New German Critique, No. 49, Special Issue on Alexander
new critiquegqrpian I L Number49 Winter1990 SPECIAL ISSUE ON ALEXANDER KLUGE AlexanderKluge The Assaultof the Presenton the Restof Time EricRentschler RememberingNot to Forget: A RetrospectiveReading of Kluge'sBrutality in Stone TimothyCorrigan The Commerceof Auteurism:a Voice withoutAuthority HelkeSander "You Can't AlwaysGet WhatYou Want": The Filmsof AlexanderKluge HeideSchliipmann Femininityas ProductiveForce: Kluge and CriticalTheory GertrudKoch AlexanderKluge's Phantomof the Opera AlexanderKluge On Opera, Filmand Feelings RichardWolin On MisunderstandingHabermas: A Responseto Rajchman JohnRajchman Rejoinder to Richard Wolin Marc Silberman Remembering History:The Filmmaker Konrad Wolf This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NEW GERMAN an interdisciplinary journal of german studies CRITIQUE Editors:David Bathrick(Ithaca), Helen Fehervary(Columbus), Miriam Hansen (Chicago), AndreasHuyssen (New York),Anson Rabinbach (New York),Jack Zipes (Minneapolis). ContributingEditors: Leslie Adelson (Columbus), Geoff Eley (AnnArbor), Ferenc Feher (New York),Agnes Heller (New York),Peter U. Hohendahl(Ithaca), Douglas Kellner (Austin),Eberhard Kn6dler-Bunte (Berlin), Sara Lennox (Amherst),Andrei Markovits (Cambridge),Biddy Martin (Ithaca), Rainer Naigele (Baltimore),Eric Rentschler (Irvine),Henry Schmidt (Columbus), James Steakley (Madison). AssistantEditors: Ned Brinkley(Ithaca), and Karen Kenkel(Ithaca). ProjectAssistant: Cynthia Herrick (Ithaca). Publishedthree times a yearby TELOS PRESS, 431 E. 12thSt., New York,NY 10009. NewGerman Critique No. 49 correspondsto Vol. 17,No. 1. ? New GermanCritique Inc. 1990.All rightsreserved. New GermanCritique is a non-profit,educational organiza- tionsupported by theDepartment of GermanLiterature of CornellUniversity and by a grantfrom the Departmentof Germanand College of Humanitiesof Ohio State University. All editorialcorrespondence should be addressedto: NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE, Departmentof GermanStudies, 185 GoldwinSmith Hall, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New York 14853.
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