
- common name place where believers spend Heaven(39) - 3 types/levels 1st heaven is atmosphere - where birds fly Gen 1:20, 26, Jer 4:25

2nd heaven is space, stars, sun Gen 1:14-18, 22:17 3rd heaven, unseen, where lives 2 Cor 12:1-4

Abraham's bosom(1) - :22-23 - for righteous people - next to(inside?) , close enough to see and talk but unsurpassing gulf between

Paradise(3) - Greek Luke 23:42-43 today the thief will be in 2 Cor 12:1-4 Paul caught up into Paradise Rev 2:7 the in Paradise

After ' ascension, Abrahams bosom was moved up to Paradise Revelations, Paradise will be put in New

New Jerusalem(3)

Heb 12:22-24, Rev 21:1-4, 10-27 1. exists now, in 3rd heaven 2. abode for Triune God 3. also , saints, 4. will come down to new 5. no tears, sorrow, sickness, pain, 6. joy, praising God,

Summary it is for believers downward, then upward after Christ it has moved (Eph 4:8) it will move again, therefore 3 different places/names awesome final place (John 14:2 - mansion) 3 levels of heaven (atmosphere, space, unseen) - common name place where unbelievers spend eternity Sheol(64) - Hebrew (OT) righteous Gen 37:35, 14:13 [grave=Sheol], Ps 16:10[hell=Sheol] unrighteous Num 16:30[pit=Sheol], Job 24:19, Ps 9:17[hell=Sheol], Luke 16:19-31 [hell=]

Hades(10) - Greek (NT) Ps 16:10(hell=Sheol) versus :27(hell=Hades)

Abbadon(7) Hebrew - paralled with Sheol Prov 15:11, 27:20

The Pit(23) - Hebrew - always used negatively Ezek 32:18 - direction is downward Ps 28:1 Prov 1:12

The (9) - Greek associated with angels and the antichrist Luke 8:31[deep=Abyss], Rev 9:1-2, 11[bottomless pit=Abyss], 11:7, 17:8, 20:1,3

Tartarus(1) - Greek 2 Peter 2:4 for fallen angels, not released until day

Gehenna(12) - Greek ge=valley, henna=Hinnom a valley outside Jerusalem used for :10, 2 Chr 28:3 Matt 5:22, 29, 30[hell=], 10:28, 18:9, 23:15, :5, James 3:6

The (4) - Revelation Revelations 19:20, 20:10, 14, 21:8 eternal place for men and angels Sheol and Hades are cast into it

Summary OT everyone went to Sheol - 2 parts after only unbelievers went to Hades diff levels for men or angels downward changes location Sheol, Hades, pit, are probably same place in hell. The Abyss and are different parts of hell for angelic beings. All the above end up in the Lake of Fire for eternity. Hebrew and Greek use several different words to label or describe heaven and hell