Euskal Dantza / Basque Dance

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Euskal Dantza / Basque Dance EUSKAL DANTZA 08 BASQUE DANCE Oier Araolaza Arrieta BASQUE DANCE EUSKAL DANTZA EUSKAL DANTZA 08 BASQUE DANCE Oier Araolaza Arrieta BASQUE. 4 Etxepare Euskal Institutuak sortutako bilduma 1 EUSKAL DANTZA Euskara honek hamabi kultura-adierazpide bildu BASQUE DANCE The Basque Language ditu. Guztiak kate bakarraren katebegiak dira, hizkuntza berak, lurralde komunak 2 eta denbora-mugarri berberek zeharkatzen Oier Araolaza Arrieta Literatura Literature dituztelako. Kulturaren eskutik, euskararen lurraldean tradizioa eta abangoardia nola 3 uztartu diren jasoko duzu. Kulturaren leihotik, Musika klasikoa bertakoaren eta kanpokoaren topalekua Classical Music erakutsiko dizugu. Kulturaren taupadatik, 4 nondik gatozen, non gauden eta nora goazen Euskal kantagintza: pop, rock, folk jakiteko aukera izango duzu. Liburu sorta hau Basque Songwriting: pop, rock, folk abiapuntu bat da, zugan jakin-mina eragin eta 10 Euskal dantza, euskaldunon Basque Dance, Basque euskal kultura sakonago ezagutzeko gogoa 5 gorputz-hizkuntza Corporeal Language Artea piztea du helburu. Art This collection created by the Etxepare 14 `Pas de basque´ `Pas de Basque´ 6 Basque Institute brings together twelve Zinema cultural disciplines, all of them intertwined as Cinema 20 Neguko festak, inauteriak Winter Festivals, Carnival in they share language, land and history. Hand in dantzan Dance 7 hand with our culture, we invite you to witness Arkitektura eta diseinua the fusion of tradition and innovation, the Architecture and Design melding of local and foreign. In short, we invite 28 Negua joan, uda etorri, eta Winter Goes, Summer Comes, 8 you to learn where we come from, where we dantzan berriz and Dance Goes On Euskal dantza are now and where we’re heading. This set of Basque Dance books is a launchpad intended to spark your curiosity. 36 Dantza tradizionalen loraldia The Flourishing of Traditional 9 Dance Bertsolaritza Bertsolaritza 48 Dantzaldi gidatuak eta Guided Dances and the Passion 10 Tradizioak dantzazaleak for Dance Traditions 11 50 Euskal dantzarien diaspora The Basque Dance Diaspora Sukaldaritza Cuisine 56 Dantza-maitaleak Dance Lovers 12 Antzerkia Theatre 58 Sortzaile glokalak Glocal Artists 64 Dantza-egutegia Dance Calendar 68 Bibliografia laburra Short Bibliography BASQUECULTURE.EUS THE GATEWAY TO BASQUE CREATIVITY AND CULTURE EUSKAL DANTZA BASQUE DANCE Nola lortu du Mendebaleko Europako berezko How has the only indigenous language of Western hizkuntzen artean indoeuroparra ez den bakarrak Europe that is not of Indo-European origin achieved its bere lekua hartzea XXI. mendean? Zertan datza own place in the 21st century? What is Basque culture euskal kultura gaur egun eta zertan bereizten and what sets it apart from others? What international da besteengandik? Zer presentzia merezi du presence does it deserve? nazioartean? Through the books that make up this collection, the Liburu hauen bidez, Etxepare Euskal Institutuak Etxepare Basque Institute would like to offer a series of erantzun batzuk proposatu nahi ditu, beste kultura responses to reach out to other cultures and identities. eta identitate batzuei eskua luzatzeko asmoz. Elkar The better we know each other, the more we appreciate ezagutzea baita elkar estimatzeko eta ulertzeko each other. Ongi etorri. modu bakarra. Ongi etorri. Irene Larraza Aizpurua Irene Larraza Aizpurua ETXEPARE EUSKAL INSTITUTUKO ETXEPARE BASQUE INSTITUTE ZUZENDARIA DIRECTOR EUSKAL DANTZA BASQUE DANCE Basque Dance, Basque Corporeal Language 1. Aurresku. Kezka From traditional local dances to vanguard physical theatre, Basque dance dance group. Eibar offers a wide and varied spectrum reflecting a particular identity for anyone (Gipuzkoa), 2017. who enjoys dance. Thanks to the attachment Basques like to show towards their culture, a rich and spectacular repertoire of traditional dance has been preserved in the Basque Country. Moreover, it has also been able to modernise in the face of social change. An essential part of the traditional festival calendar, an integral part of performance programmes and responding to the necessary protocols of a media society, Basque dance is a key feature of daily cultural life. Within culture in general in all societies, including those based on oral culture, there is another language we use to communicate, feel, express, share and, ultimately, to live: dance. The body starts moving according to rhythmic patterns and, without any need to speak, produces sparks of communication. Women and men dance in all cultures, and Basques also have the dance instinct, that is, the need to move their bodies to music. Just 1 as oral language has been revived in the manner of a fire being fanned by a pair of bellows, so corporeal language has also been revived significantly. Thus, Basque dancers nowadays share both a rich choreographic heritage and a creative contemporary language. Euskal dantza, euskaldunon Such devotion to dance means that, to this day, local festivals, celebrations and ceremonies are full of dances. A strong choreographic gorputz-hizkuntza culture has bequeathed solid dance skills both to those that practice traditional Basque dance as well as those who are triumphing within the world of classical and contemporary dance. One only has to look at the success of so many Basque dancers all over the world. Just as the first ever dance company, created in Paris in the seventeenth century, was made Tokian tokiko dantza tradizionalekin hasi eta abangoardiako antzerki up of Basques, so today one finds Basques among the most important fisikoraino, euskal dantzak nortasun bereziko eskaintza zabala eta anitza international ballet companies. du dantzaz gozatu nahi duenarentzat. Euskaldunek beren kulturarekiko 1. Aurreskua. Kezka Numerous repeated references to Basques’ proclivity for dance have erakutsi duten atxikimenduari esker, tradiziozko dantza-errepertorio dantza-taldea. Eibar, made them a cliché. Strabo, in his description of the peoples inhabiting the aberatsak eta ikusgarriak iraun du Euskal Herrian, eta gizarte-aldaketei 2017. northern part of the Iberian Peninsula in the second century BCE, imagined egokitu ahal izateko bere burua berritzen asmatu du. Ohiko festa- them dancing; and since then, dance has often appeared in travellers’ egutegian txertatuta, ikuskizun-programazioan integratuta edo gizarte descriptions of Basques. Yet clichés, even when grounded in some truth mediatikoaren protokolo-beharrei erantzunez, dantza bizi-bizi dago as well, may clarify one area at the expense of confusing another. Realising euskal kulturaren egunerokoan. that the Basques’ language, Euskara, differs significantly from the structure Kultura orotan, gizarte guztietan, ahozko hizkuntzarekin batera bada of the languages that surround it, along the way, through cliché, Basque beste lengoaia bat komunikatzeko, sentitzeko, adierazteko, konpartitzeko, dance has been imbued with a kind of separate or distinct quality. azken batean, bizitzeko erabiltzen duguna: dantza. Gorputza patroi In the rich context of traditional European dance, Basque dance has erritmikoen arabera mugimenduan jarri eta, hitz egiteko beharrik gabe, both common and distinctive features. As regards the festival calendar, komunikazioaren txinparta pizten da. Kultura guztietan dantzatzen dira winter request circuits, archetypal masquerades, carnival celebratory emakumeak eta gizonak, eta euskaldunek ere badute dantzarako sena, programmes and choreographic genres, one might say we are the cousins hots, gorputza musikarekin astintzeko premia. Ahozko hizkuntzaren of a large family of dance, music, festivals and traditions throughout biziberritzea hauspotu duten bezala, gorputzaren lengoaia ere nabarmen Western Europe. We share one single broad and rich traditional culture, biziberritu dute. Hala, egungo euskal dantzariak koreografia-ondare even though each has its own features. Some of these particularities aberatsa eta sorkuntzarako dantza-lengoaia garaikidea eskura ditu. acquired a growing importance in Basque dance during the twentieth 10 11 EUSKAL DANTZA BASQUE DANCE Dantzarako zaletasun horrek tokian tokiko festak, ospakizunak eta century and, consequently, we began to believe that we were quite errituak dantzaz bete ditu gaurdaino. Kultura koreografiko indartsuak different. dantzari trebeak eman ditu, hala euskal dantza tradizionalean ari direnak Influenced by Romanticism and nationalism, and following a new nola dantza klasikoan eta garaikidean arrakastaz munduan barrena dan- interest in traditional culture during the last one hundred years, many tzari ari direnak. Parisen, XVII. mendean, sortu zen lehen dantza- essays have been published in defence of folklore. Basque dances have konpainian euskal dantzariak egon ziren moduan, gaur egun nazioarteko 2. Oyarzun. Fandango been resurrected, buried, transformed, reconstructed, recovered and ballet-konpainia handietan ari dira baita ere euskal dantzariak. in Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa), reconfigured time and time again. In a globalised media society influenced Euskaldunon dantzarako zaletasuna erakusten duten zenbait 1839. by complex trends and peripheries, levelling and homogenizing forces now aipu, erabiliaren erabiliaz, topiko bihurtu ditugu. Estrabonek, Kristo dominate. In the face of all that, differences and distinctive markers have aurreko II. mendean, Iberiar penintsulako iparraldeko herritarrei buruz 2. Oyarzun. Fandangoa become pillars of defending identity. Thus, dances that originate in tradition idatzitakoetan dantzan irudikatu zituen, eta harrezkero bidaiariek Oiartzunen, 1839. have taken
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