New German Critique, No. 49, Special Issue on Alexander

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New German Critique, No. 49, Special Issue on Alexander new critiquegqrpian I L Number49 Winter1990 SPECIAL ISSUE ON ALEXANDER KLUGE AlexanderKluge The Assaultof the Presenton the Restof Time EricRentschler RememberingNot to Forget: A RetrospectiveReading of Kluge'sBrutality in Stone TimothyCorrigan The Commerceof Auteurism:a Voice withoutAuthority HelkeSander "You Can't AlwaysGet WhatYou Want": The Filmsof AlexanderKluge HeideSchliipmann Femininityas ProductiveForce: Kluge and CriticalTheory GertrudKoch AlexanderKluge's Phantomof the Opera AlexanderKluge On Opera, Filmand Feelings RichardWolin On MisunderstandingHabermas: A Responseto Rajchman JohnRajchman Rejoinder to Richard Wolin Marc Silberman Remembering History:The Filmmaker Konrad Wolf This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NEW GERMAN an interdisciplinary journal of german studies CRITIQUE Editors:David Bathrick(Ithaca), Helen Fehervary(Columbus), Miriam Hansen (Chicago), AndreasHuyssen (New York),Anson Rabinbach (New York),Jack Zipes (Minneapolis). ContributingEditors: Leslie Adelson (Columbus), Geoff Eley (AnnArbor), Ferenc Feher (New York),Agnes Heller (New York),Peter U. Hohendahl(Ithaca), Douglas Kellner (Austin),Eberhard Kn6dler-Bunte (Berlin), Sara Lennox (Amherst),Andrei Markovits (Cambridge),Biddy Martin (Ithaca), Rainer Naigele (Baltimore),Eric Rentschler (Irvine),Henry Schmidt (Columbus), James Steakley (Madison). AssistantEditors: Ned Brinkley(Ithaca), and Karen Kenkel(Ithaca). ProjectAssistant: Cynthia Herrick (Ithaca). Publishedthree times a yearby TELOS PRESS, 431 E. 12thSt., New York,NY 10009. NewGerman Critique No. 49 correspondsto Vol. 17,No. 1. ? New GermanCritique Inc. 1990.All rightsreserved. New GermanCritique is a non-profit,educational organiza- tionsupported by theDepartment of GermanLiterature of CornellUniversity and by a grantfrom the Departmentof Germanand College of Humanitiesof Ohio State University. All editorialcorrespondence should be addressedto: NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE, Departmentof GermanStudies, 185 GoldwinSmith Hall, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New York 14853. The annual subscriptionrate is $22.00 personal;$50.00 institutions.All foreignsub- scribers15% extra. Back issuesare availableat $8.50 copyfor individuals and $17.00 a copy forinstitutions. For subscriptionsand back issues,write to: NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE, Telos PressLtd., 431 East 12thStreet, New York,NY 10009. Articlesappearing in thisjournal are annotatedand indexedin HistoricalAbstracts and AmericanHistory and Life. Note to Contributors:Manuscripts should be preparedin accordancewith the Mod- ern LanguageAssociation Style Sheet, but should continueto includeendnotes and not a listof the bibliography.Manuscripts should also be sent on IBM-compatible disksin WordPerfect,ASCII or WORDSTAR format. This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE Number 49 Winter1990 SPECIAL ISSUE ON ALEXANDER KLUGE Tableof Contents ARTICLES: Introduction.......................................... ................ 3 MiriamHansen The Assaultof the Present on theRest of Time .................... 11 AlexanderKluge RememberingNot to Forget: A RetrospectiveReading of Kluge's Brutalityin Stone..............23 EricRentschler The Commerceof Auteurism: a Voicewithout Authority........ 43 TimothyCorrigan "You Can't AlwaysGet WhatYou Want": The Filmsof Alexander Kluge............................................. 59 HelkeSander Femininityas ProductiveForce: Kluge and CriticalTheory ......... 69 Heide Schliipmann AlexanderKluge's Phantom of the Opera ........................ 79 GertrudKoch On Opera, Filmand Feelings................................. ............. 89 AlexanderKluge On MisunderstandingHabermas: A Responseto Rajchman.................................................. 139 RichardWolin Rejoinderto RichardW olin .............................................. 155 JohnRajchman RememberingHistory: The FilmmakerKonrad Wolf........... 163 Marc Silberman This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions =TELO S A QuarterlyJournal of CriticalThought Sinceits first issue in May 1968, Ilos has introducedinto the English-speaking worldthe best trends in continentalradical thought. Committed to thedevelop- mentof an Americanversion of CriticalTheory unencumbered by conformist communicationtheory or Freudianism,ilos continuesto focuson internation- al issuesand, increasingly,on a criticalanalysis of Americansociety. ISSUE No. 82 WINTER 1989-90 Articles Meuschel: TheEnd of "East GermanSocialism" Adam: Israeland South Africa: Conflict Resolution in Ethnic States Elkins: ThePolitics of Mystical Ecology Roth: Durkheimand GenderEquality Lichtblau: GenderTheory in Simmel,Tdnnies and Weber Notes Does CriticalTheory Have a Future? TheElizabethtown Telos Conference(February 23-25, 1990) Adler:Norberto Bobbio at 80 Glotz and Kallscheuer:An Interviewwith Norberto Bobbio Barbiero: Afterthe Aging of the New Music Hullot-Kentor: Barbiero,Eno and New AgeMusic Luke: XmasIdeology Piccone: XmasIdeology or Reaganism? Reviews Roth:Divergent Histories ofSexual Science Schuler: Adorno'sKierkegaard Asher: TheMoral Blindness of Paul de Man Subscriptionscost $28 peryear (four issues) for individuals; $70 forintiutions. Foreignorders add 15%.Checks must be in US funds.No Canadianchecks will be accepted.Back issues are $8.50 each (institutionspay $17). Backissues availa- ble: 13, 17-51,53-80. For subscription,back issuesor information,write: TelosPress Ltd., 431 E. 12th Street,New York NY 10009 This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions mTheJohns Hopkins University Pressm dliacriticsa reviewof contemporary criticism Debra Castillo,Editor ~i~ii~ Diacriticsis thepreeminent forum for contemporary literature and critical theory.Fostering speculation and debate,each issue examinesinnovative and seminal modem criticism. DIACRITICS March, June, September, December Pleaseenter my one-year subscription: Payment:Individuals $19.90 [ Institutions$45.00 Payment: 0 Check or moneyorder enclosed 0 Visa 0 MasterCard Account# Exp. date Signature Address: Name Address City State Zip Send ordersto: The JohnsHopkins University Press, Journals Division, 701 W. 40thStreet, Suite 275, Baltimore,Maryland 21211 Make checkspayable to TheJohns Hopkins University Press. Prepaymentis required beforeshipment. Subscribers in Mexicoand Canadaadd $3.75 postage;other subscribers outsidethe U.S., Mexico,and Canada add $6.50 air freight.Payment must be drawn on a U.S. bankor be by internationalmoney order. Maryland residents add 5% sales tax. EA9 This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions boundary2 Subscriptionprices aninternational journal of literature andculture $30institutions PaulA. Bove, editor $18individuals NewAmericanists: Revisionist Interventions intothe Canon Singleissue price $10 17:1(Spring 1990) DonaldE. Pease,special issue editor Contents TheRes Publica of Letters /Michael Warner TheRationale for "The American Romance" /John McWilliams Scarcity,Subjectivity, andEmerson /Wai-chee Dimock HearingNarrative Voices in Melville's Pierre /Priscilla Wald DukeUniversity Press JournalsDivision TheRhetorical Use and Abuse of Fiction: Booksin Late JournalsDivision Eating 6697College Station Nineteenth-CenturyAmerica/ Steven Mailloux DurhamNC 27708 MaternalDiscourse and the Romance ofSelf-Possession inKate Chopin'sThe Awakening /Ivy Schweitzer Realism,Ideology, and the Novel in America (1886-1896): Chang- ingPerspectives inthe Work of Mark Twain, W. D. Howells,and HenryJames /Robert Weimann AmericanLiterature and the New Historicism: The Example of FrederickDouglass /Gregory S. Jay "Oursby the Law of Nature": Romance and Independents onMark Twain'sRiver /Howard Horwitz CatalogingtheCreatures ofthe Deep: "Billy Budd, Sailor" and the Riseof Sociology /Susan Mizruchi Violence,Revolution, andthe Cost of Freedom: John Brown and W.E. B. DuBois /William Cain Futurecontributors include Jonathan Arac, Joseph Buttigieg, MargaretFerguson, Michael Hays, Daniel O'Hara, Edward W. Said, WilliamV.Spanos, and Cornel West boundary 2 This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:51:49 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions revue d'Allemagne et des pays de langueallemande Die vierteljahrlicherscheinende wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftdes Centresd'Etudes germaniques der UniversititRobert Schuman, Strasbourg. Sie nimmtin 1990S1990/ franzbsischenund deutschen Beitrigen Stellung zu den Problemender B.R.D. und D.D.R. auf politischem, wirt- schaftlichem,sozialem und kulturellem Gebiet. WissenschaftlicherRat J.-P.Bled, F.-G. Dreyfus,A. Grosser,F. Bilger,R. Bauer, G.-L. Fink,P. Koenig,R. Poidevin,J. Rovan,J.-M. Valentin Direktion J.-P.Bled, F.-G. Dreyfus,D. Goeldel,A. Losser,R. Poidevin,S. Urban Redaktionskomitee J. Bari6ty,G. Castellan,C. David, J. Droz,L. Dupeux,P. Grappin,F. Hartweg,J. Murat,R. Poidevin, R. R6mond,A. Rieg,E. Schulin,F. Siegburg,K. Sontheimer, R. vonThadden, J.-M. Valentin Redaktionssekretirin U. Mousset Themender letztenNummern DeutschsprachigeLnder nach1945: kultur-politische Forschung und Lehre in der franzbsischenGermanistik FrankreichsEinfluB auf Deutschland 40 JahreBundesrepublik Deutschland - Versucheiner Bilanz - Franzosischerund deutscher Protestantismus Themenfuir 1990 Osterreichund die NeugestaltungEuropas Industriestrategienin der Bundesrepublik Die alternativeVersuchung in Deutschlandim 19. und20. Jahrhundert
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