
Editorial Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 on 28 May 2014. Downloaded from The cardiometabolic benefits of : Is glycine an ‘antidote’ to dietary fructose?

Mark F McCarty,1 James J DiNicolantonio2

To cite: McCarty MF, VASCULAR PROTECTIVE PROPERTIES OF gated channels. They also demon- DiNicolantonio JJ. The SUPPLEMENTAL GLYCINE strated that human platelets likewise were glycine cardiometabolic benefits of glycine: Is glycine an Supplemental glycine, via activation of responsive and expressed such channels. Studies ‘antidote’ to dietary glycine-gated chloride channels that are evaluating the interaction of glycine with fructose?. Open Heart expressed on a number of types of cells, or other pharmaceutical platelet-stabilising 2014;1:e000103. including Kupffer cells, macrophages, lym- agents would clearly be appropriate, as would a doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014- phocytes, platelets, cardiomyocytes and endo- clinical study examining the impact of supple- 000103 thelial cells, has been found to exert mental glycine on platelet function. anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, cyto- Another recent study has established that car- protective, platelet-stabilising and antiangio- diomyocytes express chloride channels.17 This genic effects in rodent studies that may be of may rationalise evidence that preadministration Accepted 26 April 2014 – clinical relevance.1 17 The plasma concentra- of glycine (500 mg/kg intraperitoneal) reduces tion of glycine in normally nourished indivi- the infarct size by 21% when rats are subse- — — duals around 200 µM is near the Km for quently subjected to cardiac ischaemia- activation of these channels, implying that reperfusion injury; this effect was associated the severalfold increases in plasma glycine with increases in ventricular ejection fraction achievable with practical supplementation and fractional shortening in the glycine pre- 17

can be expected to further activate these treated animals as compared with the controls. http://openheart.bmj.com/ channels in vivo.18 19 The impact on mem- This protection was associated with a reduction brane polarisation of such activation will in cardiomyocyte apoptosis, blunted activation hinge on the intracellular chloride content; of p38 MAP kinase and JNK and decreased Fas cells which actively concentrate chloride expression. A previous study had against a gradient will be depolarised by reported that 3 mM glycine promoted increased channel activation, whereas other cells will survival of cardiomyocytes in vitro subjected to experience hyperpolarisation. In cells that 1 h of ischaemia and then reoxygenated, and fail to concentrate chloride and that express was also protective in an ex vivo model of voltage-activated calcium channels, glycine cardiac ischaemia reperfusion.20 on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tends to suppress calcium influx; this effect is Vascular endothelial cells express glycine- thought to mediate much of the protection gated chloride channels, and it has been sug- afforded by glycine.1 The role of chloride gested that glycine might exert an antiathero- channel activation in the mediation of gly- sclerotic effect by hyperpolarising the cine’s physiological effects is commonly vascular endothelium.19 Since such cells do assessed by the concurrent application of the not express voltage-gated calcium channels, chloride channel inhibitor ; if this the impact of endothelial hyperpolarisation is abolishes glycine’s effect, this effect is most to increase calcium influx, as calcium follows likely mediated by chloride channels. the charge gradient.21 This in turn would be From the standpoint of vascular health, a expected to promote the calcium-mediated 1NutriGuard Research, Inc, Encinitas, California, USA recent report that glycine can stabilise platelets is activation of endothelial synthase. 2 7 fl Department of Preventive of evident interest. When rats were fed diets Moreover, endothelial polarisation in uences Cardiology, Saint Luke’s Mid containing 2.5–5% glycine, bleeding time nicotinamide dinucleotide phos- America Heart Institute, approximately doubled, and the amplitude of phate (NADPH) oxidase activity; this is Kansas City, Missouri, USA platelet aggregation in whole blood triggered by boosted by depolarisation and conversely 22–24 Correspondence to ADP or was halved. This effect was inhibited by hyperpolarisation. The Dr James J DiNicolantonio; blocked by strychnine, and the investigators were vascular-protective impact of potassium-rich [email protected] able to confirm that platelets express glycine- diets is suspected to be mediated in part by

McCarty MF, DiNicolantonio JJ. Open Heart 2014;1:e000103. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 1 Open Heart Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 on 28 May 2014. Downloaded from the endothelial hyperpolarisation that results from and vascular function in rats.38 39 Glycine decreased the modest physiological increases in the plasma potassium elevated non-esterified fatty content of the liver of level (reflecting increased activity of the electrogenic sucrose-fed rats, increased the state IV oxidation rate of sodium pump).25 26 Other factors being equal, an hepatic mitochondria, corrected an elevation of blood increase in endothelial nitric oxide generation coupled pressure, normalised the serum triglycerides and insulin, with a decrease in superoxide production could be prevented an increase in abdominal fat mass and, in the expected to have an antiatherogenic and antihyperten- vasculature, boosted , decreased oxidative sive effect. Also speaking in favour of the antiathero- stress and normalised endothelium-dependent vasodila- sclerotic potential for glycine is a study demonstrating tion. Of likely relevance to these findings is a recent clin- that glycine exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on human ical report that supplemental glycine (15 g daily in three coronary arterial cells exposed to tumour necrosis factor divided doses) administered to patients with metabolic (TNF) α in vitro; activation of NF-κB was suppressed, as syndrome lessened indices of oxidative stress in erythro- was the expression of E-selectin and interleukin-6.27 So cytes and leucocytes, while lowering systolic blood pres- far, there are no published studies evaluating the impact sure.40 These findings are of considerable interest, of dietary glycine on atherogenesis in rodent models. particularly in the light of evidence that high dietary Evidence that glycine has an antihypertensive effect in fructose intakes can promote metabolic syndrome and sucrose-fed rats is discussed below. non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in humans and increase – Glycine is a biosynthetic precursor for , LDL .41 43 haeme, nucleic and the key intracellular antioxi- The protective effects of glycine in sucrose-fed rats, dant glutathione. Measures which raise or conserve and in humans with metabolic syndrome, are not intracellular glutathione levels may be of benefitfrom readily explained on the basis of the known metabolic the standpoint of oxidant-mediated mechanisms that effects of glycine. Fructose is known to exert its adverse impair vascular health. A recent clinical study reports effects primarily via its impact on liver ; it is that concurrent supplementation of elderly participants catabolised almost exclusively in the liver, and its oxida- with glycine and (100 mg/kg/day of each, cyst- tion, unlike that of , is not regulated by meta- eine administered as its N-acetyl derivative) reverses the bolic need.41 44 As a result, a high intake of fructose marked age-related reduction in erythrocyte glutathione floods the liver with substrate and suppresses hepatic levels while lowering the serum markers of oxidative fatty acid oxidation, while promoting de novo lipogen- stress28; the authors, however, did not prove that the sup- esis and triglyceride synthesis; increased generation of plemental glycine was crucial for this effect. malonyl-coenzyme A is responsible for the first two

With respect to diabetes, it is of interest that high effects, whereas an increase in -3-phosphate http://openheart.bmj.com/ intakes of glycine have the potential to oppose the for- contributes importantly to fructose’s stimulatory impact mation of Amadori products, precursors to the advanced on triglyceride synthesis. These effects also increase glycation endproducts (AGEs) that mediate diabetic hepatic production of diacylglycerols, which impair complications.29 30 Indeed, supplementation of human hepatic insulin sensitivity via activation of kinase diabetics with glycine—5 g, 3-4 times daily—is reported C-ε.45 46 The increased triglyceride content of to decrease haemoglobin glycation.31 32 A similar effect fructose-exposed hepatocytes can be expected to stabil- has been reported in streptozotocin-treated diabetic ise apoB100 and accelerate secretion of very-low- rats.33 These studies did not measure AGEs per se, so lipoprotein (VLDL) particles47 48; this phenomenon their findings should be interpreted cautiously. may explain the elevation of LDL cholesterol induced on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Nonetheless, glycine supplementation has delayed the by high-fructose intakes.42 The increased hepatic secre- progression of cataract, inhibited microaneurysm forma- tion of VLDL triglyceride presumably is responsible for tion, normalised the proliferative response of blood the increase in visceral fat observed in rodents and mononuclear cells and aided the humoral immune humans fed high-fructose diets.41 This in turn can response in diabetic rats, effects which suggest that induce metabolic syndrome, including an increase in glycine may have potential for prevention of some dia- blood pressure driven in part by hyperinsulinaemia49 – betic complications.34 36 In a recent controlled but (figure 1). unblinded study, patients with diabetes experiencing There is recent evidence that fructose can also act auditory neuropathy achieved improvements in hearing indirectly to boost hepatic gluconeogenesis. Fructose, acuity and auditory nerve conduction while ingesting but not glucose, can activate AMP kinase (AMPK) in 20 g glycine daily for 6 months.37 certain regions of the hypothalamus, resulting in increased adrenocortical production of corticosteroids that promote hepatic transcription of phosphoenolpyru- GLYCINE AFFORDS PROTECTION FROM vate carboxykinase, rate-limiting for gluconeogenesis.50 SUCROSE-INDUCED METABOLIC SYNDROME How does glycine intervene in this process? We Of particular interest are studies showing that high propose that glycine-stimulated secretion of - glycine intakes can counteract many of the adverse like -1 (GLP-1) and of glucagon itself plays a key effects of a high-sucrose on the liver, adipose mass role in this regard.

2 McCarty MF, DiNicolantonio JJ. Open Heart 2014;1:e000103. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 Editorial Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 on 28 May 2014. Downloaded from

Figure 1 Hepatic effects of fructose.

GLYCINE MAY STIMULATE GLP-1 AND GLUCAGON an increase in glucagon secretion by pancreatic α-cells.55 RELEASE This response is negated if glucose is ingested simultan- Gameiro et al,51 working with the GLUTag cell line eously, most likely reflecting the impact of glucose-evoked derived from intestinal L-cells—the cell type specialised secretion of somatostatin from islet δ-cells.56 The conten- for GLP-1 production in the intestinal mucosa—,have tion that oral glycine stimulates GLP-1 production is diffi- http://openheart.bmj.com/ found that glycine provokes an increase of GLP-1 secre- cult to square with glycine’s impact on glucagon, as GLP-1 tion in these cells. This reflects an activation of glycine- is known to inhibit α-cell glucagon secretion, either dir- gated chloride channels that triggers a reduction in ectly or by provoking δ-cell secretion of somatostatin.57 membrane polarisation, leading to an increase in cyto- However, there is recent evidence that glycine may act dir- plasmic free calcium and a consequent release of GLP-1. ectly on α-cells as a glucagon secretagogue—and perhaps The ability of these chloride channels to decrease mem- this effect overrides that of GLP-1 (the impact of GLP-1 on brane polarisation in these cells reflects the fact that somatostatin secretion might be minor when glucose is at − they concentrate chloride via a Na+-K+-2Cl transporter. basal levels, and that of GLP-1 expression on

Drugs which inhibit either the glycine-gated channels or α-cells is very low57). Li et al58 have shown that α-cells on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. the chloride uptake mechanism prevent glycine from express glycine-gated chloride channels that, when acti- stimulating GLP-1 release in GLUTag cells. Since the vated, trigger an influx of calcium and glucagon release. apical microvilli of L-cells face the intestinal lumen, they This suggests that α-cells, like L-cells, have a mechanism are ideally positioned to detect an increase in glycine in for concentrating chloride intracellularly, such that a the luminal contents. Hence, glycine supplementation receptor-mediated increase in membrane permeability could be expected to boost GLP-1 production. Although triggers chloride efflux and membrane depolarisation. there do not appear to be any studies that have exam- Since the affinity of glycine-gated channels for glycine is ined the GLP-1 response to orally administered glycine close to the fasting concentration of glycine in plasma,51 it per se, there are two clinical studies demonstrating that can be anticipated that a rise in plasma glycine induced plasma GLP-1 levels rise following ingestion of , a via supplementation will cause an increase in glucagon protein extraordinarily rich in glycine (constituting 30% secretion. One rather old study failed to observe an of its amino acids).52 53 This may explain why, when increase in glucagon secretion when glycine was infused glucose was fed to patients with type 2 diabetes in con- intravenously, until the glycine reached supraphysiological junction with seven different , gelatin was levels59; it is not clear why the results of this study appear second only to cottage cheese in potentiating the post- discordant with those of the two studies previously cited. prandial insulin response.54 It is notable that GLP-1 and glucagon work in comple- Oral administration of glycine in humans (75 mg mentary ways to promote fatty acid oxidation and – glycine/kg lean mass) has also been reported to stimulate oppose lipogenesis in the liver.60 65 The effects of

McCarty MF, DiNicolantonio JJ. Open Heart 2014;1:e000103. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 3 Open Heart Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 on 28 May 2014. Downloaded from glucagon appear to be mediated primarily by cAMP, diabetes.79 If supplemental glycine does indeed boost whereas GLP-1 triggers activation of AMPK in hepato- GLP-1 production, it presumably could be used as an cytes. Joint action of GLP-1 and glucagon on the liver adjuvant to DDP-4 therapy, and, as a stand-alone could readily account for the ability of supplemental measure, might have some potential for the primary pre- glycine to counteract the excessive hepatic triglyceride vention of diabetes. synthesis promoted by sucrose or fructose feeding (see Moreover, if supplemental glycine can promote a figure 2). Indeed, GLP-1 have been shown to physiologically meaningful increase in GLP-1 produc- protect against hepatic steatosis in sucrose-fed rats, and tion, it may have broader protective potential than is to have clinical utility in non-alcoholic fatty liver currently appreciated, reflecting the diverse and largely – disease.66 70 Fortuitously, although glucagon could be protective physiological effects of GLP-1.80 With respect expected to promote hepatic gluconeogenesis, GLP-1 to vascular health, GLP-1 drugs exert cardiopro- mediated AMPK activation would tend to offset this tective effects in rodent models of myocardial infarction – effect.71 Indeed, AMPK suppresses the transcription of and congestive failure.81 84 Clinically, they promote phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the liver, poten- modest weight loss in patients with diabetes and obese tially offsetting the stimulatory impact of fructose-evoked non- diabeties, and exert favourable effects on systolic – cortisol in this regard.72 74 blood pressure, serum , inflammatory markers and Intriguingly, peptide drugs with dual agonism for endothelial function.85 86 Readers interested in the GLP-1 and glucagon receptors have been developed vascular-protective properties of GLP-1 agonism can be recently, and these agents have shown markedly benefi- referred to a recent review by Lorber.86 Assessing the – cial effects in mice with diet-induced obesity.75 77 They impact of supplemental glycine on GLP-1 production can induce a weight loss of 15–20%, modestly decrease should be a high clinical priority. calorie intake while boosting thermogenesis, decrease hepatic triglyceride levels and serum levels of triglycer- AN IMPACT ON KUPFFER CELL ACTIVATION ides and LDL cholesterol, improve insulin sensitivity and The marked utility of dietary glycine in rodent models glucose tolerance and counteract resistance. of -induced steatosis has been traced to its ability These beneficial metabolic effects are only partially to suppress Kupffer cell activation.987Ethanol feeding, attributable to the associated weight loss and are consid- by promoting intestinal permeability, enables portal erably greater than the benefits seen with GLP-1 agonists influx of bacterial endotoxins. The resulting activation alone. These agents provide continual stimulation of of Kupffer cells exposes hepatocytes to proinflammatory their target receptors, and hence understandably cytokines such as TNF-α that play a key role in induction

achieve more potent effects than dietary glycine, which http://openheart.bmj.com/ of steatohepatitis. Glycine antagonises Kupffer cell acti- at best could only boost GLP-1 and glucagon levels epi- vation via glycine-gated channels, as previously sodically. Nonetheless, while glycine does not induce discussed. weight loss or suppress calorie intake in sucrose-fed There is some recent evidence that high-fructose diets mice, it reduces visceral fat stores by over 50%, increases in rats likewise impair the intestinal barrier function, the thermogenic potential of hepatic mitochondria by leading to an activation of Kupffer cells that exacerbates increasing state 4 respiration, alleviates hepatic steatosis – fructose-induced steatosis.88 90 It is reasonable to suspect and improves insulin sensitivity and serum lipids. Hence, that a high-glycine diet would be protective in this its effects are homologous to, if not as dramatic, as those

regard, as it is in rodent models of alcohol-induced stea- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. seen with the coagonist drugs. tosis. Whether Kupffer cell activation plays a role in the hepatic steatosis evoked by high-fructose diets in humans remains to be established. FURTHER IMPLICATIONS OF GLP-1 UPREGULATION Fortunately, glycine powder is inexpensive, highly If supplemental glycine does indeed boost secretion of soluble and has a pleasant sweet flavor; indeed, its name GLP-1, this may have interesting implications for the pre- is derived from the Greek work for ‘sweet’.16 Clinically vention and treatment of diabetes, and for the preserva- useful effects have been observed in patients with meta- tion of vascular health. As is well known, GLP-1 bolic syndrome or diabetes with glycine intakes of 5 g, functions to potentiate glucose-stimulated insulin secre- 3–4 times daily, without discernible side effects.32 40 tion, and this is the basis for the therapeutic utility in Glycine is readily administered by blending into a fluid diabetes of analogues of GLP-1 such as liraglutide and of choice, and it should lend itself well to incorporation exenatide which activate the GLP-1 receptor but have a into functional foods. Glycine intake can also be vastly longer half- owing to their resistance to degrad- boosted by ingestion of gelatin. ation by dipeptidyl protease-4 (DDP-4).78 Endogenously produced GLP-1 has a half-life of only several minutes in plasma owing to its rapid degradation by DDP-4; hence, IS A MEDIATING RISK FACTOR? drugs which can safely inhibit DDP-4, such as sitagliptin, The proposal that glycine might function as an ‘anti- are currently employed to prolong the efficacy of dote’ to the adverse metabolic impact of fructose must endogenously produced GLP-1 in patients with contend with the fact that fructose can markedly amplify

4 McCarty MF, DiNicolantonio JJ. Open Heart 2014;1:e000103. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 Editorial Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2014-000103 on 28 May 2014. Downloaded from

Figure 2 Hepatoprotective mechanisms of glycine.

production of uric acid in the liver. Administration of a these polymorphisms on risk for heart disease, subclin- bolus of fructose leads to the rapid hepatic generation ical atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic – of ADP owing to the unregulated activity of fructokinase; syndrome or diabetes107 111—with the exception of one this in turn can lead to accelerated production of AMP, small study targeting an Amish population which saw an and catabolites—including the ultim- association with blood pressure.112 The overall conclu- ate catabolite (in humans) uric acid. The ability of sion of these studies is that obesity and metabolic syn- fructose-rich diets to boost serum urate levels is well drome raise the serum urate level, and that the former, known, and there is no reason to suppose that glycine rather than urate per se, mediates the increased risk would prevent this effect. This urate does not pose a associated with elevated urate levels. The hyperinsulinae- problem in fructose-fed rodents, as their uricase activity mia associated with metabolic syndrome promotes renal converts urate to non-toxic allantoin—but humans do retention of urate, explaining at least in part the hyper- not express uricase. Human physiological levels of urate uricaemia that is a feature of this syndrome.113 It are clearly toxic to the tissues of rodents, as they appears that primates have evolved resistance to the promote oxidative stress via NADPH oxidase activa- pro-oxidant effects of urate demonstrated in rodents, – tion.91 93 such that losing their uricase activity did not comprom- Increased urate levels in humans, in addition to ise their Darwinian viability. posing a risk for gout or gouty nephropathy, constitute a Hence, the failure of glycine to address the well-established risk factor for coronary disease, hyper- fructose-mediated elevation of serum urate levels, while tension, type 2 diabetes and heart failure, as confirmed unfortunate from the standpoint of gout risk, may not be – by meta-analyses94 98—although its impact often appears disadvantageous from the standpoint of vascular health. http://openheart.bmj.com/ weak when other risk factors associated with metabolic Elevated urate levels appear likely to provide some protec- syndrome are corrected for. Whether uric acid is a medi- tion from Parkinson’sdisease—a finding confirmed by a ating risk factor in these disorders is very much in Mendelian randomisation analysis.114 115 dispute. Speaking in favour of this view are studies dem- Contributors MFM and JJD came up with the idea for the manuscript. MFM onstrating that xanthine oxidase inhibition with allopur- wrote the first draft. JJD reviewed, edited and contributed to concepts in the inol often favourably influences endothelial manuscript. 99–101 dysfunction ; however, a counterargument is that Competing interests None. xanthine oxidase activity generates superoxide, so allo- Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed. purinol may simply be functioning as an in on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. these circumstances.102 Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, Moreover, several studies in which urate levels have which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- been modulated acutely by measures other than xan- commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided thine oxidase inhibition—raising it with an intravenous the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http:// infusion, lowering it with an infusion of urate oxidase— creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ have failed to observe any adverse impact of urate on endothelial function or other cardiovascular 103 104 REFERENCES indices. Indeed, urate infusion was found to 1. Zhong Z, Wheeler MD, Li X, et al. 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