[email protected] [email protected] REPORT Megan Cook +54 (11) 5238 0991 (ARG)
[email protected] +1 (646) 233 3204 (USA) Katrina Cohen Cosentino
[email protected] Political Climate Report - ARGENTINA March 11, 2021 POLITICAL CLIMATE CLIMATE POLITICAL IN THIS ISSUE After a relatively quiet start to 2021, with the COVID-19 vaccination Page 3 Argentina extends social distancing, campaign underway, February saw the government face its largest reopens schools political crisis to date—a vaccination scandal that prompted the Page 4 resignation of the national health minister. Meanwhile, Argentina Electoral year incentives color political scenario, set up divisive elections remains under social distancing conditions but in-person classes Page 6 were reinstated throughout the country. President Alberto President Fernández starts 2021 Fernández gave an almost two-hour opening speech as the ordinary with busy international agenda sessions in Congress began, outlining priorities for the year, which Page 7 include fighting inflation, promoting economic activation and YPF successfully restructures debt, approves new president advancing a controversial judicial reform. This year Argentina will hold national midterm legislative elections, and the electoral tone is Page 8 Extraordinary sessions yield already beginning to color political discourse and shape political several laws, controversial bills positioning, increasing polarization. On the international front, the remain stalled government has been active focusing on shoring up support for its ongoing negotiations with the International Monetary Fund. Government roiled by VIP vaccination scandal, struggles to respond After a relatively quiet start to 2021, February saw the government face its largest political challenge to date—a vaccination scandal that prompted the resignation of the national health minister.