500-Year-Old Sturgeon Found in Danish Royal Shipwreck

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500-Year-Old Sturgeon Found in Danish Royal Shipwreck 12 Established 1961 Lifestyle Features Sunday, September 6, 2020 An Italian military attache stands as Swiss President Simonetta Sommaruga (right) attends a press conference on the A picture taken in Camorino, southern Switzerland during the inauguration of the Ceneri Base railway tunnel shows a eve of the inauguration of the Ceneri Base railway tunnel. — AFP photos train arriving. witzerland opened its Ceneri tunnel on the border before crossing the landlocked country. between the north and south of the mountainous Friday-completing a mammoth project cut- “This is the final link that gives us a flat line country. Sommaruga cut the ribbon at the northern Sting a new route through the Alps which straight through the Alps,” Swiss Federal Railways end as the first freight train passed through, head- should transform rail links between northern and chief executive Vincent Ducrot told AFP at the tun- ing south. southern Europe. After opening the Lotschberg nel’s media launch on Thursday. “In the future, we “This new train line through the Alps is the Base Tunnel in 2007 and the Gotthard Base Tunnel will be able to have freight trains 750 meters long project of the century for our country,” the presi- in 2016, the Ceneri in Switzerland’s southern Ticino that can carry up to 2,100 tons of goods” per con- dent told AFP. “It is the biggest investment we region is the final stage of the New Railway Link voy, he said, highlighting the environmental bene- have ever made,”, she said, calling it “a strong through the Alps project. The route should ease fits. By taking the equivalent of 3,000 trucks off the sign of an intelligent transport policy.” The NRLA the flow of goods along a railway freight corridor roads and transporting those containers on the new plan was initially approved by a referendum in running from the North Sea at Rotterdam, Europe’s rail route, it should be possible to reduce carbon 1992. The three-tunnel project cost 24 billion largest seaport, to Genoa, Italy’s biggest port, on dioxide emissions by 900 tons per day, he said. Swiss francs ($26.4 billion, 22.7 billion euros) and the Mediterranean. It is hoped the link will slash the was partly financed by licence fees on heavy number of trucks rumbling through the Alps by Alphorn blowers arrive on stage in Camorino, southern ‘Project of the century’ goods vehicles. The Ceneri tunnel cost 3.6 billion offering an alternative rail route. Switzerland during the inauguration of the Ceneri Base The tunnel, at 329 meters above sea level, francs-far behind the 12.2 billion invested in the But the 15.4-kilometre-long Ceneri tunnel, which railway tunnel. should see 170 freight and 180 passenger trains Gotthard tunnel, which is the world’s longest at fully enters service in December, will also cut travel passing through per day. Swiss President 57 kilometers. — AFP time for passengers crossing western Europe’s minutes to just three hours. Transporting freight in Simonetta Sommaruga officially opened the tunnel greatest mountain range. For example, travel times Switzerland has long required powerful locomo- in a ceremony marked by alphorns and musicians between Zurich and Milan-already significantly tives to navigate the mountain passes-and also from German-speaking parts of Switzerland and shortened by the Gotthard tunnel-will be cut by 40 heavy operations to load containers onto trains at Italian-speaking Ticino, symbolizing the new link The low salinity here is unsuited for shipworm, which eat wood in the world’s ocean system. The 500-year-old sea floor is a fine clay, ideal for preserving organic material, and low dissolved oxygen levels further contribute to preservation of organics,” Brendan Foley of Lund University, who supervised the exca- sturgeon found vations, told AFP. Denmark’s King Hans sailed to Sweden in 1495 on his best vessel the Gribshunden, the most in Danish royal imposing warship in the region, with the aim of restoring a union of the three Scandinavian coun- tries under his crown. “We interpret the fish not so much as a gift, but as a prestige display,” Foley shipwreck said. “One possible interpretation, and the one we Local wildlife officials and veterinarians of Four Paws Veterinarians of Four Paws International examine and like best considering the political nature of the International, feed Kvaan, the elephant slated to be take blood samples from Kavaan, the elephant slated to entire voyage, is that it is part of Hans’ effort to moved to a sanctuary in Cambodia after it became the be moved to a sanctuary in Cambodia. two-meter long sturgeon, a species today subtly influence the Swedish nobles to join the subject of a high-profile rights campaign backed by near extinction, has been found preserved in Nordic Union,” he suggested. music star Cher, before a medical examination of reloca- Athe pantry of a 500-year-old Danish royal But the ship sank, along with its precious cargo tion at the Marghazar Zoo Islamabad. — AFP photos shipwreck in the Baltic Sea, archaeologists told and part of its crew, off the coast of Ronneby, a AFP. “During archaeological excavations in 2019, town which now belongs to Sweden but was at the who has spent three decades working with captive a wooden barrel submerged inside the shipwreck time part of Denmark. Hans was not on board at elephants around the world. revealed the almost complete and well-preserved the time. “The loss of the ship had to be a terrific Outrage over Kaavan, gifted by Sri Lanka in remains of a sturgeon fish,” archaeologists from blow to Hans’ prestige, and must also have materi- 1985, went global a few years ago after California Lund University in Sweden wrote in a recent article ally affected his political and military strength,” vet Samar Khan saw him chained in his enclosure in the Journal of Archeological Science. Foley said. The union of the three countries did go during a visit to Islamabad. She launched an online The discovery, qualified as “unique” by the ahead several years later, but was dissolved when petition that eventually caught the attention of researchers, was possible thanks to the special Sweden seceded in 1523.— AFP American pop icon Cher. Kaavan’s mate Saheli, characteristics of the Baltic, a semi-closed sea with who arrived also from Sri Lanka in 1990, died of low oxygen levels. “The wreck is in such good con- gangrene in 2012. It is hoped Kavaan might eventu- dition because of the strange Baltic environment. ally be able to re-partner once he is moved to Cambodia. Tireless efforts by a team of local animal advocates resulted in May’s court ruling, under which Kaavan was supposed to be moved within 30 team of international vets using tranquillizer days, though the deadline has been extended. darts, flatbreads and the soothing lyrics of Lawyer Owais Awan, who filed last year’s court Frank Sinatra conducted a medical examina- petition, said the elephant has appeared happier as A vets and volunteers worked with him this week. “It tion Friday on Pakistan’s only Asian elephant, ahead was quite a moment today because it was the first popular snack when food is bountiful, mice of his planned move to Cambodia. The plight of have become a vital source of protein in Malawi Kaavan, an overweight, 35-year-old bull elephant time in Kaavan’s life there was a detailed medical assessment,” Awan said. “I feel happy yet sad. No Asince the coronavirus outbreak aggravated food has drawn international condemnation and high- one thought about doing a detailed assessment on shortages and economic hardship. Vendors waving lighted the woeful state of Islamabad’s zoo, where long skewers of roasted field mice typically stand conditions are so bad a judge in May ordered all the him earlier.” Only a few animals remain at the zoo and attempts by local workers - many of whom have along Malawi’s main highway, targeting motorists trav- animals to be moved. elling between the two largest cities, Blantyre and Following the ruling, Austria-based animal wel- never been given animal care training - to move some of them have been disastrous.—AFP Lilongwe. Seasoned and cooked to a crisp, mice are fare and rescue group Four Paws International were also sold at street stalls and markets across the south- enlisted to help move Kaavan - whose case was east African country. boosted by the singer and activist Cher. A transport But these salty roadside bites also come in handy crate must be built and the elephant habituated to it when times get tough. Malnutrition and food insecurity before being flown to a 25,000-acre Cambodian are perennial issues in the small, landlocked nation, wildlife sanctuary in a “jumbo” jet — probably a where more than half of the population live below the giant Antonov An-225 airlift cargo plane. poverty line. The coronavirus, which has infected near- A man sells mice at Manjawira along the Lilongwe- But first, experts must know how Kaavan has ly 5,500 people and killed more than 170, has only Blantyre road in the Ntcheu District, eastern region of fared since the last examination in 2016, so on exacerbated food shortages as many livelihoods have Malawi. — AFP Friday they sedated him to get up close. Armed with been curtailed by confinement measures. into Malawi’s Southern Region, is widely associated a tub filled with bananas and flatbreads, Four Paws For mice hunter Bernard Simeon, from Malawi’s with mouse hunting. Environmentalists, however, have veterinarian Amir Khalil coaxed the elephant into an he British Fashion Council on Friday central Ntcheu district, the pandemic has brought new voiced concern about damage caused by hunting emptied-out concrete bathing pond while head vet announced the return of live catwalk complexities to his poverty-stricken life.
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