The Best Way to Locate a Purpose in Sport in Defence of a Distinction for Aesthetics?
The Best Way to Locate a Purpose in Sport In Defence of a Distinction for Aesthetics? Author Affiliation Leon Culbertson Edge Hill University, UK Graham McFee California State University Fullerton, USA Abstract: The paper highlights the centrality of some concepts from philosophy of sport for philosophical aesthetics. Once Best (BJA, 1974) conclusively answered negatively the fundamental question, ‘Can any sport form be an artform’, what further issues remained at the intersection of these parts of philosophy? Recent work revitalizing this interface, especially Mumford’s Watching Sport (2012), con- tested Best’s fundamental distinction between purposive and aesthetic sports, and insisted that purist viewers are taking an aesthetic interest in sporting events. Here, we defend Best’s conception against considerations Mumford hoped would bring the aesthetics of art and sport closer together, thereby elaborating the aesthetics of sport. But, against Mumford’s resolutely psychological conception of an aim, we follow Best to defend the centrality, for purposive sports, of the means/ends con- trast remains, even when taking an aesthetic interest in such sports. We conclude with general speculations about the potential future of the discussions originated here. I. INTRODUCTION The death of David Best in 2013 went largely unremarked in the philosoph- ical literature, even in those locations (philosophical aesthetics, philosophy c Aesthetic Investigations Vol 1, No 2 (2017), 191-213 The Best Way to Locate a Purpose in Sport of education, philosophy of sport) where the impact of his ideas should still have been clear; places where he was a ‘founding father’ or a significant con- tributor. For Best’s discussion of the aesthetic in sport raised in a sharp way the relationship of aesthetic interest to art; and his version has largely been ignored by aestheticians.
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