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- The Reality of Eternity Pastor Jonathan Stockstill
- A Christian Approach to the Philosophy of Time
- Home of the Soul Switching Homes Eternity
- From the Perspective of Eternity Robin Mcallister Sacred Heart University, [email protected]
- Al-Ghazali, the Argument Against Eternity
- Eternity and Time
- Anchor the Eternity of Love in Your Own Soul and Embed This Planet with Goodness
- Thorgeirsdottir, "Philosophical Pathos and Spirituality
- The Relation of Time and Eternity Author(S): John Ellis Mctaggart Source: Mind, New Series, Vol
- Tilburg University Synchronicity and Leadership Merry, Philip
- Eternity, Time and Tenselessness
- The Salt-Point: Kairos Emergent from Chaos
- A History of Eternity
- Augustine and Boethius, Memory and Eternity
- Time and Eternity in Jewish Mysticism
- The Spiritual Laws
- Reconsidering What Nietzsche Meant by the Same in the Doctrine of the Eternal Recurrence
- Time and Eternity in Jewish Mysticism