of Cliatoa coaaty. N(» E.XTKKMISTS WANTED OVID TlCKBTi CHOSEN, il at Jaaha—ba ITMK raopua pai AOAXK im IEnEI)tlTIIFORa;^H»ah to yoa without A DEADLXK AHEIID. or OOOU COH« SOUNDS A WmilM; shall always bold I ia thM highaat eakeeai. tW kiad expraa- A e RAiili AMD JDOOMmtT. ■ia—of t—at aad aoaf —MMe expraaasd Tht* l^eoplo^M party* RepHbNcM CoHHty Judicial C4Niveatioa ^Icaas aa DiMI Smy§ a bare Iqr my Mlow eltoamm. where 1 hare Way Rim 7*linMRli St. la diaruiaioM the appmaebiaa raa— , bare a—iu ioahad ho—a at OvMaad will Hved aad epeat tha beat part of lav man- for the aorai —tioa of »-and Ida tee for vU>; State Exiati. Earaeat Coatest. llabt thia epriaa for —prrmaey ia villaip* Wall An«Mled. bood.* ’ froM tlK ShhUi. la— otlearN. a baaiaw uuui aaid to Tub . Tke r—iarka were ewthnaiaetipnJl.v re- .Nawa thia waUc: “The eomiac .yaar will j Movevaamat. Imat jraar tha Osht «aa Mirad, and the coav —tion adloarned be a bafd uae for tha iBcoaaaM board aa, iwaetically "wat” vsiam "dry" and the witkoat farther action. CliitoB and Gratiot Have Twelre It baM tiaaa fur the piwaaat. ttaaiMwa Whidi Oiftit to Siock tke Nonl ‘‘weta’’carried the d —. In the mean- Jadre Was Badoned CoatempiBted to be Ballt fTom Mbt- of the viUaict* will Bot iwrmitaoj further Sense of Any Comauuiity. tlme. Iiowever, both the ealouii keepers PositkNM. Votes Apiece. braocbiaic out. oad economy mnat be the; died aad the aalooae were ordered cloned WEALTH ON TIIE FARM sbBll to Bay City. watebwoni. Hy eruaumy I do aot mean by the coaadl, aa the liemme iaaaed by ailly patUaem norextreme frunality, aarli tb** county treanurer oaaaot be traae- VALI'ADLM Wnil—lOWM MADB HV A PUitatw fvM Cl—ty Uailod — aa a liouaewif** iniabt ba expected tu I Sti—tad by ByM—cc Itradocid ia the lerred and were of ao vahm to the Matataa R. M. WA UUOD rA«MKM. The Cob —Biy at inaiatain in her imntrj after her buetmiid ; of tbf* two men. 'liw Paople'a party ia Thdr Clarh Caac. Taslur NIiM. loetbMijob, but I do mean theapplica-. oompuaed of both KepubUeaaaaadliefiio- ‘The fouadatiou of wei tiun of the rabw of boeiaeea watrhluineae. | iltb on tbe farm erate aad claim a icreat reeo rd for the ne ie tbe luaaore b—p.” ei id a Mumoofal ieticed by eaccoaefnl baaiueoa iumi . ^ daetioB of taxation. They eay that He Gare the Toaaff Six Yean at All the To —uhips iB the GoBBty farmer tu T— Nkwb the iitber day wbib* KcIlT S. Sean Has Been Cfeaaen to Lead Ken* are certain i*X|ieaaeH to be ineij never einoe tbe "eleetrk* liirht and water Bat diaeoaeina fann matteve. "It ia tbe oav- CoasMcrtblc SptcaUtloa as to the B—le tie Gratiot Forces. wbieb moat not be iiusterially interlerMi | wurka" phuit baa bean ia ops —tion baa OBe Were Bepreteawi. in— bank into wkicb everythi— ia (tanPorilBad toBayCttj. with, in my opiaioo, but then* may be there be— aa ••aoaondcal — admiaaMra- placed that can ba retain for nos at some othar expeaditumawbinbmiicht belup|iad Utm of villa— jcovernm —t. Tbairmottu other tinw*. It rspnw—ts a lar— firo- is to reduce aaaeaaed vaA—tion aad tbe Wli*'a rhairiiiau W. M. HnitiM»ii raJli off. Wa dou ’t w—t extramiata in nba!— j The jury in the ntrouit court iu the Tb** refiubiicaaa of (liuton co —ty portion of the bto — rsceipts of the year of tbe villaip—iiaftber men who are all ‘ ooMiunt of taxes to be levied. A new railniad wbieb may strike St. Fred f'lark oaae wm$ ebarard by.lndue turned out in force Friday afternoon last, aad exhlMte thatportioo of the prodact t#i ord«T tb** Jiidiri«l conrmtiuii for tlM> lor eroBumy. without auv rafen uca to itn ; Th<‘ tmodidataa aomiaaled by the Jobaa, aad which will uraatly into —at Haboll Friday altemoon and re|Mirtad to attend tb«ir epnap coav —tion, callad wAwoh is not sold uB tbs farm. There ia leral wetfan*. nor ineo Feople e party are; much yet Ui lea— r—ardioK the (iroper twM.ty.uiotl. nreuit, at tbr . ourt h»a» ijiron _____te expeoain* improve-. , about tan o ’Hoek that they tiad agreed up­ 1‘feaMeat..... CTUeHea IHeaer | Rt. Johns (leoph*. whether it etrikes her* <'leek ...... Kraak Uwati for the parpuee of electioK ilrlspatse to mnaa—meat of maaara. It ie yet to lie intbiitdty, ii<«xt WMiiMwcbiy aftrm<»oa menta. 'Tbe •>|itHbl,v till«*il for tb«* tliem realise, and tbe cauctiaeN abould he ' Clark WON taken iMfon* .hide** Ha- the full 'XMiveation would iadieate that wbiNi the manure ia spread on the laud if The f-oaipany is uncaniasd with a capital well attended. |taat tmi y«ian«. ImiH for senteace. The Jndiie asked tbe (IIVEN FIVE YEAR.S. t— repnbli—ae of tha coaaty niw awake. all tbe mater—a a— thoroufihl.v deeom- stock of $l,J(MI,0(Ni for the purpose of ynuuK man if he bod aiirtbiaK to say The conv —tion was called to order bv uneed. When the mauure ie enures and Hot tb«*n* on* otbm>, mid iinlortiinatn- DAMAGE IS GREAT Ai<* I* JO . - , J ‘..'fulltnil of litter it ISis tunavoilnbl** to (Sants cnnstruetiiiK itnd opiwatiaK a steam why sentenn* should not be (ironouaeed . Rl'MTLBl* PLBADBD OVILTV T«» * 11.. t. \ auKhon and Hobert .tnderaon. of ! decoai|iaawi ly, tw«*lr»* othrfM. tiMi. who will <‘oiiim LB—KR OMAMK in tbe soil, and it is rail wav from city of Marshall to MANY THoraAMII KHUIT TDBBa under tke verdict of tb** jury, and b** re-1 Kaoex, mods rhoinnaD. and Mr. VaoKbon therefore a —ainala of tinae when such con down from tbMrounty to tb** north, with (died: —Nwtary. bsaccomplAsI wdin thebeapbeforespread- Hay (Tty, a distance of l-Pi miles. The KILLBII IM MICHIUAM. Vharles Huntley, the (irisoaer confined a firm dairrminiition to t’optnn* tbi* ".\ll I can say is. I am nut iruilty, your ^ ; Honor. ” Tbe committn- on cn*d —tiols refMirtfd liae of th** (iropoasd road arcordioK to a J. X. Steame euyi* that after liennaic at the county jail oaachar—ofattempt- luHavabip fur oim * of tiidr own rmidmlN. .4ttoniey Lyon mod** a pirn lor aahort' i that the folkiwIuK were entitl— to senta imasinK spec—, is throoKb the •■oantias tb*- refMjrt** from ail oe by tbe recent cold "Mr. ('lark, thejury in the iwoe se—led of Calbonn, Kaltin, Ionia. Clinton, Mont ­ snap, that tbe ilamoic** isfartn—terrban tor tow nship, chauived bis miad lost Fri- /Ar HTft—J. H, Stone, .1. H. West and tion wa*> lM*itiK hHil in St. Johnu laat Fri* Ui have reached a coucluaiou with rea- Tke l,sdlss‘ AM ssrlety <>f (lllTe. will OMVr calm. (Iratiot. Midland find Hay. Port ­ ' it wnM first believed. TIm-tc are in many Herald .McHcury. wttli Mrs. C. M. Iloekwiill WsdMsdsy. Msirli stiiiabiede —ee in a rsaeonable tim**. and, da.v, aad reaolved not to stnmi trial. Nth. day afti'niooii, on«* wan alao in nMMaioii at , (tarts of tbe state many thousands of of cours**. I have tu accept os I do tbe Hrnm-s—Hobert Anderaon. L. H. Fmae, land is one of tbe towns on the line of tmit treeM. eapecialiy (teaclieH. that ore He asked lor a coo(ereace with Frrwwrut- "Tke HsrsMMiy CXeb" wUl iispet witk L-odr Itliara. and th** n very uusuitabi** laml for peacbeM i upon tbe qoMtion of fart luid while a KuffU —lV»*flioKtou llcfiuy, Fred Howe, rkere wUI be no prescklBK next Handsr st an*. C. K. Sawyer, C, W. Robinsun, and wbieli caused them to freese. iV does that be wonted to reinte tbe whole ctr- .llhert Russell. W. Mewkani C. B. rberrli on sreonni <>f have iM*Mn inntnictMl t* trees are plauterion verdict ami Kraut you u new trial, ir cumatancos of his tr«i«ble joet os it was. /PHfttaitt—Peter Hess, J. .1, Watson, <*oiiri*nlion next W«*dnMaday. It n* fair ((otMl icruundaiul looaUous that they are TkeeW-ttun of oDeen* of Ike te*' IA> seems to iim* that it is my tlutv t«i allow Henry Taylor, T. F. Steadman. M. W. of (—won Uty aad W. F. .Sawyer, of sehouslv injured. Ouufew varietiesencli .liter Kivi— the whoh* story of the as­ i>rnry .\asoatatlon bns lieen ndloamed to to iiupiHNM* that tlH*y will roiiw* tn st fnnr o'clock. Deadwood. H. I). .linooK the stock- Its Hill’s (’hilli and (Iniden I>ro|i there evideon* K* decided to save tbe ••xpeost* of a trial, Menator. Ilonerpr, they had fourteen for life or any numlier of yean*, ('ounsel 11. .X. (’nrp**nter, Kltner Pratt. member lses|ierte*l to reopoad. that Ht. Johns must be touched b**twcen severHy injured in many |iIh<*>«n . hoe mad*- a motion for a u**w trial and aud chanKed the I’imr—. lluuHsy woe .1. F. Holimw. (loss No. :! of Ibe M. K. Hunday srbtMtl will voten at that time, and t'liiiton wae //ofA —Kolwwt MH'onkey, .M, StouKh- Xtve a tea In I be rberrb dintatc nsiai Frtda.r Portland and Bay City. line unced it very stniiiKl.v. aud I have taken iMNon'.lud — DkbnII in tb*- afl*-r, evcnlaa oftbls week Iron A tu s o’clock «*reepiDc i|uietly aloiiK with but thirteen, KN(;.A(iE l.N Ursl.NESS uvermle'l that motion and do not a—**** ton, W. Harnw*. (;onieaad let the .vweux ladles wait upon .Notiea of Ylllowe BMrWen o/if. —Z. Sex I on. Win. F. Kaed. C. T., .Tou. Bill IBr. with him. It s***niis t«t me in m.v opinion noon and KiYeu live years at luma, .Xoticeis liereby Ktven that tb** cliart(*r and that majority of one wae ii |Miwerfiil WIM. TW*I NT. JtiUMS vm'MU MKK IM that, without s(M*i*if.viiiK tletoils lien* |{ockw ’«*ll. I Hev. J. II. Bennett wtll ttellrec n lectur* at when* h** was taken Monday aftem- this COM* , which would, in my jiidKement, Iouk Ii, F. K. Iluxle. X. <1. Smith. F. II.. his opiaton mm to tkmr nsada.valenhlr. | district X«i. il, KuKine House, district Xo. ‘Thiutr* hare rhiiiiir" {Nille«l in the two (-ountiee at the Mr. Krishi** is already on the —ouad. and jmlKes uf tbe state. ITie trial «leve|u|s*d .Itb. (ioarterlr conlersnre and prearhlaa <>•> ed, vit: Ho** prsaid —t. one dark, on*- a borribi** stale of affairs not touNiied WO—i tJrrrnf.uah II. L. Haenti . II. M. Mor- Haterday. at *i p. m. f»ri’sldtn«c KMer tl II. laet eleetion. which ilerermineii th** nom- Mr. Thome will — {«• W*«tpliaJia t4iday. Tunuw wlU ale** (ireach Hatarday. at 7 .HO ^ trsaauier, three trusksss two rears, and •-ntieelr to this **as*-. Tlie witn«*sses took nsrm. H. W. I'nrrinKton, .I. L. Holhniok, II. ni , Huoday at lii.Ho a. n. oad 7 p. lu.. when- h** will remain a week bel«in* leav- Huv KasKi**. lM*r of d«‘l«|ratnn to In* eelerted, dinton M thi* stand in some eases and testilted to of HoKfe. who entered ijivcfeitai Sunday at li.HO a. m. .\ >-ordlal iOK for tiwfMiMi. He has lieen with tb** .Inbii iliniiiaii. ir»f/r»^o«*»«—Flayton Wo*Klrafl. lavltatlnn to alt. The polls of said eleetinn will be opeaed iiiattirs that oUKbt to shock iIm* moral school this tern . has lieen nbliKtsI to aKaiti (dai'ed on an I'qonl footiiiir with ’ State Hank iM*Hriy four .veori*. aud bos Th*-(*(ininiitte«* on (lernmiMNit or —oiui- at 7 o'clock a. m., jum I will n*tnaio open pmven hims**if not only au aocurat** and st*nse of any coinmiinity. Tliis statute, withdraw. Mew Merles of otoek. until r* o ’clock of sai«l day of **l*Nrtion. h**r MiHt**r. and a )inxen ■ielef(ati*v, with- as I understand tb*- mt'aniuK of it, was (ion ma«ie the usual nquirt. (lainstakiutr lMMikk****t>*T, hut a tborouith- Min* Ivah Fattemon, a former meinli**r (Ill million a committe** of one from Th** sev«Nit*’enHi seri**H of stock in lb** , Hy «irder of tbe Villa— Hoanl of Eler- ly reliabie vouiik man. in whom th** (Msseil after a Iouk enrfuic**e at pre«N*iit, after Hixt*sNi y«*ars is not cafiable t«» **oiis**nt was a visitor at school last Thursday. c(Hir<*ati«iu. Tbe followiOK wen* cbtuNNi: suits, ca(NNt, jackets juad skirts will be well (Misted on shoe huyini; and tbesbiM* W. .1. Xort«Hi. C. it. Hiffels, J. L. trade, and the two ip*ntlein**u will make to tb** coiumieiH«iii of this enme. while S*ime of tbe .Seniors an* very busy shown by XonuK. Bi bnett . the i*ommitt*- VVisdom of tli** leKisIntiin* sa.vs that law' theiraveniKes to th** “.I" (li(iloroii mark. raurua lu noislBSle raudMstea for villoite Rfm-ial values in Ijidim ’ii ChildcNi’s an should b** such that they siionld not )-nii- Stone, lie Witt. Charles Dane, llallas, itiK oiieechw* made and a ballot tak*fi. (smn* nuae la Ht. Woolen Cnderwear at Jo«> H itks . sucr»>ed. sent in th*- sens*- that it should take in tlie IliKh school nNiin Inst Sninrday, Fet«*r Hsn*. Huplnin: L. II. Fi-nse. Msssx; Johas oa .*taturdayereniaKMarch 4. at oarea F. IV. Howe, FaKh*. H. I-. FaeKle, Hreeti- o'clock ataadanl time. f le* wx-retary will announce it in ***ime> away from the commission of the crime for non-resident (lutiils. BY OllIiKK OF ('OMMITTEK. Waiter Burk,of Kureka. has the uk —ry Nsven for Half a CeatMry. the e|em**nt that in Hie ordinaiy rats* liiish. Hayes L. Itiirch. Ij'Iwuioii ; Wm. for tbe Ht. Johns I,aundry. I,aavc or- iliiiiir lik*' tin- foliowiUK wonie «Nis** re«(uin«s fon-**. | sii(i|nms -ii|Nm th*< Mr. Hnck is fast K^tlioK aci|muiit«>d Hunter. (Ivid . (’. T. Il*»ckwe||. (Hive; H. Mr. ami .Mrs. II. lM’am(). of ttvid, with his work and Hie laitin «-lass*ii an* .Xu «'hick*Ni cholera and plenty of •*!{ — ifers with him. theory that the will in many .vouiik (ler- X. CansNiler. llilev; J. H. Vanllur —r,, . » i i t* * Wlnile numlier oi liallotM cant I w*>n- ' eiit**rtain**il at their bom** lost week tb** now moviiiKon with tbeirusual pniKneis. Victor, (»n Wominifl. \Vnt.*rt«.wii 'Li«htniaK Poultry I*o *h1. hillowinp frii-nds. sev**ii of whom have sons M so murfi we«iker. that if overcome Tiiavis a Kakrk . .Xe\k sprioK line of ladi**s' mackintoshes ty-ii»nr. •»! which S 11. Ilaboll wx-iv**** resid*-*! at that (ilac** f«ir nearly half a hy the older, that shall Is* taken into ac Th<* nessioii of the literary MSNety held Th** committe** choisNi r*Niortei| tliefol- and umbrellaM at .Xoni.R Huknictt 'n rw**lveainl K. .S. .-icarl twelve.’ century. Mr. ami Mrs. hlilwiird Ihitter. etnint the some as thouKh it had Isxni Inst Tmwdav eveniiiK. was not binrely lowiiiK Kcntk*m*Ni for iHi-Katiw and th**ir Free! Free! Free! ^ •Mr ami Mrs..!. M. Ibiwlhy, Mr.aml Mrs. an actual fom*. The s«Nitenc<* that I in- ntten«i**d. althoUKh H m* (iniirnini was sH«>rtioii was i*«uittrm*Nl liy the cooven- ,l threi* days' trial treiktmeiit of Hr, i For Hale Okoop. 'riiefi th**fiin will liav** romnn-iM'efl. and .VIsMthim WiKMlworth. .Mr. aud -Mrs. t*Nid to im|Mise, and sliai! in this cose, worthily Kiv*Ni. The mu«i<- by tlielJh-*- tloii WnKht'sce(c4irikt*«d Kiilney sad Backache ' A ’9H ('nweent Raci>r—used only alioat JtitHfiiil I tin ft fil»*i»*— 11. M. IliKli, thie circnil will Ih- loliowinu the fiNit* Isaac \V. lintke and Mr. ami Mrs. Silas will not Im* its harsh and sei-er** os it dub was received with sfiecial intiTcst. Fills will lie Kiffo to tho*e* sufferiuK ' a month—at .lllison's. Soiithworth. With Hie host and hostew* would havi* lM*en hod tb«*n* not lieen anv .1 re(iresen tativ«* of a CbicaKo (uiblMdi- Fred HaiH. W. H. Hunter. (ivid . Rolit. with Kidney troiild**. at Fildew A Mill-1 Mt*-pe *»f th** cio ’iiit com|M*i*ed of Kalama* ' includ*-*!. th**ir airn* when combined suc|iicion u|Min pNimeotber liranclies ofit. iuK )'«iiiipaiiy was at the srbiNil liiiiidioK liiderson, Kssex. 11. 'V. CarrinKtoii, man's UruK tutors,onikiturday. March I, | .Xew lin**oi Hlistereil CrsfMin nt «Mi and Van Hiiren counticM when* a avi-ra—d just tb**tr allotted time, H i It th*‘ same tiiiH* it ouKht to Is* miliced. last wetdc ol t—chers. IkniKAl; IV. M.HmiHi, W. .M. Isdaiid. 11.; I'okoreit l*l»o*aprspii« I*. HikK*' an*! W. .1. Xorton, IliUKhani. Ho to IL W. .Moms' for furnitun*, (lie- w*xdc or two iNick. and a huiidml or two fourth on People'* Ntar^'ouroe. that the nKhI way is to keiqi away from .1 insetinK of tbe Literary society will -If* Hie veri- latest and to iulnslnise that kiod of ipHs and not jpi yourself, or Stfitf (’nurrntiiHt—W. M. Hunhikni, turiNi, picture frames. **tc. Opposite i nst I (1,^1 will kiyc cy 11. HrutiMiii, RiuKhani; Huy H. Flasnle. Do not for —t that I am in a (losition aad,femak*rirtue aretifsome im|iortaare. lUeiiard. sou of Heo. luid Klixaheth Hreeohush; Ray nolssin. Hath. i^adiss' Wrappers, all kinds and sisss to meet any cumpetitioo for anythiOK «leh*r utioD. and it wae hinted not lotuc Comimny, Tremont Temfile, was on** of Jarvis, was lioni in (ixford, KoKland, H> motion of W. H. Hrunaon th**nlN>ll would have bad at her home im F*'arl street, iu Hvid, verv mild one, as I have liefieved from debilitated by the (iri|». j th«‘ time I first went upon tbe liencb the whom ikad bis faithful wtf**, (ireceeded him of schools, hy J. T. Hani**lla. of Kssex, last week, from IiIimmI (luieoaitiK- She across th** rivsr of dsatli. the latterdyniK Xew spriuK styles in Wash (Joodx at *>aay MiMioff . but it apfiearM tbev "fpit first siNitenci- of any miui of your a— who briefly alluded to Mr. Winston ’s - Huy ynursboes of WiMinauFFATnoMF. | leaves u hueliand and on** little daoKlibr, had better be too liitht than tiMi heavy, nearly seventeen y*Nirs o —i. .liter the sfikNidid work for the schools of the Jon> Hm.’ together," and imant they are irnins to Hiaoebv, airetl nine vears. Tb** funeral dmtti of hie first wife he |Iv *n I siok Ic r^nty. which now stand well to the was conducted at tbe liowar. Fridi^v with tbe hope that b** will look upon it (’has. F. Haylord will sell at iMctiuo, i eiiKare board by tbe we«4i and remain in as an admonition, and it will not b** so abont five years, whsp he tnarird Mrs. front in Hie list of MichiKoii's fine , on the Isiw (arm, four miles north and Carpets, mattia— rn—. iinol— me morniuK, ami tb** liody was placed in Cathnm* Kwarthout, of Klsk*. who also rural schools. Wli—Clioirroaii .liidemnn and oilcloths, a Hoe selectioii nt "our much •*oried vfl’aip*" for aom** time the KIIh vault at St. Johns cemetery (errfbi** ae to dbRnaraKi' him in his after lour miles west of Ht. Johns, on March i life from tryiuK to com** liaek and liv** ' (lasssd on to her everlastiuK rs«t two (Hit the qiMstioii to tb** ronvimtkin It .1. iHIfV, at 1(1 o ’Hoek a. m., horses, cows, .XOIILK HCRNItTT's. l*» come. nwaitiuK interment. years 'i—i. If** wasconvertiNi wh*Ni fif­ was a cheerful ika«t *Nithusiastic lot of sh*^. farm machitierv aad other articles. down the iiiMtaki* that he ma.v have, FfldsH A Millman's Winter Fluid is Horn** Oo I'p made in the first instaaoe. ThelawKtves teen y**ars of a— and for th«* last thirty- "ayes" whieli resounded throuKhont tbs I.Awyer .Seari. from (iratiot, who aa- l,iKhtDinK F«mltr> Food makee your! fine for chapped hands. The IsNkii market took a juiii|i last , me no choice as to the (dace wheri* I four years be hoe been a member of the court nsini. pir**N to judicial honoi>, m a man of week, (iroliably owiuK to so many (iota- must send you. ami il is lb«* senteno* of church of th** Cnit*Nf llrethren in Christ, Mr. Winston was called before thecon- hens lay and cures HiirkiNi cholera. j and for many yean* a member ol a Hass ravm a .1 few ladies' ami missss' winter Cl alNtiit forty, and in Miid to lie a aoccewM- foes Imniik frnsen in (lits and *v*llars, anti ' th**court that yon lie •-ontlued instate rentiun. and in a few very haotiy words, T llAKBa. at South (»vi*l. It was ever his (lurpos** ami (’apes to Hoss at a very low price at we may look for a sbarii advance in (mi- . (insun at Jackson at hard labor for the irracefnlly thanked the conv —tion for tul attorney to live htiaestly aiid trust in Jeeos. who the kind **xprw*s«on Iftais. taton* als«i. Tb** fneniiK seems tti have I term *>. Innbk lie briefly alliliietf to his wtuk of tbe|iast Miss Kiisabetli .1. Tefft, (itaaist. of De- K—nted. an«l he isfortned *rnr X rws yee- HB y—rs. thrse months and sixtisNi days ten yearn and tbe odraocem —t maile hy cnuKhitiK when you nan stop il by takiuK i tmit, will lie in Ht. Jiih— and Hvid .Ipril on th** contlllHin, that .Indite IbtlMill will bushels Hyru|* of Tar and Wild ChiNTy. t«Nrday that h«* had about cnnHud It Unit . (imsahle point of twHulnees. mended. Mi—Julia .luaa Hm—. who is for a cniiK* whH*li I ii**ver «'«immilt*<«|, This IS Ik kinm I time to look after th** i A tMooeer Ikonr. "Why I was rharRed tbs other day Itay your show* of WoonarrF A Tbomf . (irefiarinK her—If to giY** vocal mstrur- mil .IITDOR IIANtll.l. KKCKIVr at Hod Imniik my judK* ‘. I am an innocent farm implements and machinery'. I*1nsrs, KdwanI Joaiw was liorn July l*'l. IN(I7 with not knowii — anythiiiK hut sebool tion under the tutelaip* of Mm. M. harrows, cultivators, mowiws. **tr., may ' Huv vouT shoes of WooDUfFY A Tiiohp . KelloKK issrned will join Mi— Tefft July 4A(*N m4IN. man. and hope tbe day will s«M>n •'oime in Xew York state aad «Hed February- and srhool work" said theComaHsoioaer, , when thfMM* who swoie eu falsely a—inst re)|uire rienuiUK of shar|sNiinK. ami re­ Jtl, at his home in Corson ('ity, Mich., nt "and I don ’t («rl Imd abont it. If I only ’ 1st, luid they will occupy a stndki to- Um- me will be juatiy (waished. pairs may be necessary. It may entail the kimm I old am- of HI ream. 7 months know weli all that (isrtains to tbe multi- You will And .lllison ’s Ketiwr. A flae r—ital is (irominsd durioK -Indm' Ifaiioll and tbe dele watm* to the Faxn Ci,AaK. (owi of time to wait until they are used and 7 days. Mr. Jtiass was mamsd to fanoiis «intke devnlviuK upon my nflke. , bmiiae all riuht. tbe summer. 2H>tf. State ennvenbon rvturned bom** this brforeexamisinK them. lHim|> wiwther Ismis Clark iu IHBH and to tbem were I am —tislled. Hut it means a k ^—t TWw tWwWMste* far Trowray. <*aaen* rust and may prevent (larte of the bom six ciiiMren. In iHAtl he moved deal. ” Huy .your shn—of WooiiutTFrATuoMF H— the new drsm iroods at morniBK from Jackann. Judm' Hraat XnBi.K RoaNurr's. C. F. Baker has ttocided not tu have maehiaes from wnrkiuK. After HeaainK * CHaton oouatv aad settled in the town- Mr. jVinstna's mceptioa, by the coa-| llaviBB rematiy imrehaasH tbe boot was nominated on tbe fourth I—kit. his muae prssentetl to the nomiUK refiub- tbe implements use ksros —i on tbem ohip uf T*mpii whieto w— tb— aiouMt a V—tioa, w— suthna—itic hearty and shoe stock ol William X. Wabirnn. I. Meffll H—t Arcaeipesy Low FHo — IkiMi caaens for villa— treasurer. The liberally. ______’! wUdsms —. HIx y—m iibo he removed and be H«iaed amid viKomaa appiao es. In pr—tfuK tbe HeHable MeCail HaauF JudK** IIsImiII rsrelveri 77 votes «iti the Jnd —iHsboll w— (laid vbe noaor of' wonld be pisuasd bi have tbe patroao — iianne of II. L. Hunt and C. A. I*ntt ar»* — _ _ ' to (Jaiwon nty so — to be n—r bis of auy old aad new c—UMoem. I lata— ' Fatteme to the commuaitj, ws iMsata first halkit. .liter the caocnasa were held meatkiosd in noaaertion with the plar** . , . . - I childmk. Ills wife (bed la IHAl.iiaeof bei— •NMfo —ed (or two (loeitio — by oue Tbe IS—t ’iddMir of I^p aad min- , u„. ^^wi ia Its infaaey. aad two soaa to carry iu stock up-to-date foot wear, j illustrate to tbnu —ads of our costuuM — an«l Imth K*Nittsw*»n will no doubt be conv —tioa, ia tbe foUowins r—oinitoa wbtob will merrit your npfmvul. that we are rbsaner in l*attenis i— lu sv- Saturday to**. aad it was foaad caadkiakss. - died ^ tbeiww— m th^r country dur- whieli______was______offered hy, II.M. iTiBh.offtvid, tain of tbe I uited Rtat—. remyks an ex-1rebeilkia. In IH7R Mr. Jna — aad unanimously aJoptod : C. A. Pott , j evTthiuK si—. 1— most skilled artists that Jnd — (I—at had captured that Huacsosor to Wm. N. Wahlroa. an* *Napkiyed in ilesmtaK, nod are ia Chao—. n—rrisdl'atbsnas WUmx. wbo —rviv— .Bsoei v—. TUst wy. tke HepsaUsa— of touch with tbe lot —t mod — praa—ted in couoty. it w— well kaown here that Tbe lollowiaB marria— Ikwi KT—ter Id— of Hie. aad cost tbs peopk* t i.i«, m. immwmm »__ ■>«-— *____IDsumi rosaly ssiisitid it. 4e Uevsky eaMil. of IImSIU, two >0— IMNi A fif of tiNi Avpmo# f v»«fi nC tlM» I will —I at iiublic aaetion at my farm ternsut 10 aud IR c—ts. None htaber. County Clerk Wm. M. Smith: from tbefr rs|nilailiar * —(iloyiu— ta, than dauKhter Lutber and Oeor —Jones aad the hiiadrrti days of war with Hpain. two mil— south aad two aad oue half Tmc Ml IIJ? Co. DaboM's frti-nds feel —atMed. however, Date. Nsow . Mm, L. M. Lynn, all of Camon (Ity. TtieTe are mffiny tbia— wor — tbaa war. i —st of Fowler. March 7, all mysto sk at bisspi—dbl skow —i- He stood third Marek I- -tlsAsss Fsst, UUM____ etoven irruadebildr —. five kt —t K—ud r—m. ssU slan is rwo asWiosiltloa tViset.(V.set. ,i \ as (Insou. aud flue drs — (laStsrus in all the am Far a W«ivtkT tlsa— J oa —w— eoatrerreo aa«i fowcii tiw m. i ^ ^ hoi^ tkst iw shad— Just I—eivsd nt Has Him Baaawk. Tike tksaie Low RoaweoU. KIsie has a dran —ltc Hub which k Iy —! R-HiurHt over fNty y—m ufpi. He'died i ki—t—Uy *wr —a'tiw^'pi—i—tioa. saiTtf'sot . C. F. Hisb«»|i —ys Ma H—dm n bteycis X ou Ia K HnuasT—* a. Hyroti Daaley oi^s thal the statsmmt lispwtj (kune Warden Ail—, of Ovid, —tertainm—ts at tbe operu hon— in ; in the faith. His mind w— r—mrkably ■ m>>s(»e*e*l._s>e rtUy **doeseMsesa- j h—iRy — hiui tbe v—v boot —tbdaetfoa. Ipvea ovt loot weak tkat ke wnald he a ftkd a co —plaiBt a—iast Fred HttWr, that vilb—e lor the b—sfft of tbe poor in j Hear until aluMiat tbe v^ U—t. IIU i ffc'^ffttTjsitim? jas ?—mw* o —lwfenTty F. B. Aldri ch, an—t for niutou nouuty Hyrup of Tur aad Wild Obsrry wffi cwadidnie for rsHamiaation as t—siee is chartoW him wrftti kllHwB iiaali owt of It vMaity. Tbe ninuuisatiiwi w01 fuacrul s— bcMia tbe M. K. ob ureh in oeearteil to vo — tor Mto. cure tbut sougb. Xn curs, no pay. OB •wror aa he has ban all the vfUa— as—. He w—arrakpMd beforeJasttos a—t "A Cuban Ve——as" to —orrow (Sarai— (Ity Fsbn -ry M, by J. W. Tbe J adffs wua eul A lurffsuud moot eouipists lias of 1 At Tbavm A BABaB*u. he ca—s for aad wMI aok R—til. piswl owl w— ffiMd fin ■tUB. Tba etab Is oaM to po —mb Davids. Tbs tost 1 UM "To dtotoffBiu." in fsoNac tar—a Ms HsaarMdaslaetaMDMH u— to ■ubtotiuHifudBl Noaui dWt Kirt Praatou baa returaad from aortk* arn Michigan. Ilttirb (lanoiatin, uf tba .M. A. C.. Hub - FOR TILLERS OF TIE SOIL dayeil at biNne. Pay Those Bills You Owe Out of F. U. Ibeaton. who baa been aick for a mmmmmm mmmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmm mm I'lag time, ia failing. Cbaa. TWadwefI, wbn and dc^^ripti<•nof the Haadard weight of Wbita Wyaadotta Ol I.^MIUOII, \VH» th** m»IM* of II »*»TyI high srbtMil will work for B. .\. Kyaa, of I varieties of ganlcu Irttttc**. D«wcriptive prrttv wtddioK. 'V». ir», I (iiinnieouvilla, tbeeoniiux amsoii. ooeks, and a fall poond above tba stand ­ «b«Ni thiir only child, MUh .Mary wn* Cbaa. Hajnmoud has moved hia Itarlier I lists <»f the varieties *»f Icttnc** have al- ard weight (or coobarela iinitiil ill iimrriaKc with Kni*wt Watin*. ’ sboi* inti» tbe najiiiH fi»rineriy oecupie*! j ready been pnbli*hr**i. l»nt it is lielieve*! Wa beliave tbe desire for "benvy of I^Imhiod . by llert .Mann in the liement baildinx. ' tliat th*T«* has H'< n n** n-m-nl classifica- weights" (or overweight birds) ia an DRAFTS .\t one o ’Hork tla* bridal jiarty entcml ■ CiminiisMoner U. M. \Vinst wi»iitwi* flie i Mrbo««l rtMims *>n Thuixlay of last week. coarse framed, rangy birds that are slow I as spring, sninmer and wint**r. ami as I'pfrmonjr. Mm. ,\li«» Ilk** iictinl nm ! Klondike is the name of n ii**w sattle- matariug and make slnggisli laying brideaniaid iiud Mr. i'Ul. Ki«'«* iim bmt I aiblugi*. entting ami (’«»x h ttnetw, and metit just south of this villaxe, wlian* birds and are poor property generally. man. Tb** bride wna very prettily dn-w*- tb**« the naimresold. ' is approximately •l«*t**m»in»'*l by ***Ttain ,\fter l•onttrHt^llatioue tin* rom|winy of reaching laying roatnrity. In doing Mm. C. M. Vail, who hoe Iteeii in ' Isituuical chara**t*Ts irr»*spe**tiv«* of the were enrorted to the dinini: rtKim when* that he finds that bis birds have fallen a iteiirione dinner wiim rerveii. .loliet. Ml., for some time caring for name. The *i**scTipti*in« «»f kimls which State Bank of St. off a fruciioo in siae, which ia perfectly Hoth the bride andKnKim are well and h*T sick ilauglitir. n*tuni ‘>il home • chwely resemble *<0011 *»theT ar** pLM'*'d natural, because it is tbe generally favorably known liem, havinx livnl all last week. .Sh<* re|K>rts .Mise h'lorti much ( close together n> that they can b** read ­ "flue" type of bird that is the great their livee in thie locality. They have imppov***! in health, wlui will als4i return ily oompaiwd ami the minor dlff(*rencss Iumi Ih of friendN here who unite in wiAh. as s«Mtii as abh*. layer. Will not he be better off if be ioK fheiii all the joye of life. May their preserves tbe great laying nbaracterts- new lif* ‘ lie on«’ of coinfilete bappinenH. CliarltK* Trenilwcll has gom- to .tnu tics of his stook, even if they are off a Many valuable jrifte vaen- receiviif by Johns. .\rb aermof land from the pamntM siug. ••nlh**l «ni IfeWilt friends Suuduy. ■acrifloe tbe great laying qoalltiea of his of the briile. .Mr. and .Mm. K. Z. .Niieh; Hat iroiie and home blankete, Mr. and .Vt the chattel mortgug** sah* ol U. stock? We believe aa For any amount up to $io.oo there l5 but Mm. Hichanl \Vnt**m, liwl epn'iid and .Shaw, his iinele wits thesui'cessiul bidder. The Barred Plymonth Rock fowl of biMtk, “fiiir Weildinu Itay.” Mr. and C. S. Smiilley ami wife, of I.jinsinx, standard waigbt is a little above tbe 5 cents charii^e, over that amount up to $ioo Mm. Fred Sittiiiffton; lamp. .Mr. and .Mm. s|s*iit Sunday at her father’H, Wni. Ter- popular market siae. The atanilani Kd. Itic»*: water net. Mr.and .Mm. Holme**; ] bush. weight (or tbe hens is ponnds, but lo cents. table cloth .Mr. and Mn*. .\lb«*rt Watem; Tlie .Seiinir rlit«*H will liuhl a lmr*l tim<*s and a fowl that dresses 6 to ponnds lamp. Mr. and Mm. .1. W. I'etemon and siM'ial Friday ev<*ninx, Man-h Id, at sells quickest, tbe average buyer giving family; water itet, Mr. and Mm M. M. Willis Mclyotitli's. OALironXIA CKKAM m*TTBU LKTri'CE. the preference, other things being equal, Mee*H T. lied Apr* ‘nen quite as lia*! as tb** ilescrip tbe fine boned and fine bodied bird that I/ench; toilet tow*>{i*, .Mr. anil .Mm. f'hai*. tli«*ir m**etinx at tin* (i. U. hall in Ik- tions. The illustrations of th** Bhud<* is the great layer, there is a very anb- Ilowanl. choii'e collection of Ah«4li», .Mr. M'itt, Thiirsilny, March *.». .\ public din ­ Islaml classification are mainly from stautial gam to her credit. ner will Is li«*llan«*nl 1 hauled Int** Wolverine by n single pair *•( s«*ed se<-ar*!id from hwiling seedsmen in bt.rses one day last w*-ek. .mil Mm. f Iiua . Cole; Halt anil |M*p|ior one will Is- pr**pare«i to assist in tin* pro- and the shrewd buyer appreciates that th*’ cast, south, north and w*wt. ami UMiuty la niisoa Dee*. ehakem, Muh Iit Italpli Cole. grain. fact. We don'teat tbe b^es of a fowl. WANTED I ill tb«* Hjiritig th<* human Ikk Iv ii**eds also from fJanadn. England and Franc**. It is the meat we boy them (or, and tba Clean blood mesna s clean skin. No A Krtatitfal Hlantlsr. Iiav** )w*m availabh* for the stud}* of beauty without it. Cssesrets. Candy Cathar­ I luwistiiiic*- to throw off the stagnation •ipwinV OreMesI .Neetl. "fine" lioned birds are worth more per ; produced by winter diet. .Is the teiiiper- Will often i-ause a horrible Bum, SrnM, this *:peri**s. tic clean i-onr blood and keep it clean, b> Mr. U. 1’. Olivia, of Barcelona. .Sfwin, i ."'nt OP Bruise, Biirklcn ’s .4mien Haly**, pound than tbe big boned, "ooarse ” stimug up tbe Isx)' liver and unving all im ' atur** riscM under the growing h*>Ht of the Npeadn hi* wintem in .Viken, S. f’. Weak From the 69 varieti*^ des<-ribed and birds beoaose they carry more meat in |•untles from the liody. Begin tcAlsy to j sun ’i* niys, wi* f****| tire*l, Imlf nick and theIsmt in the world, will kill th** pain accompanied by .'tT tim* illnstratioiis itsmsh pimples. boiU, blotcliM, blaekbwuls, nervee had caueed neven- |iaine in the iini promptly hsnl It. Cures Old Sores, proportion to bone. This fact should be ! low in sitirits. liecviUN** the bloo*! is s'lig- bark of hi* bead. On uninx Klectm- Bit­ mentitin is here made «if two attractive 411(1 that sickly bilious complexion by takina j gisli ami full of inijiurities. Dr. .1. H. Mc- BKTCLES Fever Sores, riccm. Boils, Feloos. Corns, better understood, and aa tbe fine boned ( 4ecsr«*ls,->ltc«uty for ten cents All drug- tern, .kmerica’a xreatiwt HIimk I and Nerve kinds: type of bird ia tbe better layer and bet­ ; I>nn ’s Strengfli**iiing f’nrdinl ami BIoim I Heoii^y, all pain twion left him. He aayn ill .Skin Kruptions. Best Pih* cur»* on pst», BStisfsction guaranteed, lUc, Sk.SOc. •arth. Only 'JSc. itbox. Cure guarnnteeil. California Cream Butter. — L*miv **s ter for market that is the type of bird Furitter is a n*liable spring r**me«ly tt» in- To Enamel and Clean thin xrtuid iiiedicine in what hie ■*oiintry vigfimle the blcMMl and giv** tone to the *^*1 bv Fiidew' & Millmau, Druggists. gl(H*sy gr*<«n. blotched with red an*! to breed. .After **stlug heartily ol s turkey illaner ucedn. .Vll America known that it enren (1) sho*!^ with red at least after light tbefsuilly of Austin Hitstirk. of .Ulllliistou. I digestion. Fricc .’’die and fl a bottle. for Summer. liver uad kidney tronbh*. purifie** the Care •( Poaltrr- consletlns of seTett iiersons. weer setsed with ! Hsesk thieves r«>bbe«l the Ann Arbor Mirh-| frosts. tbicE elevations and depres sions sTsiptfins of iMilsonlag. Iloetors *u*ve* Nfe-To-MiM' for Fifty CeaM. body, if weak. tire«l or aiiiux .vou need i .Mnrri***!. by .lustic** T. F. .liistiii. Fn- folds, (.idgea with 4*onspicnons points on bly the moel remnriiNbie reniedv erer pro- ' «lnv ev**ninx F**bnmry 1” his ilaughter. reason, if for no other, tbe tmildings, Ouarsntetsl uharr**-titlel«i, tti Butminster nests and vards should be kept as clean Itles It bus <'iire*l tbousnuils, nn«l has ilnne .Sold bv nidew A .Millmiui, DrufCX"*!" veins terminate at the eml. Plants won*lers In many rases of Inripient i-onsumi*- (1) I M'. Harliiig, all of Fairtleld. larg**. IS to 1.1 inchce acnsis. nsnally as possible. Tbe droppings should be tl. And Fixed up lo Look Like gardens. Th** leaves have a stningiu* Ilsl Crane'n family vimteil at tie-old home, last. flavor than tht easily. In my own poultry house 1 have To Cnre CawsiliMtIwn Voresev. i T»n'leans** the system iii a gentle and ! New. The .Minnioiiaiy tneetiax at o. I,. B«r a week’s visit at the slots at either side, in which the ends Take Cosiarets Canuv I'lWhariic lOr or 8k. ' truly IsmeffeinI manner, when the spring ­ i objectionable- in fact, the l«viv«w form ­ If C. C. C. fall u> cure. druKdiMs rr fund mooev | with'n wan a very pleanant and prottta- Intiin* of his father, .\ndrew Call. 11 was ing the hcsMls on* not usually **x<*eesiv*- of tbe roosting boards rest. One objec ­ time comes, us** the true and perfect rem- We xnfherinx. .\fter the pnixnim. the II siirtiris** on the ohi v**ternii and his ***ly, .Mynij* of Figs. Buy flH- genuine. ly bitter. The vigorous constitution of tion to this arrangement is that th** A row lieloDging t** John Klsher. of Rertieti i thre». o'clock pn»y**r m«hniury Uii, The s«i*ervls*irs of ogrrosw rnuniy hnvr Th«* nerviceH tha» lar have lieen v»Ty in- whit** seeded T«*niiis Ball, and th<* two bouses, I scatter lime or ashes on tbe lay whole InMly. I s**eineil lieyoml cur**, j setiletl with Ihr l>onarly relatetl. floor, roosts, etc. Tb** houses should u ishes of a host of friende for th«*ir fill- w*»inuu.” Mrs. I'luui. Hutton, Berville, I Ids srroiinls tiy rsoiMin of the failure of the M. X oim I I'onXTi ’Xatiiin. KvaiiX''lint Ciiain- urt* hap|iiiiesH and |iros|s*rity. although they an* very distinct. fre«|ueatly be whitewashed inside and II, Kreorh A hnuk. M. II. French gave herlaiii !► a h*4p. Iwinx a man of Mich. I hls note **1 roverlheshortitgr, psying ai.o*Mi (iolden Qn*s*n. —L«*«ves short ami outside, fresh straw placed in the nests, per V esr lor Bve years. ChriHiiaii lov* and prayer, comlaaeil ti. W. Clark, of Chapin, will hiiild n hrnad. yellowish green, often shading and that which ia removed tiumed or < osl Is •■roppltiK out nl stori*s high. t4> light yellow at th** margins, edges other pisrrs Th** old shaft nenr Sirrllnit !• liesT Tehareohptt sod Hostke 1«wr IJfr Assy. G(o.D.||Ooper’s Fi\c m-hoiiln w*Tc repre****nt*H| at lh«- Will Is* on op|K*sit** Hid** of the str**et smth or with teeth only m*ar the a shed of any desirixl sise, under which lietliK re**|»ene*l. To quit tobiwco easily and forever, be mag (irove HchiMil hint Tue*.day to take the the fowls may lie fed ill stornir weath­ from his |ire**snt location, and will add lias**, veins prominent, the lamina gen ­ .\ li(tm«**lii>ld a*s'*-ssity —Hr. Tli(»miis’ aetic. full of Hie, nerve aivd vigor, take No-To* *Sxhth xiTtd*' 1X11111111011011. There wen* er. is a necessity. To obtain the liest re- Use. the wonderworker, that mokes weak men tw**niv-om* who wrote. Minn Ffh** liick, nialeriHiU t*i the business int< ‘n*sts ol erally lieing depn*ss**ii lietween them, Fk-lts-tn*' I 111. Heals burns, cuts, wotimls solta in egg profluctioii some green food strong. All druggisu. SOo or fl. Cureguarsa- .Mi**H Bath F|itoti. .Miw Bertha llrixxn, that villag*' at lelk*v <*am*sl by ami thick. h**ads naiiidfsl. hanl. weight are inexpensive and give good results. The .irtsoidaromsT mine, in whlrh John teaelM'i*. an they ni*nrly com|il'>t*' make ago was nveived the Idfh inst., in just from excess!vi» bittiTntws. lias** leaves Monilsy. up in the Hiirinx examination. Minn om* w****k Iron, tb** time in whicli proofs few and small, seed whit**. A variety e*ai mailed tin* gr**nt What selection can do for a flook is inevlIrlBe. A 'Iry. ttckllng. hocking cough, nnnsnal merit. **ithcr for field culture the warning that consumption lurks nror. Merchant Tailor, diploma. .Mr. l»ak** tnk**n a five weekn' T*'nl, illustrative of th»* ilisimtch with or forcing. Th«* plants gniw rapidly, shown by tbe oxpsrienoe of Wyckoff of How to Find Out. neeals n«> other iloctor hut hr Hull's Cough varation. ncbiMil cioMinx hint Friday. Opposite “The Steel”. which hiisiness is^tninsact^ hy that and when well (-ami for they seldom Mew York state, who by selecting the Fill a iNittle or (-onimon glnse with Myrup. It |•oslllT«dy cures throat and lung .1. C BninMin tii*iI** hfll were annual installation of ottfeers .Monday white seede*1 Tennis Ball. ami. like 600 up to an average of 196 eggs per an iiabealthy (-obditioii of the kidneys; arrested at t'hsriotte. rhsrged rath­ ben a year. This ia an extremely high GUNNISONVILLE. ney trouble. tiMi fre(|iient desires toiNiiw mander .1. f\ Wotnlanl acting as install ­ er n gniwn in the open average for so many hena on one farm. ing officer. Then* was a gor jMiin in th** l»a<*k is also coiivim-ing grunnd. The Golden <^4>en is reoum- It meaas better than an egg every other Latest Novelties. il. .1. K.v 'ik * will move into bin new auw and th»* conferring of initiatorj* *1**- proof that the kidn«*rs and blniltler ar** h«>il«n* thin w'f'ek. gre** to a (-iiiididate was als** a jilenMint day for every hen the yeai round. Not out of ortler. WOiEN IN DOUBT raSmioYALPiLu only in spring and summer, bnt through Ths» Mm I 'erry Kyen hae lieen quite ill with ' feiittm* of the eviming ’s program. WHAT T«l IMI Isrti« u*is«s4ScresM> * igsr the molting aeatsai. through the dead tisstsS - iHtlss et swu.irss tbexrtp. There isgreat c«»mfortln the knowledge . They srs olAfb OaVees" A. .M. Beiidetson. who recently sohlout of winter a^ through the time* which IsgtrlsBl sesisnbfKMtnlietiU. sMlsg •). Minn Klla .Smith ha** Imwii enxaxi'sw*si.Lo •Serted ppenMl*K»t in place ol Mm. hnilth large deoartmeat store in Balth* Creek, good. No amount of care with ordinary luid **very jiart of the tiriniiry jusssages. Dr. Wllllsats* ladloa Tile Both Tubular and their ofiening betng almut .March lo. (owls Would make them do aa well on It corrects inubillt.i to hold water niid ' nUBont will rsrw Hllrd. Kyen. n'nixiieil. Uleedlair nod lushing His KIsh* (rtetids will wish .\lbert all sac- a larg** scala Here is an object leaaoo stuilding jMiiti in |iossing it. or Imil effects iTIrs. It sbaoriMibaiunKirs. Tile made and re­ ci*ss in his new held.—Sun. wbieh lends to show that breeding and following use Ilf lapior, wine or lieid', and - Allays tb« ttclUav nt once, mu aelection will yet do for hens what tbe orercoims* that uiifihKisaut u*s>*ssit,v of Will and .Mden Wooll. of iWrtiit, and being <*nm)s*lle«l to go often during the paired by Kimball Laru** Wooll, of Newaygo, hav** htsm bf*ri* same agencies have done for other kinds mont Is preparcii for Pirr.and lieb- day, ami t«i ip'l up many times during Ing of Ike prtvAte pnrt* Kvery bo* Is The Gold That Glitters. tlie|*ast week on acroiint of thestwinns of live stock. —Maaanohosetta Plooffh- tb** iiigbt. I^e mibi and the extmonlin- : warrAnie-l. Ilv druar'-'s. by mall 0.1 re & Love, successor , illiiemi of their jtarents, .Mr. ami Mm. I. eelpi 'fjyirc M cents sml gl.iM*. Will lAgW DO mONU HMkKK HARrfNKSft, (Ml mao ary effect of .*(wam|»-Boot isaiMtii realise*!. VMUFAmilNIfi CO.. I'*npw. * IcveUlQ^K . (I. WiHill, Sr., who. we an* glad t**say OOLOXN gi'Kga. It stands th** highest for its wond**riul to F. C. Younjf. DOn NMALTN MANC What Tnalter Maaas** Will Da. (’. K, VanSickb*. Ht. Johns, Michigan. are somewhat lietter than at this time f’ati-s of the most distreesiag coin ’s, if WBALTN? last week. Will’s wlh*. hirmerly Ivy mended for growing under glaos. be- Marcos M. Wood of Webster, Mass., Address C. L. KimtMilL The rich nu t man emnnot alwayii ba canw* it is thought to he lees subject to you need a m^wlirine yon shoithi hav»* the KHIy. of KIsie, and childmi are also sends os a copy of tka Weboter Timas liesi. .\t druggists rtlt.v cents or on** dol ­ «dd to bo iho moct ■ueceMful, (or tmo dis ease than the Hiwton Market, but it Riley. 44wia hen*. oontainiag a mention of a mammoth lar. onceoaa lo not ponolhlr without bappi* is floubtfni if. on th** whole, h la equal ■an*. Many a wealthy roan would ^va Valparaieo eqoash grown by him, and Yon may haven sami*!** iNittb* anti a KmYROYAL PILLS SOUTHWEST BINGHAM to that variety for forcing. iMMik that t*ms more alMint it, both st'ut ■ OUglaai aa4 wstT assstns. ▲ all bo now pov aaaaaa to bava tba baaltb DOW on exhibition in a store in Web- osec. Ms.,- russs sssms sW ■ NiiSiWir. SSsIsS EARN SCALES aad happinaaa of a younn atblata. ater. Tbe squash measnres 6 (e'-t 6^ alMH)lntei,v fre** by mail, If you s**tid ytiur ‘ ItichnnI F«*st is mttch better. I Il*»«v OarSleM Veaetatelea Ke^a Heat. I ts Usd SU wg^i vIBf OH TMIAL tacbes in oiroaraference and weighs 116 mldreisi to Dr. KilnuTvV (’o , Binghamt*>ii, ) ssA Ms. kssm Tabs Baaltb la not hanl to fet amt kaap If AUsi I * "** }?/” good Jadxment it uaad in eating for and The siek ones an* all «»n the gam. Neiuly all our garden vi'getabies will pounds Mr. Wood writes: "Ilondrsds N. Y. When writing Is* sun*and meothiu ; CHCAffCST AND BEST that .v*»u rend this generous *vffer in Tux _ __ _ tm ■■tUAIlHI. WSUBBSSM. m4 anppiying tba naadi of tba ayatam. Mrs. WiKHlt**rry is re|M»rted som** keep beet in tbe winter by lieing when* oame to see tbe squash in my field, and Free FnlAkigsw. All st«»s. 8t, J*»hvis N kws. Batura oftan nnwlo aaaiatance; you liettcr. th** temperature is ni*arly *H*cable. steady employ meat the hara oalside baip. Pabat Malt Extract, sunlight until the frost is nut of them ' vear m««d at gvnwl wages, at your *>wn PATENTS Iba '*taat** Tonic, will aupply tba as- i W’illanl Jolly has been suffering with years excepting the nmnore from aboal ] kome •vr t** travel* II s«« s*wid for *»iir w'i<4e- Ira fnal, faod, and ■trenMh; U la abao- nenralgiH tbe (Mst week. They ahnuid not he handled while 160 bens. This year 1 had savea one ' sate prtre list ood twirtlenlars. We furatali svn l•*Tg>lV i.sw Intaly para—an unaqitalTed aaaivtaat to froom. Turnips, aleo. are not injured hy heat of bank rederetires. Ameriean Tea lY*. -BXCLOSIVELY.- Mrs. V**mon .loam siient Tnesday at berm looda " Iletmtt, MIrb. t4Hm4i Honk nt ealaisMe Infor- aatnre la glTlag hMitb, vitality aad Willard .Hdly ’s last week. Iwing frnaeo aad mnst aloo he thawed Time mm* ahlll. Mtlon and tall partlealar* atraagth. It will nadta you aat aad Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bmwn. of Bengal. { out In the dark before handling, bnt it LUMBAGO •eat free •iaap wall, and aauoo yon to foal Ilka gives to them aoweeter taeteaad mikler Tbe raaaoii why the ponltry bneiaom .TaoMoa A Flonaars, ! Sundayed at Mr. aad Mrs O. R. Rlre's. la MBT T» ^C/S//V£-SS ■(.••ctaaa Hlk.. liraod yooraalf again, or parhapo. battar than flaver, which ie a remtnaMWlation to will nerar ha ovardnae ie that naly a Mr. and Mm. Willard Jolly and Utile aapbls. Mleh Braoeb «tgtaa yon I tarar fait la roar Ufa. Tbr " Etot** soas r taatse aad by others may be small par naat of thooa who uadertaha Waoklogton II. f' I daughter. Eva. spent Monday with rsla- AMO J«MT aa BAMV TO Toaitie waa awaidod tka 100 polaia of thoug ht a fimlt We have taken tur- It have a j«Mt appeodatieo of the da- toodon at tka World'a Fair, aad waa , tivws in Ht. Johns. Tr/fo/r^ Af/cAf. ^ Mr. aad Mm. Warren Ranseil aad IKUe < aipo, cabbages and tuiiomi and thawed maadi on tbatr tiaa, ihlil awl attam OURS TNOB. a. lAOIW 4k BOM, oaly Malt Bxtraal wkktk raaaiead •r TOM mm dbaaor. Toar luaraM drafiata oar* j ckildrsa spent tks tmt of last wssk at' them oat la ooM water for imoMdiate tIoB. w MB wHItog to JimAhi tbM* Pakot Malt Bwiwaf, Tka "Baak** Mrs. RaBBsll's pawta, Mr. aad Mm. Bsn- ! (Moldaf aad tlMght they wute ao wivaa to faadlha Hi daya aeary nm. Oil PATENTS. Blaiaalaifc. I tag, of RMsy. nmraom rm ar. joom news , Tn8 CJD4T MAICH 2.1899.

two Marvelotis takw tlHt AT THE CAPITOL mn liohia to The World ’s News ■Mte; «mI both ore -BY— VATXmiAL LmBLATTJBl DT. W. C. WalkeT poor oisea. h# contends that It would .-omp ’cd y the F.ntnrtal Chronicle raauli In a graat savtng to the psopts. It a decr'-aa.; lumpared with mt the ImwoMshoes In asmsss The bill provldas for the elaetion la Bbi ).-ar uf MP.233 WEEK’S DISTORT. and Hnnsv. «^;siJNyuioB qotek- N¥ avery township and ward In the state mam ’The Klllfott Square bank of Buffnio, The Emiaaat Phjratriao and Harffoea, of \y COCM|||tl i ' "■ ■ ■ ' of a board of coaclllatlon to be cons* N. Y . haa Hooed Its doors. 'Hie baak Washington. Feb 24 -The Mil per­ coo ^'mi) introdueod in th» L«gitlatura by pooed of three members to whom all will go Into voluntary liquidation. mitting volunteer regiments to retain Dagroit. Mich., formerly of Now Yof%, personal disputes and wrangles bs* Nbwyb from All Parts of the Great their (olors and depuait them In ataia **®?^*^ Lawmaker*. tween etttaens must be rsferred. World. MisMAHs AND uiaA«nma. capltola was passed yesterday by tha will make the following Regular trooMct Four children of Mr. and Mrs. James senate. The river and harbor bill oc ­ iwhicb M Uaa Utspsae mt the Ulaputaa. ■Moatiily Visits. Carso^ of Mix Hun. I*a.. were bdmed cupied the remainder of the da>. eigh­ HO AIMOITRHMKHT BEFORp: JITHE. This board Is to have power to dis* I (Wnaiar pose uf these disputes, aad In no case HAPFEHIHUh BRIEFLY A BRATKO. to death. ty-nine pages of the hill being consid ­ the d oHco te j ------Is the psr»>n runsldering himself og* Ben Nelson and John Anderson were ered and completed. K»« tktffm JnM WI»M H— grieved to have recourse to the courts kilted In a snow slide at Rllve Plunae, The house declined toconalder the con ­ ^-***** ' !•••.» « ui Utti for tm —ItMOort. unless the board so decides. I^)r In* an Ike Latest (1m4 News. Farelga Kveals Colo. tested election caae from the Fifth Vir­ you into Wbteli Are ml Hmmmwmt latort*#*. Otsas- ginia district, and passed the naval ap­ alaoat beftiw you are awaie •Nt M. «rl«|iin««t in Uo«> at TomMll— stance, if a couple of neighbors get Into Hev. John Hettlg, for forty years propriation bill after making the maxi­ of it: the other Is when the trouble is at l.MkMl VOr—K^pr«M«UUlvo a (luarrel over the depredatloiu of fers. CrtMses oaU CMker sakjssl* i;krwal- pastor of the Uerman Keformed church mum price to be paid for battlenhlp ar­ laac discovered sad fully realised to gir* W«cn»r'a Bill LlkaB bjr VOroMr* —Hr. chickens In the garden of one of them, '-led la I'eadewsed Farw. tor tike H smv In Fort Wayne. la., drank carbolic acid up hope too soou. mor I44S per ton for the Krupp kind, pMli’a tlM‘» Hill.'* and the other is Inclined to sue for Beatler. by mistake and died a short time later. Begin with thooe bcoswhial aad throat damages and all that, the rsme must Chicago haa been suffering from fires and amending the bill ao as to crMte aUawats the iaalaat they appear; aevet LiOlWinK. MIrh.. Fob. 2t.—Th«> fUrst flf* be referred to the l>oanl of conciliation iFA.VISH-AMgait AN B AH gCIIOBS. lately. One at the otuefc yards resulted the grade of admiral In the navy for wait till to'iaonow. The rwht reuMdv Rear Admiral Dewey. taken now taay save moaths or acvere ill- ty (lay* uf tho «e«aion duiinx which bill* of the township or ward, and unless It Itelicls tried to burn Manila and dur ­ In the killing of Plpeman Patrick O'Neil. Washington. Feb. 2S.—After sitting ■aas. On the other band if the illness has can be Introduced havinc expired, tho consents no suit can be brought. The ing the tin- they wounded a (Tnited By a mysterious explosion following already coase upon you; and vou find your ­ leslalatora know Juit about what work Idea Is to have these petty quarrels Htitleii officer and three men. The a lire at Hartford City, Ind., four per­ nearly eight hours yesterday the sen ­ self arrakened. wasted aad discouraged, do haa been cut out lor them to do. A aur* settletl out of court by neighbors who names were ilnally aulalued. sons were killed. ate passed the river and harbor bill not lose hope. There is a medicine that will are acv]uatnted with all the parties, and with the Nicaragua canal maaaure as a vay of the altuatlon by the leglalator tiencral domes has entered Havana Carl Meyer, of Tomahawk. WIs.. while oortainly restore yon to health aad strength. who arc thus qualified to bring about rider, deciding by vote that It waa not ** My boy was la a very bad wai arhen I coas- who la ainbltloua to dnlah the work and St the head uf the Cuban trooits chopping down a tree in the woods was ■eared toglv* hlai t>r. Hcree's dotden Medical aa amicable adjustment of the dlfll* killed by Its falling upon him. out of order. Hewell of New Jersey, ad ­ vet away to attend to bis private bual* ! Brigadier (leneral K. I* K\ver«. now vocating a larger army. Mid that he Mscovctt .’ wrkaa J. W. Price, liaq.. of Osark. cully. It Is authoritatively asasrted J,* C. Parry, of Iienver. waa killed in Moaroe Co.. Ohio. In a rceeal letter to Dr. R. V. ncaa muat be far from conaollnv, for . In command of a brigade of treen honorably mustered out of the vol ­ mall In Wyoming Wednesday night. astil he arms pas* walklag. After tialaic bee boi- olutlona Introduced exceeda that of any gaticfi to the taxpayers alone, to say from there" He had opposed the ac­ unteer army. Reveral were wounded, none aerlously. ties of the ' Oiaaoeerv * fie is now all right. It previous session with the sinvie ax- nothing of the saving to individual suit* quisition of the islands, but now wantad haa bees ten fsoatba elace be stopped lakisa Admiral Dewey has cabled the navy Rix men were killed by n dynamite yosr medictseasd heisatill in good itMlth ceptlon of Itai. In the house the num« ors. of 40 per cent, a year. A similar the Filipinos subjugated. are eery tbankfal to yon for sariag onr soe. ” bill has passed one house of the legis ­ de(4irtment asking that the <»r<-gon ie* explosion at the RIger tunnel works on The house finished general debate on ' bar this year la l.lfS, as compared with the Jungfrau railway. Rwltserland. Hundreds of stmilsr cases sre described lature of both North and Routh iM* sent to Manila for ‘‘political reasons ' the army appropriation bill, and at the ST. JOHNS. Hotel St. Johns. In one chapter of Dr. Pierce's great then- 1,271 two years avo, while the aenate re* kota and bids fair to become a law In dencnil Flagan. !»• for** the Mileii court George Wagner, the l3-year-old son night session passed seventy-seven pri- * asad-page illnstrsted book The People ’* Mlved bit In nve and the senate left to be disposed of by prosecuting tatk on the president and hla expan ­ GKFirK IIGI’UR, II u. m. tti ."i p. rii. library in one volume; —the frnit of Dr. thirteen abort of the record of two years attorneys, nor to s in the Creston. la., attempted to stop a runa ­ requiring all government printing to be verest types of (iMtinste chronic diaesaes. call; It '’the poor man's bill.” und he I’hiili pines to the war <1* iwrtment. It way team and was killed. done by union printers. .\ny one msv write to himfor advice; which tion of taxation la before this levlala* Tbe Mortant question, 'There Is nothing In the situation at pruixtsal In the army hill for an In ­ gan the consideration of the compromise There are scores of farmers through­ the Indications art- that much other Im* Manila to cause alarm for the safety crease of ten squadrons In the cavalry. army reorganisation bill which had been I*atiwt .MedicaJ ai** ’ portant matters are covered by the bllla out the state who will yearn for the of the American trestps. In the opinion ngreed upon by the membera of the mil­ EDITORIAL COMMENT. passage of Itcpresentatlve Wayne's bill The German press comments In a SurKicnl Skid. I noa In the hands of the committees. of well-informed administration offi ­ itary affairs committee. Gorman In ­ which exempts from taxation all farm friendly tone ui>*m the arrival In Ber­ If that British orvan viinder vets Into these reasons the opinion Is quite cials. lin •>f Hoberi U. Uorter, who waa Presi­ sisted on a definite time being set for mortgages which bear Interest at the Rpanish commissioners who have the army to go lutck to its old number, tiss Iiuum * of lordu he nuiy |tlay n dlfTcrent veneral that It will be well ulonv Into rate of 4 per cent, or less, and it Is not dent McKinley's special commissioner C<>NSULTATIONS AND EXAMI- tunc —Phlliulel|ihia North American J June before final adjournment la passed our lines at Manila say .\guln- to Cuba and Porto HIco. und the bill was pending at adjourn ­ unlikely that there will be found (Wpl* aldo Is inclined to ara-ept pacitic over ­ ment. Forty-seven private pension bills Tl»eh«isler>'with its Iat4ecome a law It would on the army appropriation bill, but I look like a tjiiakrr gown. —Minneapolis ] Imptjrtant developments In the Una have the effect of bringing «>ut of the Typhoid fever has appeared In the j march his troops on the Blysee which Jounutl I ot taxation legislation are looked for second division hospital In Major deii- I was one of the reasons for Deroulede's failed to complete It. Kuloglea were de- ' toaiw*- Miii » ou- savings lianks a vast amount of money Ilvered on the late Henator Walthall and ; OT* >181181 VUl Mt Tfltl ABJ UDIISS The Flllpimm cannot mmplain that we ; although the progress of the eral*a camp, Havana. arrest that night, has resulted rather that is lying there drawing interest of Representative I-ove, both of MIsslMlp- do not nv'owitiic ih«*m. tiencml oils la ; lo be re|K>rtt-d by the Joint com* from 2H to per cent. WAMIIINtiTflN NtrriCN. disasteronsly to Deroulede. who Is liable Tbenlsi P^MUtTofaCin making n )Hdnt of seeking them uut.—In- i niittee may be somewhat impeded by for trial hy the senate on a charge of pi. The river and harbor bill with the Various bills proposing schemes to Joseph H. Choate, the new amtutasa- j senate amendment providing for the dlan:i|MilU X<*ws t*te fact that the Uepublicati state con- equalise taxation have been introduced, treason. | Aid Will So infom Yoi. .\t the rate th»i Frem-hnirn nn* pnH«slng I'^**'** ‘'*' Jackson W» dnes- ...... dor to the court of Ht. James, sailed ' Nicaragua canal was referred. but Itepresentativc (lustin of .\lpena yesterday for I.a>ndon j The missing steamer Bulgaria has ar- | thing* fhe>- may git their uitch tw-roMi the , attract so many of the repre- : thinks he haa evolved the one that more rived at Pontu del Gada with oJI on Washington. Feb. 28. —The senate yes­ The president has sent to the senate ' Isthiiiiis tlnlslMvl lifforo ours is Uwun.*- • toniatlves that no business will be uc- [ nearly hits the nail or. the head than board well. terday agreed to the report on the ag ­ n«e.lon Transcript. |! compllahed on that ilay. The bills pre*pre­ other. Hli bill diws away with the numlruttlon of ChnstUn Kohlsaat i The finding of the bodies of Andree | ricultural bill and pasoed the army re- Examination by Rellection. of Illinois to l>e TTnit*-d States district ! organisation bill with a provlalon re­ Sine** th«! i|uronimlttees to which i township l*oarda of review and county the north pole balloonist, and his com- | Judge for th.- northern district of 1111-i quiring the Increase of the army to end cm* raising the ftaie «*f siege In .-jMln we this entire subject was relerred a fort ­ <*quallzatlon. and sc-lci* In solve the panions has Iwen omflrmed j night ago are now in the hands of the nols. vice I'eter tirossc-up. resigned. July 1. 1991. An amendment was of- Ry Ibe latest M-leatlOe resiarrbss Itoth by may fsxm •*x|s*< t >V»*yler to i'oiih* «»nt of his much mooted prnhU m of listing all th«- Millions of acres ».f > n>ps an- rep«*rted ' Inprytvwl ioatrumeats and methods the hole. — I’ltlsliurg Times house, and ihere will be nothing from pmiwrty In the stale and assescing It Unless tallied In M'ashlngioii h> an ' fere«l to the navy appropriation to ap- tp hav. been .lesin.yed In Australia b> i two vice idm'lrals. Intended fir | to ion of congr- ’ss, a nuirber of memliere --f th»- senate* and hous ■ navaf Sampson .and Hchley The sundry civil illsewse. Ml] |s th.- nttial have full |>ower In subpoena witnesses, Don Jaime, i"in iif Don Carlos, the dlssAses aud rotoplli-ations which have motion on re.'onl —WaRhlngton I’ost able any time a majority of the houst- compel the pro«lu> lion of papers, etc., princl|Mil (lOftB of .''iitw and port lltet, j 'TIk house set aside today to consider Rpanish prctcndei. has arrived at Nar- public building hills and passed_ the ar- hereiolore provml most ■>lMtlnMt» to Ill«-4«..l Is h«* that spnoinie«l by the gov ­ Th* senate commute*- on int*'rnatlon- . Is expected that the action to be taken al •■x|*osittuns authorlxed a fuvorabi** A.M* KNIMk at home ment are within the reach of all. Hr la a will n-eclve no hid* fnnn the I'nlttsl ,*an- j clnnati the (le«irge U. Cox faction ob ­ mining what sort of a bill shall be American ex|ioslllon in Ituffalo N T ' tained almost • umplete • untrol over the the art loan wfallossoklag relief at his haad, Ms an auctioneer —Kxchaiige .-iss.-art of the large majority "The difficulty with the present law." K Da) of Ohio, to lie ITnIteil .‘Hates A Jury at Iowa City, la., decided for Ponta del Gada, Feb 23.—The Ham- READ WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. Temir*« ” With siirh a name as this It of the legislators to enact some law or says the Introducer <>f the bill, "Is that circuit Judge for the Sixth Judicial cir- ! the defendant In a suit brought by burg-American line steamer Hulgarla. series of laws that will approximate Mr. Kdwiu Sperry, a wHI known cItiMci of woiildn t Ih* surprising if the Isiuk nist Its provisions contemplate that the cult I Wayne Mxgneas to recover 8S.09U from | Captain Schmidt, from New York on Ht. Jfthns. snys. "I wish ui pnbllcly sspnm* equal taxation, and It Is not Improbable Dr. W L. Andrews for alleged neglt- | with a frost. — la-wiston Joiinial. constitutional requirement that prop ­ Senator Hanna has been exonerated \ Jan. M for Hamburg, previously report ­ my giatitude to Or. Walker for the Inmmt that an Income tax law will be one of erty be assessed nt Its true cash value by the senate committee of all compile - > gence in conducting an oi>enitlon with ^H>d I have r^vMl through his treatmeat. A New York curio i*oll«vtor isiuoiiming ed In great distress by the British tank I had been afniet««l with catarrh of the htmd. the loss by lln* of three mummlfleii l‘mi- the features of the legtalation enacted. shall not be (omplied with. If this were Ity In the alleged briliery at his election. | the X rays. The senate took a whirl at the At­ steamer Weehawken. MO miles from the throat, and stomach for years. Hat lag vlaii kings In a city like New York be not so there would be no necessity for The- Daughters of the American Hev- j The Heading tHa.l Iron <-ompany has Asnre islands, enteretl this port yes­ tiiwl a number of other clortors's without ought iMit t.i have mtirh tmiibie in linding kinson bill a few evenings ago. It having county equollutlon. As a matter of ordered a voluntary advance In wages j > decldwl toconsnlt l>een Intrixluced In that body on the olutlon nt their meeting at Washington terday morning under her own steam, Ur. w olker. who helpetl me right olamg. and something to lx’s! these kings —8t. loiuls nr- fact the present Isw makes It an ob ­ resolved that congress should make a of Its 2.000 employes, lieglnnlng March 1 I tleth day of th<- session. An attempt and reported all well on board. 1 am now pleoM,! to say I am eoiurlng gn*Ml OI o Im- 1 leiiiocmt . ject for every asseesing offiter to un ­ polygamous memlter impossible 'The Omaha ' Ity council has voted to | health. 1 cbeerfhlly rerommen*! the doctor was made to make the consideration of dervalue the property In his district. Investigate ■ barges uf malfeasance ' Won a Twoaty-ltonr-Hoar Boro. to all slmllaiiy alNIcted. .'-ounty THK CKtMIN.\L KF.roKI*. ugalnat Judge Samuel I. Gordon. San Francisco. Feb. 27.— The twenty- this was deemed too soon by a major ­ HI. Johaa. Mlrh. has Iwten pronounf*etl constitutional in taxation to as great an extent aa pos ­ Mrs Clara Wachter of l..«>wiston. Md., In the budget Just submitted to the four-hour bicycle race was won by Joanary 14. 'tWi Teniiessa'i'on th«* ground that tho eignretto ity, and the spe<-lal order was flxed for sible. and the same object la presented has tieen arrested at the Instance of legislature of Victoria. U. C.. by the Rtevens. of Buffalo, after an exciting Kheumnllaai f'nitsl.—Mr. t'boa. .MoJtby. Is not entitled t.i be oonsldeml a h*gltl* March 6 The vote on the earlier date to the board of luiierviaors to equalise her husband ->n a - harg-- of having minister of flnsnee. a deficit of |•47.73S i finish by about five wheel lengths from H^i'y IiVs*T't^^IirTaren'wJTT'/i mate artirli* of r.immen'e This is a Tean was 14 to 12. an Indication that the the property of the county so that as mur-lered her weak-mlndeosslble may be hoy The oldest singing master In the at the end was as follows: Rtevens. 459 i oBertlng my whole avatem. My ••afferiog* main question avoided. ” Mattie Winston killed her husluind world Is Manuel Gnrcta. who. at the 1 miles, 8 laps; Turvllle. 459 miles. • laps; at times were inienae and In a abort time 1 Lsgal «*hJectlon« Knowa. hod peromc s<* emaciated that I waa a nwtv A Job ’s CoMforter. A most novel action so far as the with a shotgun In L<‘e munty. Va. Her age of 94, still gives musical Inst me- j Law-son. 45S miles. 5 laps. •kelet«>n. and itniy by the aM of rntlrbss The railroad attorneys have had their “Mr new IxMik, *' imid the dis^ onrag* Michigan legislatun- Is concerned was husband has lieen in th*- habit of whip­ tion i-osld 1 move aronad at all. I took loss hearing on the Atkinson bill, and the tbas three luonlh, imatnietit of Ur. Walker •d unthor, “Ims not lie.*n fiopnlar taken by the senate a few days ago. ping her and tried It once ti>o often. 'TEX MARKBTS. exact nature of their legal objections to not. however, without a struggle. .\a A hundre*! Uhesapeake Hay oyster wk.. ronpletely restored ate to health. soongh to affonl ns a dinner ’’’ Hurglars enleretl the offic* of Hubert schooners have been carried to sea by rhlraan drain aad Prodwoo. * It are now known. While each of the la well known a numlwr of bllla toelthcr Mrs. Tb<»Bia« t.'mtty also give* lesttsioay. “That's tiecanw* ron ’rt* a genius. ” Parker, an Kau Claire. WIs real estate drifting Ice. Chicago. Feb. 27. •to oar, Ur. Walker oeved nty llle. Three j three attorneys who spoke before the repeal or reduce the beet sugar bounty agent, after dinner, and the safe being physlelane titlil me 1 hatl roarer of the Mid his wife, “ami won ’t Is* appre­ The pin* timber lands of southwest Following were the quotations on the j committee got at the matter at differ ­ have been Introduced. These bills are unlocked they secured S150. two gold Board of Trade today: bowete aail ndvlMNl an operation. Ueforv ciated until after yon redemland goiie. Virginia, east Tennessee and north­ nrawmtlaxto thU I derided to r«iaaalt Ur. ent standpoints, their conclusions were In the hands of the commltteee. none watches and a bracelet. Wheal— Open. High. Low. Close. W. r. W ^krr. of Uetrfilt. Hringcoahned So Now, if yon only live«l in a garret, ten practically the same. ’Their claim that having been considered even In com ­ western .North Carolina have li*en May ...... 5 .73% 8 .78% 8 .73 8 .72% James Bafley. believed to be the monopolised by Canadian and New my bed. I lelsgraphe*! the iMietor. .tfter a flights np. where thi*re was no elevator, the bill Is unconstitutional Is based on mittee meetings. In view of this fact July 71% .71% .71% .71% rorettil examination Ur Walker told me I leader of a gang of notorious cattle Rnglnnd capitalists. Corn — had no raocer, but my troubles wererbroah* on a crust of I read a day. how perfect­ the contention that the tax provided the reader will readily appreciate the thieves, whose operations have mystl- * novelty of a resolution which declared The report that Playwright Charles -May ...... ■38% «***iri. UufMleaal t'atarrii. aosorlated with ly pnetic'al it would he’" i Is an ad valorem and not a specifle tax fled the stock owners of Nebraska. Is a July ...... 37% •'**?'‘.®***" wmo lettered me j This being the case, they maintain that ' It to be the sense of the legislature that Hoyt had been sent to a mnitarium is .37% * ** •••"” eatirrty rured. Bhe didn ’t hear what he said as be prisoner at Chicago. denied Heptember .. I the bill Is unconstitutional because it ' the bounty be not changed at this aes- Albert Becker, a Chicago butcher. Is oat* — Mrs. L. Pearl, who lives nmtr HI. Johas. mshed out. She conldn t, for he had j nxes s different basis for determining slon. Such a resolution was offered by The Humane society, of LaCroaoe. July ...... 28 seys ohN*: After treatlae with Ur. Walker kickwl the dog down the stairs, and tbs accused of the murder of hla wife, who WIs., haa Inaugurated war against live September .. H (or oar moatb I bare not been a* well lor ' the actual value of railroad and other Benator Brown of Kalamaaoo. who gave haa disappeared. , years. deg was bowling. —Atlanta <'onsUt«« ‘ corporate property from that by which bird shooting by the local gun club Pork- j as his reason for offering It. the fact Mr. ttoo. Ilnirbel snys; Alter taking n tion. Paddy Rhea, puglliit. was sentenced Agnes Gordon Soutter. of New York, May ...... 9.67% 9.87% 9.37% - the value of other classes of propsrty to that the agitation of the reduction or at Top^a. Kan., to thirty years in the July ...... 9.70 9.66 9.56 ronrse of tkeee months' treatment of Dr. be taxed In the Mme manner Is to be ar- , repeal of the bounty had made capital the mother-ln-iaw of Rev. Morgan Dix. Walker I feel like a new man. My heart and penitentiary for the murder of K Mr. •'horiee J Preston mred of rainrrh of alarmlBB frw rales will be gone into thoroughly. In the present bounty. Rven should Charles McDonald. sole two ymrs ago by th* Princess of Mwwey tor Bee* «togar Iwaastry. the house pam such a bill, which does rough packing. 83.0003.98% for mixed. ?*• ^ quenoy. All of The state had had postponed the Wales and 13.7504 00 for heavy packing **><1 kls former romlltion again Two bills have been paoeed hy the not appear to br likely, the senate. It thaos tro o blaa Quay trial for mlauar nf state money According to the setni-oflielal Ham- Btolpping lot*. aCttle—Estimated ra-' I. '„ arecatarrh, aad honae which are sure to make an early Is believed, will kill It. No reason was given, and April 10 Mt burglocher Correapondence, the German celpt* for th* day. U.OOO: quotations “J*' “77 "UlL.‘U"®* for ion Reproeentatlve Nevlna' bill providing eannot axiat landing In the auprenae court If they ba- for th* next attempt. ranged at t5.30tf5.80 choice to extra 'rr^riitibi ?hiidrlm ^alTio mt iImII that every pemon who (|eetres to drink foreign office, complying with a pelltlon steer*. 84.OO0H 80 good to choice do.. 84.20 1 {, • bnipy one “ ^ cme laws The>- prnvldr that th- town ­ of Germans In Samoa, has requested the wiMBe the BSMBhiaae^ are elaaa aad Intoxicating liquors aa a beverage shall araiNKM Nttras. ships of Blkton and Oliver In Huron Washington government to supercede ‘ ** 4* 1* 1-, .or 01.. pr-Pleelr mred by n rw baalihy. county nnay raiae money for the- pur- he required to take out a llcenm. has Th* manuCactuiing company which mon to J?® * K 7804.10 button ,;rt^tiar dto-orWr. ^ lira Lon Davia. FayettsvtUa. TaBB., found a counterpart In a MU Introduced Chief Justice Chambers. steers. 84 1005.40 .w..fad western...r...... steers, _____ poM of encouraging the sugar beet In­ opreatM sulphite mills at Madiwm and 8140444 SO feeding steero. 81.7804.10 rows. tolls in her lottor how Dr. liartinaa'a by Repreoentative Colby of Detroit. Tlie FWIure to agree was the result of a dustry. In the famous Salem caae the Appleton. Wla. has gone Into the hands conference held In Indianapolis to try , 88.toW4.(0 heifer^ L-*0^.80 Imlls. o**" trentwi. alst* eperinl irentroMit for wreJt great oatarrh reowdy, Pe-m-aa. oorad opinion, which waa written by the late latter provides that every person who of a receiver. The property la at to harmonlae the difference between ' **•.*♦#. ’* *^_ sms^l women ^ .Umm—of the ^orm Bor of la grippe and mutiamm lung ooHS- Justice Cooley and which baa been the dealras to treat another to these liquors over $1.090.0W. .w - - 84,000*.28 veal call#*. Sheep and Lamb* < ayatMn. .%ll mmhle roses gnnrsateril. settled law In Michigan for twenty-five shall take out a license permitting him {SLttLto to ^ ^ I -Eatli^ted recent* 14.^: : a. Htut.mnn mred of lliond and pUaatloB. Shaaaya: Isaac D. Smead. the Toledo. O.. far- Popullata In Indiana. qnotatlons ranged at 88.8804. M weal- gain UisMsr of twHve rears standing. yearn or more. It waa beM that It was to do M. naee manufacturer. «rho rarently •• I was sHetod with a dlOMBs omb - J. II. Brown, a member of the state TTie factory of Stewart A Blakely of ems. 88.9804.10 natives. (SM 84.0004.80 Mre. 1,. K. Lnmhert rered of rnriconc nteem claarty llleBal for a township to ralM fXllad for tl.M8.toO. has baen discharged lamb* on limb. nxMly knowB ao lagrippe two money for theee purpoeea. The odvo- live stock MnlUry romrntaatoci. and as- toielbyville, Ind., burned. Loan, 810,- by the court Non* of hla creditors got 888. fully covered by Inouranee. ■llwnnhes fiteto Miss KUn <>eae mred of twoeeMnl tmeWe tha dootars sakl 1 had oatM of the Mils, however, while free­ aoclata editor of the Michigan Farmer, a caat. Miiwauhes, Fab IT. The officials of the Brittali foreign and Inng dtssnsr. Boo. I goi OBe botUa of He-m-na aad ly admitting thta. claimed that under la pushing a MU for the apgointmont In Whaat—Dnll; No. 1 gerthem. 780 Two Milwaukee cotnpaniM have r«- (MSce. In a otatoafont. emphaatae the Mins R. li. mred of female weakni—s nftsr the aaeoBd night ay ormgh stoppad. declalo ne of the United RtatM supreme every village aad etty of on tnapector faaad to etitor th* bridge and Iron 78%c: No. I northgrn. 71%o: agaipl*, bstng treated hy oMuiy noted phystrtnon. of dairy aad creamery huttar. oo-oiuled fact that th* Anglo-Atneiioan rooemt* «%OT8r Oats-fftsatto, to%08 8% c. co urt the payment of this Mom of bonds trust, lltoy are th* Mllwaukae Bridg* Dr. Wniher enceesefhily f rente nil dfomunn 1 took Mvoral botUoa. and 1 will sag "prneaM butter.** oleonmrgarlae and Stoners diapteyed th* utaMat frtetidll- Rye-Eaalgr; No. 1. 8;^7%c. Barley of the Kyr, Knr. Throat, LiiMpi. and nil enn ba enforeed If they are soM to a and Iron company aad the Wisconsin that I baltovB I w«Mkl bo a daad woMtM buttertae. He Mys oleonNWgarlaa Is a noaa. although they wore unable to -No. 3. B80ll%c: aampl*. IIOMl. ■hrenic. private nad aermne fMasiman and ' nan-re ald ent who can commence action Bridge and Iron company. as. Lseli Ateto. dtOormltwe. on (Ironnlatml IJdn, UsnlnmB. BOW If It had not baaa lor to recover In the United fftatm court. lagltlamte prodnat. hat ahonld ba aaM agree on the difficult problam of Alas- (>nas Kyos. IHsehnrgr of the Kars. Rron- Th* WatloMil iy>b*cco company han boundary. ■L Lento, Vhh. n. ehltls,Onrontr tVongh. Goitre iblg nenh). fto- Mary M. PtbIU, PnlpB, Mo., Mf* : Md It !• claimed that the townohlpa oaa far Jnat wluU It Is. aad hla I4toa la te Whani—Higher: No. 2 red onnh el*- have the laopeetor grade all thoaoprad. bought 108.000 worth of tohacco stamps Th* California lagtotatur* hna paeard eer ttorea and I'leera. RrMt’a Dlaanae fchM ^rBHsa C^mmkmt, O, ** eaferred to pay. Jndffe Cooley held at Loulavlll* Thuraday. vntor, 74e: trnok. Tie; Fabmnry. T4e: mntism. nil dtsanss* of thn KMaeyn nad . , that the township canid not band Itmlf uats according to the aaere adoptad by a bin forfaUfllng the pnMIeatlon of May. 78%OT8%^; July, 78%c bto; No Madder Heart. tWomneh and Nervenn Dhw I had la grippm for tbrua aaeeaoMua ' for purpoam such as thia. even If every the Michigan Dalrymaa’a aoaoetatlot Th* AawflcaB BUk Manufhcturlito eartoon* In nnwopapers. 8 bard.d. lio^ Com-Blghor; No. 8. Chorea mt. Vitas (laarei compaBy. of N*w Loudau. Conn., bn* 8le, UeaemI DehMtty.HrrohHa'sa^sess, ra: It aaaaMd to gat a tlghtor hold taxpayer la the townahip voted In fa­ ■very psickage should ha atampad b The coart nt Clovotoad trying Slate ba*n enpItallMd at tl8.M8.W8. It con ­ nad all iMosanes das to ' ntsoTsetai it aooMsd I wna te vor of doing m tha tnM~TT‘~~ with Its seotu, thua aa- Saaaior Bark* nad Judge Pelteabnugb , abllng the cuatomsT to know fnat aa- trols W p*r float, af th* alik Industry In Onto—HI tha jawa of doath. What had halpad Repreoantotive Pack of Bt. Jeaaph la on ehnrgea of unprofeeatoani coaffuet. i to%088%c: Febmary. tone: flay, M OF*! wHI gtvs opsrinl ntteailaa to dtOaato Mtljr what ho Is buytag and peimHttg g thiB flnnntry- hiw found bath gnilty aad ftasd the eaoss nad to rasas othsr phystrtaas havs gga boioao wonld aat do mb omy goad. apo nMr far a hitl that wtll raaotve tha Otoe Jat*. tmg: No. t wMto. 88% Bttn to ha the lodge of wbethar bo Tbs Pittahufg . Cincinnati. Chloago puntohment at dtaharanat. Oilc. nVe- Better, Me bid. •alfod to rare. Itaak rsdeeniias. 1 Msr Ml advurttoatoaat of Fayn-aa. 1 ondivtdad altantloa of the attoraaya Frraoae *imlrlnffOor irsatomat wtUptono* of Michigan aa aoaa na they learn iia wants It ar not. TMa woaM peraMt d»- aad Bl. Laata Itoltrond cumpany boa T%* Qnaaarlaad. Aaatralla. ytoM at hriag foam ons toloar nanass of nriae. toot It praotaleaa It la aa adagtotlaa of the aoptlaa la tha ania of tsalaraa a dHddaad of IH p*r c* 4M on easar for tha saaann . Detroit, Sbh. M. paoasd la th* maentog porihrted.lnr aaaiaato. Whant-Cdah whit*. 78te: reA Ttot Ontstloa htaaha sont on nppliiatlaa. 'ito- iait law of Mlnaoaata, aad while Mr. Paak auaa srhaa eolorad aito s th* pro torrud stook. aaaaaatad to UMM taai SE alas* Stomp tor rqgly. fham nanhfo to am admita that tta poaaage woaM ha a «MaaM hattor oat of tha Ofuon ignitHgi of wvnatF-ogyenfunds crona* of mm tmm m Bard htow to JAMMI ynnr* o ytoli. 8f . JMms FIEws. FIllAlfClAL STATEim. riBB DBFABTMBMT Id t>» —tin—I opyHitl mi BALLANDCOVB- CIL HUOM jmrnmtmmry Hall, Id wkWi dm Ii alBtD Id OLgSK*a ggPOBT FOB TWB TBAB ■tl>- tk* rDkM Idd MIIM to piODDB DtatDDOi IMU FBBBUABT Bfi. IBBD. 'TB^rPH YBAJ9. its two DMot UlDDtrkMH akiw. bgr ktaaaeoa hand rSD. IT.IBM. tt li ttn i Uau. tus...... fflB.Ml IM Na ft. kVMMI OrV«M. WAtlMT M. BaM. OODHMQT of OODSNDD. Oo* of th* d MmD Opsatol oMawtUk tax 1M41 DUottMl to IlliDOfD rMDDlDD TPr—f, DPd Upaslalmwii lax. m bHI hPD iaat bwo pvMMitad tbtht tpti 18 08 .fl oo ■■DDtP wliidi ooHs for dd DiniiuppiflOD OpaBal oawar tux. Fotokleri ‘feowkvtdga...... 10 84 Utvuiast Mtovatar a of 90,000 for m bttMuw atDtD* of PIpmm Ugsetal oawar tux. R. WWard, op p inwpito padMipl, to WlgUt ------11 00 400 74 oDeppgr this pipe* of bopor in ti» haNt of SO.tftO T1 HAL.ABIB8 tlw DPtkm. Th* raaoUrtipPD wbith Pe- vaxm 300 00 Taken Here Truwhrldga 8t. oawar to 84 {comppaj tb* bUi glaa p Hat of tbriUppIrt- MaroDsll aad IMdaaralt tux...... 144 18 roaiatoalaasr 00000 •STSSiM^^a^M worli w—Dtp *• PDar-, opa atPtaaoMp wIki bpra PMia UNpofa Oausral tus...... —984 90 I at (Da DtpDMt qaalMy. 19 03 of your lack of knowledge of fpDMMM. pnd eoaehMia mm foUoPNi: Pwaaaal tax...... B87 98 AdvrrPwra attaai (a tPr c, . - BcMWd Baviaw. 81 00 how clothing ’s made. We tell you Maarraa by Ta* .X bw». lU rtwalatlaa »r WDacMM,______(Dr______faaw of aoar____ at, ___ ------7 HaallD (Htoor.. 70 00 aa* aa«l M« ■abacripttoa Hat to always; aara baratoally waa or laata rtoDty PMarrwl Ibflpppoi oply to tiM origtaipltty pad IttJITa 39 30 00 honestly about quality, answer your aaaa talaaB8rtlaa. I tbaa tbai ot oaa at uar ttoappsi ctttoaaa Hlskway tun. —...... 1.439 71 dtodaaatolwd tor tortr Mrrtoa la Paraar aaP afaqpMcMy of tPe eopitonatom, bpt plao Attoraay ON 70 ciuestions to the best of our ability Aaartoa la a aaw aat uanatarad mM at to tiH opPb pad aIdU with whtoh tt to POU tUS....v - . -TT-T-,,. 409 00 1,100 07 THITIWDAY. MARCH 3. 1800. Cbrtotlaa raPaarar. (Dr rPftt of wDaaa DippatoaptpPDd by aatonttfle proeMoao l.Utfi 71 NimMABY and a^ you to decide. (>f course __ rPorto aad asDIrrrwrato aaP (Da taPaaara at Hlgkteay taxre- ~ ------' ~ ~ wbaar rpattoaa Hto aad ■aPPw waMptoDara kpoarn to Um Caupoppia Fip Stpop Total I we will suggest if you want us to, tovnod...... 99M 44,708 M FA>m. .. viou^NT ; 2y:y„rriU*:i.’£irsSJaK:s?3’ Oob oply, andPto wtob to Imptoab ppop Poll tax...... 1H8 00 ______NOO 74 but we’ll only suggest, we won ’t Tb. 1 u- pU Um iDipfwtoiiiw of pprdipptofr Um 3U8 AO topp and oHftoipl rmmmAf. Am tiw ______1.093 37 argue. GlPrk, wlueh oeea|iiad tba attaotioo of | wiUa^. tba uaemwaad garaa of p^ty aad 1.033 41 ------087 flib . nt laat ■ irraarraaea. wDoaa aaDaa rrpaaa la praer oa lanpiiiD Syrap of F4ra to mappfpDtuipd tba eimrit aopit the graptar part of last | SIor»a of Lake MtoDPtaa aTHraatM. ni WATBB rt.AHT...... 00804 by tha Cauvompia Fip Hraop Oo. Itoatsl hydrsst*.. ast chance Gentlemen, to ____ t- t- -t------IMit a DMiat aDoekiOP . Hrr IIP. IIDr tbat ol bar MaitoaaMr. waa dr- ___ .4.100 00 ...... 07 3U $18.00 now $13.00 waap, nnapa to ippii: a nwwi ^ »otad tha aitlHtaal waltara of laaaklad. oply, p knopriadee of ttopt toot will ('osassMVs...... 4,(too 01 ...... 1,99101 get any Suit or Overcoat $15.00 now $10.00 ooadltluo ID this onmiDOOitJ, nod jodga uia tha world at larpa baa baaa aiatartally | DPitot opa In PToiding tba worthl— H.319S1 L U^u«* .««<» I. u. Ss?,'sL^.*^2SrTjrjrS2^Sidi!5l ______H.170 0H that was ... jpiltotfopaPianpfDctpred byotbarppi^ Bi.arTatc ri.AWT...... 7.1.10 09 $13.00 now $8.00 o, p«««r, -b™ 1—*^ -“'""'J:: -^:S3- £r’-'s-.3stiis.^s:2r.i; i Uaa. Tha high atanding of tha Oau * iiakiiaa...... 3.1 loot ...... n.ONO HN $10.00 now $6.00 7 4 9 PoaaiA Fip Htpup Co. with tha omn Uo BMVs------a. H S ...... i:t..154 35 auDDda waraiPlC oota, waiefa arary latDar llKbta aad laadaMrba oa tbr rlHD of. .%.904 in L .1. ■ .__ .... —■■ »■-—1 I toair. whtob wUI few all llaw lUanlaatr tba i opI nroiDDbinn. pad the apttofpeUop ...... —...... 400 74 pad awtbar la Joppa mpjr waii naw. , wllHoa* of woaMti wbararar cIrOI-' Nni*alY*a by tb*m —b»i* 'iSav tontit an alarmiat. POd de- kalloa haaa fuoiDotd. wblrb towbarrwoawa i gMPlne Fig* hpp (latalasdiaa ortlara.... 1.150 97 (if lb* (toaaHI. Members THE .tfcWa IPDOl on amrnusb, u daly npprwtatad: aad i gi»PO tO njlltOPa of fPOUlii Bslaore Febmary *35# .1.307 13 o( Water and Btoctrtr apiaaa aity nttauipt to uadolj amnae a | Wbieaaa. tkr prirrir— barltaar of rark a the oaoM of the Coespany n gnnranty Uabt. bcMcd Praaldrat 944.70H .19944.708 89 coniDODitJ. UDlaBa thatw be Hameteot | ^ «|onrr la It aaa daaaMi It of the epeellence of Its remedy. It to Trsrto aad Tmasan r wrftnad bet it cauDot doae Ita eyea to : worthy «»f natloaal ruanaerattoa: tbrratora. far in ndeppee of nil other InxntlTea, F. A. TRAVIH, I'rraldaat. WILSON BROTHERS I Wstowortb ...... 0.8OOOO gmoao. oat it | ^ Iwportallaa It aad to rhow all aatloaa M. McDonald , (lark. aoine of tbe facta brought oat id toe trtai * haw raaltad a aphrrr woaian orraptoa la PS it poto OR the kidneys, liver nad Keel Ciisk (arm, boL...... 40 00 of thia oaae. aod, aa tba Judge paid: ’tbtoprrat•* ‘-«rea‘ aiata. tbr fnllowlaa lawtolwrrbylaw to hnwnto without irritating or wenkna* IJresces...... 47 30 Hr. JnNXs. Mb-m.. February 3*1 ’ 1N99. placad oa oar atatatr iMMtka. iag thspi, aad it not gripe aor M*wrr traction Hoad .. 10 no “ WitDcaaee took the ataod in aotne caaaa Heptiri ot the weerrtary of tb* Imnw O of If tba bill ppaara Miaa Willard will be nsnsnato . laordertogeiita benefleipl MrKubrbt Ifi (SI riertrl* (uwi water (-omaitoBloBers for tb* tea aad ttPlifled to matters tbat ought to | the ttrat woinaa an linoorad io .\niaricp. efieels, please remsmber the name of •' (Hbbs...... 10 (S» nioBtbs froui May I, 1N9n , to Marrb 1, *99. nhnrir tbemuralaenseofaaycomniUBity.' ’' White ribbooera arc •w|amk* ..... 10 (S» To tb* BMOiliers of tb* IsMird ofeleetiic HsI* <>t Cook t«rm 01 The detail of aoiae of thia teetinioay is! that the moremeot baa been ocade. nad water coaiBitosiosers ; Yoar secretary toot left on tbe atemigntplier a record. CAUPOMIU PHs STROP Ga nalMlair aad repsira oa wnaM sabailt tb* (ullowlaa report ; Miller Organs. I walks...... 1.10 Ok WATRIt HKCKIPTH. 8 pflke to spy, to. tbpt it did not all ooa- It ia said that the dairy industry of Krrorla lamlttaar* _____ .10 Water reatsls...... 88.171 lO asm alone tbe parties to this cpnee. aad . this eountry is growing so rapidly as to Fla* mosey ...... —...... ___ e no feeling of Hat* •>( Htitae...... 1 ts 941.33**. 1*1 sighteeo that tbe bastplneefor them alter | pome tbat tbe value of poultry aod efgpi. Mrs. (torrie (’bailee has tbe grip. 3.300 70 WATRIt KXI'EXHRH Piaios. uncertainty. dark i» nt honir. The mother, whoaa| fiowever. leads; tbat is, tbe bsos are Fred (Jrssn, who bas bsen so sick, ia HsUrtos ______91.(100 0*» 43,(139 31 daughter is out with other girls after | abend of tbe rotas. It is sstiiaatsd that gaiaiag akxrly. Repairs oa iiaaiiM...... 4*1 44 Quality is the Sentinel, HsI* (if laatem...... V> Hapidira for paai|w...... 1*1 90 night-fall, uniesa abe is poaitire that tha i {t wonld require alront M.iHMt.UtM) Mr. Eissmao ’s baby was very sick iont Standing Guard Hal*of«llrt______1 Oft 14 of tael oreoBBt ...... 1.507 95 child ia in «fi/r ooropnoy, had Iwst iusint ; Hteera. weighing l,.'i4N) iionnds earta, to weak, bnt is bettsr now. Mis. Morey tax...... Ifttl (Si 44 of setieral expaaat-oc't 174 ol in the great factory^, where, on her remaining at tbs fnniily flresid**. prodooe the aanw lunonnt of nntrimsnt j (!iitoi. Price ia getting ready to build an Hal* of plaak...... ___ 3 (si No Isss doss this admonition apidy totbe ; as does the annual milk product additton to bis house. Hal* nt atone ...... So 3.H4ft 80 OrgaK. for mere than a (juarter of a From rtiBsty tr. delta<|aeat boys, and fathers ranuot eKwriss too ! - Mr. Krsd Daiapf) and wile, of l.maalle. rsBMANBXT < ossr«(TTias. century, MiUcr Organs have AM*arlaa« AmMllas. 111., are Ttaiting friaada hare. tax...... rtft aa New samrle* ...... grimt care. The lad ’s evenings may be From coaaty tr. detiisiaeai l>een built and sent forth on (For s aaiall, brlakt boy. Ilk* Paal. I Z.'.Saxton baa gone to Jackson to at­ Kxteaelon on (Ittswa... epent in the bouae in some useful and in- tax...... 33 OH BY s. r. EBCs. ('Mcapo. 111. tend the Hspublicaii State eon ventiou. Hepslrs on idp* lio*...... on their peaceful mission to stmetive work. His mixing with pro- My lisps loMu IB* ns** last yasr. From roaaty tr. dellaqaeat Ilabat* on water tax .... Aooat s nuui. wbc ' littto aua liora, Fab. 27, to Mr. and Mn*. Willard nearly every part of the civi- misenons romimuy after dark, is fraught tax...... 3ft 7ft 14 baildlaa arroaat Wnald B*r*r II* tmai bst*. or tosr:— Stoekar, a nine and o-balf ftouad boy. From roast.r tr. della«iae(it with many dangers, und tb»* Isss there is Uto asm* ws* ileonrt* WsaklagtnD. Sewiig lizfd world. WUMM I'n sboat s* Me a* k*; Mrs. W. N. Stoekar, of St. Johna. ia at tax______... ______7« a7 431 -V i of it, tba more uames we will be able to 'N’I'II isk* my bstrb*t so* tor tan. Willard Stocker's, <'arittg for his wife luid Frt I'll h* tb* I'raatdrai. Street llghtlaa...^...... ~1,7*1.1 'Jo Bicycles. Tbe serious nature of the crime whieb Au' b*(|i tb* 'NIted Hts(*a to raa: (ximmaaoad work on Willanl Stocker's Total rrrelpts from all ST. JOHNS, nicn. tbe jury found ('lark guilty of committing (iuMW I roald And out how tb*.T *'w*iit." farm, aad will work there tbe coming •oarras ...... 044,7.1H ao Aa wHi •• l‘r*aM*ai Wsablaston. summer. Total rerelpto..... • . 94,noh .'VH ttoMBi Two Blocks Bast of Dopot is evideoced by tb«- law brought to no- An' tb*n —I'm aorry tbat b* dtod; DIHBUItNBMBNTS KLRCTIUC KXI'KNHKH '('aaa* I ain't sot mv attiry don* Prtoe aebool dcMied Friday with an en- Prtatiaa...... $ aoy ao tiee. which providw* tbat. even thongli Itepolrs at idaat ...... 9 814 34 Wtoti I rould b* mv ronntrr'n prtd*. tertalnroant in tba evening, which was Htatio aery...... 40 at* ..1.050 (N» OIOIOIOIO 0:0:0:010 DO fom* may Is* used to aec«)inplisli the Kerb rnar. Ilk* " Katb*r Wsabiastoii." very good for soMdl sebolars. The pro- Holartes...... Utlaatloa ...... 330 Oft R4*rtn<- sBpldtes ...... 039 85 purptsw, nud, even though the oum- KXCKLLIUrr COMBINATION. trails amonnted to soiaatbing over five HoMre ...... 70 0« ’> Coaeirttetion...... 018 19 THE FUN FOUNDRY. TBo Owa Ha Lovaa. dollars, and will be nosd to start fund Intermt...... lao 98 platning wttnegD n|B}' Hr a giri not pre- (4 fitel oeeoant ...... 1..157 95 Tha one tbat ha loraa la not pretty— rai nwt for sdiool library. Bxpeoe* rtoctloa. 99 Oft 4f- vioosiy chasti*, and may even consent to ty ■enerni expease... 177 70 A Bw4a AwaPawlag. Ha even admits It himaelf. tbe crime, the mnii «»r boy provetl guilty 44 IibIMIos oeeoant. .. 141 .11 Man la of earth. Ha aDall not liaa He says tbat ha lovas not for beauty The few reniedtoa arbich have attained i HUBBARD8TON. MiHCKI.LAMBOrS. On faney'a Eoldan wtapa. Nor ooelal pooltlon nor xroaltb. of tbe crime may ba imprisoned in tbe I to world-wide fame, as truly benedeial i MIscellaaeo aa expeae*...... 00 78 Total Klertiie expeaees...... 94.484 (Ml For, if hs trtaa. MNae rude aurprtsa Mias Julia Faybae is on tbe aiok list. ! Kereaa# stamna------3 (M» Hla love la Immaaaurabla. boundlaaa; Stake's priaon nt Jaekaoii for life. I in effect und giving saUsfactioii to mil-1 Total re*a4pla ...... 84.84Ul.58 Discomfort stralHlitway brliioa. Be seaka to staar far from this rphaaaw Ha loves with an ardor atnooro; .Sotwithstaading nil tbb. the real duty lions every when-, are the prot^ts of the i (feo. McVeigh had bumneas in Ionia, j * * Vaieatlae bock lotal expeae* ...... 4.484 (M> rlalw...... But with a sudden lurch He lovoa not tb* wtt of a wooaan — knowledge of tbe moat eminent physi-1 Monday. I Hla love ba holda aacrad aad dear. of watehtutnees devolves upon the par­ ciaua, and preaented in tbe form most | It. K. Iron for tank...... He wakaa to Ond. with pan«a savava. John Lynch, of ('oral, bad bumnesa I Balaaea...... -...... —...... F*® ” **4 He's tumMad from hla parch. ents. and those who neglect their reopoo- ncrrptable to the bumoii syatsm by the Foatsa** ...... in town Inst week. .VaMber of imlloaa paaxped Iroai February But one day I found out his ooerot aibility in this regard, arc not only skill of the world ’s great cheroista; aad i Hewer pgte...... 1.1N9H, to February I, 1H99. 71.758.908. Oh. for soma fair and distant raaim (Ha unthinkingly told mo. tho elfO. Wm. Hrown and Jamas Hanta were in I Dr. I'alowr...... 1 know now why he iovoo 00 truly. wrwaging tbsir own children, but ore one of tbe most soccsssf o l examples is Dmiv areraiie. 190.-188. Where life throuph draams mIoM the Syrup of Figs roanufactitred by the Ionia last Friday. lalereat aew*r boad...... Clide. For tb# one tbat ).o loxras ta hlmaalf. shirking a doty which they owe to the H. TOW8. Hupertateadenl. —Oatrott Free Prana (.'alifomia Fig Syrup Co. IJulike a host Miss Mary Qlosaar, of I'cwnmo. was I latcreat sewer bond...... Webareexanilaed tbe books of Ibeseere- With lay faravar at th* helm. entire c<»mmaoity. of imitations and rbMp siibstitutss. Syr­ in town over Sunday. I Farlaa...... — Our sole and Irusiad auMa. tarr. nod Aad tbe atoKre stateaieat correet. Where no such phrase aa this ralgM B«Mle to Be Brobon. up of Figs is permanently ItansAcinl in its Mrs. llMiry KuMnaou, of Corson City, j Uarollectable t(uu«...... (’. C. VAIIOHAN, j Rxp. Fllat aad Owuaait stir /'But, MIm UnlU." he proteatad, "you The nomination of R. M. Winston, for effects, nud therefore litres and promtttes ia viaitiiig at Fred llolbrook'a. WAHNRU BF.NDAY. Tha mortal from repose go it a trial, aod yon will be j Caraou City, viaited nt the home of l.ssa* 1). A M. It. It. Co...... ITora ...... —----- — __ Mil ehalns the oeonnd day, three gold chains nixon —Arc you engaged In tha (tala...... Imaloem you were in last yaarl name Iming mautioDedin connection with pleased with it. and will rpeomiucod it I llolender last Sunday. Itebat* OB water...... (lover Heed ...... U.V.7. . 98 ftoai#4!o(» the third day and on on for n fortnight, t«. your friends or to any one wh<» snflem i lioyd Kadner was (mlhal to I’ateraon. Ha Bd lies...... Tlaiuthv seed ...... 91 mn whnt will the young roan hare at tbe end Dixon —Yea. and at the uid stand atUlf the ofllce, and in tba second plan*, no one ...... 14 Hixoii —At the old standstill I Why from conatipation, or from ovrr-feedfng, i .W .lervmv, Mondav on account of the N bIIobbI TetopkuB* Cu .... Bya...... ------...... 40 of 14 daysl has Imen diaroveied who would rwrc to or from colds, heiMlachas. hiliouaneaa, or HBodrtos MBpplles...... Answer—One hundred and five pavm don't you adrartiae and otlr things up a serious illness of Htepban .\lleti. Mvaavora nak for a iiominution for tbe office, at other ills resulting from an inactive eon- ttokata. —New York Worid. little?—Chiragn Nawa least from the Kepublimns. as long as dilioii of tbe kidneys, liver and bowels. ' IntersBt sewer boads___ (Tows. Oilleb...... *25 !2! In tbe (imreas of mnaufacturiag the| SHEPARD8VILLE. Cnmm fatted per ewt...... to to 98 tJO Dollante Oletlnetloas. Tab* L'p tb* Chlobow*# Bnrdoa. Mr. Winston ia willing to continae in Mead. ( BBS A MH'oBsel Hteera latlfd. rwt...,------« plensniit family laxative nmde by the | •ewer-ext...... 19 00 Hop, per ewt.------(“ "Do yon think." mid Mr. Oraakea Van Take up th* ehickan's burden. the work. This is one of the unuanal W. L. ('rone. V. 8., of Ovid, sfiant Hun- Bend forth tb* bast jra breed ('alifomia Fig Syrup Co., nad nameti i TmwbHds* A llraab *xt.. 14 4A Bam, "this manager will pay me itll tha d«y with Dr. Mctiillienddy. l.(Maaa...... To fatton themaalvoo ta axUo, onasii where superior merit la fully meog- Syrap of Figs, tigs are ussd. os they are TmwbHdne •<. seweraxt. 119 04 raonay I eamf’’ aaui-iiai 1 v piM»iHTit *mi» vbi ’it mabubt To oorre tho purchaoor'a nood. uiasd and apprseintad, and tin* people phmsant to the tnste; but the tnedidDal ' •'*»»• Ketosy, who bas been sfiendiag llraab Ht. sewer...... 897 98 "I gnsm ao." said Mr. Stormlngtou To lie mid sptoo and gmry properties of the reuMdv are obtained , P**t few months with her sister. Mm. will not cren listen to a xoggcsiioti of a Asssssaieat of VlUsa* Barnes, with the quiet auparlorlty of a On plattors hot and broxm. from an oxcHlan» combinatioti of plants i Norton saiith. returned to her bom* io llraab Ht. Hawer ...... —______14atl0 vetmaii. "Bnt I (kmbt whathar he will And thon bo oanrod In ptoeoo. change. Commioaioner Winston has i ...... ^______:..’l8a4ft* known to be insdiciiiallv laxative and to I Detroit, SatordoA'. Aaseeaineat nf Vlllsa* pa^ you half of what bs protnlaad That gtuttofM may gulp iham downi damonstmtsfl what ^-eum of bard eon-i act mtmt benalletally. .to the trim aad l^imgeor ia snfleriag wiUi a___ sa- TmwhHdae Ht. !>tower... 'Jft Oft Sr: ffjr,irto4:::.;=:.r.:*i '^^ <«; -Bt. Paul Ptonaw Pram. eantratod work will do. He has eon -1 «>rigiiM»l lamedy, iiametl 8y™o **I i* i rare atu^ ol inflammation of tbe eves. <108 94 Hboakler oaiokeu |iar lb...... **.i«i4l I. - mnnulartored by the (alifomia Pig Hyr- 'JftOO viuecd the people of tbele (^ntv.('ounty, ranrri-regard ^ kuowImHr of that fact I ^ - Kenyon Dtot ...... Apples per liu..A.^————— ——...... MgTO (JOMFOETING W)EDS TO WOMEN. Tbe W. F. M. 8. will meat with Mm walk...... 43 30 Ians of iiolitica, tbat be so thorottghl.v CImw. Daley. Wednesday, March H. DrM applee per ...... will nasint in nvokUng the worthtoaa imi- j 47 90 Dried piwebaa poolad...... -...... Hto CtogtoBl OliBtr und its TortoroB Maty bo AvtMdod by Woman 'Who uadaratnnds bis work that they do not tations manatactunff by other iiarttos. j IIKIIIWAV DIH- Ifo tatwaa...... —~ Iter Riley, of Imasing, orcupied the Htoaellawper bbl...... Hoed Mm. Pinkrtiam's Advloo. cure for a change. He basgmwn strong- The Oimpnny has aalacted for yearn past i pulpit at the M. E. (dinreb 8ua(lay mom- BrRHKBKNTH tbe landing imblicntioas of the United < BaBalo oaaiaat par bbl------•r nnd mom ooropatant such yaur, and iag, and will again next 8undBy aveniag. Hapairs oa (Wreetaalal. Portland •* " .~.— Wonuui'a modrsty ia natumJ; it ia charming...... Hfntes throogh whiah to inform the pub-1 if our aaw minister doesn ’t arrive bsfom raa etr...m...... 1.M7 to Htaeeo par bbl...... To tunny woman a full atotataani of their traublea to m male phytician to 8l« uow bas tbe work so thoroughly in band i ||c of the merits of Its remedy, aad I 400 98 Hay tiBiotby ...... thau. Hay ailxad ...... ~~..— moat impomlbia. Tho whole truth may bo told to Mm. Piokham bacauao sko in avavy detail, that it ia performed with among thaoi The Ht. Johns News is in-1 100 9H Htraet -Irnnlag Htraw baled...... —- —— ia A woman, and her advice ia freely alocklike regularity aud aceurucy. dadao, oa will be sasu by refersuer to its i Dr. J. MHIillieaddy was caitod to hia 1.90A 01 Miao8t.i.A naovs . WATRIt WORKH DIH- offered to nil woman Mfferam adrartiaing columna. home in Watford, (hit., Wednesday, by a mtoDsaadraaaatl par 1b...... telegr am aaaonacinir the death of a HFKHF.MRNTN CMabaasllva...... 71 Mm O. B. Ladd , of IBth and N A h i'^gitoli atoBittot aaya mil^wuHlIt brother______„’ s wife. Mr. Mcilillicoddy , sx- Kxpanasa tor MarrD..... IftS 60 Turhay* drrasr d par lb. (live 7 Sta., (lulvaaton, Texna, whoaa B(MMwax per Ib...... for table mmm ohWI after it bas been TO SMASH THEM .Alili* | pacta to be baek riatnrday morning Kxpeoass far April.. .. 401 10 lattar is printed below, was 991 04 TaHow per Ib...... boiled. Upon this sabjart the Umdoo ______Kxpesaas for May...... Oalfaklas creea------oompletaly diaooumgrd when BsutsttwBas Nstlew. Kspeasas for Jaae.....^. 399 88 BmfbMaa...... Rpartntoraaya; ■•Wr Richard Thoras’S' HDeep sk las...... __ 3048- ah* flmt wrote to Mm Pink- To the Btectom of the Village of 8t. Ktpesaaa for Jaiy...... 'U9 98 .. 3aat8n a P«eee aaeoad llarhen Isctnm on TnbafcnloMs’ i TIlC GretteSt SlBBCtlter SRle* Of Kipenaes tor Aaosai ... t.90H (SI Drama ahlas...... to Iw. hum. Hare ia what aha anys* Johaa. Couaty of (liatoo. 8tate of Michi­ Bref dfvwse 1 ewt ...... m...... |i4 3AM8M(> "DuAuMua. l*nnuiAu:— I practically resolved itself into a condem­ gan: Notice to hereby given, that a Rxpasses for Hept...... 490 90 Pork drsaa«l ewt...... ClBtMHf. 8IMI09 W(M»d bard aad 8ry.~...... 81 Atlttol 70 wrote to you some time ago, nation of nneookad milk, and no appeal meetiag of the Hoard of Hagtotra»ion of RxpewMsi lor Kxpessas tor Nov...... 'JM A1 Calres (llve)...... ~~.- tailing yon of my ilia, but to doctom to one thrir great inflnaacH in the village above aantsd, will be bald at OalvsB (draaaedt...... the village coHoed room in said village, I atereal...... 1.060 00 now 1 (wnto to thnnk you .. — ^ oo Haturday, March 11th. A. D., 11^, Ktpanaes for Bar...... 194 00 for the good your rrmadtra ^ | it ossms. the oaly (dviHaed nation in tha j of clothing of the I. (irasabarg f'o., of for the psrpoas of ragtokariag the names Kxpaaaestor Jan...... Ml 00 have don* me. 1 havr nerd 1.000 00 Skr looked up from the world babitnally ooasamiag uncooked I Dermit.'lliehigao. at 39 rents oa the nf all aueh parsons who shall bs pos- two hnttlca of Lydia K. asnsad of the neessaaay (|aaii9catioas of Kxi I for Fab. AOO 91 with a sigh ■Nk. and that ia face of the great pm. M,179 AH "Mnnmitig goods were navar Plnkham’a Vrgrtahlr ('om- the tdeetom. nad who may apply for that RMCTTRIC LIllHT. pound. three packagra of vatoace^tnbarenloah. osr mitch | beard nt tofom rpose, aod tAmt tha anki Board of Kag- so ebanp as tk^ are now, aka ai Head priw G Bxpeaas loe Marrb ..... 099 94 •'kuiative Wash, and one box sows. Toillaatrate this atatemeat, thej brinw ratlon will be in asaaion on the day 71H HO Bnt aonar man arc ao li Bxpesaefor April...... of Liver Pills, and to-dny 1 iaeturer daeiamd that the rewKivai of j Mir aad 7Br (Iverall^t par pair.... .34 * and at the ptoesakirssaid, from 9 o’ckiek Rxpasae for May.—.... 477 01 Chicago Pnal call mvaelf a xvril wnman. I aasrr tnhermloss cow from osr dairim i .11 I in tha forauoop untA ft o’clock in thaaf- Rxpesa* tor Jane ...... 448110 ___ . ; Msh’s (jdd imurn. all wool, worth > temooo, for the psrpoae af omsnid. Dwt- MO 7ft anlferrd with hnekarfaa. (wn* aad cow sheito woald asan at the kiw-; Rxpens* for Jaly ____ , ta.lMiamllB.Miper ptor ------W sd this 'JAlh duy of Fahrunry, A. D., Rxpease for Angnst ..... M3 07 vtnnt hradachv. whitaa. oiek sntiaMtetbe withdrawal of overbuKn 9f|.(Mi. 94.(in and fb (Ml pants at....91-98 INW. By order of tha Hoard of Ragie- forHepwa ilwr. 803 4M Atomarh no appetite, could not mMHon cows from our mHkanpply. Thia, ‘i-’’* doseo naektiaa worth Mb* for ...... 19 ttatkm. M. MtDonai -u . for nvvr nvarrou ta. worth 9^ to ^..98 48 budteafinfpi from irvsgulur huhitsautoi, tstuii..... 17 89 ♦i The iivrs of wximan nm hard, whatkar nt homa with n (wanaloM raund of dm ■MxotM* (lutian or working nt ouma regular amploymant. tkair dully tmtom mnko to Fine harniy ovaraouta, worth 919 thutffraeu'a August Flower ton giwud ThaOypgy- to 91 ft...... ———*9^*98 fsmady. It dons nutinjufs the afotom OapsM (WUsea -’nil kar aowatunt war cm haulth. If nil mnmiu uwdaratnmi thamaalvaaf fully and know lOOtowButoa mow sA thsnnsto pHtoa. Iff ffSfiMit uns, Md to auMl^t for sour ary IT, 1888. 7.974 01 HMBt kov Ihvw aaw rUy and omBhtegly Lydiu B. Pbikhom » Vagatnbto O Conwull OBd he aouvfuaad. RoBMOtoar 4.180 08 Tha Toutof Lady Ai wi tha ft nmta nagUBi. tkaaa would ho tomauffarligi. iBtlto 9.119 04 TkaOYMF- tni IhsnBto wfiloBMi WadnoBiag.llurnh lto« IjtflalvHulffHnn*! •iNo. ITCM^ A9s.,8k. Johan, Mtoh. 78 M.—Dht Milk II umwm Iff iMNCF. C. C. wm hi lonin, IWUMr. S. K. Smdlii wna in OrM, ovwr SnaSny. lanr» with U. L. Hast. W. L. DOUGLAS C. W. Cortnr Inin Snginnw,onlMMinHn. A. J. HWn was la Owoaao, Tawday. tkia wwk. Oao. H. StMi wan ia Dnraad, jrwf rda.v. Mn. H. V. Sonie rieitad friends in Orid, Ilia. Mary A. (iaitiacr iarWtiagfriMida Tnndn> ‘. $3.00 Shoe. in OaoaM. R.Bngley,o( Orid, wna in Mt. Jokna, Jmm Mallivan wan in FowMr, on baM- Tneedny. nwa, ytatarday. ^, Albert Morts, of Fowler, wm in St. $3.90 Shoe, $4.00 aiHic. II. L. KvadrMt lift fot (’bicago. J—»*r Jokna, Monday. Hmd Sewed Prooeas md day, oa baiiaf. Jokn l«ond. of Pvnnmo, wna in St. the beat in the world nt Jokna, Monday. Kdltori/ ’oliman, of Poatiae, apwitHan- tit. Every these prices. day in Si. Joha*. M. L. Konyim wna ia Owoono, Hntnr-1 _ tbe Uttiag Krad Knapp oMui* a baMaait trip to dny, oa hnainiwa. ownbraoe of your Itmii. CpMfUMrimyo urtliro i For 15 yeera these Everybody traoted Qraad Rnpida, ynaturday. Mia* .lUea Draarh apant Snaday with j frtanda in Ypaiinnti. ; nd ItuifB in ihiB way. Dom, to Mr. and Mra. Jnd Datton, a I Pot die pent et rem and shoes have distanced all 0 pound ilangbinr Fab. 17. F. F. Mnrdook waa in banging, ou ! competitors. bnoiaao*, Satnrdny. j giva dm a chaaGe to F. H. Baab will vlt* tba Coinmbia beat You will need aome duuakaM wbaala tba coning avaaon. H. L. Mank, of Vernon, open! Humlny ! help 10 do dda, and you with hU Inmily in St. Jokna. wttTilnd it in Mlaa Aliea llagara. of Owoaao, ia a|i*ad* Endorsed by Over ing th« armk with St. Johoa Iritmdt. C. S. .\lliaon, of Owooso, waa in St. j Jokna on bnoineoa, Toaodn)'. ' HomM liriiar baa baaa madDMl to bia One Million Wearers. borne for a oonple of wcaka Mritbaiekotaa. Cbaa. Thome, of Owooeo. waatliagnaat . New and Stylisli W. Innee, of Soatb IUIr>', Mt yiaterday of Frank Vniantine, Monday. I muming on a bnaiuraa trip to Kteriing, Mr. luul Mre. C. D. Sbermao opent Hun- i as the Best in Style, Fit Ohio. dny with reiatirw in Knraka. | and Durability. T. J. I.ucaa, of Uraad I{a|nd», waa in Matthew Simmon*, of Fowlor, waa in I Dress Goods arc St. JobuM on buaineac, the Hrat of the St. John* on buoineae, Monday. j week. lierbeit Conley, of Owoaao, wo* in Ht. We carry over 30 different styles of Mr. and Mr*. C. A. MarHHeld Mpent Johiw. the fore part of the woek. I these Celebrated Shoes In all the different Bciog Received Daily. m Sunday and the tint of the week with Miea Nina Pennell apent Hntordny and I Kcbri kinds of leather and styles of lasts. S frimbi in Ionia. Sunday with her iwrenta in Ionia. Prom die flnt doeedie the New Spring Arrivals, just opened at yd. pattern in fancy Mr*. Oeo. Iltdbrook left for (Iraud Mra. Cbaa. Kueiar Mpent Sunday with quiet and rest begio: the French (angham 35c Kapid* yeatefdny, where alie will riait a her unele. C. J. Fitch, of Port Hnrou. ticliling in the throat aialer about three week*. vtciek s asi hoe ouse and 40c per yard. Byron McCabe, of (ireenrille, apent ceaaes; the spam weak­ D ’ C S H . Mr. 00*1 .Mn. John Pheipber, of Lyoue, Sunda 3' with bia imreota in St. Johna. ens; the cough disep- an* spetidiug a few day* thi* week with Mioa Myrtle .Moorr, of Imnaing, Mpoot pears. Do not wait for Elegant Spring Silks, Mr. and Mra. Wtn. Mcl.aiii. tile latter fiart of Un* wtwk with frieada pneumonia and con- new lot, received last Mn. C. K. Mr.iuliffe undlitU**daughter, in St. John*. sumpdon but cut shon of Detroit, arrired yeetafday to Mpend a your cold without delay. of last week, 50C, 75c Mr*. A. Parker, of Orhl, Mpent Sunday i $1 to $1.75 per yard. few week* with Mn. William Park*. and Monday with her daughter, .Mra. Dr. iyers Cherry Fec- J. T. Dauiell* left lor Pnatiac, yeater- Oeorge Keliey. toni Plaster shoald be day to attend a thiwp day* aeaaton of the YOUR SERVICE. Standard Apron Ging ­ Mre. <1. Seotaey and little eon Harry, j overthe Imcs of every per- Itouud'up Stub* Farmer*' luetitute. are upending a few daya riaitiag her; son irooBie ii wiin aoougD* ham, in checks, jf I Mn. U. M. Steel left laat week for Cali> imreota in Orid. best (|uality pr yd'^3 foroia. Sin- intend* H|i*ndiag Mevernl Mr*. L. K. Kady, of Oroud IU|Mila, waa ; Write toibe Doctor. H fo U a. m.— OaoNol ofaanaaMlMaaa taagM*. ^ We would like to Print your week* at rorioua (mint* in the weat. the gueat of .Mr*. It. Me Far Inn the fore < pmtamm •aSoMtlr owUlfy *• tar Tt Ib liMt (*raek«'n« Mn. K. (iould, who ha* been the gneal g lriaa wwm mOI mI mO v Im. WrW* ^ Letter Heads, Bill Heads, for age* |iart of the week. n«elr*il m* ■atW*al*w ta fmmt ——. Coat ’s Thread, of her eon, hllli* Oould. and wife, for the Tail «a*l tfmr ra* * rf«Mr, Um 1 Ib. Old Joj To dUf Stark, of Oraod I^edge, waa tbe' kM* own mmt Ciwrry nMMsl. T«« baoeo for age. b spools for - past week, returned boro** yeeteniny. wiu NMlra • K***at rroty. wNtMol (P Envelopes, Circuinrs, gueat of hi* aiater, Mra. Henry Ingraham, j ® Catalogues, Booklets,' Oeorge Cainpiieii. aerom|winieiJ by hia Saturday and Sunday. 1» to 10 a. in. — Shirt Waists. ® Price Lists, Folders, lUgCiilar ITic Dmw ' ataten. Kate and .\anu, left yeaferday Head •turf oily the adrertioetneut* Plaid* in fanrj rolor* I morning for a week’* riait with reintirea in thia weak'* Nbwh. Thore are facta' $ Posters, Dodgers, for childmi’n dr^wv*, Spring Styles. j in Ilidge.way, I.*aawae coaoty. aptcial iwr yard toe. therein to «*ntertaio erery reader. ^ Card, etc. I Mr. and Mn. Orrin Parisli, of Summer- It. M. Wioatou rondneted loghth grade j HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1 to 2 p. m.— Regular oOc kind made aet Center, Illlladaie county, arriveil yea- examinatioDs in Sbepardarilk*. Fowler i AH UHOWN nv MKoinruK iiot;i.B*n | 1 Ib Chicago Ycaat ‘ terday to *|iaod a week with the fnmiliea llakiuft Powficr igc of Percale each 39c. and Maple Itn|iida the fon* |iart of the | KBCtIRU TNK PANT WKBK. N Ib*. Com Mtareb I of Tbomaa Woidron and if. Ormee. Week. I Lucy INw I*. IligginatoJohnO. WimiII, Jr., Mn N. L. Harris, Mn. Mary Miller, II I<1 unea of w ^ ut ii e >, of Hectioii 1G, Table Oil Cloth 1'4 yds .tbaaloni Newell. .Mr*. 0. W. Uobb, ing the iiaat two week* with Mioa .\niiu DniJoiii. Sh.Mmni . lldwin Steam*, .tlphonno Sheldon, t Hirer DiHiliog. relumed lo her home in Detroit, i 1‘reafoii ami wife to William H. wide, I Toon, Ij*»reu Webatar. > CHtberine Clark undi ­ price. 25-ccnt kind at * vided 1-7 intermit in Iota lU, 11, and paper. Don ’t fail to read it—there is something in j orer, kept rery buay nil day. There i* ! ing the I mat two week* in the hoiweof' 12, block 71, Sl.’Johti* (q. c.)$HK».(l(». only one erplnnation for thi* niid that ia Hpv , W. L. Holme*, returned toherhome .Meiviii J. Faliner and wih> to Kmnk it to interest everyone. If you have anything to the Doctor ia miiarknbly *iici-«*aalul in i in*iiig, .Monday. .\hhott. et. al.. w ^ of * w ‘i of n e *, curing hi* )»ut ienta. Mr*. C. Swartout, of Maafiii, who ho* of section 21. l**banoii. OrfMl.iMi. sell or exchange or have lost or found anything you iMeti M|N>adiog the (laat Hre week* with John A. Uo*e and *ife to Janie* Uoee, uudividml half intei>Nt in lot (I and w cannot afford to get along without its aid. It will her daughter. Mr*. H. A. Vromau, re-i of lot 7, block 20, firid, $T2:> «Ml talk to the whole of Clinton countv for vou. The Mercantile Co. turmd I oim* Tueoday. .lame* A ll<—e and wife to John .\. Itooe. C. S. .\lli*or. alio rreentlt moved to i undiridai hnlf interest in lot 1.*< and ASH YOUR { Mwoeao, liii* Iiurrhnaed ii three ntorv ! t»art of lot 11. block 17, Grid. fl.27r».- brick IdiM ’k in one of the moat 'laairable . 12 ft. of lot 12. Mock. Clipper Bevel-Gear (!ltaa. Spayd** Mt Monday innritiog fur ‘ IT.Gvid. t2.DNi INI. WHAT A fVT. JOHN* l.Al»V NAT* OP I Bicycles. WANT COLUMN. MiinrtMd, tihio. wlwre be had been railed . Jetl H. Hnior* to .\ddieS. lingg* et. al.. DH. (VTTMA?f* TRKATWKirr. MCTOftl el^of* e fri of Mwlion U, Kagir. Mti.NKY TO I.OAN~A|i|»ly ni The Newmi I by leirgTiUii announcing the deoth of hia j $2..*dNI.IN). «»IIIre. Aik your physician this ques­ mtithiT, -Mr*. S. Siiaydc. Saturday. I wish to exprea* my gratitude to Dr. John Simon to Catherine Simon, n w frI D. K. Ottmnn for tbe gi**! I hare re- FOR SAl.i:—A jpMMi <‘,»|umbtii lUc.rrIe fitr ‘ tion, **Wnst is the one great Miaa Ivuh I'attemoB, who baa been! lneaditig the |Miat tbm* week* at lier ( remedy for coraumption?*’ Ferdinand 11. Geller and wile to J'/hn liaen troulihsl for the past nine ye«r* FOR HA I.K—Ktghtjf-arrr (ami fiii aertion home in St. Johna, returaed toberaehool ' Simon, e (Ml acvea of * w of section U, Riley. U«mmI orebaol. I.nn< nf •rawer the seme way. Fme* II lnvi*u. in Co., two Topai**, two fanny Marks., c.) fKMI.tMI. medicine*. But all seemed to do me no m wfmi 1IM9M1S nsve two bmos band*, white and cofoted. will 1 Willard R. Buck, hr guardian, to William gocNl. I kopt growing woroe all the A lot with MOiMn hoHor nnU bam (or nale coraumption they loidie all H. Kiebarda. n a V of n e of aertion ur esrhaage lur laroar hoow* mihI lot In Ht. ; be at opera hoooe.Ht. Johna. Wednesday, | time, until 1 .^maultrd Dr. Ottanan. of CMppur Spuclul Chuia John*. t?n«|nlre of Tl. V. Il<»atetler. 2r.. Dallaa. aM.H4.iN). fotly foods, yet lid b nocss- March N. Watch for the big, (rae. Htraet i the firm of Dr*. B. H. k C-o., of .MuskegtHi.; pAlwari Kiaaaar, et. aL. to Kngene OviuaC i:jo Ractag W MO.VKV TO A Wnlbrttlge rary for tfuir racowy and parade at noon. j Fork*, at. ai.. part of Iota I, 2 and 3, and can now oa.v that I am entirely j 378 World's R liNUi mtioey *1 low rate* u( Interrat i>n real .niivd. My health I* hatter than it has | eatate ■ararttr In any ■aiwa ilraHn l. thi^cuinot tilie plain cod- Judge H. 11. Daboll, Wro. M.Hmith. M'. ■ btoek 24. Fowler, $12n.l»n. Maul BIcycluu, tlw hi Hver oN. The plain oil db- .Norton, II. F. Gage aad W. H. Bran- - Wm. 11. lUebarda and wile to Tbomaa lean for year*. I would *ay to any that i Blc3(Cio uvur soM hi SI FOR HAI.i->—at a iNirgalu. honne nml lot. Skinner, et. al.. n e of a w U of aaction are alfllrtod a* I hare lieen.thal they will j hloek ItfoHt. Jt»baH For iMrtlralar* rollon turbs the stomach and takes Hon Mt Monday erewiag to attond the j ID, Bawgal. tl .ri7r..(N). Her Pictire J. W’, V'lttoeraM at the Htate Rank ofHt. find relief by •-ailing on Dr. Ottman. | John*. away thaappatMe. TKt db- Hepubiiean Htate Conrontion. which | FSmim J. Strong to Wm. K. Howe#-of met at Jnekooa, yeotorday. n a V (axrapt % acre) of ai^ion U, Kagte You will fiml him a gmtloituui. wh<» will WANTKIl, Mt oner. Wm. tTIrh |Myii rooh agrraahte ndiy odor md a2.a(MMM). do a* he ogrem. | Or onrbod.v 'a jiirtore If it coiwa* from for nerolMl iMtotl ntirvaM, aa St. John*, Mk-h. Kebnmn 24, IHWi. ^ of tbe Akin and rare we devote to nt'HH t'Al.lAt—iiroaiptl.v Mnawered. Uoleli aerinna illneaa of her lather. Cbaa. Tmrla, Uon 3.3, Wsotphalia. fftUd.OO. ami rellabir iwrvlce Ooe or t wu iienMiaalfnc ' Thb quffition was ans- fwtumed to Laoaing. Monday, where aba I Kraak Freston aad orife to Cbaoear Twin* tar Tl g—a erery iibotngraph we make. luar ,V»r to or frooi trolan Rvrellent ' l*raaton. week lire Imbioaare Imth boy*, and both Blcycias5#M on FOR HAUK—I wMI aell mv hoon reoident* of Ht.. John* the paat Are land on aartion* 2 and 11, Duptafa (q. MAHILTON, The Artlrt baodreil aa«l twoaty orrea. kapwti a* tha' appear haalthy aad stroag. MUe H.aalag farm, three aiat rfae half ioUmi , yeara. Mt Tnoodar monuag for their | c.) ai(l«.(17. -a»- (rooi Ht John*, rheam or will tAkr la ei. i new home in ( 'hieogo. Mr. King rm oe- i Fhilana Bailer to Chancy Freaton. land noan —aa Oae—Be CHit—I cimni WOmU Wt Hiaage rlllage pmiierty, or a .oMlIer fono. •wCUOMffCIi J. H. KnaawA. { of Cod aoll the pnotpmtmv mm lliam k* only ona wa.r to cure Doafnaa*. - r. I mans boat kiwrlalty ever plareH oa the market fHnr*- articte and ready —Her. anordlag a nasny neannf*nva yasrs Mr*. W. II. Jnekoon and little daugh ­ and that ia by coaatItutioBal rrmrdie* i 0. L PlUNKEn, large proUt. There I* a ateody aa«l larreg, ; ter, who hare haan g aaata of bar bro thar.; Hart, of Groton. 8. D. ‘ ^a* taken with DmJneaa is oanoad b.r na inflamari coadi- | Compound log «l>—aa«l tor it la all —ethMMi. .Vo amm-1 a bad cold whhsh aeHled oa my In^. tiun of the macona lining ot theKeoamh* i D pi— reqolretl. C. Vaughan and wife, the paot two i Atldra — ••MAJn r*cTt aaa/’ ^ea ona rasaady .•omrh evt la aad flanlly tmmhMitMl in e..n Tub*. Whan this tab* get* iaffam i eWetdood, (Hilo. weak* . Mt Tn*ada.v, for their boate in ' Uoaaamption. Fowr Dootore gara me med you hare a rumbling oowad or Im- j IT al eNMNoni of Hii throat Holland. New York. Anwvlaa* Vaaghao, op, oayiag 1 coald Hr* bat a okort time, per feet heariag aad whoa It ia eotireiy Tbe Lcadlns: Wt'A.VTKIl—To r—it a how— o—l ham near •d lungk who hmi bean here for oome time, aoeoai- t garemyaeUnptomy Harior, tietermiaed cinaed deafaeoa I* the raoult and naiaaa J badar— pnrthm of towa Uoat hr u gtH*! if T^noald aot star with m.r friea^oa the Inflnmmaticm mn bs taken out aad i Hoeti b«>a—. l—iotr* at Tok .N ow* oM— Hm beilulMMi edwIuMe hM paaiad her. I woahlmeetmrahoantoaaaaTOre. this tube reato rad to its normal condi ­ Mr. R. P. OHria. of Barrilaan, Hpala, opoada M* wiatove hi Alhaa, 8. C. w«gfc lAMT—«h,a»ewheve im the mod betw—a Kraak Htone was raMed to Owoanc, | Mr baobaadwanadrihedtogm Dr. King a tion, heariag will ba dostroyod forever; Blood Pnrifia Ht. John* aa«l Woeoao^. larwr cmto *. two Dkmorary for Coaonmption. ninemoig out of tea noe caaowl by aorroB had cauuod oarwe pahm ia the hattet* ood rop—. rlwdrr tiWaai Inaee at Monday, to attend the funeral of bU I aadfViMa. Igareit ntrini. took all ratarrh, which I* nothing but aa inffam* iMMk of hlB hMd. Ga ooiag Rhetvie Bit. Koavoa'M Wed bom oad r—fee reward. r. t*. WAaaa*. alotar, Mr*. Gen. Ilanh, naa .Naille Htone, ,tghtbottl«. Itha*«iradBm,aadthaak ined iMsditlon of the meaoue ourfneoa. tom, Amaftaa’n giwatost Blood aad !<«r*B who died Hatnrday. of imeamoala, after Ood, I am oavwd and now a wall and We win give One Hundred Itnllave for IhnMiy, all pahi noon Mt Mai. Ho agya A Reliable Stomach, Liver A IkooM—voUe Village Ck—tw. a short illneaa, aged 20 ma. Hot i haalthy womaa.** Trial bo^ (le.r eoeerf ttsafneea (eenaad hr mtarrhl tMagfud urndWoe iu what Mb couatvy A D>—Mrrattr.peiiak*»a.Uatoa mtrer rlWaa* Uf. J E ' nWaw a MiUmaa'* Dmg Htove. U»«t ceneot berorrd by Hnira tTatuirb aaodo. All 4m wins kaowa that itauiuu and Kidney Cure. egar— wUI be hoM at tb* Bir—la* Kooai la St. lather aad mother, Mr. i ‘ ' olaraim50e.aadfl.00. Oaaraatmd w 'ore. H—111 foe rircelure free. Hver ai Jahriw. klootlay e—N—. Horeh atii. at 7 Htoae. were with her who* the end name. . oi.. IWr tb* parpwar

j-t— He vrae croaohing at my aide, were the re salt at a clondod mind ttnod and aa I tonMd toward him hia toil ae- forever apiai the faneiari needs of an ­ toally wagged. It waa a aight to oall other and not the oxpnmitai nf perannal “Ltaresi^ Loecanl He paamd down WIIT'S II I HIE? the oolor op to my oheek; not that aign tarpitnde ur sem of peraunal hoigtng that wrayr* ahriehed the girL rlaing Bs Wothlng Meaistloiee a Wmrnm or Kaewledg*. ol good will, aatonidiing oe that woe If ha ih X ihonid Uho to haaard tha or avarica Therefore I coald pity har, like a apiritand pointiagdem the noMl It'e m gutMl ukl stiviug, and a troe om oewaidariag mj feeling toward dogs. ha ia tha man who haahald and I did. toward Deacon Hpeor'a “He ia gone! yog Ig Mah tiggidogi for yaara. ” Ha ia loot, hne hia faU* ahall not lemain toti, "Kmiw oil moti by their worka.” I hot hia belgg there at all my Making another appeal, 1 preaaad tha The puhiii- have Iwen impueed opoo ao knowlag it That mnde An. ittar- "Aad if ha waMT'aakl dm. ooin hard into tine of her hands till the a nffotory. I will dare ita aolntian. I— "I oogld luidgratand Williagi'a gg- motiv tlimw by uneerti|dotMi elaiiiMi iium W I vrorth blnab. That was a atgu that no ciaitai*t eff-wted what my words had 1— Tonight ynn vrill hear frnni me for seifioh metsm* ol |*rofit, they liMtk for woman —1 make noexoeptiime- can lie- Bphthy to higi agd alao bla aoapioioga. '* bom unahl-* to do, and she finally look- MiaNdkiiig mure etihaUuitinJ:* tb«y aak Hhe gava nw a strange ten OMira than ime minnie to an agree- eil down an*! saw what she was clatch* And withont aaocbsr glance at any for deeds. The little coaqoeetir hna ahh* man's rutyrrmiona oi dneete admi- withunt anaii atigg walked lug. Thin indetd she changed, and in a earned the repnUitioii matie in Miehigsn took Luteeti hr the Iiand. "Hnahl” 1 at na akm toned and fled toward the JKOD CPUDOE rathm witboot letting go ^ t a little of few miuates tif shiwly growing enmpre- Honan fUMi INI impuetsT can etonl it. From north to south, from eoat to went, in Wnc UR or AflEUA her watohfoln eaa. It may imh be h> her thought 1 litaud bar whiapar. At all hemiuu became so t|Diet ami abourhrd (TO UK txijmxrxn.) oredit. bat It marks her uot aa a worn- erenta the two siaters were silent for in every city town and hamlet in the that she forgot to look at the man ami stnie, iMMqile stand ready to tealify to mrANNA MIIMPM GOCCIMr ' an. which, after all, ia not a thing to mure than a moment. Thi-u Lucetta said : even fiogot me. who was probably noth­ "Dearoo tipear is well off, bat noth- THE HONEY MAKERS. metii. UrnUliide for -vimfnrt brought deplore, taperially when* ime hna not ing more than a Hitting shadow* to her. to tboueands of homes brings i-miihattc* iuir will ever make iim* ai-eooe living really paoesd the line beyuml which all "A silk gown. ” she moniinred. "It rejoH-tnge and worde of praise the like of ft.aoNuv;*' man of crime wi dreailfal. ” Ami sht* Fse foundalkias to oontrol the number waaknem of this nature ia ndicnloaa. will liay Lixaie a silk gown. Oh. where of dnwMM whirli hoe not lae-n et|uailed in oioilarn wolki-il away, drawing Loreen after her. Looetta met me, joet aa 1 expected, at dill it fxime fnau, the good, gissl gold, Sulphur will dsatmy tbs moth larm In tioMw. Is it a womler that the name mote ciaifnaad my expraaaiona liiioaiti. lu another inotneut she was oat of tlie Ikian is tt ia A familiar one in every *'I bftTB oonw to tmable jon for the the dour. Bat her worda wen* not just the U-antifnl gold, mi little, liat t-maigb uid etiniln. . leaving me in a statu of great ux- household? is it eurnrieiiNr the (lahtic laat tioM. ladiaa. Wo boro nudo a dov- aa I will jnat aay that by this very what 1 antielpated. iwThapa beoana e of to make her Itsik Hue, my Lixxie, uiy Tht* <-iitranee to hivea muat always be aCnhige chnncie I waa laaniug over the oitenM-tit. ttpfireeiate Doan’s Kidney Fills anti will hto Mkroh thmoidi thla hooae mmI that short look ab*- mu latfun* she pretty, pretty Lixxie?” armiignl so that the Imws can enter con- gate when Mr. Trobm roile op fur the ventnrrd to apecik. “This girl bohls the ncret to the venlt-nlly os stion as they arrive. not lie led oalray by the iuireniooe thrn«|{h tbo Mabloo Mod feel porferClj Nti iiumliers this time. Tb«* gift was efiorts id would fa* fvHnfietitorM? \ Iv*. aerond time ami found me ihi-re. ”I am glml. ” said she. ”to are ynn whole sitoatiim. “ thought L “The be- When m-r-esaary to w«irk uuung the }Mtifled in aoTiuK tbot uor dotr hoooo- toti iiverTMiwtriiig fio- her even to re- troit cititeii tefle here why tm- name of 1 did not altiuiipl any exi-UM-a. He ia liif that nothing nion- uau he li-uruiil hses. |Nit theiii under |ss-fi*rt oentnii with fortii will lt«d iu oiflowbertt The ee- looking Mi bnght this moniiug. We an* meujlM*r that it most lie bidden away. Doan is tlear to him. Mr. H. N, KlHott, gentleman eiiougb to uiideratand that fmm tlie Kuollys is a false one. 1 must ■ttMike. nml they will ms hinder you. oretN wo Imto rarprieed an* yoar nwo, all fi-eliug latter, mm that the iucnlioa Tti ghat over it, sbt* must ktep it in of I4;i High street, Detroit savs: a woman of my leni|M-nittieiit rises «arly see Mr. (Iryi-e. William's nsbimnutadis To product* an abumtanee of tlnmes uae mmI if fMiMiblo itb«ll mnaiu ao. Yonr of M*cr ecy ia reniovefl, liat I atill would her hantl. 1 walkt il aw*ay while lier de ­ -‘My knttwirdgr of Uoae's kldser 1‘tUs tuid miut bare th«< morning uir. That nut like to think ytm told what haa are m> mui-h empty air, Imt Lun-tta's drimt* comb In the coUtny selertt-il. which dales iMirk lu ftvr vsars a«u. I wmm tOeti tamthor'H pnip(*naity fur rivtarctiuu aud light was still vtiluhli*. .'Mouehtiw it should imA Im* usm I ftir any pi-ued to us to Mr. Trohm.” ■ili-uci* has a uitwuiug we i-auuot affonl twstti me to have done her this little l«M>als*t. I was luriartNl wlib kkinetr iron. itiii • - •*. :K*iurul |H riiNpA. Imt ilill r If desired lo Inereose ihe iiiimltto nf ool- biMir MU little ua the real i|neetinn which "Lucetta,” said I. "then* may be to igtMin*. “ iM-UfHt. anti 1 think it t-asetl tht- men I Ills ae sIlMlaaisd tbs uiir orki tr«>ei my be able to pn*rent their ^|lread aa Rueatp auid u Im-iU U. sipmg about family affairs with com- thi* first upiKirtnnity whiih preaeutivl when 1 iwssetl tht ui again on my way nolumlly. itself Ilf seeing thi- iletectiviv This was j s^sisni anil with Its ilefutnure rams tbs rare tbn>ni(h the to*ittt That thi» may be Hitt h'ld tin n* U eij 1 would not hare ^ paraiire strangers, Imt I am not tltat lau*k ft I the Kuollys gateway. ('tuisideraldt* core must ho token In the 1 ..f lbs rbstimaliset sod tbs soil of lbs kldosy dune <*no»rientiiiiialy. hciwerer. I t nlways the best ; ae rrsrtastlag know. 'rlosiu a naislisr nt mr tosads. I always ininntM ’ ('oafereoce with thet stissi watching o|ieratiiins in qun n A well ttoveliqwd csll Is from IL I sbttuld I Inks a ssssre r

far wants of J.,uct«t,a now? ” asked Loreeti to 1L Inrhuslong I sstiling un mr kldesra s fss iIiwmi «.! Huao'n well, we huvi- Isith inaaial the age of Kor ri*ply she gave me an impulsive a aileiice which would liave Is-eti enu- ' Kidesv |‘|||s rsOsTss all apprsksnsluu." ae t4i let thie matter rest when- it la" as 1 tiHik my stainai again ut her siiiu. It letiulres eorr to remcivf- comb honey mmauce. ami what he said caumit be at kiss. sideml niitiatuml by any um* wtm did I D ohii'h Kidney Fills an- sold hv nil 1 moi' with right good will. A mnau* ”I thought 1 i-tmld trnat ytm. ” she "While yon were talking over then- to from tin* hives It can Is* «>ne enslrr dur­ tain weight haii b^n lifted from nu*. inten-at to tbi* general |iablic, especial­ iuannnn*il. Them with a tlubions look, uot n-aliu* the i-imdieting uatnn- of the ' ikwlers. Frioe .'dk- (ler box. .Mailnl on Mother June be step|N-tl over here, and ing th<- Ihjim-v smsoii than at any oChar I receipt of priet- by Foster. Milhuni (,'o.. proof pneitiTe that I had n-ally <-oiim to ly as it did not di-nl 'vilii tin- diaappear- lialf ilarittg, lialf shrinkuig, she aaiil: enintions underlying it. William, to with a wonl or two iiidncetl Lui-etta lo tints —."t. lotuls Hepuhlk-. whimi the dtwlh of his uiother M-enieii ' Huffttlo. X. Y. sole Hgi Ilfs for the I'nited lore theae girla anc«* ur with tin- iliacoreriea made in ”Wht*n you ttone ti> kntos* ami like walk away towani the house. .'4ee, then- j Htiitss. to Is- a great lielivenuiiv, Ium I Is-eu in- What they told him. whether it waa the Kuoliya house the day Iwfon* or na Ix-tter, you will mit t-are so muc-h to tht-y art- in thtsw thick shrnlis m-nr tbt- THE ROYAL BOX. Iti-meinlier th** uanit* Doan's ld im*. 1 cannot with any of thfss- queatiotih which you talk to neighbors. They never can nn- right wing, lit* Met-iiis to Im* phaiitug j no other. his sallies meeting with 110 n-spnnw he • TOO think I ought to join The king of tht- lielulans is anxious to t That it bad not abrJceti hia faith in them this time. i*apec'ially. ” haii Kaunten-il away to have it imt with them iuid Hml out what be is urging visit the Kongo HUUt. and will prnlstbly JHIIKTUADK HAl.K.-lMault having iwsn his dogs. leaving me alum* with the two next mouth • • mads In lbs roedllluns ofaf-srialOMurt- waa erident, for when h*> tame oat to That w<- were • ngagr-5H. on wbirb mtirtgogs ihstv U dus at ths **No gnile in th«ae girla," be whia- in with news fmm the tdher t-iid of the has tlisr-tivt-reti gtiing tm in our hoast*." I dais fif Ibis nulkt-, th«- sum •*! six btindrsil nmniiug for which I bare nerer lieeii titude MU iiieimeitig tliat it was little Quern Victoria U conservattve In the pered. aa he paaaad me. ••The clew giv- lane. "No, ” 1 agreed, "ami vet I think matter of carriages. Her favi*iitt- vehicle and Ihrss dollars and stxissn rsais, ItssIttMi able to ata-ouiit. I'erhapa it W'aa apent "rtuch a lark!” he tTittl. "The in- shurt nf tragic. Hi*r hoisl. for tlie first an atturbsT iss f*f twsaty-Mrs •luilars prt»- Ml by what aeemed niyateriona in thia Lacertu will be strong t-ntmgh ttt sns- Is t>f a shape In vtsruc to yiwrs ago, and tIiJs]a*ur'a house hail time IU the nieiimry of thisM* present, tuiii tht* <-oiiversatiou. jmlgiug from tht- tint* la mode to do duty for sevenil uooa- rss«||ng at law. ur In t-<|uity haring Iwsn tn- a diacuaaioii which may be of inten*at been a men* fanv, awl I jnat maile them hmi fallen nw-ay fmm her hiwil, show­ sk*ns slltulsil tu rrrwsr uf sols In salt! wort- real V cm may aleep aonndly tonight. the lailiit*. ling up my cellar ami they should dig away from his- hemi like a weinl linlo. havi* the liingest neek of any (irlnce in giMrs runlalas«l. anil by statuts In s«rb roes when tt) dig. Tliey seem a little at sea lesds ami prurldsd. nullss is lisrsbr airsa Miaa natterworth. Yonr {aut boa "Nothing •-anie of the invcstigat^SRa up hia. Oh, thi- fun it was! Tlie old fel­ Her features we i-nald not distitignish. Kum|s' It isolmtistof glmfTutlliiit-nslons tbni un Hatuolay. Ibr twsbly-sssuatl day ut tivt-r tben-. anti living, os you do. a ft*w* His t'oiislii, tht- lirond Duke (’«instant im*. Well done. Imt I know yuu um glad that niadt* lir Mr. tJryoe yeatenlay, I per low kickt-d. Imt I bail my way. They Imt the i-uiofiou which itispin-il her .VprII. I HUP. al uss u'rlurk lo tbs nhsmtem. nsls fnini .Mother Jant*, Im- may iiiiagiiie r-onit-s next, ami then the- king of tht* Hel­ at lbs asst front he gathen-d up his refnsetl them. So that luan'-* <*i-Ilar l>ot- id anils uutl swaying Isdy. It was Ignii. ihrrs will bs b,,!,! at publlr rsndar lo ilinct him when* to first plant the Iim-of the HNist noticeable character Ihs hliibssi bbklsr lbs lanti In sabI mortgogr which ia the beat proof that then- la reins to depart. "Well, lilid not expei-t toni liail a stir up. They linln ’t tiiid wrath is-rsouitb-il. and yet an unnastiu- •lssrrllN-*l. rli: ibt- east hall of NpHtie " lstl<*M of thi* king of Fortugal Is that ht* Is aomething in me bi*aidea th«- detective anything. How i-iNiid ho hope to timi anythmg. bat it done me a lot of gnral lug wrath. < *ni- i-imld set* she was as tie- wssi half uf tbs sonth- "It's all insult,” crif-il I.4iree«i. "All is*rpetually smoking. Whenever you see rasi unansr of ssriion twsnty.sigbt. ib luatiuct. anything there':" and that’s Munithing. I ib* liali* tliat much dau-il as uutrug«-tl. Her lan-s and him. t-xcept tin \*rry lin|Mirtant stait- neca- tbt-ei- talks uutl vikU*i an- insults. To be lownsbifi six n«*rtb, ol rangs iwo*esst,in Tile front door had acarrelr chwrd ba- “How could Im* indeed? Yet," said I. Deacon !-i|w*ar —<-*>oidirt hate him worM- js-uates wen* being attaeki-il. and sbe sions. hi* lias u cigar In hU mouth, anil m> Mtrbiaan. sun. this di-ttctivt- has some exeuse, Halstl. .fanuary -j:!. tHlip. hind him when William cwme atonutug determined to allay this one inau'a aua- if he'll killetlaiiil buruil ten men under hail cunM* fn>m the lieart of her solitudi- Sts titer iks*s the ghtwliig ash get within but"— WII.I..vltH M. I’tiTTKi:. in. He liatl been Koaaiping over tin- piciona at oiu-«*. which, notwittistauding his hearthstone.” to defend Mhem. warming ilistotice of tht* rnyol mwetiiaD It K»;nrw » A W tnekiiMO.. Mortgagsr "Wntoh!” I interraptetl. “Lucetta Is leplot-eil by anr>tber. .\itornsTs for Mongagrs. fence with Mr. Tnihni and liad lM*eu the iipenii«-MM of hia n-mark, was atill "Then* ia no harm in Deacon Sis-ar.” “1 di'clare! ” murniun-il Haniiuh. “It is shakiug her hi-utl autl lisikiiig vt-ry begniU-d tnU) taking u glaaa of wine in observable in bis touea, "you say that said Lucetta quickly. is pitiful. .'-^Im- lias nothing in the world fmsitivt-. .she will pntvt- tti him it is an pKtIIIATK OKHKit.—Htals of Ub-hlgan. hia honae. He ahowed it. with all air 1 ahould hanllr expect from "Dill they sulmiit Mr Tmhin's houat- but that ganieu. and uow tln-y an* go ­ THE CYNIC. » roanty uf 1* 110100, sa.—Al a ssaslun of insult. Wt* iit-ed uot lutf-rfen-. I tbink.” “Thnae meaka!” crtt-il b*-. “I bear so giaal a iM-ighbor and fru-iid. Why ia to a sean-h also:" osktsi Lore« n. asham- ing to mot it up. ” lbs I'rubals t 'ourt (or tbs I'ouni y of I Un tub, Hut luin-en had gntwu |M*nsivi* ami It Is surprising liow well a homely girl hoidsn al lbs 1‘rolNils t tlBrs, In He- rlitags of they're been bock again, digging and that. Mr. Tnihiii? Uorely you do not aa- ‘vsl of William's heat ami aiixntus to “Do you think,” said I, "that the HI.Jobns.onHaltinlay,ths*J.Mb ilay«»fKsbru- ilifl uot heetl my suggestluu. A look looks in u picture. atimng up nnr cellar Imt'om like mad. aociate crime with the Knollya? ” avert .any further display of it. sight nf a little money would ap}M-usi* ary. In lbs ysar dnanllul diy. "l.'riim? Oh. no, eertuiuly not. No "Y i-n they went thmugh that too, to ki-et* his own counsel is never ltkt*d. 1‘rrssnl. I'bns M. Msrrtll. Jiidgsof 1‘rohais. a woni into tho iwr of Mr. (irree. tht- expression of luilignant n-volt with In tbs mntlsr ••( tbs sstals o( Katbnrins yon girla. V«m're afraid of thia, you n* mo could uaaociato crime with the I was with them, tilaii 1 was too. If you don't lielievc you arc a bore, which sh** hail addn-ssetl iiit-. and when linrtinnn. ■tsrrnasil. I’sisr Htebn. adaints. afraid of that. Yoa don ’t want follu to Knullya. If iuytom>waM at fault, it waa I aay, girls. I i-ould have laughtil ti* see "Ferhaps. ” Mild Hannah. "Hhedi-ar- watch |M*opkt get away when you turn trator. with tbs will annsxsd. ut sniti sainte. know your mother one* —- W’ell, well, dne perhapH to iny enilauTaasuieut— this all thi- coiuforra that old liucheior has ly lores mon*-T. but it will iioi take next till iiieut the tW'o wi- liail Imi-u your liock. liarlBK iiintls appllsallun for ths alluwobrs watrhiug tunieil anil ranie slowly to­ of kis Itnnl arruuni anti for bla dlarbargs. then- It lamov! If you liad been willing meetiug. voor kindness, the lieauty of about him. Never saw mu -Ii tlxlllg^. away her fright.” Tht* children of a pt«or roan never care ao Thsrsn. bs aaslonisi tor ths been let alom- and my affaira left uu> forth. Well, I may lie pardum^l if my to bottom as our ulil house is uot. It's sxnmlnalinn of saki acrount. at the Probate toached, but now ercTy fool will cry tnnoM are not quiu- trm* iu diM-aasing silly, of i-imrse, far a uum. and I'd to the girls 1 asked them, somewhat them. When a doctor gives a bride a wedding imif-s. in tbs rlllags ofMt. Johns. And it la "What is this?” silt- askid. "What present, iM'ople watch to see if he gets the further urni nsmi to nsmi lu wiiubl make inyis-lf cijnspicuous if 1 lioes Mr. itryct* w*aut. Lm-etta?” anti plat-s fit sabl hsaiing. liy •■auslag a ropy "Thi'ii that tone of doubt waa all the muddy Issits if I want to and train inr cn*ss*tl the null im this erruiid, aud Mr. tiryce himself spoke. W’hen a woman movee to a new place of this onisr to bs pnbllalKsI In lbs Hr. Jonas been foond of auimala which ba%'e died her first friends "warn” her against about .N kws. a nswspapsrprinisdand rlirnlntlng In in the oauM* of arieiici-. I aay it 'a all your roon* niiaplai-i'd. ” I retorted. "1 am so dog** uud live iu fn-isiom lik- the man when l»re«-n .inMW« n*il tUat that wimld "I want her," saiil he. "to give me said c-ounty oft Union, for tarss surrsssirs half the twopit* In town. wssks prsTlotis to said dav td hsartng. fault ! Not that 1 liavt- anythmg to lie frank 1 cannot laar muu* ndo iu othera. 1 am. V* t I i-ouldn ’t help thinking it not deti-r hi-r if she liad the money uud jnsi a little i-lew fniui Iter inmost thoughts. Whtii 1 was in your honis*. ” What Is known os a "lovely dlepoei- I'llAltl.K.'t'M. MKItllfl.L aaharoed of, liecaoae I haven’t, but lie- Ueaidi-a. Mr. Trohm. the worst folly of migbtv enmfortnble. tiai, for an old fel­ Lui-etta aildt-d that thi* sight of sui-h tlnn " Is tieoally iicrompanieii hr a lock of (A Tens I’opy, t Jursssnl, •*harlts M. Slerrtll. Judgr ol l>ats iug. 1 uni ben* 41 ;ui ernuitl of iiien*y. k*«-n ohst-rx'er. which i-oiiviiiit-il me that III tbs mntlsr of ths sstnts of Hbsrtnoti that to kill a lly haa become a ns-ii liMik*sl at m*-, this lairtlculor Het —Ixwt Angefea Kx- Fisir old Mother Jam* is half inilHi-ih- usuowiller III this lam* .Miss Kuollys Kirby, di-rsnasil Portsr K. Psrrtn, .-idmln. ereii if it la to mre ooeaelf fmm pui- Hut .Mr. Trohm, who fur all our short but none of us jtiiimi in tin* luirib. press Isiraior uf salil sstnis, haring inads apidlea- aud dts-n not uudersiuml why yon 111- was nut without iH-r suspici* 4is a« to eon. I'm going to act* it I cannot make ;Msiuaintam-«* waa not without a x'cry which ^t-inieil to nil- vi ry ill tiiind. lircntcr New York coats tsy'.nno.oof) In Hull fur ihsalkiwnars ut his ilnnl nteonat vndi* her prenjin-s with thest- inipie- fin- M'-ret raiist of the dn-ml mysteries anieti* of Tistuv 1 have fruiikly askni In-r, anil srari'h Into the workings of mneollclatttjn u*rhM-k In tbs afisrniMiii Its assigns*! fur tbs uanaea theai- diHip)M-nnin(*ea. " with a - luiling air n-tunnd: lar'" stnnilnailun uf snid ni-sunnt, at ths Prulmls Thia waa a dechiratnai to make aa nil "You are asking the luipriaaihle not \VilIiam stopfs-il Inngiiiug long gold I liappi II to have in my iss ki t; .---l.e «h*—sh* will uot tell III*-, .Ml'S Luni-u. —New- York World. • lltirs. In Ills rlllags uf St, .luhns .Vnd II Is may not di '«rv* it, Imt it will mak<- V*-t ht r fm-i* showsi-viii at this niuiiieut Just think of It I Annapolis gets 1100, fiirihsr unlsrs*!, lhat nuilrs hs gtvsn tu tbs atan- and haik a littb- bit fuuliah. Wil­ only of the cvimuiunity, but yonrsi If. enough tf>si- that my old •-res wen not at fault 111 OOP for a guverninent liulklltig. ami Haiti* uf said hsaiing by causing a roiir uf thU ur- iu<*Tr-. the sscidMl |s»rt In the country, tioss might 1 not live toai-unext! Hat the He Is of tisi rad*- a iiiak*-. Tli«* girls hani as an isik tbs T. No. ill* V didn't itl*- i-oiu^-rn. ” my n .iiliitg *>1 hi-r. Hh** does su'|M-ct dsr tu Is-pHbitshs«l In Thi ht Jun' Half of the nit-ii .-it nuce took off their l will get isiniething fur county *»(tHnt- o. lur Ihrss snn-sssirs wssks "Hum can you sny tbaf^" Is g-.iii Lu- prrrluiis lu sakl ilai uf hsartng Mruck roe. Might thi- l)*-a<-->u .‘^ja-ar lir t*i liavo lost, 1 nt Willi.'uii— Why. if was iiiiotht-r soun-* of sii(i'tucrii4i to liats. The other iialf nudgi-il each oth­ us* This U tho worst yet.—lioltlmon* i-*tta. but the eyes which Lor**-iithat I'll AID.!•> .M MKRItli.I.. any < hami- bo the rich nmu who-* .uii- tiM* cause of thoM* ilisniqiearam-es was me. I>*UM'U .S| ear hasn’t • \eii that to er'*- elhuws uik I whisfs*mlandgriiuat-eil Auieiieaii. i.\ Tmsl'upy.i Judgs uf Prubals moaity Altbi-a Kuoliya itad awak*md? found today, uud found at the reniot4*at comfort him. oh. Imw 1 did etijoy that like tile fiRils thej* wt-n-. The first lialf luoiin-iit tuniiil u|s>ii her st-eined to end of this nmii'r mi-ii n)iin th«- iieaui- old fellow ’s faeo whi-u they began to wen- geiiilenieu. tliimgh not all of them tnnible her. for sin- did tint atliiiipt to BOB AND TOM. say any linin'—-hily bsiki-tl i-tiually ob- CHAITKR XNXU. talus, when- no om- s«-*-nis to have hiuk* nsit up his old fuugi!" won* gentleiiien ’M clothes. cfl, William would still is* known It was Mr. tirycu who spoke: stiiiaie and ilistn-sseil. f'ldisitlemhlc pnweess I* rcporttsl In the LfcnTA. Luei tta tiinieil away with a i-ertaiii Gland Tfunk Railway System FItEsimiiions.r-harkey Inilnrtgiki. Kltxhoe thntugh all this village aaa rough and otiil constraint 1 could not Imt tiotji-i-. “('•-rtaiiily, luadatii. (iivu tbi- old "If LucettasusfM-etsany one," Dovs-ii Tims Tabis. In KOVrl Ksb 5. ***. The next morning I roM- with the ••ngagt'd .inotlier typewriter — t'hlcogt* I cruel man. I liave tn«sl to stand hia Woman anything ymi pleius-, Irat”— DOW* n-murkMl sti-mlily, "tlicn 1 think ' 11. A VI HlrUlwn. "It's a humiliating liay for tin* lane." Dcm«s-rat lark. I hiMl alcpt well, and all my old friend, Imt It's ls-<-ii against fdda, Mias Ami hen- he sti-ppi-il up to me uml l«*- she ought to tell ToU just wbo aiiit j - ■aid she. "And what is worst*," she It Is to he hoped the unlvemal peocc vigor had returm-tl. A new pn>blem waa Hntterworth. Kv* n hia sisters saw tliat suddenly addi-«l. "nothing will i-vcr gon to whisper: “Yimwant something. why." j wrsT noi vi< rnfiM ST. juMMs "You do. Then perhaps yoa ”—roni- scheme won’t go thmugh until .-^herkey hefon- me, a pmbh m which liml iii- uud showtsi their laidt of i-tmlidt-nc** in come of it. No land of isdire i-on t-ver What IS it?” Olid KItMiminone hart- aettlnt a <-ertain Ne. It Morning Kxprsss toiHI. linrsn...... 10:47 a m. cn*aae«i in liiteri-at aince it had Income oar fn<-udah^p. Hot 1 would lUu* to reoeh thenw*t of this matter." i aiiswereil in the saim* ijuick way. mem-Mi Mr. (lryre-^"<-au jN-TMiade her Inifsirtont qiieetlon.—FitteHurg News. as to her ilnty, ” he finished os lie saw No. tr. Mall and I'bk-ogo Kxprsfs* to Hd. narrowed down liy the elimination from obligi* you. ” 1 thought her manner isld, and. mov ­ "Thu mine you thought exhansteii has T*»m O'Kourke. pug linpreaario, says, Ila*rsfi .'M:: p. m it of the Knollya hoaaehold. Mnthir 1 knew ha ought to go. 1 knew that ing up to lier, 1 tisik her by tht* Iiand still its )KMaibillties. i^oestiuu Lnct'tta. her heoil rise in protest nf what he evl' •'.•iharkey Is the next world's champion" .\fi. 17 tkl. Itaptds Ksprsas to ild. Kaplita Jam* ami the jewela were to be Mr. I if Im- tuul liugensi only the flvo minutes with something of a relative'H familiar­ It may pn>ve a nion* fruitful task than dt-ntly had inicudetl to demand. W«> thought, since there Is m* marrying, and lighting there eftlM.— Nne (-omprehetisive No. Krsolng Kxprsas to Dstrolt aad Roat myatery. Yet it waa not mblieil of ita bat feel towani an um-ertain ia«'hanM*- settletl loug ago. 1 with I”— IMCUCK I* m. intereat When I rialixi-d timt Alth<« ter. Yet with such an oppiirtauity to "Well?" Ht-r haml was trembling were not for one «if her well known suTTcT of the two, hesitateil m» longer. No. 1H Kosisrn Kxprsas to peraed aad lUxet Knollya, the Altbia of my youth, hod iiand h. ti. II. A M. K y Trelaa. which 1 bail held him tbi- ilay l«*fnrt> himself a step or two, ho panaeri mad have been mm silent mm yoa have been— lips trembling with a pasatmi far be- peranna extremely onxinna aa to tho TTm«* T'wlslei. aonauaged me ia my ventnn-. and after with the alighit St gestnn- toward the tlMt lo. if 1 had any saspienms i«i so ■»- yoml my power to comfort. meaning of thia terrible mystery. I am I le sWset Norsmber Ard. IttOA. a few words with Hannah, who waa little hnt he was faring orhied iu a mooli rkms a sabjcct, os from yimr appeor- "Liaatel” she cried. "Lixxie! Hhi an ttlil man ami ynn will not miml my KIDNEY CMSIltti Nonm. Lrr. Isnrnnd. will come lawk amt find m> htaae. Ob. oarefnl ihK ta lat im- slip away onno- lower ttoiM than any he had yet usm I: anee yoa lertainly have. Why, ynor hlantneaau 1 have been told —oml roar I JoAM As ___ ma M sMiA# I*. ■ tteed. I boklly ateppeil fiwth and tnok "Beaidea, Deonoi Mpeor ia roach ton far own good name ia impngned' —yimrs ami my poor girl! My poor, poor girl! ” agitation lolla roi* it ia trae—that von I gor Rials. Aabiey. iiboca, Ht. mmta. Aloia, my solitary way down to the gala. away fnan Mother Jane's cottage. that of nvory other peraon living in this It was pitiable. 1 t*nald not doabt her have a Iiwer. a Mr. tistrander ”— ' Mt. rtaaaaat. (Tara. (•a*llllac ood Kraaktort BALM tmillt) norm_|.e. ISarawd. Don ’t ynareoM-mber that 1 tnirl yim she anguisli or her sincerity. Tht- tleliriom “Ah!” Hhe hail soak as if croahed It waa not yet 6, and the g raai waa lont*. ” I atoa A. a.______mma...... dioa r, m Rtill baary with dew. At the gate I never maid be got to gn more than 40 “Miaa Hatterworth.” ahe replied. "I of a brnken heart oanmit be simnlated. by otN* terrifir blow to the earth. The ITttr Mowed, Aaa Arbor, Mllaa, Toledo aad panaeri. I wished to gn farther. Imt Mr. mtls frooi her own doorstep? ” And. have gone tm for. Beaid es. ytm have Anil thia heart was not naitruliad by eyes, the llpa, the whole pitlfnl face ! la Mb **PCERL1SS REMEDY** nil Hoetbarti Pnlote, R. HRltNRTT. O. P. A. Toledo. Obi Uryce'a injaaetion had been tm|ieratiTe breaking into a <|aiok canter, he rode niiaonderstnod me. I have no inon raaenti; that was eqaally appatvnt m tlMt was -apcnnNwl to as renmin in my Hmo Amn ol Aa KUm ahoat eentarlag into Um- lane alcaie. Be away poot Mother Jane's mttage, at knowledge than any iwe elw oa to the any tme who coahl aae. Immediately memo ry today as the moat terrible anil iMaa— No, that was not a horae’a hoof. which he barely glaanad, into the meesa snnrne of thooe terrible trngediiw. 1 only my heart, which gom oat alowly, bat yet the moat moving speetarle that has IlMre coaid be mi «r Jana!” hattiaai of the hooiibla nriawa whioh “From the anHier of the ship on Pim RALE BY ahnantnaMaUag i 1 heard a alight aatoe at my toet. Larii- I Hhe did not oMwer. iMlnaUy I took have gtvon lla aaam to Urn lana wo which hewoa to ahlL” ahM he. “Il w«naia,ta»lMraoln if nolo Hmw wom » g*a if Mr. Omrnrn^ Mt Hrta town am C. £. V aw Stctt .f. e»


EURBKA. NERYOCH I»8EASE» SSTfRS IF ST. nUNCtS Iluv IHirMT. of tiMi He. JuliMi hisli Treated Free I ■ntNM»t, was At huiw HiiMlay. -Vm. Maliada HaU», ol lit. 1* 1——t. ntOMiferaiii PMdM k— ba— viailias Mmmdm ha— Um* paat mJLiLf I ttCMh waak. Ilfw. H—riatta Barbar haa ba— vWt* iaa (Haada ia Ovid aad Ihiraad for tba them Gr^ Sacrifice ^ md Cihrrli. |aMt t— daya. (far aMietad r—drra wiU cnitaialy Mr. aad Mra. C. W. Cartar. ol H(. narar bara a battar abaaea to try, fraa of *Ji»b—, wm> nallara at rd and Nanrm. WiUiaoi (Jrintli. wbo liaa ba— aar- l>r. Milan* S/twoiat Tnatmenl ia tba ra- i I Raa>*x. afi—t Haaday with bar laotbar, known an a bwdiaa aparlaibrt iu tbaaa diaaaaaa. aotl bb ullar abttnid rartainly GEO. H. CHAPMAN. i Mra. II. Met|oiatiua. ba aaeaptad by oar allliebai r—darn. Miaa KIIm Maarba«|ar, Mra. Hoaan Kroai Tba M«Mi4ay HebcMl Catoa.—Tbaabl- I N.ra. Mra. Clam Toraar oaii Mra. Mary tor wrilaa: ** Wa ilaadra to atataibai hrow raonal anqaalataaaa ara kaoar Dr. Miiaa to i It4>tafunl ara nil )(attlii|C liattar. a atoat alUllai ■aaaciaiiat: a ataa ariat baa .Monday, Fabraary :l7tb, waa tba C■paml aaltbar labor or moavr to kmp hiai ....., _ Mdf abraaai^ ot iba arml aar It la 13 Ladies* Jackets worth ^ ^ t«—tiatb aanirar«ar> of tba marriaaa of il I $10.50 to $14.50 Mr. and Mra.ll—ry llaVricB. Kroai Tba CIUaaa«i Ualiy Haonrd. —"Wa SATURDAY ONLY. rfanreb naxt Hatordar at ‘J p. m. and | pa^«trUa> to irabt thSrIr natlaata aia«a pr—cbiap by Rav. It. li. I^oaft Hnndny at: Moaa larpnn iailr. aati aid rertalaly la* 15 Ladies* Jackets, worth "■SlSiSSrSaliiidayOiiy .’I p. m. tiMFdr kaowladoa filed thereby from ray —tanrh of the Mr. Waaibnxik ’a mother, Mrm. Wada- Ioann to Kraaklla Mlba. M. D.. I.L B.. of OoB. Roan AvBsnra, OotnmbWi O.) h—d,and fe^ —* worth Tiienday. iblacfty.'' 10 Childrens Jackets wqrth Saturday Only The Indian ’ (!hriatinii aid noriaiy will i>r. Mil— baa hod tw—ty-foar yeara* Dr.S. B. Hartman; ooturaped to b^ experwaa*. aad ia well mid Iarr. Hartr tlnned uar will ritation iaast—ded. an able aad exteaaire («rpa of aaaiatanta age hom . 4 pair for 90c Saturday Only xaan*a ‘i*«**ni*na* — an osoallcnt mn^dy fully eradlcetc a and inr —tigatora in bin labomtoH —. I'ulomhun WasiM*!- haa lionafat the He hna {mt—itain erery State, Territory, 0 Childrens Jackets worth ^ » /x tar Jiv mfloanaa, of whieh we then liad j dll — of thirty bonne and n lew iwnw of land on aertion rovcral > ajea whioh Uueateoad to be of yeara* aCanrlln;;. (’aonda and Mexico. He cvirtllally in* $2.50 to $4.00 at niK', iine-hnlf mile —at of UnrakH. fomi* rit— tla* afflicted to write to him. A few Men ’s heavy Heeced Un- a Ferioua c'hamoter. Davb) Meekisoo. ••Hy owned by Sidney Wilber. Dr. nr.rtiaao. j Yon may nar«r bnve another aaeb an aWe 'Ktnui touar it and ean>ari«r^«^ •it tlH‘ <-oanty •■iMiTetitioa held in Hi. ^portonity. Do not fail to write for derwenr left worth 50c at O ctich witnilnrful reeolta that nlnce then one of tuo beat! C.mRrrmean Johna, Ketiranry J4tb. (toy H. Kaeicin UhSfi worth of free ti—tin—t. Addra — 7 Ladies Cafics, this year’s ^ s Ii*r*rt>>nu :»a>< Iwooma our fat'orlte inedi* knowu phyoiobt. ’tn j MtM'kiroo. w la ••ierted one ol the liiUeaten to the Dn. KaANKija Miidm, ISUi floor, Maaoo- style, worth $5.50, $6.50^ otDo for inilnanm,oatarrb,coiinba,ookia. and ButTPi'ona in ^ State eonr —tion. held at Jaekanti, March ' ie Temfile, (liiomco anu 'oronchlUa. the Unitwl Hlatoa, wan the flrat man to lat. lie ntarted for that city Tnamlay. Saturday Only -Hiama or Hr. FnAVOia, forraulAto J*e*ru-na. Itwaa throunii bi* DUPLAIN. ** St. VinoeDlfb Orfdian Asylnm.” ^oniuaaud peraeverauoe that it wae In* BENGAL. 14 Ladies ’Jackets, old styles. ribbed cotton Hose, worth \ r traduced to the medicalprofoealun of t lit. worth $5 to $15.(M) at 25c and 35c on Sale for A O3L Natouwii , On Mareh, IMA oemnir}*. Mend to The Pa>m>iui iWiia Mra S. M. IMowiiinn ia <|nite nick. I Alex Me.lrthur was in Owooao tb* tt—t The*iia Dnax ITTg Oo^ Oolnm* Maaulactnrtnff Company, Ooltunliua, John Vantteinou haa aold hia farm and { of tb* weak att—ding the funeral of hb Ohio, tor a fr— book written by Dr. and may}!—re Clinton county. I conoin. .M—. Rush, formeHy Mi— Nelly biu.Ohlo: I Stone, ol liuplatii. OentleaMO—1 bane naed eereral bot* Hartman. •Mra. Jeaae Krerta retarnod from a viait with tri—da at .Mnir tlh' tirat of laat j Fred lioaby baa —turned from Detroit. weak. Then* will be a necktie social at the CLINTON COUNTY Mi—Mable Jolly riaited ut tbe honi*' , John N. .Plowman...... and...... H—...... ry Welter^ aeh—d hnaw* in this villag*-. Satnrda.v of her |Mir—ta in thia villafp* dorinff the l bare errrteil new (uiwer wind inilb. Mami 4. Proceeds will be iiaad Watch for |MMt weak. I for farm one. to buy new*“* books for the school library. MAPLE RAPIDS. Wm. Imke. of St. Johan, wan the tfa—t lAwny Pofie wa* oldiifed to rioaracbool L. K. Tucker has —ve—d hia connec ­ of-Mr. and Mra. D—nb Wright, durinn and come bome liiat w«rA. ladng afflicted tion with the Hamilton Silve—n — .Mfg. ^ Mr. and Mra P. S. Peffy arelKithiioite tbe |MMt week. with tbe grip. t’u.. of I'bieugu, lUid iina accepted a |inai- ill with tfrip. tioii with tb* tiraham Mfg. I*etlr»* nelioob at Union City evening. Ma—h 4. The following pm- lloliert laiwe and family will bei oine I «»"• fri—daliip. Ilefrealiui—ta inabond- and l..iUiainK. .Mr. and Mra. t'lioa. grnm on tb* Homan Kttoch will Im* maidentaoltheviUmp- dnrinir the w k. i »»"«* w** ”* "•**^ 7 ^ t*»warda Trnvia having an much imfirnreil iu given: Invo —tioii, M—. Ta.vlor; Tb** CHAPMAN the wei* “ama houra wh— the« nra|Miny cQEO. tin account of Had rouda the afmrtal il—nil that tliei <*onld Iw aimr— from Fomm. Mr. .Ash; IHinic Wa—. .Mi— bidding th—i gtaal night, relnrneii to Inime. aervic—at the Line M. K. church bare their r—iiectire home. Warr—; The tiracclii, M—. Coleman ; Imeti dbcoiitinueil. SOUTH RILEY. .liiliua C—•oar, M—. P—rl; Homan Liter I The mwption gir — at .Moaouic hall Ullirani W. Drown haa Im— i-onliiieil to atu—. Mi—tlwen. .All inembn* a—ex- on Saturday ev—ing laat in honor of th** |ierted and othe— invited. bin home for a nuralwr of daya on ac- newly weddml couple, Mr. and Mra. K. II. Mr. Darling and family ha— moveil (*OUnT of •TTW iwiaa WaltiTa, woe a ancwil aucce—. .\(>ont into .Mr. Watmin'e house for a short John C. Pptoit, of Pti—, viaited bin 120 iieraniiH greeted th** bride iwidgroom time. UNION HOME. brother. Jo —f»b. of North Kaat Kb—x. who were intrnduciil b.v Mra. Otto •M—. iliebani tia.v, who haa lie— visit* during tb* paat week. Hallia and D. >V. Hewitt. The rnoma iiig her sbter in Dnrnnd. baa —turn***! Mise J—ub W«*idmaii haa gon to St. It. 11. Hewitt iKiw occupi — the Parker i wen- li—utifnil.v decorated with funk and home. I Louis to work at dr —amakiug. lildiou with a atock of bicycl—. organa, I white l•arDatinlla and hvaciotha. Dr. THI5 MARCH WIND John lUixxnrd baa a ewre which gave Wm. Hill and wife on* tb* happy |Mir- hooka, atationety etc. j Waite— haa lie— a reaio —t d —tbt of birth to tbr— lambs laat week. All do ­ I i*nta ol a tin** biy. born F«*t). 2.*>. The aaaociation of lni|Uiaitiv — met nt I thia rillogi* for a numtier of yea—. M—. ing well, "next. ” I Waite— who— home wae in Ovid, hna I Mi— Mar.v Howard vi*dteil Mativ— in tbe home of Mi— Nellie .Matthewa on the Wehear we a— alMiut to lose another of I>*bauon laat week. ••r—ing i»f February 24. I been «*ngagMl iu the milinery bvain —a in Uhb village for aoiiH* time. Roth yon tig our uM neighbi—, Jam— War—n, as he M—. Ida Duffer, of L*bauou, was a Wm. Mo — of .Viui .\rbor, will givi an p—pie a— well and favorably known in IS abiut to sell hia farm. . gu —t at li. Howard's .Monday, and is **splendid materiar* to turn windmills. —terTaintn —t nt the M. K. chunh on aocial «'lrvl—. tleo. Rond and Mi— .Sarali T. Htev—a I I'oJIed on other frbnib in tb* n«‘i^l>or- It will propel most **anyold mill** and make itpump some water, Tueaday evening March 7. we— maiTied lust W*«dneadny F«d>runry , hoo«i. Wm. KHIugg. who— d— th occured a RILEY. 22. in I*anniog. We wiali them much M—. Jam— llarrett, of Hrtdgevilb. b but the beauty of our mill is the fact that it doesn’t require a abort tinn- ago, had be— n r—kbiit of hapiiioe—. I quite ill from tb* t ffeets of gnp. Fulton for »irer thirty.v —n*. 8 :aie to make it **do business.** With only the soft breezes of D. I’tier wae a caller at ltob*rt Di**d, io Ovid Tiieadn.v F»*brunry 21, ! W’illiani Fitigerald. of lirtdgevill**. dbd Horan* Sonh* haa n'. .M—. ('line. Signs ogeii 2H, after a lioger- last Thursday of grip, and tb* remains the summer months it will work along: as faithful as any old tifai rooiium— t placed over the gmn* «>f ('baa. N. ('owl — hue lieen appointed idine — of rlieiinialiani. Sb* was j we—lnt«*rred in tbe I'nkin Hom«*came- hia wife in the Sowle •>emetery. IHiatraaater at Riley. I brought to St. Johns and |iiare«t in th** I tery .Sunday. He lenv — two «laughte—. horse on the farm. It is owing to the peculiar construction of Mba Flora llnmett ia prefiaring to n*- There were thnw d —the n>glaterr*l in Klla vault awaiting bunal. M—. M.vroii (irnbnugii and .M—. Wallmv* more tier atock of boxar giaida to the itile.v townahip iu Feh—aiy. Wm. Philli|is has gone to Kaat Jord —. AA’vronii, and ime son. M’illiam. who re- our mill that this is true and that is why all farmers who thor­ Whitney building on Maple avenue. The annual meeting uf tb* lot hoid*w^a t’hoHevoix <-oanty. to take <*a — uf hia I si M— F. K. Ilaih*. Wednesday afte—oon he held at tb* U. R. church on Sunday riddog Mr. Itallanl. —turnwl tu their TMa AhoeM Re—• Any Pw—a la Try H. T— was —nred from five to eight. ereuiag oegt, March ft. Theti. A. II. in­ hfMne in Ht. Lonb. Friday laet. Mi— Jeoote Kastman baa returned to cluding tbr oM aoMie — nmi W. II. C. ar>* K—ult of r—t ezparbncM with —p—iall.v invited to he p—sent. Minnb. tirie ium I Wilb* Monroe left i .Aahtabula, (I., whe—she will trim ia a for nil «*xtenduil vidt with an aunt in Drake's Dyspepsia 1* 0— aad Narve R*,. I millinery aton* daring thecomiagaeaaan. War—n f'nsterline, of South l-^aex, haa storer whbh fwtaliibh— bayoud qneetiun per—tly (»arehuae new* tract of f>aklnnd county, lust Friday. .Norton Smith and arife. of Sheparda- hard wood timb— from the .\. A. rail- Mi— IJlIb l*arvb, of t iwoenu. i I op —d- the superiority of thb t—nta —nt over all I vilb. have pu—ha—d the (woperty now ' tt® wnb® ,;.,-?****** bm— miak If I wr— ynaag I woab laap—*e mark tn Union Homs. Fin—kn, Alanb —. { stood, lias aold the halHiag to A’oa rmm «iaM> a— — —ytaa D—ke*« : fio —ibinbt in an —tertaiam—t giv — lta|Mda. Pitmpbi, Middbton. iW (f|^ FACTS ABOUT HEALTH Sheidoii aad land to the original owners. n>. (>i— ium I Mem. llwturgi to eer- I at the ro ng regationai church, Mnuda.v It a C***** i av—iag, bv the Cbriotiati Rnduavor nnton, t'araon nty, lUwcn, Almn. St. l.oaia. North Hinr and ail poiala Mr. Wheldon b mneing the bnlMing to i '• vrry rwwer t f ally .r—. north ovm* thf* NATIONAL TBLBPNONE COMPANY’S UNBS. It le Boay to Kune A*feil If We Know hblarm **■ — T.R Hoaea —. fSacidry. How — Somo of tho Condttlone Nooou Mtoh. GOOD SERVICBS. ••ry to Por feet HooKh. EAGLE. I EAST RILEY. Wv a— tbf> paapto wbn ba— —da —d ulrpbpp* r— aad will app—•— yoar SEEURS . UsAsa a aaoa—. i pat—aaga. (MR— at* TW tmpoHan— of nmiataining gooi Kee. lad../ Homur < 'amphuil to stok.Ting at Kdward honlth b easily undanssod, aad M b (barge Cooper, uf Imaarag, wna at ** Doas m—: I Im—iwne— frirytag your Dve. FILOEW a niLLMAN’S DRUa 5T(MtE. thH pin— Nunday. pepoM (:a— and Merve IlMtnm erery day mt- lanall'a. ■enUy a almpb matt— if we Udraacor* mHUmm to dtrwtio —tertwo iii'i—ii.and wtdb John .Adao — att—ded a ao cial north net rtow of the ooodlUo— reqoirad. Farme— ia thb i ieiaity ara opening aot fs—il. I aw ready to roato — tiMl. of all their sugar baohoa. fwaadtaa f have aoad. tne merta mt your tun- of fit. Johaa last week. la parfeet neallh the atomaeh prompUy tote Im— be— aunarbr to all o Umt M—. C. A. Vaaliyke b riaitiag ut her tl, - food. The bluod b empteyed to (J. W. McCrnadi haa beoa —pairing the and •null eoatlaue ttw ortiMi laine —a IM bridge ami— the dam. V—y truty. father a in Middb be—y. aarry uuuibhment to the orgeaa, aarees, •dal — T*a — n *® ANrad Uik oa —t Huaiig) with Ma ** Jons H aas , Olky Tea—or, Mbs l-Idnu W’Uaa, of Mnir. b Tbitiag ut ■Msetaa aad U—a— whbh used It. Tmo YIN A pureuia, at Wiatphaba. Frank Rohaon'a thb weuh. SUBSCRIBE POR M H h— — «a—wad> mt A Tba firal great eea—tbl for good hanith, "To Wbom It Mat (to I ba— ba— { Mi— Maude I* —aington vbited Port* tro abto d wttb dyapepoMaud —r— trmrnabto tor Frnak Ike b reroveriag after a four ktob— TtaM•« w—la pa—aa— Ibatifnn to pu—, rleh Mood. No modi* load frbada Imit Wsdasadav. tbe p—« lour r—. i—d ba— oasd w—ha tnoob with the mumps •— p—— ai» M—■•«. —taa •• •awa wttboai laetloe ‘ Ml —ainy •( ov —i —4 eWe h— ouah a raaord of cutua — Huod's The W. C. T. II. will mast Tba—day of agii 1 w— ladneed I** try l—ake'e D—ueta i ^®®houa— aud Ml— Daby Read aperlUa atoAlUo tasueam H to the owe tbb weak with Min. Martin Ibmiett, (to — aad Serve w—ta—r. wM— b— hvaTlHia ! (wHed on her pa—uta lani weak The St. Johns News. LOW ifilLWAY MTIt THAT OOfT. true Maud purifier. Huudrada of peopb MV aM»—nwr me toagtk of tloM I Im—aovd It ».______'WAWfiMAfi hetaNbiF AWfil pAfifiMM All a— iavttud tbM say —UMdy hdto — li Raaaoai Parkhou— b gaiaiag after a aai WrtM tor —ra—tor* i a— eitvu aad wait taaty who wuuM hnvu Wm. P—ningtnn haa pu—haaad tba * ’ Mm. T, a. L.AM—AM," vary laHoaa attaok of rhewamtiam. ■•mt ml Wm i hean In their gruvea had ihagr aat latoau hna— aad lot lor iiiarlj owne d by Mtn. Lm— tiaiaer lapublto —boob of gala ij. Mtob. M—. Lathrop. of Ht. Johaa rbiteri hsr All the News, ■oodtofiataapartUa. U b dapaadad upon Cbnpitn aad will —wt tbe oaaw. obter. Mm. Saaaa Kohaoa laat weak. hh- - * « - a- t___ n------WA A valaahle baok oa atomaah aad aorvu Arthur BNugpd b gaiklag tdowly from All the Time aavurai awnwha ia Kaaaan, lutawad to aa iktkaMt of rhsogMltata oad haart bar beam at tbia plaaa. laat w«k. of IVawtaA Babar.