Ligne Comète Line - Remembrance Pugna Quin Percutias 82, rue de Mellery, B-1450 Gentinnes Email : [email protected] - Website : Belfius Banque – BE27 0688 9148 3173 - BIC GKCCBEBB

PROGRAM ANNUAL “COMETE” REUNION – BRUSSELS Weekend Friday 19 – Saturday 20 – Sunday 21 October 2019

FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 : Arrival of participants (many from abroad) 19.00: Optional dinner – Meet in the Hall of the Hotel LEOPOLD, 35 rue du Luxembourg, in 1050 Brussels (100m / Luxembourg Station, Place du Luxembourg, 1050 Brussels)

SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 : 09.00: Departure by coach from the Place du Luxembourg, 1050 Brussels. (Stop at B-1400 Nivelles-shopping, 12 Chaussée de Mons, in front of the Q8 Petrol Station) : R/V at 09.30: All participants wishing to join the coach at this meeting point will be returned to the same place on the return journey in the evening). Cross Mons via the station. 10.45-11.15: Arrival at Erquennes-(), on the Belgian/French frontier – The old custom House, the house of Georgette Dieu & François Bourlard. Coffee at the local Café, on the Border. 11.30 – 12.30: Quiévrain-Quiévrechain/Blanc Misseron: Walk from the station to the old Frontier Customs House, we see a monument erected to the Network of People Smugglers, we cross the small stream and arrive in at Blanc-Misseron. 12.00 – 15.00: : Station, War Monument, inscribed with the name of Charles Morelle at 8, Bld. Carpeaux, and the home of Charles Morelle, avenue Cairns, 41 – now the “Bistrot de Charles” – where we will have lunch. 15.00: Departure for Rumes. 15.30: RUMES – Inauguration of the plaque in Honour of the Comète Line Frontier Guides across the Belgian/French Border. Place Roosevelt. Drink and Exhibition. 17.00: Departure, a little detour via – Hertain – Camphin. 17.30 - Return to Brussels – Place du Luxembourg, via Nivelles-Shopping FREE EVENING: There are many restaurants on the Place du Luxembourg and the surrounding area.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 : 09.30: Departure by coach from the Place du Luxembourg, 1050 Brussels. 10.00: Surprise Inauguration in Laeken, organized by the City of Brussels. 11.30: Maison des Ailes, 1 rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels. Conference given by John Clinch (FR/EN), the story of Scottish soldiers, left behind during the Retreat to : the first Allied soldiers hidden by Comète. 12.30: Comète Lunch at the Maison des Ailes. 16.00: Departure for the Basilique de Koekelberg. 16.30 Ceremonies of Remembrance 1) The “Comète” Stained Glass Window Memorial - 2) The RAF-Belgian Branch Chapel +/- 17.45: Return by coach to Place du Luxemburg, 1050 Brussels. Glass of friendship at the Hotel de Luxembourg – END OF THE 2019 WEEKEND Very Important: INSURANCE: The organizers decline all responsibility in the event of an accident incurred during the weekend of Comète activities. Each participant must take responsibility for their own safety & subscribe to personal insurance if they wish.