22 November 1990

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22 November 1990 " .. " ~ ~ f .. J I I I," : #,' I' : r ' , • t ~": f _t Bringing Africa South . Vol.2 No.220 Thursday November 22 BERNARD SPILLS BEANS 'Herrigel asked me to go' says Central Bank Governor THE Governor of Namibia's Central Bank, Dr Wouter Bernard, broke his silence on the question of his re signa~ tion yesterday with the shock announcement that Fi­ nance Minister Dr Otto Herrigel asked him to resign. "It was not my wish to leave the Board. post, particularly as I have taken it up "To me it is important that the sorecentiy, butifyou are asked to go . spirit of the Bank's constitution is by the Minister of F~ce then you adhered to and its autonomy is pro­ go," Dutch-born Bernard explained. tected. Of course a Central Bank His decision to speak about the can't be a really independent institu­ matter was prompted by fear of mis­ tion, but it shouldn't be just part of representation of what actually hap­ the Ministry of Finance. " . pened. Bernard admitted to feeling very According to Bernard his resigna­ disappointed about the way things THE mother of a ' child who was tion was requested because of a dis­ hac! gone. He amved in the country shot by a Koevoet man in 1989 has agreement between himself and in July and his wife followed in August. been paid R3 000 for funeral and Herrigel over the degree of auton­ His contract with the Namibian gov­ burial expenses in an out-of-court omy enjoyed by the Bank. ernment was for five years with a settlement. 1be Governor argued that the Bank's yearly review clause built in. The Legal Assistance Centre, act­ board of directors was its highest "My wife and I had begun to build ing on behalf of Luketensia Kambo authority in terms of the Bank of something up in the country and were from Olupaka, Okahala, Ombal­ Namibia Act. Herrigel took excep- looking forward to our time here. antu, sued the former Administra­ - tion to "the way I gave information Now we will be heading back to tile tor-General for funeral and burial to the Board", Bernard said. "The Netherlan4s more quickly than we expenses arising from the death of situation had been rumbling on for a thought." her son, Joseph Nenghama, 16, a while but the Minister's request came If Bernard gets his way, his depar­ Standard Five pupil at Olupaka at as a surprise. " tur,e will come even sooner than the CENTRAL Bank Governor the time of his death. Bernard said a decision on the three-month period of notice he is FINANCE MINISTER Otto Wouter Bernard whose resig­ Circumstances which led to the matter was "a question of principle" expected to serve. When he submit- Herrigel disagreed with Ber­ nation was forced _by Finance shooting and killing of Joseph were and that he was supported on the nard on the degree of autonomy Minister Otto Herrigel earlier described in the trial of Arumas autonomy issue by the rest of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 for the Central Bank. this month. Nataniel which took place in the Ondangua regional court on Sep­ tember .5, 1989. Nataniel was charged with culpable homicide. The LAC reported that on May 14, 1989 Nataniel, a member of Balkanisation of Namibia? Koevoet's Zulu Delta unit, left Ombalantu for Ruacana. On his own admission he was drunk. Accor ding to the dead boy' s * Oppositio,n parties want amazing 115 constituencies brother, Petrus, he and Joseph were both riding a bicycle herding cattle. They saw the Casspir approach in apparent bid to neutralise numbers in. North and the next minute Joseph was shot. THE so-called Multi-party Committee on Delimitation submitted a their votes to the point were they toral system to its own advantage. The accused said he had fallen highly cumbersome proposal for the division of the country into become virtually worthless. Even rough calculations, that dis­ asleep and was dreaming of a 'con­ regions and constituencies to the Delimitation Commission yester­ Not surprisingly, tl;le DTA-led regard the question of eligible vot­ tact' with the 'enemy'. He sud­ day. parties also want to neutralise Wind­ ers, show how blataritly the Multi­ denly awoke and started firing out hoek which, as the capital, was a party Committee is trying to 'rig' the of the side of the Casspir, hitting The Committee is composed of for the country and an incredible 115 significant victory for Swapo in last system. Joseph who died almost instantly. virtually all the opposition parties in constituencies for regional elections, year's elections. In the Multi-party proposal the He said he should not be found the National Assembly with the ex­ Not surprisingly, its proposals In .contrast, a disproportionately largest region in the country, Ondan.­ guilty because he had been too drunk ception of the National Patriotic Front. clearly reflect the long-held'fears of high value is attached to the votes in gua, with418 000 residents, is given to know what he was doing. Political observers have been wait­ the opposition parties about domina­ other regions for '\Ulexplained rea­ only 12 representatives for its Re­ The magistrate found Nataniel ing anxiously to see exactly what tion from the northern region of the sons; gional Council. guilty of culpable homicide and . type of proposals the Multi-party country. It is almost inevitable that the Multi­ The second largest, o shakati , with sentenced him to seven years' Committee would coine up with. The Multi-party proposals virtu­ party Committee. led by the DTA, 196601 residents, is also only given The submission put forward by the ally disenfranchises the people of the will be accused of jerrymandering CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Committee recommends 12 regions so-called Ovambo region by diluting and trying to manipulate the e1ec- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 1987 Toyota Corolla Sprinter 1.S GL, RadlorTape Blue s. W.MOTORS 1987 VW Golf GTI, Light Blue .............................. R25 90.0 .............................................................................. R19 200 1987 VW Golf CSL, Yellow ................................... R17 000 1984 VW Golf GTI, lots of extras ......................... R15 900 Come and talk to Deon or Robert for a 1987 BMW 3201 Exec, Excellent Cond, Green ... R37 000 1984 VW Jetta GL, Yellow ...................................... R8 000 friendly and good deal * All trade-jns 1982 BMW 5181 Exec, Ruby Red ........................Rll 000 1984 VW Passat, Gold ................ ,.................... ..... R13 500 1984 Ford Escort 1.S GLE, Sunroof, Blue ..•••••·• ... R8 000 welcome * Financing through the bank of 1988 Mazda 323 SL 1.5, Light Bluee .................... R20 500 1985 Toyota Avante 16V - RadiorTape,.Red ...... R25 900 you ~ choice 1984 VW Passat, RadlorTape, Very Good Cc:mdltlon 1990 Nissan EXA, As New, Red .........................R28 000 ............................. ...................................... : ........... R11 500 1977 Fi at, Yellow .................................................. RS 500 CONTACT 1988 Toyota Corolla 1.6 GLS Sprinter, Blue ..... R21 500 DEON POSTHUMA OR ROB ERT POSTHUMA Holden Statlonwagon, White ......................R7 000 . Tel (061) '222211/22181 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AFTER HOURS: Deon Posthuma 222593 1988 VW JETTA CSX, SILVER .. ' .... R24 500 , . I 12 representatives and the same applies tives. So is the Caprivi with 49 480 J to Windhoek which is the third larg­ residents while Keetmanshoop with est with 168428 residcnts. only 66 038 residents is given a full On the other hand the smallest 10 representatives. Quite unfairly a vote in Keetman­ apology it told the Commission" ... this The Committee said it was aware region, Omaruru, with 48 254 resi­ What this means in effect is that a shoop is worth 2,15 times as much as is mainly because of the shortage of of the criticisms levelled against the dents, is given the disproportionally vote in Caprivi is worth 2,64 times as a vote in Windhoek time; detailed motivations will fol­ old ethnic governments. large number of eight representa- much as a vote in Oshakati. The really shocking statistic is that low in a week or two" . "We should therefore guard against , a vote in Omaruru will be worth a With regard to the north they of­ the mistake of having too many paid . 1 THE RoSSING FOUNDATION whole 5,78 times more, or nearly six fered the lame excuse that delimita­ politicians in the regions," it wisely times more, than a vote in Ondangua. tion in that region of the country was remarked. BUSINESS MANAGER Apart from everything else it makes extremely difficult because of the Completely ignoring its own wis­ one wonder what the Multi-party "paucity of geographical data". dom, the Committee then goes on to The Rossing Foundation has a vacancy for a Business manager at its Committee has got against the people The Multi-party Committee fur­ say that an insufficient number of Head Office in Khomasdal. The Manager will report directly to the of Ondangua, in particular. ther tried to argue that there were too regional representatives would under­ None of this would be really im­ few "natural" landmarks and too mine the concept of genuine, popular \ Director. I' , portant if it was not for the fact that few roads in the north. participation in government. the number of regional representa­ " ... (T)he information on the dis­ The Multi-party Committee repre­ The successful applicant must have: tives will dctermine representation tribution of the population is practi­ sents Action Christian National, the in the all-important second chamber cally non-existent, .. they also claimed. DTA of Namibia, the Namibia Inde­ (a) A post matric qualification . of Parliament. Apart from the obvious injustices pendence Party and the United (b) At least 5 years experience in Namibia of the local business Surprisingly, the' Multi-party in the Multi-party proposal the other Democratic Front.
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