Working in the Dark: Implementation of The
WORKING IN THE DARK: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY’S CAPITAL PLAN Citizens Budget Commission October 2009 FOREWORD Founded in 1932, the Citizens Budget Commission (CBC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic organization devoted to influencing constructive change in the finances and services of New York State and New York City governments. A major activity of the Commission is conducting research on the financial and management practices of the State and City. All research by the CBC is overseen by a committee of its Trustees. This report was prepared under the auspices of the Transportation Committee, which we chair. The other members of the Committee are: Cathy A. Bell, Lawrence B. Buttenwieser, Herman R. Charbonneau, Kenneth D. Gibbs, Brian T. Horey, James L. Lipscomb, Andrew S. Lynn, Robinson Markel, Lester Pollack, Alfredo S. Quintero, David T. Schiff, Mark E. Strauss, Howard Wilson, and James L. Lipscomb, ex-officio. For the past two years, the Committee’s work has focused on analyzing the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s effectiveness at managing its five-year capital plans. The analyses are based on the examination of the capital projects scheduled by the MTA for work in the three-year period from January 2005 to December 2007. The report concludes that the Authority should improve its capacity to manage mega-projects and technology improvements and commit to an improved, publically available management information system for tracking capital projects. The report was researched by Selma Mustovic, Senior Research Associate, and written by Selma Mustovic and Charles Brecher, Director of Research and Executive Vice President. Research Intern Louis Cholden-Brown provided critical research support in the early stages of the project.
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