Dynamic Characterization of Trajan's Column
SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions F. Peña & M. Chávez (eds.) Mexico City, Mexico, 14–17 October 2014 DYNAMIC CHARACTERIZATION OF TRAJAN'S COLUMN P. Clemente1, G. Bongiovanni2, G. Buffarini3 and F. Saitta4 1 ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy paolo.clemente@enea.it 2 ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy giovanni.bongiovanni@enea.it 3 ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy giacomo.buffarini@enea.it 4 ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy fernando.saitta@enea.it Keywords: experimental dynamic analysis, operational modal analysis, cultural heritage. Abstract. The importance of studying the health status of monuments relies in their preserva- tion effort but also in the historical analysis of earthquakes. The historical seismicity has been reconstructed thanks to historical documents that reports descriptions about the damages of monuments. This information is very important also because lots of monuments can still be observed and analyzed and so the characteristics of past earthquakes can be estimated. But the analysis and interpretation of the historical documents should also accounting for the present structural health status of monuments, which is influenced by material degradation, changes in loads, seismic actions, traffic-induced vibrations, presence of other buildings. The experimental analysis plays and important role. The Trajan's Column in Rome has been the subject of the study shown in this paper. Ambient and traffic-induced vibrations were record- ed in order to characterize dynamically the column and to point out same aspects of its be- haviour.
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