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[email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Volume 43 • Number 40 Fairview Elects New Mayor By Jordan Hall services have to be provided by McKenzie County and Yellow- RI0RQWDQDNQRZVWKDWWKHVWDWHGRHVQ·WVWRSDW%LOOLQJVµ+H Brian Bieber has replaced longtime Fairview mayor, Bryan stone Township, they are still important to the community, which DOVRPHQWLRQHGKRSHIXOSDUWQHUVKLSZLWKRWKHUHOHFWHGRIÀFLDOV Cummins. Winning with 143 votes against his opponent – who GRHVQ·WQHFHVVDULO\VWRSDWDQLPDJLQDU\OLQH%HLEHUVDLG´, VD\LQJ´,WKLQNZHQHHGWREHPRUHLQWRXFKZLWKWKHFRPPLV- KDGRQO\YRWHV%LHEHUZLOOEHWKHÀUVWQHZPD\RULQ)DLU- KDYHWKHVXSSRUWRISHRSOHLQ(DVW)DLUYLHZDVZHOODQG,GRQ·W sioners and also with McKenzie County. There is help available view in nearly 30 years. Bieber is a born-and-raised resident of want to leave them out. They are our friends and neighbors.” IRUXV:HMXVWQHHGWRDJJUHVVLYHO\JRDIWHULW´ Fairview, a 1983 graduate of Fairview High School, and owner “One of the main concerns is funding for some of our infra- 7KHQHZPD\RUZDQWVWKHFLW\RI)DLUYLHZWRNQRZWKH\FDQ of BB Electric since 2005. VWUXFWXUHµ%HLEHUFRQWLQXHG´DQGZH·YHJRWVDOLQHZDWHUOLQHV approach him to discuss anything related to city government. “I was born and raised here,” Beiber told the Roundup, “and and saline streets that need repaired. Our water-lagoon situation %HLEHUVDLG´,WKLQN,·PYHU\DSSURDFKDEOH,UXQDVPDOOHOHFWULFDO ,·YHVHHQ)DLUYLHZUHPDLQWKHVDPHDQG,WKLQNLW·VWLPHWRPRYH LVKROGLQJLWVRZQEXWLIWKHUH·VDQ\JURZWKLQ)DLUYLHZWKDW·V shop in Fairview and I am approached by people all the time. IRUZDUG:H·YHPLVVHGRXWRQORWVRIELJRSSRUWXQLWLHV,·YHJRW JRLQJWREHDSUREOHP:HKDYHPDMRULQIUDVWUXFWXUHLVVXHVµ ,·OOWDNHSHRSOH·VFRQFHUQVDQGFRPSODLQWVDQGKHDUWKHPRXW some good ideas and support from a lot of people in Fairview.