PRSRT STD U.S. (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV POSTAGE e-mail address: /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207 PAID [email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 The Roundup

Wednesday, June 22, 2016 Volume 42 • Number 19 Irrigation Project Provides Vital Role For City %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH wells receive additional water. The importance of keep- The public meetings start ing operations going at the at 5:30 p.m. on June 28 at the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Richland County Event Center District is greater for the City and on June 29 at the Dawson of Sidney than even many County High School auditori- residents realize. um in Glendive. A meeting at Along with the tremen- the Lincoln Center in Billings dous hit the economy would on June 30 is scheduled from feel, the City of Sidney would 5:30-9 p.m. also have concerns about its Richland Economic De- water aquifer. velopment is coordinating “The canal recharges our buses for trips to Glendive and aquifer to a great extent,” Greg Billings. The plan is for three $QGHUVRQ 6LGQH\·V ZDWHU cruiser buses to leave Sidney department superintendent, and another to leave Fairview *UDQGSDUHQWV0D\QDUGDQG6DQGUD%LOOVSURYLGHFRPIRUWWR7\0LOOHU7KH\HDUROGLVUHFRYHULQJIURPDERQHPDUURZ said. “The biggest thing is that for the Glendive meeting. A WUDQVSODQW 6XEPLWWHG big recharge that we would be lunch will be provided for the losing.” trips to Glendive and Billings. Without the canal in oper- To reserve your spot on the ation, Anderson said the city bus, call 406-482-4679. would need to make up for the Norby, who farmed for water supply somehow includ- \HDUVVDLGLWLVGLIÀFXOWWR Super Strength ing possible rate increases or imagine area residents mak- conservation requirements. ing a living without the avail- Sidney Mayor Rick Norby ability of the irrigation district. SRLQWHG RXW ´,W·V QRW MXVW WKH “I would hate to see it. Son Of Fairview Native Battles Rare Blood Disease FLW\LW·V DOO WKH SHRSOH ZLWK ,W·VDVFDU\WKLQJµ1RUE\VDLG ZHOOVµ +H H[SODLQHG LW·V EH- “No matter how you look at it, %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH two years, the tests were negative, but is the grandson of Maynard and Sandra cause of the canal that many agriculture is our backbone.” Fairview native Ann-Marie (Bills) last year the result was minor and this Bills, now keeps track of when he takes =DKQQRWHVWKDWDWWLPHVLW·VEHHQKHDUW- year it increased to moderate. all of his medication and even puts in his breaking for her, but she is extremely =DKQVDLGWKHUHDUHIRXUVWDJHVDQG own IV line. Watford City Prepares proud of the courage demonstrated by her Ty was diagnosed of being between stag- ´+HMXVWUROOVZLWKLWµVKHQRWHG´+H·V 13-year-old son, Ty Miller, as he continues es two and three. At stage four, physicians happy, he has some energy. He gets tired For Homefest Celebration recovery from a bone marrow transplant. will no longer perform a bone marrow pretty easily.” “Watching my kid go through what transplant. With family members, Ty was able %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH fried treats, ribs and pulled KHZHQWWKURXJKLWZDVEUXWDOµ=DKQD The mother said there were four WRDWWHQGKLVPLGGOHVFKRRO·VÀQDOGD\RI Watford City residents pork. Fairview High School graduate, said. “My PDWFKHVIRU7\LQWKHGRQRU·VEDQNDQG the school year. The day included being will enjoy one of its busiest On Saturday, a street fair kid is amazing.” three of the individuals stepped forward handed many posters, cards, etc. weekends of the year and host with food and craft vendors Miller is recovering from a bone mar- for the procedure at the University of Also given was a zip drive featuring many class reunions when starts at 11 a.m. on Main row transplant, which took place on April Minnesota. WKHVFKRRO·VVWXGHQWVVLQJLQJPDQ\ZHDU- Homefest is celebrated on Street. The McKenzie County 1. The hope is he can be given approval ´,W·VRQHRIWKHEHVWSODFHVIRUERQH ing their Super Ty T-shirts, encouraging Friday and Saturday. )DUPHUV 8QLRQ·V .LGV =RQH from University of Minnesota physicians PDUURZ RSHUDWLRQVµ =DKQ VDLG RI WKH words to Ty. “We know you are afraid, and Activities start with a food ZLOORIIHULQÁDWDEOHV on July 11 to return home, which is Far- XQLYHUVLW\´+H·VKDGDPD]LQJFDUHµ ZHDUHWRR%XW\RX·OOQHYHUEHDORQHZH fest and fun on Main Street At noon, the 2016 Homef- go, N.D. After chemotherapy took place for SURPLVH\RX:KHQ\RXDUHZHDNZH·OO from 5 p.m. to midnight central est Baby Pageant will start. =DKQ H[SODLQV WKH PHGLFDO MRXUQH\ eight days in late March, the transport EH VWURQJ :KHQ \RX OHW JR ZH·OO KROG time on Friday, June 24. The The fun event is open to began when her son was only 8 years was held April 1. RQµ´:H·UHJRLQJWRORYH\RXWKURXJKLWµ street dance will feature live babies between 0-24 months. old and was diagnosed with the rare Recovery was extremely difficult =DKQ VDLG VWXGHQWV DQG WHDFKHUV music by Minnesota based The pageant features EORRG GLVRUGHU RI SRO\F\WKHPLD =DKQ especially in the beginning. Without an WRRNDQH[LVWLQJVRQJDQGFKDQJHGLWWRÀW band Contention parents holding their babies on said less than 30 children in the country immune system, Ty was feeling ill and 7\·VEDWWOH´,W·VDPD]LQJZKDWWKH\ZHUH The food fest will include stage so the public can take a suffer from the condition, which features suffering with huge mouth sores. able to do.” such favorites as hamburgers, &RQWLQXHGRQQH[WSDJH an abnormally increased concentration of One rule is that the patient must stay She thanks school and community hemoglobin in the blood. within 30 miles of the hospital for at least members as well as families for holding =DKQ VDLG WKH FRQGLWLRQ PDLQO\ HI- 100 days. Once when they were out of fundraisers and providing support. &KHFN%6HFWLRQIRU fects men between the ages of 60-65. the hospital, Ty threw up 22 times in a That support included a lot of en- The thickening blood creates blood clots. 48-hour time period. Medical staff then couraging words and prayers from her old FRYHUDJHRQ After 20 years, patients often develop had to determine, one by one, which of hometown in eastern . • Field Days leukemia. the 32 pills that Ty was taking was causing “Once a Warrior, always a Warrior,” • Golden Roundup Physicians started to perform bone him to become ill. =DKQVDLGRIWKHVXSSRUWIURP)DLUYLHZ • Outdoors PDUURZELRSVLHVRQ7\DQQXDOO\7KHÀUVW =DKQVDLGKHU\HDUROGVRQZKR ´,WGRHVQ·WPDWWHUKRZORQJ\RX·UHJRQHµ Sidney Health Center Announces New Standards At Ceremony %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH face and reputation of Sidney :LWK LPSURYLQJ SDWLHQWV· Health Center on campus and care always their desire, Sid- in the community. ney Health Center employees Compassion: Displaying held a celebration regarding care, concern and kindness; new standards of performance Smiling and greeting people and being selected a Top 100 warmly while walking through- Critical Access Hospital in out the facility; Displaying America. patience and concern when Sidney Health Center communicating with others; CEO Rick Haraldson thanked Using AIDET (Acknowledge, employees for their part in Introduce, Duration, Explana- making SHC a top 100 critical tion, Thank you) to meet the access hospital. He said there needs of others; Caring for are more than 1,300 critical ac- myself so I can care for oth- cess hospitals in the country. ers; and showing co-workers ´,W·VDELJGHDOµ+DUDOGVRQ you care by thanking them for told those gathered for the their contributions on a regular celebration. basis. He thanked the Quality Accountability: Accept Impact Team for developing responsibility for actions, de- the new standards of perfor- cisions and results; Solving mance. problems and focusing on the “There was a lot of work process not the individual; Us- for the committee who put this ing Service Recovery Program together,” Haraldson noted. to act on patient complains After the standards were and problems in the short read, each Sidney Health Cen- term. Be part of the solution to ter signed to follow the new À[SUREOHPVORQJWHUP&RP- ICARE standards that include: mit to learning and following Integrity: Being honest, all safety policies, procedures 6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHU&(25LFN+DUDOGVRQDQGHPSOR\HHVVLJQWKHIDFLOLW\·VQHZVWDQGDUGVRISHUIRUPDQFHGXULQJD sincere and trustworthy; Doing DQG JXLGHOLQHV %HLQJ ÀQDQ- FHOHEUDWLRQODVWZHHN what is right even when no cially responsible when using one else is watching; Actively Sidney Health Center resourc- Be humble and kind when time and provide comfortable what is expected; Continu- others to their destination seeking information by asking es; Caring for equipment and interacting with others; Using alternatives; Promote peace ously improve personally and ZKHQDSSURSULDWH,I\RXFDQ·W questions rather than making the environment; and taking courtesy when communicat- of mind and dignity in what professionally; Always provide HVFRUWJLYHVSHFLÀFGLUHFWLRQV assumptions and to encour- pride in personal appearance ing; Coach in private, praise you say and do; and ensure safe, quality, professional %HFDXVH\RXPD\EHWKHÀUVW age questions from others; and dressing professionally. in public; Responding to others SULYDF\DQGFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\ FDUHLQDFRQÀGHQWLDOPDQQHU or last impression, make it a Supporting team decisions Respect: Treat people in a timely manner. When de- Excellence: Do your job Commit to excellence based good one. 100 percent; and being the how you want to be treated; lays occur, update about wait with pride and go above of care and procedures; Escort 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 Get Growing! EVENTS OBITUARIES SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 111 West Main • Sidney, MT 59270 Donald L. Damm, 75 406-433-3306 • Fax: 406-433-4114 • Email: [email protected] RICHLAND COUNTY )XQHUDOVHUYLFHVIRU'RQDOG/'DPPRI6LGQH\ZHUH Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. DWSP)ULGD\-XQHDWWKH)XONHUVRQ6WHYHQVRQ0HPRULDO Wed. June 22 &KDSHOZLWK3DVWRU'DYLG+XVNDPSRIÀFLDWLQJ 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. - Car Night. Everyone is welcome to come ,QWHUPHQWIROORZHGLQWKH6LGQH\&HPHWHU\XQGHUWKHGL- DQGVKRZRII\RXUFDUVDQGYLHZWKHDUHD·VFDUVDQGWUXFNV UHFWLRQRI)XONHUVRQ6WHYHQVRQ)XQHUDO+RPH 5H\QROGV0DUNHWSDUNLQJORW:HDWKHUSHUPLWWLQJ 5HPHPEUDQFHVFRQGROHQFHVDQGSLFWXUHVPD\EHVKDUHG Thurs., June 23 Huge Selection of: DWZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP SP7HHQ&UDIW %RRN&OXE6LGQH\5LFKODQG&RXQW\ 'RQDOGGLHGRQ-XQHDWKLVKRPHLQ6LGQH\ /LEUDU\ Bedding Plants • SP)DPLO\&RORULQJ&OXE6LGQH\5LFKODQG&RXQW\ Perennials • Lorna B. Petersen, 95 /LEUDU\ Fri., June 24 Shrubs • )XQHUDO VHUYLFHV IRU /RUQD % 3HWHUVHQ  RI 6LGQH\ 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - 2016 Dryland Field Day - This event Trees • DUHDWSPRQ)ULGD\-XQHDWWKH6KHSKHUGRIWKH IHDWXUHVVWRSVDWERWKUHVHDUFKIDUPVZLWKDVSHFLDO 9DOOH\/XWKHUDQ&KXUFKLQ6LGQH\ZLWK3DVWRU'DYLG+XVNDPS SUHVHQWDWLRQRQ:LQWHUZKHDWE\0683URIHVVRUDQGEUHHGHU Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm RIÀFLDWLQJ 3KLO%UXFNQHUDQGGHPRQVWUDWLRQRIDFURVVVORWGULOOE\5RJHU Sat: 9am - 5pm &UHPDWLRQZLOOIROORZVHUYLFHVXQGHUWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKH $VKOH\DUHWLUHGDJURQRPLVW7KHWRXUEHJLQVDWWKH068 3515 West Front St )XONHUVRQ6WHYHQVRQ)XQHUDO+RPHRI6LGQH\5HPHPEUDQF- GU\ODQGIDUPDERXWPLOHVQRUWKRI6LGQH\RQ07+LJKZD\ Williston, ND | 701-572-6083 HVFRQGROHQFHVDQGSLFWXUHVPD\EHVKDUHGZLWKWKHIDPLO\DW DQGWKHWXUQRIIZLOOEHPDUNHG ZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP DP)DPLO\)ULHQGO\)HOORZVKLS*HW7RJHWKHU)XQELEOH /RUQDGLHGHDUO\0RQGD\PRUQLQJ-XQHDWWKH discussions, songs, crafts, a hot pitch-in meal and yummy DEMOLITION DERBY 5LYHUVWRQH+RVSLFH+RXVHLQ%LOOLQJV KRPHPDGHGRQXWV&HQWUDO3DUN)UHHWRWKHSXEOLFDQG everyone is invited. Weather permitting. Please call Julia at Fri, July 8 • 6pm | Pit Gates • 2pm CST 406-774-3309 or 406-480-5648 with any questions. At the McKenzie County Fairgrounds, Watford City SPSP$UW:DON/RFDO

Members of the U19 state championship team from Sidney were, front from left, Skylar Imhof, Case Christian, Captain Luke Beenken, Waylon VanBuren, Jace Johnson and Bryana Christensen; middle, head coach Ray Johnson, Ian Al- drich, Troy Monsen, Carson Allen, Larren Foust, Reagan Finsaas and assistant coach Jason Imhof; back, Cristian Seitz, Tanner Wacha, Captain Cody Johnson, Goalie Jared Gustafson, Kelvin Hill and Michael Gangstad. Not pictured is Wyatt VanBuren. (Submitted, Heather Johnson)

Jace Johnson controls the ball during the championship State Champions match against Lewistown. (Submitted, Heather Johnson) Sidney Soccer Teams Earn Titles

State championships 6LGQH\·V 8 WHDP ZHUHHDUQHGE\ERWK6LGQH\·V opened play with a 4-0 vic- U19 and U15 soccer squads tory over the Glendive/Circle during the state cup June squad. Goalie Spencer Sloan 11-12. registered a shutout. The U19 squad opened Julian Imhof led the way action with a 6-0 shutout over with three goals. Michael Scott Red Lodge. Jared Gustafson added a goal. Caleb Slade Patriotic Supplies • Decorating Kits was the goalie for the Strikers. accounted for an assist. Wearables & Hats • Parade Items Jace Johnson led the of- ,Q WKH VHPLÀQDO URXQG Pin Wheels & Lights • Fun Novelty Fun fensive attack with three goals. Sidney defeated Miles City Kelvin Hill, Waylon VanBuren E\DÀQDO6FRULQJIRUWKH ON SALE NOW! and Luke Beenken each ac- Strikers were Jonathan Gon- Sun & Mon: Closed • Tues-Fri:s-Fri: 1010amam - 55:30pm:3300pm • SSaSat:tt: 99amam - 33pmpm counted for one goal and one zalez and Imhof. 105 East Main Street • Sidney, MT | 406-433-4FUN assist. Casey Christian added The two squads met an assist. again in the championship The Strikers, despite los- round with Sidney pulling out ing three starters due to inju- an overtime victory. The game ries in the last two weeks, then was deadlocked at 2-2 at the knocked off Big Timber, 3-0. end of regulation. Gonzalez Please Join Us For A Scoring goals were Beenken, and Kaleb Jimison scored for Hill and Troy Monsen. J. John- 6LGQH\ -LPLVRQ·V JRDO FDPH Michael Scott, Watford City, looks to make a play in the son had an assist while Cody ZLWKÀYHPLQXWHVOHIWWRIRUFH Spaghetti Dinner To Benefit Johnson added an assist on a FKDPSLRQVKLSPDWFKIRU6LGQH\·V8WHDP 6XEPLWWHG overtime. Heather Johnson) corner kick. ,QWKHVKRRWRXW6LGQH\·V Ken Bailey ,Q WKH VHPLÀQDO URXQG Nicholas Trevino and Garrett Sidney edged Miles City by Monsen and Reagan Finsaas. LQDJRDORII&-RKQVRQ·VFRU- Still scored for a 2-1 win. D  ÀQDO %HHQNHQ 6N\ODU Sidney stopped Lew- ner kick for one of the goals. Goalie James Allen made four June 25th • 5-7pm Imhof and Hill scored for the istown, 2-0, in the champion- Beenken headed in a goal off amazing saves. Strikers. Having assists were ship game. J. Johnson headed a pass from Hill. Moose Lodge • Sidney, MT 7KH FKDPSLRQVKLS 8 team, left photo, features, There Will Be A Drawing For: from left, Kolby Hutzenbiler, Jessica Romo, Liliana John- Pit Boss Pellet Grill son, Lorraine Coronato and U of M Grizzlies Canopy Tent Riley Jimison; middle, Nich- olas Trevino, Julian Imhof, 1/2 Pork Processed & Wrapped Montana Zevenbergen, Tian- 30/30 Rifle (Donated by the Moose Lodge) na Earle, Sean Earle, Logan Any Unsold Raffle Tickets Will Be Sold At Jones. Back, head coach The Door, Contact Cliff Dahl at 480-7041 To Frederik Adjetey, Spencer Purchase In Advance. Sloan, James Allen, Kaleb Jimison, Jonathan Gonza- Ken was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis on April 24th & lez, Garrett Still, Michael has been hospitalized in Bismarck, where he Scott and assistant coach is currently recovering from surgery. Doctors removed 80% Justin Jones. Not pictured of his pancreas & gall bladder. He has a long road ahead of are Caleb Slade and Morgan him to fully recover from this illness. All money raised will Slade. (Submitted, Heather help the family with medical bills & expenses. Johnson) Thank you in advance for your support & generosity!

Teammates Skylar Imhof “ROPIN RIDIN & LIVESTOCKIN” and Waylon VanBuren take a rest during the U19 cham- pionship game. McKenzie County Fair

(Submitted, Heather Johnson) Thursday-Saturday, July 7-9 Watford City, ND General Admission: ...... $5 Button (Good for All 3 Days) Demo Derby/NDRA Rodeo: ...... $10 Adult, $5 Ages 6-13, MNAXLP Under 6 is Free NDRA Rodeo: ...... $10 Adult, $5 Ages 6-13, Under 6 Free Make Us Your Entertainment Highlights EVENT CarnivalC i l&C & Curly’s l ’ Funtastic F t ti KidZKid Zone ThThurs–Sat, S t JJulyl 77-99 HEADQUARTERS Draft Horse Competition Thurs, July 7 • FREE BBQ Thurs, July 7 Thursday, July 7 • Birthdays • Wedding Rehearsals • Carnival • Anniversaries & Receptions • Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone • • FREE Beef Barbecue • Business Meetings Reunions • Olaf Leiseth Jr. Memorial Draft • Holiday Parties Horse Competition • Animal Specialities OFF PREMISE CATERINGS AVAILABLE • Double Vision Strolling Magicians W/ COCKTAIL SERVICE (Hosted By The Cattle Ac) Friday, July 8 • Carnival 2 Private Rooms Available • Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone Powerpoint, Audio & Visual Presentation Capabilities • Demolition Derby • Animal Specialities • Double Vision Strolling Magicians BOOK YOUR SPECIAL Saturday, July 9 • Carnival OCCASION TODAY! • Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone For bookings and inquiries • NDRA Rodeo call Joel 406-489-3163 • Youth & Lil’ Buckaroo Rodeos • Animal Specialities XNLV259339 520 N. Central Ave. • Sidney, Montana • 406-433-3300 • Double Vision Strolling Magicians 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 Tester Urges Senate To Work Together After Orlando Incident By Bill Vander Weele HUWRWU\WRSUHYHQWDFWLRQVRI VHFXULW\ 86 6HQ -RQ7HVWHU KDWHDQGLQWROHUDQFHµ7HVWHU 7KH VHQDWRU QRWHG D '0RQWVDLGWKDWDIWHUQHDUO\ WROG VWDWH UHSRUWHUV GXULQJ D ELOO WKDW WKH 6HQDWH UHFHQWO\  SHRSOH ZHUH NLOOHG E\ D FRQIHUHQFHFDOOODVWZHHN SDVVHG VWUHQJWKHQV WKH PLOL- VKRRWHULQ2UODQGR)ODWKLV 7HVWHUVDLG QDWLRQDO VH- WDU\ ZLWK DGGLWLRQDO VSHQGLQJ PRQWK WKDW WKH JRYHUQPHQW FXULW\PXVWEHLPSURYHG7KH IRUHTXLSPHQWDQGUHVRXUFHV PXVW VWRS WDONLQJ DQG VWDUW FRXQWU\ QHHGV WR DOVR NHHS DVZHOODVSD\UDLVHV DFWLQJ JXQVRXWRIWKHKDQGVRIWHUURU- 7HVWHUVDLGKHZDVGLVDS- ´,W·VWLPHZHZRUNWRJHWK- LVWVDQGVWUHQJWKHQLWVERUGHU SRLQWHGLQWKHFRPPHQWVPDGH E\ 5HSXEOLFDQ SUHVLGHQWLDO FDQGLGDWH'RQDOG7UXPS ´7KHUKHWRULFLVLQDSSUR- SULDWHDWWKLVWLPHDQGLVTXLWH IUDQNO\EHQHDWKVRPHRQHZKR LV UXQQLQJ IRU FRPPDQGHU LQ FKLHI RI WKLV FRXQWU\µ7HVWHU VDLG 'XULQJWKHSKRQHFRQIHU- HQFH7HVWHUPHQWLRQHG KLV ÀUVW UXUDO KHDOWK VXPPLW WKDW ZDVKHOGLQ(QQLV´7KHQHHG IRU KHDOWK FDUH LVQ·W GLIIHUHQW LQ WKH %LJ$SSOH WKDQ LQ %LJ 6DQG\µKHVDLG :KHQ DVNHG DERXW WKH XSFRPLQJ SXEOLF PHHWLQJV Grand Prize Winner FRQFHUQLQJWKH/RZHU

Stop in for a coffee or a refreshing drink and shop at Meyers for all things summer. Large selection of Silver, Rock Revival, and Miss Me shorts, capris and jeans. Pick a Kiss for special discounts on all purchases WE’RE MORE THAN JUST A DRUG STORE at Meyers. Purses • Scarves • Jewelry • Russel Stover Chocolate • Woodwick, Bridgewater, Trapp & Earth Luxe Candles • Kitchen Items • Fragrances • National Brand Gift Cards • Man Cave Items • Ice & Hot Tea by “For Tea Sake”

Kylee is wearing an Angie Romper and Billabong sandals Meyers Department Store/Door 204 while enjoying a Strawberry M-F: 10am - 6pm Sat: 10am - 5pm | 701-444-2906 | 200 N Main, Watford City, ND Summer Dazes Tea Splash! ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 5A XTO Energy Donates $10,500 To Local Boys & Girls Club In the second year of the re-invigorated 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ZHDUHVROLPLWHGE\WKHVL]HRI Boys & Girls Club summer programs, club RXUIDFLOLW\WKDWZHKDYHWRUHVWULFWWKHVL]HDQG staff gears up for the four camps being offered. VFDOHRIRXUSURJUDPVRIIHUHG,ORRNIRUZDUG %HFDXVH VXPPHU GRHVQ·W KDOW ZRUN WKHVH WRPRYLQJLQWRRXUQHZFOXEKRXVHZKHUHZH FDPSV DUH D ELJ KLW ZLWK NLGV SDUHQWV DQG can provide these and more opportunities on donors. Boys & Girls Club of Richland County DODUJHUVFDOHVHUYLFLQJPRUH\RXWKµ provides a safe and positive place for youth to )RU WKRVH IDPLOLHV IDFLQJ ÀQDQFLDO KDUG- build Great Futures. VKLSVWKHFOXEFUHDWHGWKH%DFN$.LG)XQG The Boys & Girls of Richland County has received a $10,500 donation from XTO Energy. “The summer camps are no exception, 'RQRUVFDQKHOSDFKLOGDWWHQGWKH&OXEZKR VD\V0LFKHOH6HDGHHNGHYHORSPHQWGLUHFWRU PD\QRWKDYHWKHPHDQVRWKHUZLVH ´ZDVRXUÀUVW\HDURIWKHUHYLYHGVXPPHU XTO is one of the great supporters of this SURJUDPDQGZHVWDUWHGZLWKNLGVEXWKDG community that feels that Boys & Girls Club Bull Blowout Coming To Sidney NLGVE\WKHHQGRIWKDWVHDVRQµ summer camps are essential to our youth. By Meagan Dotson 7UXVW77UXFNLQJ /XFN\ /LO·V PHQW /HH·V7LUH DQG 0XOOLQ This summer, the club is offering four 7KHGRQDWLRQDOORZVNLGVWRDWWHQGWKH$UW (LJKW VHFRQGV GRHVQ·W Casino, Action Auto, and Best Brothers Custom Chopping VXPPHUFDPSVIRU.ÀIWKJUDGHWKDWFRYHUDUW camp, 15 for Adventure camp, and 10 for the VHHP OLNH WKDW ORQJ« XQ- Western Golden Prairie Inn & //& :,)0; 6SRQVRUV 6/ RXWGRRUDGYHQWXUH2O\PSLFVDQG+ROO\ZRRG Olympic camp. OHVV \RX·UH RQ WKH EDFN RI D 6XLWHV&KXWH*DWH6SRQVRUV 6HUYLFHV ,QF &17UXFNLQJ and include several day trips around the county. ´:LWKRXWJUDFLRXVGRQDWLRQVOLNH;72·V Current total camp enrollment is more than 130 Boys & Girls Club of Richland County could SRXQGEXOOWKDW·VLQWHQW )URQWLHU +L/LQH7UXFNLQJ (ULFNVRQ &RQWUDFW 6XUYH\LQJ RQPDNLQJ\RXÁ\ Inc., Richland Pump & Supply, ,QF 5LFN 3DUWRQ7UXFNLQJ ZLWKNLGVIURPDOORYHU5LFKODQG&RXQW\DVZHOO not provide such great opportunities to Rich- 6DGGOH XS IRU (DVWHUQ +RWHO$OEHUW 6HLW] ,QVXUDQFH 6RQGD·V6ROXWLRQV6DGGOH8S DVVHYHUDOZKRDUHYLVLWLQJIURPRXWRIVWDWH ODQG &RXQW\ \RXWK DQG ZH WKDQN WKHP IRU 0RQWDQD·V%XOO%ORZRXW)ULGD\ Agency, Tri-County Imple- and Border Steel & Recycling. ´2XUVXPPHUFDPSVDOORZNLGVWRH[SORUH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKLV QHHGµ  (ODLQH 6WHGPDQ -XQHDQG6DWXUGD\-XQH their community and surrounding areas in &(2VDLG 25, at the Richland County ZD\VWKDWWKH\PD\QRWRWKHUZLVHµVDLG-DQHOOH ,I\RXZLVKWROHDUQPRUHRU%DFN²$.LG Fairgrounds. Feel the thrill as Buxbaum, operations program manager. “I to the club, please call 406-433-6763 or visit \RXZDWFKZKDW3%5UHIHUVWR DPH[FLWHGWKDWZHDUHDEOHWRSURYLGHVXFK ZZZULFKODQGEJFRUJ C a great experience to the community youth. DV´$PHULFD·VRULJLQDOH[WUHPH VSRUWµ M Up-and-coming riders are Sunrise Festival To Include Art Classes SDLUHGZLWKVRPHRIWKHWRXJK- COOKS ON MAIN est bulls around for a chance The Sunrise Festival of supervision. Cost: $35 for the everyday chef 6LGQH\RQ-XO\IURPDP to qualify in the Built Ford - • 10:30-11:30 a.m. Agate to 4 p.m. The festival brings a WKH$UWVZKLFKLV-XO\LVH[ Tough World Finals in Las cited to be offering four differ- unique blend of music, food, -HZHOU\ RIIHUHG E\ -HVVLFD Vegas, Nev., and a chance to Sidewalk Sales! ent art classes this year. The 1HZPDQ

Union GatewayAgency Man Dies ˜ž›ȱȱ —œž›Š—ŒŽȱŽŠ–ȱȱ


Public Hearings Concerning The Intake By Bill Vander Weele ^JRYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDOV`DUHGRLQJDJRRG

The The top three vote get 39 votes compared to Jer ZDVIRXUWKZLWK ORZVWRQH6FKRRO'LVWULFW WHUV LQ WKH 0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ U\ +DWWHU·V  DQG .HQQHWK 6HOHFWHGWRWKH$OH[DQGHU In the statewide election commissioners race for the :LOOFR[ ZLWK 7RSFRXQFLO 6FKRRO %RDUG ZHUH 'DUF\ IRU JRYHUQRU 'RXJ %XUJXP primary election on June 14 FDQGLGDWHV 5LFKDUG 0RGLQH 'HODQH\ ZLWK  YRWHV7LP won the Republican election Would Like To Thank All Our were Gene Veeder with 1,121 and Terrille Jacobson each 1HOVRQZLWKDQG-HUHP\ with 59 percent of the vote votes, Richard Cayko with UHFHLYHGYRWHV +HHQZLWK:LQQLQJHOHFWLRQ FRPSDUHG WR :D\QH 6WHQH Sponsors, Participants & Volunteers! DQG'RXJODV1RUGE\ZLWK The top three candidates IRU 0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ 'LVWULFW KMHP·V  SHUFHQW %XUJXP·V YRWHV IRU:DWIRUG&LW\FRXQFLOZHUH  ZHUH 'DZQ 0DNL +HDWKHU UXQQLQJPDWHLV:DWIRUG&LW\ Awards Dinner Chip Shot Contest 7KRPDV0F&DEHÀQLVKHG .HQQ\ /LHEHO ZLWK  0DW :LVQHVV9LUJLQLD&H\QDUDQG 0D\RU%UHQW6DQIRUG Sponsors Sponsors IRXUWKZLWKYRWHV thew Beard with 243 and %UDGOH\6DQIRUG 0DUYLQ 1HOVRQ UDQ XQ Jason Rau and Jessica opposed for governor on the B&B Builders Doris Sundheim Elliott ,Q$OH[DQGHU·V PD\RU %HWKDQ\ 0XOGHU 'HYOLQ ZLWK UDFH-HII:KLWHKXUVWUHFHLYHG  &KDUOHV ´&KDVµ 1HII -U Cayko won election for the Yel 'HPRFUDWV·WLFNHW B&B Sales & Service Memorial Wood Group PSN Top Gun Floorz Mitchell’s Oilfield Service All Proceeds Benefit: Cart Sponsors B&B Builders B&B Sales & Service MAKE YOUR NEIGHBORS Corporate Cup Sponsors Ameriprise/ Corland Construction D&J Construction HAPPY! Faith Alliance Church Horizon Resources Sidney Assembly of God Interstate Steam Cleaning JOIN OUR CARRIER TEAM CHS Farmers Elevator John Stockhill Jewelers Energy Devices of Texas Johnson Hardware (EDI) Jones Construction Service Richland Pump & Supply Kevin Lake Stockman Bank Merchants Bank W&C Cundiff Farm Mickey Parent $ Eagle Sponsor Motion & Flow Control Big Sky Siding & Windows Products SIGNING Tee Box Sponsors Nalco Champion BONUS! B&B Sales & Service NAPA Auto Parts (Distributed over a 5 month periodperiod)dd) Big Dog Services Neu’s Super Valu 100 Beagle Properties Panini’s Pizzeria COLD WEATHER BONUS DURING THE WINTER Border Steel Powder Keg SCC Pro Shop PLUS MONTHS & PERIODIC RAISES! Hole Prize Sherrie’s Kids Sponsors Waterhole #3 A2Z Construction & Beverage/Snack Handyman Services Action Auto Sponsors CHS Farmers Elevator Blue Rock Products Cherrey’s Red Top Service M&C Beverage Crop Production Services Frito Lay Double Barrel Saloon CHS Farmers Elevator ElectricLand Thanks Also To Footers Sidney Country Club Gem City Motors The Fringe Head to Toe Salon The Roundup 111 West Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3306 • 1-800-749-3306 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 7A Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at (Paypal required for online purchases)

Add a photo /PX5BLJOH to your classy online! $SFEJU$BSET (additional charge) (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $t%FBEMJOF.POEBZOPPO HELP WANTED CARRIERS NEEDED right at the road. Hwy. 85, S. FOR RENT GAVILON NOW HIRING Need extra cash or want to get on 140th Ave.77 NW, 1/4 mile MOBILE HOME FOR RENT Grain Elevator Labor, some exercise while getting on right. 406-471-4049. 80 foot newer mobile home, Fairview, MT. Truck unloading paid? We have carrier routes 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large of product, rail car load out of available in most parts of FOR SALE attached mud room, no pets, product. Willingness to work Sidney. 406-433-3306 or fi ll out 2 bedroom, 1 bath home $1,000/month, $1,000/deposit. overnight hours and overtime application at The Roundup, on oversized lot, interior 406-489-1444. 111 W. Main, Sidney. remodeled in 2012, new as needed. Ability to climb SPACE FOR YOUR wiring, plumbing, furnace up to 100 feet. Work within Do you have news or photos you BUSINESS REAL ESTATE and central air, unfinished company safety guidelines. would like in The Roundup? Looking for space for your COMMERCIAL/RETAIL basement, $135,000. 406- Competitive salary and business? We have several PROPERTY FOR SALE OR 480-9827. benefi ts. We operate a drug retail/office space units free environment. To apply Richland ..... Meagan Dotson LEASE pick up an application at 13261 County 406-478-0517 5 ACRE COMMERCIAL County Road 354P, Fairview, LOTS FOR SALE MT 59221, 406-747-5236. Richland ..Bill Vander Weele Conveniently located between Gavilon is an equal opportunity Williston & Watford City, right employer. County 406-480-4488 off Hwy. 85. Graded recently. Perfect for a new shop or PT KITCHEN HELP McKenzie ...... Kathy Taylor business! Lots have rural The Eagles Club, Watford City, water, power, RTC & electric is looking for part time kitchen County 701-842-6188 help. Stop in 1 mi. south Hwy. 85S for an application. NOW SERVING SIDNEY! ¥ Admissions Receptionist ¥ Clinical Dietitian Only $17 A Week! ¥ Dining Services Cashier If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run Utility Worker it for 2 more weeks...... FREE! PickupPickup & DDrop-offsrop ofo fs in SidnSidneyey at ¥ Information Systems Technician 2007 KW Aero Cab ¥ Podiatry CNA or MA T600, C-15 cat 500HP, 13 speed, air lift, steerable Rocky Mtn. pusher, wet kit, 406-482-9011 Hay Grinding low mileage, good 1500 S Central Behind McDonalds condition Watford City Available At and Fencing Call: Meyer’s Department Store 701-444-2906 We have a Jones 7701-693-2833 200 N Main • Watford City, ND Mighty Giant hay $ grinder ready to 37,500 Alterations Are Available work. Has a 400 Welders Jeans ...... $9 horse cat to make Was $42,500 Welders Shirts ...... $6 easy work out of Starched Dress Shirts ... $455 most any hay. Starched Jeans ...... $850 2 hour min charge and Want to place an ad in 1129 2nd Avenue West hourly rate after that Williston, ND 58801 the Auto trader? 701-572-3734 (406) 223-6671 [email protected] • (406) 433-3306 for details Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 3pm MAKE YOUR NEIGHBORS HAPPY! JOIN OUR CARRIER TEAM $ SIGNING BONUS! (Distributed100 over a 5 month perioppeperiod)errioioodd) COLD WEATHER BONUS DURING THE WINTER PLUS MONTHS & PERIODIC RAISES!

111 West Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3306 • 1-800-749-3306 8A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 available in downtown Sidney. Trail, Tree Less, Bareback of Sidney. 406-488-4338. FOR SALE RECREATIONAL SERVICES Locations to choose from. Pads. Williston Saddlery, Hwy Hay for sale. Can deliver any R&L PAINTING MINERALS & VEHICLE All utilities pd., free wireless 2 West, 701-572-2267, ‘check amount. 701-677-5696. Will paint houses, barns, SUPPLEMENTS internet, cellphone booster, in- us on Facebook “Williston FOR SALE quonsets, silos, grain bins, Complete line of minerals & house restaurant. Yellowstone Saddlery”. VEHICLES FOR ‘12 SPORTSMAN 500 etc. References available. supplements, Crystalx protein Marketplace, Central Ave. & POLARIS R&L Painting, call 406-488- & mineral tubs for cattle, SALE 1100 miles, very good West Main, Sidney. Call Jody HAY FOR SALE FOR SALE 8244 or 406-480-4055. horses & sheep. All types condition, starts and runs like at 406-433-3306 or see him Alfalfa grass hay for sale, 1995 Buick Park Avenue, of liquid feed for livestock. new, green, comes with winch TABLES & CHAIRS FOR at the Roundup office, 111 small squares, this years 122,000 miles. Perfect interior. Calving supplies. R&J Ag (factory mounted) and ramp, RENT W. Main. cutting. 406-478-0154 or 406- Great shape, $4,000 or best Supply 406-488-1953, 406- evenings, 406-978-3013. Parties, weddings, get 489-3244. offer. 406-488-8736, Sidney. FARM & RANCH 480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, togethers. Ultimate Showdown FOR SALE HORSE OWNERS HORSE OWNERS Sidney, MT. FOR SALE Assoc. located at Hefty Seed ‘11 Ford F-150 Ecoboost Saddles-New & Used. Barrel Full line of riding supplies, ‘03 Volkswagen Golf Co. South of Sidney, has VERMEER HAYING with FX4 pkg. Black, leather Race, Ranch Work, Team Team Roping Ropes, Fly 2003, 4 dr., Volkswagen Golf, tables & chairs for rent. Will EQUIPMENT interior, 55,000 miles, good Rope, Lil Cow Poke, Flex Tree Sprays, Fly Sheets, Saddle very good condition, 87,000 deliver. Call 406-488-4338. See us today for all your haying condition. Asking $27,000. Pads, Lots of Bits. Williston miles, good tires, starts and Saddlery, Hwy 2 West, 701- & feeding equipment, sweeps 406-480-5057. WINDSHIELDS & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer runs like new, evenings, 406- GARAGE SALE FOR MOST MAKES & MODELS 572-2267 MOVING SALE Sales & Service. Open Mon.- 978-3013. Friday, June 24: 5-8 p.m. and Installation Available SIDNEY FEEDS Fri., 8 a.m-5:30 p.m. 701-828- $100 Saturday, June 25, 8 a.m. - 5 Sweet Pro Premium feed 3358 or 701-828-3482 (after MAGRUM MOTORS p.m., 1587 13th Ave. SW, supplements for cattle & hrs.). Alexander. Sidney Williston, ND • 701-572-0114 horses, Hefty Seed Co., south Turn In Your Favorite Fishing Story And Get A LARGE SELECTION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WANTED OF USED TIRES The MonDak Heritage Center, Sidney, MT, is seeking a highly motivated, creative person to serve as Executive Director with general responsibilities that include developing and MAGRUM MOTORS managing performing arts, educational, historical, cultural and art programming; public Williston, ND • 701-572-0114 relations; managing collections and the facility; administering finances; fundraising; and developing and directing a team of staff and volunteers. BUYING CATALYTIC The position requires a four year college degree and two years of relevant experience or at least five years of commensurate relevant experience. Excellent competitive salary and CONVERTERS benefit package. Reports to: Board Of Directors and Richland County Commissioners For complete details and application instructions contact [email protected] or MAGRUM MOTORS visit Williston, ND • 701-572-0114 Application screening will FREE Rod/Reel Combo begin July 1, 2016 Submit your favorite fishing story and photos to The Roundup...and if Richland County is an Equal Opportunity Employer we publish them, you will receive a free rod/reel combo! 120 3rd Ave SE • Sidney, MT 59270

STORAGE Early UNITS AVAILABLE 20X20 • 10X20 Classifieds Deadlines 10X16 • 8X9 Sidney, MT Reaching over 1, Households in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana Every Week 482-3799 or 482-2666 (Please Print) For The July 6 Issue

1 2 3 4 5 6 Of The Roundup Are: Check us out weekly with...with...with... 7 8 9 10 11 12 Display Advertising .....10am Thurs, June 30 News ...... 5pm Thurs, June 30 13 14 15 16 17 18 Classified Advertising ...... 10am Fri, July 1

19 20 21 22 23 24 Have A Safe & Happy 4th of July! Monthly with...

25 26 27 28 29 30 $9.

31 $9. 32 $9. 339.9. 359. 369. (etc.) $9. for 30 words or less; 10¢ per additional word Payment Must Accompany Ad Or taktakOr e advantage of 111 W. Main, Sidney | 406-433-3306 all our publications Number of words x Number of Times = Cost $ evereverevery day Mail To: The Roundup Name PO Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270

BIG SKY Surveying, PC. Joseph L. Kauffman, 12211 PLS N • Subdivisions • Construction Surveying • Land Use Consulting • Environmental Consulting WE • Topographic Survey • F.E.M.A. Flood Plain • Family Transfers Mapping • Boundary Adjustments S PO Box 170 • Sidney, MT 59270 | 406-488-9452 • 406-250-9452 | 215 S Cental Ave • Sidney, MT 205 2nd Ave NE

Customer Service is Our #1 Priority For all your Farm/Ranch, Alan Farm & Ranch Products & Recreational, Residential, Seigfreid Amanda Construction Materials. New and Commercial needs. Seigfreid Steel, Auminum & Stainless.

Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. ¥ Sidney Mt. 59270 Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Broker/Owners (O) 406-433-3010 ¥ (C) 406-489-3010 Sidney Glendive Williston Plentywood email: [email protected] 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 13896 W. Front St. Hwy 16 East Website: 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-800-820-5493 406-765-2624 1-855-810-2995 WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM

Martini Steel & Seamless Rain Handling Serving The Region For 50 Years! • Seamless Rain Gutters Office: 406-433-6757 • Siding & Roofing Fax: 406-433-6755 • Soffit & Fascia Mon-Fri: am - 6pm Closed: Sat & Sun • Maintenance-Free Decks 2221 S. Central Avenue Office: 406-798-3828 • Tom: 406-480-9078 • Dan: 406-291-0437 Sidney, MT 59270

Cody Fulton Irrigation Design Well Drilling & Well Service Manager Agricultural Engineer Water Professionals • Underground Contractors Toll Free: 1-877-488-8066 Office: 1-406-488-8066 Cell: 1-701-770-5110 Fax: 1-406-488-8067 [email protected]

1775 S CENTRAL AVE • SIDNEY, MT 59270 | WWW.AGRIINDUSTRIES.COM ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 9A Book Signing Planned For New Sidney Publication The MonDak Heritage Center will host a book release and signing for “Sidney: Imag- es of America” on Friday, July 29. The event will take place from 6-7 p.m., and copies of the book will be on sale. The authors will also be on hand to sign copies of the books. In 2014, former MonDak Heritage Center executive director Kim Simmonds was contacted by Arcadia Pub- lishing about writing a pictorial history of Sidney, Montana. Working with Leann Pelvit, who scanned the photographs for the book, Simmonds re- searched the area and wrote and to meet the authors. Re- about the history of Sidney. freshments will be served. The book was turned in to the Admission to the “Sidney” publisher in the fall of 2015. book release and signing ´6LGQH\µ ZLOO RIÀFLDOO\ JR RQ is free and no reservations sale to the public on July 25, are necessary. The MonDak 2016 for online orders, and on Heritage Center is located at sale at the MonDak Heritage 120 3rd Avenue SE in Sidney. Center on Friday, July 26. If you have any questions, Please join us at the Mon- please call the museum at Dak Heritage Center on July 406-433-3500 or email us at 29 for the release of “Sidney” [email protected]. Gilbert Turns In Resignation Letter For City Council Spot Debra Gilbert has submit- ed committees and associated ted her resignation as coun- boards effective immediately. I cilwoman for Ward II of the would like to thank the citizens Sidney City Council. of Ward II for their support *LOEHUW·V OHWWHU WR 6LGQH\ these past 15 years.” Mayor Rick Norby and other The letter was dated June council members read, “After *LOEHUW·VFXUUHQWWHUPZDV much consideration, I have to end at the end of 2017. The decided to resign my position council has the responsibility of councilwoman for Ward II of appointing a new council along with any and all appoint- member. AFTER HARVEST SPRINGINSPECTION SERVICE SPECIALS SPECIALS INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY AND SAVE COSTLY DOWN TIME! Don’t put your machines away until they have been inspected and repaired by $325 In-Shop Round Baler Inspection

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** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid $465 y -

*Offer ends July 1, 2016 and is subject to approved credit on a multi-use account, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. For Agricultural or Commercial use only. Minimum purchase required. After the promotional period, interest charges will begin to accrue at the regular multi-use account rate. See dealership for complete details. HWY 200 EAST 804 EAST 1ST AVENUE 21 W. 2ND STREET 54275 HWY 2 EAST CIRCLE, MT 59215 PLENTYWOOD, MT 59254 CULBERTSON, MT 59218 GLASGOW, MT 59230 406-485-2145 406-765-1531 406-787-6201 406-228-2496 10A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 Pats Win Games On Road The Richland County Pa- only run on a RBI by Holcomb. and Halvorson. Parker Dean triots won three of eight games The Patriots were out- VFRUHGWKHWHDP·VORQHUXQ during a swing around the scored by Laurel, 14-6, in the /DXUHO·V'DZVRQ&RUWHVH Billings area last week. ÀUVW JDPH RQ -XQH 7KH struck out six batters, allowed The Patriots fell short Dodgers broke away from a two hits and no earned runs in LQ WKH ÀUVW JDPH DJDLQVW WKH  JDPH ZLWK IRXU UXQV LQ the victory. Billings Blue Jays on June 14 the bottom of the sixth inning. The Patriots got back on by an 11-6 margin. The Blue Having two hits each for the winning track by beating Jays outscored Richland by an the Patriots were Taylor Searer Colstrip, 21-6, on June 16. The 8-1 margin during the opening and Halvorson. Cody Voss Pats exploded for 10 runs in four innings. scored two runs. Halvorson the top of the second en route Trustin Holcomb led the ÀQLVKHGZLWKWKUHH5%,V to the victory. Patriots with two hits. Kory In the second game, the Norby and Braxten Lar- Halvorson accounted for three Patriots dropped a 2-1 contest son led Richland with three RBIs. against Laurel. The Dodgers hits each. Halvorson and Jar- The Patriots dropped the went ahead with a run in the ed Jurgens each added two VHFRQGJDPHE\DÀQDO bottom of the sixth. hits. Traveling Softball Team as Billings jumped out to an 5LFKODQG·V$GDP :HQW] 1RUE\ ÀQLVKHG ZLWK ÀYH OHDGLQWKHÀUVWWZRLQQLQJV allowed five hits and one RBIs. Halvorson and Larson Members of the Sidney Storm are, front from left, Brooke Morrill, Hailey Christensen, Han- Brett Norby hit a double earned run in the game. accounted for three RBIs QDK8UDQ5LOH\7KLHVVHQ6RÀD3HWHUVDQG6HUHQLW\.XQW]EDFN7ULQLW\'LD]=RH0RUULOO and single for the Patriots. 7KH 3DWULRWV· WZR KLWV each. Hadley Garsjo, Jaylen Baxter, Jenna Baxter, Maddie Peters and Malia Crosby. +DOYRUVRQ VFRUHG WKH WHDP·V came from Hunter Severson Searer scored four times for the Pats. Scoring three times each were Holcomb, -XUJHQVDQG:HQW] +ROFRPESLWFKHGÀYHLQ- MURPHY MOTORS nings for the Patriots. He allowed seven hits. We have them - Sports Cars, Sun, Fun, & Excitement In the second game against Colstrip, the Pats WDOOLHG HLJKW UXQV LQ WKH ÀUVW HAPPY FATHERS DAY three innings and won by a ÀQDO Leading the squad with two hits each were Searer DQG'HDQ6HDUHUÀQLVKHGZLWK three RBIs. 'HDQ DQG :HQW] HDFK 2011 Chevy 2015 Chrysler 200 2011 Chevy 2008 Yamaha scored twice for the Patriots. Halvorson pitched four 1500 LTZ Crew Sedan LMT C LT Blue Equinox AWD V Star 650 innings for the win. He allowed 5.3V8, A To D, A/c, PW, PL, Tilt, SC, Am/Fm/Xm/Cd 2.4L, AT, A/c, Tilt, SC, PW, PL, Am/Fm/Cd LTZ, 3.0V6, A To D, Sunroff, Tow Pkg, Am/Fm/Xm/Cd, PW, Bags, windshield, sissy bar, custom seat and backrests. AL Wheels Sunroof Victory Red / Ebony Lthr, 71,396 miles 37,827 miles PL, P. Seat A/c, Tilt, SC, Chrome Pkg, 61,813 miles Only 4800 miles. VL[KLWVDQGIDQQHGÀYHEDWWHUV The pitching of Bridger NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY Coffman led the Patriots over $ $ $ $ the Billings Cardinals by a 4-0 29,995 15,995 18,699 3,995 ÀQDORQ)ULGD\ Coffman struck out 10 G7548B U7700A G7686A K7229F batters and allowed just four hits for the victory. 2012 Dodge Ram 2013 Chevy 2014 Scion The Patriots scored three 3500 Mega Cab Impala LTZ XB Wagon of their runs in the second 77,655 miles 3.6 V6, A To D, A/c, Tilt, SC 2.4 - 4 cyl, AT, A/c, SC, Tilt inning. PW, PL, P. Seats, Am/Fm/Xm/Cd PW, PL, Am, A/c, SC, Tilt P.Sunroof, splitter silver / Ebony PW, PL, Am/Fm/Cd White / Ebony Leading the Pats were NOW ONLY Lthr 39,044 miles Cloth 16,862 miles Searer and Halvorson with NOW ONLY $ NOW ONLY three hits each. Dean added 43,714 $15,325 $15,595 two hits. Halvorson led the way CUMMINS with two RBIs. Dean scored U7236B U7698B C7202A two runs. The Patriots then fell to 2012 Ford 2014 Chevy 2005 Chevy the Cardinals by a 2-1 margin. Billings scored twice in the bot- F350 Corvette Suburban LT tom of the sixth for the victory. 77,989 miles Stingray coupe, smoke roof 5.3 V8, A To D, PW, PL, P. Seat, Tilt, spoiler 3LT PKG 6,941 miles SC Am/Fm/Cd, P sunroof captains, Halvorson accounted for DVD 105,363 miles WZRRI5LFKODQG·VIRXUKLWV NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY The Patriots will host the $36,225 $54,995 $11,995 Billings Blue Jays for games DIESEL VWDUWLQJDWSP:HGQHVGD\ C7359A G7643C G7584B 2009 Buick 2015 Chevy 2007 Chevy Guest Speaker Enclave CXL AWD Spark LT Corvette 36 V6, AWD, PW, PL, Tilt, A/c, SC Am/Fm/ Save 1.2L, CVT, A To D, A/c, Tilt 14,141 miles Impressed With Xm/Cd P. Seats, HTD xxxxx Al wheels Xx Gas PW, PL, SC Am/Fm/Cd Crimson / Ebony Lthr 109,656 miles 31,976 miles Community NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY $15,425 $10,995 $ I am hesitant to individual- 31,995 ly thank the people that I and U7713A Lime Green B7581B or U7714A Bright Red C7176B my family met this Memorial Day. I am horrible with remem- bering names of people that I 2015 GMC 2007 GMC 2500 2015 Chevy Malibu have just met, so please for- Yukon XL Denali Classic Ext Cab 2LT Sedan give me for not thanking each 6.2L V8, A To D, A/c, PW, PL, Tilt, SC, 6.0 V8, A To D, A/c, PW, PL, Tilt 2.514, AT, A/c, Tilt, SC, PW, PL individual person because I P. Seats, HTD/cooled seats, Nav, DVD, SC, Am/Fm/Cd, Xxxx Am/Fm/Xm/Cd Goldmist/Ebony PSRF Onyx Blk / Ebony 17,584 miles AL Wheels, White / Pewter 31,292 miles know I would forget someone. 97,126 miles NOW ONLY NOW ONLY )XUWKHUPRUH , ZLVK WR NOW ONLY extend my deep appreciation $ $ $ 61,995 16,995 17,995 WRWKH6LGQH\9):3RVWDQG U7712A-Gold or $X[LOLDU\IRULQYLWLQJPH K7523A G7634B U7711A-Silver to be the guest speaker at the 2016 Memorial Day ceremony. 2009 Cadillac 2015 GMC 2013 Honda I am humbled by the gracious- ness and kindness of the Post/ Escalade EXT Terrain AWD SLT-2 Pilot EX-L $X[LOLDU\ PHPEHUV H[WHQGHG 6.2 V8, A To D, A/c, Pw, 3.6V6, A To D, A/C, Pw, Pl, P. Seat V6, A To D, A/c, Tilt, SC Pl, Tilt, Sc, Am/Fm/Xm/CD, AWD, Htd seat, Tilt, SC, P. Sunroof PW, PL, Am/Fm/Xm/Cd, P. Sunroof to our family. Champagne / TAN Lthr Chrome Wheels Silver / Ebony Gray Mat / Gray Lthr Htd Seats 80,381 miles Lthr 19,583 miles 55,180 miles To the young man that NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY ZDVRXUZDLWHUDWWKH3L]]D+XW $ $ $ on Sunday evening (around 6 27,995 30,995 26,985 p.m.) thank you for your kind- G7035A U7657A C7244C ness and attention to detail WRHQVXUHWKDWWKHH[WUDSL]]D was not left behind. 2015 Chevy 2016 Chevy 2016 Jeep 7KH%HVW:HVWHUQ*ROGHQ Cruze LT Impala LTD - LT Compass AWD Prairie Inn had a clean com- 1.4L, AT, A/c, Tilt, SC 3.6 V6, A To D, A/c, Tilt, SC, PW, Sport, 2.4L 4 cyl, AT, A/c, fortable room with a delicious PW, PL, Am/Fm/Xm/Cd PL, P. Seat, Am/Fm/Xm/Cd, Al wl, Tilt SC Am/Fm/Cd Goldmist / Ebony Onyx Black / EB Cloth DK Blue / EBony Cloth breakfast on Monday morning. 31,628 miles 23,146 miles 16,100 miles )LQDOO\WR WKH PHPEHUV NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY $ $ $ RIWKH6LGQH\$UHD&KDPEHU 15,995 18,995 19,995 RI &RPPHUFH $JULFXOWXUH thank you for the gift of the U7710A U7697A U7701A :HVWHUQ6WUDZ+DW7KDWZDV SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! the proverbial Cherry on top of WKH6XQGDH $IWHU WKH FHUHPRQ\P\ family received a personal tour RIWKH)ODJVRI+RQRUSURJUDP It was touching to see all of the Pat Murphy Wayne Rodvold Rick Moe Kelly Blomberg Anthony Thompson Colt Treffry Dusty Falcon Dealer General Manager Sales Manager Fleet Manager Business Manager Social Media Consultant Credit Dr ÁDJV DQG WKHQ VHHLQJ VRPH names of the veterans that I have helped reinforced the love I have for my job. Greg Bowles Thomas Tim Sorensen Lori Cori Fenske On behalf of my spouse Sales Graham Sales Christopherson Sales Sales Sales Jimmy Ramirez Dawn and our daughter Jor- Sales dyn, please accept our heart- Se Habla Español felt gratitude for the kindness XNLV275813 and graciousness extended BAD CREDIT APPLY to us this past Sunday and SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS Memorial Day. NO CREDIT NOW! It was an honor to be 29 DVNHG WR VSHDN DW \RXU ÀQH Call Dusty Falcon Today YEARS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! program. NO PROBLEM 1987-2016 :H KRSH WR UHWXUQ QH[W year to watch the parade. 1801 2nd Ave. W. Williston, ND CALL 1-800-888-2927 or 701-577-2927 • Hours: MON.-FRI. 8am to 6pm; SAT. 9am-5pm 5HVSHFWIXOO\ .HLWK'2OVRQ 9HWHUDQ6HUYLFH2IÀFHU,, ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 11A

Presale: PRESALE TICKET PRICES AVAILABLE BEGINNING MAY 18 General: $45 In Concert Reserved: $50 Sat, Aug 6th • 7:30 pm During Fair Package Deal $68: 1 Concert Week: PRCA Rodeo (If Available) Brookman Rodeo LLC Ticket, 1 Admission Button, 1 Thurs General: $50 Thurs & Fri, August 4th & 5th Rodeo Ticket & 1 Fri Rodeo Ticket Reserved: $55 Richland County 7:30pm each night Freckle Farm Wear red, white or blue to the Thursday Rodeo for “Military Appreciation Night!” Petting Zoo With Special Guest Wear pink to the Friday Rodeo for “Tough Fair & Rodeo Logan Mize Free Activities! • Freckle Farm Petting Zoo & Turkey Enough to Wear Pink Night!” “Where The Road Ends & • Agriculture & 4-H Exhibits Races • Commercial Exhibits • Pippi The Clown Carnival The Fun Begins” • School Exhibits • Double Vision: Twin Magic & P O P August 3-6, 2016 • North Star Amusements Carnival ay ne rice Chris Young Comedy Passes $20 PO Box 1026 • Sidney, MT • Party Rock Project; Wed Night • John Dunnigan: Musician, 406-433-2801 (Aug 3) at the Grandstand Songwriter & Entertainer Friday, August 5th Gorders Win National Award Shane and Lisa Gorder have earned national praise as the Richland County couple received the Friend of AAU award from the National AAU Wrestling Committee during the Disney Duals in Orlando, Fla. ´,W·V QLFH WR EH DFNQRZO- edged when you put in a lot of time,” Lisa said of receiving the national honor. Shane served as the Mon- tana Greco wrestling chairman in 2008 and the Montana State Wrestling chairman VLQFH/LVDKDVEHHQWKH secretary for Montana State Wrestling since 2008. ´:H·YH ZRUNHG WRJHWKHU IRU$$8ZUHVWOLQJLQERWK0RQ- tana and nationals,” Lisa said. Shane has coached the /LVDDQG6KDQH*RUGHUZLWKWKHDZDUG All-American Honors Sidney Middle School wres- tling team since 1990 and ´,WZDVQ·WH[SHFWHGµ/LVD $$8FRQYHQWLRQLQ7H[DVWKLV 6LGQH\·V&KULVWLDQ'HDQWXUQVKLVRSSRQHQWDWWKH'LVQH\'XDOVLQ)ORULGD'HDQEURXJKW ORFDO$$8ZUHVWOHUVIRUDERXW VDLGRIWKHDZDUG´:HGRQ·W fall. KRPHDVLOYHUPHGDO 6XEPLWWHG.DUL-RQHV 15 years. H[SHFW WR EH DFNQRZOHGJHG Shane will serve as one ´,W·V D JUHDW IDPLO\ DF- ZHMXVWHQMR\EHLQJLQYROYHGµ of the coaches for the Mon- tivity,” Lisa said of wrestling. The Gorders have attend- tana team during a cultural ´(YHQ RXU JLUOV KDYH EHHQ ed two national AAU conven- H[FKDQJH WULS WR *HUPDQ\ active as managers.” tions and two national AAU this summer. Brady Gorder Locally, Lisa is the trea- wrestling conventions. They is one of the 15 wrestlers on surer for the Sidney AAU plan on attending the national the squad. wrestling while Shane is a ERDUGPHPEHU Wrestlers USED Place In EQUIPMENT SALE! Florida Skid Steers • Wheel Loaders 6LGQH\·V &KULVWLDQ 'HDQ Backhoes • Light Towers • Pumps DQG *OHQGLYH·V7UDYLV .LQQ each wrestled to 13-1 records Scissorlifts • Boomlifts • Forklifts and earned silver medals at WKH 'LVQH\ 'XDOV ODVW ZHHN Portable Generators (3kW-125kW) Dylan Vies of Billings won a JROGPHGDOZLWKDPDUN ALL UNITS AT 6LGQH\·V$YHU\ *XUQH\ HDUQHG D EURQ]H PHGDO DQG 6LGQH\·V %UDG\ *RUGHU UH- SPECIAL PRICING! 0HGDOLVW ceived a copper medal. WARRANTY & FINANCING AVAILABLE. Team Montana placed %UDG\*RUGHURQKLVZD\WRWDNHDWDNHGRZQDQGDFRSSHUPHGDODWWKH'LVQH\'XDOVLQ ÀIWK LQ WKH EURQ]H SRRO ZLWK )ORULGD 6XEPLWWHG.DUL-RQHV a 6-8 record. Team Montana defeated squads from North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, Iowa and Florida. Also on Team Montana ZHUH .DLGHQ .OLQH .DGH Ken Jacquot, Territory Sales Manager Graves, Everett Jensen, Jace 701-339-0616 • [email protected] Winter, Jace Johnson, Jett 5083 Bennett Industrial Drive • Williston, ND -RQHV .HHODQ *HLVHU DQG Larren Foust. Air Conditioning Check )LUVW$W7RXUQH\ Climate Control 6RPHRIWKH6LGQH\(DJOHEDVNHWEDOOSOD\HUVDWWHQGHGWKH%ODFN+LOOV6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ $LUFRQGLWLRQLQJWKDWGRHVQ·WFRRO5HVW $ 95** EDVNHWEDOOWRXUQDPHQWGXULQJWKHZHHNHQGDQGEHFDPHWKH*ROG'LYLVLRQFKDPSLRQV DVVXUHGRXU*0&HUWLÀHG6SHFLDOLVWVDUH 3OD\HUV DUH IURP OHIW &RQQRU /DUVRQ -RKQ %H\HU &RRSHU 0F*ORWKOLQ 7UR\ 0RQVHQ HTXLSSHGWRFKHFNIRUOHDNVDQGDUHVSHFLDOO\ 69 'DZVRQ0F*ORWKOLQ%ULGJHU/DUVRQDQG-DUHG6WHLQEHLVVHU 6XEPLWWHG.DWK\-RKQVRQ WUDLQHGWRUHSDLUWRGD\·VDXWRPRWLYHDLU Includes diagnostics of freon leaks FRQGLWLRQLQJ ** Most vehicles. 6WRSE\WRGD\IRUDQLQVSHFWLRQ2ULI\RXU$& Nobody likes a hot car. NW RICHLAND COUNTY FRONTAGE LVRQWKHIULW]ZH·OOPDNHWKLQJVFRRODJDLQ Call for an appointment. +/- 2 miles of Missouri River Frontage, +/- 455 acres total, +/- 221 Irrigated cropland. This property has it $1,500,000 all, river frontage, fertile cropland and natural timber full of wildlife. + Oil Change Everyday Low Price RICHLAND COUNTY FARM Includes: Located along Highway 201, +/- 30 miles from Sidney, +/- 12 miles from Lambert, +/- 592 total acres, +/- 437 • Labor • Oil Filter $ 95* tillable acres, +/- 155 grazing acres. Tillable acres are in CRP which expires in 2021. +$650,000 • Up to 8 Quarts of House 39 Brand Oil • Windshield GARFIELD COUNTY, MT Washer Fluid Top-off +/- 80 acres. Borders BLM and near CMR Wildlife Refuge, Brusett Road runs through the property. Power and • All Makes & Models telephone runs through the property. Approximately 53 miles from Jordan, 31 miles from Brusett, and 11 miles from the Devil’s Creek Turnoff. +$80,000 *SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OIL CHANGE SPECIAL EXCLUDES DIESEL ENGINES 2016 GMC PROPERTY WITH LOG HOME SIERRA 1500 SLT +/- 514 Acres, +/- 27 miles from Miles City and +/- 10 miles from Kinsey, +/- 3/4 miles of Yellowstone River STK# 184310 SALE PRICE ...... Frontage, +/- 2185 sq ft log home, 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, 30’ x 60’ Heated shop with 16’ x 27’ addition, MSRP ...... $52,760 * $1,200,000 % $44,845 30’ x 96’ Steel building. + 15OFF MSRP

For more information or to make a physical inspection of the property contact: Russell Pederson, Broker - 406-939-2501 Jason Dunham, Agent - 406-366-5588 Land Brokers Co.

The information provide herein was gathered from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed by the Sellers or their agents. Prospective Buyers should verify all information and inspect the property to their full satisfaction before making any offers to purchase said property 703 S. CENTRAL • SIDNEY, MT | WWW.GEMCITYMOTORS.COM | 406-433-3120 12A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016

Gear Up for the pbr bull blowout! Cruel, Cowgirl Tuff, Cinch, Tony Stop Into Our Sidney Store Or See Our Merchandise Trailer At The Fairgrounds Lama, Ariat & More of Your Favorite Brands!

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ONEOK, one of the nation’s premier midstream energy companies, is hiring and looking for candidates to fill a wide range of open positions. NIEHENKE LEBSOCK WELDING We have a history of serving producers, and with our current growth, we WELDING continue to be committed to the Williston Basin. We are here for the long 312 N Central Ave OR 501 N Interstate Ave haul, and we want to make a difference to those who live and work here. Sidney, MT 59270 Fairview, MT 59221 ONEOK provides an outstanding total compensation and benefits package including: Place your order with Todd or Kyle • $1,500 Monthly Williston Basin Allowance • Competitive Salary (up to 6% matching 401(k), Incentive at FES Culbertson 406-787-6201 Awards, Profit Sharing and Employee Stock Purchase Program) Scheduled Deliveries will be every • Health/Life Insurance and Wellness Benefits, including virtual doctor services Monday & Thursday at 1:30 p.m. • Comprehensive time-off package, which includes vacation (minimum 3 weeks), family care and additional sickness benefits Check our Website: • Relocation Assistance • Professional Development

Visit today to view all open positions and find out how to fuel your future at ONEOK. The ONE in Energy. For all of your new and used equipment needs, contact one of our experienced Sales Professionals Today! In Glasgow see Mike, Wade, Coel or Alex In Plentywood see Jake 54272 Hwy 2 East Glasgow, MT 59230 804 East 1st Ave., Plentywood, MT 59254 406-228-2496 406-765-1531 In Culbertson see Mike or Luke In Circle see Ole, Mike or Don 21 West 2nd St., Culbertson, MT 59218 Hwy 200 East Circle, MT 59215 406-787-6201 406-485-2145 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 1B MSU Field Day Set For June 30

By Bill Vander Weele FRYHUFHUHDOVVXFKDVVSULQJ Dr. Chengci Chen, super- wheat, barley and durum intendent at the MSU Eastern wheat. Agricultural Research Center Dr. Luther Talbert will in Sidney, is looking forward speak about spring wheat WRKLVVHFRQGÀHOGGD\DWWKH EUHHGLQJDQGQHZYDULHWLHV location. /L](OPRUHRI068·V'H- One large change is that partment of Plant Sciences WKHDQQXDOÀHOGGD\DFWLYLWLHV and Plant Pathology will dis- will take place on June 30. cuss barley breeding as well 7UDGLWLRQDOO\WKHÀHOGGD\KDV DVQHZYDULHWLHV been held in the middle of July. Duane Peters, agriculture Chen explains the change manager at Sidney Sugars, came about so that the state ZLOO SURYLGH D SUHVHQWDWLRQ DGYLVRU\FRXQFLOIRUWKH0RQ- UHJDUGLQJVXJDUEHHWYDULHWLHV tana Agricultural Experiment Chen and Reza Kes- Station could hold a meeting KDYDU] ZLOO RIIHU LQIRUPDWLRQ in Sidney on the same date. about sugar beet tillage and Field day will begin with FRYHUDFURSVWXG\ coffee and doughnuts along In addition, Maninder with registration at 9 a.m. in :DOLD ZLOO UHYLHZ LQIRUPDWLRQ the MSU Eastern Agricultural about a sugar beet spent lime 5HVHDUFK&HQWHU·VSDUNLQJORW study. Another presentation Tours are scheduled to start at ZLOOLQYROYH

By Bill Vander Weele crops at the Sidney station. 7KH ÀHOG GD\ SURJUDPV “We obtained fairly good re- Cover Weed Concerns held in Froid on June 23 and sults in 2014. Most other lo- By Tim Fine WURO RSWLRQV DQG SUHYHQWLRQ in Sidney on June 24 will fea- cations had three good years Extension Agent PHDVXUHVLILWLVQ·WSUHVHQWLQ WXUHVHYHUDOSUHVHQWDWLRQVE\ of data.” When I worked for the \RXUÀHOGV Dr. Brett Allen, agronomist at Allen noted different oil- ([WHQVLRQVHUYLFHLQ2KLRWKH ,KDYHQRWDVRI\HWEHHQ USDA-ARS in Sidney. seeds fare well in one location UHVSRQVLELOLWLHVRIP\MREYHU\ able to assess exactly how The Froid Research Farm but not in others, primarily much like they are here, were much of an issue horseweed Field Day is 1-5 p.m. June 23 due to differences in climate focused primarily on education is in Richland County let alone eight miles north of Culbertson and soils. “Some do well in related to agriculture and hor- horseweed that is resistant to on Montana Highway 16. Reg- Sidney, but not in Texas and ticulture production. herbicides. istration starts at 12:45 p.m. YLFHYHUVDµ Back there, more than 90 My hope at each of these The Sidney ARS/MSU $OOHQ·VUHSRUWZLOOLQFOXGH SHUFHQW ,·PJXHVVLQJ RIWKH HYHQWVLVWROHDUQDVPXFKDV EARC Dryland Field Day is seed yield, seed oil concentra- agriculture cropping system RUPD\EHHYHQPRUHWKDQ , June 24 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 WLRQDQGRLO\LHOGRIWKHYDULRXV consisted of a corn and soy- HGXFDWH,ZLOOKDYHVDPSOHV p.m. Site is at the MSU-EARC oilseeds. bean roation with occasionally RIWKHZHHGDYDLODEOHIRULGHQ- farmsite located 4.4 miles Dr. Jay Jabro, soil phys- some winter wheat thrown into WLÀFDWLRQEXWLI\RXDUHDOUHDG\ north of Sidney off Highway icist, will discuss the impor- the mix. familiar with the pest, I would 16. tance of understanding water When I got here and saw OLNHWRYLVLWZLWK\RXWRVHHKRZ The farm turnoff is on the XVHDQGZDWHUSURGXFWLYLW\IRU KRZ PXFK PRUH GLYHUVLILHG much of a problem it is and right-hand side (east) across the study. our cropping systems are, what management practices from the Hi Line Trucking ´,W·VEHHQDYHU\LQWHUHVW- I was hoping that we would KDYH EHHQ VXFFHVVIXO DQG building. ing project,” Allen said. DYRLG VRPH RI WKH SUREOHPV what has not. $OOHQ·V SUHVHQWDWLRQV LQ Another presentation by experienced by producers to My suspicion is that we Froid and Sidney will deal with Allen will discuss a longterm our East. KDYH PXOWLSOH UHVLVWDQFH EXW warm season legumes in a FURSURWDWLRQVWXG\ZLWKGLYHU- Last summer, one of WKDWKDV\HWWREHFRQÀUPHG those problems that I was I hope to take some more demonstration plot. 'U%UHWW$OOHQLVORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRVSHDNLQJDWÀHOGGD\ sified cereals, pulses, and “Each year, we try to in- events in Froid and Sidney. oilseeds. KRSLQJWRDYRLGUHDUHGLWVXJO\ samples yet this summer clude demonstration plots that Allen said the study in- head, glyphosate resistant and send them to be tested address a topic of interest that He said faba bean per- Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Col- cludes planting spring wheat, horseweed (marestail). for resistance to other herbi- LVQ·W QHFHVVDULO\ LQFOXGHG LQ forms better in this climate RUDGRDVZHOODVWKH8QLYHUVLW\ winter wheat or barley in one, I spoke about this topic at cides so that we will know for our current research program,” than mung bean. “Soybean RI ,GDKR KDYH EHHQ LQYROYHG two or four year rotations with Ag Days in March and the folks VXUHZKHWKHURUQRWZHKDYH Allen explained. has been doing all right,” Allen with the four-year project. pea and canola or camelina. at the ARS and the EARC both horseweed that is resistant He noted four warm sea- added. 7KHVWXG\LQYROYHVORRN- The idea is to determine thought it was an important to more herbicides than just son legumes are currently In Sidney, Allen will also ing at cool-season oilseeds WKH SRWHQWLDO RI DOWHUQDWLYH enough issue that it should be glyphosate. being showcased: faba bean, spotlight a national oilseeds (six winter and 12 spring small grains such as winter mentioned again. Hopefully you already cowpea, mung bean and soy- SURMHFW WKDW DLPV WR SURYLGH types) for their potential to wheat and two-row malt bar- So, at both the ARS Froid KDYHDWOHDVWRQHRIWKHVHÀHOG bean. hydrotreated renewable feed- produce reliable supplies of ley in spring wheat-based ÀHOGGD\RQ-XQHDQGWKH days on your calendar. And “Producers will be able to stocks for jetfuel. Allen said hydro-treated renewable jet rotations. Rasmussen Field Day on June ZK\ZRXOGQ·W\RXZDQWWRJR see how these four grow and WKH861DY\KDVEHHQRQH fuel. ´7KHRYHUDOOJRDOLVWRGL- 24 and then again at the EARC to all three. In addition to the what they look like,” Allen said. of the primary promoters of ´:H VXIIHUHG VLJQLÀFDQW YHUVLI\RXUVSULQJZKHDWGRP- ÀHOGGD\RQ-XQH,ZLOOEH knowledge that will be impart- ´7KH\DUHGHÀQLWHO\DGLIIHUHQW the project. hail damage in 2013 and 2015 LQDWHG URWDWLRQV WR LPSURYH presenting information about ed, there is food at all of them sight than crops typically seen ARS researchers in Sid- precluding the collection of yield, weed control and system this weed and some tips in DQGWKHPXFKFRYHWHGSULYDWH in the MonDak.” ney, Texas, Oregon, North yield data,” Allen said of the SURGXFWLYLW\µ$OOHQVDLG UHJDUGVWRLGHQWLÀFDWLRQFRQ- pesticide applicator credits. We’re Proud To Be Part Of MonDak Area Ag Research! Be sure to attend the Eastern Ag Research Center Field Day June 30th Richland Federal Public Hearings Concerning The Intake Diversion Project Are Scheduled For: Tuesday, June 28, 5:30pm Credit Union has been ...... Richland County Event Center, Sidney Wednesday, June 29, 5:30pm serving area farmers ...... Dawson County High School, Glendive Thursday, June 30, 5:30pm and ranchers for the ...... Lincoln Center, 415 N. 30th St. Billings Bus rides to Glendive & Billings leaving from Fairview & Sidney High Schools are available past 77 years. We would like to express our deepest appreciation for your support of your area farmers, LYIP & the entire community. Your continued support is CRUCIAL. Please plan to attend the public hearings.

We urge everyone to attend the Annual Field Day, June 30th, at the Sidney Eastern Ag Research Center!

201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. • Culbertson, MT Sidney, MT | 406-433-3301 (406) 787-5890 2B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 Dryland Field Day Planned At EARC Farm Site Near Sidney

By Meagan Dotson DA-ARS and Tim Fine with Richland County Study for Cereal and Pulse Crops presented LQ6LGQH\$OOHQZLOOGLVFXVVWKH'LYHUVLÀHG&H- The Sidney ARS and MSU Extension Extension, both out of Sidney; Marestail ID and by Yesuf Mohammed and Reza Keshavarze reals with Pulses and Oilseeds Study (spring Dryland Field Day will be held Friday, June Control presented by Fine; New EARC Plant Afshar, Post Doc Associates with MSU-EARC wheat, pea, winter wheat or barley, oilseed) and 24, from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., with lunch Pathologist/Research Interests presented by in Sidney. to wrap up the day, entomologist and dcologist provided courtesy of the Richland County Frankie Crutcher with MSU-EARC out of Sid- ARS Stops include feature presentation, Dr. Natalie West with the USDA-ARS in Sidney ([WHQVLRQ2IÀFH ney; and Orange Blossom Wheat Midge Trap- Cross Slot Drill Demonstration, given by re- will discuss A Cooperative Model for Preventing The day will begin at the EARC farm site ping Update presented by Research Associate tired Extension Agronomist, NDSU Dickinson Resistant Weed Invasions. located 4.4 miles north of Sidney off MT Hwy Sherry Turner with MSU-EARC out of Sidney. Research Extension Center, Roger Ashley. Two private points are available for those 16; the turnoff is across from Hi-Line Trucking The feature presentation will be given by Agronomist with the USDA-ARS in Sidney, Brett in attendance. The Sidney ARS & MSU EARC and in the event of rain, the location will be at professor and wheat breeder Phil Bruckner Allen will then discuss Warm Season Legumes Dryland Field Day is sponsored by the Rich- the Richland County Extension Conference with MSU Bozeman, followed by Herbicide Re- using demo plots. The National Oilseed Project ODQG&RXQW\068([WHQVLRQ2IÀFHWKH068 Room, located at 1501 N. Central Ave. siduals Affecting Pulse Crop Germination and includes a Yield Report given by Allen, and Eastern Agricultural Research Center, and ($5&VWRSVLQFOXGHD:HHG,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ Growth given by Prashant Jha with MSU-EARC :DWHU8VHDQG:DWHU8VH(IÀFLHQF\JLYHQE\ the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Exercise presented by Kim Mann with the US- out of Sidney and Macro- and Micro-Nutrients Jay Jabro, Soil Physicist with the USDA-ARS Research Laboratory. Froid Research Farm Field Montana State Starts New Program By Jenny Lavey Day Scheduled For June 23 MSU News Service By Meagan Dotson Drill Demonstration given by former Roosevelt BOZEMAN - The Mon- On Thursday, June 23, the Froid Research County Extension Agent and retired Extension tana State University Alumni Farm Field Day is at 1 p.m. Agronomist with the NSDU Dickinson Research Foundation has developed a The Froid Research Farm is located 8 Extension Center, Roger Ashley. Agronomist new way for farmers to support miles north of Culbertson on MT Hwy 16 and Brett Allen with the USDA-ARS out of Sidney Montana State University: private application points are available for those will be discussing Warm Season Legumes with through donations of grain. in attendance. demonstration plots. The new program, called Topics and demonstrations include a Field Reza Keshavarze Afshar, Post Doc with Bushels for Bobcats, allows Soil Sampling demonstration given by Roos- MSU-EARC out of Sidney will present the Montana farmers to donate a evelt County Extension Agent Jeff Chilson out Camelina Seeding Rate and Depth Study with portion of their grain harvest to of Culbertson, Marestail ID and Control present- MSU. support MSU. ed by Richland County Extension agent Tim A Cooperative Model for Preventing Re- Funds generated by this Fine out of Sidney, Common Vetch in Lentils sistant Weed Invasions will be given by Dr. program will be counted to- presented by Daniels County Extension agent Natalie West, entomologist/ecologist with the ZDUG 068·V FRPSUHKHQVLYH Bobbie Roos out of Scobey, and Weediness USDA-ARS in Sidney. fundraising campaign, What Potential of Cover Crops given by Rob Bray, The Fallow replacement study will include LW7DNHVDQGZLOOIXQG068·V District Conservationist with the NRCS out of Using Cover Crops to Fight Compaction given people, places and programs. WKH&XOEHUWVRQ)LHOG2IÀFH by Jay Jabro, Soil Physicist with the USDA-ARS Farmers who donate to MSU The Montana State University Alumni Foundation has de- The featured presentation will be the Froid out of Sidney, and Identifying Pest Insects in through the Bushels for Bob- veloped a new way for farmers to support Montana State Farm Subsurface Irrigation Demonstration Oilseeds and Cover Crops/ Pollinator Studies cats program can direct their University: through donations of grain. Project which will be presented by civil engineer in Canola and Reclamation Cover Crops pre- gift of grain to support any area to directly invest their crops to Agriculture. $QQ 5RVV ZLWK WKH 15&6$UHD 2IÀFH RXW RI sented by Tatyana Rand, Entomologist with the within MSU, including student fund students and research Miles City; Ross is the engineer that designed USDA-ARS out of Sidney. A 5 p.m. steak dinner scholarships and research For more information, or that directly benefits them, the Subsurface Irrigation Project. will be provided by Roosevelt and Sheridan programs, such as the Mon- to learn how to donate, visit said Charles Boyer, MSU On-Farm Tour stops include the Cross Slot County Conservation districts. tana Plant Sciences Chair. or 406- The new initiative pro- vice president of agriculture 994-7099. vides farmers the opportunity and dean of the College of IN ADDITION TO CARS, TRUCKS & FARM IMPLEMENTS Deadline Announced For Growth Through Agriculture

The Agriculture Develop- be one funding deadline for only one funding deadline will WE HAVE TIRES FOR ment Council and the Montana the GTA program: Sept. 15. In aid in cutting program costs Department of Agriculture order to maximize the amount associated with additional •Horse Trailers •Garden Tractors have announced a change of funding available to agricul- meetings, application review •ATVs •Golf Carts to the Growth Through Agri- tural companies, and in line procedures, and staff time. •Boat Trailers •Wheelbarrows culture application deadline with the directives of the Main Further program infor- schedule for the upcoming Street Montana Project, the mation and application forms •Flatbed Trailers •Tillers ÀVFDO\HDU Council and the Department are available on the program •Utility Trailers •More Oil, Filter This year there will only have determined that hosting website at •Campers & Lube 4-H Keeps Busy During County Fair •Motor Homes $4140 By Danielle Steinhoff ,QFOXGHVÀOWHU XSWR a high standard for the youth to provide quality TWVRIKRXVHRLO County Agent product for the buyers. The Upper Missouri Valley Fair is held in We require minimum weight requirements Williston on June 22-26. There are a lot of won- for each species to meet so the youth produce derful events going on for everyone every day a market ready animal. For our steers, we ultra of the fair. The Williams County 4-H members sound and hip height each animal and give the have been working hard on projects all year information to potential buyers to help deter- ORQJWKHÀQDOUHZDUGLVWKHIDLU mine if the steer is overweight, underweight From sewing, woodworking and baking to or in the correct range for their age and size. 1601 S CENTRAL • SIDNEY, MT | 433-3858 | Mon-Fri: 7-5:30 • Sat: 7-Noon livestock there will be projects displayed the /DVW\HDUZDVWKHÀUVW\HDUZHXVHGKLS whole time of the fair. height of the steers, providing more information The rabbit and poultry show will be on for the buyers. Wednesday June 22, at 4:30 p.m., the other This is a wonderful educational tool for species; beef, swine, sheep and goat, will be the 4-Hers. Using information from last year on Thursday, June 23. can help the youth determine the proper feed Williams County 4-H holds a market animal requirements and amounts for their show an- sale on Friday, June 25, at 5 p.m. this is an imals, with the 4-H members starting proper opportunity to provide local buyers fresh beef, feeding rations months before the show along lamb and swine meat. Williams County holds with training and working with their animal. Let Nortana Grain WELCOME TO THE Fuel Your Future! SIDNEY RESEARCH FIELD DAY! See Us For All Your Crop Herbicide & There is no job to big or small! Nortana Grain provides Insecticide farm, oil field & residential delivery along with competitive prices. Nortana Grain is also there for you Needs! Office: 406-742-8800 • Fairview, MT with our 24-hour card trol gas system located in Lambert which accepts Wright Express & other major credit cards. Contact us at Sidney (406-433-3014) or Lambert Save Time & Money (406-774-3331) & let Nortana Grain help fuel your future! With Great Communication! Handhelds Mobile Radios 50 to 110 watts • TK-2402 16 to 127 channels • Handheld 5 watts w/scan small & easy to use • $289

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PO Box 177 • Lambert, MT 59243 406-774-3331 • Fax: 406-774-3332 “Your communication headquarters” Sweley Location: 1123 10th Ave SE • Sidney, MT | 406-433-2508 Mobile Radios • Satellite Telephones Just North of McDonald’s • Sidney, MT | 406-433-1659 • Toll Free: 1-866-433-1659 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 3B Sidney Sugars Crew Looks To Continue Tradition

By Bill Vander Weele ´7KHUH·V QRWKLQJ EHWWHU The phone still rings at than seeing a beautiful crop,” Sidney Sugars agricultural de- Pooch said. partment from people asking 3HWHUV DGGHG ´7KHUH·V to talk with Russ Fullmer or nothing more disheartening Randy Jones or Kerry Ras- than seeing a field after a mussen or even Larry Riggs. hailstorm.” But instead those calls are 3HWHUVVDLGWKDWLW·VFKDO- answered by younger voices OHQJLQJ WR ILJXUH RXW ZKDW·V who wish to maintain the of- ZURQJ ZLWK D ÀHOG DQG LW·V D ÀFH·VVWURQJUHSXWDWLRQ joy to experience the different “We want to continue the personalities and styles of tradition this department has,” area growers. Duane Peters, who took over “For the most part, grow- as Agriculture Manager in late ers are really good to work  VDLG ´5XVV )XOOPHU·V with,” Pooch said. “Everybody experience was second to loses their patience some- none.” time.” Agriculturists Vanessa Riedel explains that ag- Pooch, Todd Erickson and riculturists during harvest are Kathryn Cayko each have dealing with farmers who are various years of service at working with little sleep and Sidney Sugars and different KDYHDORWRIWHQVLRQ´7KDW·V assigned areas. not a good combination.” Pooch, who has been Peters feels that Fullmer working at Sidney Sugars starting variety seed trials was for six years, covers the fac- a positive for area growers. “It tory district, Culbertson and gives farmers the chance to tare lab operations. Erickson, grow under their conditions ZLWK IRXU \HDUV· H[SHULHQFH and to see what variety works at Sidney Sugars, has the best. All three aggies are doing Savage, Glendive and Terry variety seed trials.” areas. Cayko, nearing her Other offerings for area ÀUVW\HDU DQQLYHUVDU\ DW WKH JURZHUVLQFOXGHWKH068ÀHOG company, covers Sugar Valley day in Sidney on June 30, a which includes Fairview, Dore, Cercospora workshop on July Snowden, Buford and Trenton 14 and variety strip trial tours areas. on Aug. 11 Cheryl Riedel, mean- The strip trial tours will The Sidney Sugars agriculture department staff includes, from left, Kathryn Cayko, Duane Peters, Todd Erickson, Va- while, serves as Ag/Financial feature a meal organized by nessa Pooch and Cheryl Riedel. DFFRXQWDQWLQWKHRIÀFH6KH Riedel featuring local products That way each of them be- Peters explains the staff Erickson said about the Peters is thankful for the has more than 21 years of VXFK DV EUDWV IURP &UDLJ·V FRPHVPRUHGLYHUVLÀHG does become somewhat com- FRPSHWLWLRQV´,W·VDIULHQGO\«µ hard work that the entire staff experience with the company, Meats and sweet corn grown Although Pooch was Sid- petitive when announcements before being interrupted by puts in throughout the year. He but only two of those years from the area along, of course, QH\6XJDUV·ÀUVWIHPDOHDJUL- such as top 10 growers or &D\NR´,W·VQRWIULHQGO\µ noted they all attend trainings have been in the agricultural with baked goods containing culturist, some women have largest sugar beets are made. But the competion brings throughout the year for con- RIÀFH sugar. more than 20 years of expe- “Everybody is proud of their RXW WKHLU EHVW ZRUN SOXV LW·V WLQXLQJHGXFDWLRQLQWKHÀHOG “I needed a change from Peters thanks mechanics ULHQFH LQ WKH ÀHOG 1RZ WZR areas,” Peters said. a stress reliever during the “These guys go walking SD\UROOµ5LHGHOH[SODLQHG´,W·V Brent Coon and Ken Buckles RI6LGQH\·VWKUHHDUHIHPDOH “We were really happy tensions of harvest. on piles all winter. We are GHÀQLWHO\OHVVVWUHVVEHLQJLQ for also being key members of “Women are more and when Todd beat Duane last ´7KHUH·V SUHVVXUH )XOO- always walking the piles and $J,·PDIDUPJLUOZDVUDLVHG the agricultural staff. more active in agriculture,” year,” Pooch joked. mer set the bar high,” Peters maintaining the rehauls,” Pe- on a beet farm, so this job has While Pooch and Erick- Pooch said. “I grew up on the Wagers are sometimes said. ters said. “We are always look- taken me back to my roots.” son are fairly established in IDUPLW·VLQP\EORRGµ made such as the winner re- Erickson laughed, “He left ing at what we can do better.” The agriculturists said their districts, Cayko keeps She said one grower had ceives a free breakfast. with a record year.” they enjoy the variety that their making new, good relation- some concerns about Pooch, positions offer. Cayko explains VKLSV´:H·UHVWLOOZRUNLQJRQ XQWLOVKHKHOSHGKLPLQWKHÀHOG one day they might be in the it,” she said, while mentioning one day. “I just showed that I office finishing paper work See Us For All Your Car, KHUODVWQDPHKHOSV´,W·VQLFH was willing to do hard work.” and the next day they might WKDW,GRQ·WVHHPOLNHDUDQGRP Cayko added some peo- be walking in the field with outsider.” SOHDUHVXUSULVHGWKDWVKHLVQ·W Truck & Farm Tires growers. One change is the agri- willing to sit behind a desk all “No day is ever the same,” culturists spend time in other day, but she is working out in Erickson noted. GLVWULFWV·ÀHOGVRQFHDPRQWK On-The-Farm WKHÀHOGV Service County Committee Nomination Period Begins

The U.S. Department of Agriculture candidates. To become a candidate, an eligible (USDA) has announced that the nomination individual must sign an FSA-669A nomination period for farmers and ranchers to serve on form. local Farm Service Agency (FSA) county com- The form and other information about FSA mittees began June 15. county committee elections are available at To be eligible to serve on a FSA county 2016 nomination committee, a person must participate or co- forms must be postmarked or received in the operate in an FSA administered program, be local USDA Service Center by close of business eligible to vote in a county committee election on Aug. 1. and reside in the local administrative area FSA will mail election ballots to eligible vot- where they are nominated. ers beginning Nov. 7. Ballots must be returned Farmers and ranchers may nominate WRWKHORFDOFRXQW\RIÀFHYLDPDLORULQSHUVRQ themselves or others. Organizations represent- by Dec. 5. Newly-elected committee members ing minorities and women also may nominate DQGDOWHUQDWHVZLOOWDNHRIÀFHRQ-DQ 349 22nd Ave NW, Sidney • 406-488-6636 • 1-800-967-3795 We’re Proud To Be A Partner In The Irrigation Research At Sidney’s MSU Eastern Ag Research Center Be Sure To Attend The Annual Field Day June 30th

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Going Back In Time Rewinding 50 Years

By Meagan Dotson In a fast-paced society, slowing down and reminiscing can be an overlooked past- time. But every so often we have a reason to do exactly that and if you are getting together for a 50-year class reunion, or celebrating 50 years of anything, really, here are a few forgotten facts to entertain you. In 1966 Lyndon B. John- son was president of the United States and signed the Freedom of Information $FWLQ2FWREHUZKRFRXOG·YH guessed the magnitude that would have years later! All across the nation, and around the world for that mat- ter, people were protesting the Vietnam War and according to Gallup Polls, American public support for the war dropped from 52 percent to 37 percent. The Miranda Rights came to be this year, cigarette packs KDGWKHLUÀUVWPDQGDWHGKHDOWK warning, and the U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation was formed. If you wanted to take in were on the rise. Literally, aside, my personal vote for the D PRYLH WKDW ZRXOG·YH EHHQ mini-skirts were everywhere, single best fact of 1966 is that about $1.09 per ticket and EXWZRPHQ·VSDQWVVXLWVZHUH Pampers introduced the very PD\EH\RXZRXOG·YHVHHQ´$ picking up popularity, too. ÀUVW GLVSRVDEOH GLDSHU 6XUH Man for All Seasons”, which More women than ever before WKH·VUDFHWRVSDFHULYHW- won the Academy Award that RZQHG ¶)DOOV· RU KDOIZLJV WR ed the nation, but never having \HDU0\VHOI",ZRXOG·YHEHHQ DGGOHQJWKWRWKHLUKDLUDQG,·P to wash, dry, and fold diapers spending my money to see a Believer (The Monkees), as DJDLQ"7KDW·VUHDOO\VRPHWKLQJ (KAPOW!) you guessed it, are many others, that the six- to get excited about! WKH RULJLQDO ´%DWPDQµ PRYLH ties changed fashion forever. starring Adam West. The 1966 Ford Mustang To send someone Good ZDVRQHRIWKHÀUVWFDUVPDU- Vibrations (The Beach Boys) keted towards women, being YLD SRVW D ÀUVWFODVV VWDPS DGYHUWLVHGDV¶7KH6ZHHWKHDUW ZRXOG·YH UXQ  6ZDQVRQ RI WKH 6XSHUPDUNHW· ,W ZDV Mercy Medical Center DGGHG EOXHEHUU\ PXIÀQ GHV- quite the stylish ride to pick serts to their pre-made dinners up bread at $.22 a loaf or WKLV \HDU DQG ,·P VXUH WKDW hamburger at $.45/lb. is now families across the country The average income was settled in with their TV din- $6,899.00 per year and every QHUVIRUDQHSLVRGHRI´*UHHQ Monday, Monday (The Ma- $FUHVµ ´%HZLWFKHGµ RU ´7KH mas & the Papas) about 36% $QG\*ULIÀWK6KRZµ3HUKDSV of women were off to work; they even settled in to watch the National Organization t1SJNBSZ$BSF$MJOJD WKH LQLWLDO DLULQJ RI ´+RZ WKH for Women (NOW) was also Grinch Stole Christmas”. formed that year. t1FEJBUSJD$MJOJDo6QUPBHF On the fashion front, skirts But all this groovy stuff t8PNFOT)FBMUI$MJOJDo0#(:/4FSWJDFT t'BNJMZ.FEJDJOF3FTJEFODZ$MJOJD t-FPOBSE1/FMTPO$BODFS$FOUFS t(FOFSBM4VSHFSZ t0SUIPQFEJDT EVERY FRIDAY t3FIBC4FSWJDFT t4MFFQ-BC SENIORS GET t0DDVQBUJPOBM)FBMUI t.FE2VFTU * t/FVSPMPHZ t&BS /PTF5ISPBU t$BSEJPMPHZ 4VNNFS % t1PEJBUSZ t1MBTUJD4VSHFSZ$MJOJD t6SPMPHZ$MJOJD 10 off t1BJO$MJOJD IN OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT! Learn more at:

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With Seven CHI St. Alexius Health Hospital Locations to Serve You: Bismarck | Carrington | Devils Lake | Dickinson | Garrison | Turtle Lake | Williston *Some exlusions may apply. 703 S. Central • Sidney, MT | | 406-433-3120 6B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 Jar Lids, Other Instruments of Devil June is Recognized As By Lois Stephens JULHIVR,ÀJXUH,PRVWGHÀQLWH- KRZ,XVHGWRPDNHOLWWOHVQLGH Remember when we had ly earned my right to eat those comments to my mother when strength in our fingers and WDVW\OLWWOHWLGELWVZKHQ,ÀQDOO\ she would hand me a jar to Cataract Awareness Month wrists? Peanut butter jar lids achieved success at opening open after she had struggled opened easily, bottle caps that blasted jar of goodies. unsuccessfully for some min- Prevent Blindness America has declared activities fairly rapidly. WZLVWHG RII ZLWK D ÁLFN RI WKH , ÀUVW DWWHPSWHG WR WZLVW utes to get that lid to budge. -XQHDV&DWDUDFW$ZDUHQHVV0RQWK&DWDUDFWV Is cataract removal safe? wrist, and bags of pretzels or off the lid. Hah, what an ex- I would twist that top off with are the leading cause of vision loss in the United Cataract surgery is one of the safest and SRWDWRFKLSVGLGQ·WVW\P\XVDV ercise in futility that proved HDVHDQGKDQGLWEDFNWRKHU States, and it is the leading cause of blindness most effective surgeries with a success rate we attempted to open them. It to be. We are discussing a ZLWKDÁRXULVK)RROLVK\RXWK in the world. of 95 percent. Your surgeon will remove your never occurred to us that pos- large wide mouth jar with an thoughtless comments, and 7KHUHDUHPLOOLRQ$PHULFDQVRYHUWKH clouded lens and replace it with an intraocular sibly we would reach an age HTXDOO\ODUJHWRSVR,FRXOGQ·W now I understand what pay- DJHRIZKRDUHDIIHFWHGE\FDWDUDFWVVRLW OHQV ,2/  2QO\ D PLQLVFXOH LQFLVLRQ LQ WKH when jar lids would present even get my hand around the EDFNWLPHUHDOO\PHDQV VHHPVÀWWLQJWKDWDQHQWLUHPRQWKVKRXOGEH cornea is necessary to do this procedure, and a small problem. Rather, we OLGWRJHWDQDGHTXDWHJULS1R I may have some age on dedicated to education and awareness. it can be completed in about 15 minutes in an ÀJXUHGZHFRXOGFRQTXHUDQ\ VZHDW,ÀJXUHG,·GMXVWGLSWKH me but I still retain a shred of %HORZDUHVRPHFRPPRQTXHVWLRQVDQG outpatient surgery center lid, bottle cap, or bag of treats jar mouth under hot water, and pride. Pride would not allow answers about cataracts listed on Yoursight- Do cataracts only affect seniors? that passed our way without a then gently tap the lid with a PHWRWDNHWKHMDUDFURVVWKH Cataracts can affect anyone! Although second thought. NQLIHWREUHDNWKHVHDO street to a neighbor, nor would What is the treatment for cataracts? most people do not show symptoms of cat- Not so, my friends. I Well, those efforts proved it allow me to phone my broth- Even though cataracts are so prevalent, DUDFWV XQWLO DW OHDVW WKH DJH RI  FDWDUDFWV spend more time now trying to be a colossal waste of time. HULQODZ DQG UHTXHVW KHOS they are very simple to treat. Cataracts are a can also affect young adults or even children. to open some jar lids than I do I tapped, tugged, dipped, nor would it permit me to wait clouding of the lens of the eye, which prevents +HUHGLW\GLVHDVHH\HLQMXU\DQGVPRNLQJFRXOG YDFXXPLQJWKHÁRRU 2.2. then tapped again, each time until my husband came home SDVVDJHRIOLJKWLQWRWKHH\H7KHVROXWLRQWR cause cataracts to develop at an earlier age. VR,DP127DOOWKDWSDUWLFXODU using just a little more force to help with this situation. In- FDWDUDFWVLVFDWDUDFWVXUJHU\ZKLFKUHTXLUHVD Can I prevent cataracts? about vacuuming, but still….). and each time becoming just stead, I continued to struggle surgeon to remove the deteriorated lens and 7KHUHLVQRSURYHQZD\WRSUHYHQWDJHUH- Lids can present formidable a shade more annoyed and ZLWKWKDWFRQWDLQHURIDUWLFKRNH UHSODFHLWZLWKDQDUWLÀFLDOOHQVFDOOHGDQLQWUD- lated cataracts. However, choosing a healthy problems, refusing to budge IUXVWUDWHG,VWLOOFRXOGQ·WEXGJH hearts for what seemed an RFXODUOHQVRU,2/ lifestyle can slow the progression of cataracts. a millimeter regardless of how that lid. eternity. 0RUHWKDQPLOOLRQ$PHULFDQVXQGHUJR Some ways to delay the progression of cat- PDQ\OLWWOHWULFNV,WU\RUKRZ None of my handy dandy Eventually, the repeat- FDWDUDFWVXUJHU\DQQXDOO\PDNLQJLWRQHRIWKH DUDFWV LQFOXGH DYRLGLQJ VPRNLQJ UHGXFLQJ many different little handy little jar openers would cover HG SRXQGLQJ DQG VPDFNLQJ most common surgeries in the United States. exposure to UV rays, eating healthy foods, gadgets that I use on them. WKDW ODUJH OLG , GLGQ·W KDYH D EURNHWKHVHDODQG,DFWXDOO\ ,QIDFWWKHHQWLUHVXUJHU\ODVWVRQO\DERXW and wearing proper eye protection to avoid Sometimes this unmoving lid pair of pliers large enough to got the lid off and could in- minutes, and most people can resume normal eye injury. can generate extreme frustra- put around the mouth of the dulge in those most delectable tion on my part. MDU DQG , FRXOG ÀQG QRWKLQJ morsels. I am not a patient June is National Safety Month $ IHZ PRQWKV EDFN P\ else remotely suitable to use person by any stretch of the sister gave me a large jar of as leverage. I turned the jar imagination, so this ordeal left By Tieheena Lemerond DUWLFKRNHKHDUWV,GHDUO\ORYH upside down and banged me totally stressed and in an DUWLFKRNH KHDUWV WKH\ FRVW the top against the floor, I incredibly foul mood that even Each year the National more than my budget usually VPDFNHGWKHULPVKDUSO\ZLWKD the soothing taste of an arti- 6DIHW\ &RXQFLO 16&  DQG allows, so my enthusiasm KHDY\NQLIH,UDQKRWDQGFROG FKRNHKHDUWFRXOGQRWGLVSHO thousands of organizations NQHZ QR ERXQGV 0\ PRXWK water around the edge of the -DU OLGV DUHQ·W WKH RQO\ DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ ZRUN WR watered in anticipation of lid, all to no avail. instruments of the devil that raise awareness of what it consuming a few of these de- I thought with great cha- we mortals decide to fool with. WDNHV WR VWD\ 6DIH)RU/LIH lectable treats. However, the grin of my arrogant youth, ,·PWKLQNLQJRIZHHGZKDFNHUV 2EVHUYHG DQQXDOO\ LQ -XQH energy and stress involved in when I could open jar lids in particular as an instrument 1DWLRQDO6DIHW\0RQWKIRFXVHV EUHDNLQJ WKH VHDO RQ WKDW OLG without a second thought. And only a very evil imp could on reducing leading causes of caused me a lot of unexpected I remembered to my shame invent. I no longer will even LQMXU\DQGGHDWKDWZRUNLQRXU attempt to use such a contrap- homes and communities and tion; it is faster to pull those on the roads. Much More Than A Drugstore! weeds with my teeth than to Recently the NSC listed XVHDZHHGHDWHUDOVRNQRZQ WKHVHYHQFRPPRQZRUNSODFH • Free Blood Pressure Checks • Precription Service by me as the instrument from hazards: • Cowboy Up & Wildlife T-Shirts • Fabric & Sewing Supplies KHOO7KHVHXVHOHVVWRROVGRQ·W   :RUNLQJDWKHLJKWV • Western, Country & Contemporary Gifts • Souvenirs For All Ages ZDQWWRVWDUWWKH\ÀJXUHWKH\   3RRUKRXVHNHHSLQJ   (OHFWULFDO ² ([WHQ- • Home Decor • Magazines • Gift Cards For Nation-Wide Rental Stores ought not to run for any longer than 15 seconds tops, the sion cords • Best-Seller Books • Russel Stover Candy • Woodwick & Bridgewater Candles VWULQJGLVDSSHDUVRUNQRWVXS   )RUNOLIWV at the slightest provocation.   /RFNRXWWDJRXW Barrett Pharmacy & Variety 6) Chemicals ,ZRQ·WXVHDZHHGHDWHU )DFWV 7KH QXPEHU RQH FDXVH   &RQÀQHGVSDFHV Prescription service with free mail out/delivery in Watford City ,GRQ·WQHHGWKDWVRUWRIDJJUD- 7KH QXPEHU RQH FDXVH of preventable death for older 7KHVHKD]DUGVDUHE\QR 145 Main St • Watford City, ND | 701-842-3311 | Mon-Fri:9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 5pm YDWLRQEXW,'2QHHGWRRSHQ RISUHYHQWDEOHGHDWKIRUNLGV Americans is falls. means an exhaustive list and MDU OLGV )RUWXQDWHO\ IRU PH , DJHVWRLVGURZQLQJ $ WRWDO RI  SHRSOH GLH all employers are encouraged have thought of a rather devi- 7KH QXPEHU RQH FDXVH every day from prescription to not only train their employ- RXVSODQ7KHQH[WWLPHDMDU in death of teenagers is car SDLQNLOOHUV ees in safety and health but NETZER LAW OFFICE, PC OLGÀ[HVWRUXLQP\GD\,·YHJRW crashes. QHZVIRULWLWZRQ·W,·OOMXVWSUH- also in hazard recognition. tend I have never attempted to open that particular jar, and will Estate Planning And hand it off to my husband and Understanding Power of Probiotics DVN KLP LQ P\ PRVW VLQFHUH By Sheridan Cotrell bad and good. Probiotics are and other fermented foods. Real Estate tone of voice if he would mind Health Coach organisms such as bacteria Different strains can help al- opening the container for me. When you hear about or yeast that are believed to leviate diarrhea and may help He has pride as well, and he Licensed in Montana and North Dakota EDFWHULD\RXPRVWOLNHO\WKLQN improve health. While it is with the digestion of lactose. will get that jar lid open come of disease. However, your not understood exactly how 7KHVHFRQGPRVWFRPPRQLV hell or high water. 1060 S. Central Ave. Ste. 2, Sidney, MT body is full of bacteria, both SURELRWLFVZRUNWKH\SURYHWR %LÀGREDFWHULXP

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rs. Virgil Boehler in charge of the Migrant Nursery, 6FKORWKDXHU DQG 1DQ SP7KHFKLOGUHQDUHJLYHQ comforts two little children at the same time by rock- )O\QQ/DQJXDJH$UWV(YD EUHDNIDVWGLQQHUDQGOXQFK Give back to your community. ing them. All babies in the nursery are less than a 7KRPDV 6FLHQFH 'DQ MXVWEHIRUHWKH\JRKRPH Please call year old. 406.488.2273 W.L. Fairview, MT 59221 221 2nd St SW t Sidney, MT NEU Office: 406-742-5549 Visit our website at CONSTRUCTION, INC. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 7B United Health Releases Report On Senior Health By Tie Lemerond senior population. The analy- On May 25, the 2016 sis compared health measures $PHULFD·V +HDOWK 5DQNLQJV for the middle-aged popula- Senior Report was released tion (aged 50-64) in 1999 to today. This report provides a the same measures for the comprehensive analysis of middle-aged population as of senior population health on 2014. Comparisions included: a national and state-by-state • Has a 55 percent higher basis across 35 measures of SUHYDOHQFHRIGLDEHWHV senior health. • Has a 25 percent higher This year the report took SUHYDOHQFHRIREHVLW\ DQ LQGHSWK ORRN DW WRGD\·V • Has a 9 percent lower middle-aged population who prevalence of very good or will age into the 65+ age group excellent health status” over the next 14 years and ex- To read the full report, go amined how the challenges of to www.americashealthrank- that generation will impact the Enter Name Bus Contest You will soon see some can submit your suggestion new and fun names on the to [email protected] or on buses and vans running WKHZHEVLWHZZZP\UFWVFRP around the area. the top entries will be posted Richland County Trans- to the website Seniors have a good time during lunch at the senior center in Lambert on Tuesdays. portation Service will cele- • Beginning July 11, you brate its 10th anniversary can go to the website and vote this August and to celebrate, for your favorite name—you its running a contest to allow can vote one time per day until County Offers Programs To Seniors you to nickname each of their July 24th. 10 vehicles. On July 25, the winners By Tieheena Lemerond %HJLQQLQJ-XO\)DLUYLHZ·VZLOOFKDQJH Transportation Services & Daytrips: Jodi Berry, RCTS direc- will be announced. The top The Richland County Commission on they will be prepared by Homestyle Direct The Richland County Transportation tor, said, “Before RCTS, the 10 names will show up on Aging (RCCOA) cares about their senior and shipped weekly to recipients homes. Service is available to everyone but one Commission on Aging oper- the RCTS vehicles with the citizens and actively encourages and An income based Commodity Sup- of its founding purposes was to provide ated a bus called the “Rich- WRSÀYHDOVRUHFHLYLQJDSDLURI promotes quality of life by helping make plemental Food Program is also available mobility to seniors for shopping, social land Roundup”. Once the Richland County Fair Buttons. it possible for people to be healthy, happy for eligible seniors. outings, medical appointments, etc. There service went public, that name The person who submitted the and social. They offer a number of pro- Homemaker services: are several daytrips planned this summer disappeared for marketing top voted name suggestion grams including homemaking services, Up to 2 hours per month of light including the Fort Peck Theater “My Way: reasons. Now that we have will receive two complete legal services, nutrition, socialization, foot housekeeping (vacuuming, bathroom A Tribute to Frank Sinatra” on July 17 been around for an entire fair packages including a fair care, card games, exercise classes and cleaning/sanitizing, kitchen cleaning/ and Fort Peck Theatre “Mary Poppins” decade and people know the button, Chris Young concert so much more. sanitizing, etc.) is available to seniors on Aug. 14. EXV LVQ·W MXVW IRU WKH HOGHUO\ ticket, and a ticket for each Meals: throughout the county. Card Games: DQ\PRUH ZH·G OLNH WR EULQJ night of the rodeo. Sidney – currently serves meals on Foot care and blood pressure checks: Sidney – Meets for card games every the names back. We thought Contest name submis- Monday and Friday at 11:30 a.m., but on Foot care is available at the Sidney, Thursday at 1pm this would be a fun way for our sions should highlight the July 1 this will change to Tuesday and Savage and Fairview centers. Fairview – The men get together for passengers to put their stamp best of Richland County and/ Fridays Blood pressures are taken at each cards & coffee daily and women meet on on our system.” or RCTS. RCTS reserves Fairview – serves meals on Monday center monthly courtesy of the Richland Wednesdays after lunch. The contest details are the right to reject any name and Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. County Health Department. Lambert – Is currently working on as follows: suggestions that could be Lambert – serves meals on Tuesday Exercise and Walk with ease classes: putting together a card group. • Name suggestions will considered offensive or in at noon RCCOA offers Arthritis Foundation Savage – Meets for card games be taken until July 10. You poor taste. Savage – serves meals on Thurs- Exercise classes and Walk with Ease every Thursday morning days at noon classes to help seniors manage arthritis For more information about any of Meals on Wheels are prepared by the paid. They are currently searching for these programs, contact your local se- Sidney Health Center and delivered Mon- a new instructor so classes will resume nior center or call the Richland County day – Friday in both Sidney and Fairview. when one is found. Commission on Aging at 406-433-3701. Good Breakfast Provides Healthy Start [email protected] “Retirement Living At It’s Best” By Janelle Buxbaum DOVRSURYHGEHQHÀFLDOWRKHOS more of your total daily cal- breakfast sandwiches, and Large 1 bed apartments • Individual climate control Richland County increase concentration for chil- ories in the morning rather whole grain breakfast bars Nutrition Coalition dren and adults throughout the than the afternoon will help there is no excuse to wait • Close to downtown • Transportation available day, according to the American your body metabolize more any longer. If you are ready Activities • Noon meals • Support Services Morning time, the time of Dietetic Association. HIÀFLHQWO\ ZKLFK FDQ DLGH LQ to take a giant step towards a Security cameras day that you get you and pos- Lean protein is the key weight loss. healthier lifestyle I hope you sibly several others ready to WR PDQ\ RI WKH EHQHÀWV WKDW One study showed that will consider adding a healthy face the world. Everyone has breakfast can provide. Eggs, people that chose breakfast breakfast to your daily routine. their own routine. Does yours ham, turkey, low fat cottage as their largest meal lost an For more information, including eating a healthy cheese, and greek yogurt average of 10 more pounds check out the Richland Coun- breakfast? are great foods to jump start in a three month period than ty Nutrition Coalition Face- 0DQ\SHRSOHGRQ·WUHDOL]H your day. These foods allow people that chose to eat large book page at www.facebook. just how important a healthy for more energy as the day meals at the end of the day, com/1rcnc1, and the Pinter- breakfast really is. Eating progresses and decrease the according to Deborah Enos est page at www.pinterest. breakfast can help control temptation for snacking on from com/1rcnc1 hunger throughout the day, unhealthy foods. The average breakfast The mission of the Rich- decrease your risk of heart Many people think that takes only 15 minutes to pre- land County Nutrition Coalition disease and diabetes, and their last meal of the day pare and consume and with (RCNC) is to identify and ad- improve cognitive function should be their biggest, which breakfast on the go options dress food and nutrition needs related to memory. It has is actually not true! Eating like yogurt cups, homemade of the community. Older Adults Falling Victim To Scams Sidney-Action for Eastern VHQLRUÀQDQFLDOIUDXG their families and caregivers at Crestwood located at 410 Montana, Richland County According to Lisa Shep- are invited to view a free doc- Third Ave. SW. Commission on Aging, Crest- pard, current president of XPHQWDU\ÀOPWLWOHG´)OHHFHGµ The film screening and wood, the Montana Area the M4A, the goal of “Face and hear from expert panel panel discussion are free Agencies on Aging Associa- it-Senior Financial Fraud members on Wednesday, and open to the public, but to tion (M4A) and Montana SMP Happens!” is to help prevent June 29, at 2:30 p.m. how se- guarantee seating for all who are spearheading a campaign ÀQDQFLDOH[SORLWDWLRQRIPRUH niors can protect themselves wish to attend, please contact to educate the public and talk Montana seniors. from financial exploitation. Heather Handran at 406-345- Come Home To Crestwood! about the growing problem of In Sidney, older adults, The free event will be held 2120.

It’s All About Saying Goodbye FULKERSON The following providers will be seeing patients at the Trinity Community Clinic-Western Dakota in June.

STEVENSON Emad Dodin, MD Amanda Weidler, FNP-C Laura Greer, AuD Cardiology Cardiology Audiology FUNERAL HOME June 15th June 15th June 16th For an appointment For an appointment For an appointment call (701) 857-3584 call (701) 857-7388 call (701) 857-5986

315 2nd St NW Mark Noel, DO Tricia Nechodom, AuD Robert Fischer, MD Sidney, MT • 406-488-2805 Ear, Nose and Throat Audiology Ear, Nose and Throat June 16th June 20th June 20th Watford City: 701-842-2490 For an appointment For an appointment For an appointment call (701) 857-5986 Williston: 701-572-6329 call (701) 857-5986 call (701) 857-5986 Tioga: 701-664-2122 Aaron Albers, DPM Erdal Diri, MD Remembrances & condolences Foot & Ankle Specialist Rheumatology June 27th June 28th may be shared with family at: For an appointment For an appointment Community Clinic - call (701) 857-3584 call (701) 857-7495 Western Dakota

1321 West Dakota Parkway • Williston, ND • (701) 572-7711 • 8B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016

Enjoy the great outdoors this year! We Carry All Your Low Rate Recreational Needs! Secured Loans • Fishing Tackle & Bait • Coolers • Ice We Finance The Fun New • Beer & Pop Things In Life! Specials • Snack Food Every • Fishing & Hunting Licenses Week! Ice • Liquor • Wine • Pop Mon-Thurs: 9am - 9pm • Fri-Sat: 9am - 10pm • Sun: 1-6pm 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. • Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 Highway 85 • Watford City (Long X Visitor’s Center) | 701-444-3335 809 East Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3400 Disc Golf Continues To Grow PR P SH P By Meagan Dotson ,I \RX·UH LQ WKH 6LGQH\ PROPELLER SERVICE DQG )DLUYLHZ DUHD GRQ·W EH REPAIR • BALANCE • PITCH VXUSULVHGWRVHHÁ\LQJVDXFHUV GRZQE\WKH