, D-Iowa City, in reaction to derthJsIa ... Doderer. The tooics ran2ed from tlX owns what," Rep. Hargrave said. The DemocratJc majority in the the passage of the feticide section of This amendment will have a reform to band-gun training for law noting-that there are a number of Iowa Legislature, Sen. Palmer said. * will try to push through legislation on the Iowa Criminal Code revision chilling effect upon many doctors and

nothing about the Vesco arrest and could not Hope was back at hi! north Hollywood home Communist-led insurgentl, only six weeks into "It may take a Cew days," Lowe told a intervene in the case but promised to make and talking about Saturday night's dinner party their dry season oCfenslve, bave consolidated reporter. inquiries, the memo said. at the Palm Springs home of Walter Annenberg, their grip on all the nation'! roads, whittled down Ebrlichman, who was a top assistant to fonner Walder, who retired last year, laid the Swiss publisher and former ambassador to Britain. government troops trying to reopen the mined President Richard M. Nixon, has been sentenced Telegraph Agency he referred the U.S. caller to The Nixons were expecled to return to their Mekong and kept the capital's airport under to prison but remains free pending appeals. Geneva authorities because financial crimes San Clemente seaside home, about ISO miles daily rocket fire . He plans to work for eight Indian pueblos with were outside his competence . away, some time Sunday after a five-c funding . as well as for reduc· 10 Secollcil share ill· tr.eatment words of Jesus, "EveryOlle wt.o the proposed budget document. tions in expenditures. with the people of drinks of this •.. will thil'll.,u." Also included are funds to For the past four weeks the God than to enjoy the fleeting Only in Christ can we find ptrma· finance the provisions for a city pleasures of sin." And you can bet nent joy and utisfaction. The, lit council. with the assistance of pennanent because when we drink employee collective' t here was plenty of sin to be en· of His grace it changes our 1II11m. the city finance director. has bargaining agreement which jOyed around the palace and its en· Christ comes and dwells within Ul Police beat deliberated on the budget. virons. We are born again. The pleUWf increases fringe benefits and A pu blic hearing on the In effect, life handed Moses two of sin is external, the joy of ClINt salaries of city employees. proposed budget is schequled cups: one of palate·tlckling cham. internsl. The enjoyment of m By GREG VAN NOSTRAND pagne, the other of pure, cold ws· passes, leaving ineffaceable marka. Two capilal improvement for Tuesday, March 4. at 7:30 ter. One represented the pleasures But he who has the courage to drink Staff Writer projects called for in the p.m. in the Civic Center. of sin, the other the water of life the water of life offered by CllriIt, proposed budget are scheduled that Christ offers. and of which He seeing his sins clear·eyed, yieldhll "Disorderly" describes last Frid~y n}ght in Iowa City. Once the budget is presented said, "Whosoever drinks of the wa· his will to the Divine will, can be lib­ to come before the voters next at the public hearing. the tax ter that I shall give him will never erated from enslavement to ~L Iowa City Police charged four Ul students with disorderly November in a general levy agreed upon by the council thirst . , . (but it) will become in Christ invites you to drink HiJ cup conduct in two separate incidents at downtown Iowa City obligation bond referendum. A him a spring of water welling up to by faith. One tasre of the joy HI taverns. cannot be increased without eternal life." Moses, being a proph· offers will make the pleasura oj total of $2 .6 million will be the council holding another et, understood this. "He considered sin seem flat, stale, and unpl'9(rt· At the C.O.D. Steam Laundry, 213 lowil Ave., three men requested in the referendum public hearing. It can, abuse suffered for Christ greater able by comparison. Drink dltp. were charged afte~ what one of the pllrtlclpants elllled "get, for a new animal shelter and a however, be decreased. tlng drunk and getting in a fight" at 12: 50 a.m. Saturday. new equipment repair The council is expected to Charged were Christopher J. Poland, PI, Richard J. building. take final action on the budget The Baptist Student Union invites Bierie, Al and Kenneth Lee Thygesen, At all of Hillcrest Asubstantial reduction in the March 11 . Dormitory. budget comes from tbe ear· The budget must be submil· . you to ioin Fellowship Bible Study C.O.D. manager John Bohnenkamp refused to make any marking of other funds for the ted to the state for tax cer· statement on the bar fight. Washington Street construc· lification purposes by March tion project. 15. Pugh said. Tuesdays 6 p.m. Danforth Chapel Another UI student was charged with disorderly conduct after he allegedly hit a waiter working in the upper section of Gabe N' Walkers, 330 E. Washington, at I:30 a.m. Saturday morning. The unidentified walter returned the blow to Daniel Mar­ tinez, A9 of Hillcrest Dormitory, lind the police were called, according to owner Charles Christensen. Hurrah AP Wirephoto Earlier Friday evening a fight erupted in front of the Knights of Columbus Hall. 328 E. Washington. The fight was Hotseat broken up and no charges were filed, according to Iowa City ! Police. , Firefighters direct spray above a hall of flame that burst from " t~e Hyde Company in Climbridge, Mass. 200 persons fled Trial for Poland. Bierie and Thygesen is set for Thursday. " the general-alarm fire hut there were no injuries from the blaze Feb. 27. No date has been set for Martinez. itself. ~ Mideast leaders weigh peace Iwpes on Israeli willingness to withdraw By The Associ,ateel Press treaty," Assad said in an interview. j'This market. is not propaganda," he added. "We mean Allon told a news conference in West [sraeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said it - seriously and explicitly." Berlin after a meeting of the leadership of .. Sunday that Israeli willingness to with· the Socialist International that U.S. de· draw in Sinai will be influenced by what An Israeli army patrol killed one member of an Arab terrorist band trying fense guarantees could be useful to Israel Egypt is willing to do in return, both but that he knew of none being made so far . "political and strategic." to infiltrate north of the village of Shetula He also said general world detente would along the Lebanese border, the military "I do not accept any guarantees unless do more to assure Israel's security than command said. The patrol recovered [srael will be capable of defending herself any formal American defense guarantee, weapons, explosives, grenades, a loud· . . . Of course an understanding of all I It's south of the border for a great casual fashion look. Lots of tiny bands weave round and speaker and leaflets demanding the which has been widely mentioned as part possible important countries in the world through for this foot·hugging huarache. And so comfortable! The release of imprisoned Arabs. can help to creale a political situation wooden sits atop a flexible rubber sole. Viva huarachel (Jonnls. of a settlement. In Beirut. the Popular Democratic Front which will make another war impossible or Latigo or natural. Syrian President Hafez Assad told claimed responsibility for the raid and at least less feasible," he said. Newsweek magazine that Syria would be willing to sign a formal peace treaty with identified the slain Arab as Kassem Had· Allon said detente was good for Europe , Israel if the Israelis relinquish all Arab dad, leader of the infiltrators. The PDF and added : "Our European friends can Shoe Center lands occupied in the 1967 war, and if the said the guerrillas had been sent to take render us an indispensable service by in· occupied west bank and Gaza Strip are hostages and demand the release of Greek sisting that detente should also include the Downtown Iowa City made a Palestinian state. Catholic Archbishop Hilarion Capudji and Middle East." Although Israel has consistently four guerrillas from Israeli jails. Msgr. Capudji was convicted of gunrunning for Israeli newspapers said American • rejected these conditions, it was the guarantee~ were an attempt to persuade strongest statement Assad has made on Arab guerrillas inside Israel and sen· tenced to 12 years in prison. Israel to soften its position. The religious record on the possibility of an agreement newspaper Hamodia said Israel will find it with Israel. In Jerusalem, Israeli police said they difficult to reject U.S. guarantees "When everything is settled it will have dismantled a large bomb found concealed "especially since it is continually applying to be formalized with a formal peace in a bag of vegetables at an open-air to Washington for aid ."

LEVELS OF REST TRANSCENDENTAL CMIIlje In metalle r.te MEDITATION + ..... is an objective, systematic technique for enhancmg the quality of an individual's life. Scientific research has shown that TM has profound effects on the nervous system, producing a unique state of rest, deeper than that of sleep, resulting in increase.d awareness and superior physiological functioning.

The physiological, psychological and soolologioal results of the regular practice of TM will be disoussed by teachers of Transoendental Medltation at Introduotory leotures on: Monday,Feb.24 . Tuesday,Feb.26 8pm 2:30 and 8 pm Physics Building Minnesota Room Lecture Room 2 IMU ..... 'nIe Dally 10wlD-lotra City. 10 __MOIl. , Feb. U. 11'75-.,. 3 • WA RM • Issues UP • rampUS (fj)@~@~ Faculty bargaining SU ITS • ~RTHE Rich & Don's • ATHLETE. -... to be discussed at forum NYLON, Hair Flair • ACRILAN • Camp .. N.ttl. a new feature beeinnin, today in Tb Dally 1974 to regulate statewide will Include a "careful n­ OR • I...... 15 compiled from announcements of Interut from an By VALERIE SUWVAN CRESLAN ~lK parts of the UI campus. Those wishlne to contrIbute simIlar Staff Writer public employee collective plaaation" or collective WITH items may call Lynn Klamltin. Campu~ Noles Editor. 353-6210. bargaining proc~dures . in­ bargaining terms, an ex­ 1"11' OFFEHII\'t; t:OMPLf.'TE ST.-tiNt; from 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday. A raculty forum on collective cluding the question of unit planation of collecllve JACkETS bargaining will be held at 4 RECK EA TION EDUCATOR WILL VISIT SOVIET UNION determination (the grooping of balIallllllg procedures III the 'ROM FOR ME" {~ IIDJlfEiV Departing March. (or a week In the Soviet Union is J.h p.m. Tuesday in Lecture Room employees for collective state and the role the PERB ONLY ,11.71 Nesbitt. assoc. prof. of educallon recreation. Nesbitt will visit I, PhySiCS Building. bargaining purposes ) and will play III collective SIX TRAINED SPECIALISTS in Haircutting. Hair Moscow. Leningrad. and surroundlRg areas IR a trip sponsored The forum . sponsored by Ute bargaining agent represen· bllrgaini.nJli dedJlons. JDII IILSDI', coloring. and Pennanent waving by the World Leisure and Recreation Association. Ul Faculty Senate. is to inform tation. Anderson also emphasized FOR SPORTS Ph. 338.4286 FIVE STUDENTSTO TEACH IN fRENCH SCHOOLS faculty of fundamental collec­ The decision to sponsor the the availability to faculty of Five UI students have been nominated for exchange tive bargaining issues. Peter ~11Il E;Jsl ('"II,·!!,· \I Tuesday forum was made at a collective bargaining 0P(>II i· i. M·S prolrams with the French Ministry of Education. Kim SlIIltb. Pashell. executive director of Feb. 4 VI Faculty Council materials. including collective OPEN TONITE G. ""arle Print. G. and Marda H.. ltl ... G. are scheduled to the State Public Employment teach In French secondary schools next vear. Elle .. meeting. At the meeting. as in bargaining research infor­ McQama • • G. h.. been nominated for an tlchuge prolrlm Relations Board (PERB ) will past meetings. faculty council mation and information from with the University of POllieu. Sua •• t 8ro ..8. G. has been be the guest speaker at the members expressed concern prospective faculty bargaining nominated for the CAR EL lan,ua,e proeram In Royons forum. according to Duana An­ over the general faculty agents. derson. associate professor of ignorance of collective The materials - on reserve SOCIAL WORK STUDENT STUDIES SHIPBOARD education. bargaining procedures. in the UI Main Library since Social work major J"tt Harris. At. Is one of 520 coilele Under a law passed by the Members agreed. as a October - have been used little sludents aboard ship In Chapman College 's World Campus 1974 Iowa Legislature. all UI possible option open to all UI by faculty. according to Ander­ Mloat program Harris will work toward her degree while faculty and staff will be eligible visiting many world ports during her tour. faculty. faculty should be son . to bargain collectively for aware or collective bargaining He said any faculty member wages and working conditions procedures and p(lS5ibiJities. may request the information at beginning July 1. 1976. According to Anderson. the main information desk of OLD GOLD SUMMER FELLOWSHIPS ANNOUNCED PERB was established in topics at the Tuesday forum library. Twenty·one Old Gold Fellowships have been awarded to UI the faculty members from recommendations made by the Unlver· sity Research Council Funded by the UI and a $2 .000 can · tribution from the sludent Colleglale Associations Council. the fellowships have been awarded 10 • Women's week brings lecturers Robert Coffman, Chemistry. to prepare a ZDO moleCUlar or· bllal analYSis of a five ·coordlnale Cotlll complex. a proposed electronic model for lhe "actlYe coenzyme B-12" COlli 1 can· By PAITY MASTERS An informal luncheon with pression. She also has ap­ lainlng fragmenl : peared in films on the black I Andrew T, Co"art. Polilical Science, to assess Ihe budgetary Special to The Dally Iowan Rev. Piccard will be at the process In Oslo : A series of lectures will be United Campus Mmlstry at 1 struggle and the women's I David Curry. Business Admlnlstrallon . to develop a presented in Iowa City from p.m. on Feb. 25. Her speech movement. A reception for methodology for statistical paltern recognition WIth learning February 25 to March 8 as part will be delivered at 7;30 p.m. in Kennedy will be given prior to \ using the Bayes theorem , of the International Women's her lecture at 4 p.m . in the UI PUer feldsteln. Art and Art History. to prepare I Shambaugh Auditorium. photographIc Investlgallon of death and transfiguration : Week and in conjuncl1on with . The film "Taking Our Bodies Collelle of Law lounge. I y John D. Fl •• Physics and Astronomy. 10 use the radio the United Nation's Inter· Back : the Women's Health telescope at Ihe Areclbo Radio Observatory In Puerto Rico for Oawnine Martinez will read national Women's Year or 1975. Movement" will be shown at 4 poetry at 7;30p.m, on March 4 observations of OH emIssion from IR stars. The lectures will be free and p.m. and 7 p.m. FetS 28 and at Rosalyn M . Fronk. SpanIsh And Portuguese. to complete I at the Women's Resource and open to the public. book on the relalionshlp of the Basque language to Ihe noon and 2 p.m. March I and 2 Action Center followed by a languages of the Indo·European group: The lectures. being spon­ at the Women's Resource and John Glad. Russian. 10 prepare a combination anthology and sored by the Women's Resour­ discussion of the roles and Action Center, 3 E. Market S1. status of women. history of basic texts," Russian literary criticIsm : ce and Acl10n Center. will The black feminist and civil William 1.. . Grar. Geography . to analyze the Impactorsubur· o ban developmenl On drainage networks . feature Stale Sen. Minnetle rights attorney, Florynce Talks concerning the aspects William Hibbard. Music. to compose a concerto for viola and Doderer. D-Iowa City. Asst. Kennedy. will speak on or Bbortion legislation will be cham ber orchestra : Iowa Ally . Gen . Roxanne "Minorities Oppression - A led by Sen , Doderer and Ass!, Robert A. Kennedy. Botany. to slud'y photosynthetic metabolism of 14·CO·2 to alanine In C·4 plants: Conlin. Civil Rights Atty . 1975 Perspective" at 8 p.m. AUy , Gen Conlin in Sham­ Rudolf E. Kuenzli. Comparative Literature and English. 10 Florynce Kennedy. the Rev. March 31n tbe Union bliliroom. baugh Auditonum. Following analyze N!etzsche's theory of language and modern poetry: Jeannette Piccard and Poet Founder of the Feminist the talks a panel discu Ion William Roger Kuper mllh . English. to complete re.rarch Dawnine Martinez. Party. Kennedy is the author 01 with the general audience will To a better, healthier, slinmer you for a book on Horatian and Juvenallan sat Ir. in England. U 1600·1802 : Activities will climax with a books on abortion and OJ)- be conducted. Pbillp C. Kutzko. Mathematics. to e>lend results In deter· women's rair and festival at mining representations o( linear groups over loca I fields . the Unitarian Church, 10 S. at the l\opal ~ealtb (entrt Valerie M . Ligorio. English , to complete paleographic Gilbert SI. on March 8. the 65th research and textual criticism of 11 Vatican manuscript projects : Internalional Women's Day. Candidate questionnaires Philip A. Ostlen. Philosophy . to continue Investigations In Members from different naturalistic epistemology: Iowa City women's groups will Ann Elizabeth Reedy . Computer Science. to Investigate discuss the goals of their In order to provide infor­ Room 20lN Communications some formal properties of Lindenmayer systems: Naomi Schedl, Home Economics. to create empty cradles­ organizations at the festival mation to student voters in the Center and in the Student Ac­ three·dimenslonal woven forms : and potluck dinner between 5 Feb, 27 Student Senate elec­ tivities Center in the Union. for John W. Scbweltzer. Physics and Astronomy . to develop a and 10p.m. tion . The Dally Iowan is candidates unable to be at the theory or mixed valence rare earth metallic compounds: distributing written question­ Indiana Room. To the first 25 women to call and set up their K.D. Stroyan. Mathematics. to study applications of non · A speech on the role of standard analysis. women in church leadership by naires to candidates. Questionnaires must be appointment for FREE TOUR and fitness analysis. Edward A. Wasserman. Psychology. to further analyze Rev Jeannette Piccard will The questionnaires will be returned to the DI no later than CAll NOW, you have nothing to lose autoshaping : kickoff the actiVities Feb. 25. first available at 4; 15 p.m. noon Tuesday. Late question­ Stephen Gyo Zalma, Art and Art History. to continue work on Rev . Piccard was ordained by today in the Indiana Room of naires cannot be considered. but pounds and Inches. lubular sculpture WIth emphaSIS on new materials. their placement and use , the Episcopal ministry at the the Union . They will also be Results will be printed in age of 80 last year. available after 6:30 p.m. in Wednesday's DI. l\oval ~ealtb (entrr .3.S1-5577 Noon - 10 m Monda turda noon - 4 Sunda GRAnD filIAtE men's goldenrod, bib overalls PUT am rust, red by OSHKOSH " S3Z a GOSH .

the menls dept. 112 e. college WOMEN'S DEPT. THINGS HOSHEKS

• IS now on at .•. The Deluxe Huskee features a X lb. char-broiled chop­ ped beefsteak burger. tangy melted cheese. shredded lettuce. tomato. onion. pickles and mayonnaise all on a Coke toasted sesame bun. "TH£ IIfA/. THING" OHardee s Food McGURK-MEYERS MOTORS, INC. Hwy. 6 W. Coralville Phone 338-9491 Page 4-Tbe Daily Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa-MOIl., Feb. Z4,1975 ~------~

D1lily Iowan Interpretations ,

~ bw oIh thi, Yo' edl 'On The Road' to' for nin Some strange ideas about the way our society psyche. the automobile industry cast aside the vis works crop up in strange places. Like the liberal Sfl fuel-sa ving innovations of Charles Ketterling me .:New York Times. and turned to the inevita ble gas guzzler of today. ( A recent Times story reports that almost fifty A basic need. an appropriate response. The neE Vol years ago Charles Ketterling. a pioneer Times' scenario gives the automobile industry YOI automobile engineer. foresaw the day when the aura of a model institution. But to do so. it ( petroleum supplies would run short and the auto must ignore the millions of dollars spent by the ~industry might face ruin . Ketterling recommen- industry these past 50 years in an effort to link ded a smaller, lighter car with changes in the big , fast cars with every man's dreams of engine and transmission which would allow wealth . sexual conquest and the freedom of the major gasoline savings. All these features were open road. A foolish investment if these needs :possible in 1925 and all are in the process of being run as deep in the American soul as the Times implemented today . implies. The Times article goes on to ask the logical question : what took so long? The answer the ar­ If advertising is not as seductive as Vance }icle provides is as intriguing as the question. Packard would have us believe, it can hardly be 'Detroit produced inefficient cars, the Times discounted as one important source of our ideas argues, because "The buying public wanted on what life can be . Advertising campaigns at­ bigger cars. more power, higher sp.eed. more tempt to create needs. not merely reflect them. room and comfort, and a smooth ride. Detroit The automobile industry and the system it ex­ wanted bigger sales and larger profits." ploits must take more credit for the segregation The Times, it seems. has discovered a new in­ of the suburbs, the demise of mass transpor· stinct. a primal urge which can take its place tation and the waste of resources than the Times 'CAlL ALIIIT, YOU GIIASID THE Ro-o-o-o-o-o-o-OPEI' alongside food and sex ; the horsepower drive. would have us believe. Jon Kolb Responding to this inherent need in the human ~~_tt_e_~~c>:3J__ ~~~------t c-R II unquestionably good stuff" (sic). Although Cact that snowmobile registration fees go riders, boaters, and all the rest of the Pay the Piker law school. Some of the best current fiction its connoisseurs are not a majority, there the state prohibits us from using Federal population that flocks to our recreation I have ever read. We \bought, though, that TO THE EDITOR : are many people who enjoy listening to it. Parks. Don't boat registration (ees, areas? Discrimination? We think so. And if your intrepid reporter was playing 8 little The Des Moines Sunday Register has There is no need for WSUI to change its camper registrations. auto registrations the rules are outdated and need a little TO THE EDITOR: Cast and loose with the facts, and I am 'c . f t th t t ? h . We resent the UPS Lecture Committee's published the results of a Columbia programming ; there are many radio and a ny llensing ee go 0 e s a e. rewriting to accomodate t e tunes, we taking it upon myself to do a little pro bono stations to suit many tastes. Yet the Federal Government spends saY,"Let's get it done"!!, invitation of John Dean to speak in Iowa work and fill you in . University study on prominent Amerlcan cou tl th d ' tb ' k 'city. The $3,500 is an outrageous amount to universities. The survey of over 1,000 In short, if Mr. Schuster doesn't like the n ess ousan s m IS very par Norm Fanning we're speaking about for picnic tables, pay a crook for something he enjoys doing .deans of professional colleges and content of WSUI, he doesn't have to listen Of all the characters wandering the halls lawn mowing, garbage removal, docks, R.R. 3

I I WANTED: UPS Travel o LOOK into the engine.ring opportuniti •• open in rural elec­ trification and telephony • ASK your Placement Office for pamphlets telling what Ihe COl11l11ittee Members Rural ElectriAcation Administration offers for a challenging career with all advantages of Federal Civil Service I SIGN UP for a penonal interview wilh the AlA Recruiting Applications are now being taken Representative who will be at your Placement Office FEBRUARY27,1975 .--:-- for positions on the UPS Travel

NO DI5CIlIoIIN.'ION Committee. We are looking for individuals willing to learn & develop :" skills in the areas of: niversity of Iowa I. .travel coordination Dance Company .communications .public relations In Concert .graphic design Guest Choreographer .advertising Farn Daniel Negrin Any student who has a high interest in travel Rosisg With Choreography by J. Allen, J. Carlson, and is willing to devote much time in planning I Ski equi M. Delaney, A. Ludwig and P. Penney and coordinating group trips is encouraged to make application by Friday, February 28, 8.00 P. M. 5 pm Wednesday, February 26th StudentS $2 Non-Students $3 Activities Center, IMU Tickets aK1i1cJble at Halcher Box Office I· . : 707 7th Ave" Mlrlon 1=1 Hancher Auditorium Iowa Center for the Arts I For more Information. call 353- 5257 ..... Page 5-TIIe Dally 10w811-lowa City ,Iowa-Mon., Feb. U, lt75

Is this a play we see before us? AFROTC announces the ex pansion of its 2- and 3-yea , scholarship program. Men and women can now compete fOI' ... scholarships in such aca demic majors as Computer Lack of focus, "energy plagues 'Macbeth' Technology, Civil. Aerospace, Aeronautical, Electrical, Archi­ tectural. Mechanical. Astr~ When the curtain fises on the woodeD clubs aloog side of When the three weird sisters spurring Macbeth to do the There are scenes where the to the back of the stage? Why nautical, and Industrial present production of William Lady Macbetb's electric red (Jaye Max. Diana Shaheen. deed. But can one find, in this stage is filled with people sit­ does Lady Macbeth wear a Engineering: Math; Meteorol· ogy; and others. Shakespeare's Macbeth. we dress slit up the sides to UIe Linda Lyzenga) give their production, why Lady Mac­ ting stock-still, gracefully layered Jeannie C, Riley wig? are in a pagan dawn of hips witb sborts underneatb. prophecy of kinghood for Mac­ beth wants her husband on the listening to Macbeth pretend, Why do the weird sisters wear Contact Capt. Bill Boyd civilization. Rites and for­ No focus . throne? afros when "something wicked beth and future kings issuing for instance, that he is seeing At~ 7. Armory.V.'v.oflowl malities abut oddly with a The script for Macbetb has from Banquo, Macbeth im­ Macbeth is middleaged. and BanQuo's ghost. this way comes"? Te stage built of jutting, slating definite incongruities. It Is in mediately goes into deep childless. Why is Macbeth we The finest moment during In short. what is the unifying for a complete list of available Uw ignaeous protrusions. An iron the production that these brooding. meet obsessively concerned Saturday night's performance vision behind this proiluction of scholarships. You can be on ph age of Scotland: cold, drear, should be resolved. As one wat­ with Banquo's children suc­ of Macbetb is the scene where Macbetb' your way to a college scholar­ po gnarled, the sound of metal on ches this production. one What has been sleeping in his ship and an Air Force Officer's ceeding to the throne? Lady Macduff. (Sharon Mac betb 1l:as directed by c{)fT1mission. sci metal, or metal on bone . should ask : Why does Mac­ breast these many years that The difficulty of finding an­ Williams) and her sons Cosmo A. Cataillo. Tbe this glimmermg possibility 90 beth (played by Addison swers in this production lie (Joshua Eskin and Tim production design II by Alan B. Coarsely-clad people. in awakens? SIT Huck Finn pants and mac­ Myers. UI acting teacher! do with it being vague and tired, Weston ) are murdered by Mac­ Pellenberg. The music Is by an the things he does? Why mur­ Macbetb says "ambition." and consequently most or beth 's two cutthroats. (Craig Peter Elsea. TIIe.performance , rame. begin pat­ But what, for Macbeth. Is am­ der Duncan, his king and what 's happening on stage is Impink and Scott Whited). nIDI approximately two hours tering across the 'back of the bltlon? A desire to rise In tbe Port of Entry Lounge be patron ? difficult to believe. Everything works . or rather. and 15 minutes. .. stage, either looking for or social scale? Do we see In tbls New Menu4-IOpm fleeing war. And enveloping Duncan (Ken Kurtenbach) everything actually happens. The Tragedy of Macbeth. at Hi Tide 3-6 pm Oft in this production is doddering production a man overly coq· The play overall. is slow, the E. C. Mabie Theatre. will their world is this eerie elec­ cerned with protocol or rank? One doesn't really believe E nte'rtainment tronic dron ing . near senility - an apparently that Macbeth has murdered ponderous. careful. There is lit­ run through March 1. There once physically powerful man Is it greed? Do we find Duncan, or that I..ady Macbeth tle internal excitement. and are matinees at 2 p.m. on 5:30·1:30 Which brings the question : now left with only a powerful evidence of Macbeth as a returns to that ghastly cham­ consequently little action. The Februa ry 24 and 25. For all why electronic anything on this voice. and that sometimes greedy man? Or is Macbeth a ber and becomes smeared with . set is partially at rault. It other performances. curtain unspecific prehistoric bat­ cracks. On the other hand Mac­ person wan ling power fo~ the Duncan's blood .. doesn't do anything . for the time is 8 p.m. For ticket infor­ tlefield? beth-age about 4S?-is still DOry' sake of having it ? The overriding impression Is play ; it never becomes part of mation call Hancher Box Of­ And thus, In the opening strong : he is the hero of the [s Macbeth a tool for his wife. of tbeir having walked off state the play - although visually it fice . 353-6255. moments, we are faced wilh present war: he is a favorite a woman who knows his lato the wings so as to have a is interesting for awhile . -Beth Simon the underlying problem wblch with the king : and by Scottish weaknesses and uses them to reason to come back on stage Why is there a lengthy drop YORGO'S BIT v ...... ,n." ... standards of the time. he is her' own advantage? Lady plagues the entire show. Where and S.BY some speeches. That's Gilbert & Washington are we? What time is It? especially well-off. Macbeth (Amy Burk Wright) whjlt most of this production Sat.l0-5pm Soldiers carry hand·bewn Why does he want to be king? has some good moments while ultimately is: speeches. Sun. t2-6pm Mon. to-9 ...... WHkdays 10-6 survival line the greenery NOW -ENDS WED. FElLIN I THE DEVIL By MARK MEYER FELLIN I THE LOVER offering green plants FElLINI THE FANTASTIC women ' s hunting and Bean. Inc .• Freeport. Maine . to obta in such a van . - 12 years and younger, 50 cen­ at snowmobile boots. Now would for their catalogue. They stock Fortunately. our reader did ts one way: ages 13-59. 75 cents fellini's be a particularly good time to and boots for every pur­ find transportation to the doc­ one way ; age 60 and over, 50 reasonable I am looking for a woman's shop for insulated boots pose and of any type tor. A neighbor withh a camper cents one way for non-mem­ AMARCORD lea th er insulated with because of end-of-the-season imaginable. for both men and pickup and a make-shift ramp bers. and 25 cents for mem­ prices [R] foam insulation, the kind that sales. Phone numbers for these women . provided the necessary ser- bers. Is used for outdoor work. So establishments are listed in the vices. . For additional membership Times: 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 far. I bave located this type of yellow pages under "Sporting SEATS Survival Line staffer Elinor and service information , call 68¢ - $35 boot for men. but the small Goods. Retail. " Presson , while during her the SEATS toll free number. men 's sizes pre still too large However. an insulated boot I am a 74-year-old woman In research , came up with the 800-332·S934. for my foot . I have checked may not suit your purposes. a whee[chair. I need to go to tbe following additional infor­ every local sboc store looking Fred Grice of The Campsite, doctor, but I can't afford to go mation on SEATS. Any John­ Send your consumer for this boot. Could Survival 405 59th St. in Des Moines. In the ambulalDce and it Is im­ son County resident can take problems and complaints to Line do some InvestigatIon'! I asserts that hikers don 't want possible to get out of the van In· advantage of its services, Survival Line, 201 Com· HOYA have several friends who would insulated boots. A hiking boot to a car. Could Survival Line however. regardless of age. municatios Center, Iowa City, also like to purchase a pair of isn 't temperature-insulated help locate a van that I could SEATS travels everywhere in Iowa, 52242, or call us on Wed· hindu rope these boots. - SMP because insulated boots don't role my cbalr Into,like on Iron­ the county , with planned ser­ nesdays from 7-9 p.m. at You should be able to find have the support features of a sides?-CO vice to specific cities on certain 353-6%20. 3" pot - $l.28 what you want in local sporting There seems to be no public hiking boot. Wool are days. Four days a week the pa goods stores. Try the Fin and u se d f o r warmth . transportation in Iowa City program provides urban ser­ PIPES & He Feather Sports Center at 923 S. Snowmobilers and hunters. equipped to handle this type of vice . Citizens desi ring tran­ Riverside Dr.: Iowa City Spor­ however. who do a lot of stan­ problem. SEATS (State sportation should. if possible. 10¢ PAPERS ting Goods at 401 S. Gilbert St.: ding or sitting, are more in Elderly Area Ten Transpor­ contact SEATS at least one day Iowa Gunrack Inc ., Highway I need of insulation than support, tation System ) does not yet in advance for a reservation. NEMOS in Solon : or the John Wilson thus their boots are foam-in­ have a van with a ramp. They Costs for the services are : Coralville & Downtown Mall ' CROSSWORD PUZZLE stores at 408 College Sl. and at sulated. hAve applied for a grant. and If Edited by WILL WING ~ga the Ma Ii. Ask about their If all else fails, write to 1..1, . it is approved, they will be able DOONESBURY ACROSS 51 Tom places 2f ConcubJnes' 52 Stake a~ent I Rime 53 Mountain nymph 25 Violin maker 5 Greek letter 55 Hindu nursemaid 2t -inon 10 Nipa palm 51 Secret place 27 Makes out barely 14 Johnson of TV 10 Sandpiper 28 Earth circle: 15 Eastern religion •• Yield Abbr. Te 16 Finished, for U .. -sana .. ... a2 Viewpoint ou short a More undJ,mIJed 33 UnearthJy .7 Alley sollnd M Pitcher 54 Vogue 18 Appearance: DOWN 31 German wife Suffix sa Certain sale .1 Russian sea I Kind of actor terms 20 Ski resort 2 Prospector'. 40 Detective., at 22 Theater area quest tilllel 23 Do a sprinl 3 From-Z 41 Kinsman: Abbr. chore 4 Fixes leftoven 42 Witches' brew 2t Pound 5 Breaklut fare Inare

By KRIS CLARK their lime is declared invalid, the team of Nancy Aut. 8portI EdItor MacMorris, Seig, Gunderson and Eicher may Micblgan State, one of two schools in the Big still have a chance to go to Arizona . Ten to offer athletic scholarships to women, let At the same time at the Big Ten gymnaJljcs the rest of the league know what it will take to tournament in Madison. Wis., Mic:blgan State produce top:caliber teams, during tournament wu embarassing the rest of the Big Ten once action over the weekend. again. The Spartans finilbed In the top three At the Big Ten women's swimming meet in places in every event except the balance beam, PERSONALS LOST AND FOUND HELP WANTED I CLASSIFIED AD BLANK I , the Spartans where they gave up only a third place. Michigan r------~ Terre Haute, Ind .. outdistanced I Wri...... II~.. o"' ~lr loruc:llw.. tI : 1_. their nearest competitor by 250 points: a State finished one. two. three in all·around also. SEEKING people who h.ve done FOUND · Sum 01 money. MELROSE Day Care, tucher, ~3O I. 1. 1. 4. I . phenomenal margin. Michigan State totaled 505 The Spartans' 1'1.1 poInts ....1tMced tbeIr lire doing I prllNl therapy. Call must Identify. 3S3.f203 after 6 • . m.·12 noon, Monday-Friday, eJ(. S. L I ,. points. Indiana. the other school offering doIest cllalleqer by 15. Wi,•• , eame .. Stellen, 33'-2064, between 11-12 ______~=:perlence preferr~, $2 .15 •• scholarships to women, had 250, Michigan second with 8U, followeel by ~ State aDd lea ve message. SlS reward-Lost Siberian HUSkY,I;======:::~ t . _...... 10 ...... , • 11. 11. I ' scored 249 and the rest followed. Iowa, the WHAT God SlysAbout Dating and male, "Lobo", black.gray.l...... I ...... _ .. illinois. Iowa toot Ie¥ftlth wltJIa • •• total. Marriage : A seminar, March t, 351 -0102 3. II. I smallest squad at the meet with five swimmers " Michigan State just walked allover COL LEG E CAM PUS I ' IMU, Indiana Room ~Innlng to LOST Favorite Kitten between 17. 10...... 1 and three diven, came in ninth with 73 points. everybody. They were rea lly something to see ," .;,.,;....mc:.,. __-.:..2.,:.27 ______phone company . and REPRESENTATIVE " " ''e lectriC. Copy ing too 35H330 ' months old. 354·3970. 2.25 IAVAILABLE March I- Two bed· . ., ~~'1~- ... 3.61 room .parlment also rooms with ' AndUieBec:rbll ...... Tho!·nay....,...... Prot ...... 0.9.,-· I' ! cook i n~ erlvil eges. Black's . AIta.o. .L_ ·~ nat - ~l • lea ' "'II 00· PROFI!SSIONAL typing, car...... uaa II .... room ri ." ...... ,- ..... , .... 650 b ilt "--" 10 THE BUDGET SHOP GSta. slig t Iliage, r.. •....I'-' ..... youYecnjoyedthofinimJCIl _ . 'Same . 011'"",., GOOD used refrlgeralor with r ibborl, etectric, Notary Public. .... , re u ,C'...... -v ~22 Br03w. 2n7 '~ 1 large freezing compartment. CaU Call Kathy, 338-.09.. 2·21 22305. Riverslcle Drive f !.a.--Beerfrom MiUer.. ~ · 3734 . 2-25 ) THREE·bedroom apartment- ' . ....Ie' -=-'0.==----=-==------'1 SCIENTIFIC manuSC~ i pts , 'term • HONDA5-CB 750K''"1 799 Cal Trildes P.perback Books Two full balhs; water, appliance$, • 1:'--.110.:...... 1..- • L___ L...-_ papers, theses. Experienced sec: ~. , . "'t We sell clofheson consign. drapes furnished. Shag carpeting . ~.1""')'OU-""II\r.wantedma.~And~ TEXT on Pathology , retary, reliable. Lorralne,360G- S998. Noelllracharges. AI menf ' throughout, centralair. Avaiiable . Blochomlstry, Micro and 338.5025. 2.2. ~eI5 . on sale now. Bea! Ihe Call338-34taforlntormaUon February l. 5275. 351 -0152 3-21 " . M. c roe can 0 m I c s ; price ra,se. Order now, paV In tha' . . " Distributed by MELLICKER D ISTRIBUTIN G CO, Duprew·Molecular Blologv of the . PROFESSIONAL TYPtNG ;spring. Stark's Spo~t ShOp, Prair. "siu vacuum cleaners re.tIona TWO room apartment: ~'s .; 'lle 354-3225 C.,I. Chip, 338 ·3... , leave V~ry reasonable, experlencedl du Ch ien, Wi se . Phon, 'bly priced. Brandy's Vacuum ) Gaslight Village, .22 Brown L....;",,:--__ ~ ______Coralvl.:::::.::~.::::_.:~~:.....:~::.::~ ______J • .;.;,rneIMIII==:.:.. --...:2;,,;-2;.;..7-~_=__.,_0_la_'_35_I_. 1_243_. ______2-24 1,l26.W8. 3·21 losl -1453, 3-Z IStreet . 3·J ~ne. No let-up after Hawks rout UNI Y.our focal agent IDr

By'BILL HUFFMAN Patten following FrIday nlgbt'. Holm , who seemed to be Steven's pbmed UNI's CUI Gable said he feels the Hawks Staff Sportswriter matcb. " I don 't Imow bow playing with his opponent in IlfIIm In Z: l' .... DOW Is zu.t. are ready and willing to grab After a convincing 31-3 vic· they 'll do in the tournaments, the first two periods, made his Other winners for the Hawks some titles. tory over Northern Iowa but you can bet they'll sbow move on Hal Turner in the final included Tim Cysewski (126). "We've got the momentum Friday night in the Field weIJ because they bave sucb period. With about two Jim Rizutti (l67t and un­ flowing teamwise and in­ Call 354·2424 . House, Iowa 's wrestling team balance." minutes remaining Dan Holm defeated 177-pounder Chris dividually." said Iowa 's had a chance to lay back and It was that combinallon made his last pin befQre the campbell. biggest name in wrestling. enjoy its 17-0-1 season record - which led to the victory Friday home fans. Hopefully it won't As a sidelight to the evening " We 're the team to beat. the best dual meet mark in the night before 7.683 "hard-core " be his last. Hawkeye backers were treated Everybody seems to know that. nation in 1974-75. Iowa and UNI wrestling fans. 10"1 's other fill for tbe to 2.100 burgers by John Stasi's I 'd say - especially us,. " Only momentarily, however. UNI grabbed a 7-4 lead early, evening came It 190 where Burger Palace. The Big Ten tournament It was pure pleasure until 8 but Iowa 's Brad Smith made it ever.lmprovlng Greg Stevens Iowa wrestlers now tum to begins this weekend at Colum­ a.m. Saturday. Then. unlike a short·1i ved one . kept bls wlnnIIIgstrelk IDled. tourney time. Asst. Coach Dan bus, Ohio. previous Saturday mornings Smith . wrestling in the following meets. Gary Kur­ feature match against UNl's delmeier's No. 1 wrestling all·American Ken Snyder. put squad started preparing for the together a hard·fought 2·1 Trackmen weak in IUinois Classic ~~~ first of four weekend practice decision to get the momentum sessions. Two workouts Satur­ flowing for the Hawks. It was By NICK QUARTARO Bobby Lawson was tbe lone Individual winner day, two Sunday, two Monday I-I at the end of three periods, Staff Sport.wrlter for tbe Hawks, capturing first place In tbe 60 and so on . Just when some but Smith. who has been It was a dissatisfying weekend in Champaign yard dasb with a time of .'-3 seconds. Bill might think the season is over. defeated only once this year for the Iowa track team. The Hlwks were com­ Kaoedel took secood In tbe blgb Jump, c1elrlng it's really just beginning for peting in the Illinois Classic, one of the premier seven feet. Photo bV J (24-1-0 ). won the rugged match Tryin' . Kurdeh:neier and Co. on exactly one minute of riding midwestern relays. Pole vaulters Dave Nielsen and Kent Ander­ "Not many teams can boast time. 2·1. "We should have stayed right at home. It was son both made it into the finals of that event, but Iowa's Mark Mysnyk tries to get away from UNl's Dave more talent than Iowa has tbis Following Chuck Yagla's just one of those bad days. I hope that we 've got failed to place. The shuttle hurdle entry. com­ Cunningham Friday night. Iowa won 31-8. year, " said UNI's Coacb Cbuc" superior decision over the Pan­ It out of our system now because we've got our prised of Bill Hanson, Ron Oliver, Jim Jensen ther's Dick Briggs at ISO. work cut out next week at Illinois. With Dick and Mike Fiesler, finished fourth and Joe Robin­ Iowa 's other co-captain. Dan Eisenlauer not running it left us without a little son took a fifth in the broad jump . Holm . wrestled his final dual spark that we needed . Next week we'll have "There was some real good competition. I Gophers edge lou:a, 68-67 match of his Hawkeye career. Dick and Rod Wellington back so we'll be thought that Drake. that won two relays. and stronger," explained Coach Francis eret­ minute lapse in the first half. table lead until Iowa's Larry It was a fitting ending of Illinois were probably the top teams," said Cret­ By BRIAN SCHMITZ lowa's only starting senior. zmeyer. zmeyer. Sports Editor Minnesota 's Bill Musselman Moore got a hot hand and could have been saddled with brought the Hawks back from a Last season. when Dan Frost his sixth consecutive loss to 59-52 deficit to a 61~ lead. But was playing in a game for Long Iowa . Minnesota's Chad Nelson gave his team the lead for good with Beach City College, he caught This game started out much an elbow in the head and was like the one Iowa won in Iowa a basket to make it 62-61. Jobey Dansk almost knocked out. Bleeding. City. The Hawks fell behind In the final two minutes. Frost was sent to the dreSSing 12-4 early, but the play of Frost Moore scored on a steal to close S80 room to get the deep cut stit­ and Larry Parker rallied the the margin to 66-&4 . Frost stole ched. His team trailed at half­ Ha wks to a 15-15 tie. With the the next pass and threw it to time. score 18-18, Iowa went cold. Parker who was fouled with Instead of sitting out. the The Gophers outscored the 1:20 left. Larry could have tied California junior college star Hawks 15-5. behind the it, but made only one of two. started the second half and shooting of freshman Mark Iowa received another ~hance, scored 20 points to rally his Olberding and sub Mike Thom­ however, when Minnesota's team to victory. That's the kind pson, to lead 33-18. Iowa shot 35 Thompson stepped to the line of player Dan Frost is. per cent the first half and with 27 seconds left and his Saturday afternoon in Min­ trailed 37 -27. team ahead 66-6.5 . Thompson missed the nesota 's Williams Arena . the "You'see we're just a matter 6-7 JC transfer, playing with a charity shot and the ball boun­ of five minutes away from ded into the waiting arms of broken hand that was heavily becoming an intense ballclub." bandaged. scored 23 points and Iowa center Fred Haberecht. grabbed eight rebounds in his said Iowa Coach Lute Olson. But Fred couldn't handle the "Another part of our problem flrst start for Iowa in a mono ball and it went out of bounds. tho But this time, Frost's per­ in that first half was Dan get­ giving the Gophers possession. 19th Pipe Smoking formance wasn't enough. as ting his third foul. When he had Then guard Flip Saunders went the Hawks fell to Minnesota. to sit out, we sagged. When into a Curly Neal dribbling act tow. City 68-67 in the closing seconds. Dan 's in he makes us a better and all the Hawks could do was Contest Frost, who injured the hand team." foul him . Saunders tossed in in Iowa's win over the Gophers The Gophers looked like they two free throws to end it at Thursday, Feb. 27th Jan. 25 in Iowa City, missed six were gOing to bust the game 68-65 with 10 seconds left. The games. And Iowa lost all six. open in the second half as they Gophers let Parker dri ve all 7 pm A1tho\lgh the Hawk's losing lead 41-28 after baskets by the way unmolested for Iowa 's PIPE & CURIO SHOP streak grew to seven Saturday. Olberding. who led Minnesota final basket. Stop in to reglsfer 13 S. Dubuque it was obvious that they are a with 19 points, and Mark Frost, the gutty play of better team wit h Frost. Landsberger. But the Hawks. Moore and a pressure defense Mon. 9:30-9:00 The Hawks played their best behind 43-32. outscored the almost brought Iowa out of this PRIZES I DEPRESSION ART "fOUID" game on the road all season Gophers 10·5 to trail only 48-42. dizzy tailspin. Iowa has three Tues.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 and had it not been for a five Minnesota ke t a com for- games left. _ Public Offered Let's Get REAQUAINTED (under new management) Delivery Orders Accepted Until 12:45 am 1937 U.S. GOy't Carry Out Orders Accepted Until 1:00 am Sears Tire Sale! Art Prints ------I. ~~. .:... .•_._. , .'~ I~ - COUPON* I.. 1. '. '~ . 1. ~. , .,.1 . A seritl of rare coincidnc haa led to Ihe historic dileo. of seYeral Ihousand sett of color aalique art print.lhal we "Io.t .inee 1937." Th~J Ire I' Steel Belted Silent Guard beinr offered 10 th~ public. nEANOR ROOSEVBT Offer Ends Blck i. 1937, immedialely f Special Bonul lowinr Ihe deprenio. yean, Saturday, March 1 of 25c off 30% Off Eleanor Roosevelt and I rroup of a doze. natioully your order Guaranteed 35,000 miles . lIIinenl people formed a , Must be signed ...... • 2 Steel Belts tary national comJDittee fOf before 8 pm apprecialioa to creale I. «It Your telephone number...... 2 Polyester Cord Plies 'rram thai would rive Ihe pa • Phone well-.eeded moral lift. II wu s.ee1 IIeked Ro«. Prj... Sal" PrIce Pia. F.RT. 10 Address ...... 338-7881 Silen. CuaM e.cb eooeh eooeb committee'. deci.io. select and old .ir" whlt"wllll whhewllll tlre world'. IIIOat famou. paiali C78-13 44.00 30.80 2.12 ¥Olll the 16th, 17th, 18th, I E78-14 52.00 36.40 2.47 and 20th ce.turie. - the F78-14 54.00 37.80 2.61 pai.linr' of Maliue, VI. G s G78-14 57.00 39.90 2.79 Caia.boroqh, Picauo, Ga • H78-14 61.00 42.70 Titiaa, etc., IBd to 2.94 Sears Highway PllI8enger Tire Guarantee re,n. G78-15 61.00 42.70 2.86 ~em in full eolor a. perf ILION' If you do not receive the number of milee apecified 65_00 humanly ponible aad mu. 878-15 45.50 3.06 becauoe o( your tire becoming unoerviceable due to (l) J78-15 68.00 47.60 3.05 defecta, (2) normal road hau.rd., or (3) tread wear-out, auilable 10 the pubUc al I • L78-15 71.00 49.70 3.20 W. will: At our option, eschan,e it (or a new tire or give within the reach of e'UJ'o'" Softball EquiplDent you a refund char,in, in either cue only the ABANDONED IN 1937 proportion of the then current oellin( price plua Federal Excite tax that repr ....nta olllea,e uaed. For .ome a.hown rll.1 Sale ends Friday, February 28 If the tire it uneerviceable due to an)' of the Gloves • Bats. Balls above cau.oee before 10% of the suaranteed after a quantity of Ihese bet . milea,e it received, the replacement or refund reproduction. were made, till will be made with no char,e (or milea,e received. tire projed wat aba ....ad Team Supplier Nail punctur", ",ill be repaired aL nO char... . thY coUedioa of perfect Guarantee appliee to tir.. on vehicleo I. uaed for private f.mily pu~ . duction. wat .tored a wareholUt, where the, for Uniforms u.. disturbed lince 1937, The lOll coBetti ..... cOYered" IIId leadi.r lith. ,her. and art critics qrtt Save on Clearance Tires-Dynaglass Belted '78 tile .abject malter ud ... We also do speciality lettering 4etai1 and color reprodactloa iacredibly accurale. Onr ------7------·····,---POPULAR BRAND I WHITE STAG SPEEDO .. • 2 Fiberglass Belts • 2 Polyester Plies toO.OO bad bet ....,..t tt earrned rl ... pri.ti., pili . Jogging Shoes Swim Suits Guaranteed 28,000 miles 1\est authentic oraIul 1 I ,rials are literally Clllicler' ADIDAS· NIKE . I MALE & FEMALE ilem. aad hue heu .p".... PUMA' BROOKS tile American AppraiMtw I New Selection at $7.00 each pri.t. OK. ~~~~ CONVERSE I Larger'than ever hn heel IOld, th.,. • N TIGER I lIore aun.ble. A tnIJ • 40% Off art "i.. ,eahDeat" tilat ... Size8 available: C78-13 E78-14, F78-14, G78-14 fabuloa. tift. AVAUILETO PUILIC and G78-15. (4 blackwall8 onlyt. . Now, .fter 38 , ...... ~ Wheel balancing and front end alignment available. olor 11" 114" (...... ) are '.a1ly .nil.bIt to tM .... IILSON' at $19.15 for. coDectIoI • I Quantities Limited On the Mall Sport Shop ";at.. S.. d cuh, dleck • .., order to: U.S. Sarplu, Sycamore Mall, Iowa City ·Your MOMY Bcd X28 , P. O. Bol lOS, T Mall-Shopping Center Calif. 91356. rull, ~U~ Weekdays 10-9, Saturday 9: 30-5: 30, Automotlvt' Hount; TEED. eriKal, of ••• SHOP AT SEARS Sears Phun~ 351-3600 ~londa, · .Frlda)·, ~:SO·9:00; Sunda 12-5 AND SAVE Ii.... witIa each .... Mater FREEfpARKING Saturda~ ' , !1:SO·5:lW: Sunday, Noon-5:00 IIId BnkAmerlc.rd .01' (


I: I ..... ~ .. -- ~ - ___ '