PRSRT STD U.S. (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV POSTAGE e-mail address: /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207 PAID info@roundupweb.com 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 www.roundupweb.com The Roundup Wednesday, June 22, 2016 Volume 42 • Number 19 Irrigation Project Provides Vital Role For City %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH wells receive additional water. The importance of keep- The public meetings start ing operations going at the at 5:30 p.m. on June 28 at the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Richland County Event Center District is greater for the City and on June 29 at the Dawson of Sidney than even many County High School auditori- residents realize. um in Glendive. A meeting at Along with the tremen- the Lincoln Center in Billings dous hit the economy would on June 30 is scheduled from feel, the City of Sidney would 5:30-9 p.m. also have concerns about its Richland Economic De- water aquifer. velopment is coordinating “The canal recharges our buses for trips to Glendive and aquifer to a great extent,” Greg Billings. The plan is for three $QGHUVRQ 6LGQH\·V ZDWHU cruiser buses to leave Sidney department superintendent, and another to leave Fairview *UDQGSDUHQWV0D\QDUGDQG6DQGUD%LOOVSURYLGHFRPIRUWWR7\0LOOHU7KH\HDUROGLVUHFRYHULQJIURPDERQHPDUURZ said. “The biggest thing is that for the Glendive meeting. A WUDQVSODQW 6XEPLWWHG big recharge that we would be lunch will be provided for the losing.” trips to Glendive and Billings. Without the canal in oper- To reserve your spot on the ation, Anderson said the city bus, call 406-482-4679. would need to make up for the Norby, who farmed for water supply somehow includ- \HDUVVDLGLWLVGLIÀFXOWWR Super Strength ing possible rate increases or imagine area residents mak- conservation requirements. ing a living without the avail- Sidney Mayor Rick Norby ability of the irrigation district. SRLQWHG RXW ´,W·V QRW MXVW WKH “I would hate to see it. Son Of Fairview Native Battles Rare Blood Disease FLW\LW·V DOO WKH SHRSOH ZLWK ,W·VDVFDU\WKLQJµ1RUE\VDLG ZHOOVµ +H H[SODLQHG LW·V EH- “No matter how you look at it, %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH two years, the tests were negative, but is the grandson of Maynard and Sandra cause of the canal that many agriculture is our backbone.” Fairview native Ann-Marie (Bills) last year the result was minor and this Bills, now keeps track of when he takes =DKQQRWHVWKDWDWWLPHVLW·VEHHQKHDUW- year it increased to moderate. all of his medication and even puts in his breaking for her, but she is extremely =DKQVDLGWKHUHDUHIRXUVWDJHVDQG own IV line. Watford City Prepares proud of the courage demonstrated by her Ty was diagnosed of being between stag- ´+HMXVWUROOVZLWKLWµVKHQRWHG´+H·V 13-year-old son, Ty Miller, as he continues es two and three. At stage four, physicians happy, he has some energy. He gets tired For Homefest Celebration recovery from a bone marrow transplant. will no longer perform a bone marrow pretty easily.” “Watching my kid go through what transplant. With family members, Ty was able %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH fried treats, ribs and pulled KHZHQWWKURXJKLWZDVEUXWDOµ=DKQD The mother said there were four WRDWWHQGKLVPLGGOHVFKRRO·VÀQDOGD\RI Watford City residents pork. Fairview High School graduate, said. “My PDWFKHVIRU7\LQWKHGRQRU·VEDQNDQG the school year. The day included being will enjoy one of its busiest On Saturday, a street fair kid is amazing.” three of the individuals stepped forward handed many posters, cards, etc. weekends of the year and host with food and craft vendors Miller is recovering from a bone mar- for the procedure at the University of Also given was a zip drive featuring many class reunions when starts at 11 a.m. on Main row transplant, which took place on April Minnesota. WKHVFKRRO·VVWXGHQWVVLQJLQJPDQ\ZHDU- Homefest is celebrated on Street. The McKenzie County 1. The hope is he can be given approval ´,W·VRQHRIWKHEHVWSODFHVIRUERQH ing their Super Ty T-shirts, encouraging Friday and Saturday. )DUPHUV 8QLRQ·V .LGV =RQH from University of Minnesota physicians PDUURZ RSHUDWLRQVµ =DKQ VDLG RI WKH words to Ty. “We know you are afraid, and Activities start with a food ZLOORIIHULQÁDWDEOHV on July 11 to return home, which is Far- XQLYHUVLW\´+H·VKDGDPD]LQJFDUHµ ZHDUHWRR%XW\RX·OOQHYHUEHDORQHZH fest and fun on Main Street At noon, the 2016 Homef- go, N.D. After chemotherapy took place for SURPLVH\RX:KHQ\RXDUHZHDNZH·OO from 5 p.m. to midnight central est Baby Pageant will start. =DKQ H[SODLQV WKH PHGLFDO MRXUQH\ eight days in late March, the transport EH VWURQJ :KHQ \RX OHW JR ZH·OO KROG time on Friday, June 24. The The fun event is open to began when her son was only 8 years was held April 1. RQµ´:H·UHJRLQJWRORYH\RXWKURXJKLWµ street dance will feature live babies between 0-24 months. old and was diagnosed with the rare Recovery was extremely difficult =DKQ VDLG VWXGHQWV DQG WHDFKHUV music by Minnesota based The pageant features EORRG GLVRUGHU RI SRO\F\WKHPLD =DKQ especially in the beginning. Without an WRRNDQH[LVWLQJVRQJDQGFKDQJHGLWWRÀW band Contention parents holding their babies on said less than 30 children in the country immune system, Ty was feeling ill and 7\·VEDWWOH´,W·VDPD]LQJZKDWWKH\ZHUH The food fest will include stage so the public can take a suffer from the condition, which features suffering with huge mouth sores. able to do.” such favorites as hamburgers, &RQWLQXHGRQQH[WSDJH an abnormally increased concentration of One rule is that the patient must stay She thanks school and community hemoglobin in the blood. within 30 miles of the hospital for at least members as well as families for holding =DKQ VDLG WKH FRQGLWLRQ PDLQO\ HI- 100 days. Once when they were out of fundraisers and providing support. &KHFN%6HFWLRQIRU fects men between the ages of 60-65. the hospital, Ty threw up 22 times in a That support included a lot of en- The thickening blood creates blood clots. 48-hour time period. Medical staff then couraging words and prayers from her old FRYHUDJHRQ After 20 years, patients often develop had to determine, one by one, which of hometown in eastern Montana. • Field Days leukemia. the 32 pills that Ty was taking was causing “Once a Warrior, always a Warrior,” • Golden Roundup Physicians started to perform bone him to become ill. =DKQVDLGRIWKHVXSSRUWIURP)DLUYLHZ • Outdoors PDUURZELRSVLHVRQ7\DQQXDOO\7KHÀUVW =DKQVDLGKHU\HDUROGVRQZKR ´,WGRHVQ·WPDWWHUKRZORQJ\RX·UHJRQHµ Sidney Health Center Announces New Standards At Ceremony %\%LOO9DQGHU:HHOH face and reputation of Sidney :LWK LPSURYLQJ SDWLHQWV· Health Center on campus and care always their desire, Sid- in the community. ney Health Center employees Compassion: Displaying held a celebration regarding care, concern and kindness; new standards of performance Smiling and greeting people and being selected a Top 100 warmly while walking through- Critical Access Hospital in out the facility; Displaying America. patience and concern when Sidney Health Center communicating with others; CEO Rick Haraldson thanked Using AIDET (Acknowledge, employees for their part in Introduce, Duration, Explana- making SHC a top 100 critical tion, Thank you) to meet the access hospital. He said there needs of others; Caring for are more than 1,300 critical ac- myself so I can care for oth- cess hospitals in the country. ers; and showing co-workers ´,W·VDELJGHDOµ+DUDOGVRQ you care by thanking them for told those gathered for the their contributions on a regular celebration. basis. He thanked the Quality Accountability: Accept Impact Team for developing responsibility for actions, de- the new standards of perfor- cisions and results; Solving mance. problems and focusing on the “There was a lot of work process not the individual; Us- for the committee who put this ing Service Recovery Program together,” Haraldson noted. to act on patient complains After the standards were and problems in the short read, each Sidney Health Cen- term. Be part of the solution to ter signed to follow the new À[SUREOHPVORQJWHUP&RP- ICARE standards that include: mit to learning and following Integrity: Being honest, all safety policies, procedures 6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHU&(25LFN+DUDOGVRQDQGHPSOR\HHVVLJQWKHIDFLOLW\·VQHZVWDQGDUGVRISHUIRUPDQFHGXULQJD sincere and trustworthy; Doing DQG JXLGHOLQHV %HLQJ ÀQDQ- FHOHEUDWLRQODVWZHHN what is right even when no cially responsible when using one else is watching; Actively Sidney Health Center resourc- Be humble and kind when time and provide comfortable what is expected; Continu- others to their destination seeking information by asking es; Caring for equipment and interacting with others; Using alternatives; Promote peace ously improve personally and ZKHQDSSURSULDWH,I\RXFDQ·W questions rather than making the environment; and taking courtesy when communicat- of mind and dignity in what professionally; Always provide HVFRUWJLYHVSHFLÀFGLUHFWLRQV assumptions and to encour- pride in personal appearance ing; Coach in private, praise you say and do; and ensure safe, quality, professional %HFDXVH\RXPD\EHWKHÀUVW age questions from others; and dressing professionally. in public; Responding to others SULYDF\DQGFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\ FDUHLQDFRQÀGHQWLDOPDQQHU or last impression, make it a Supporting team decisions Respect: Treat people in a timely manner. When de- Excellence: Do your job Commit to excellence based good one. 100 percent; and being the how you want to be treated; lays occur, update about wait with pride and go above of care and procedures; Escort 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 Get Growing! EVENTS OBITUARIES SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 111 West Main • Sidney, MT 59270 Donald L. Damm, 75 406-433-3306 • Fax:
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