
Pediatr. Res. 14: 1029- 1034 ( 1980) branched-chain amino hyperglycinemia 11-Glyceric acidemia ,

Studies of the Glycine Metabolism in a Patient with D-Glyceric Acidemia and Hyperglycinemia


Hr\t,crrc,h I.ohorcr~on~/;)rMrrcrholrc 1)i~ordrr.v.Univc.r.sir~. 1)cyurrmmr if' ('lrnrccrl ('hc~rnt.stn,..4orhus h'omn~~meho.spr~(~I.Aurht~.~. and Sec.lion if' ('linic,ul (;t,nelrc..\. Univer.vr!\, Dc~purlmmrof Pediurrtc.~.Higshospirulrr. ('o/~v~ho~t'tt.1)ennlrrrh

Summary strated that the hyperglycinemia seen in ketotic hyperglycinemia is due to diminished glycine cleavage activity (5. 16). although this A mentally retarded boy exhibiting both hyper-11-glyceric aci- decreased activity is considered to he a secondary phenomenon. demia and hyperglycinemia and in whom a deficiency of 11-glycer- The present communication describes the investigations that we ate dehydrogenase had previously been demonstrated was inves- have performed to explain the hyperglycinemia seen In our pa- tigated to elucidate the ethiology of the glycine accumulation and tient. It is demonstrated that the hyperglycinemia is caused by its relationship to the 11-glyceric accumulation. It was found diminished glycine cleavage activity. a decrease which might. at that a positive correlation existed between excretion of D-glyceric least partially. be due to inhibition by intramitochondrially accu- acid and glycine (coefficient of correlation: r = 0.62. P < 0.001). mulated isobutyryl-CoA and 2-methylbutyryl-CoA. that part of the IV injected IL"Clglycine was metabolized to D- whereas no I '"Clglyceric acid was metabolized to glycine. and that the in ~'i:-odegradation of IV injected I'"<')glycine C'ASE KEPOKT to I4CO2was diminished. Measurement of glycine cleavage activ- The patient. a boy. was a second child of nonconsanguineous ity in autoptic liver tissue from the patient showed only 10% of emigrants from ~erhia.Pregnancy and birth were uncomplicated. nornlal activity. It is argued that this diminished activity could be Birthweight was 3.350 g: length was 52 cm. He was hypotonic caused by an endogenous inhibitor. u-glyreric acid is demonstrated from birth to a degree that myasthenic paralysis had to be ruled not to possess such an inhibitory effect. Based on the finding of out on the basis of lack of response of neostigmine injection. increased urinary excretion of both free and conjugated isobutyric At X wk of age. tonic fits with ocular crises developed. In acid. 2-methylbutyric acid. and isovaleric acid, it is hypothesized periods. he was in a condition of agitation with persistent motor that the diminished glycine cleavage activity might be due, at least activity, sometimes described as athetoid movements with diffi- partially, to inhibition by 2-methylbutyryl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA, culties in swallowing. Later. intermittent choreiform movements trio compounds that are known to inhibit the glycine cleavage were seen. system. In the course of time. other abnormal paroxysms were noticed such as (I) myoclonic jerking with supraversion of eye balls: (2) Speculation cerebellar tits throwing him into opisthotonus for a few sec. (3)an The deranged branched-chain metabolism demon- almost classical "chor;a minor" quite unusual for his age: (4) universal grand nial sei~ures. strated in this patient is. like the hyperglycinemia, considered to The hyperkinetic movements were partly controlled on pheno- be a secondary phenomenon, possibly caused by the D-glyceric barbital or nitra~epamand later phenytoin combined with klon- acidemia. azepam. He never fixated and followed the light and never spon- taneously tried to raise his head from the supine position. He was In two previous communications (3. 13) we have described a not able to grasp and could not coordinate any of his movements. child with a hitherto unknown inborn error of metabolism named He remained completely mentally extinguished and hypotonic 11-glyceric acidemia. and died at the age of 3': years from pneumonia. Judged on the clinical picture and analysis of amino acids in The patient was fed normal and never had acidotic episodes. serum, urine. and spinal fluid, this case was indistinguishable from and growth and body weight remained normal for age. the syndrome of nonketotic hyperglycinemia (17). a syndrome that has been shown to be due to a defect in the . However. when investigating the organic acids in serum and urlne, a large accumula~~unuf ~,-glyce~-~cac~d was dc~nun- strated. Further studies revealed that leukocytes from the patient had dimin~shed11-glycerate dehydrogenase activity. It was there- The following compounds were synthesi~edas previously de- fore proposed that the child suffered from an inborn deliciency of' scribed: 1)-glyceric acid (3). 3-hydroxy-. 2-methyl- 11-glycerate dehydrogenase and that the hyperglycinemia was a 3-hydroxy-, and 3-hydroxy-isovaleric acid (12). 2-Hy- secondary phenomenon. The suggestion that the hyperglycinemia droxy-caproic acid was synthesized by reduction of 2-oxocaproic should be secondary would be analogous to the current concept acid with sodiuni borohydride followed by purification of the on the ethiology of the syndrome ketotic hyperglycinemia. This product by sil~cicacid chromatography according to Kessner and syndrome includes the well-defined inborn errors of metabolism Muntwyler (I I). Tetrahydrokdic ac~dwas synthesi~edas previ- propionyl-C'oA carbuxylase deficiency ( 18). niethylmalonyl-CoA ously described (6).[I-"CjGlycine was obtained from New Eng- niutase deliciency ( 15).and /I-ketothiolase deficiency ( 10) in which land Nuclear C'orp.. West Germany. 1,) -[I-"('1Clyceric acid was severe hyperglycinem~ahas been limnd in addition to the primar- obtained from CEA. France. All other reagents used were of ily accumulated organic acids. Enzymatic stud~eshave demon- i~nalyticalgrade. 1030 KBLVKAA ET .A[.

(;I.Y('IN~NI) (;L.Y('L-RIc' hclr) IN CIKINI. added. and "C activity was counted. The identity and purity of I .I C-labeled compound.; were further determined b; radiokas chro- Cilycine concentrations in urine were measured on a Technicon matography of trimethylsilyl derivatives of the evaporated rem- amino acid analyzer. Cilyceric acid concentrations in urine were nants of radioactive fractions. The radiogas chromatograph was a measured chromatographically (Hewlett-Packard 5830 A) as modified Hewlett-Packard 7620 A model where a splitter had trimethylsilyl derivatives after isolation of the organic acids by been introduced between column and flame ionization detector. ion-exchange chromatography on Sephadex A-25 according to Thus. 15':i' of the helium flow reached the flame ionization detec- Chalmers and Watts (4). Pimilic acid was used as internal stan- tor. and 85'7 passed through a steel funnel to the outside of the dard. oven. Here the organic acids separated on the column were trapped by placing Pasteur pipets containing glass wclol soaked BKAN('ti1:l)-('IiAIN AMINO A('I1) MI-.TABOl.ITlt.S IN IIRINI. with Protorol (23) beneath the exit of the funnel. The Pasteur pipets were changed manually each 30 sec. The soaked glass wool Urinary branched-chain amino acid metabolites were identified was then transferred to counting vials. and after addition of and quantified by a multiple ion detection system (MID). The scintillation fluid. "C activity was measured. instrument used was an AEI MS 30 mass spectrometer equipped with a 5-channel multiple ion detector and a ~~e-~nicanlkas chromatograph. Volatile monocarboxylic acids were analyzed be- fore and after alkaline at 110°C for 24 hr. The acids To monitor the in vivo formation of "cO~after IV injection ol were isolated by vacuum distillation according to Ando et al. (2) [I-"~]glycine,expiration air was collected in meteorologic bal- and separated on a Porapac (23) column at 170°C. MID-ions Ihr loons during 5-min periods spread over a 2-hr interval immedi- the analysis were: propionic acid. isobutyric acid, and 2-methyl- ately following injection. Total C02 was measured by titration butyric acid: 73.0281: isovaleric acid. 73.0281 and 87.0417: meth- with sodium hydroxyde after trapping in a mlxture of - acrylic acid. 86.0344: tiglic acid. methyl-crotonic acid. and internal :methylcellosolve (2: I) according to Fredrickson and Ono standard (4-pentenic acid). 100.05 1 I. 2-0x0-acids were analyzed (7)."'~0~ was measured by counting samples ofthe same solutions after treatment under alkaline conditions for 30 in a liquid scintillation counter. In vivo fbrmation of "CO? was min at 60°C followed by ethylacetate extraction and trimethylsilyl expressed relatively as dpm/mmole COexpired. derivatization by treatment with N.0-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluo- roacetamide containing 1% trimethylchlorosilane (21) for 10 min at 60°C. Separation was performed by programming the oven from 150°C with IO0C per min. with a dexsil 300 column. MID- Glycine cleavage activity in human liver tissue was measured ions: 2-0x0-iso-caproic acid. 2-0x0-3-methyl-valeric acid. and in- by collecting "C02 liberated from [ I-"Clglycine during incuba- ternal standard (2-0x0-caproic acid). 289.1529: 2-0x0-isovaleric tion with liver homogenate as previously described (8. 12) [reaction acid. 275.1372. 3-Hydroxy-acids were analyzed after ethylacetate mixture: 4.75 poles glycine (specific activity. 0.6 mCi/mmole) extraction and trimethylsilyl derivati~ation with N.O-bis- 0.5 pmole , 0.8 pmole pyridoxal . 2.5 (trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide containing 1 trimethyl- pmoles dithiotreitol. 0.8 pmole -dinucleotide. 67.5 pmoles chlorosilane at 60°C for 10 min. Separation was performed on an Tris-HCI (pH 8.1 ). 4 mg . total volume 1.0 ml]. OV-l column by programming the oven from 100°C with 10°C Cilycine cleavage activity was expressed in nmclles glycine me- per min. MID-ions: 3-hydroxypropionic acid and 3-hydroxyiso- tabolized per mg protein per hr. Protein was measured according butyric acid. 177.0834: 2-methyl-3-hydroxy butyric acid. 2 19.0940: to Lowry er ul. ( 14). internal standard (2-hydroxycaproic acid), 261.1384. Measure- ment of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid proved unsatisfactory in the MI[)-syxtern ;rnd was rnc;r.\ured gas chruni~tograpl~icallyon a Hewlett-Packard 5830 A gas chromatograph with the same col- Inhibitory studies on the glycine cleavage system were per- umn and by programming the oven from 60" with 4OC'/min. lilrmed on freshly prepared ratliver mitochondria and on - dried rat liver mitochondria1 powder as previously described ( 12). Reaction mixture for assays using fresh mitochondria was identical ["(']I.AHl.I.~.I) AMINO A('I1)S NI) OK(iANI(' A<'IL)S IN IIKINI. to the reaction mixture described above. Reaction mixture when I4 C-Labeled amino acids and organic acids in the urine were using the solubilized system was: 4.75 pmoles glycine (specific isolated and quantified in the following way. A urine sample was activity. 1.5 rnC'i/nimole). 0.75 pmole tetrahydrotolic acid. 0.95 put onto a 2- x 12-cm column of Sephadex A-25. The column was pmo~e-~yr~doxalphosphate, 4.0 pmoles dithiotreitol. 1.75 pmoles washed with 20 ml . and the total eluate was collected adenine dinucleotide. 67.5 prnclles Tris-HC'l (pH 8. I ). 6 mg protein. (fraction A). The column was then eluted with 30 ml 2.5 M total volume. 1.35 ml. The effect of 11-glyceric acid was investl- pyridinium acetate (fraction B). I'reliminary experiments with gated by addition of this compound in final concentrations: 0.3. fraction A showed that the amino acids were not retained on the l .O. 3.0, and 10.0 mM. column and were eluted in the lirst 10 to IS ml of this liaction. leaving the last 5 to 10 ml free of amino ac~ds.Similarly, it has been ascertained both by us and by others (4) that when using 30 ml 2.5 M pyridiniurn acetate a very high recovery of organic acids is obtained in fraction B. This recovery was tested for glyceric acid and was found to be above 95";. ('orrc,l(~tiot~hc~w~ec~t~ the Urit~ur~. E.xc,re/iotls (f (i11.c.itle und (;I,,- Fraction A was lyophili/.ed. and redissolved in water. and the c,c,rie, .Icid. Over a period of one year. 20 urine samples were amino acids were separated on a Rank Hilger. Chromaspek amino collected. stored at -20°C and then measured for concentrations acid analyrer. using fluorescence detect~on.The eluate was col- ofglycine and glyceric acid. Corresponding values were plotted in lected in fractions after detection. and transferred to counting vials a diagram (Fig. I) to see if any correlation existed between the containing lnstagel (22) I1'C]activity was counted in a Packard excretion of the two accumulated compounds. It was found that liquid scint~llationcounter. :I weak positive correlation exihted (coeflicient of correlation. O.62; Fraction B was also lyophilired (in alkaline solution). dissolved P < 0.001). The best-fitted straight line had a slope of 0.22 in 0.05 N sulphuric acid (0°C'). and subjected to silicic acid corresponding to the excretion of 0.22 mole glycine per mole I)- chromatography according to Kessner and Muntwyler ( I I). The glyceric acid. eluate was collected in 10-ml fractions wh~chwere transferred to hle/uholic. F(~tc7of It1 Vi,'o-ltvt,c,terl /I-"C](;~IY.~~I~~otld I,/ -[I-'ICY counting vials. The organic phase was evaporated (after addition -(ill.ceric. .Ic.id. On two separate occasions when patient we~ghed i of 100 pI 0.5 N sodium hydroxyde to each tiaction). lnstagel was 14.4 kg, he was administered "C-labeled compound 1V. On the ; first occasion, 50 pCi [I-"'Clglycine was given. and I I days later. at intervals over the fc>llowing 120 min. The results are shown 50 pCi ~~.-[l-'~C]glycericacid was given. In both cases. urine was graphically in Figure 2. In this experiment, no control was in- collected the following 24 hr and examined for "C activity in cluded. Instead. the results found by earlier investigators ( 17) amino acids and organic acids. When Il-"CJglycine was admin- concerning the shape of this curve in normal persons and in istered. activity was found in both the organic acid fraction and in patients with nonketotic hyperglycinemia are shown as .c./ruJc~f the amino acid fraction. In the amino acid fraction. the radioac- arru.s. It is quite evident that in this respect the patient closely tivity was almost exclusively localized in glycine. In addition, trace resembles what has been found in patients with nonketotic hyper- amounts of '"C activity was found in and . glycinemia. The organic acid fraction showed only one "C-labeled peak on Gl,,i,inc Cleu,'u~c/lc,rit'iri. in Livcr Tis.slrr. Autoptic liver tisaue silicic acid chromatography with a retention time similar to gly- was obtained 6 hr post morlenl from [he patrenl and kept at ceric acid. The identity and purity of this compound was further -20°C' until measurement of the glycine cleavage system was verilied by radiogas chromatography. which also showed one peak performed. As controls. two samples of autoptic liver tisaue were with retention time similar to that of glyceric acid. used (obtained 7 and 10 hr post mortem) from two children who When administering ~)i.-[l-"C]gl~cericacid. no activity was had died of congenital heart disease. and a surgical liver biopsy found in the amino acid fraction. In the organic acid fraction. one from a child with mild hepatic stasis was used. The results of the I I C-labeled peak was found. This was identified as glyceric acid. glycine cleavage measurements are shown in Table 2. The results are summarized in Table I.

To eliminate errors due to membrane transport. the inhib~tory In Vivo Meruholi.mr. The in vivo degradation of carbon atom I studies were performed on freshly prepared rat liver mitochondria of the glycine was investigated by injecting [ I-"C'lglycine and, additionally. on the solubilized glyctne cleavage system. (2 pCi/kg body weight) IV and collecting "COX in expiration air These investigations showed that I>-glycericacid in the concentra- tion range 0.3 to 10.0 mnioles/liter had no significant eH'ect on the glycine cleavage system in either fresh mitochondria or in the ~molglycericacid / mg creatlnine solubilized system.

-. I.'lg. I C'orrelatlon between cr~rrrpondlngralue.3 ol r)-glycrr~cacld m~nl.\trredIV at tlnle /ert)). .SJ11lrk~~l11rro.v.paltern liwnd In nc>rrnalsubjects and glycine ccmcentratlons in urlne samples from the patlent. C'orrelal~on (with ;tnd w~thoutartilicall> ~nducedh>pergl>clnernla) (.4 ) and In patients coeflic~ent.0.62: P < O.(H)I:slope of hest fitted I~ne.0.22. HII~nonketot~c h!perglyc~nern~a (R)

Table I. Urinur,, e.rcrerion (.f [oral and "'C-Iuheled gIi.c.ine and ~lvc.c,ric.uc,id ajcr I V adnlini.srrurlon of50 /LC';/"'~]~li~cinc~ and 50 pC'i />I -/I -l"C/K/~~c<,ric,ucid

~ - (ilyc~ne C;lvcer~cac~d

Ur~naryspecllic Compound admin~s- (p('i/mg) creatl- (pmolea/nig) act~vity tered nine (/i<'i/pmole) (/l('r/rng) creatrnine creatlnlne (!I( '~/pmol)

50 pC'i[ l -"<'I 4.9 x 10 ' I I6 42.1 X I0 " 0.4 x 10 -' ' 472 glyclne IV 50 p<'1 NI)' 95 N1)' 5 0 x I0 , 408 I,I -(l-'4C']glyceric acid IV

' Estlmatrd lim~tot'detection li)r organic aclJ 0.05 x I0 ' /i<'i/mg creatin~ne. ' Est~matedIlrn~t of detection. fi>r total arnlno acid labelling 0.05 x 10 -' /~C'~/rngcreatlnlne ' Nil. not detectable. 1:atiniated I~rnitof detection. ti~r<,rganlc aclds 0.05 x 10 ' pC'~/rngcrratrnlnr. 1032 KOLVRAA ET 41. EXC'KtTION OF BRAN('tiEL)-('H.41N AMINO /\('ID METABOLITES we used the same principles of investigations as has been used in Five 24-hr urine samples were collected from the patient over elucidating the ethiology of this disorder, namely in vivo and in a period of 2 years. The patient was on all these occasions in his vitro measurement of IJCO2formation from [I-"Clglycine. The rr1 habitual condition. 1.e.. without signs of illness apart from the vivo method has been used in both nonketotic and ketotic hyper- severe cerebral damage. As controls. 24-hr urine samples from five glycinemia (17. 18). and it has been shown that although normal children aged 2 to h years were used. Determination of normal children have very rapid metabolism of[l-"Clglyc~ne and branched-chain amino acid metabolites showed undetectable maximal excretion of "i'0.l after about 15 min, at which time amounts of 2-oxo-acids (limit of detection. I pg/mg creatinine) they excreted 20 to 30 nCi/mmole C'O x 10 '. the patients with and unsaturated short-chain fatty acids (limit of detection, I pg/ nonketotic hyperglycinemia have very slow metabolism of [l-"C] mg creatinine for unhydrolyzed compounds) in both patient and glycine. with a maximal excretion of about 10 nCi/mmole x 10 '. controls. However, for the hydroxyacids and for both free and Patients with ketotic hyperglycinemia have been found generally total short-chain fatty acids. significant elevation was demon- to show intermediate values. These findings have been interpreted strated in all urine samples from the patient compared to the as an indication of diminished glycine oxidation in the patients. control children (Table 3). The main objection to this is that the large body pool of glycine will itself cause a slow rise and a low peak value due to dilution of the labeled glycine. Attempts to overcome this objection were DISCUSSION made by Ando et al. (I) by infusing large amounts of glycine to The striking feature in this patient with a typical nonketotic control children to increase the body pool. They succeeded in hyperglycinemia syndrome is the accumulation of I,-glyceric acid raising the serum glycine concentration to the same level as seen in addition to the glycine accumulation. Inasmuch as 1)-glyceric in patients and keeping it here for about 60 min before the acid has never been found accumulated in any other cases of experiment was performed. Results from controls under these hyperglycinemia (17. 18). we believe that this new syndrome conditions still revealed peak excretion after 15 min and a rise to represents a separate entity. 20 to 30 nCi/mmole x 10 '. Whether this is conclusive is difficult In an earlier- communication ( 13), we presented evidence for a to say because it is impossible to judge if this artificial glycine diminished D-glycerate dehydrogenase activity in the patient. and accumulation had spread to all compartments including the mi- we therefore proposed that the 11-glycericacid accumulation might tochondrial cornparimen[ containing enzymes for glycine degra- be caused by an inborn deficiency of this ent.yme (Fig. 3). The dation. It is therefore still debatable to what extent this tyDe,. of in primary aim of the present communication is to investigate the viva experiment gives specific information about the degradation ethiology of the glycine accumulation. and efforts were concen- of glycine in hyperglycinemia patients. However, an experiment trated on demonstrating if a diminished enzyme activity could be of this type was performed on our patient. and Figure 1 shows demonstrated in the glycine degradation. Because our patient clinically resembled the syndrome nonketotic hyperglycinemia. *

Table 2. GIycrne cleavage actrvrtv In Irver tr.\sue 2- P-D-glycerate D-glycerate c---* 3-OH- pyruvate ------Glyclne cleavage I activity Diagnosis pyruvate "serine (nmoles/mg- protein/hr) ~ -- - ~p-~- -- I Patient 1,-glycer~cacidemi;~ 0 070 glycine Control A Mild hepatic stasis (sur- 0.570 gical biopsy) 1. Control B Congenital heart dis- 0.920 CO, + N H3 + C, ease Fig. 3. The pathway hetween glucose ~nterrnedlates and gllc~ne.In- Control C Congenital heart dls- volvlng I)-glyceric acid. .4. the glycine cleavage system: R. 1)-gl>cerate ease dehydrogenase.

Table 3 Urrnarv ercretlon of hranr hed-chain ~hort-churnfort 1 ac rd~and hvdro I vacrd~mfive urrne tumple~from the putrent ( ollec red over o 2-veor perlod compared wrth urrne sample$fromjve healrh, ch~ldren ------3-OH-Propi- 3-OH-lso- 2-Methyl-3- 3-OH-IS~- Propionate Isohutyrate 2-Methylhutyrate Isovalerate onate hutvrate OH-Butvrate valerate

urine A 17 (I)' 12 (1) 13 (1) h(0 B 20(1) 9 (2) 9 (3) 3 (2) C 19 (3) 11 (3) 11 (4) 3 (3) D (4) 5 (3) 6 (4) 4 (2) E 10 0) 7 (2) 6 (2) 3 (1) Control urine A I6 (NII)' 2 (ND) NL) (NI)) NL) (ND) 17 3h I h B (ND) NU (NL)) ND (NU) ND (NL)) 17 30 20 c' 12 (ND) 2 (NL)) NL) (NI)) ND (ND) I I --7 7 NL) D II (ND) 5 (ND) NII (NL)) NI) (Nl)) 13 24 N I) E I0 (ND) 2 (NO) NO (ND) NO (Nl)) 24 29 N 1) -~~--~-~------~- - ~ ' Short-chain fatty acids shown both as total acld and as free ac~d(nurnherh in parentheses) (pg/pg creatlnlne). ' ND. not detectahle. S7'UDIES OF GLYC'INE METABOLISM 10.33

that the respiratory excretion pattern of I4CO2closely resembles recent finding of a child with D-glyceric acidemia but without what has been found in patients with nonketotic hyperglycinemia. hyperglycinemia (20). Attention was then focused on the glycine cleavage system, Bearing in mind the analogy to the ketotic hyperglycinemia which has been shown to be diminished in varying degree in both syndrome, the possibility of other endogenous inhibitors of the ketotic and nonketotic hyperglycinemia. In our patient, we found glycine cleavage system was then considered. Efforts here were activity about 10% of normal. which seems to cclrrespond well concentrated on metabolites of the branched-chain amino acids. with the fact that the clinical picture resembles classic nonketotic firstly because the existence of the syndrome ketotic hyperglyci- hyperglycinemia (19). nemia seems to indicate that deranged branched-chain amino acid We are thus faced with a patient with what seems to be two metabolism can affect the glycine cleavage activity and secondly distinct enzyme deficiencies and consequently two different ac- because in a previous communication, we have demonstrated that cumulations. Because the probability of one child with two totally 2-methyl-butyryl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA possess strong inhibi- independent inborn errors of metabolism is extremely small, we tory action on the glycine cleavage system (12). The results in are of the opinion that only one accumulation is due to a primary Table 3 indicate that the metabolism of the branched-chain amino enzyme defect and that the other is a secondary phenomenon. The acids is in fact severely deranged in the patient, with elevated following points can be made in favor of the glycine accumulation excretion of a variety of metabolites. The elevated excretion of being primary: (I) the clinical picture closely resembles the syn- isobutyric acid, 2-methyl-butyric acid, and isovaleric acid after drome nonketotic hyperglycinemia where the current concept is alkaline hydrolysis is striking. We consider these acids derived that this disorder is due to an inborn error in the glycine cleavage from conjugates, especially glycine conjugates because it is well system. The disproportionately high spinal fluid glycine concen- documented, that accumulations of short-chain fatty acids in tration is considered especially typical for nonketotic hyperglyci- patients with a number of organic acidurias results in excretion of nemia ( 19): (2) the glycine cleavage system is diminished to a level the corresponding glycine conjugates. In this context. it is inter- which agrees with what has been found in patients with nonketotic esting that these accumulations of branched-chain amino acid hyperglycinemia. metabolites are constantly present and not. as described for glu- The following points can be made against the hypothesis that taryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, associated with severe inter- the glycine accumulation is primary: (I) in no other patients with current infections (9). hyperglycinemia has there been demonstrated accumulation of Although the ethiology of this deranged branched-chain amino D-glyceric acid. making it highly unlikely that his accumulation acid metabolism is at present unknown, the constant occurrence should be caused by the hyperglycinemia; (2) very substantial of free and especially of conjugated isobutyric acid, 2-methyl- amounts of [I-14C]glycineare converted to ~-[~~C]gl~cericacid in butyric acid, and isovaleric acid in urine seems to indicate that vivo (Table I) suggesting only a partial deficiency of the glycine there exists an analogous intramitochondrial accumulation of the cleavage system and trapping of the degraded I4C atoms in I,- corresponding thiolesters. two of which, as mentioned, cause glyceric acid; (3) 1,-glycerate dehydrogenase was deficient in the strong inhibition of the glycine cleavage system. It is therefore patients' cells, and this deficiency was, in view of results from the suggested that these accumulations play an ethiologic role in the mixing experiments. not due to inhibition (13); (4) secondary diminished glycine cleavage activity found in liver tissue from the hyperglycinemia has repeatedly been described in connection with patient. other organic acidurias. namely propionyl-CoA carboxylase defi- Finally. the possibility of inborn defect in a common factor for ciency, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency, and P-ketothiolase both enzymes must be considered. Both mglycerate dehydrogen- deficiency. ase and the glycine cleavage system are in principle NAD-requir- The following points can be made in favor of the D-glyceric ing dehydrogenases. but nothing is known about any common acid accumulation being primary: (I) deficient D-glycerate dehy- structural element in the two enzymes. One thing might perhaps drogenase not due to inhibition; (2) partial support is given by the be counted in favor of this possibility, namely the fact that observation that only undetectable amounts of D-glyceric acid Wadman el al. (20) have described a child with D-glyceric acide- were converted to glycine in vivo, suggesting a much-more exten- mia, but with a clinical picture totally different from our patient sive defect in the degradation of D-glyceric acid than in the and with no hyperglycinemia. In this child, no enzyme measure- degradation of glycine (Table I). Because no observations have ments were performed due to loss of contact with the patient. been obtained contradicting the hypothesis that the D-glyceric Assuming that this child also had an inborn deficiency of D- acid accumulation is primary, we are at present of the opinion glycerate dehydrogenase. this might at least imply that more than that the child suffered from an inborn deficiency of D-glycerate one structural defect in this enzyme can exist. It can. however. dehydrogenase and that the hyperglycinemia was a secondary also be speculated that the difference in hyperglycinemia between phenomenon. our patient and the one described by Wadman el al. could reflect The data in Figure I show that a positive correlation exists the interindividual variation in tendency to hyperglycinemia between the glycine accumulation and the mglyceric acid accu- known in patients with propionyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency. mulation. Because it can be ruled out that a part of the accumu- methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency. and P-ketothiolase defi- lated I>-glycericacid is converted to glycine (Table I). this corre- ciency, thus suggesting that the two children suffered from the lation seems to suggest that the glycine cleavage system is some- same inborn enzyme defect. how influenced by the 11-glycerate dehydrogenase deficiency. A llkely mechan~bn~I'or (hi5 could be that a cor~~poundaccunlulaled REFERENC'FS AND NOTkS because of the n-glycerate dehydrogenase deficiency inhibits either the activity or the synthesis of the glycine cleavage system. I. Ando. T.. Nyhan. W L.. (ierr~tsen.T.. (iong. L. He~ner.D <'.and Bray. P. I-.: In this case. inhibition of activity seems most likely because the Metabol~smof glyclne In the nonketot~c form of hyperglyclnemla. Ped~atr. concomitant alterations in excretion of the two compounds can Res.. 2: 254 (1968) 2. Ando. T.. Raamuaaen. K . Nyhan, W L. Donnell. G. N.. and Barnes. N D : take place relatively fast. We have thus observed an almost 100% Proplon~cacldem~a In patlents w~thketot~c hyperglyclnem~a. J. Ped~atr.78: increase in excretion of both compounds within 2 wk (glycine, 827 (1971) 53.7 pmoles/mg creatinine to 107.8 pmoles/mg creatinine; 1,-gly- 3 Brandr. N. J.. Raamussen. K.. Brandt. S. Kolvraa. S.. and Schonheyder. F. o- glycer~cac~dem~a and nonketot~chyperglyclnemla. Cllnlcal and laboratory ceric acid: 263.2 pmoles/mg creatinine to 459.4 pmoles/mg creat- lindlngs In a new syndrome Acta Paedlatr. Scand.. 63: 17 (1976) inine). The most likely candidate for such an inhibitor would of 4. <'halmers. R. A,. and Watts. R. W. t. The quantltatlve estractlon and gas-l~qu~d course be I>-glyceric ac~d.It was therefore investigated whether chrc~rnafograph~cdeterm~nat~on of organlc aclds In urlne. Analyst, '27: 958 n-glyceric acid might inhibit the glycine cleavage system, a mech- (1972). 5. C'orbeel. 1.. Tada. K.. C'olomho. J P.. Eeckels. R., Eggermont. E.. 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0 I)a\l\. I. .I rlmple method l'or the \)nthe\~a ~ritetrah!drol'ol~c ilctd Andl 17 N~han.W I. Nonletot~ch)perglyc~neni~a In W L N!han tlered~tahle B~c~chen~.26 459 ( 1968) L)ls\cdtcchn~que tor aara) ut "('0.tn York. 1974) erp~redalr u\lng the ltquld rc~nt~llat~c~ncilunter J l.~h('l~n. Med . 51 147 IX. Nvhan. W I. I'rop~untcac~demla and the ketottc hjperlgyclnenlld s)ndrome (lV5X) In W L Nyhan. tlerrd~tahleI)~sordera 01' Ani~no,4c1d Metah<>llrnl.p 77 X (illemann. J. Inrul~n-11k.eactl\lt) 01 d~lutedhuman aerurn a\\a)ed hj an ~solated (John Wtlej & Sons. Inc. Neu York.. 1974) ad~pwecell method. L)~ahctes. I4 043 ( I 465) lV. Perry. T C'. Urquart. N . Mael-ean. J . tvans. M. t. llansen. 5.. L);~v~ds<~n.,A V (rreger\en. N . dnd Br~ndt.N J Kctut~cep~\~~de\ In .I pdtlent u~thglutar)l-( oA (i. 1'. Applegarth. 1) A. MacLeod. P 1.. and Lock. S t. Nonketonc dehydrt~gena\edetic~enc) t'edldtr Re\ . 1.i 077 (107'4) h!pergl\c~nen~ta N Lngl J Med . 2V.' l?hV (lV751. I0 H~llrnan.R E. and Keat~ng.J P P-Ketoth~olasedelic~ency as a cauae oi the 20 Wadnlan. S K . 1)ur;ln. M . Kettlng. I).Rru~nk~s. 1.. De Bree, P K . Karnerllng. ketot~ch)perglyc~nern~a syndronie Ped~a~r~ca.!.I ?? 1 ( lc474) J P. (ieru~g.(i J . Vllegenthart. J 1. (i . Pr/jrenlhel. I1 . Reeker. K . dnd I I Kesner. I .. and Muntwyler. 1.. hur~inldt~cdeternl~n;~t~on 01 wed organlc aclda Brerner. tI J. ~)-(il)cer~cac~dern~;~ In a patlent u~thchrontc metahol~cacldos~s hy partltlon cc>lumn chrt>rnatograph! ~ndlndlcator tltrdtlon Anal ('hem . 3,Y ('lln ('hem :\eta. '1 477 (1076) 1164 (1966) ?I. P~erce('hen~~cal ('0 . St I.ou~s I?. K~il\raa.S Inh~h~tltinof the gljclne cleav~geayatem h) hrsnched cham arnlno 22. Packard Instrument Company, Inc.. IL ac~dnletahol~tcs Pedlatr Rea . 1.4 XXV ( 1979) 23. New tngland Nuclear ('hern~cals.W. tiernmnj. 13 Kr?l\r~a.S. Ra\~nussen.K . and Br~ndt.N J. ~~-glycer~cacldemla B~ochenilcal 24. We gratefully acknowledge the techn~cala\alatance 01 lnga Knudaen. V~heke \tudlc\ In a neu r)ndrome Ped~i~trRe\. lo X?i (1'476) W~nther.and ('ecyl~aZack 14 Lour). 0 H . Kosehn~ugh. N J . barr. 4 I . and Rdnddll. R J Pn>te~n 25 Inikrrnmed conwnt ua\ ohtalned from the legal guard~anot the pdtlent heli>re the measurement utth the Fill~nphenol reagent J BIC~I('hem.. 1V.l. 265 ( lV5l I Investlgatton. I5 Morr~,u.(i. Barne\a. L :\. 4uerhach. V 11. l)t(icorge. 4. M.Ando. T. and 26 Requestr lor reprint- should he rlddreaaed to Stern Ktil\raa. Inat~tuteot Iluman Nyhdn. W. L Ohrer\at~onrkin the ci>exlrtence (11 meth!lmalc~n~cacldeni~a and (;enet~c\. lln~\ers~tjot.:\arhua. .A,irhu\. 1)enmarl gl!c~nenltd. J Ped~atr~c\.-4 Ohl) l0hV1 27 Thta research uJr \upported h) ;I grant Ironi the I)an~\h Medical Rewarch I6 N~ahtmlra.Y . Tada. K . and Ar.~k~ua.T ('oer~sten\e(11 detect~\eactlvltj In ('clunc~l gl)clne elcabage reactton and pr~~pt<>n!l-('(~.\carhc~r)la\e In the Itver c~iJ ?X Kece~\edfor puhllcatl~~nJuly Ih. 1'47'4 hvpergljc~nem~cchild Tohuku J trp Med . 113 267 I 1974) ?V. Accepted ic)r puhl~cat~onNovemher ?V. 197'4

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