Yale University Library Digital Repository Collection Name: Henry A. Kissinger papers, part II Series Title: Series I. Early Career and Harvard University Box: 9 Folder: 21 Folder Title: Brandt, Willy Persistent URL: http://yul-fi-uat1.library.yale.internal/catalog/digcoll:554986 Repository: Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library Contact Information Phone: (203) 432-1735 Email:
[email protected] Mail: Manuscripts and Archives Sterling Memorial Library Sterling Memorial Library P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520 Your use of Yale University Library Digital Repository indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use http://guides.library.yale.edu/about/policies/copyright Find additional works at: http://yul-fi-uat1.library.yale.internal February 4, 1959 Mayor Willy Brandt Berlin ;ermany Dear Mayor Brandt: I returned to the United States a few days ago, and want to lose no time in thanking you for the extraordinary und interesting experience afforded to me in Berlin. It was of course a pleasure to have the chance to meet you. It seems to me that the courage and matter-of-factne$s of the Berliners should be an inspiration for the rest of the free world, and in this respect Berlin may well be the conscience of all of us. I want you to know that whatever I can do within my limited iowers here will U.) done. All good wishes and kind regards. ,Ancerely yours, iienryrt. Kissinger 2ZRI .4 xlsaldel Ibnala x1114; xamtneL abasme noyAM 11590 eydeb wel a ap.ts.ta be4inU ea pi benlidvi I ea lol pox anlAnadI n1 salt on pool od.