ANU College of Asia & the Pacific the & Asia of College ANU A publication produced by produced publication A paradigm_shift people movement people Edition 03 Autumn 2018 paradigm_shift people movement Autumn 2018 Autumn Edition 03 Edition A publication produced by produced A publication ANU College of Asia & the Pacific & of Asia ANU College ANU College of Asia & the Pacific HC Coombs Building #9 The Australian National University Canberra ACT 2601 Australia T 1800 620 032 E
[email protected] W ANUasiapacific ANUasiapacific anu_asiapacific ANU College of Asia & the Pacific CRICOS Provider #00120C Introduction Regional snapshots 01 Dr Nicholas Farrelly 07 Professor Helen James Worlds in motion Urbanisation and rural development: interrogating changing socio‑economic realities in contemporary Myanmar Politics, opportunity, trauma and regulation 08 Dr John Funston 02 Professor William Maley Malaysia and the Rohingya – Refugees, security and populism humanitarianism and domestic imperatives 03 Dr Ceclia Jacob 09 Dr Rizwana Shamshad Forced migration, early warning and the prevention of mass atrocities From persecution to safe haven? Rohingya asylum seekers in Melbourne 04 Dr Cynthia Banham 10 Assistant Professor Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi Apathy, the mistreatment of non‑citizens, and the problem with From non‑immigrant country to de facto public accountability immigrant country: recent shifts in Japanese immigration policy 05 Susanna Price 11 Associate Professor Katerina Teaiwa Legislative paradigm shifts for