Anatomic Moment
Anatomic Moment Hearing, I: The Cochlea David L. Daniels, Joel D. Swartz, H. Ric Harnsberger, John L. Ulmer, Katherine A. Shaffer, and Leighton Mark The purpose of the ear is to transform me- cochlear recess, which lies on the medial wall of chanical energy (sound) into electric energy. the vestibule (Fig 3). As these sound waves The external ear collects and directs the sound. enter the perilymph of the scala vestibuli, they The middle ear converts the sound to fluid mo- are transmitted through the vestibular mem- tion. The inner ear, specifically the cochlea, brane into the endolymph of the cochlear duct, transforms fluid motion into electric energy. causing displacement of the basilar membrane, The cochlea is a coiled structure consisting of which stimulates the hair cell receptors of the two and three quarter turns (Figs 1 and 2). If it organ of Corti (Figs 4–7) (4, 5). It is the move- were elongated, the cochlea would be approxi- ment of hair cells that generates the electric mately 30 mm in length. The fluid-filled spaces potentials that are converted into action poten- of the cochlea are comprised of three parallel tials in the auditory nerve fibers. The basilar canals: an outer scala vestibuli (ascending spi- membrane varies in width and tension from ral), an inner scala tympani (descending spi- base to apex. As a result, different portions of ral), and the central cochlear duct (scala media) the membrane respond to different auditory fre- (1–7). The scala vestibuli and scala tympani quencies (2, 5). These perilymphatic waves are contain perilymph, a substance similar in com- transmitted via the apex of the cochlea (helico- position to cerebrospinal fluid.
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