Writing Hebrew ד1

Reading Chapter 1: Consonants

John C. Beckman 2016-08-08 Goal: Learn to Write the Hebrew Alefbet 2 General comments • Stroke order and direction are suggested but optional. • Precise shapes are optional. • Only certain features are required (e.g., foot on ) • All letters are full height, unless otherwise noted.

Dot ( or ) is shown with all letters. • It is not part of the letters. • Don’t add it when writing the alefbet. • Chapter 3 discusses when the dot is added. • It is shown now so that you know where it goes. 3 א ל ָ֫ ָ֫ ף Alef

1 2

3 4 בֵּ ית



כ from Kaf ב Bump on lower right distinguishes Bet 5 ג ימֵּ ל

Optional hook 1 in top left

2 6 ד לת



ר from ד Bump on upper right distinguishes Dalet 7 הֵּ א



ח from ḥet ה Gap in upper left distinguishes he 8 וו Vav Optional hook in top left


.extends below . ן is half height. Final nun י is full height. Yod ו Vav 9 ז ין



ו from vav ז Bump on upper right distinguishes zayin 10 חֵּ ית Ḥet



ה from he ח Lack of gap in upper left distinguishes ḥet 11 טֵּ ית Tet

1 12 יֹוד Yod Optional hook in top left 1

.is full height ו is half height. Vav י Yod

.extends below the baseline . ן Final nun 13 כף Kaf


ב from bet כ Round lower right distinguishes kaf 14 כ ףָ֫סֹופית Final Kaf

1 Alternately, final kaf can be a single curved line


ן from final nun . ך Full-width upper line distinguishes final kaf 15 ל מד Lamed


Lamed has an antenna that goes above the top line 16 מֵּ ם


1 17 מֵָּ֫ם סֹופית Final Mem


ס from . ם Square bottom distinguishes final mem 18 נּון Nun

1 19 נּון סֹופית Final Nun

1 Optional hook in top left

.is half height י does not. Yod ו extends below the base line. Vav . ן Final nun 20 ס מ ְך Samekh

Optional hook at top left 1

ם from final mem ס Round bottom distinguishes samekh 21 ע ין

2 1

צ from tsadi . ע Smooth lower right distinguishes ayin 22 פֵּ א

1 23 פֵָּ֫א סֹופית Final Pe


extends below the base line . ף Final pe 24 צ די Tsadi

1 2

ע from ayin צ Bump on lower right distinguishes tsadi 25 צ ד יָ֫סֹופית Final Tsadi

1 2

.extends below the base line . ץ Final tsadi 26 קֹוף Qof



.extends below the base line ק Qof 27 רֵּ יׁש Resh


ד from dalet ר Smooth upper right distinguishes resh 28 שין Sin

3 2 1

ׁש from ש Dot above upper left distinguishes sin 29 ׁשין Shin

2 3 1

ש from sin ׁש Dot above upper right distinguishes shin 30 תו Tav



ח from ḥet ת Foot on lower left distinguishes tav