Planning Area

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Planning Area Dawson County /Glendive Growth Policy TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................i PART ONE CONDITIONS AND TRENDS PLANNING AREA ........................................................................................................................1 POPULATION ..............................................................................................................................5 ECONOMICS..............................................................................................................................11 Employment............................................................................................................... 11 Income....................................................................................................................... 20 HOUSING ...................................................................................................................................27 General...................................................................................................................... 27 Number of Housing Units........................................................................................... 27 LAND USE..................................................................................................................................34 Ownership and Land Use Data.................................................................................. 34 Residential Development........................................................................................... 37 Commercial Development Pattern............................................................................. 38 Industrial Use............................................................................................................. 39 Public or Government Use......................................................................................... 39 PUBLIC FACILITIES ..................................................................................................................45 Water Systems .......................................................................................................... 45 Sewer Systems.......................................................................................................... 51 Stormwater Drainage................................................................................................. 57 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal ......................................................................... 58 Recreation Facilities and Sites .................................................................................. 60 LOCAL SERVICES ....................................................................................................................68 Schools...................................................................................................................... 68 School Bus Routes .................................................................................................... 69 Dawson Community College ..................................................................................... 70 Law Enforcement....................................................................................................... 71 Fire Protection ........................................................................................................... 72 Health Care ............................................................................................................... 77 Dawson County Health and Social Services.............................................................. 78 Glendive Administration Facilities.............................................................................. 79 TRANSPORTATION ..................................................................................................................81 Road System ............................................................................................................. 81 Glendive Streets ........................................................................................................ 84 Urban Transportation................................................................................................. 86 Railroad ..................................................................................................................... 87 Airports ...................................................................................................................... 87 Dawson County /Glendive Growth Policy NATURAL ENVIRONMENT .......................................................................................................89 General...................................................................................................................... 89 Soils........................................................................................................................... 90 Surface Water............................................................................................................ 90 Groundwater.............................................................................................................. 91 Vegetation ................................................................................................................. 92 Fish and Wildlife ........................................................................................................ 93 PART TWO GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES COMMUNITY DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT..........................................................................95 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT....................................................................................................97 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC .........................................................................................99 NATURAL RESOURCES.........................................................................................................101 PUBLIC FACILITIES ................................................................................................................103 PART THREE ISSUES AND NEEDS ISSUES AND CONCERNS ......................................................................................................104 General.................................................................................................................... 104 Housing ................................................................................................................... 104 Business .................................................................................................................. 106 Industry.................................................................................................................... 107 Public Services ........................................................................................................ 108 Community Facilities................................................................................................ 109 Community Issues and Concerns............................................................................ 109 OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS.................................................................................114 General.................................................................................................................... 114 Groundwater............................................................................................................ 114 Floodplains .............................................................................................................. 115 Agricultural land....................................................................................................... 121 Conservation Easements......................................................................................... 122 Public Land.............................................................................................................. 122 PART FOUR LAND USE PLAN THE PLANNING PROCESS ....................................................................................................126 LAND USE PLAN.....................................................................................................................127 General.................................................................................................................... 127 Dawson County Rural Area ..................................................................................... 127 Dawson County /Glendive Growth Policy Land Use Classifications – Dawson County Rural Area .......................................... 128 Glendive Urban Area ............................................................................................... 129 Land Use Classifications Glendive Urban Area ....................................................... 131 Public Uses.............................................................................................................. 134 Alternative Growth Scenarios .................................................................................. 138 PART FIVE IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES ............................................................................................139 General.................................................................................................................... 139 Regulatory Methods................................................................................................. 140 Zoning Ordinance
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