![The Johns News](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE JOHNS ^ NEWS.V 3 VoLrMK X.—No. 28 . ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 2, 1899 . ONE DOLLAR A YEAR of Cliatoa coaaty. N(» E.XTKKMISTS WANTED OVID TlCKBTi CHOSEN, il at Jaaha—ba ITMK raopua pai AOAXK im IEnEI)tlTIIFORa;^H»ah to yoa without A DEADLXK AHEIID. or OOOU COH« SOUNDS A WmilM; shall always bold I ia thM highaat eakeeai. tW kiad expraa- A e RAiili AMD JDOOMmtT. ■ia—of t—at aad aoaf —MMe expraaasd Tht* l^eoplo^M party* RepHbNcM CoHHty Judicial C4Niveatioa ^Icaas aa DiMI Smy§ a bare Iqr my Mlow eltoamm. where 1 hare Way Rim 7*linMRli St. la diaruiaioM the appmaebiaa raa— , bare a—iu ioahad ho—a at OvMaad will Hved aad epeat tha beat part of lav man- for the aorai —tioa of »-and Ida tee for vU>; State Exiati. Earaeat Coatest. llabt thia epriaa for —prrmaey ia villaip* Wall An«Mled. bood.* ’ froM tlK ShhUi. la— otlearN. a baaiaw uuui aaid to Tub . Tke r—iarka were ewthnaiaetipnJl.v re- .Nawa thia waUc: “The eomiac .yaar will j Movevaamat. Imat jraar tha Osht «aa Mirad, and the coav —tion adloarned be a bafd uae for tha iBcoaaaM board aa, iwaetically "wat” vsiam "dry" and the witkoat farther action. CliitoB and Gratiot Have Twelre It baM tiaaa fur the piwaaat. ttaaiMwa Whidi Oiftit to Siock tke Nonl ‘‘weta’’carried the d —. In the mean- Jadre Was Badoned CoatempiBted to be Ballt fTom Mbt- of the viUaict* will Bot iwrmitaoj further Sense of Any Comauuiity. tlme. Iiowever, both the ealouii keepers PositkNM. Votes Apiece. braocbiaic out. oad economy mnat be the; died aad the aalooae were ordered cloned WEALTH ON TIIE FARM sbBll to Bay City. watebwoni. Hy eruaumy I do aot mean by the coaadl, aa the liemme iaaaed by ailly patUaem norextreme frunality, aarli tb** county treanurer oaaaot be traae- VALI'ADLM Wnil—lOWM MADB HV A PUitatw fvM Cl—ty Uailod — aa a liouaewif** iniabt ba expected tu I Sti—tad by ByM—cc Itradocid ia the lerred and were of ao vahm to the Matataa R. M. WA UUOD rA«MKM. The Cob —Biy at inaiatain in her imntrj after her buetmiid ; of tbf* two men. 'liw Paople'a party ia Thdr Clarh Caac. Taslur NIiM. loetbMijob, but I do mean theapplica-. oompuaed of both KepubUeaaaaadliefiio- ‘The fouadatiou of wei tiun of the rabw of boeiaeea watrhluineae. | iltb on tbe farm erate aad claim a icreat reeo rd for the ne ie tbe luaaore b—p.” ei id a Mumoofal ieticed by eaccoaefnl baaiueoa iumi . ^ daetioB of taxation. They eay that He Gare the Toaaff Six Yean at All the To —uhips iB the GoBBty farmer tu T— Nkwb the iitber day wbib* KcIlT S. Sean Has Been Cfeaaen to Lead Ken* are certain i*X|ieaaeH to be ineij never einoe tbe "eleetrk* liirht and water Bat diaeoaeina fann matteve. "It ia tbe oav- CoasMcrtblc SptcaUtloa as to the B—le tie Gratiot Forces. wbieb moat not be iiusterially interlerMi | wurka" phuit baa bean ia ops —tion baa OBe Were Bepreteawi. in— bank into wkicb everythi— ia (tanPorilBad toBayCttj. with, in my opiaioo, but then* may be there be— aa ••aoaondcal — admiaaMra- placed that can ba retain for nos at some othar expeaditumawbinbmiicht belup|iad Utm of villa— jcovernm —t. Tbairmottu other tinw*. It rspnw—ts a lar— firo- is to reduce aaaeaaed vaA—tion aad tbe Wli*'a rhairiiiau W. M. HnitiM»ii raJli off. Wa dou ’t w—t extramiata in nba!— j The jury in the ntrouit court iu the Tb** refiubiicaaa of (liuton co —ty portion of the bto — rsceipts of the year of tbe villaip—iiaftber men who are all ‘ ooMiunt of taxes to be levied. A new railniad wbieb may strike St. Fred f'lark oaae wm$ ebarard by.lndue turned out in force Friday afternoon last, aad exhlMte thatportioo of the prodact t#i ord«T tb** Jiidiri«l conrmtiuii for tlM> lor eroBumy. without auv rafen uca to itn ; Th<‘ tmodidataa aomiaaled by the Jobaa, aad which will uraatly into —at Haboll Friday altemoon and re|Mirtad to attend tb«ir epnap coav —tion, callad wAwoh is not sold uB tbs farm. There ia leral wetfan*. nor ineo Feople e party are; much yet Ui lea— r—ardioK the (iroper twM.ty.uiotl. nreuit, at tbr . ourt h»a» ijiron _____te expeoain* improve-. , about tan o ’Hoek that they tiad agreed up­ 1‘feaMeat..... CTUeHea IHeaer | Rt. Johns (leoph*. whether it etrikes her* <'leek ......Kraak Uwati for the parpuee of electioK ilrlspatse to mnaa—meat of maaara. It ie yet to lie intbiitdty, ii<«xt WMiiMwcbiy aftrm<»oa menta. 'Tbe •<conomiat who jnin|w over ! on a verdiet. They wen* called in and the Treaaerer............................... Frank UaeeluUI the atate uod Judicial conv —tio — aadtn decided at which p— of the year it or not. if it be built, is eerioaaly contem- a Ima uf Mold, wh'eh ia covered up. in bin Aeaeaeor ......—......—......-----Laalar Parka ehonld be spr—d ua the land, and its Im* will In * fwi'rd by twmty-fnnr watcenieaa to iiick up u penigr iu aiabt,. foreman iinmtnnced that they found Trameea. Juke llaMaaa. L. R.IM—e. = no— aat*- a caadidat** for no —ty com- idated. dark fcnilty aa ebaraed. .attorney K. M. K. nni. rsalvaloeos a laeahaaical a—atinUw tninrd dr lag ntw. TwHv** of tiiwM* iiivn may do lor kitchen NuaoeHa, but hie m—inui I of eebiMyle. The fact that soil most be deter —ned liy future experi- ArtMes of iaeor|K»ratioa of the Co- place kt not on the vHlaa** board, and I, Lyon arifned a motion Saturday for a The Kapublieaii tichat ia aa followa : will bM [irwwnt for tJM* mwMiu tlmt Ibny I* .W. B Bkaw Jodip* HaboU ba** a Oaht ahead of him meot. The beat way to handh* manun*. truat fcraat can* will be exerctaad at the ' new trial. eettiDK up twenty-two reaMine <*lsrk ............ ........... .Praak Ureea IdfaiboM. Mnrshnll aad Xortheaetsrn Treessrer______ _ ______________ at tke jodieial conv —tioa, may bavebeen I have foan«l, is tu oM averythiBK to tbe dmirr to aid in tbf* rraoini tint ion of Mon. priuianea. Th** ooaduct of tb<* vtllaip* A. K< heap that oaauot be used for some other Kailwray Cotapaay were Hied with th** Haanree ie n matter of much itreater im- why It ebould be jccanted. The motion Asssseur— ------- --—.... Jake lAok I a factor in oeruriBK the likf nftrndaarr. HlMiTnaii It. Daboll for tin* iMiaition was <leoied, and Tueoday aftamoun (lunioae and theu to avoid loos of th«* seerntary of stab* at ImnainK iawt Difffat. (lortanci* to tbe tax-payem than moat of Biller. ' but whatever may bav** benu th** couee, (ilant food in the b—p. It rnatten* not wbieb Im* ban mi m*i*>>|itHbl,v till«*il for tb«* tliem realise, and tbe cauctiaeN abould he ' Clark WON taken iMfon* .hide** Ha- the full 'XMiveation would iadieate that wbiNi the manure ia spread on the laud if The f-oaipany is uncaniasd with a capital well attended. |taat tmi y«ian«. ImiH for senteace. The Jndiie asked tbe (IIVEN FIVE YEAR.S. t— repnbli—ae of tha coaaty niw awake. all tbe mater—a a— thoroufihl.v deeom- stock of $l,J(MI,0(Ni for the purpose of ynuuK man if he bod aiirtbiaK to say The conv —tion was called to order bv uneed. When the mauure ie enures and Hot tb«*n* on* otbm>, mid iinlortiinatn- DAMAGE IS GREAT Ai<* I* JO . - , J ‘..'fulltnil of litter it ISis tunavoilnbl** to (Sants cnnstruetiiiK itnd opiwatiaK a steam why sentenn* should not be (ironouaeed . Rl'MTLBl* PLBADBD OVILTV T«» * 11.. t. \ auKhon and Hobert .tnderaon. of ! decoai|iaawi ly, tw«*lr»* othrfM. tiMi. who will <‘oiiim LB—KR OMAMK in tbe soil, and it is rail wav from city of Marshall to MANY THoraAMII KHUIT TDBBa under tke verdict of tb** jury, and b** re-1 Kaoex, mods rhoinnaD. and Mr. VaoKbon therefore a —ainala of tinae when such con down from tbMrounty to tb** north, with (died: —Nwtary. bsaccomplAsI wdin thebeapbeforespread- Hay (Tty, a distance of l-Pi miles. The KILLBII IM MICHIUAM. Vharles Huntley, the (irisoaer confined a firm dairrminiition to t’optnn* tbi* ".\ll I can say is. I am nut iruilty, your ^ ; Honor. ” Tbe committn- on cn*d —tiols refMirtfd liae of th** (iropoasd road arcordioK to a J. X. Steame euyi* that after liennaic at the county jail oaachar—ofattempt- luHavabip fur oim * of tiidr own rmidmlN. .4ttoniey Lyon mod** a pirn lor aahort' i that the folkiwIuK were entitl— to senta imasinK spec—, is throoKb the •■oantias tb*- refMjrt** from ail <iver tbe state re- iaic to kill old K—tleoian Found, of Vic­ : ia tbs (-onv —tion : COMING EVENTS. .\t tbr MUni- tioM* tb** I'oaoty ronTm* s—tooce, and .lud — Daboll said : ' Mardinii ilanui — di>oe by tbe recent cold "Mr. ('lark, thejury in the iwoe se—led of Calbonn, Kaltin, Ionia. Clinton, Mont ­ snap, that tbe ilamoic** isfartn—terrban tor tow nship, chauived bis miad lost Fri- /Ar HTft—J. H, Stone, .1. H. West and tion wa*> lM*itiK hHil in St. Johnu laat Fri* Ui have reached a coucluaiou with rea- Tke l,sdlss‘ AM ssrlety <>f (lllTe. will OMVr calm. (Iratiot. Midland find Hay. Port ­ ' it wnM first believed. TIm-tc are in many Herald .McHcury. wttli Mrs. C. M. Iloekwiill WsdMsdsy. Msirli stiiiabiede —ee in a rsaeonable tim**. and, da.v, aad reaolved not to stnmi trial.
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