
THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 8, 19Sl| Avtmgc Diilsr N«t P n a Ron Vir tka WMk KuM iiancliriater lEvrutne H^ralh ■•lit S. IfU

of Saida, Lebanon, the city mana­ sage by the pastor, the Rev. K. Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop A. Reed ger of New .London, the Rev, Hage 11,536 Ejnar Raak. A sqp\»iftfr will be Attend Reception of Tolland, form erly.of this town,' of St. Ann's Church, New London, at IfM iiatUt About Town given to each' o n f attending the have issued Invitations for the and members of the clergy from laf ( ■ . * t ^ service.' An offering will aleo be DON'T "TIT" Man^he$ter~-^A CUy o f ViUogo Chorm marriage of Mrs. Reed^s daughter. In New London all parts of North and Soutli Amer­ Still, pleaty'ot wmr left hi U ^ b c n o f the Junior Ghumber Miss Nancy Huntington Bldredge, received for Ihe benefit of. Co­ ica. His Beatitude the Melklte shoea whM broaght hw* Mr ' pf Commerce'and their, .wivee will to Charles Daniel Kellogg Jr., of venant people w ho suffered losses Patriarch, spoke to the enthralled expeH repairtag. In the receijt flood. ■ ” Mr. and Mta. Richard S. Nasslff, M) mark the atart of the fall aeaaon Fairfield. The ceremonk will be gathering In fluent French and In WORK DONE WBUJB yOL.LXXIV.NO.28f (EIGHTEEN PAGB3) BIANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1955 and the Mlrses Marie and Hieresa Saturday night at a dinner aoclal performed Saturday, Oct. 1, at 3 high Arabic, his native tongue, TOO W A IT meeting at the Manchester Coun­ p.m., in Christ Church Cathredial, Nasalff attended the dinner recep­ A solemn Pontifical Uturgy was try Club. The affair will start at Hartford. The Mary Cushman Group of the Second Congregational women’s tion held in honor of His Bektitude held at U a m. at St. Ann's Church 7.30. with the honor guard Grand SAM YULYES Sunday. Sept. 11, will be rally League wlU meet tomorrow at 8 Maximos IV, Patriarch of Antioch SHOE REPAmPIfl Con, Policeman .m., at the home of Mrs. J. Her- and of all the Fgat, of Alexandria Knights Of Columbus of Norwich The Buckley School cafeteria day for the Covenant Congrega­ in attendance. - o r THE BETTBE KIND j will serve lunches beginning Mon- tional Church and Sunday School. Sert Finlay, 86 Phelps fIM. The- and Jerusalem, held Sunday, Sept. hostess will, be Mra. Albert Post. 4, at the Roof Garden of the Mohi- Also present from Manchester 15 Maple St,—AcroBB Prwi Ex-School Pals, ! day. Sept. 13. at the following At 10:30 .a.m.,- a joint rally day was Stewart B. R. Chehey. who Is FIrat National Pnrhhig Lai I hours for the various grades: program of recitations, hymns, an The group will make plans for its gan Hotel in New London. booth in (he annual fair, scheduled Honor guests Included Bishop greatly interested in’ the Eastern ! Grades 1 to 3, 11;2S to 12:30; object lesson and other features Rites of the Catholic Church. PINEHDRST I Grades 4 to 7, 11:43 to 12:45. will be presented, including a mes­ for Saturday, OcL J. Flannagan o f. Norwich,-the Bishop In Pistol Fight IS OPEN ^ For PeroiTPlot Yonkera, N. Y.^ Sept. 9 ( ^ THURSDAY and — An ex-convict shot,.an off- Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 9 (ff)— An Army general duty policeman at 'crowded FRIDAY NIGHT accused with, four other high ranking officers of plotting a Y oi^en Raceway last night \ rebellion ag^nst Pjresident Peroh was reported^ under arrest as the officer sought to arrest Germ an Prisoners of UNTIL 8:30 today. Authoritative sources said Brig, Gen. Delmiro Felix him. the S2-year-old ex-con- VUIela Balaguer, head o f the Rlo'^ vlct, who vt^parently . turned BACK CvjBrto garriaon, waa being held his gun on himself, died in a the 3rd Motorised Regiment head- . quarters on the outskirts o f Buenos Truman Warns hospital early tofday. Aires. t’ Th'a gunman and p^lceman Also Urges Krei These informants said, It wap Were former schoolmates,' Itkaly Balaguar’a aaaoeiatea in the Against Cutting There waa some commoUon In, Brat raportad military plot since the crowd after the shooUng. but the abortive June 16 revolt were the racing program waa not inter­ Push Unity of Reich alao under arreet in garriaona near Armed Forces rupted. LITTLENANGY . . . ,tha capital. 'hla shooting took place Not so long ago. litUa Nancy B. atood with her bike. In front fir s t Nottee in Freaa Chicago, S^t. 9 UPi— Harry 8 . new- a pari-mutuel window "uilder of PinMturat, ^ tln g for the light to turn green so that aha There were no official announce- Truman said tdday the Commun­ the track stands just as 19,000 per­ Moscow, Sept. 9 iff) — West German Chancelloi^ Konrid oauiA cToaa the Turnpike add lide’dou’n Main to her home on maote about the Sve Army officera. ist countries seem to he taking sons awaited the start of the sec­ \ Adenauer call^ on the Soviet Union’s top leaders to —— ..... ___...... ■_ i.— . .. - ______^ NUTRITIOUS MEALS of tiM.accuea-1 a.^mora. peaceful courje but-that ond trotting race of the evening. iJirarpmonerz-held-in Ruaaia axA-preluda to ‘‘oiMeiiaaHa— A « Oua Luther, who likea to atand on this com er andf watch ilone against tham yeaterday whan America must keep up Its guard Wanted by Folica* , zation” of relations between their two countries. the traffic go by, nmarked "the little glri did Just what ahe was ,La Kpoiea, a Peronlsta newspaper, untll .lt la sure. The dead man was Edward DSb- taught la achoel, and at hease, WAITED TOR TIIE GREEN published on ’ ite inside pages an He described cute he eaid the O - daub, Bergenfleld. N. J., object of Opening his historic first meeting with the Kremlin com­ LIGHT,** but the driver speeding down Main 8t. to make a fast order fbr them to appear for a senhower ' administration is mak­ a IS-atate police alarm in connec­ mand, Adenauer also plead^ with Soviet Premier Bulganin, left turn Into the Turnpike also nad the GREEN and forgot that^ M ^n Better Grades hearing eh conspiracy charges. ing In our military estabibhment. tion with a £ergenneia~bai1tTaiV.‘ Communist party boss Nikita Khrushchev and Foreign Minis­ the pedeatrian, yes, even the little bike rider, has the right of The, publication seemed to con- His own admInistraUon, hs said, Dabdaub, bullet In his head, ter V. M. Molotov to “ dedicate all your energies’’ to speedy way at these “ left and right turn com ers” ,and It was lucky Brm reports o f unrest at the gar­ began a buildup of the .armed died at St. John’s Hospital here. Nangr'a Guardian Angal was with her. rison In the rich cattle and grain forcee that "has had much to do Wounded in the shoulder was conclusion with the western Big Three of an agreement to Won’t you please take It easy at this dangerous cor­ county of central Atgentlna 350 with bringing about the attitude Patr

i . ■ A X ' 1 1 <■ . / / MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER* CONN.. UtlDAYi SEPTEMBER 9.1965 MANCHESTER EVENING ^ R A L D . MANCHE8T1SR. CONN.* F^IDAV, SEH BM BER 9 .195B The charge aald Kally wi win tik e t>9ft In Iho Wrifeim i a r ’ttudtndst SL Sdlplw Ramlaary la tributor to and lupportw (Allege Studento Ufa first Uma Sunday morning. [CkiiQibirc Pielate'"^ VYdnea aSd OAhoUc UMvaralty la fuiumtiaM that can M ^talnad plncera movemant, between the Plane Crash Kills Polio Shots Held Pi^fessor Gots lean Tquth for Tha 10:80 atrvlea wUl mark tliB WaaMngtoa. lle «i« to Uival la i«I~ T IIid 'O f Aaiaiarid the ice 1 w ■— Q' first apeatance of the man’s that] Bobody eeuld launch a< wi«> A .Thought for Today Drbodles NEW HOURS gnnip cited as n Entertained H^re Flood Fttrid4/ Passes in Maine b la d u m ^ lL ' priaa attack, aran tf they did maaa o f the Antarctic. 06od|3ye Oregon Success Attorney General. chorus, a group conaiating of mam- Tte9Mlp«ai(lMr4 Three;' 24 Hurt By BQOBB PMCS Army . Apology bara of tha Emanuel CIioTr and the BLAm yioTDi m ss AuaOralia. Kelljl denl^ (UkMr oath to tha ehlUlMii of MiC' poaaaaa ajtamlc bomba, upon the God’s Way MANCHESTER , e foimer EQethoven Glee dub. They Beyond the deep Ttilowledge of Johnston CbnuiQttee that he had Donations Portland, Maine,, gept 9 (9>)—Tha OaUpMu. 'V dmaonsttsted certainty that even God moves in a 'mysterious w,ay. Portland. OTe., Sept. » (Pi — aver been luOommuniSt. Further­ If las Norma LeClafre enjer* win sing Schubert’s "Sanctua" un-. Woonaockat, IL L, Sapt.'9 ( ^ — LSSu.w a Burbank. Calif., Sept • (Ab — CENTER mva For Red link lUehard Rondeau. $0, a auiyrtaa atta^ > if it eouid be OommuAiat geopolitical , theory His wonders to perfoirm;. Polio vacrine is a "spectacular more, He yCqaUfiad v^th backing talned with a luncheon j^ te rd a y dar tha 'dlracUon of Charles 8. The pilot of a atrleksn DCS o8o^‘K5lnii*‘'SthSu«*dSd »’ brotbtf, Robert. . manacad,' would meet with at which enablea the anonymoua ex> He plants His footsteps In the sea. success" in Oregon, the State AGENCY from Wa^M’i Law School Dean, at Her home, 49 Ansaldl Rd., for a Wakalay, mlnistar o f music. Mam- M ln ah Group — South In an explosion among delMs left stretched hU glide to the limit. But group o f her cfaaam&tes who last night after an extended Illness, burned. Deaptta 1 pert to (hart Ruaaia,'a approaching And rides upon the storm. Board of Health reported yester­ 498 MAIN STREET Washifigton, Sept, a (P) — The Dr. AtOiur Neef, his. “contrlbu- bars o f tha chorus are John KJell- llathodiat Church . . . . f ' B.00 laaat an equal retaliation. it wasn't enough and the plane graduated from Manchester High son, Paul Brtekaon, . Hugo Psar- The Moat Rev. Joseph E. Mc­ by last month’s flood, dtad early to- Robert pushed Rlcbard IMo conquest o f Australia, he has one crashed 150 yards short of the day .after reviewing the fliAt 85 V, ■ Army has apologised to Prof. Al­ tlon"Xto American . Youth for Pat Wupperfeld...... i.oo Carthy, bishop of PorUand, was 7A Now It ia the theory ot boUt the Deep in unfathomable mines iracy actually was to help School in June 1954, and will re­ son, AiDiur Larder, Jmn Albin day at Woonsocket Hoapltal. river to douse bla S i------Lockheed ■'Air Terminal Runway, weeka of the year. om fred T. Kelly of Wayne University turn later thia month for their Mrs. E. Hr'KanOilf . . . . 10.00 A pontifical Maas of Requiem Rtiaaiana and ouraelvea that, il> piece of circumstantial evidence. Of never-failing skill. The polio rate apiorig unvaccl- CI 4. SwiWays. 1 pjR. for a "mistake’* in- accusing him It off the university campus. Johnson, Wilmora Petaraon, Rich- He was one of three boys burned ing. then carried him killing the pilot, co-pilot and a sophomore year at the varitms col­ mrO . Barggren, Herbert Bengtfon, Ml*, and Mrs. * Samuel will he celebrated at 10:80 a.m. though ;r^a>e exiatence of atomic Recently, a Russian snorkel sub* He- treasures up’ HU bright designs ngted chlldreiu was 35 per 100,- o f supporting a Communist Tuesday in the Cathedral of tha yesterday while playing among da-' ./■ ground worker and injuring 24 leges. '» Erland Johnson, Roy Johnson. Cart Yulyea ...... 10.00 Rlchard'a oondltloa wna MNIIkr bomba cannot be detected, the rnarine made a cruise to the An,d works His soy’reign will. persons. ^ 000 population. For those who O P E N D A n . Y organlaatioh. Im*'aculate (Conception by the biia and lumber beslda the Black- Parsells Opposes Mist L ea a ire’a guests includeil Ouatafacm,' Dick Schubert, Ernest Harman Yulaa ...... ; 20.00 stone River.. Police said ona o f edaa critical, ' / 'M axiatence of facliitiea or the atari AntartlC. It traveled unde^ water Pilot Joseph Amos Bradsher, 31, were vaccinated it waa 6 per 100,- A A«M« to 0 P«M» Secretary of the Army Bcui Moat Rev. Daniel J. Feeney, coad­ Ye fearful saints, fresh courage ths foUowlng: Margarst J. Carter Banson, Bart Wogman, Varner Mrs. UarJoriS- F. Roth- jutor bishop of the diocese. Chula Vista. Calif., radioed ahortly 000. the board reported. ordered the allegation traaed /Tom Gustafson and Eric Anderson. of operationa for delivering bomba for 14 hours each (lay. take. ’■ Army records yesterday, and PrisciUa A. HiU, all three arc well i ...... ’. . . 10.00 Bishop Feeney has right of sue- ••••••••••••♦••am***** after taking off for Oakland. Calif., , These were flgurea for the 6 to State Flood Grant . Meii9he«e»#e»e#eli#«*#»A*»ee** can be detected, by inapectora at That clinched it. Goodbye Aus­ The clouds'ye iso much dread "improperly and careieaaiy per­ ctudents at the University of Con- Hallin and RoUiwell 5.00 ceaalon to the See.' — with 30 passengers yesterday that 9-year age group. In thle group necUcut; Ann Alvord, MiddlebuiY air flelda, in the Ruaalan plan, by tralia. Are big with mercy, and shall his starboard engine, had failed. there are approximately 144,000 formed"-Army inveetlggflve work Anonyrntma ...... 8.00The nation was In the depths of »••••••••••••»********* break Hartford, Sept. 9 — A Repub­ Collegs; Nancy C. Cole, Cornell Extended Forecast Mrs. C .'A n deraoh ...... 1.00 exchange of aerial aurveys, in the Crash crews stood by ss the children in the state, with 49,000 had led to the charge, the Great Depression when Bishop In blessing on your^head U i lican legislative leader says he op- University; Mary L. Parmaklan, Hedwlg Nygren ...... 5.00 McCarthy was", consecrated April C0Mf ^*»••»«*>•*»»* ********* twin-engine plane attempted to who received one or more injec­ Matter of P w Piap La Salle; Marjorie C. Morrle, Bay- daeahower inapection plan. The *rexas Balleriaa Doing iMp* TOWNE OLEANERS " It becomes a nutter of fair poees outright Good grants from Boston. Sept. 9 (;P)—The tem­ Print Mart Co...... 5.00 24,1932. , New York Killers limp ..back to the field. The plane tions of the vaccine, 95,000 who path Junior. College; and Diane s . Mr. nr.d Mrs. WUIlam J. thedry ia that atoma can't be de> Judge qot the Lord by feeble sense, sheared through power 'lines, a Ballet is a sort of mass calisthen­ play to admit a mistake b f this the atate but thinka the State perature Id N * w England during He launched a tireless crusade received none. /'-tf Culver, Russell Sage. W addell...... 6.00 tected, but that war can be. We Biit trust Him for His grace': fence, caromed off a parked < air ics with a lot of Girls dressed up Kind whenever it occurs," Brucker should backstop funds for flood the next five days, Saturday to balance the diocesan budget. Get Electric Chair Behind a frowning providence in. too many clothes and a lot of said. "A ccording^ the , A r m y stricken communities. through Wednaeday, will average Mrs. W. T. L ittle ...... 5.00 Finance sorely needed charities, p h a r m A c t Itnow we couldn’t tell whether a force CS4 and hit a hangar. SCHOOL Play given by Cindy * 'H e hides a smiling face. Boys dressed In Bikini TightSi In regreU the n u k in ^ o f thle mis­ Rep. Norman K. Parsells. of two to .six degrees above normal and. construct/modern rectories, HAR’IFQ'ltD ROAIb—(Corner of McKeaJ—»a l BER-MMli Technician Willie Malone. 47, Newitt, Paula Hewitt, 459 nation had bomba or not. We Los Angeles, working on a wing order to understand what's going taken allegation with reference to Fairfield, leader of the GOP-con- Note Family Day In aouthern New England and near schocila and churches. Ossining. N. Y., Sept. 9 (4?i.--T\vo F O R R E N T • Rokanne Hewitt, Mar- . think we could tell i f a nation waa His purposes will ripen fast. tank' o.n the C54. was killed. But on you have to know what the Dr. Kelly.” trolled State House of RepresenUh. normal In northern New England. His accomplishments included a New York City holdup slayers Unfolding every hour; OPENING tives, told a meeting of city and tha Simpson. Carol Pa- 95 million refinancing program and getting ready to uae the \bomba, died In the electric chair at Sing none of v.the passengers was seri- various stylised movements rmesn 8 and 19 mm. Movie ProJ«ctoro-> Dr. Kelly, who heads'the his­ Warmer Saturday and Sunday. wr*U« eUMt el N. a. A. The *bud may have a bitter taste. tory department at the Detroit -towii officials from flood areas last At Church Here C(X)ler Monday and rising tem­ cheao. Kathie Shea, a'"successful drive to raise million for that woulg involve all klnda of Sing prison last night. ousl.v injured. For instance^ if a Dancer Jumps up no n, It' has ont great basic rightnei^s. The nonacheduled DC3, leased floor and tell a' story about a ner-' Johnston added, ' however, that and a nursery for small chlldfsn will on the average total one to them. Dc^ Bites Back M l '9-9084 Thnrsdnjr TIB t this question frpm the municipal . Douglas Shorts, Kath­ • l A C K R B S T It'm akes practical rscogniUon of by the Currey Air Trasport Inc. vous Ps.vchiatriit. But they both M 5 Cnat Middle Turnpike Kelly'a case shows what could ball­ in the parish building at 10:80. fli(e tneths iof an Inch'occuring as end up the same. Evejtyona drops OpM Dally 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Launderette Sendee. pen to other citisena if the gov­ leaders: (Jlasses for the (Jhurch Sch()ol chil­ shoWera Sunday and again about leen and Richard Noo- . fact that our problem is not. MALAKI.q REPORT from Kesrn Inc., o^Seattle, missed How much money vkill the State nan ...... ' 88.90 • FOAM RUIRER m VAUD Cincinnati, Sept. 9 iJh — Accord­ hitting by a fewXrards President dead. ^ ernment’s employe security pro* dren will begin On Sept. 18. Wednesday, " ' the bomb, but the very Institution make available to ihe towns |uid RINGS New - Delhi (dP*—The govern­ ing to that old newspaper bromide Eisenhower’s plane. "Columbine." gram "is not revised and properly Melvin. T. Peterson of Monu­ of war itself; about a man biting s' dog being administered.” He called again for cities and how soon ? . ment, Kan., who wilt serve ai Friday, September # ment of estimates that near­ The Lockheed-built Super Constel­ Other questions: (UtL OIL It is an attack (ion war, rather ly 100 mlllioo'i people-more than news, half of thU story must be lation was being serviced. a "complete overhauling" of the assistant • to the Rev. C. Henry PROMPT DEUVERY TO YOUR HOM l hews and the other half Isn't. Ehienhower administratioh’a'secur- Cah^the State laws be changed than Just on tha bomb, and for a quarter of the national popula­ Andciifipn for...the coming year, &ASOLINI Fifteen months old Dorothy Ity procedures. to epeed up the procedure by which ConiplBlw oRd PioniplivPrBicrlptlnn Snndtn • A Bnuid New Twlbt that it is complstely sound. tion—aufler attacks of malaris an­ The allegations against Kelly towns can condemn land and to : Mr. Staaaen^ our "Secretary of nually in this country. Of those in­ Hartman provided the news. Its msthod of attacking war Is She bit the nose of a Collis dog were an .offshoot of the Army's strengthen zoning regulatione? It's A Fpet 10isarmament,” 'a t the United Na- fected, says the estimate, at least, What about future fletod control new, and has .none of the atmos­ while visiting at a home here yes­ security risk charges against San- one million die eacJv year from the intennas . ford waxer, a Detroit veteran de­ plans ? B A N T L Y OIL Itlona meetings on that problem, terday. phere Of what .everybody might f 8ver. The meeting of municipal offi­ Students. . . The dog bit right back, and Dor­ nied an h'mi^rable discharge from I I'll'V''. , l\( WSSTOWM .and Air Force Secretary Quarles, admit would be the ideal method, cials waa called by Mayor John N. othy had to receive treatment at Installed or the Army on grounds he had asso­ 'I \ I i;i M •fc- -In'" a speech iqat weekend, have The British Navy has discovered Dempsey of Putnam and Mayor • DO MORE WORK ■tf anybody would ever agree to it. St. Francis Hospital for bites on Save ciated with kn^n^Gommunlsts or ” PHA»IIACT - • •succeeded in making something that paddle .wheel tugs are more sympathizers. W aka^ has . denied William T. Sheasby of Ansonia, • G E T b e t t e r g r a d e s ' TEL MlfcI.rll 9 4S95 That would be to abolish national effective than those with propellers her right cheek and left ear. Repaired •new and different. about United the charges. ^ both members of the State Flo(xl when they use a typewriter. 459 HARTFORD ROAD—(Comer ef McKee)—TcL M t 9SM armaments, as such, and to create for pushing aircraft carriers in The baby is the daughter.. Underwritera Engineered Disaster Recovery Committee, TEL ROCKVIlir S-2177 !s u u a disarmament ' policy quiU Used As R«ferFn(« a'United Nations international po­ dockyards, says the National Geo­ Mrs. .lane Hartman of Ix>wsti - One particular the Army alleged which meet's today. Start the negt school or eoUegd « England. 'clear. But what they make clear lice force which would be the only graphic Society, $ 2 0 0 0 against Waxer was that he had year right with a Marlow portable, - la still. In itself, quite confusing. standing ar.ny in all the world. Potterton's given Dr. Kelly, a former profes­ Guam is 5,850 miles from San What they make clear la that sor of his. as a character reference Francisco. That is what human logic tellS' us PHONE MI »-48S7 :the United SUtaa has 'suddenly to do. That is what We ought to p ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ iiiH iiiiiii| ISA CENTER 8T. ^Idilftcd its policy on disarm^ent PLANTLAND on tho PARKW AY do. But It may be what nobody Is MESIBER TELSA mway fttnn all plans for actuu dla- ready to do. Perhaps everybody is MANCHESTER, CONN. iumament, away from- all sugges; closer to doli.g thiji'other thing. ■ Center Church S c M Opnn DoRy and iondoy 8:00 A M . ta SdM PiM.' ^ on s Im reductibn ot banning of Its method o f attacking war is Atomic ariinamenta, and la now •WE NAVE ALL TNl POPUUR MAKE disappointing, and tipubling to the xoncentratlng (m a new theory, I . WplcdUnes You l a n d s c a p e s p e c ia l _ mind,, because, in itself,. It does WINDOW SHADES Get Suho61 Clotiits hvhich U 'tb et tha.^way; fo f fits e A complete foundAtlen pleatlBif for the RverRge Cepe Oed:or ItMirli home* wUh TifletlM hoot m Hm nothing’ about the awful burden of P0RTAB|! S IN BTOOK >rorId to b« oafe la for |t to keep Ready For The Childrea to theie modem tjrpee. armaments. We could still he ! REOISTRATION SUNDAY, SEFt, 11,1955 l 6NG WEARING ;on with something of an arma armed to the teeth. That wouldn't wants race, but to let everybody INTERSTATE CLEANTfX $39.00 for all feel like peace. And if it was 9:15 and 11:00 •Inspect everybody else’a progresa Planting wiU include; 2 Upright Yew (Taxus Hatfleldl) l8 -2 r _ peace, why have peace without the A S 81ade to Order , 7 pc. Dinettes 9 9 ‘°° «n d standing in this race. * . , 2 Dwarf Spreading Yew (Taxus BrcrifoliR) 15-18* blessing of being able to take e iiW G With Tour RoUera " That this is som ethingf a aud 2 Spreading Yew (Taxus enspidatm nigrm) 15.18” some of the money wasted on Two Comolete Sos$lons den shlh can be proved by'refer- at 2 Japanese Andromeda (Pieris Japoniem) 18-24” jsrmamenta and uaa it to make a Ting back to President BiSen E.^ . JOHNSON 5r;pc. Dinettes 79’°° Or . better world, or just reduce taxes? kower at Ge.ieva, when ha pro* NURSERY FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS Daystrom [iS H ir DRY CLEANSERS INC. 2 Catawba Rhododendron (Rhode. Catawbiense) But still it should not be sold ■ ' . ■! ' sentad the proposal -for exchange (Limited Enrollment) PAINT CO. | 3 2 5 IROAD STREET. MANCHESTER 18-24” , short. It tries, quite frankly, not Big 35 X 60=inch"€hroine banquet table e.xtends o f mllitaiy blueprints and' ex­ 899 Main St., Tel. Nl-9-4601, for the' ideal, but for wliat Is hu­ THROUGI# JUNIOR HIGH to 72 inches. Daystromite red or gray crystal tope MOORE GYM SUITS change of aerial obaerv^ion not Quality Oh FISHERS now. manly possible. And if it could resistant to liquids and heat. ChairsI to match. 7 . FREE FREE FREE FERTILIZER ^ an epd in itself, but as a ges­ [mn acceptance, it might do ■ ■■ ■ m i'im m ■•■i ■ pieces Reg. |119.00. 5 pieces Reg. f99.Q0, r } A 50 pound beg of Vlgoro will be given with caeh pnreluue ot $SO.0» or eaere ot MnTaeiY.pIlRla ture wl^ch might help bring about CASH and CARRY ' i ^ g h for world feare and moo(is Saturday and Sunday only. the conditions for progress on dis­ to bring about some voluntary de­ DISCOUNT PLAN ~ armament itself. But now inspec' ■SI a gree ^ of actual disarmament. It isvs tlsiet ipsu —liars issiintr clstksi / JUST ARRIVED tlon and observation have become Our flrat big ohipment of Imported Dutch Bulbo. Thoneanda ot hirfMaa goaBty teFalaa,aptly Roeran. may 'evan be that, in the 'final all aistir —(Isssiai pist SI4 par gsraital the end of American policy, rather Ing bulbe in the moat populer v'arietlee. Tullpa— Hyactathe — DaffodiR — Nareiaana — Cmenaj— American position offering thia Bian incidental to it. Secretary Seillm — Sn'owdropa., Make your aelectiona now while auppSea are a n ^ aad all year varlenca SM plan, there can be sOme concession BRING THIS COUPON- Quarten announces th a t. our SOB to tho Russian view, which is our \ ' O B S B i r B B ^ H O Y M T ------^SM irtt-COiON* tem for preserving peace will own old view, that aome actual re­ „ CASH ond Isn’t this a cute and dreamy to 'maintain an overwhelming to 2 Years to *'UNDERWdOD • REMINGTON FreSkly Dug Brood leaf Evergreens and Azaleoi duction of armaments ia a way to “P style ^ Regnlatian MOOBE’8 rcfpaclty to retaliate after any rO CARRY NOWI have the lit and freedom of Rhododendron Rod Hybrid Crnffsp 18*24 eaeaae»«eeo«oondooR’bnB*e$7*0S< creata paace. A mixture of con­ surprise attack against ua. Pre­ slMrts and a sh irt. •. yet they’re • O L IV E T T I • H E R M E S 15*18 a e e • e e • e a a • • a a • ♦ o o o o 0 o o#OeOO ventional dlea-mament theories, (minimum $ 1 .00 ) sumably,*; the Russians would be on W -B Budget Terms a cool, one-pleoe outfIL Here’s 12*15** ooeoaoeoeoae o.o. eaaaaaaoo $5a05 and our own new theory, may a practical kind of slim look Invited - to maintain the aams evolva in tha negotiations at the on any dry Qleanin9 < at fiuhlon design for gym. Made Varieties include: Ij^ tiu s^ rven ta Atrosanffuineunip ChractaciM and othera capacity for themselves. SolRf. SRrviet ond rtnfols on standard ond port- United Nations. For such a novel from MOORE Sanforized Gym-, Rhododendron W h ite Hybride 15*18** aoo‘eoeeeeooaee*aaaaeaaa#eaa o $6a05 The prospect of peace would ISHIR PRY CLEANSERS m e. cloth. In freshman red. Sites oMn typowritm and adding moehinM. and complicated task, however, Rhododendron CarolinEa 10*12**...... aaaeaaaaaaaaoaisa«aaaa« a-eJlaSS lie not in any reduction of our re- I325 BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER 10-18. there can ha no quick deadline. It Next /time you’re downtown on Rhododendron Catawbap 18^24** .o.a.eaaoeeaoa.aaaaaaaaaeeaaaaa • $8a85 . ^>ective power for war, not in any Thursday evening drop o ff the week’s a s n a $ 3 . 9 8 ia a brand new tRJet In a problem Rhododendron Rosebayp' 18*24** keo*.. ». aoaaoaaaoaa>aaaaaaaaOnaa> •■o$4e85 tenning of the atom, but in the dry cleaning and laundering. Thrifty’s as old as man, and is not under­ H a rd y Boxwood* 12*15** ...... eaeeoaeoae.aaaaaaaaaaaeissaaaae e$4a45 .tect that each of us would know SAME DAY SERVICE stood ye^ iyen In the country handj^right next to the Main St. Alao Gym Sneakers For Boya Japanese Andromedap 18*24** O ■ # a a o e^a'a^ oanaaaaaaoaaaaaa*^aaoeaaa a-a^5a45 m’hat the oth ^ could do, And each IN t r OUT >T AT DECUIAII PIIICES which has priglnated it. “ First National,” directly across from 10 3 ■ and Girl* Azalea Hinoden^Fl. 8*10**...... a aeaaaaaaSaoaaaaaoooa a e82alS Of us could keep a watch on the the Army and Navy Club. ^ S|PRcisu9 F o rk ln f^ ^ ^ ^Briaht Crimson Everaraan Azalaa)p 8*8 e e e a o . a # a a a # a a a a a a a e^leOS ' other, to prevent either from The DoctorctI Note ■ / ' f " if * Thl MtItO launching a surprise attack. We For a long time there has been SPECIAL Would, quite frankly and openly. S&H Green Stamps m m v w f V 0 COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED a school o f argument which has Rhododendron Red Seedlings, 6-12”— Axalen HhMklegerL 4-6” Sat about the business of sUikIng held that Prealdent Franklin p. OPEN THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 Japanese Andromeda. 6-12” so much terror into each' other Roosevelt wanted Japan to attack; that neither of us would aver dare ua, 10 he could get into World \ igo to war. , AMPLE PARKING 1 t. ^ =1 J c - Mb I $1.19 each - 3 for $3.45 ^ W sr n, and IhaC the way we got 'X I f this Is now clear. It ia con­ Japan to attack us was to send fusing, for several reasons, not Japan , a diplomatic nota on Nov. IT'S LAWN CARE TIME - X only becauss, at Geneva. President Sell Mid temperature condlUons M e ideni now to eU rt a new lawn er after the hetteel amsi 89,. 1941, which (xmatltuted an 1063 MAIN ST. record to r e ^ r the homed eat Meee la y ^ preaent one. > Xlsenhower himself was talking 'Oltimatum" which left Japan no dlaarmamsnt. It ia confuting be choice but that of'attacking us at S oil A id s : cause it is labeled a disarmament L O W l German Peat, Large 7'/i cubic foot b a le ...... $4.95 Pearl Harbor. This has. In any Downtown C/eoners - Michigan P ea t ...... 50 Iba. $2.49 100 Iba. $4.49 ! program when, of course, it is no case, been lurid hiatorlcsl theory auch. thing. I t is a program for at its worst. But out of- the If 'Vermiculite, 4 bushel bn^' aeeaaaaeeaaaoaaaoenaaao'odeaba'eaeeea* e82*80. continuing armaments. .-memoirs of foriner Premier NEADQUARTERS FOR The temptation^ is,''of couraa, .io Yoehida of Japan-has now, come FER'^LIZERS: X take thia obvious surface contra­ the information which reinforcee y o u n g Scotts TurfbuiM er ...... - > ^ ...... 5 0 lbs..^$3.9S 100 lbs. $7.85 diction, and'mo'unt a sweeping, at­ the common aense Judgment that Scotts All Organic ...... v,,...50 lbs. $3.95 100 Iba. $7.85 tack on the new American poai- it'ia nonsense. Agrinite 100% Organic .... r...... 50 lbs. $3J30 100 Iba. $6.50 ~ tlon. -Undoubtedly, i f the preaent Toshlda'a memoirs describe how IS your Agrico for Lawns .7.,, ...... 50 lbs. $2.55 100 Iba. $5.00 diaamament talks era Incon' SATURDAY, the Japanese militarlaU tM k the f j n o d , B w u n g ...... 50 llw. 12.75 100 Iba. $5.40 elusive, the Rusaians, for, one, wiU American note and doctored it un- "-Driconure ...... 50 lbs. $2.60 100 lbs. $5.00 blame what aoama tha audden and tt- ....j ■ . . I *** it 4ld aeem nothing ifnore than best furniture buy 111 Bone Meal ... 50'lbs. $3.95 100 Iba. $6A0 ^ o u a twlat la American policy. ulUmatum. They took out the V(,\iVu SEPT. 10 TOerf are algna our frlenda and aUtement that'Uie note itself was Wstkiiis Budgetrend is exciting news for the f i i WEED CONTROLS: *** somewhat disturbed by j intended as a basis for negotiation.negotiation *bi!44- It, too. young at heart. Flexible ... you switch many lALANCED DESIGN Scotta 4-X-D (for broad leaf weeds) ...$4.83 bag— Covers 11,000 aq. ft. They took out of the note an ex­ BookcoM Headboard in full or twin oize ...... 59.98 GIRLS’ But it has to be looked at, and pieces from room to room; make different com­ DANCE FOOTWEAR TOE SHOES Secilts ScutI (fo r crabgrasa) ...... $5.45 bag— Covers 5,500 aq. TL tensive American discussion of the Step-Type Bedside Table with drawer, each . . . 39.95 given some conridcraaoh, in ths binations' at' win. Smartly styled of Wisconsin elm Pink satin. A, B. C, D Japanese position, in which in V llfit. •DonblrDresaer Baoe of 6 drawers, 52" wide .. 104.50 CostiNnns and AeeassoriM context of the theories which havs^ in a mellow, tawny, blond color. And low, low OniRVQUEEII ‘wtdtb. honest end able effort to under­ Double Dresser Mirror, 43x31 inch, framed . . . ' 39.95 LAWN SEED: lad to it, . priced^ There are pieces for everj’ room in the $6.50 ' stand the Japanese poaitlon ■ was •60” Buffet with 6 drawers, sliding doors .;. v. 129.00 'liiS Plantland M ixture ...... S Iba. $6.95 10 Iba. $11.00 hom e. I i l Ona o f thess theories, to which mode. .With these eliminations, the 39" Shelf Units (tWo shown on buffet) each .. 59.95 Contains 50% Kentucky Blue GraSs. : * < the Russians havs aires(iy agreed. famous Hull nofS'bscome some­ Spindle-back Arm Chair, upholaterad seat . . . . . 84.95 S co tts L a w n S e e d ...... 1...... 5 Iba. $8.85 Is that wa can no longer think of thing the Japanese miUtarisU Sptndle-lMick Side Chiirs to match, ea ch ...... ' 24.95 Flavor Sundae Scottl'^pecial ...... \ ...... 5 Iba. $6.65 , Such a thing as a fool-proof, or — Not Shown -T-- ...... 5 lbs. $7.95 could show to the peaceful, onci AN Y SIZE '1 ^ Lifetyme with Merion Blue 'enemy-proof, systerti of inspection wsr-reluctant leaders of Japan oa 48” Buffet, 4 drawers and cabinet ...... 115.00 Kentucky Bluegraaa ...... •a...... 5 lbs. $6.30 and control o f the production of convincing proof that Japan had Up G o School Moriu 48" Buffet. 3 drawers, glou-door cahlhet...... 119.50 , SHORT SLEEVE Illahee Fescue (Creeping) . ..5 iba. $4.30 -aCMnic energy. There is no known, 39'* Cheat-Server of threetdrawers . 99.95 DOES VOT INCLUDE $4.45*$5.45 .•...••.....•5 lbs. $3.50' no chotes but to fight, and to at­ VvlM olyos Moko B u y O n e Soooidug To size KNITTED LEOTARDS Cbewinga Fescue ...... practical way of prsventing pso- tack. Ths plot for war waa located 44” Room Divider, to be uoed on b u ffet...... 24.95 »r children nad adults. Royal Perennial Rye ...... ) a • ^ .5 Iba. $2.50 TIm) G r o d o BANANA SPLITS from building atomic bombs in Japan, notvini\in Waohlngton. WI Captain’s Arm Chairs, for any room 27.95 ne, red. ■ 9Bd copcsaling tbem if they want Single Dresser Bose, 39'’ wide. 3 d iiw e r s ...... , 99A0 fat regular price Spreaders, Lawn Sweepers, Aerators and Rollers for tental i Good vkdoB Is the aaswer to many a student’s proMsfa. Dea't let ■Hi: S3.75-S3.95 to build tbam. Dreooer Base o f-9 drawqrs, 60" wide . .. 135.00 lawn work much easier. ^ Goodbjrig•F i AttltniHa A n your child w«rh uader a handicap. Voe fereolght and have kin , Thus, a ban on atomic amui* An anonymous military expert,' eyes examined now, then hnvs your eye pkyoleiian’a prescrlpRa*: XMats, or an agreement to Hold preaentwi by a magazine which nccnrntcly Ailed by US. .s ’ ' * •Allow about 90 days ^fpr''Bellvtry oM these l I G G E S T 'Gan? at g certain levai would not' pieces. ■ j ON distrusts the maslt.of peace Rus- Ge/u///ie and get one S E L E C T IO N - L’ O9 tnforceabla, reaiiatleally apaak- aia is waaring, cooiss but with ths .■'fl O F A U n w . 'l i ^ In itaeu, 'lt would »vtb- ssimtional nsws that ths Kus- ( f M ba no guarnntaa 8hoe DepL G A R D E N ad, tha thiag t » da Austra|lai^1rat, thay ara giUng to Malb Floor GIRLS’ N E E D S A T ; pnatat war ltaolf...Aad tha adtabliah n ring -.of subiparihe BALLET S3.75 OPTICAL SHOES AU Sinaa O p o a D o R y o o d S a o A y 8HM| o j a , M f H W p jm . . >.i«9l M e OF pBsvaat baaaa dew* la tha Antarctic. A f- JM il 1 jaft.H«tfor5JM ^AHan R. Jpy Prop. tar they hava that.dans, thay wlU 747 MAIN ST. (STAIR THEATKB BUILOINO) DIRECnONSt Ttom OMter. I 't W K M iLS e leulal awra, au land, dawn through TEL. M l S-1191 No; J. 307 Middle Tpke. W.— Al Elkin, Pnp. Main Stm ot after Rnllrand i tiM diaiiMdMJ ■aQthaaat AMa. TIm i thay wiU / UCONARP k. ORACK~

* . . ^ -Ifv s' ' -“J ‘ , -t ■) ■ ■■ •s,,. ’'r;:/---- '' ■'•M *■ M ■ V ■ . * 7 .b- \.h-. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONK. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 ,19S5 UANCHE8TBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONNa FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9 , 196B t . ff . turn in all catcb*r’a aqulpmant and raising pririact. Mambtrs uffiM / .Mil .11 Police Investigate ' Yo« C « 't la y UTTER Auta InsBroaeo H o c k v U h bata tomorrow imaralng. Andmifr aach glvan $l which thay wqr* to British Pub Dying Firench Hoj^s Permanent Curb Demanded Btrtoby-CaM Engaged incraaae by whatavar'means thay ^ ..‘A, . -■ -,y sss’ Mother Linked Mr. and Mrp. Leon G- Cone, of Faculty -Assumes pretarrad. A total of 138 waS| ^ ith New Tempo Two4]lar Crashes Parking Group 93 High 8 t, announa* the itor- turned la last night by eight High for Early On New York Dock Strikers WHY PAY MORE? alag* of tbair daughtar, Iflaa Irana mambtrs who had raised thalr SaawhvAlhtatasald morapHtpiiisiiraacahi I9S4 Maa <3ona to Oaear Naal Striaby, Additional Duties money by such variouo activltiaa l)eath of Daughter Two accidents wara tnvMUgatad Seeking Space Jr„ aon of Mr. and Mra.' Oaear N. as picking and sailing bluaberrias London, Sapt. 8 OP) — BNtam’a Morocco Pact (CoatlaiMg from Page One) •?. In New York, about 70 ship by local polica within a t-hour thoB any othar cempoBy botod on dlroct written Striaby of S ^ n g Gap, Weat V a.\ and currants, by siuUng flovtar aocial revolution Is cataWnff up _____ \ —^----- siailings were elthe: canceled or Tha alngla ring caramony waa Andover, Sept. (Special)—A bulbs and by baking cupmkta for with tho pubs. tm m rn«« OM) j>ariod yarterday aftarnoon when 8 - Traaonrad landmarks are vin- (C The walkout has spread to porfVlelayed. No large passenger liners B SSl'SS^avn FOUTX FIND AllaUta. tba com p^ fouwW In Gty Center ;>erformad Aug. /37 at Plaaaant duty sebodule haa bean- aat up for a wadding raciption. wUehtw Truman Warns (OanUBOMTlrom n g a Om ) Newark, Bayonne, Jersey City and Vere seriously affected — with 3-car crashes' occurred ai tha In?, <3rova Mathodiat Church, Chunber- A final report given on the food iahlng la tha country*d gt 4 M ttsdU'. nljrsUrioiu circum- Hoboken in New. Jersey. ^ewmen. passengers, and ship- terfccUon of Pine and Walnut SU. by Sean, ofltera ratea uaually lower U>an 2 S !a * 3 m a * ^ land, Md„ by the Rav, Francia H. tha faculty of the Elamantary sale aponaored to the LafOeg" prtMparity and faster tempo. Tha ,«l«nce» th* nlittt of Aug. 3<- ■ ■. m riiBiiv hotter Guto IniurGncivVlJuD! At tn# mihg trat* you Negotiators on all aldaa Intan- Twenty passenger and cargo ping company supervisory, per- and at the ihteraectlon of School Rockville Sept. 9 (Special) Stleby. uncle of tha groom. School which Includes stipervlrion Benevolentoler Society and the Catho­ At «n JnquMt iMt Friday, Dr. and Autumn Sts. Both mlahapa re­ can count on Allaute for flneat llU tM lic ladles' Society of S t Colum- AgainstCutting sifjed their Activities as tha tar­ vessels were stranded in the port .sonnel helping to take care of and faat. fair claim aetUaments thrOqghout the United BUtaa Efforta will ba continued to im­ Mlaa Carolyn Haaal Cone of thta of the upstairs and downstalra in­ m y MatvUla J. Aston, city medical of Boston today by a work "holi- baggage. ' sulted in considerable damage. clty^ aia'tar of the bride, was maid door areas and arrivals and de­ ba's Church showed a profit of $81 OMinlnar, said the young, heirea* get date for the settlement ap­ The firat accident occurred at and Canada. _ . prove the parking aituation in the baan tabbed for praaarvation ba- day" of 2,000 members of the JIA. j Hov-cver, the British liner Brl- of honor and Francia Striaby, partures at tile achool bus areas for the benefit of the Church died In an attempt at an abortion Armed Forces proached. Ameng vessels held in port by tannic put to sea minus a sched­ 2:20 p.m. when a car 0{)arated by Caatact your local AUaUta center of the city, aapeclally along brother of the groom, waa beat Skoog Fund. cauaa of historic or archltactural to “panon or persona unknown. Edward Ma>x>, 68. of Wapplng, FRANK LANGMA^K — M19-W50 man. . '" before and afUr regular school Flreaaaa to Moat importance. Theoe buildings can Ifouwid Si Bekkqi and Sldi Ben SUmane, the stoppage was the passenger uled 1 700 tons of cargo jmd with Eaat Main St., and Middle Rd. hours. hot ba altered without oSclal ^Tha city conceded former Fasha of Fez, were due liner Nova Scotia, which had been 400 tons of unloaded carga traveling east on Walnut 8t., al- The brlda w^re an orchid or- The monthly meeting of tha lira. SUver,* efforts to eataWish the^ (ConMnned from Page Oae) ledgedty went through a atop sign You’re In Good Honda with . At a meeting of tho Advlibry Aaaignmanta for tha first thrae Volunteer Firemen's Aasn. will ba authorisation. IdenUty of the person or persona back in Paris tomorrow from con­ scheduled to sail today for Halifax, Federal officials reportedly ganaa taffeta gown with a floral iM ware handledTby Mra. Hajm For cehturiea the''iwh has been ferences with Ben Toussef in N. S.. and Liverpool. were eon.siderlng invoking the and smashed'hroadaida Into a c«r Committee and the Board of Direc- hat, and carried a bouquet of or held this evening in the Flrahouae who conunitted the abortion are proceeding south on Pins St.'and Floyd, Harry Palubniak and Mrr. a t^ o'clock. a neighborhood club. A placo to months seemed, on the surface at Madagascar. . In Baltimore, stevedores re­ Tafl-Hartley Act to halt the walk tora of the Parking Improvement chida. Tha maid of honor wore an Helen Barton, mornings ;and Mra. visit and argue as wall as to drink. 'French Consult Ex-Bultan turned to their Job.s last night out, w;hich is costing shipping operated by 15-year-old Cynthia Alan., yeatarday aftarnoon, it Waa Irideaoant taffeta gown, with _ Atteado Baadaar least, to deatre a lessening of Joyce of is Victoria Hd. Batty Wright and Mias Oladya But the atm o^ara 10 changing. world tensions," Truman sjtifl- Twu special French envoys, after taking the day off to discuss firms an estimated million dollars c o m pa n y voted alao to atudy further all In- White hat and carried yellow roaea. Bowman, aftamoona. Next week’s Town Clerk Ellsworth U Oovell who e l o ^ with a Miami Beaqh. the New York port strike. a day. According to police^ Mrs. Mgud ereaaed uae of Recreation Field The brlde’a' mother wore a gray attended laat night's aamlnar on Thera are 73,433 Bubs In FlA, motorcycle policeman. Bari “Perhaps the objective we have Gen. Georges Catroux and For­ Joyce, 74. also of. 74 Victoria Rd, workers will be: Guy Outlaw. Mri. land and Walaa — fawar in pro­ been pursuing during these anxi­ eign- Minister Antoihe Pihay's The one-day work stoppage in But at President Eisenhower's homo of the Little League-parking. floral taffeta print and the bride- Betty Wright and Miss' Gladys changes In tha alaction laws and Ostretchar, 29. June 34, was aU the Maryland city held up loading and grandmother of Mbs Joyce, . The next atep will bq holding ..a groom'a mother a tropical blue problems artalng In connection portion to populat' weeks pregnant at the time of her ous years is at hand — our policy chief administrative aide. Henri vacation headquarters in Denyer, was arrested and charged with al Bowman, mornings, and Mra. 000 In tha time of <)uaen BUnbath of achieving peace through Ifrissou, were still on Madagascar, and unloading of 26 ships. Asst; Press Secretary Murray meeting with Mayor Frederick dreaa. Haaal Floyd and Harry Pahabnlak, with tha fall election which waa Concerning vessels which may lowing a rhinor tu operate a motor Berger and other city officials to A reception, followed in the held in the Hall of the House of 1 three eanturlas ago. ^*?he* district attorney said his strength may be beginning to seeking the former Rultan's co­ Snyder said yesterday ' he had vehicle, Mrs. Joyce was a passen­ aftamoona; Bapt. lP>-23; - Arthur Tha nightly gatherings for decision to .prefer charges was yield concrete results. It is not now operation wltli the French plan. be diverted from New York to "heard of no recommendation" preaent detailed plana gnd eatl- church pariora, which ware decor­ Lorlng PiMto Van Rbemar, Mra. Caroline Crit­ RepresanUtivaa at tha State Capi­ drink and talk ara fading away. Baltimore, a union offlcisl said: that the President intervene in the ger in the caT at the time of the inatea of the B. Main St., project.. ated with gladioli and mountalh Mariea K. O'Ooauaer tol. DTompted by the Silvers at- possible to tell with cerUinty. and In , the exiled leader"" of accident. tenden and MriT Irene Qantiok, Telavialon, more automobilaa and nauy tomUfs refusal to allow Dash and it probably will not be possible for the strong IstlqlalMIndependence) "we're taking orders on any and waterfront dispute. • ...... Harry W. Plamm, who ia co- greena. For a wadding trip to Vir­ momiim, and Guy Outlaw and C a p t. (jsi'roll E. Shaw of the coffee bars are largely reoponatble, all ships but what the men will do • Mayo was arrested by Patrol­ ginia Beach, Va., the bride wore a Mr. and Mra. Jerome P. Con­ .State Police joined the group Of S s asalatant to Uke along psy­ a long time to come." Party, Allal El Fassi, finally "The White House, has always man ' Neddow and charged with chairman with Robert A. Rlvkln, Mrs. Betty Wright, afternoons; along with rising costs for lipkaap. c ilir t chiatrists to examine Mrs. Sliver. Note of Caution agreed to the proposal for a is another thing-."—-.— remained out of labor difflrulties haa an outline of a plan fdr build­ traveling gray ault and matching way of Holyoke; Maas., announce Sept. 36-110: Mrr, Hazel Floyd, town officials for thalr discussion The port of Philadelphia was passing a stop sign. hat. The couple will be at home at the engagement of their sister, of the new basaars and raffles, law The attorney had u®*^.**, Truman called his speech a "note regency. Previously he had de- until they assume the stature of a ing up the preaent wall to the level Hariry Pdluhntak and Mrs. Helen European death rates are lower shut down from noon to T^p.m. crisis affecting the national wel­ Both cars were badly damaged, of Middle Rd., and laying a aide- Buckhannon, Weat Va., after Sept. Marion King O’Connor of Olcott in order to answer their many mlt Dash and Asst. Dist. A t^, of caution." He said this should be rnanejed Ben Youssef’s uncondi­ with about $400 damage rasult- Dr., to Atty, John Francis Clifford Barton, mornings, and Mrs. Caro­ than ever before In ^ ta of hard­ Jacob Kallah to interview the America's course: tional return. (EDT) yesterday, but dockers re­ fare," Snyder said. walk, which would proyfde 'TIB' 15. Both Mr. and Mri. Strieby are lina Crittenden and Arthur Van qubationa. sumed work after that hour and ing to the 1951 Pontiac driven''by parking threa rowi of cara on atudenta a t West Virginia ' Wea- of Murray Sti, Bast H a rtfo ^ ^ Guests I* Town ships of World War u which could distraughtaught won»nn. __ "We must and should confer Anlinationaliet also were busy. Union pleas for intervention in Miss Joyce, and $300 to Mayo's Mra. O'Connor- la the daughter Roomer, aftamoona. have lowered the vitality of aoma | attorney, Morris ^Wolf, with the Russians. Rightist Deputies'from parties, in were on the job today. ^ t Main St., and many mora on Ityan College. Mr. and Mra. Montagus White B u t ^ public The Philadelpltia longshoremen Its dispute with the waterfront, 1649 Ford. of the late Mr. and. Mra. Nell PTA Mamberahlp'Drive were i-ecent giiests.at the home of rasidants. In a letter to Dash made “We must and should lo6k for Faure's coalition scheduled meet­ commission have been consistently Middle Rd., than at present. Hot. lainchca S ta rt. Mrs., J. Rusaell Thomneon. mem- after nDoated requests by news- «id, howevga. they will not handle | At 4:35 p.m., a car operated by Cemphell: King peaceful solutions but_neve^ at- ings In Paris to seek ways of keep- FVSnytea. 17. of ai Grehard St., lii hot lunch prograitrlm tH bf a graduate of the Cofiege of Our 'ilp chalrmanT announced at hued tefusal the price of justice aiicTTfeedom ing-Mmitsy -ATaTa off W ^hTpift: anyny didivertsd-eargo.. '.would be aelf-aupporUng through the public achoola got under way West Beach. Mr. and Mrs.' Haw- TTie porl at Wilmington, Del., Gov. Ayerell Harriman and New Rockville, proceeding south on Au­ Lady of the Elhii In Chicopee, last night'a. PTA executive meet­ kina are former summer residents on Dash's alleged prior threat to “And above all, *we must )hiladelphia Bar Assn, and one of does not shift agalnsi the free Allowing him' to designate Si Bek- Homemakers meet at the Trinity School showed a balance of $488; Rev. Stephen Chamberlain and the city's nUMt noted lawyers, to ternoon to attend a meeting. They waterfront commission. The union make his turn when Sayles' 1950 Hartford High SclioM ind the Uni­ 160 faniiliea whoie children at­ other area ministers will offldata. world. We must be sure that while kai as head of the Regency Council reportedly did not return to work, previously has appearel without Packard struck him. GUtPENCEMTOW Church rooms in this city. and the Vernon Elementary versity of Conqectleutr Ha la an tend tha local school. represent, the Silvers. ^ we talk of peace, ibe peoples of wotild be a face-saving device for Tuesday afternoon '.the Snipslc School. $428. .- .School Attendance Another prominent Philadelphia because it was too late in the day. Bcucess to Bonner. Patrolman William Cooke, who Ramsdell also reports that dur­ attorney connected with tha Vet­ v o t y o H a e f t the free world do/not lose their the old man. investigated the accident, arrested View Homemakers Will meet at erans’ Adminstration. The total attendance of the Ele­ Maacheater Evealag HeraM An­ attonsey, WHUam Gray, has al­ faith in freedom /nd fall prey to In Cairo, meanwhile, two visit­ ing the 1954-1955 school year, ready been engaged to represent Sayles on a charge of reckless the home of Mrs. H. Weber. The wedding will take place Oct mentary School on Wednesday waa dover rorreepoadeat, Mrs. Paul subversion and tyranny." ing Moroccan Istiqial. (Independ­ driving. Cooke estimated damage There will be a County Home government commodities were re­ 8 In the Church of the Assumption. 266. tsso other parties i n ^ e case. Mr, He said his Democratic adminis­ ences party leadera today called lectorate .completely out of the TRAVELING S.MOKES ceived totaling $7,334. In addition Ptaaatiehl, telephoae PI 8-88S8. and Mrs. Milton Schwartz, in French orbit. at $200. to the front end of BSconomics Committee meeting on Bottle Drive tration built up "a very powerful on a g i^ Abdel Krim, reportedly Kotsch's'auto'and $200 to the left Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at to flnancial aid. Clrculara were distributed yea- whose apartment Mrs. Ostreicher militacy qirtab)ishment.' to . ask his endorsement of com­ “Ae .soon as I arrive in Tunis," Raleigh. N. C. {/P)—Chief Justice There were 25,118 meals served compensation claims filed for the Woorl died. No charges have b?en made M. V. Barnhill of the State front fender and door of the Seylca the home of Mrs. Marin, Lehan, terday by the Boy Scouts and Cub ...... esen't administration has promise proposals for a Moroccan he said, "I shall place myself at vehicle. Washington St.. Vernon. At 7:30. at Northeast. 18,706 at Maple Week ending Sept, S, with 15 of Scouts concerning tho bottle drive •urfical alasHc hotlofif .against the Schwartses. to cut it down below the ■ettlement. the disposal of my people to work Supreme Court, has found a' way Street and 13,217 at the Vernon these being new clmima. The ' Police said Wednesday that they to cut down on smoking. Barnhill's the Longview Homemakers meet for the (Tht-ckie Skoog Benefit -1 . ■" ' oals which we had established, They were Mohamed El Fassi to impede the French-Tunislan at the home of Mrs. Bernice Lei- School-. Rockville branch is now connect­ Fund which will be held tomor­ # ^ M l u r o y also wanted to question the lut it still/represents very great agreements, which I still consider office is on the third floor of the AUTUMN BEST FOR NEW LAWNS New Voters ed with Manchester, which has You'N bt BiBHwd al Hm Schwarts's son, AUen, a Temple and Mohamed El Yaztdi, who ar­ Justice Building but he keep's his benguth also on Tuesday. row, or, in (.ase of rain, on Sun­ military strength." he said rived In Cairo yectcurday for talks a threat to our future." You are eertain to gain the greateat cooperation from^natUre. — The Rockville Homemakers will The last regular session to en­ been set up as a separate office. day. The circular states that the University pharmacy student. Al­ He added that recent disclosures cigarettes in the desk drawer of roll new voters before the town Building Permits support you f s l from a with Istiqial leader Allal El Fassi. Before leaving,' Ben Youssef ex­ the court secretary on the second hold an evening meeting Wednes Scouts -would appreciate, having though ho reported^ was located about Soviet aircraft 'developrhent Allal El Fassi and the two visitors pressed his appreciation to day at the home of Mrs. D. Ulrich, election will be held tomorrow Building permits have been is returnable bottles left at the road­ yeeterday at the home of his and pf^uctlon raise serious and the Arab- Lehgrue for their floor. GRASS SEED GERMAN PEAT from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the office aued by Building Inapector Roland 'grandparents, Mlice did not at­ doubts^ about the adequacy of have accepted In , princlDle a f u s a With Mrs. G. SthulU and MrS. E. side. GREEN STAMPS m M i You'va never seen luch brillioni colors In cerdyreyl And youW support in Tunisia's independence Large Bale:—15 Btiidiel Size. of the Town Clerk, Memorial Usher to Joseph Webster to con- tempt to question him. American Air Forces. scheme to appoint a tem'pMrary Hoering leading the group. Society Hears Review • AT voua MNfSOISr throne council for Morocco, 'on struggle.- The black jersey dress with Girl Scout Plan* Building. Prospective voters are truct a dwelling on Tiumbull St. The first fall meeting of the given with cash sales never w oih^ a corduroy wHh such eoM at ihme newThiVob. TW* United States, he said, must condition the council is selected by black satin binding is a nice addi­ l-TRANSiS10R reminded that ,in order to take and to Glen Stephenaen for Kddi maintain sufficient ground forces Ben Yo\issef came to Cairo in Plans for the coming year arc Ladies' Ben..volent Society waa Think What Could exiled Sultan Mohamed Ben March, 1952, when the govern­ tion to the fall wardrebe.Goes to Lb. And Up Reg. $6.00 $4.95 being completed for the Vernon part in both the town and city tions to a dwelling on Center St held last night in the soci^ room PINE LENOX latter styling tahl Noto the neater short poH collor end toilght a limited-war, so that an Vousaef. 59c elections, they must register at Public Records atomic war may be unnecesai^, ment In which he was finance min­ the office in daytime and to Girl Scouts and Bro'wnles. Mr*. of the First (Jongregatlonai MdHchester Abdel Krim, who led the fierce ister, was unseated by the French. dressy places when work Is ended. Henry Ab\iza will be chairman of this time, and if they so desire, A warrantee deed haa been filed Clhurch. In addition to a Highly en­ button-thru pockets then, at this low price, teleci seutraL Have Happened / “I think the puts In our grodnd rebellion against the Spanish and UADVW DUI A v EASY TO GROW they may enroll on the party lists at the..Town Clerk's office from PHARMACY forces are unjustified and moat •nUyad-r* riAKI^T rriLV A n e e d l it t l e A T T E x n o N a new general committee to help joyable book eview gi4en by Mra. Plumbings Supply Co. French in Morocco in the early guide and supervise all activities to take part in the caucuses. RodKvaWi Acres to Raymond E. Montague White, the group heard 299 E. Center StrMt dangerous at the'present time," he ,2 Chism said Tiercels lucky a t ' by us or qgalnst us—in fact. If it Ben YoussCf heads home today wlckl for property on 1'arrace Rd. Tierce narrowly escaped ever cornea to pass, it will probably Life-like a aaad. iraar aad CANADIAN Although some new _ leaders Rehearsal Tonight BanaOteekeMoBamiaaiMadwIpa- after a 3-year exile in Cairo to CORNER DURANT ST. ★ dtaiarihaaaMrl A certificate of devise for the BELIEVE IT ing while pinned beneath an over, be the laat thing in the world'we fight the French-Tuniaian agree­ NURSERY GROWN have been recruited, more are The Maple Grove Singers will estate of George Ekert has been adaadaadptBMd byeniM la iaeti turned car. And he might have evef do see;'-' - ^ Tha am "A" ballaqr laala a HEMLOCK needed. Mrs. Arnold White of Sun­ start the fall season this evening gtsaita—*10 eadore. Aad Bart* ment giving "'^ome rule to the NEW LARGER QUARTER^ ftinaMaib...aa«B"be(- EXTRA HEAVY PL PLANTSj( filed for Julia Ann Ekert. OR NOT? been blown up by dynami Leameg Hard Way North African protectorate. set Estates will be the new leader at the clubhouse on Franklin St. Hospital Patient OtaaiM MomaaMaa pay taboM m Here's what Chism saiij^ happen­ Truman,. who attempted once PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING Ufy...fa«arhatiafyaianatal of Troop 5, and is in need of an in preparation for the winter sea­ Ben Youssef planned to atop to­ Mrs. William Austin of Hart­ 1954 CHEVROLET dw tidhgi that eadere—ibe leva ed Wednesday night; during his administration to c'lt morrow In Tripoli, en route to •« iy B |2 5 ' 12-18 In. $ 2 . 7 5 Each assistant. Mrs. Noel Kloter of son. Ernest Gierginsky will ford ia a patient at City Hcepltal. Tierce and an unidentified wom­ the alze of the Marine Corps, re AUTO GLASS INSTAUED " Vernon Center, will be leader of a again be the director of the group, * . MODEL NO. 210 sad awmoriea o f those who bate an got ihttr a fight near the resi Tunis, ^PBDRGCDRGnMGR AMGGSGfTt MdMMDID RbMrCeA^ pewed oo. ' called the resultant furor while He is Secretary’ General of the 80-38 In. $7.50 Each ,.new troop of younger Brownies and anyone interested in singing All TalcotviUe and Vernon news 4-DOOR SEDAN dance of A. J. Kelley. Disturbed criticizing the present admlnlstra- leading Tuniaian Nationallat party, GLASS FURNITURE TOPS with Mrs. Joseph_pray, of Dob- is Invited to jeto the chorps, both Iteene nra -new. being hnndled Wbeo yeo are chqoelag yoer meoo- by the noise, Kelley tried to break tton’n attempt to do the same Mi AMrtm AMociitliG 15% OFF Dr 10 OR MORE ARE PURCHASED BonVlIIe, as her assiatiint. " ' men's and women’s voices being Radio, Heater^ Signal the Neodeatour. Party President itHfl Olden iMMl he MW through 'The Mnncbeeter Evening , ataAlMaibclpyM.Tb*b**My*ad' up the altercation. thing. He said: Habib Bourguiba and many other MIRRORS (Fireplace aod Deer) The General Committee plans needed. HernM, Rockville Burenu. locnted Lights, Very Good Tires, peeaaacne* of aclect Bam Gewii* Tierce hit the' paheemaker over "TTie condition of our strength e etdtr laielvcdl to circulate a questionnaire for the Claims Filed the head with an Mtomobile jack. of its leaders have accepted the nt 1 Market '8t„ telephone Reek- ToTone Paint. Excellent make k * nka- in the air is not the only cause for agreement with France granting PICTURE FRAMING (all types) girls to take home in an effort to There were 127 unemployment Title TR 5-8188. C. E. Kelley, 29,/son of the other alarm. The Cdngresa recently local autonomy. find more available talent for Condition Both Inside 1 bla^ choice for Kelley, saw his father struck, got showed Its concern when it voted leadership, *' yoer aiomuneat, Recently a delegation of Neodea­ WINDOW md PLAT^'GLASS^ and Out...... r' k t g n a shotgun and wounded Tlerea In —over •.dministration opposition tour leaders came here to per- 18-24 Little Leagne ,.whatb*t it ie w bqll* _ __ CALIF. FULL * i > l i t •V -aw u i^ ^ ^ o u aeef to return htlme. --r J AlALL. UGHTWKIGHT water. A«d from 'thh baftefy dircUtfiSitihces. , Just ' remember POTTED Coaches of both^ the farm and dripped M the lower part of his what t'^old you in the beginning MOTORS, Inc. body, It/waa some time before he about learitlng aome lessoni tha regular leagues are ajso asked to was reMued by officers called,to hard way.,'' ' Wb advBrtiBB lew HARDY 858 EAST CENTER ST. memorial tnyesUgata the melee. price OBd hifli qacility. G ileen £ )• K iely . MAS'CHESTER; CONN. SAPORin CO. Officers found an; unexploded ----- GOATS AiTe 470 CENTER STREET , TEL. MI 3-7732 JACKETS C cipie Ib OBd sec w EVENINGS TILL 8 P.M. . atick of dynamite in the car,... . *. MUMS School of SATURDAYS TILL 5 PJil. Tierce, the elder. Kelley and. the . Greenshurg. Ky. the ee this oee. W!|U burat Into bloom In 8-S weeka. Now la a good time to In Black Watch and Clnny Plaids, plain colon and Btany aon are in the hospital. The. father choir softly sang. "Holy,jly. Hply, plant. ' Specialists in monuments sculptored from select Barre granite. fancy patterns, Fingertip uid waist length, has a fractured'.akuH ahd’tVie'ao'n' Holy,'"' at the Ehen’ezer Presbyleiv 19S1 Ford V» Cmtom « an Injured back.' though offlcerg lan 'church', two' little goats tripped 4-door sedee, r a ^ . "You Ought To See . ■y are not certain how .he. was h u rt... up the- aisle. Ileqfer, 3S.000 iNdkFii^ Baton Twirling Sixes 36 to' 50. The woman disappeared in.the , . Services were halted 'after some SUPPLilS - . At mccltoment. . unholy snickers cgme from the ib H ^ AM we/mii is AMARYLUS BULBS Chism aald-no charges had be^n choir and the pastor and congrega­ • Batteries > filed. tion ushered the goats out. that yM LOOK. Neat Furniture MA6IC ULY, Hardy o# • Hearing ORANGE HALL t _y Aid Cords 72 EAST CENTER STREET 65c Each 3 For $1.50 $ ^ • 9 5 |;q $ ^ 0 * 9 5 My Mom and Dad Pint Pharmacy CLASS — PRIVATE - - TEAMWORK POPPIES-IRIS 684 CENTER'STREET “S ) TEL. Ba-8-0814 FOR REGISTRATIONS AMESITE DRIVEWAYS TEL. MI 9-8344 EXPESaV INSTAIUD FULL FMICE -r PiaaLaaox Pharmacy MEMBER OF ALL-AMERICAN Grading — Machine Spread — Fomu Sat — Power Rolled fresh Dug fresh Dug 298 EAST CENTER ST. DRUM MAJORS’ ASSOCIATION . Alao: Parking Lota — TannU Oonrta — Walka TEL. »U 9-0896 Terms Arranged It Dealred 10% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS BEAUPRE , HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM SLACKS *7 » »16-“ ALL INSTAliLA'nONS SUPBEVISED BP of luxurious flannel or gat many fine-tail* MOTORS, Inc. EvargitMat— Evarerwais — EvaryratRG ored features . . . Carefully tor maximum - ' 858 EAST CENTER St ! - comfort, sitting or walkin| DEMAIO BROTHERS MANCHESTER. CONN. ESTABUSHED 1920 ' Azalaat— ARdramada— llax— BaxwaM CALL NOW — ANTTIMB - EVENINGS TILL. 0 P.M. BIANOj^TEB M1-S-7M1 — HABTFOBD CHapal T-MIT SATUROAT8 TILL S PJS. LOOKING FOR A PARKING SPACE? UPRIGHT SPREADING ^ef McKinney lend a hand the At YEWS Y E W S ^ J ' O U S T O N N V S MILES FBOM MANCMI by AOUTE M ANlTjSUlXIVAN AVE. Yonll' find free-and-easy parking at both len'you build this fall • ■ , $0.95 $1.95 offiew of *^he Tnut Co.** Our customers STETSON look upon our parking facilities as only :el. Ml 9-4525 Building this fall? Drlva in tamer* You don’t worry about tJu Ladd and Hall « * AND CP AND UP oile of many conveniences. Try them row. (You'll like our big perking eroam ta the new. Stetson *Cueiom V. It’e la the right FURNITURE CO. sometime aooiu. - t —I area.) Let us help by furnishing t plaee.and ix to stay, because 1- A SEAL COUNTY FM ready-made plans like tha Ne. it’e buittrin—by Stetson F Y iu iiiD 8L0BE -U KIT 4 153 Weyerhauser Home shown eralftsmen—to last the life w sm m i COMliUNITV HOHSE ANITbROUNDS-I TENTS oj the hat. Yet it looks oe ARBORVITAE ARBORVITAE hare, Or recommend an architaet I D l ^ FOB 8CBEXNING aolMfOl (M if you'd creased OPEN ALL DAY LR who will tailor e plan to yeiir* a yourself. Stop ta today SATURDAY, SEPL IO^NOON TO MIDNIGHT aad let ue ehow4l to you. POR CONVINIINT BR naods. We'll recommend cempe* RAIN dr ^ H IN I — 4 U R G E TINTS — $ 0 : 4 9 / $ 0 .^ •*x SEE o i o jtent builders, top , . advise yeu- MONDAYS RANKING US intMON MO. 4«m ihew to finance your homo. And. 18-M INCtL 18-18 INCH of course, show you how to got Other Hats Starting At FARM and HOME PRODUCE. POULTRY,, We can supply this Li... Weyerhauser Plan the very most for your building I'?;.. LIVESTOCK, HOBBIES, JUNIOR f l i t \o. 4163 dollar.- EXHIBITS. NEW CARS, TRUCKS..FARM ■ ' »5.-« MACHINERY, APPLIANCES . MANCHESTER TRUST i- GARDEN CENTER In new fall ahadcs and styles. FU||_RQOTHS — RIFRISHMENTS m a in o f f ic e OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS ROUTE83 "TOILANDTURNPIKE ' M' 9 2623' 888 Mala, Oppeolta St. d an ' Ghucli PARADE 1 F.M. MANCHESTt R .. KiDDIE RIDES SW IN G C H A IR S. ROCKVILLE C0*.lnC. n o r t h b r a n c h Opao Thuraday Evaaiaga S ta B LARGE OFF THE STRUT 18 No. Blala, Ooraor Ooktaad FONIIS — DOODLE WIG CONTISt < Opau Botnrday Moridaga 8 to 18, (GcHGni:uu| Xumbor PAIRING AREA Nost to YilOA ChIdrM IhMler 11 Frae ♦ IMPPLY CG..-IGLTGM NGTCN CEHOIISESS! OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 PLENTY OF PARKING OPEN DAILY 9:30 AJd. t» 1:30 P.M. ONE STOP BANKING • FREE PARKING ATJSOTO OFnCES it N FAIR ADMISSION Me - SUNDAY UNTIL 4 oiylah^OEilm aapM W ipM BHNBBSBSB

:V \ ' ' ■ ,7\ -N'-- ^■*1:

t . :K=.' V. / j ' , ' /


Uii W *y->Nliht Watea -Year AWOL. ■•■luff'll W OTR— |4i7 1C—Cavalcade of Sporta Politics Absent 20 'Adendu^ Asks Reck Free High Schoot Construction Keeps Pace with Schedule Blish' Says^ Gash Relief WDRC—Romance lloods- Daily Radio W iU T — WCTH-r-Boaton va. Indians Skywatch Sch^diile Tries to Reehlist WOM>—IIM Easteni Oayttgbt TIbm WTMV>l68b Yx-WgblIgbl • Watch------From Conclave German Prisoners of W ar ww:-J. c. H "F W D R C -^ . Orcent Or Batnrday, ge»t r » Kansas Otty, Sapt. 3 (BV-Laroy OIL In Flood Due Quickly WOTH-ioMon vs. Indiana Midnight • 3 a.m. nHfiain Stevenson Van' C*Mp tried to raenllat la Uw Serenade Of Stargazers V ■) art BuppUafl bgr Uw radio managa- WCCC-Record Review 3 a.m. > 4 ajn. ..., blnateere Nteded Arm y yesterday and wound up un* —Nile Waleic , . 4 g.m. - 6 am . ..., .. Vdlaateers Needed dar mlUtary guard after ha toU fa* Right Bub—Wrong School /maqta and ata aubjaet to ebanga i^B-|ascbaU MaUnea WTIC—M. ^ . -McOee and MMlIe Hartford. Sept. 9 (iPi- Cash to needed, ii available, and that 60 W T lo -ld u Radla Una WDRC-Moods ini Komaoes 6 a.m. • 8 a.m<-.'.. .. BUI Breadheft crulUng officara ha had baan ah- CALL (W M t) Ckm an Federal Refnibllc^ , without aoUea. WORClt-llecord Shop DubUn> Iratand, Seipt. 0 0l>—One One Uttle girl got off a back up assurance of flood loss „f ^ spent In Con- , W U T^B ob and Ray WOTH—Dance Muato 8 a.m. *.-10 am. .. .. Danict Firestone aant without laava 30 yaara. nor by meehanicany mergtnf both relief'lr-«xpected In Connecticut neotlcut. *!••— -- l*i4*« „ of the straagMt international con­ 10 a.m! - 12 Noon ___. . • ^arilyn y i Hubbard, Raymond Leger Van (temp,. in answering rou­ w a u A m school bus at the wrong stop ,* 't ^ Y - ^ u s io Merchant WRAY-News WHAY •ejSua Waiph parta St denbany. R would be best today and set off all kinds of early next week. Sen. Prescott „jjd money over which he WCCC-Record Revue ference* ayti ^eld In these day*; 12 Noon - 3 p.m. ..., Volnateera Needed tine queationa hy. the'recniiters, WCCC—Good l£venln| Ocod 'MuaiO 2 p.m. • 4> p-nt; ' Andrew Cavasza casually mentioned he ..quit the OIL m viei If the German problems were set­ complications. - Bush reported this morning. i decision can be used for *ny 'WKNB—Yanks va. Chksago WiatB—News; .Sports nmance of world teneion came to a cloae He epoke at a meeUng of the | pubug temporary purpose except • W'nc—Uatolnrts ,x. WTIC-Ncws J^.p.m- - 6 ...... Claytdh Adamec Arm y in' 1985 at F L Douglas, tled by the Germanic themselves.” “She went to the WTong kin­ WDR(;--cI!r Kolby ' WDR(^News here tht* w;et4i. dergarten class, at the Ver- State's Congreaslonal delegation he ' federal aid highways and tern- waTH-Waxwerka • rp.m...... Cyril Banks, Dennis Heffron Utah. MI-9^54S Trod aald "the most diverse pub­ WGTH—News . HAY—Nile Watch Th«( ahadow of polities hung 10 p.m...... Jean Hayes, Arthur Bouffard planck school, touched off a had called at the Bond Hotel. At | porgry housing which come-under' '•it*-. ■ « i l » - - riC—News overhead—-but no word of politics "Tha pay waa smaV,” ha aald. lic drclea imd newspapers in west this meeting. Congressmen and authority, WHAY—Music Merchant WHAY-Bporu BpotllCM 0— Mews- Almanac 12 Midnight...... Volunleera Needed "Only $21 a month along, with .police investigation as to her WCC(^—RaCura Ravus WCCC—Uood Event njt'-OeoA 'MualO 1— Newi was mentioned at the ninth gen­ Germany are demanding *posltlve whereabouts, and fouled up the their representaUves heard Brig. ; Could Build School Skywatch Post located zm top of Mancheater Police Station. rtom and board. I applied for a de­ results from the Ifoacow talks in WKNB—Ya«ki vs. Chlcsxo WKNB—Vagabond Route Ui eral sasembly ol the Internationi roll call of a kindergarten Gen. Robert J. Fleming Jr., of the | Qgn. fleming said he has author- WTtC-8leiBr Oaliat _ ^ WTIC—Btrlctly Bporu nY s -n—Nita ils Watch( Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquartera Municipal pendency discharge because of my LET US F ILL yS3b the interests of all the German WDRC-J■ ■ gain.. iman K5—ijport I AstMnoihtoM Union. Building, Mancheater 6n Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 1 to 5 wife and two babies. One day they teacher. Arm y Engineers detail waya future , ,ty to build a temporary, school, WURO-Cal Kulliy / Strange iBedfellow^ p e ^ e .” . » WOTH-Waxworks V WUTll—U. Wlamer WDKC-NlgbtIRC-%lgtit Owl p.m. told ma my discharge papers had 'Candy D'Amato, 5, of J19 disaster by flood may -be mini-1 for example. R* noted too, that If • tS WCTH—BporuiTH^porti Report Mingling at flte meejlrig* were _ KTot ‘FrecondlHoos’ mixed. He aald much damagi* was [ „ town wished to undertake m «:ia - WHAY—Dinner Date \ 11:1 come through and I could pick Keeney St., daughter of V - WHAY—Betty ICniball WCCC-Good Kvenlng Good Musla ^ Y —Symphony In the Might artronomere from tlu.Koviet Dnlon Adenauer said, In asMng release and Mrs. Archangelo D'Amato, caused by encroachment Of build- [ build a permanent school Instead, WCCC—Reieord Revue . and Jeauitg from the Vaticaii, etar them up the next day. f WKNB—Yanks vs. C'hicaiD WKNB-I-Dinner Oats riC—durllght Serenade nounced by. Moscow Radio for hia ‘‘1 don’t know why I did it, hut o f .the prisoners, he was not mak­ got off on the wrolif foot on ings, bridges and bottom debris oqj gg replacement for one damaged WTIC—Emii Cota ^RC—Dance gazers from Red CTiina, the Uni­ Bolshevik uprising against the WTIC—Wlddw Blown theories. With surprise, he learned I decided to piu:k up that same day ing a ’^recondition.” but rather her third day at .school. Sched­ stream channel8...He thought local or waslied away, he has _ WI)R(2—(^1 Kolbv WDRC—Guv Lomuarda WGTH—Dance ted States x id 38. other countries. Czar ahd fled..td the United States WCTH—BUI Stern 11:4*—. during a casual talk with a Rus­ and go home. And I did.” underlining an essential to the uled to go t'6 the South School, regulation ought to keep streams estimate what a temporary atruc- WGTH-Waxworks their governments do in the 1920'a During the meetings. *:U-, WHAY-Kymiih(iay In. the Night sian delagate that one of hla books 'Van (temp, 43, was taken to CALLED FOR AND ^ “normalisation'’ of relations the she got off at Verplanck. clear. ture would have cost, then give '• i 4*— WtlAy-rSutfuer Serened* WTJC-Surllght tenhada not jrertgnlza each other dlploma- Struvg. served at times as an in­ Soviets had listed as the purpose Bush, opening the meeting, said this sum toward the permanent WriAY-Betty Kimball WCC(>-Q»^ Evening (M(teod Muile WDRC—DaMe Orchestra terpreter for Russian astronomers had been published in the Soviet nearby Ft. -Leavenworth ' and DELIVERED PROMPTLY Bui* everything turned out WCCC-Record Revue WKNB—Dinner Dele Upatlly, the astronomers talked Union. placed under mlUtary guard pend- > of his trip to Moscow. that now. three weeks after dis­ building. He said engineers will re­ WKNB-Yanke ve. Chicago Teely and swapped data. .srhen they'rah Into language dif- all right when s^e wandered to WTH>-Tliree Star Extra "They explained almost apologet­ ing'S check of his records. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE “R is s « uAbearable thought aster struck, "I am Impreased by pair a*post office that the govern­ WTic-Pepper Young WDRC—Lowll fnomaa Presiding over the conference flcultlea. X CeiKter and McKee Sts. after WDRC-Csl Kolby MDXENIUM W Ai MISTAI ically that It Waa now out of He ie a pipefitter’a helper iiid that mors than 10 years after the the Importance of making deals. ment leases. PubliC(Use, he em­ WGTH—Liberace e— " * waa Dr. Otto Struve of the- llnl- Prof. B. V. Kukarktn, leader of class and a^asserby returned WCTH—Waxworks print,” said Goldberg, "but they also operates a small farm. He PiM PhanMil end of hostilities, human beings her to her home. (Tandy is W e have'had ample time fon a phasized, governs the ^ WHAY—Kiicor^ Theater Naugatuck, Conn. t/Pt -^e-^vanty vcrtlty of Californi*. Who cx- the Soviet delegation, was the udio One way or another were large number of loan and grant To help hlB staff, he aaid, the WHAY—Record Rodeo W(]CC—Good Evening Good^Muale biisleet man prb.'ent. He was' smil­ promised to send me a copy.” said hia family didn't know ha was •M CENTEB Mr. somewhat wiser now. WKNB—Evening Serenade employes of a factoryi^iere found plalnrt: abeent without leave. -One son,' dthwn into the maelstrom of wsr applications to be made. Now we Army has broken up the Corps of WCCC-Record Review out their $9,000 Individual pay in- "Ideological and political diL ing and shaking hands with every­ TEL. m 3.MU Engineers advanced class at Fort WIC4B-Bairball Matinee WTIC—Answer Man George S. Van Camp, S4f is in the. events should be kept away from n e ^ some closings —some cash . . WTIC—Cluy hombardo WDRC—Tens Ernie creagfs were Jtjef a sticking type ferencca fade A«i^ay in our cemmori one, insisting "different political Thera are about 7.500 public their families, their homes and deals." » Belvoir. Va., and has detailed some WDHC-Newa WOTH—Fulton Lewie Jr— - systems don't prevent friendly Army. * ' 1 :t»- bar on a cheoit writing machine. A goal, the iKploratioq. of the uni­ library system* In the United Van Camp said he decided to re- Pii(il.MoxPluimai| their normal, peaceful work," he He said he had comttuinirated 30 officers to this regl^on. WCTH—Bbb and Ray "9" wound-'up in front of the cor­ verse.’' scientific relations.’/ StatSs but 30 per cent of them Gen. Fleming said he hai been WHAY—Encore Thealee enllqt because "they need good 3M EAST CENTES ET declared. this view with National Red Cross ‘ I t l * - WCCC—Good Evening Good Muife rect figure on the faulty checka, Struve U a White Ru'Slan "Dr. Leo '6okM>erg, a University have ihoomee of less than $1,000 T E L .M I»4 M M About Town President Ellsworth Bunker, who given authority to make decisions > WHAY-Record Rodeo WKNB—Evening Reranada mechanics" and his conscienca had (The West German government W'Cee—Record Review WTIC—Tonight s Star Which'were called hack. who ffought o the Oommuniatg in the of Michigiiin man, waa once de­ a .year. . been bothering him recently.. claims that nearly 100,000 Ger- MSiired hJgV^Jha^.the Red Cross “in th* field." . ■ . WKNB—BaeeUll Matinee WDRCi-'i'enn Ernie " mans icrs '"still in Soviet ■ ■ auiaiMiiiiuHi ’hopes to start paying grahrs To' He said that While he can t pave - -WTlC»Unrennu - Janes ■ -j— WGTIT-^J. Vandtrcoai ' “ ■ -7 Mr. and Mrs.. Alfonse Plantanidi^ federal aid roads, he can P'‘i " WDRC-Cal Ko(by 1:1*- The Russians and the East Ger­ businessmen 'and Individuals by t - WG7H—Bobw g: and Ray W HAY—Encore Tlieeler man Communist government Insist 38 Dudley St., who efitered the Monda,V. Bush said- he has been (HI as he has on W insted a Mam WCCC—Good Evening Good/Muite the number la less than fi.OOO).' Army in June 195.4, has been pro­ assured that In Waterbiiry, for Street: he can "temporarily' re­ WHAY-Suburinn Serenade WKNB—Platter Party moted to the rank of specialist pair water systems for public iise. WCCC-Record Review WTIC—Newe.ol World “The division of Germany, is ab­ example. 50 applications have been WKNB-Basebalt Matinee WDRC—Tenn , Ernie normal," Adenauer continued third class at Fort Story, Va. H « approved and are ready for final He said he also tried to pay all tha WTIC—low Radio Lana WGTH—G. HcatU firmly. “ Isit Us.try to-make a step is. presently assigned to the 458th passing by the local community cost of installing the Army's tem­ WDRC—Cal Kolby l ! « - / Transportation Co. ( amphibioua -WOTH-Bob and Ray WHAY—Eiipofe Theater forward in this question during our disaster committee. porary Bailey bridges in the aUte. WCCC—Com Evening Good Musle talks. Otherwise we face the dan­ truck), where he Is a mechanic in Bvsh said his concern about but found that federal law re­ jvKN^^lalter Parly ger that a center of objection, of the maintenance section. A grad­ quick payment of grants in aid quires the state to undertake coat WTJ€?-One Man'* Family C.OOD,-YtAR DELIVERS WORO—Charles Onllingewood tension o f the ftrtt magnitude, will uate of Manchester High School in should not be construed a.s any of actual erection. 1952, he wais employed as a body ^^GTH—Warm Up , If continue to exist In the heart of criticism of the relief process. Gen. Fleming said that within *:M- repairman at the Manchester Mo­ the next few days he hopes to WHAY—Polka Party Zhirope.” Said he. "we have had wonderful WCCC—Good Evening Good Huale tor Sales prior to his entrance in­ help. We have got to go through rtart alloting work on the usual "There is no genuine security In to the Army. WKNB—Music / Europe without establishment of the loan and grant application per­ specification and contract basis. WTIC—Lone Ranger- ANY APPUANCE OR TV UNDER $200. iod as a way to screen out those Up to now, he said, disaster work WDRC—Arthur Godirey Digest Germany,” the Chancellor de­ The Youth Band and Songsters WCTH—Bo.eton VA. Indlanx.. Dom who don't need help and protect has been given out on the basis of iiia - clared. of the Salvation Army will present First of Many Talks those who do and those who ap­ availability "to cut all thlnga that WllAY—Poika-iUarly a varied program of Instrumental prove the assistance. That has to would bar reduction of a atate of WCCC—(tood Evening Good Muele $10 DOWN IF $200 OR OVER . . . Adenauer told the Russians that music and song tomorrow evening . WKNB-MusiP the current talks would be only the be done. chaos to one merely of confusion." ■ WTIC—Lone Ranger at the Citadel. Capt. Eric Jackson, "But now." he aald. "I have told Now, he said. *he confusion will b* WDRC—Disk Derby first of a long series which would Young People's Secretary for the WGTH—Boston vs. Indiana Mr. Bunker plainly that it is neces­ ironed out too. , _ S:S*— be necessary to. arrange relations' Southern New England Division, was taken toward the northwest from the northeast comer o f the between the Soviet Union 'and Flat and sketched in l>old outline only a few weeks back, sary to get the money. People Noting the long term flood con-^ WHAY—Polka Party , will serve as chairman and will be roof on the laboratory wing, the first section of the building WTIC—National Radio Fan Clu»- Western Germany^ the new Manchester' High School begins to take on its vertical don't want ‘‘any more application trol needs, Gen, Fleming said a CU. n . DIAL AUTOMATIC Uie speaker at all services Sunday. scheduled for completion. The bottom photo shows that roof WDRC—Dhk Derby “I regard it as the purjpose of dimension as work by the M. S. Kelleher Co., contractors, con­ blanks. They want deals. I think control reservoir at Thofiiaston ia WGTH—Bo.eton vs. Indlapa >'« these talks to treat as one whole tinues. In the center of the top photo, the shop wing grows where concrete was being poured today over the Jong rows of that beginning now. this is vital to a "must■■ for the Naugktuck Val­ *:t*- Mrs. Eidward (Tarrigan, presi­ upward and the auditorium wing behind It moves into advanced tubes. Designed by Victor Frid, Hartford architect, the $5,- the siti’atlpn.” ley. and he said. "the,present ap­ WHAY—Polki Parly the problem of normalising our re­ dent of Emblem Club No. 5 of ' WTIC—Netlonal Radio Fan Club DEFROSTING constructipn stages. The elevator in the left background aida 000,000 school Incorporates a>type o f concrete construction,,in, He said that Bunker as.sured him proved plan ia the only one that , WDRC—Disk Derby lations in the context explabied by Rockville, who with her, husband r mo." in lifting heavy construction material into place. The photo which hollow tubes arc incased in the slab. Herald Photo that the Red Oosa v ill draw on can possibly be use4- - WGTH—Boston vs. Iiutiani delivered a carload of household its resources - far be.vond the An.swering a question by Con-- This was an assertion that the WllAY—Night Watch linens to Putnam donated by Man­ amounts contributed for flood re­ gressman Horace Seely-Brown of WTK^National Radio Fan aub Russians would have to take up chester and Rockville members lief. if that Is necessary. He re­ the Second District, Gen. Fleming WDRO—Evenlng In 8t. Louie the prisoner problem and the' re- and friends, through the medium ported that the Red Cross has said he favors./empty reservoirs WGTH-^oston V*. Indians imification question i f they want of The Herald conveys the great liberalized totals of locdl spot re­ for flood contjrtil purposes but he WHAY—nW Watch to have serious discussions about gratitude and appreciation of Mrs. lief payments to $1,000; that some WTIC—Natlatael, Radio Fan Club thought the State might consider W DRC—Bing Cipiby. normalising relations with West­ Wilfred Bausoliel. president of the 80 per cent of Connecticut small dams that might be used part wa.v ern Germany. Putnam Emblem Club, and Its busine.ss ia eligible for help under up for water or factory power ' WHAY—Nile Watsh Not mincing any words Ade­ members, for the generosity of the liberalized qualifications as to in­ need, leaving extra height and WTK:—National lCk collapse o f Nationulst . Socialist Mias Marilyn M. McCarthy. 133 people were wiped out entirely. for various reasons. Gen. Fleming WGTH—Bo.ito'n vs. Indiana \ Germany assumed the supreme Florence St., and John N. Wads- They have no ^u lty. The Small. Wayhed. "If this storm had not pwer in Germany.. , w o ^ , 23 Cumberland St., will be Business Administration can help spread out east and west, but had Television Procranu \ “ In pursuance of that respon- married tomorrow morning at 10 them more easily if they have swept down the ConnectidSft River On Psffc Iwo ^slbility you have agreed with the o'clock in St. James' Church. some equity. This, jon an outright Valley, utter devastation would three wrestern powers also to dis­ grant basis, the Red Ooss Is of- ' have come to New England." cuss this problem in Geneva. It' William Zimmerman and ten ready to establish. It can mak/ Is not my intention to confuse the Charles Schtedlng^f the Savings grants up to $7,500." The.se c«m proceedings, .by opening up a Bank of Manches^r will be for no repayment. y C orporation Seekg channel for bilateral talks inde­ among the'60 representatives of 21 Turning to the flood as afr en­ THE QUESTION IS: pendent of four power negotia­ (Connecticut mutual saiAngs banks gineering problem. Gen. Fleming Building Perm its l i t tions. who will attend the fourth annual said the U.S. Army Engineers sales conference on S a v in g Bank have divided the matter ipto four 'SHALL LIQUOR BE SOLD .“ Rut I am in duty bound to Life Insurance being held\thls avail myself of the opportunity weekend at Riveraea Inn. Say- phase;: The Lyilall /Development <3orp, o ffe r^ by this meeting to repre­ bfook. ■ First, Vvhat relief can/be imme- has applied lor building permits IN RESTAURANTS AND sent Ho you urgently the full seri­ diatel.v granted. Second, what for five more homes on Hackma­ ousness of this question and to Members of the British Amer­ preventive aid can be set up to tack St. near Keeney St., accord­ discuss it with you in order to ican Chib will meet at the club­ treat with the ImmjSdlate future. ing to the Building Department. TAVERNS IN MANCHESTER TURNS_pN - automoffcolfy facilitate an ' — . Police said Mrs. Kaminsky tives." In Greece and (Turkey over Cy­ Ssj^eat Shirts .....$2.49 The Industry-sponsored ‘ sugges­ Jobs considered “ emergency flood long term trend continues down­ A five-pbin*. program of dlscua- tions were drawn up as the Civil identifled Dabdaub as her (partner Asked about Yugoslavia's attl'-, prus, ..the British-owned Mediter­ fighting." In this regard, he siaid, ranean island. Greece wants Brit ward. __• Convene All StW S io n was aj^reed upon before Ade- Aeronautics Board (CAB), saying in the robberies. tude toward the Greck-Turkish' he ia construing flood fighting to FREE MEGAPHONE Slayer Tripped tsin to let the C^riots vote on nauer'a departure from Bonn. The public protests against drinking Mrs. Kaminsky has been chsrged rift that developed over the issue mean clean-up of riverbeds. and with ihe purchase of q • Ball Band .•Spalding Issues- are establishment of i 1) with csurrylng a concealed weapon, of (Typrus, Draskovic declared: whether they want union with restoration of streams to their aboard airliners are "becoming "Yugoslavia has always advo­ Greece. The majority of-Cypriots 31ii50 fo r H aircu t **Manch|e8ter” sweat shirt. ‘ • Keds •Hood PFs WASHER 'diplomatic. 12) commercial ''and .pnd poaaessipn o f burglar tools and Mds and the making available of more pronounced." hinted It m i^C 111 Second K illin g cated mutually agreed settlements are of Greek descent. But. Tur­ IS) cultural relations' between take ‘’corrective steps."' • stolen goods, all of which police "usable hydraulic .channels.'' This, of sll problems among the inter­ key, which once ruled (^ r u s , says Whites and.^ blacks, for CLOTHES West Germany and the Soviets; Under the tentatively-proposed said^-they-found la. the Wrecked he mentioned, is necesasry Imme­ Seen in Boston • TWILL TRUNKS $1.29 (4) reunification of Germany, and car. , ested parties. R is ts be regretted If Britain leaves, should be rules, no alcoholic beverages would turned lover to Turkey. diate work, as another heavy rain, ' J ■ \ . boys and girls. ^ <5) German wai prisoners being Bergenfleld police said last night Rockaway, Ore., Sept. 9 (P) — that such a settlement has not yet if it came and the streams stilt be- seri'ed aboard planes on Sun­ Huber Frederick (Tamell, 30, got been found." - One Athena newspaper ’ carried • SATIN TRUNKS held by the Russians. days or national election days, or (Jenovese w m ...‘Mea.. Kaminsky's were choked, might create new Boston; ^ p t. 9 OlV-The $L90 away with one slaying live months Draskovic waa asked also the headline "Defense System In haircut la in sight, men. j Athletic Hose for boys The Russian Invitation lost June to minors or Intoxicated persons. maiden name. '■ hazards. with stripe .... SI.98 DRYER ago, but tripped when he com­ whether .Yugoslavia believed J the Eastern Mediterranean Has Col­ fbr Adenauer, to visit Moscow, Sales would be limited also to cues Piitaawi Need ^ rb e rs in the Roxbury and vu.:..- • ‘ and girls----- 59d’S1.00 which startled the world, men­ mitted hU second, DUt. Atty, John Greek-TurkUh quarrel would lapsed and GreekTliirklA Friend­ South Ehid sections plan to hika flights of more than two hours, ship Is Dead." He mentioned too the need to •SUPPORTERS . 1 . tioned only ' the establishment of Hatteway reported today. weaken tha Uirea-nation alliance. ellmiAate a course-Jump and sand the price from $1.15 to $1.50 bh and to the hours between noon and Episcopalian^ Ease In London, Zeqon Roaaides a Boys’ Numbered Gym Whiter - i relations. A t Adenauer's insist­ CJmell was arrested three days "W e believe that by Joint efforts bar that has built up at Putnam, Oct. 1, a spokesman for the As­ -midnight. ago after his 'neighbor and one­ such an unfavorable development Greek (ypriot leader said ths fail­ • ATHLETIC “T” Suits ...... set S^25 Will Do It ence, the . Soviets- agreed to -talk Pstssengers who became drunk before major damage ia done sociated Master Barbers Aasn. aaid Shout reunification' and the Blast on Calholics time friend, Clyde Lewis, 55,. had will be avoided," he replied. ure . of a British-Greek-Turkish last night.: and noisy en route would be "de­ conference there to reach agree­ nearby by erosion. . SHIRTS ...i2 for$ r;8 9 risoneis. But they held out no been shot to death. A chance ob­ Greece, .Turkey and Yugoelsvta In answer to a question by Om­ . Edward G. Sweeney, naUonal Whitite and Gray j planed" at the first stop. server had seen a man walk to eigned a 20-year military alliance ment on Gyprui dealt a blow to Clothes ope'of a solution to either prob­ The proposals were mailed .by gream aan Albert Cretella o( the represenUttve of the asaoclaUon. SweaWeat Shirts .... .$1.98 tOonthned trohs Page Oae) Lewis' house with a rifle, and the in Bled, 'Yugoslavia, , Just 13 NATO and almost destroyed the Gym Balts . . .from $1.98 WA630-M DA-320L lem,' Harold L. Pearson, piresident of Balkan pact. llUrtt DDistrict, (ten. Fleming said predicted the rest of the rity’s bar­ For You As the talks opened, the gov- description led to (TamdI. months ago to ^ y . It implemented be dotttiottbtad that he could under­ ber* would follow suit. With ill. the Air-Transport. Asan. (A T A ), After debating the possibility of Camell readily admitted ths a friendship treaty the three na­ Rossides was in London to rep­ efnroent newspaper Isvestia pub­ to the 38 airlines that are A T A take to clean up debdarJUtarad (beaaed coats, the average' barbar g changing the church name, the slaying, and was charged with tions signed in, 1953. Greece and resent Archbishop Mskarios, head lished an editorial warning Ade­ shore properties or beaches. today makes "only $60 a week.” 'members. flrst-degree murder, the district at­ Turkey are membera of thp North of the. Greek Orthodox Church on DOUBLE W GREEN STAMPS FEEE PAKKING nauer against trying to negotlabe Pearson urged that the airline convention may alap take up to­ Oeneral Fleming urged prompt he said. ' ; - - STOBE HOUR!HOURSi day the selection o f a site for the torney said. Atlantic Treaty Organization, Cypriis and leader of the move­ IN THE KEAE from “ positions of strength." The executivee draft a liquor "code or ment to effect Union of Cypruil, action to get under Way the-flood The laat inertase, in pisbruary, GIVEN WITH CASH SALES SATURDAY OF OUB STOBE 9 A.M. to 9 FJFJd. Communist party organ, Pravda, 1958 meeting. Miami, PI*., and That's when police chief Delbert while Yugoslavia is not. The pact coatrol projects in New England 1951, waa from 75 cents and $1 creed” to be considered at the H. Walpole of this coastal resort binds Yugwlavia to itand by the with Greece. TUUB8. UNTIL 9 TM. 'Said the same thing' Just before A T A Ajr Traffic Conference in New York.O ty have made blda. He said the results in London which nave already been ap­ to $143., - the Chancellor’e am vaL . . The House of Bishops yester- town began to wonder about the Oreeks^and Turks against any proved, l^ t ^ v e been stalled for San Franeleco Nov, 1-3, . death of Mrs. L t f Is laat May. The threat from the Soviet., Union or "w ill be of advantage only to tha German leadarx, however,! still nday passM an amendment that various reasMis. FACE TBIAL IN SLAYING 1 record showed Mrs. Lewis, a semi- Soviet (^mmunist utw.” Jiopcd the talks would la y ’' :Uu the presiding bishop "with ths ad­ her SateUitss. But Yugoslavia Said the (teneral at his imme­ S im *^ Mlaa.. SepL $ (dv- BAN CXINFIOENTIAL IN BIAIU invalid, died of a heart attack.^dur- agreed also to Join with Greece noundwork for a softening of diate duties “ I am intsrpreting ’Twe wUSe b m .srlB go to trial vise and consent of the Nfctlonal ing which she fell from her wheel­ Basel an insistance that Germany and Turkey in determining what b a g k . a o a i n federal m Uberally as possible in S ept IS am ladtotaauaU charg- Wneklngtoa. SeFt. t (dV^Coa. Council” may change the conven­ chair and bloodied her nose. action should be taken if any can bt unttsd only i f aha is eom- M enltel .Mww Mne haa keca tion Bite if there ia sufficient Norfolk. 8ft. Mar­ giving engineers’ help . . . I have lag that they aanrdered Easnsett 713 MAIN ST. Walpole had ths woman's body NATO nation is attacked, thus garet Robertson o f the Marinsa giiittad to neutrality between West freai ttw Mslla, It wae cause. Hiiai year’s convention au the rem rees 1 want, to do Lonia Till, 14-yeaf-old Chicaga kamd removed from the grave. providing fin indirect link between R>enl her SO-day leave and a good this." ■ " sad Bast, But Adanaasr has a>* (Werliand today trkea the ,puhll> was movsd from Houston. T*x., N e ^ 'The two. Boy B ryaat 34, MI9-5390 aurstf Uia westerii B ig Threa hs Examination disclosed the wonr* Yugoslavia and K a TO. l ^ t of hP-savings touring Europe. He aald that already he has ob­ o f Mo«ey, Mias., aad his halt "HOUSE OF SPORTS" caUeo asked U A Dtatrlct Court bsceusa o f ... racial aegragatlon an had been ahot by a email- Dcgskovlc said ths regular meat- SfRVICE STORE She returned to the'Fleet. Merine. nua A vg^to no aarmaa ,sattle- ter aa order roqalriag the Poet ligated fSH million in engineer ^ t h q r , d. W. Mliaa. SS. o f Olaa. - caliber buUst, which entered be- ing of foreign mlnbtera of tb* Force here and teuad Mders to re­ ■ w o i MUMacera fowem- OffkOMeo to S fl tha funds ia New England, IMSO.tXKl 1018 MAIN ST. TEL Ml 9-1447 OofortBMat B t a ^ Malchvr, in hie tueaday twrtnjhe right eyd eyrtld throo nations will take place bstoro port ter duw with AlUed feroes la o f It tai this state. He aatimated i sfneh io the coaventloo, declared ths tad o f tb6 ya*r, as provided in, Bontbere Inrope. 9 U aiUMca m a y be J X . V;


S L M IC B B S ^ KVENINO BERALDf. MANCRE8TER9 OpNN« PIUDAY. SEPTEMBER 9,1955 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERM J). MANCHESTER. c 6n N..' FRIDAY, SEPTEMRER 9.1998 •iAi£mmiSU0SitlS alw to tha creation of favorablo Matrolman Allan Smith, wps itned ...... joateua Eaaax to Queen Ellaabeth. No matter how much timea you Retiring Couple, $20 for intoxication. '*W' BUGS BUNlfY And to look for it, leet time can- cUhialaa.ot opinion thnwghout ( ^ n F o r u m “Walt haan't paid for that clbak." Antwar to Previcua Pimi* Gr&^n Manor the world,’’ the report s a ^ Court Cases Othera fined were Cart O. Shlp- not be found again. pee, $7, Baatford, $13; and William Paycholpglat—When children ire It was sent tg tha Bemto and Cadets Honored Sens6\ and, Nonsense ^^mmon Pkitntt Mouae Appropriations Commit- •*8ix Days Not Enough?** X Matte, 81. of 111 K, Middle 7 7 naughty, 'quickly anvttch their at- A reckicaa driver ts ja fellow Wih» Postal Tpke., $0, both charged with pasa- tentionk,- who passee you on the j highway teea. To the Editor, six New York men fbr^tad Tho now survey reports on 11 Sure we have a VtlUge of At SA -Service ingatop signs. Hother—Switch their what ? , In apite of all you can jdo. ' ACMMB BTNewCeooomie bonds today to Town Court pMted 'Fined $9 also were Gerald F. Small boy explaining a broken ground to pieces, i; atippoa*? ' V Policy (sb.) Station Bid trade faira-^10 in Europe and one Charm, and wo M>o people of Man­ window to policeman: "I was Atlanta Han—Nothing of -the ILUcc pass la chester are real proud of It and to connactlon with an Incident Shannon, 31, of 40 Etdridge St;, DOWN In Japan—and notes that throe and LHmell J.' Laaaard. S3, of 160 cleaning my alinKshot and It went sort. The poor fellow starved to' CARNIVAL DICK TURNER 'oUwTs wane held earlier in Eu­ wapt to, keep that way. NoW I do .n tre e cadets who vrill aater the Friday night when State Police re­ off.” death waiting for the next train. 4 You wUI or 1 n tfb y fruit . not understand why' the restau­ Salvation Army Eastern Com­ ported one of them' tool^ a bottle Lynesa St., both for vielationa a t Green Manor iCetaUa will build, rope and one in Thadtend.' the rulea of the road. They'were Two men In a car went right you — - 3 Burdin own and leaso to.tha U.8. Poat Of------/ rants, but mom oapectoHy, "tho mand Training College to New of wine from Cherrono’e Package past the traffic lights ivben they Claude Rains, well-known actor, t — as a pin IT b t e s Uvema,” want to operato tho aalo York later this month and a vet­ Store a t 428 B. Middle Tpke. arrested as the result of radar fict new jwrcM post'TaelUUea on checks Sunday. were red, and ware stopped by a Is amiised by a atory told of that 18— to s 4 Skin growths Broad St- according to Natl laiia, of llqtior on Sundays. Is six days eran couple retiring after many Charged with breach of the policeman. Itlustrious Jurist, the late Juatlca million SCurved V not onough, sum they make A yearn a* field officem wem gueiU tiley were George Mflli, 25, Percy N. Howarth, ‘ 54, Rocky head of Green Manor IBatates. Public Rec^ords Hill, charged with a violation of ”I’m «>rry. Officer." said the Oliver Wendell Holmea. Out atrol- II Askow. molding______\ ■ . He aakl today the company waia od week's pay for alx day* 1 a^ a obmhinatton famwell and m- Iton, L. I„ also tmanred .with driver, thinking quickly. ‘T hap­ ling with an aasociate one after­ lAHcnldle band ec^taur KVO llvad to .this town ovar 40 tlmment servlee at the Citadel fti^ of goode for sale, $50 bond tha rules of the road, wat granted 3SArrai» poison 41 Contecrala informad* y eaterg ^ nftamoon by a nolle on recommendation of pen to be a doctor and I'm taking noon, the nonagenarian and hia •IS Mouse genus- 7 Golf molind officials to Washington that their Wamnifee Deeds years, and I havo nevor baard -of M ight forfaltod; Lansrls PatU . 31. and a patient to the asylum in a 'companion passed an Intriguing 14 Looks allko g Bravely , 36 Eagle nett 41 FVnmdetloBI John H. McVeigh and Mary Mc­ ■Ay of m e Uvem owners that 'XJoI. and Mrs. Ral|to T. MUler, Douglas r . McOoiHald, 81, both of Prosocutor Philip.Bayer bid to provide these faclIiUea had Judgment waa suspended to four hurry,” , young damsel. Wlatfully the Jua- II Landed | ----- Stanley 37 Bad driver 43 Sour been acceptM. Veigh to Henry P. Benet and Gar- wknt bankrupt, noc applying to New England provincial coiAman- W ast Hempataad. L. L; Gerald, 21, The policeman wax auapicioua— tlve turned for a lingering glance. \< 3 words) 43 Malay the town tor relief, why sot he dera, attended the aervtce. Ool. Mil­ and John Qiiton, 83, both of Wood- caaea because of the past good re­ propertiM Gardner Ellia said he had not been told trude G. Benet, property' bn Hell cords of the defendants. They were but the passenger was juat as "Ah.” he aatd. "Ah, to be aeventy .MChooso lOFUhaauco 8l^ c of a kiadtl----- and of all tha detaila of accoplance as S t . < -N..: ■atlsSed with six dAys and enjoy ler admtoletered the- oath, or aide. L. t ; and John .H Tomsudan, quick. Ltooking up at the constable again," uodte and keep Sunday holy, which God ‘‘charge.’' to the cadeu. They wem 31, Baldwin. John- J. Benniaon Jr., 18, and II — and nuts u The acid — llVdl^ano In yet and aeveral bida had batn sub­ Raymond T. Schaller to Jaipe* Richard H. Benniaon, 17,'both of with a seraphic smile, he whis­ ‘» A n ----- 17 Dark (preBx) Sicil mitted for. the least to. run fori Pom pei^d TIary Pqmpel. prop­ totonds you should doT Miss*Edith Pickup, - daughter of -All axcept Milla forfettad bonds pered: "Kiss me, darling!-'* Ruth- -I too. had an Ideal once. 47Coaar 33, of 606 Gardner St., charged bers in Mississippi. '8 5 - _ to OK officials. ' 1, ^ V . Lt. Ool. David Coy, divisional com- vidence, R. I., chaiged with apeed- F riend-W hat did they do? ish. spreads his new cloak over the value of $10 each. StaTUng M pttal Ths C. L. Hale Co. of Manches luander. ing, forfeited a $32 bond. He waa with passing a stop sign; and Shoot him? .• mud-puddle. Newsreel cameras coco ift r T Ellia aaM the new bulidtog was $1,000. Incorporators are ’’Attys. ter eubmitted the loWest bid. arrested Sept. 1 by Patrolman James F. Dalton, 34, of 02 W. Main Better Deals’^ to provide 4,600 square feet of Atlantic Man No; they tied him click, and a man in the crowd MWorm I John H. Reid aiid John H. Reig<< $10,473.50, for construction, of sew­ O apt Eric Jackson, Divisional John Turner. St., Jlockville, charged with a vlo- ' X ■ upon the railway tracks. faints. 87 Llttl* white B floor apace and he hoped eonatfuc- of West' Hartford, and CItffqrd S- er facilities at Hackmatack and Young People's Sacretary from IfitlOn'^of the rules of the road. & B tlon. to be done by Oceen Manor Hartford, who wUl speak at serv­ Richard J. DeMack, 38. Califor­ Friend—Awfui! And he was “ U 'ji his taller,” wjjiaperi the i Burdge Jr., Bristol. . Kee'ney Sts. pt a bid aning yes­ nia, now living In Hartford, was -H erbert A. Tice. 28, South Cov 1$» FOND TUDOR SEDAN I N M Haip that F,atates, could begin In 60 days. Bunding Peimilta . terday afternoon. . - _ , ices hem Saturday and Sunday, f w The building will houre all the Aned $21 for meedtog oh Center entry, charged with operating a It nevor tea. once through 1 To Hensel and Peterman for fc. Other* bidders were the Jarvla favored with a vocal selection. The St., Aug. 36. Patroiman Thomas motor vehicle while under'the In- «i—*# halls’/* .... -- arcei pott Mllvitlea here. Grant, l-atory^ .-IHrocini .dwelllnr on. Tar- latrucllon Co,. Ilft003.60; An- band was also heard during the O U T O C B w a y BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE M ATOR HOOPLE fr f when plana for the new ata- iirvice: ■' ■■■-' Oraltom-waa the .atteaUng. jflIgeL fluencs of - IntoxIcaUng-liqunr-br 40Wuit decay ner'St, $ll,200r Constniction Co., $13,466; Two man charged with breach drugs and carrying a dangerous 41 London’s r . were first announced. Tb Hensel and Peterman for a Jaihea Aoeto Co. $15,066; Juno- The program followed a supper of the peace ae tha result of sepa­ 2 t1954TORD FORDOR SEDAN poatmaater .said today the .weapon, was grsntcd a continu­ ' JOB, WILL HDU aMOW 1 P O O R J O B / VBH;A Big — 1-story, 3-ropm dwelling on Lydall Maakei of East Hartford. $17,803; to the lower hall of tha Citadel rata Incidents were fined $15 each- ance' until Sept. 21 under $500 Very nice, local eae-bwner. MR.HSRKM MStB, TH* W O R S T POZEM 48 Soap plant new molding comet after about S t J. TonMu, Manchester, $13,688.50; honoring the cadets and retiring 'fhey were Daniel 0'0onnell,.34, of OP'TH'HAUMXRSH H A M O N T V BOO* art e«AQtc0ACH/ evaev fall r r » 0 0 N“ O V. PM M. Ulrritote U.S., Chiu , 111 Grand List were th'own leniency. taffeU, Makes the dress hang ONLVIW a s A c feet of laterals. Thk new system straight instead of- conforming to 1154 FORD OUSTOM TUDOR SAVE TWOVUORR9/; LONO { Mlmploy 5>l In Delayed Trial Fred W. Shea, 50, of no certain wUi aerve the Keepey StTeet address, arrested •. yeeterday by you. Jm t like new. Full gaarantoo. TIME '*AN this sunwner Hemer*e‘been erasy ever watching birds IS Cockchafers Pact on lives The 1054 Grand List of the School now botog built ttpd. adjoin­ OlTTIN’ B4—^ end n Eighth School and Utilities Dis­ ing areas. —•specially that btend erow ti*xt doer!** . deuces E. trict is •$18,061,666. AA increase of Lawrence J. keams, 57, of 3 Dr. i (Oontinned from Page D, wa* found guilty in Town Court 1$» FORD FORDOR SEDAN S IN S $265,473 over the last list, accord­ Extra clean, extra opecUI. BY AL VERMEER ing to Agures compiled by Mrs todiy of driving whije under the PRISCILLA’S POP Give Him Credit manitarian basis the- Interest Paul Cervtnl, charged with mak­ Plans Progress InAuchce of liquor and Aned the minimum, $100. ONCB A MONTH' WE QO^ any Chinese In the United States ing up the rate book. ® 0 OUTP WITW A CAR^ who might feel they could not \The total amount of taxea aN C HI RWHT- port. R.I.. and George Lamonica, j e s t such mattera. under this heading,, 22, of Chelsea, Mass., were" held are a-vailAbte from any of even when presumed sober.' HAN ..WEVE NO CHAP. S U R E J S sjeS fi&r \O jR as tnbir desire for greater trade the abbve^ or at -the Lathrop In- Keams was made to walk' and TIME FDR MAUOUN DIXIE, at St. Joseph Hospital. Neither la PREVIOUS OWNER'S NAME GLADLY BUT ihisw abbaS BRUNNEHILOE, with the western nations. in serious condition. .^ency, 100 E, Center St. try such tests as the Anger-tp-nbse DILLON SeNTIMENTAUTV.. HESREAUVeOr'------The Chinese announced on Sept. . Trested and raleased were Air test in court by LessnCr. keam s GIVEN UPON REQUKTH SOMETHING/ 6 that exit permits would be Lisued had difficulty then with thefe indi­ s Force Sgt. Lewis B. Ypung. 23, of to 12 detained AmCFlcans. Tlila was Newport; R.I., and Leonard Strom- Work^i^ Repl ace cations of coordination commonly SALES and SERVICE the first positive -results of Ave berg. 36. of Providence. R.I. used by the police.- weeks of closed conferences at Ciilveri Section Summing up today, J-eaaner said *5$ OLDS. Holiday Cpe.- 2fl9 MAIN STREET ^ MANCHESTER Geneva, AEEK BRITAIN DRAFT CUT he felt ^treasonable doubt had Radio, heater, hydra- State Department officials ssild IxMidon,' 4le^t. • WV—Britain’s been created. Judge Gryk said he ^ nMUc;' oatalde mirror. SPECIALS this left 8.^ persons on a, list under trade union movement Joined Town Highway NDepartment was convinced there was none but whitewaD tiree. eeat The Home Of Fine Used Cars disctissiqii at Geneva, including 38 today In liatlonwlile calls for a workers today were ^placing a showed consideration of Keams’ covert, two-toae blue, who are detained and another quick rut In the lerpi of service section of the culvert ^Ich en­ alleged Anancial difficulties by im 15.8M mlirt. M M K <52 OLDS. 1/^” whose' status was unclear. of military draftees. The Trades closes Bigelow Brook at^Walker posing the minimum Aiie. No. 8f 8-A. 0 0 ^ 9 9 Radio,Radio', heater.heab $995 I |!ntoa Congress CfUC), central St., with 5-fopt pipe. The d iv e rt The defendent was given proba­ hydnunaUe. — FORD — FORD — FORD — FORD— FORD-^ organisation. of labor hodles, said caved in-during the recent Ai tion until the Ane la paid. A re­ aussSSiass, the two-year ronsrrlption term Town .. Engineer James. H. Sh' quest for mmlUance of some por­ ’540LDS.H&7C. GOP May Ask Ike was burdeatog the nation finan­ key said he plaps to install 02 fee'’ tion'of''the' Ahe by Leiaher on be- Radld, heater, hyd»- BOOTS AND HER BUDDIEI Strange BY EDGAR MARTIN cially and-depriving laJuatry of of the 60 Inch pipe from the east Jialf of hls hli client was denied by matlc, power brakee, ’52PONT^^i^^^r Map Labor. Report needed manpower. side of'Walker St., eastward. 'Uw Judge. clock, rear seat speak­ Radio, heater, M ARE BUZ SAWYER BY ROT c r a n k er, outsMc mirror, spe­ hydramaUc. 9 14^w cial 2-tone, whitewrall 9;»ODOCX (Conttaned from Pago One) - VOR ViMNOA Mar A \ ACM! MY FAINT WAS NOTMINd tlrle. Low success* IPUTTROUflE, MUM. WHEN mUeage. CMM M V N S yfS "We have got to work through No. S99-A. 9 M M 9 9 ’52 OHEY. ^ ZdOT READY ID MIX IL L Individual union members to con­ \S V W tT O l / JUST piciDffD TO lE ^ o irr .. Radio, heiheater, $945 vince them that the Republican Power Glide. THE IHdREDIEHr TVKT MAXES Party has their interest st heart,” ’5$ 0L0S.1?K,“ " ftWORKi Diederich said. . Radio, heater, hydra- Nixon told th e. RepubllcAna yes­ inatle, power brakes, Used Car Clearance terday thal close aseociatqa of the toar fender panels, ’52 CHEY.______Door % President am most optimlatic that clock, whitewall tires, ^ i o . C M C he win run again than they have . special two-tone. 15.481 beater. 9099 been pmvibuely.' > Terrifk Savings Some state chairmen aald Nixon miles. Mine went further in a closed seaelpn to : No. 870-A. ‘- 4 4 I W express confidence that the Presi­ ’52DODaEim,r 1984 WILLYS 19S1 CHEVROLET p - p dent again will be a candidate. ’54 MERC, ^^g^ Radio, As.an indication of hoW.the state hm ter. station Wagon. Rel Air Hardtop. RadK asJSU L T. M. s-B. U,a aii 4-Door, radio, heater, heater, powergll^ ■ r ~ chairmen felt about the renomina­ overdrive, whitewall A clean, one. ^ ^ Q 9 5 JEFF COBB tion of Nixon as Eisenhower's run­ owner .car. A cleaa car priced $ 8 9 5 BY PETER HOFFMAN ning mate, they approved -unanl- t i s m i m ' Urea, vary cleaa. Lo«v -4'^ . FRANKLYOrOUR ,..4 M AT Tf€ CITY 200... MICKEY FINN Discoonigiiif Report! BY LANK LEONARD moualy a resolution praising the SAVE! ’52 WILLYS ^ r S-rORV PUZ2LE6. Vice Prealdent for bringing "great­ Radio. CKIK AFTER ALL, WSPECTOR, . ME, MRS. FISHER.' 7 er dignity and importance” to hia heater. 9^9 1953 WILLYS OH YEAH...I REMEMBER NOW.'- office than many of hia predeces­ 1951 PACKARD 1 SHOULD KNOW WHETHER 1...BUT WE'LL SO A MAN DIO COLLAPSE OUT HERE DMEVBIElPWOllUr ’SAMERG.££r YER TO THE yESfNCSUKEAMMHME.'] sors.” 3-Door Sedan. " . (3 to choooo from ). Both aro THE OTHER DM... LOOKED fCSANACiSRIMSCRAZyl m TRIED EVERYTHING Radio, heater, standard 8h ildren>s ho m e LIKE HE WAS IN PLENTY The resolution said Nixon had aaosaesois traaamieelen, eeat cov­ A trantportatioa $595 fully equipped and rtady te "rendered effective, tireless and AND S E E , WHY...WHYT BAD SH A PE ./...LEFT IN GCNBULfliSHOnHE (MHiM-BOTHEJUST ets, veat shades, white­ ’51 OLDS. 'I^IKmr gjH^PHcedat J 3 9 5 ' OF COURSE.' AN AMBULANCE/ unselfish campaigning for the Re­ Radio, heater, — IE REFUSES IOKUPSETL publican Party candidates on the wall Urea, rear seat hydramaUc. 9049 issues 'coAfronting, the 'coun-^ speaker. 18,047 miles. try-. ...” AND EVERY 1953 RUICK Nixon discussed moat of the top SS.*. $1795 » 1 BAM T Chieftain 1910 NASH \ 9 1 r U l l l i "8’’ 4-Door Super Riviera Hardtop. V-0 Issues to the campaign in an hour’a en^ne, folly equipped. Origl- question and answer session with "SAFI lU Y USED CAR’ ,Jtoi m w i BY MIS BAFBS«N0I5,HS / ** .JHCLINMd AN-OFFBROP^ FRBMDCtO He said in response to questions gtoee, outside nUrrer, Radio, heat *WSTBAClC* 1 CMAgOBD n40 G«L fANOir* WITH TW# OUTRAOt FQLICB FKOTBCnOM. M vWYOosfr Y buw oafr aas4d ekr FMsmMa D « *:• 12,172 mllee. f O M K Radio, heater, $141 ------#3 OL0 TIBM1 «'U. '1OU4OU0M6 be dbes not believe tho Democrats hydnunaUe. TS1095 ..AMP WARNBD THAT WNHa THBV R SM A M AT NEVBR JUOaS m n m * bwni m e e iwcysEANb-eYS’ will attempt to make tha EUen- No. $08-A. 9 1 4 9 9 L A R M MO ONS N TW VtCiMrV 1 5 ------U5 FAIUy NOW A H o a sr A . I t $ o m SMWf fW HBAKT'^lURM 1950 PLYMOUTH 'AN 1MLB55«BCAM GOODNieiflB IMIIN OWWJ/ hower foreign policies n campaign u BASK RSFDRrcO WMWO RtSTf issue; 2-Door Suburban. RebuBt. motor. A MT sftrras., iOlWMdir He said that while the Republi- ’53 OLDS. ’54 FORD CoaverUble ItSZ OLOSMOnil FROM NHITg 5AN05 ACOMMtfO! ' Radio, heater hydra- Radle, scarce Item. C 7 0 K b a r l b r TOPAY, cans bad' not yet begn able to balance the budget, they had spent ^53 MERCURY - *54 MERCURY . matte, eeat eovere. Very heater. «*8R.*! S4l^r'Sedan. Reboilt A reel buy at # # $36 billion leas in three years than Hardtep,’ Gahaai brown,.. otanAard Meaterey Hardtop, two-tone paint, motor.. Fully equipped. the total projacted by the Truman traasmleeioa. r heater,vr. sped- srhitewall ttree, all leather laterler, $1495 Aa Ideal f t I l O K adminiatratiop. Me said thia added light,' excelleat rabber, mile- low mileage, one ewaor.'— fam U year. 19S0'WIU.YS wse, Immaeotote. #KRW ’4$ MErfO. up to a saviAg in that period of $ 1 1 9 5 ’S3F0RD Radio, station Wage*, $4,000 per-famlly. '54 FORD Radio, heater, whlto- heater. ‘raasportottoa In Denver m'eaDwhile, president '54 MERCURY Creetliae Hardtop, radio, heater, waO Urea, Jet Mack. only $ 6 9 5 EtsMhower today *Mit. Congress a Fordoniatle, tw'e-toae patat. leather ‘ 1952 PLYMOUTH mport sayiikg America is winning 'Monterey S-Paeeeager Bine etotloa 28.785 pdleo Very clean. , L'agoa. Mercomatic, radio, heater, Interior. An ImmacaUte RIYER 4-Door. Immaralato emdl- frienda throughout the world with eae ewaei ear. » ’44 FORD 'A betO ’e-Sr* ABi a $b mlllton progrAm ahowtog off UatMl glaaa, whltew)^ ttree. M M S SIa. $1195 tlon. One ow-ner car. Namo U.S. wares a ^ eultural artista An vtoyl toterter. . *S0rACKARD heater. turaMied on request. aad la mnatog' v/Ae report deals with this coun- A r a r tb u y ^ 3 9 5 fixed down VIC FLINT On The Roof ^BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE • Convertihle, all leather laterler, ra­ ’SI HUDSON iL qalred. Troubled Wife BY WILSON SCRUGGS tfy'a participation in internation­ '50 MERCURY dio, heater, electrle eeat sad wladows. Radio, , heater,' hydra- al trade faira in Europe apfl 4-doer, erigtoal aaa ewaer car. laudaoBtoto one ewaer ear. CJQC BMtte, wbltowall Urea, ’41 HUD. Ible 'PAtHOVNt nx QLAO VOtAB MBAKNS U a it __m______n; _____ •atiiTTHpYicAmTfa, Japan, and with .the appearance laao# mllse, Imnaaealate RRAC New top. '• fWO apcirial S-taaa. M to flK Mter abroad of such American attrac- iaslde and out. w 9 9 9 Radio, heater, SMS EASY TERMS . . . RANK RATES iOPP.T0M.riL IF yOUt PMrTND(»» YdTM roMnctHMiiM OOetOPSWSVDU ITOMTHAa’ . No. 824-A. /9 IV 9 D whitewall Urea. OOgfNTUUENt. ML,M«r AMEAPTTBOUILg MUBrukCirgABY,/ Now.rr V tlena as the Philadelphia Orches­ 'Sr^EVROLET i tra, the New York City Baliet,- *44 CADILLAC 2-deer eedaselHidlo. heater. Pewer^ Your Car May, Tlie Down Paymanf - bUT’OIOO.DOtfr^ g ^ y VOUdO'OUfitMMMd PTOMWaODTAMT \ WOULOMT f OUde, exeeWat rahher. CCOR Huijr Otiitn At 1K« Home of Safaty Tc«ted Cant OP TOYM? N TBOUBUP 9 m vm EUBigB E,ivEg WAg. I and the etagp production ‘‘Okla­ 4-doer,.: hydranaatto radio, R4RC homa.” ...... heater, exoellcat ralSer, OSww Imnmeulate car. w 9 9 0 •£ipr A Short Ride To Big Savings Stop At THgOOOOe) vcatt/ WKOOtLOlBTAUOM^ HOW \ The summary, 'dispatched to « A O - ______ONYOIM«HAaeOP^ '•OUTA a Washington for .thePrealdont'a YOUR AUTHORIZED UNCOLN44ERCURY DEAUR T H l- J 0 W 7 vacation headquarters here, cov- Manchester Motors ers activitiea.for tho.period April 1 through lun« '30. 'Y t wae pre- MOiUARTY BROTHERS ~ ‘ YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER parod for BXachhOwer under dlroc- "ON THE LEVEL AX. CENTEB imd BEOJIID” tlbn of Thoodoro. C. Streibert, Uatea to Statiea WBAY Every Nli^it StSS-IS. Silvar Laat Rd^ ManchcaterOptn Until 9 P. M. chief of the. United Btatee IiifOr-; $01-315 CENTEB 8T-—MI S-SlS$—Opca EvealiMia V atu IStoS , MI 9-S427 . 441 K. MAIN MX. (two Leiatimw). matlbn Agaocy. m O-ilU Open f A.H-N40 r. " T ^ has'boofi*Uie moat acaVo Ray Dwyer, Uaad Car Maaager period to date, not only to the numbef a t Crojecta pctow ted but •A . A

■ i '.rV ■' ; r ' . . r '. ■*'



, '*■ "" II I neiiiMaiMMi ■■ waanaM^MV^Miaa iiM i i i s n n i e 11 ■ ii‘(h^i»w*iwaiwsisaas— a a^p—a^sw^nm—^ n — SMS^MSm .-V Dodgers Whoop Is Up After dinching Flag Crucial ■ Stage for American Loopi WUt« Honlks Sliding RmiiMr Regular ^late StatB Alumni Touraament Baseball Champions Cuba's Zulueta B^xes New York, Sept. 9 (AV-Brooklyn’s pennant victory Is the earliest ever In the National ■UUX8 If n m o u s #and Dodgers last spring that never Ends Sept. 25 Lesoue—but in the Amadcan, one or two of the contenders may find it’» later than they Most venMtll* player In Ue materialised turned out to be a Cisco Tonight thiiut sfter the next three, pressure-packed dgys. - Amerioin 1im( im thla Muon baa break for CIney. The Rhinelanders Chicago^ Sept. 9 (F)—Arrange- The Dodgers made it with a 10-2 thrashing' of Milwaukee yefitei^ay, erasing their own offered Wally Post oven up for baaa A1 SmlUi of tho aareland In- menU for a playoff in the‘event ,New York. Sept. 9 (/P)--Cubs’s'y DeMarco, snd ons decision o w lefigue standard for an early clinehiitg set bn Sept. 12, 1953. diaaa. Smith haa -playad aecond Junior Gilliam. Post is batting the pennant hue, ahortatop, third baae, left, over .300 while Gilliam has been veteran Orlando Zul\iata and Uie current Utleholdsr, Wallacs The frenzied American Lrague battle, however, now jumps into its inost .crucial three- lig h t. and eenterflald. The 190- used chiefly in utility roles for the race ends in a tie were worked out flashy Cisco Andrade of Ctompton, (BUdI Smith. He lost two to dsys yet. The Ghi(iago White Sox- go intb-New York’s Yankee Stadium to open a two-game Bounder la alao one of the league’a Brooks in recent months w hile yesterday. Oailf., match talented left hands set this afternoon while the flrst pace Cleveland Indians begin-a two-game series at Boa­ nursing a .240 batUng average. tonight In a 10-round battle of Smith. ■ ■ SaU at nan aa wall aa.a top b w This is the schedule if two clubs Andrsde. who sosred to s top ton tonight. , ' \ xunner. Smith fa a former Oolden Since joining Cleveland, G en e are.tied at the end of the regular lightweight contenders at Madi­ Oloaea tiiamp who waa a atandout Woodllng has batted well over season Sunday, Sept. 2.5: son Squsrs Garden. rating on an unbeaten streak of Sunday, Chicago moves to Boston-and Cleveland viaita New York in a pair ef Doiiby^ AlU'ough the fast moving, 25- 28, lost ground when he was hfifi(]ers. track, football, baaketball and .800 mark. Gene took part in five New York at Boston, ...X atar in blah achool. Now while with the Yan­ Cleveland at Chicago.' year-old Andrade la ninth ranked, beaten successively by Ralph The burden is on the Wl^iic Sox rtnch - hitter Ray J^oona, S7, Smith la called Fuaxy by bU kees and visions a sixth October New York at Cleveland. and the 27:year-old ’ Cuban is Lupas and Lauro Salas, the latter and the Red Box. Both lost viui benched by Injury, woo^ a aott matea. . . . Since Ifrry Doby melon split if the Injuns can main­ New York at Chicago. fifth-ranked, the Californian la a another ex-champion. The Osco ground yesterday while Cleveland Dodgers Didn’t Lead touch for Kinder. But Jock\ ai^>ped out of hla batting alump tain their current pace... Man­ Chicago.at Boaton. X', 7-5 favorije. The fight will be Kid whipped Salas In a rbturn and and New York reeled off victories. Until the Fifth Day Philllpa Mooped a two-run alngle the udlana have bem on the move. ager Tony Luplen's Jamestown Cleveland at Boaton. broadcast and tel^aat (NBC-TV followed by stopping highly re­ The Indians beat BalUmore 5-8 to tie It. Then Harvey Kuenn garded Eddie Chaves in six 10 , maintaining tbeir Nt' —‘ • " Chlcago'a White Sox appear to be Jets in the Class D Pony League Thoae pairings and sites c o v ^ and radio, 10 p,ni.,) coast to coast.' RffoMyn, Sept • 1/Pi —4)nea- doubled and Kinder let lapse ths fading and the Red Sox have too fin k e d the 1055 season in sev- Andrade (29-2-1) has the better rounds. - . ilf-gnme lead over the Yonks, wild one after liuentionally walk­ e n u pl&e. Several years ago the all possibilitiea in d e n t any two of record, but the slender Zulueta Botli are rlevcr boxers, festtir- waUoiied Kansas City 13-0. tioa tor Brooklyn (aao: How neany tough cluba in‘front of them the four teams how In the first many days were 'the Dodgers ing ths bases full. to win all the marbles. If Boston former Manchester High and ma­ division end up in a deadlock for (54-22-10) has more experience ing fast «nd accurate left hands. White Sox were jarred The ti^gera, winning their waa second, three or four games jor league guided the and has met the division’s (op Scoring will be by founds with es behind by Woshingten •at of first place in I958T the league title ^ a supplementary point system also 5-4, ondl^ston, after winning six ninth modem-era pennant, broosed out. and not in fourth place the same team to the regular season A program-also waa shaped up talent in the past few years. Ohanoee are yen*m wroag. home on 11 hits and the brilUont Back Bay Millionaires would have and playoff crowns. Tony serves as Zi^deta, for Instance, holds vie- used to help^ break draws. 'The straight, nipped four games back The Brooks, who cllached the tor use In event any three of the with a 5-4 NJefeati by Detroit. relief work of Karl Spooner. The' - a .giaat chaim but with slightly head baaketball coach at Middle- clubs finish in “a tie for first place. tortes over a pair of former winner of each round geta from peaaant oa the earileat date in 24-yCor-old southpaw, itiloving more than two weeks to go the bury College during the off-season. champs, Jimmy Carter and Paddy one to four points, the loser none. Cleveland stayed out front with National Leagne histoty yester­ Two of the teams will meet in the four unearned ^ n s . Only Larry rookie Roger Omig In tha fourth, battle for the blue ribbon looks like first playoff game. The third club day, did not lead all the way. pitched' no-hit ball over the. final New Tork or Cleveland. Sunday's Nearly 51,000 fans, witnessed a will be idle that day and will play Brooklyn Dodgers' players indulge in hl|d>jinka jn dressing room s t Milwaukee after basting Doby’s 36th, homer, leading off the' Hiey didn't make thb top nntU 5 2-3 innings, striking out nine and at Yankee Stadium recent game at Comiskey Park in 10th to break a 3 ^ tie provided the fifth day of^tbe seaaon— in the ^cond and deciding playoff Braves 10-2 to clinch the 1955 Nations] League pennant (Sept. 8). ', second from left, ^ e Tribe -with an uiitalnt^ tally. retiring 13 in order in one stretch. He BrbiK' BoiAhaii'B and Chicago beEv^h liife Whire—;Sox game. The'^decidtng plaj’ST" game’ Xexas^AggiesLCocLchllapi^ pi/Uix ’bevei age "Oii" bstboy’ disrtey ■ .DtOtavsitna", lowei - left, while Others play some-trick'on'Don. Otliers ' DoTBuliI was ths'Tliwt oT mdiana will draw the largest bOby.' am uklng his third himat and Yanks and the concession will be in the home park of the left to right: . Dpcie'Howell, Bil\y Loes, Frank Kellert (partly hiddeiiT, Ran'M eyer, S u d y Koigox And in two days, hod three of the In­ until the slxti day- Milwaukee . He foUod to crowd of the year to the Bronx atands took a beating. A total of club winning the' .firiit playoff Coach Jake PiUer. (AP WlrephotO). ' . ^ dians' nine hits. Chicago had tha lead first lost the first os the Brooks ball paik. All box and grandstand 165.000 beverages were sold, plus game. i Team Will Open with UCLA Bartlmore, completing its aea- beattag Glaeianatt a day before scored four times on throe walks, reserved seats have beenjpold. The 72.000 hot dogs and 24,000 bags of Three-way Pairings son plmy against the Tribe with tho other elvba started. Raln- a hit batsman and two singles. first game will be telecast over lieanuts... John Pullle of Meriden Here are the pairings for a oots held the Brooks Iwok mi- College Station. Tex., Sept. 0 (/T) only three victories in 22 games, Jackie Roblnoon, who hit a two- Channels. i s handling the bookings in Con­ three-way tit, playoff: pushed over a run in the ninth off tn April 15, whea they tied Chi­ run homor in a four-run fifth, and necticut for Spec Shea's M^a j o r Cleveland at Chicago. (New -O ach' fan) (Bear) Bryant, cago with a S-0 . record. First Dead Heat whose Texas Aggies are about the High Eleven Will Be Light, Ray Narleskl, the Tribe’s fourth Qil Hodges each knocked home Billie Mays is the aecond play­ League AU'Stars. The big leaguers York bye). , ', os the Indians missed what The next day, April Id, three runs. er In New York Giant history to will tour New Ehigland follo'wing Boaton at New York. (Cleveland most sophomorlsh outfit In the Brooklyn wns nil nione nnd bit 40 or more homers in two sea­ the World Series... Whenever the In Yonkers History country, noted today that his first they hoped would be a game-end­ camponella Nicked Sammy White, Boaton Red Sox catcher, leapa away from slid­ bye). opponent would be the No. 1 team ing doiAIe play. never okared tbe lend again. Roy Oamponella was the gant sons. Johnny Mlse, now a Glan^ name of Geoige Kell of the White Boeton at (Chicago. ((Cleveland clipped by Buhl’s pitch In the first, ing Fred Hatfield, Detroit Tigers’ asemtd baseman, who aeored tying belting coach and radio announcer, Sox is mentioned .. one is reminded Yonkers, N. Y., Sept. 9 (,P)— in the nation. UCLA. 30 Candidates Working Out le Yoiiks had no such anxious run in ninth inning at Boston (Sept 8.) Hatfield tallied from aecond bye). moments. Bob Turley five-hit the but Ice pocks reduced the pain In waa the first to perfomi the feat of his back miseries. However, dur­ New York at Boaton. (Chicago TKe first dead heat In the 15- The California school had just on Jack Phillips’ slnglKto short center, forcing Whlta to air when In the flannels of the Giants. . ... year-old history of big time lieen'^rtabli.shed in that spot in the A’s for his fifth shutout and 16th the right forearm and X-rays were ing a recent day off, Kell was pic­ bye). "We won’t have a bl,; club but and handled the team quite well at triumph and Yogi Berra belted a Mickey yemon's twp-run homer ruled unnecessary. ball waa not thrown to the plate. Phillips scored from third on a ' Just when everyone, including tured running on the bench with Arrangements also were made sulky racing In the MVtropoll- pre-aea-son poll. wild pitch to give ‘ngers 5-4 victory. Umpire Larry Nap|i 'watdtea Manager Walt Alston, was worry­ ten area was oh the books to­ "We feel highly honored.” aaid we should have a fair amount of thla early atage< AVrlght, who saw pair at three-run homers. Kansas cut Chicago’s lea^ to 4-3 in the replaced Campy behind the plate. his young daughter drapped on his for playoffs in event there is a aucccss this season," High O ach limited aervlce in '54, has lets of Caty kicked in four errors, giving The New 'I'ork^ GianU, taking play. (AP Wirephoto). ing about the Dodger pitching back. Kell plans to retire at the four-club tie at the end of the re- day following a thrilling clima.x Bryant dryly. "Not everybody gets sixth and started Trucks’ decline. staff, along canw and to the $25,000 New York to play, the No, 1 team in the na­ Walker Briggs stated yeaterday Sower but lacks experience as does New York six unearned rtins on advantage of Milwaukee’s defeat, end of the current year.The gxilar seaaon. 'The pairings are: afternoon after watching hia In­ IcDonough who played -very little their nine hits. Virgil hadn't^ lost to Washington moved within 2% games of the RogOT CnJjg to lend support to Big three New York clubs — Dodgers, Cleveland at Boston, and New Championship Pace. tion.” since 1953. He admitted that it looked like dians go .through a light scrim­ lostyevr. After losing 17 g mes to the runner-up Braves wltJl a 6-3 vic­ and bonus baby Giants and Yankees —. are ex­ York at Chicago. The sensational- Adios Boy. mage at the West Side Oval. "Nope White Sox, the Senators closed out Wild Pitch Decesive tory over the St. Louis Cardinals Sandy Kioufific, after picking up pected to sign a pact which will holder of the track record, and quite a ta-sk for hi.s boys, who won Up from the JV squad, Danny The winners of thoae two games of the other (XTL Coaches, claim Renn, Paul Dougan, Rich Peppin the '55 aeries with their fifth suc­ Ellis Kinder, of oil .people, in a night game. Bobby Hofinon Texas Junior Prospect/ 5"- splintera all season on the bench, prohibit night games to be tele­ Torrid, who hnd whipped the only one game last .season while and Wayne Terwllllger sparked a scored wins in his first two start­ will meet in the home park of the UCLA didn't lose any. to have too much this year and un­ and Dave Erickson are other back­ cess,. chasing Virgil Trucks with muff^ It for the Red Sox. HIS cast next season. This year the team winning the Chicago - New Members of the M$iychester Alumni League and State Alumni Tournament championship First Na­ Boy recently, were so close at less one of our rivals come up with fleld candidates, oU given a good two decisive runs in the seventh. iive-run sixth Inning with doubles. ing roles. The most productive hit­ Dodgers, who have been having tional Bank are shown above. The Bankers easily kron -the local loop and annexed the State crown re­ the finish Inst night that the Bryant, after a week of working wild pitch allowed the winning run ters on one team in the big show York game. his Aggie candidates, said "We'll a powerhouse we could Very well chance of breaking into the lineup Ernie Oravets, who earlier had Philadelphia tightened iU grip trouble. getting fane to pay their' The playoff date la Monday, cently in West Hartford. Front row, left to right. Bob Bombardier, (Thuck Saimond, CHyde Richard, Yonkers Raceway Judges could Improve On last year's record of oi»nlng day. Renn and Erickson- given the Sox two runa on field­ to score in the Tigers’ four-run on fourth place with a 6-4 decisimi For Dayis Cup Squad are Ted Xtuasewski, Oua Bell and way into Ebbeta Field, televised Bobby Daigle and Larry Lovett. Second row, Pete Olsen, John Alosky, Rudy Wojnarowlcz and Ed Dell. have a much better tieam than la.st Sept. 26. If a second playoff game not separate them—not even year" but quipped. "We're not go­ three wins and five defeats.” will battle Brault for the quarter­ ing errorr, brought home the win­ ninth. Starter Willard Nbcon gave over fifth place CSnclnnatl, over­ Waily Post of the dnelhnatt Red- all 77 home games, plus 25 road is necessary It will be on Tuesday, Third row, Danny Renn, Wes Feshler, Don Pontlcelll and Bruce McClain, Top row, Manager Danny after looking at the photo fin­ . Over 30 enthusiastic candidates, ning run with a aacrlflce fly fol­ legs. They rank One, two, three in attractions... A year ago Johnny ing to be overconfident.” back spot. Peppin is a halfback way. to Boaton’is relief ace, after coming two homers by Redleg Forest Hilla, N. T„ Sept. 9 (F)—ythe only non-seeded player to go Sept. 27. . Renn Sr., Coach Ronnie Daigle, Asalatant Coach Al LaPlante and Joe Dyer. Pete Gavello and Henryi ish picture for five minutes. led by Co-Coptains Jack Farrell while’bougan ia running at full. lowing three singles in the sev­ (Tharlie Maxwell's solo homer, a Wklly Post. Chicago and Pitts­ Az far os tho quarter-flnalfi. the N*. D .. . . Dick Groat the for­ Antonelli of the Giants had racked The pairings and sites were Pedemonte were not present when the photo was taken. . t The pair was clocked in 2:00 Bryant will start six sophomores and Dave Gols". are struggling for enth. Next year, Sam Giqmmalra, a 21- mer Duke' basketball A.I1 Ameri­ up 21 victories as against three against UCLA at Los Angeles Club’s Beat Poaeer walk and a double with none out. burgh were Idle. Scored Big Ugs^ determined in the office of William 4-5 compered with the track starting roles on this fall's Red and Along with the signal • callers. year-old Univerzlty of Texas jun­ Hio other round of sight Bontoh can has been selected by the Pitts­ defeaU. 'A year later Kis won and Harridge, president of the Ameri­ Sept. 16 when A&M plays the first b u rg fans aa the most .valuable loss record is l2 and 16. record of 1:59 4-5 made last game of the season for a South­ White football team which opens Jack l^rrell is expected to do ior, could be playing alongside •ends ^ e top-sseded TratMrt member of the Pirates. Groat can League. The two-club arrange: treck by Odios Boy. west. Conference team. Ita season. Saturday afternoon, some passing being the clubi best Tony Trabert in the Davis CUp against HeiMe Flam, n retriever edged pitcher Vem Law by several mtnts were establish by slipping The payoff on Adios Boy, S'ept, 24 against Brlrtol at Mt. passer at the moment. The rugged from Beverly Hills, O ltf. Flam Members of the Yankees will coins, the'three-club by matching Nebo. Included in the group are halfback is also expected to do all caiollenge Round against Austral­ ix&ta. . . . How long will the en­ tour JsM n in October. The Bomb­ Chisox Move into New York owned by the estate of J. S. Auto Men Ask for Help •cored A hlg' tipaet when he de« coinaland the four-chib by drawihg Turner, Naasnwradox, Via. was 13 members from, last season's, of the punting although McDon­ ia. feated Australia’s Rsx HhrtMrig. thusiasm last in Milwaukee now ers will oppose service teams as •lipa from a hat. aquad,^ Includtng seven lettermen. ough alao has been working on that the Braves have again failed well aa the cream of the crop n sUm $2.40. $2.00 and $2A0, At the moment,-he is the only But Ttmy hss been s t his best end to nail down the National League The coins and slips were handled Alsoi the two hard-working that phase of the game. likely looking proepect to take another Flam victory would bo among the Orient clubs . . . If Ted by Chicago newsmen. while the dead heat trimmed coaches are counting on nine per­ Like Briggs, Allbrio alao forseea To Replace AAA Body 'Vic Seixos' spot for the trip down flagT The first to go usually la WUllanui can draw down a $100,- Torrid’s return to $0.40. $6.40 nothing short of esrin-ahsking. Fore Big Two-Game Series formers iq> from last year’s JV the possibility of a fairly succeaa- under. He has 16 months to poyrti The other two semi-flnaSsts the manager. Insiders claim Jolly 000 contract, next season from the and $3.00. Torrid is the prop­ SEND THE club. ' '. ful aeason although he points out Cholly Grimm may .be given a Red Sox the chances are good that erty of the Shem-ood FUrm of Detroit, Sept. 9 UP>—Auto In­ hia gome before the next Challenge xvere decided yesterday when front office assignment with a new New 'I'ork, Sept 9 (;P)—Thlnga The Yanks, meanwhile, prac­ Cleveland S'mday as the Indiana Sophonnore Standout that it la much to early to predict dustry officials listened with var­ YeUerday^s Stars Amaricaa I.«acae Round in December '56. SeiXos, the defending chsinelon, he'll be back in harness again. The Orioles Plan Max Hodiberg. Irvington, N. J. Walker Briggs the final outcome. "We appear to W I. Pet. GB Lew Hoad, the Aussie blaster, map taking over aa field genenjL Thumper la worth every cent of a'dmittedly are tough with the tically had a day off, trimmifig took the lead from Chicago with a A sophomore standout last sea­ ied intereata last night as ciO’ Cleveland ...... 86 64 .812 — . whipp^ past Bernard (Tiit) BiHt- HOME TOWN son. sturdy Norm Hohenthal heads have the nucleus of a good club _ntching—Karl Spooner, Dodg­ % gets a chance to test Giammolva the reported $100,000 that he re­ Chicago White Sox these days, Kansas City 13-0. doubleheader ^ e e p . Donovan racing's top supporters asked for New Y’ork ...... 84 64 .809 zen of Sen Angelo, Tex., -M . 6-1. • Baseball players reeeiva pay­ Going into Washington k|prion the end candidates which includes Farrell, the Indiana' second best and the newcomers could prove their help—moral and technical— ers,' worked 5 2/3 innings of. no­ Chicazo __ ...... 82 67 .694 2% today in one of the two quarter­ lA-11, and K(m RosswoU of Aua- ceives. He’s still the top box office Winter Squad and they could get tougher real 114-6) will be making his fourth scorer last fall and who averaged the diflerence between a winning hit relief, retiring 13 In order In Boston ...... 80 57 .684 4 final matches in the Nationals. checks twice a month and only magnet in baseball aa well aa the adnUtted his players were low. He Larry Herzog, Jeff Gibbs, both in forming a new group to replace Detroit ...... 71 88 .511 14 trolia trounced Hamilton Richard- during’tht baseball season.. The quick as the Sox open a crucial had hoped Tuesday's day off would starting appearance since an with the Indians in '54, and new­ 2.9 yards in Sl.cocrlea. olcfig wij^b and losing year," Alibrio said. the governing American Automo­ one span, and struck out nine os Kansas Clt.y ...... ^.66 81 .409 3S Giammolva still Is not in Hoad’s z(»i of Baton Rouge, La., 6*4, 9-7, game's greatest hitter . , . Last Red Hot Flag Race NEWS Ronnie Brault, Dick Wright and "And like lost seaaon, our reserve .368 34V Waahdngton Senators r e c e i v e playoff game in the American Baltimore. Sept. 9 (g5—The weekend and a two-gome-^series give them some bounce. But they emergency appendectomy laid him. comer Bob Lazzari who looked bile Assn. Brookl}m clinched i^ennant with Washinston ...... 48 8« class, but he has come for in the 2-6, 6-3. -----^ $800,000 a year for allowing their with the to­ barely sadvaged the first game low In late July. good on the defense yesterday. Stewart McDonough comprised strength could prove the vital The AAA, which has sanctioned 10-2 decision over Braves. Baltimore 43 92 ' .318 40< post year. Seixos had ho trouhlo with League to decide the {iennant waa have Just about factor in the aquad'a auceeas. We Friday's Sahadala hoise games to be Mecast. This in 1048 at Fenway Park in Boston completed arrangements to send day. . against the Senators and now, af­ Manager Casey Stengel, whose At a. Quick Glance TO THOSE IN Gibbs, who came along strong near one of Brigg'a backfleld units in auto racing aince 1902, recently Batting—Yogi Berra, Yankees, Ukea Sam'a Ferfornuuioe Bsrtzen, an ex-Army sergsant, fbe keeps the Senators out of the Marty Marion's Sqa were crest­ ter losing flVe of th«ir last seven, Yanka^^till trail the Tribe by a the end of- last year, caught sev- yesterday’s scrimmage. Brault, have some likely looking prospects sold it will quit Jon, 1, 1956, be­ walloped hia 2t4h and 25th home Chicazo al N 'w York. 3 p.m.—Dono­ /"I like the way Sammy has been until tha third set. Then tha Thxikn when Lou Boudreau homered twice 10 or 11 of their farm playefs to probably the team’s fastest per­ an$y it’s entirely up to the boys runs driving home six runs In 13- van (14qi vs l.arsan (S-3). red for the campaign... A deal in to lead the Indians to victory the same team, in South America fallen when they c ^ e off with the Sox are 2 Vi games behind. half game, still has his pitching (Including all Games of Thursday. THE SERVICE eral eye-catching passes during cause It doesn't think, racing now Clavaland at Boston. 8 p.m.—Lemon performing.” sold U.S. Davis Cup decided to fight it out and that staff In shape after yesterday’s workppt. former, operated at quarterback themaelves.” contributes to the improvement of 0 victory over Athletics. (18-8) vs Dalock 18-6). Captain Billy Talbert. “Right now he did. Seixoa was at match point the spring between the Redlege against the Red Sox. where they can continue playing nothing better than a split In the What makes it worse is that af­ Sept. 8). Datroit at BalUmore. 8 p.m.—Gar- all ■winter. Labor Day doubleheader at De­ ter facing the Yanks in two, they and Turley pitched complete W L Pet. GB Line Coach Tony Allbrio lacks passenger cars. var (13-18) vs WIzht (3-7). his main trouble Is inconsistency. nine timeS’ before he iraa s m s to troit. And they couldn’t feel any have to hustle on to Boston for a games In the two-game series 'with Cleveland"...... 85 54 .612 — experienced tackles with only Among the 56 auto chiefs in at Kluiaaa City at Waahinzion (2), 8 But I think plenty of tournament break through in the 94th gaoM. Paul Richards, manager and gen­ fresher as> they confront the Bunday doubl.eheader against the the A'a Casey, who like Marion Andy Subic returning from last tendance was Benson Ford. Ford ^m.—Gray (M ) (uid Kellnrr (KV8) vs work will take card of that" Cmm Book Btraig _ G lN iK A L eral manager who is looking to New York . . . . 84 54 .609 season's squad, But rugged Dick Motor Co. vice president. He had«I Patty Berg Pacing cDarmott (6-9) and Slona (6-13). From the tone of Talbert’s LfM N ighVs Fights Yankees—not alter blowing s Red Sox. haa to look ahead to Sunday— Atlantic Coast Conference ______...... Richardson gave RozewaP a youth tohelp-pull-his-birda-out-of Chlcagb . . . . 82 56 .594 . 2'a - FarreiU and- -Dick- -R ud^L -both- from n two-d^^- Ford- words, he 18 gdihg rd'keep’ a sHorp the American League basement, Qiree-run Tead’^fn a ' 5-4’‘aefeat 'Bp" “MaHom krlll"cair 5n Dick Dono-~ When The TaHRSTStiy tw irw itltthe Boston ...... 80 57 .584 4 Claveland 6, Bartimore 3 (15 In- worKui o ^'ln tho third ast, the seventh-place Washington yestev' van, who’s had normal four-day Indians, has named Don Larsen .with JV experience, could easily sponsored National Safety Con­ St. Eoiiis Tourney watch on Giammolva. Sammy has Aussie looked like he hdght crack. Tv SERVICE Moncton, N. B.—Floyd Patter­ said yesterday he and farm offi­ Remaining games:- ‘ ference. Safety is one of the rea­ nlnzxl. day. rest after getting pounded by (6-2) for today’s game. Cleveland (15): Home (3) — fill the gap. Has Several Strong Teams l-r- Naw York 18. Kansas City 0, been knocking on the door of But he come bock stronger than Days A Can son. 177, Brooklyn, stopped Alvin cials are ironing out details for With Colas. Dom Squatrito, Rod sons projected for the AAA leav­ Washlnzton 5, Chicazo 4. greatness for a couple of years .ever after the Intermlsrton and ran the program to assign the players Detroit (3). Sept. 16, 17, 18. Away Datroit 6, Boston 4. NIgbts fZsVS^PIaaPiHta (Chief)' Williams, 172, Oklahoma DoUn. all lettermen, and Lou Gas- ing racing. St. Louis, Sept. 9 (>P)—Patty Ratarday’s Sckadala now, but never has quite made It. the fourth set out with no.trouUe. a ty .t,. to the Willard club of the>iColum- (12) — New York (2), Sept. 11, "I'm just listening.” sold Ford TEL. MI S-BIN bla Winter League. kell back again this fall, Alibrio BY JIM TATUM ^>West is on experienced quarter­ Berg, with a seven-under-por 68 Kansas CKy at Washlnzton. 3 p.m. This year, he seem to have click­ In the women’s division. Deris Loo A n g e I e s—Zora Folley, 11; Chicago (2), Sept. 20,. 21; Bos­ will have no problem at the guard Head Coach, Maryland back to manipulate Earle Ed­ u Anton J. (Tony) HUlmon, own­ first-day score, is leading the field Datroit at Baltlmora. 3 p.m. ed. Hie big triumph of the aeospn Hart edged Mrs. Nancy Kiher, 6-4, 187H, Clinton, Arts., stopped T ^ “We aren’t quite prepared to wards' multiple offense. er of the Indianapolis Motor Chicazo al New York, 3 p.m. waa the. Eastern Grass Courts Urt the names of those players ton (2), Sept. 9, 10: Washington positions. And big Joe Dyer, who College (NEA) — today In the $5,000 St. Louis Open Cleveland at Boston, 3 p.m. 6-4, and Mrs. Dorothy Knode out­ Calaman, 177%, Philadelphia, 4. excelled on defense "yesterday af­ After 32 days out of the country, Jock Davis Tops Speedway and a member of the Saaday’s Sckedale Tournament at Orgonge where he lasted Shirley Fry, 9-7, 84, to gain THE STCDENm FRIEND who will go. bMauae we first have (3), Sept. 13, 13. 14; Detroit (3), Regardlecj of where ternoon, up ffom the Jayvees, it’s in the Far Elost snd Alaaka with At Maryland we look for out­ new group, told them "We need Women’s Golf Tournament. Datroit at Washlnzton (31. 1:30 p.m. licked Bob Folkenburg, Jack thq seml-flnOl, 'T b ^ il be joined hy ANNIVERSARY GAME to get the boys to agree and then Sept. 23. 24, 25. standing performances from Tam­ your advice mi wjiat could make Miss Berg, top money winner Kansas City at Baltimore 13), 3 ESTiRIROOK PENS get the aproval from Columbian your service man or quite possible that one or two of the Armed Forcea during July, I Frost, Seixos, Kurt Nielsen and Qil tha winners of the Belmor Ounder- New York (16): Home (9) the guards will be /witched to a took a quick look around the burello; Bob Pellegrini, r a boy our new organization better." But this year among the riation's lady ^ Cleveland at New York (3). 3 p.m. Shea en route to the title. son4*at Word and Mrs. Bavarly The University of Massachusetts officials that those we select are wcHnan is stationed, Ford added, "They've certainly Chicazo at Boston (3), 1:30 p.m. $2.50 Up acceptable to them. We don’t ex­ CaUcago (2), Sept. 9. 10: Cleve­ tackle berth. ' Golas, Dolin and Atlantic Coast Conference — and we’ve converted from guard to professional golfers, used no more He plays a big gome—mighty Fteits-Bortiara Brett matebas to­ will play Its 56pth football game on land (2), Sept If, 11; Boston (3), the Manchester Eve­ Squatrito. are aggressive and ex­ then felt like heading for outer center and has been mentioned got my moral support." than two putts on any green yes­ Nalleaal Laazke oerviee and hard volleying—and ia day. pect much difficulty along those Hulman said the group not only , W L Pci. GB DEWEY.RICHMAN Nov. 12 against Yankee Conference lines, though," Richards said. Sept 16, 17. 18; Detroit (2), Sept. ning Herald can be fore cel both on offense and defense. spaces again. prominently for All-America, and terday at Norwood Hills (kiuntry Brooklyn ...... ,.92 46 .867 — 7S7 MAIN RT. rival New Hampshire a t Durham, 'Ihe team, would be managed by 13, 14. Away (7) — Boston (4), warded to be at “Mail O n ter Candidates I know that Virginia and North ends Bill Walker and'Russell Den­ will succeed the AAA but will (Tliib's 6,195-yard course. The St. Milwaukee ...... 7fi 64 .643 17 N.H. Sept 23. 23, 24. 25; Washington Letterman Bruqe Little, whp Carolina State - will be much nis. I don’t believe there will be "cover more of every kind of auto New York ...... 73 66 .626 19’i Scout Fred Hoffman during the Call” regularly with all racing there is—including stock Andrews, 111., golfer shot a threer Philadelphia ...... 72 69 . 611 31’4 Oct. 5 to Fdb. 12 season. (3). Sept 19. 20. 21. •aw a great deal of service last stronger than they Were lost year. any guard In the Oinference bet­ under-par 83" on the first nine and Cincinnati ...... t..68 76 . 478 36's Ole Miss. Rebels Could Win Chicago (16): Home (5) — the hometown news year'until Injured In the Meriden Still, among our great teams of ter than Jack Davit. cars." • Chicazo ...... ;S7 75 .472 37 Another guest waa James q four-undgr 35 on the aecond Si. I»uls ...... 67 81 .413 86 Cleveland (21, Sept 20, 21; Kan­ people away from contest, and newcomer Bob Hays Duke. Marvland, South Carolina We’re not pessimistic. nine. , _ . sas City (3), Sept 23. 24, 25. Away appear to have the edge for the, and Clemaon lies the conference Stronahan Jr., vice president of pittsburzh ...... 55 84 . 396 37H home are so anxious to Champibn Spark Plug Co., who Louise Suggs, Sea Island. Ga., Friday's Sckedale All Southeastern Laurels (11) — New York (2), Sept 9, 10; get. - center spot. champion. Brooklyn at Chicazo (2). 3:30 p.)n.— Boaton (21, Sept. 11, 11; Kansas Leaving my own Maryland told the dinner party: followed Miss Berg with a 35-36— rwcombe (30-41 and Meyer (6-1) Va. “My company is behind you In 71. Riuh 'll-lO) «nd Jones (1M7I. Local Sport Caty (3)i. Sept 16. 17, 18; Balti­ ) -\ squad out of the picture, I would Pittsburzh at Milwaukee, 10 p.m.— By WALLACE BUTTS s Alaliama —Believe thayV ha more (4),'. Sept. 13, 13, 14, 14. say that Duke ahapea up strong­ Major League every way. We'll do all we can to Other top scorers the first day Law (10.8) vs. Spahn (13-14). Head Coach, Georgia the dark horse under new coach Boston (17): Home (14) — New est, with South (jarollna or help." were; New York ,a( Cincinnati. (9 p.m.— Athens, Go. (NEA)— devel­ J. B. (Ears) Whitworth. Whit has Telephone Ml-3-5121 Judge George M. Ober of Indian- Hrarn (14-14) nr LIddIa (M ) vs. Nux- Chatter York (4), Sept 23, 23. 24, 25; C)il- Clemson next, and my vote lean­ i=ss=Ledclers= Betty Jameson, San. Antonio, hall (16-10). oped high achool programs of re­ two outstanding quortortiacka In apdlis, temporary chairman of the Tex., 37-36-73. cent years in the South ore main­ cago. (2). Sept 11, 11; Cleveland ing to the Gamecocks. group, told theni: "We'd like to Philadelphia al 81. IsHils. 9 p.m .— Bart Starr and Albert B2morsii (2). Sept" 9, 10; BalUmore (3), Circulation You can't find three greater Amaricaa Leasar Betsy Rawls, Spartanburg, S. Dickson (il-fl) vs. Schmidt (4-6). ly responsible for the fine team Ex|MrlesM)a and Depth MALE WORKERS'for all three Battinz iBasrd on 336 at bats)—Ka­ have less socialites running our Tharsday’s Besalts Sept 20, 20. 21; Kansaa City (3). quarterbacks than our conference C.. 38-37—75. Brooklyn 10, Milwaukee 3. balance in prospect this year for OaorgU Experts have ua Recreation Center bulldlngi dur­ Department lina, Dairoil, .343: Simpson.: Kansas new’' group and more engineers the Southeastern (Tonferenoe race. Sept 13. 13, 14. Away (3 )— New can present In my own boy, City, .310: Smith. Clavaland and Pow- from your auto companies to help Gloria Armstrong^ Oakland. Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati 4. down for sixth, but tire do expect ing the fall and winter leaeone are York (3). Sept, 16, 17. 18. Frank Tamburello at Maryland ar. Kansas. .309: Mantla. Naw Ifork, Calif., 39-36—75. New York 6. St. Louie 3. We have just as good high ne^ed by Recreation Supt. Jim Today! .307. ‘ ______ua with improved and technical (Only Gamei Scheduled). to have a good club, with experi­ Don King of Clensaon and Mackie Betty Rush. Detroit, 38-37—76. Satarday'i Sckedale school football playcm oa any oth­ ence and depth for a ebango, and Herdic. Anyone Interested may Prickett of South Carolina. Runs—Mantle. New York, liS:.^ Ka­ problems.-'*"”* New York at Cincinnati. 3:30 p.m. er section, which woe not the cose PROTECTIVE PAD lOWLING SHIRTS tina. Dairolt, 113 i Smith. Cl'4yaland. One auto official chuckled, " I Ronnie Randolph, Oilumbus,' rugged on defense. Hava not contact Jim at the East Side. The Good Running Back FSiawaruiBiiPittsburzh . at-Milwaukee isi li w . o3:30 ^ p.m. when I come to Georgln In 1988. (Men’s and Women’s) Ill; Goodman, Boaton. and TutUa, Da- don't know, we're pretty busy de- Ohio, 87-89—76. Brookli-n at Chicazo, 2:30 p.m. shown the offensive strength men will be required to. wsjfk eve­ Fort Worth,'’ T «- (NEIA)—A J can't get. too perturbed about trolt. 94. Philadelphia' at - St.— I.,oUls.■ • ' J;3 Incidentally, I consider the SEC nings only. Supervisors are needed Runs...... Batted...... In—Janaan...... Boston,...... 109;. signing safety belts." Mary Lena Faulk, ThomosvUle, 30 p.m. to contend for the chacmplonanip special pad has been developed for BOWLING SHOES Duke’s personnel—but only be­ Fla., 36-45—76. \ Saaday's Schedale plays the best offensive footbsU (n for the programs In all 'three Buddy Dike. It will cover the cause we don't play them this Boonr7 Drt'roi't.'l'os; ^rra. Nrw York! i Hulman told the group he Brooklyn at Cincinnati (2). 3:30 p.m. intercoUsginte circles.. and weak so far In passing. (Step's anil'Womep’s) D*^r'11 York. 98; Kallnr, thought thoiirht the’the newnew nraanlzation organization stillatlll Miss Rawls ia the. defending Philadelphia at Milwaukee (3), 3:30 Tenneosee—^There’s a new deal East Bids, West Side snd (Commu­ kidney area and protect the Texas Year. The Blue Devils, Orange p.m. The pre-season polls have select­ nity Y—buildings. ilattrlifatfr HUs—Kalina. Drtrott. 184; Smith, would largely be m ^ e up of AAA champion in the 'tourney which brewing ivlth 'BTel. SU 9-1647 South CaxoUnx has lota of fine ton. and Berra, New York, 36. Navy in ths Sugar Bowl, but that Alleys. Dairy teams will also be the strong Leominster, Mass., Lions at Ml..Nebo. The locals, coached by Gay Salvucci, will practice The Saulte Sto. . Marie canal has backs in addition to Prickett. .Carl Pltchlnz (Baaed on 16 declilons)— win prove helpful to. Coach ing over. Has an estabUahad and tonight at 6:30 at the West Side Oval and again Sunday morning at 10:30 at Nebo, handled total of 4.288,434,396 BrozcU and Mike Caskey ruined Byrne, New, 'York. 14-4. .778; Ford, Johnny Vaught in getting them in Joe Tuihinello and a ground- From Flagstone to Roofing accepted to complete the proposed tons of freight since it was opened. New Yort, 17-6, .736; Donovan. Chlca- gainer in halfback Chuck Johns. six-team league. Interested man- Army last year. They have some >. 164.'.'100: Moeft, Detroit, 16-7, .682; ready for this season. - —r agera are urged to contact Btan reorganization problemz In the Cemon. Cleveland, 16-3, .667. Georgia Tech — More good Steady Improvemfat To Remodel Your House line, but watch their offenze go. , Strikeouts — Score, Cleveland. 230; footboU players, squad depth than Vanderbilt — Improving stead­ Mirucki. “•— ' Caemzon's .a chib to watch— Turley. New York. 183; Pierce, Chlca- ShackamaxonCountiy Club L-O-N-6 o n zp,. and 'Hoeft, Detroit, 130; Blilllvan, any other SBC Uam. Bobby Dodd ily under Art Guepe. Anyona Whether you are repairinir broken porch nooring or BA DART LEAGUE starts well-aeazoned. with on inzpiration- Boston. U8. ^ must develop new ends and replace would like halfback. (3iaf)ey Hor­ building a neiv-garage, we have all the building materials next Friday night and members al leader in King, a brilliant half­ NatteaiU 'I«iu|a4 linebacker Larry Morris. Great ton. I hear tales about a new full­ back in ;Joel WeU* •»<> • tough, BattliUF'(Baked on S36'at bats)—Aah- st^om ore bock in Stan Flowers. yon*!l need. And, not Juat one color or one size. are to sign uff as aoon aa S^E-R-V-I-CE bum, Philadelphia., .335: Campanella, back. PbU King. The Commo­ possible. President Al Ounther re­ Problem to Leading Pros experienced line. The Tigers are Brooklyn. 38U Furillo. Brooklyn. .316:- Aubwra — Had the best team dores could be to u ^ Take dur selection of plywoods. We have full sheets ported thla moriilng. ~ ITS CLOSEOUT TIME reimy to come back to the winning Kluasewakl. Oncinijatl, .816: Foal. Cin­ In Ct^ege football at the end of Tnloae — 'rae Oiwen WaPa’s Big black and beautiful 1981 cinnati, and Snider; Brooklm, .311. and handy panels, . , smooth surfaced and striated . . . -Scotch Plains, N. J.. Sept. 9 idnii / The threa toumameM-hanlened By BEANS REARDON ranks. 1964.* iR my opinion, and moat of been coming along,.-too,.-..UBdar S4 Yenrs In National League Dear Mr. and Mrs. Public: — -Studebaker Landcruiser 4- ■■ ! Big Boom of '66 the beys au-e bock. Fullback Joe- Andy Pllney. Fortlflad by Ana unfinished and prefinished . . . ihterior and exterior. —Golf'a top profaaeionalt. accua-^veterans who managed to match Written for NEA Service door sedan, V-8 engine with Vlrgiilla has a young w^homore Chlldreos and halfback Fob James guards BryM Burnthorna and QueaUon: There la a 8< count radio, heater and white tires. fullback who may be tlje big boom Brooklyn, M. You can choose any wood, from American Elm to African« tomed to ripping GDursea apart In par wara FVaddia Haas of (jiara- Our loas is your ^ n . We have an assort. Runs Batted In — Anider, Brooklyn, con moke anybody’s team. Quor- Tony Sordlsco. Mahogany. .« POA sponsored tournaments are mont, Calif., Ted Kroll of Bfthes- on the batter with one out. A run­ See this doll today. of 1955. He’s Jim Bakhtlar, a boy 129: -Ennis. Philadelphia, U7; .Campa­ torhock Bobby Freeman and end finding the Shackamaxon Country ner on third base hraaks for tha 'cd stock of Chryslers, all colors and modeh, straight from Iron who travels nella, Brooklyn, and KhusewsU. Cin­ Jim Pybum will be mlesed, but ^EW LONDo Club layout something of a prob­ da, Md., and dImlnuUva Jafry » PRICED TO SELL! well with a boil under his arm- cinnati. 106: Foil, Cincinnati, and We’ll show you bow to pat up ceiling tile, or how to WATEPFOMD plate. The pitch is ball four, Maya. New York. 103. Bobby Hoppe is said to be juat as lem. . • Berber of Los Angrias. which must be moved^ within the next 22 days And has 206 pounds to help him dlita — Kluazewaki, - CIncInnaU. 178; Senior Event Lists repair a broken trellis. W H hcIP you select materials right-hand batter attt>a acroie th'i Bell, Cincinnati. 176: Post, Cincinnati, fine a soph back prospect as Only two bettered par, 70 for tha Favored Sam Snead, tha Whits got there. The Cavaliers have a Tech’s Flowers, and great new . . . give you how-to-do-it help . . . rent you power, tools 6,730-yi^ course yesterday in thS Sulphur Springs, W. Va„ blaster plate to go to first baag. He gai —regardless of price.'. Your old car will prob. fine guard, John Polscr,. to clear 176: Aaron, Mllaraukee. 183: Mueller, at amall fees. . SPEED BOWi the way for him. hgir York, and Aahbqro, Phlladhipbla, end shows up in Red Phillips. Trio of Qualifiers first round of tpe $50,000 (Mval- stayed within strlkliv dlatancc of in the catcher’s way and the run­ ably Ee a good down payment! It won’t cost $ .00 __WeU Coached cada of CMf' Tournament.-.And the leadcra with a 71—the am e ner alldea Serosa the plate. What’s My own 'alma manuny, North. Doubles—Lozan .Milwaukee. S3; Sol­ Look around our showroom. Ask questions. You STOCK CAR RACING only three others matched atand- scored turned in by Cary Middle- the call here? a dime to' «>me in and tapi ajbout it; Driva Carolina, is a dork horse in ths der, Brooklyn. 31; Aaron. Milwaukee, Kefltaeky .—Well eooched, ag­ Brookline, Maas. Sept • coff) Gene LitUer, Dick Mayer, 525 conference. We know Ed Sutton 30; Post and Bell. Cincinnati. 28. gressive. determined squad Isd tteedn’t buy. ^ TOMORROW NIGHT ard figures.aa the narrow fair­ Aaewer: Tke runner le onS be- Triples — Bruton, Milwaukee, Mays, Stan Hobbs of Salem, Rottnaoh ways, treacherous rough and con­ Bud Holscher and little knoam enuae of Interference by tbe bat­ out in a Chrysler todiiy; You will be sur. has great. possibiHtiea os a htlf- New York, and Lonz. Ptuahurgh.' 10; by AU-SEC quarterback Bob M urray of M orshfiald and 1* — \ ■ . ■ • . - crete greens took a heavy toU Bob Crowley from nearby Moun­ ter, who moat stay ent ef tbe back, and end Will Frye is on exr aemenle. PlUsburzh. t: Banka. CHtica- Hardy, /with on end target in •:30 P.M. go, and Aarpn. Mllaraukee, J; Howard; SchneUenbargar. Look Lineberry of MiddlatiMi. R. L, ora among the aspirants for the flrat tain Ridge. N. J. cntrber*a way—waOc or no walk— prised a t how easy and how inexpensive it BEAUPRE perienced hand at catching poasea. Home- Runs—Kluasewakl. Ctncinnati. the aecttcosl qua)lfiara for tlw 8 Big IUce»-.2 Fenturtn prla* of $10,000. 'Nine One-Putt Oreena nnlU the play Jq eonqiieted. can bc< “ , The Tor Heels boom George Stav- out Tor sophomore tackle Lou flrat USOA Senior Golf Chaaolee. D**d:y-Xceunry Inman hadrtlne one-putt greens q.—How can a team make six nltaki aa a top notch center. ?.jri!!"‘23T' M icb a^ dhipa at H aabv^ Tma., .Oet L -25.Lap Sportsmen Event MOTORS, Inc. As long qa there’s a Bob Bar­ Cincinnati. 37. rioiM a T- Mh)aed SBC UUa hy Marty Furgol of Lemont Bl-. as he went out in S3 strokea and h its. la one Inning without seor- > ■ '■ i ' ■ PUchliw (Basad oh 16 dscUloos)— , Hobba lad tba quallflsn wfth • 20-Lap Non-Ford Race and Walker Inman cf Augusts. came home Ifi $5. His lonrat waa lug,I tholomew in the line and a Nick Newcombe Brooklyn, 30-4, ,333: Lo- one point lost yogr (14-13 upset 41-40—61 kt tbs e o u i^ dob FW- Oa.. each putting with deadly ac­ a 30-fobtcr on the aevanth green. A/—The fint three hnttara ' H. P. BEAUntB. FFm . 858 EAST (CENllCB ST. (kmsolcs directing the backfiold. Mne. Brooklyn. IM , .706; RoberU, by (loorgla). Great a ^ d dsipth. tarday. MANCHESTER. CONN. ' Philndelphla.^ 23-11. .687; Erafcine; Adults It.lO-^hildren 50c curacy. shot OS’s to h(dd a taro- Furgol sank an 8-footer on the aiaglew The piteher picha naaera Wake Forest must be reckoned Br^lyn, and Conley, MUwaukee, a-7, TarrtSe backfittd of JoeUa Simp­ Murray and LliUbanri stroke lead going into today’s see: aecond. e 16-footer on the ISth off aeeond aad'thlrd hose. The next . HAUmMOT0gS,liifc with. Ukruriac, North. Carolina Kansas d ty A’s third baaeman Hector Lopes lets a throw from catcher get by him for an error son, Jblitt Burgesa, Joa Brodsky in a playoff w lth.r 4 MIIm From New London end round <» the T8-hole coippati- and a 12-footer on tha 10th. two hnttew atnale. leflBliig the EVENING^ TILL 9 PJM. Stats is on the upgrade, with' M Btrlkeoata —'Jones, Chicazo, 171: and alidlng Yankee ahortatop Phil Rinuto took advantage of tha mlscue to score ah^rtiy after In tha dusrtttbGCks SATURDAYS TILL 5 P Jt. Boberta. Philadciphtia. 110; Newcombe, rick.of HOitford, i Rain Date Sunday Night tiOR. The Said ariU.be cut to 60 haaea. The hotter hits n slippy halfback, George Marinkov, Brooklyn, and HOddlz. fit Uada, U l: third inning of the SapL 8 gome at Yankee Stadium, New^ York, Lapaa —frstfl the throw from catcher sad Dick Allan. Btava m ot tdantteol 42-41. M A O C 8T R S S T i;;SL. MI 9.5253 and tiaa after today’a play for the H m aaaraga thunderstorm re- lag ef in lAOT conn zr b slp tv tlw WolfRock dimb. E d ^ AnloneiU. New ^ Y m iritt. Wiimar thantz as RIbm Io took off on'hia httamptad ataal cd ttrird- (AP Wiraidiote). , a Ana Mnahttchar. ngatattohisr Rmpta 85>-AARC Sane. third round tomorrow apd tha final laaaea 50 timea the energy of ^ BE 1$ holaa Sunday. first atomle bonAb ' '•-. •' ■' ■'.•'• • •-. .- c' .-'f.'. f’^' . • - S'' ^'^' ' vV- ' -

# '\ ;V ;. ' UANCHESTER ETEHING HERALD. 1KANCBE8TBB. CONN.. FRIDAY. SEFTEMHER 9.1955 t A O l 4* KANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1955 72 BavMa For Sate , S mhms Fmt Bate 72. SabnrlMui For Sate 7i| i^tisMaemML Jte------u------n ri .1h« ■■|-^^rr- - ! ■« ' -Hr-*-*"- ' S* »-...... ----- Ti-— -p iT '‘n raiir-w-iiMiwrrT -r iniriiu.m' tauti '■rrii V " ^ ' ' '■- Far Raat •4 POOVOBR ST. SOUTH OOVENtRY — 44 aoTCi: S-FitMILY HOME to HespitaTNetes U.S. Situstions W siited>- HonskhoM Goodf 51 Wearing AppSrel— Furs 57 ARBOn REALTY OfTERa DURANT inRBET — Your room AatomobUca t i t THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By rAGALY aad SHORTEN s P A d o u a ali«ls. (un dry cciltar. oU boat, ltd, am rOom eight iTini- _ ------, WHl aall an tenna- ReaaonaMel ' Femate 38 STUDIO BED with corduroy cover- % LBRGTH MUSKRAT tar coat, Ground .(lher„ Main Bt Am]Ao BALDWIN RQAi!> oambtaotlOa aerMna, storms, caUnat kttchon, buUdlags, |»,oao. CaU PI. 348IT. down paymont. .Cbn TRomontI PbHrata YeBayi ISt Inflation INS CHCVnOUBT jliadiA Jet, 3 bolster pillows, IW. MI. good condition, $100. Also navy psrUi.lir»aB00i ' Chblcu rsaldenttol Motion. Cuo- vanotlan Minds, lovely fenced In posal, fhroplaw, alocm aosh, Go- B480T. ADMITTED TEBTERDAT: (Udo, ndie, hMt«r, Tw o-bw RELIABLE HIGH School gM blue wool winter coat, $10. Both toui built atoM and ffame raiwb, taohad (uvgh. Conveiileat tail- THREB-rAkOLT hooH, four / i M m i f M 9-0624. jrord; trees, Immediate oceupaney, rooms each, no heat. Centrally Paul N;l4tullBpa Jr., 31 fldoa ltd.; li^ C9m » " " A t last it seemed rviEVD found a bab/ ' STOeXSO UPONIXE SruPFANO NOW THE wishes to babysit Friday, Satur­ alu 16. MI. 9-9494. AIR-OON DinON BD OITXCHiS— 1983. Many extras, garage sU m l- bridiig $9A90. wm quaUto (or vet­ denUal nauborhood. Many ROC3CVILLH—Thraa year oM cua-, POOD IITTLE BOONDOS6LE WOULD LAP UP... day nights. Vicinity Summit.- St. oxtras. $19,000. Warren E. Bow- loettod. One tenement vacant Oct. tom built qAt Throo Bic6|*v^ Maria winahaii, RPD 3, By Gredit M oton. 88S Main B t I AS THOUGH. IT WAS OPOUND SUSS f 100% Main at leoation. Park­ aum storme and doora.—$31,700. eran. Ooodrinld R o i^ Oo<, Roal- RoekvUto; Paatoia Donpart, 33 JU itirtiiiM it MI. 9,9996. ' NORGE REFRIGERATOR. Excel­ ing. Apply Marlow’e, 167 Mala load, RaaMor. ML 34900. let $13,800. Tel. 30. $4MI. . badrooma, large Uviag room, ox-|„ _ IMS CHBVROtiSffS—Club Coup« ^ Wanted—To Bay 58 TANNER ^aTREBT ton . MI. S-TOIO or M l. 3-1307. collont Uteban withtUidng .area,)N__ s^^ RA: Grayland Ctae^. lent condition. Call MI. 3-6146. 8t.v ■ coramle Ul# bath. reerootioaiTalcottvUlo; Wilfred. Croaeon, 137 CM gp».A»VT. and Bodon. Price right and they 1 6tN T BE* WILL, ITS ASOUT TIME VOUHOlO HiSNOSSfj (TS NO USB! HiS Lovely 7-room Colonial, 4 be FIVE ROOM ranch toll boMment, WANTED—Child to cars for in my WANTED—USED GUNS. Trade 87 STEEP HOLLOW LANE alaatered walls, 'toll Inoifiattoa, run fine. D ou^os Motofe. 333 HE CLEANED, VE FOUND SOMETHINS riLSHovtL SOUK- MINOS MADE UP! l U OWNER LEAVING the state. rooms, garage. Excellent condition. LourwrSate 78 room, laundqr'KMm, boated ga-|N. Mm S t; 3lw. Qladye Taf^, Rau lira'' lending rate, A M ______HOURS home. MI 9-0498. hot water oil heat, fireplaca, file rage,’ lH batha, phuitorod welfis, St Ext, Rockville; Mlsa Hilda Main 8 t . OF THIS HE’LL BAT without OF THIS INTO HIM. HAVE ID FIND A WAV Kitchen aet, combination gaa and your used gun at highest allow­ $10,000.. plaatortd than a month ag% It' only Soburbaa For Rent 16 Distinctive and practical. 7 bath, la m kitchen. 90 oaya o c(» OLA8TONBURT — OeSar lU4g« cirezilar amosito mivo. Ahimlnum RoMnson, il$l Summit S t; Jainoa •OS A. M. t0 4:80 P. M. ^ without BLOWING A FUSE! I'LL ' IF IT BREAKS., 'O FIX IT UP Foe oil range, amall refrigerator. Liv­ ance on new, and used rifles, I 1.34 per cant WANT TO BU^ A CAR end bed ■hotguna. pistols. Estimates given BARRY ROAD pancy. Caarlaa Leeperaace, 30; Oriva. Om aora lot with U F (ront- storm wlndpwa,. Venetian Minds, Cunningham, 153 Branford St.; SET A FEW CASES OF, MV ASM! ^VOUB LUNCH BOH.; WOMAN would like housework. ing room aet. Dining room aet. TOLLAND—Cedar Swamp Road, room ainfle with 2 car at* OM. Beauttfui view on htU. 30. Bate l^w WIBa BHm S your credit turned down? Don't IT TDM0R80W. free. Naaeiff Arms Oo., 3015 stpall new hotMc. Uires rooma. Large 6-room Cape Cod (3 un- lot 78 X 198. AU city coovenltncoe. Jerry Jeake, 15 Sanford Rd.; Rox­ UOPT CLOSING T O g _ ve up. aee “Honeet" Douglas, Phone MI 3-7067. Bedroom aet, odd chairs, rugs, M iM after 8, The Reserve baak»l«dtag rate and knlckknackt. 475 Tolland St., Main St.' Tei. MI 9-1647. Ideal for working couple. Steam (Inlahad). PIsatered walli, BucMey tached fsraga. Immodiato occupancy, $18400. anne Warren, RFD 1, WUUngton; TOR CXASjnWRP ^ V T . g3 Mote. Not a finance campany school district. Fireplace, di * 3CANCHEiTER-We have over 40 Goorge J. Oolonnro Brokor, Oon- Mrs, Jeanette Cushing,, TSWelta has wkleapraad offaet A ligfeor East Hartford. best. All mbdsro. n o o % altsr lisUnganf all kinds from $6800 up. KEENEY ST.—Beautiful Iota, 108’ rate makte tt mora erpenrivu for MON. THRU PRL plan. 8:10 p.ra. MI 9-33M. X dormer.— $13,000. ^ 4 Sleepinff Roofaia ntettettt Bank and Tiuat BuUdlnf, St.; Mrs. ArUne Brower, 137 3(oet with low down paymento. x-300’ within walking diatance of RockvlUo. TR. 4-40a or TR. member commercial banks to Bir* 10:80 A.M. - Docs— Biikis—Pets 4i THREE ROOMS Furniture. Rea- Rooms Without Board 59 ahopplng' area aad hue. UtiUHes. SpriKe S t; Paul Baldt, Bast Hart­ ■onable. Inquire 31 Stone St., mVINO STREET 2 Complata Baths Call Tha Ellsworth Mitten Agency. 84710. ford; Harry Olondor, fO.MUl S t; raw from tha Rasarvu apRam to'' gATORDAT 0 A. IL Auto AcEBBBorlcs—TircB 6 3 0 . 34980, or Mr. P r i ^ right E. r . VoA Eckcr, 4 PORTERFIELD'S PETS SUPPLY, Mancbeater, BIG FRONT room with twin beds Beautiul 4-room Cape Cod. Pipea 1 Lavatory Higgins, 30. —-••— a, ______. .__ - ... I Mrs. Jennie Clark, 272 Charter expand their own boalM6R oon- ■6 Spruce, Mancheater', Ml. 9-8830. Sumner Homes For Rant 67 In for 3 rooms and bath upotaira. Agent 809 Keeney a t •umer and peraonal loaas: TM6 TIRE BADE for single person or two. Kitchen ****g»?*, j» * * |o*k St; Rodii^.Woot BUlngton; Houra p to 13—1 t o 8:30; Tuesday MOVING — Maple converUble privileges. Frse parking. Call be­ Combination aluminum windows 2 Fireplaces resulta ia loons baeomlng harder Buy One—Qet One SUMMER COTTAGE for rent at 3(A2^bHBSTBR-4 room older co­ CHOICE $3,000 LOT S tS S y * Rodney Elaemdre, South Oovon- «” tiS2S!5IS5i?^n AFnUBCXAlTD and Thursday nights, 7 to 9, dis­ couch, $40; maple chair, S30; tween $ a.m. - 2 p.m. or 4 p.m.- and doors. Waddell echool area. to got, or more oxponslve, at pour Hdlf Price Cryatal Lake. Six rooma; fur- Recreation Room In Basement lonial, 3 bathe, eneloaed porch, 3 High, Dry, Laval. Wll#y. lOO oak Grove counts to dealers and breederk. maroon overstuffed chair, $20; —313.400. bonk. Tubelesa, regular, whites, blacks. 7 p.m. Ml. 9-8973. nished. Fireplace, televlelon. car gerage, ammite drive, extra Approximately % Acre Home Site, mohair overatuffed chair, $30; gaa Available through October, half Open Porch Steven The Reaervo sjrstem hod am* New treads, lifetime road hasitrd MANCHESTER Pet Center, beau­ BEAUTIFULLY furnished spacious AKBibtl REAUrr COMPANY lot, convenient location, 818,700. 100 Ft. X 300 Ft, ZH 1 ADMITTED TODAY'' D ial M I-3-5121 stove, $80; bureau. $15; washing price. MI 3-6748. Cloae in. See ’Them on Upper Oak *• Howland, R aO -jester. 6 Hlllcroet Rd. bariiod on what is now • dsitalta* guarantee. , tiful baby parakeeta, guarinteed room with complete light house- MItcheU 9-5834 Lot 100x216 Wafran E. Howland, Realtor. 30. tor. M l. S4800. machine, wringer type, $75, other 84000. Street Near Grandview Stnet. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A ly apparent effort to , roitnla No Money Down sin^ng canaries, hamatara, tropl mtecellaneous household items keeping fscUiUes availIlsDle. Ale . Will col Hah, pet foods and suppUea 830 SPRINO St.—Custom built Vacant Address: I daughter Jto Mr. aad Mrs. Donald credit expansioD la tbo flioo aC an .30 Months To Pay Also lady'a cloUiea, sise 13. MI. rent single or double. ChUdren ac- Wanted To Rent 68 eiiormoua growth of dA t a t m a r­ BUDOOrt CENTER—MI 3-4164 995 Main St. MI. 9-4373. (taen 9 threo bedrooHKbome, Two-car ga­ AUTU3IN HEIGHTS WRRtsd ' Real Estmls 7 7 1 Bennett, 63 Drive A; a daughter 9-8183. cepted (limited). CentraL Raoaon. rage, ameaite drive. Bath and 87 OLENWOOD STREET BOX 741, TOWN ------1 to Mr. and Mrs. Xklward Troue- ly all klnda during tha past yaar. L oa t b b O PDimd a.my to 6 p.m. daUy, Thuradaya 9 able. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 A i^ St, WANTED— Four room furniehed lavatory, flceplact, sun porch, lot ' CaU ARB YOU OON81DBRINO |dell, 87 Park St, RockvlUe; a And it has aetM OR the ova a t a.m. to 9 p.m. S. and H. .Green 8 COMPLETE apartment or house by father and A little gem of a Colonial typa yOPND >- A piaoe where Traiters for Sate <"*8-A Stamps. 100 X 300. For api^lntment to In­ SELLINO YOUR PROPBRTYT daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Aldo the fall soaaon whenneeeooal da* ROOMS OF BRAND NEW daughter of high school age. Tel. c i n n e y b r o t h e r s home. 26' living room, tiled Youngs­ aariire a ooinplete line o f SINGLE ROOM, private family. On MI. 9-7444. spect caU MI. 9-4389, A. R. WUkte M K , inc- SaborlMii For Sale 75 W# win appralM ynur aropeity Fellcl. Hartford; a daughter to Mr. mind for loana onnuaUy pushao NEW AND used trailers. High FOR SALE due to illneea, ChlhuS' FURNITURE and Co. , town kitchen, dinfng combination, _ tloa. I and Mrs. Lewis Banning, 64 Lodge the debt total upwkrd. jrana and aeoeeorlee, _ AU 100% guaranteed, some In bus line Manchester. MI. 9-6138. (roe aad wnhout goods, esabroldery cottons and Maiior Park, Rockville. TR. hua. No reasonable offer refused WANTED TO rent by middle-aged MI 3-6060 or MI 9-3931 SOUTH WINDSOR ( W a p | ^ See (or carii. Dr. The Riaerve gyntem hM doted \ VERY CENTRAL-Roomy 8-room tiled bath and lavatory, 3 bed Wa alao buy threads. At T m T o n 8-9S36. RockvilU TR. 5-5366. original factory crates, with origi­ FURNISHED ROOM— Near Main busineae woman, apartment or tion), (our mllet from MukchU' BIRTHS TODAY: A Son to Mr. nal factory serial numbers. home, fireplace, hot water heat, rooms, permanent aluminum aid goUlag or boylag eoofaet in step with general apprabeniiow OottogeBi; Phone ML St. Gentleman preferred. MI. tenement, 3 to ^ rooms, unfurn­ aOC-ROOM Cape, recreation room te)r ^ost Office, 1963 Ranch, ap­ 8TANU1Y BRAY, Realtor and Mrs. Salvatore FUIoramo, 376 of 'Troasury and Federal RMerve AKC REGISTERED Beagles for LOVELY BEDROOM Rusco storm windows, awninge, proximately 40’ X 36’. Five pleas­ s £ " 9-2170. 9 Hazel St. ished. CsU MI. 9-7939 after 4 p.m. in baaement. $14,300. E And Ing. Very fine buy at $15,000. BRAE-BURN REAUTY S. 3(aln St.; a daughter to Mr. and leaders that the. beoted broaklag saMs. Auto Repalrfiif-4'aiiitfnf 7 sale. Well marked, very choice UVING ROOM SUITE terrace, ameaite drive many ex­ E Realty Co. Phones 30. 9-5397, ant rooma plus basement recroa MI-S-S37S Mrs. Eugene Montaiiy, 88 Grand­ economic expansion of tbo past Miami mwiBiBU ivmkbh Harry F. Holmberg, Broad Brook 8-PC. DINETTE SET o m w it h tras, exceUent location. Only 3 0 , 3-1843,„,3a. 6^4480. RockvUla PHELPS ROAD tlon room.-'Living room 31' x 13’, BRAKE RELINE, moet all care, R 6 twin bedS/ central. INSURANCE underwriter and fsm- view St; a daughter to Mr. and VOUND-Udy's short white top- Rd.. Enfield. Phone RIverview ACCESSORIES Separate kitchen and entrance. II y needs live unfurnished rooms. $13,900. Carlton W. Hutchina, TR. '84291,7 fireplace, cabinet kitchen, dish- eight months m ay taka on Infla* $14.W. Choose the lininjg. No Ihcceptionally fine Englieh Co­ WANTEID—5 4 room house, bo- __Mrs._ Harry Goldberg, South CoV' tionary characteristics, with ra^ per. ML MTM. S-380S, c-o Joseph Leglenca. ‘‘WetUpghoiise" Elec. Refrigerator Parking. MI. 3-4724. Reasonable rent. Three children. Realtor, 30 94133, 30 9-4694. weaher, fan. Pull dry callar, money down, $1 weekly. Cole tween $11,800 and $14,300, also 4 1 entry; ia son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul idly incroaslag Inoomo raaultlag m ‘‘Emeraonl’ Television Csli PI. 2.-6988, Write Box 76. An- IBTBR. five room lonial o f 7 'rooma including heated caramic tila bath, plastered yroom under $ ll,60(j. Several cUonts I Mein, 44 Deepwood Dr, Motors, 436 Center. MI, 9:0980. n ottrir. T*r,"exFXin‘'r6oiH: pHvate buying powar I ■ixnmt)h«u»’a wrist wiffiai jiBi^rW iBt8a=-M ile ^ “De Liixe" Washer dovef. ' - , lonial. Two-car garaga, one d e h 'o f auhrobm ,'~3 TaFge' b^room s' 'WaltorhW'BlrTiU-lnwt. ‘ targe'ffowh btyhieattT'Cnfi-l ~ 'MarsiinffiKn:—Y l i , . einllp eC-Eiat Center Bt. W r BtUlniEBB SOTViCN OffjTBd 13 "Beifllsi^sStoefcFisi^ entrance. Hot water. Parking. MI. ,Two-family 10-room diiiriex. Cen p r ^ c t lo n . Livestock— Vehicles 42 “De Luxe" Range acre: nice tr#aa, naar Cari- iath and lavatory, fireplace in attached'garage, lot I00'x8l'/103'. ton W. Hutchina. 30. 94133, ji,*. Winifred Risloy, Lake St; ' \ CAR BURN OIL? Mortgafcs 31 9-1746. VETERAN urgently needs 4 or 8 tral locattm, large lot. Two new Tiece,- split rail fence. $16,900. .4|rT8n. RANGE BURNERS and pot bum- ALERT YOUNG man for retail Take your choice of any of these Lenox heating ^teme. Occu­ ton W. Hutchina. 3 0 . 94133, M . John Dfwart, 437% K. Main St; ^Economy ^Overhaul store,•kUl V, full or part time. Cell MI. WE BUY COWS, calvee and beef appliances, in additioa to bedroom, room apartment., no children. 9-4694. living room, attached garage fjne Walton W. -Grant, Rtaltor, 306 liOST—Pair of diUd’s Uue - f e era. Qeaned and repaired. New FIRST AND Beco^ mortgag** ROOM FOR rent, private home, pancy one side. Full price Mrs. Ruth Staples, 14 Main St.; 9-4597. Mr. Ricclo. cattle. Also horaea. Plela Broa. living room, dinette, rugs, lamps Call MI. 9-1662, 5:M to 7:30. Ex­ big lot well landacaped. OwnCr Andrews Building, 63 E, Csiiter USTTNOS WANTED - 8li«lo, glnirr in case. Vicinity of H M ' Most an cars. Parts and labor and used bumera and punipa. Call bought for our own account. Fast, everything (or comfort. Gentle­ $14,900. 3 a 3437$. Brae-Burn Mrs. Mildred Urtano, 108 COn- Textile Union Aiks Tel. ML 3-7406. cept Wednesday and Friday. 37 ULAC STREBT-^U,800 must sell quickly. Priced to sell St. 3 0 3-1153. two-fdmUy, thrao4amlly, biMl- fand Bt. and Barnard BchooL MI. I49.N . N o money down 34.90 Joe, Ml. 9-0147. confldanUai aorvlco. Manchester and other items. man preferred. Shower in base­ Realty. reae S t ; Mrs. Emma Orimaaon, EVERYTHING ' Large 6 room Cape Cod: .2 un- aaas propotty. Have many cash SMM. monthly. All work guaranteed. Investment Oorp., 344 Main atreet. PIANIST WANTED for local dance ment. Telephone in room, MI. WANTED—By a middle-aged cou­ Call WlUlam McBride 3 0 3-4816 TOUR CHOICE of two-bOdroom f33 Adams St; Mn. Hilda Web- COMMUNITY T.V. and Radio ONLY $448 flniahod, plastered walla, fireplace, huyoza. Morigagos airango^ 25-Cent Pay Boost t o . 1-6416. studio. Phone PJ. 3-7037. 3-7903. ple (both work) a 4 or 5 room ASHFORD ranch with fireplace, car port, ley, 14 Arch S t; David Pierce, 81 1D8T—White kitten with Uack Service. Day or night. Tel. MI. Articles For Sate 45 Free atorage until wanted. Free hot water heat,, copper plumbing, Plaoso caU Oomgo L, Oraaladlo, MOTOR SALE 9-797S. rent with an oil heating plant and Five Tear Old Six-Room Cape Cod J. WATSON BEACH and CO. •even cloeets—or,''three-bedroom Raaltor, 30. 94873. 103 Hanty Trebbe Dr.; Mrs. Fannie Hatch, markii^. Vicinity of Oxford Bt. EMERGENCY MONEY can bo ob­ TWO FIRST class trim carpenters QUAUTY WOOLEN remnants for delivery. Free eet up by our own re­ ROOM TO rent with garage. Rea­ garage'. (Centrally located In Type. Four bedrooms, two-car ga­ large Mtchen and cabineta, alumi­ 280 Woodland S t ; Mrs. Loulee lipids, Chevrolete, etc...... $134.93 tained quickly at Connecticut \ Realtore—JA 2-211.8 ranch with flroplaco, largo Ilvlni; Street . Providence. R.L, Bept t an — C3>Ud'B pet. MI. S-46M. MELODY ,RADIO-T,V., phono’s: now. Two framers about Septem­ children's skirts or Bermudas liable men. sonable. Suitable (or one or two. Manchester) References will be rage. Approximately 50 acres, num storm windows and screena, room, garago in baaomant ami Quinn and eon', Columbia; Mrs. Ida Mortgage Exchanga, CH. a-8897. The textUe workera union (CEO) Pontiace, Oldsmobllea, etc. $174.N ber 15th. Vancour Construction $1.50; slacks $2.95. Ladies’ skirt No Payments To Banks MI. 3-8958. — gladly furnished. CaU 3(1, $4035 mostly wooded. Two private extra deep lot. A good clean buy. IF r e a d y to buy, ■ell, aoU, exchange I Campbell and daughter, RFD 3, Night calls. Guaranteed aervice. 73 FOOT custom ranch, five rooms lots' of axtraa. Both houaea on has asked New England mUla am - MQ 9-3380. Frank Burke Or Mel Redman at Co. MI. 1-4836. length $2.95 up. Crompton cordu­ No Finance Companies after 6 p.m. . . ponda. 1,500 ft.-frontage on main Call Charles L a th ro p -3 a 9-6364 roal ostatr mortgagra arranged. | Andover. ' No Money Down 37 Lewis St., Hartford, will, treat Plymouth Lane, off Tidland Rd ploying 8,000 djrelng and fbdahiag Penkm iilB roys 98c yard. Colonial Remnant, MONTHLY PAYMENTS SINGLE ROOM for one. with or hard road. Approximately 38 breezeway, two-car garage, many in Bolton. Phone builder, Clif­ Oonsult iMward It ------‘ DISCHARGED TODAY: Ed $7.90 Monthly your needs synmathetically, hon­ without light housekeeping facili­ SMALL FURNISHED apartment, extraa, over one acre, high eleva­ workera for a 38 cents an boor p oy DEPENDABLE MAN to work on 115 Center St. $16.83 . miles from Mancheater. $16,800. 78-80 LOCKWOOD 8T.— $17,500 ford S. Stephens, 3 0 9-2365. Agency. Ml. 9-liOT. ward H. McVeigh; 16 • Conway boost, 'according to Proridoaeo HAVE UNWANTED hair on face N ^ Motor Guarantee HousehbM Services estly and spekltiy, .Open till noon poultry farm. Nathan Miller A '■'Phone Me Iminediatelv ties. MI 9-4776. in refined neighborhood. Working tion, sweeping views, lakes and removed permanently and safel; GEORGE J. COLEMAN R d .;. Mrs. Mabel Wood, 27 New Journal. Offered 13-A on Saturdaye. Son. Bread and Milk gt.. No. LOAM DELIVERED, $3 yd., truck- HARTFORD CH 7-0358- woman with 14 year bid daugh­ 2 family duplex, excellent con­ hills, suburban, Carlton W, .Hutch, WANTED—By family of four, cosy by electrolosis. Mary C. War(t COLE MOTORS Broker ins. M i. 9-5132, 9-4694. DAVIS AVENUE St.; Mrs. Dorothy-Gunkel, Bolton; Employer and union repreat t e Coventry. PI. 3-7833 or PI. 3-8756. loads. Hot amesite delivered, $6.25 After 7 P. M.—CH 6-4690 ter. Wanted immediately. Call ROCKVILLE dition, 3 oil bumera, well land- 3(1. •lx room home In convenient Mrs. Flora Locke, Stafford R. N. ML >266T. 436 center Ctreet MI 9-0980 WEAVING Of burns, moth holes ROOM FOR RENT with garage. Glastonbury, ME. 3-7066. Uvea m et here yesterday to opan ton. Washed sand, gravel, stone. See It Day or Night TR 5-4045 or TR 5-4710, scaped and near school. Good in­ ROCKVILLE neighborhood. Not ever $18,000. Springs; Richard Graxel, 73 Bla- and torn clothing, hosiery runs, Help Wanted— Feasle 35 Nussdorf Sand A Stone Tel, MI 3-6857, vestment property. VERNON— Attractive, five room Write Box E, Herald. contract n^otiatina but tha waffo WANTED—Transportation from If you have no means of trans- nearly new Hollywood ranch (3 aell S t demand was not taken up. handbags repaired slpper re- M l 9-7408. WANTED—Four or five-room flret $9600—SIX-ROOM HOME, oil hot Bolton Center to Aetna, Hartford, placeihent, umbrellaa repaired, MOTHERS—The big earning sea rtation I’U send my auto for you. LARGE FURNISHED front room. floor rent. Three adults. BU bedrooms) fireplace, oil heat, air Seven room all stucco home in An employer’ spokesman aald Auto Drlvlnf School 7-A WANTED o obligation. water heat, garage, 2-3 acre, Call EUirl Rohan—MI 3-743S t:30 to 4:30> Call ML 9-3467 eve men’s ehirt collars revened and eon ia here Jor Avon Rep'rcaenta PEAT HUMAS. shredded. Excel­ Frigidaire. sink, hot and Ncold 9-1106. conditioned, automatic dishwaah. one of RockvlUe's most desirable the meeting broke up after tha A —L —B— E—R-^T— S . near bus. Chrlton W. Hutchina. nlngs. WOMEN ‘MOST careful drlvora. rsplaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ Uvea. We have an opmtng for lent soil conditioner, top dressing. water, MI 9-3081, er, living room wall to wall car­ location, lift imnwculate condition employers told the union thay Reliable Man For ( 43-45 Allyn St.. Hartford MI 94132, MI 9-4694. Land for sale in piece that can Never too old to learn. Femal* in­ ing Shop. you in your community. No obli MI. 3-6515. pet, travia rods, Venetian blinda, this home contains Uvlng room, Senator Asks General Seized prefer to bargain on an indivlttaal WANTED—Ride to and from Hart gation to ipquire. MI 9-2814. PLEIASANT ROOM in nice, homey Busines. Property For Sate 70 be subdivided. fmd, Monday through Friday. structor. Standard; automatic.. SkUled Jobs With A Future FRANK'S IS BUYING AGAIN— MANCHESTER 3 Lota— 1 150 X 200—$1,500 large picture window, recreation mUI baaia rather than jui a ntnip. FLAT FINISH HoUand window ' atmoephere on Center St. MP room, full cellar, garage 1!4 full *‘8* dihing room, large bed­ Call MI. 9-1136^ ______Dual Inaured car. M and M Driv­ Good used furniture and anUques. 3-8493. aa tlw union deatred. He aaro tho ing'School. MI. 9-6841, shades, made t o measure, i WOMAN part time fountain work, We Will Train BABY CRIB $16. stroller $3. MI. Attractive five-room home. Very 1 175 X 200—$1,700 acre land, lovely view, (jwner room, excellent kitchen, «rlth gar­ union indicated It would take op metal Venetian bUnde at a new afterooona plus one or two nights. Has a large stock on hand and War ' Survival! For Peron Plot Good Starting Rate 9-16U. very low price. MI 9-6580, 420 BUSINESS FOR SALE conveniently located. First floor, left etate. Price greatly reduced bage dispoea] and lavatory on first its demand with individual mills. LARSON’S DRIVING School, low price. Keys made while you Pine Lenox Pharmacy, 399 East Call PhU Hailin'—MI 9-9231 $13,600. Will qualify (or veteran. AntoaiOblks tor Sate 4 Lake .St., Manchester. living room with fireplace, dining MANCHESTER ASSOCIATES floor. Secobrk. Good condition. $36.00. MI 9-9431. utilities. Dwelling is located tive thereto, and make return to this Tel...... 42 44 to Oliver today at Center Motor radio and T.V. apeclallata since ■s. meters ara part of police eqtuF- WOMEN for smaU assembliei opportunity for right man. Write court. " Bales, 461 Main. J934. Charter memners of Teles. Heating— Plumbifig 17 STENMMPHER PLUGGED SEWERfi i BOLTON near Main St. Occupancy on JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Am. Hardware Handy m ultiple clothes rocks ment here now. The rity oonhcil and light machine work. Apply 9 giving age, experience, etc. AU keep summer accessories clean and ordered that the enc4( dinUy*Ut Ml. 9-6660.or MI. 3-4607. Diamonds— Watcha SEPTIC TANKS AT A COURT OF PROBATE held Arrow, Hart. Heg. MODEL A pickup ^ffUCk, 16’ LENNOX FURNACES and warm to 4 week days at 340 Hartford repUes held in strict confidence. Must be profictent~'1n Small estate of two acrea.that transfer of title. crisp and tha rioMt uncluttered. cocktail lounges be kept light P. O. Box 848, Mancheater. Jewelry 48 ’ CLEANED at Manchester within and for the Aaso. Spring ...... wheels, a real ‘'brute." Call at 13 FENCES built of cedar, wire and air heating. Earl Van Cunp. ML Rd. \ shorthand, lypinf and fit- are beautifully landscaped. House District of Manchester, on the 8th day One rack holds five to 10 sMrta enough for patrons to, read newo- Westfield St. McKINNET'BBOfi. CHARLES LESPERANCE of September. 1955. Bristol Brass ...... split rail, also red cedar clothes 9-8844. , LBONARD W. TOST. Jawelar, n - was cuatem built for present own­ and another holds five blouses. papers. Police were ^given the poles erected. Free estimate. MI. PRODUCTION ENGINEER int.' Knowledge of book- Sq^ge Disposal Oo. Present. Hon. John J. Wallctt. Judge. Colltha ...... i 3964 FORD ConverUble. Excellent PfUm, adjuata watehsa oxpartly. ers, Has larM living room with Estate of Edward W. Wirtalla. late Em-Hart ...... Clothes should also be protected meters and ’ told to esforce the 9-5638. Help WsBted— Mate S6 keepinf dcsir^. Ha s-5$6a •tone fireplace^icitchen with sepa­ MI 9-7620 : condiUon. Two-tone powder blue Millinery— Dressmaking 19 Must have experience In tools, Reaaonabla. pricas. Opan daily. of Manchester, In aald District, de­ Fafnir Bearing ... with piMtic covers. drder. rate dining area and two bedrooms ceased. and black. MI 9-3479. ALL TYPES OF TV SERVICE ALTERAITONS — Coats, suits, SERVICE STATION attendant, full dies and qasembly fixtures with nuraday^ ywU^a. 139 gptuca 'VERNON, Sunset Terrace—Just a The executrix having exhibited her. Landers-Frary Clk Ume. 10:30 to 7:30. Must ex. • Apply and tile bath. Full basement that admlnlatration account with said ea- dresses, skirts, etc. CaU ku. ability to follow through on pro­ Street. Ml. two minute ' drive from Wilbur N..B. Machine Co. . 3941 WILLY8 Four-Door with six has a billiard table that goes with Cro4s Highway. A 5 room ranch tate to thia Court (nr allowance, n Is Radios and Phonos 9-6836 pcrienced. 476 Hertford Rd., Man- ject asslgnmenta. Design of small . ORDERED that the 10th day of Sep­ N. Eastern Steel . od Urea. Radio, heater apd new cheater. BUSH HARDWARE the property. Large attic. One car home with 3 bedrooms. Large liv­ AvaUable At All Times mechanical parta (or long produc­ tember, 1956, at ten o'clock, forenoon, North and Judd . KUery. MotoiMotor recenUy over­ tion runs desirable. Ideal working Garden— Farm— Dairy detached garage. Plenty of privacy. ing room with fireplace, cabinet at the Probate Office In the Municipal Ruasell 3lfg. hauled. All in good condiUon. Sensibly priced at $16,300. . Building lih aaM Manchester, be and Philco Factory Sup^ised Service Moving—Trucking PART TTMfe TYPIST — Expert, condiUona with ah exesBant oppor­ Prodnets 50 , kitchen, hot water heat with base­ Stanley Work .... Bale price $100. MI 9-3863. enced, to work from midnight un- SALES CLERK the aame Is.aaalgned for a hearing on Storige 20 tunity. New ranch -homes on Fernwood board radiation. Combination (he allowance of said admlnlatration Terry Steam 130 — CaU WILL HILLS UL 4 or 8 a.m. MI 9-5271. Drive. Five or six of these custom PEPPERS 75c % bushel. B i ^ storm windows and screena, Lot account with arid estate ana this Torrington ...... ,.. 24 36 AUsriN A. CHAMBERS CQ., containers. Alao butternut a4di homes atlll available. Prices range Court rirecta that notice of the time MI 9-8698 GRAY RESEARCH AND 80 ,x 200 feet. Immediate occupan­ U.S. Envelope com. ... SA . 96 3947 STATION wagon de Itixa. Very local and long distance moving, and egg plant. $36 HlUatown Rd. WANTED from $13,500 to $15,000. If you are and Place eaitgned (or aald hearing ha clean, 6235. CaU MI. 3-4753, cy. Prictwl at $15,600, Robert J. gfreh to ell -rsoM------' ------known*' to bo In­ U.S. Envelope pfd. ... 66 73 500 Feet Above Sea Level' ANTIQUES Reflnlahed. Rroainng pacibiif, Storage. CaU Ml. 3-8U7. BeheficiAl Finance Company DEVELOPMENT COi WANTED looking for a nice honie in a real Smith, Inc., 963 Main St. 30L ereeted thorein to appcAr end bo CUCUMBERS, pick you own. 50c Veeder-Root ...... 55 58 doe^ qn u iy furniture^ liem an, Hartford CH.M43S. will employ several men aa Apply In Peraon choice suburban location, this is tt. '9-5241. irard tberoon by pu'pubUablng a copy of (tennecticot's Finest Lake Devetepment Hilliard Street — Mfuichester basket. Paul Robotto, Birch Mouo- this order la some newspaper haying The above quotauoas are not to 3954 FORD two-door. ^ good con i89 Bdutfi‘ Main S t Pbon# ML branch managri* trainees. Large farm within ten minutes A: circulation In said District, at iVaat MANCHBSTKR Fmekago OeUvary. tain Rd. IMMEDIATELY 79 SOUTH HAWTHORNE ST. —10- be construed aa actual markats. dIUon. MI. 9-6310. : / Must be high school gradu­ —■ "A Good Placa To Work" — frbm the center of Manchester— fiyo deyc before the day’ of aald hear-. Light trucking and padkago deUv- Over 100, acres. Now an active year old Cape Cod. Six finished o o n u u AND UKE FRONT LOTS HAND AND powar lawn mowers CANNINO U M E ia hare. Elberta 4-6 rooBi ainjtte near bus Mawilitsltr firtM JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. 3948 CADILLAC four-door sedan. erF. Rafrlgarators. waabero aad ates, college training desir­ dairy farm. Excellent land for de­ rooms, full cellar, new oil burner sharpened and repaired. Work stove moviag ^rolalty. foldlag WANTED — Man tor production pcachea $L79 16 quart bookat and and shoppinc. AU rash. Fully equipped. Looks and runs able. Age 22 to 28. Must have work on milling machine, turret velopment. Choice convenient loca and electric hot water heater. a t a co u rt 0F p r o b a t e held Outing Reunites miaranteed. CaU for and deliver. chain tor rent up. BarUett peara $1.39 and up. Quiet, convenient location suit­ at Uanrtwster wUhIn and for the like later model. DriV# the beat car. This position otfeni a lathe, aad engine lathe', 10'% pre Tomatoes, cucumbers, Concord ^ SkN OmIIwI tlon: Large home and some barns lor lesa. Douglas Motors, 333 Ideal Grinding Shop, 373 Adams Write Bo* able for VA or FHA mortgaga. District of Hancheater, oo the Ttb day '-Special. S*. Call Ml. 9-H30 or 8-8979. splendid opportunity in--the mtum tor ni^t work. AU group grapes and native jiielou 19c and on the property. And the price ia Of September, A. D. -195$. Main. Painting— Papering 21 insurance company paid, Pres- e'e The Herald .J 509 Middle TumpUte East sensible. By appointment only, Small down payment. Full price,- ProsonU Hnn. John J. Wellett. Judge. State Guard Vets up. Farmers OuUet, 911 Esat Estate of EUiabeth A. Newman, lato 20 lots on Ryan Terrace, each with over 10,000 sqnars HONEY WAOON. SepUc tank serv­ consumer finance field. Sal- ently working 60 houra $11,000. Immediate occupancy. BEFORE YOU BUY a uaed car Middle Tpke. Phone iO , 9-7441. Phone 3U. 34273. Brae Burn Real­ of Manchester tn said district, de-, feet, located in a vii^n forest with large trees. ice. installing, repairing, clean­ EXTERIORJPADITINO only. IVee m , qir allowance, insurance ApplyiWly ABA ToolTo and D io^^, T. J. CROCKETT . < ceased. Se* Gorman Motor Salea. Bulck I»ta ToUand tVnHyike, -4—______TOMATOES—Pick your own. 90c ty. Upon application of Helen A. Ennis The Connecticut State Guard b e s ^ nearby. Large cove where you may have a prirata Salas and Sarvlce, 368 Myjn ing. J. P, Fay. 484 WelHereU estimates. Ml. 94ji8. ' — Ouer benefits include’ noup R eri Estate Broker praytng Inat an instrument purporting Manchester. Ml. 9-2330. bosket. Mfchsel Kurye, French $13,000 NEW THREE bedroom to be the' last will and testament of Veterans Aaan. will hold Its an­ dock for your boat. , otraat ML 0-4871. open evenl^a. inanrance, vacation, ubaral Rd., Bolton. Office 30 3-6416 PAINTTNO—Exterior and interior. ranch, extra large roomi. 20x16 aald deceoaead be admitted to probate nual outing Sunday at the Villa POWER AND hand mowera aharp- savings and retiiimont plan. Help Wanted— it u Try your akUI with the crochet Residence 3 0 9-7751 es per eppltcatinn on file It Is Louisa tn <on. Guest at the af- 3960 FORD eight psaaenger Uatiop PH^rbanging, ceilings refinished. Mate or Feiiate 27 Tha most wearablo enaemble In living room, tile bath, oil hot ORDERED:—That ths loregolng ap- wagon. Exceptlmally clean. May ened. Air cooled engines, sold end WaUpaper books on rsquest. Esti­ Phone HEY THERE a teen fall wardrobe—simple, prac­ hook on this fascinating filet chair llcatloo b« beard and determloed at tolr wlU be Gen. William MaxweU ropUred. Capitol Equipment, Honaehoid Goods 51 set. Make it peraonal wrlth an ini water heat, cellar, 24 aefe, lergn f be aaen over the weekend at 38 mates given. Fully insured. Call SXPBRIBNCBD Luachoonette, tical jumper teamed with a bow- MANCHESTER—Six room Cape, traes, suburban. Carlton W, It* Prpbot* w lc « In.lfaiBriMxte^ in (R), commander of the 3nd Bn., Main. tialed back piece, or omit the ■aid District, oa ite lt|h day of 8«p- ConpecUcift State Guard. , Bruce R d. Edward R. PriceTMl. 9-l(X». part tlma. Apply Arthur's Lunch- You With The Stars la Tour Byes aad\a yea for a alee aow tied blouse. nice condiUon, oil heat, on« car Hutchina? 3 0 . 94132, 3 0 . 9-4694. tcihber. > . D. 1955. at ten o'clock -in MR. CUNNINGHAM. CLEARANCE . nmeh haose iadIvtduaUy styled ea a very Iqige lot with IM (eel initial — either way it la as pretty Bob D o u g a a ^ Idanchoatcr la GONDER’S T.V. Sorvlce, nvaUabIt PatUrn No. 1453 ia In aixM 10, gerage. Wooded yard, near bus, the (orotOon.. and that notice lie flven 1946XKKXIE ilatlon wagon, 14 pas- INTERIOR AND exterior painting, 35% discount on aU dining room (TMtage an hardtop. Wlthla walUag distaum of Aadovor ahep- •a it is practical. ... school and storM. Bala price o w n e r transferred —Sacri­ to all perooM Intereited In eoW Mtat* general chidrniBn of the outing, SAVE UOO 10^300 13, 14, 16. Size 13. jumper, 3H any time. Anteima oonveratons. papering. Floon cleaned and For Peraonal Interview furniture. Some odd plecee. .aonm of the pendency of eafd appIleaUoa and oenger. Can be seen/fU Royal'Ice MALB and FBMALB appointm piag ocular. It uUuutee fram MaueVetor. \ yards of 35-lnch; blouse, 2 3-8 Pattern No. '5296 contains cro­ $12,600. Call The Ellsworth liUtten fice. Ctape ;Cod. Plastered walla, while another local man, William Cream Co., Warren St.. See Mr. Philco tactorj^ aupervlaed aervice. waxed. EsUmatee cheerfuUy complete. ibn time nad pince of henrUis thereon. Terms SIO Down, $25 on Closing, Balance $10 Moatli Tel. Ml. 0-14 makara for new atutio.Mfio, No ex- ■ lyarda. , chet directions; diagram chart; Agency. 30. 3-6930. or Mr. ameaite drfve, combination doora publtahlns n copy of 'thi* order In Pitkin, will serve aa co-chairman OtfltMli. given with no obllgaUon. David perience neceesary. Averaga $75 CHAMBERS S13,Me hoys a 3-hedroem raach. attached garage aad breoaO' requirements;, atitch iUuitrations. glna, 3 0 . 84609. ' and window's, fireplace, beautiful­ •ome newspaper . having a circiunllon of JUie dinner committee w tt| i Discount Will Be Given For Ceitii McIntosh • Arthur Matte. MI. M l 8 -4156 way. SlSASe huya a S hedroom raaeh. - For this pattern, send 35c. in in raid dlM.rlct, at tenet five day* be­ week. Apply Maria Ann fitudlo, FURNITURE SALES coina, your name, address; ■ i * •' 25cv In Coina, -your name, ly landscaped with large flower fore, the day of said h,enrln^ (<^nppea^ Poatoa Kpufoudakie of Hartford. 39691 HUDSON Hornet four 9-7547. MANCIIe BTEr — Beautiful ex­ garden. Owner. 30 9-4643. oedan. ExceUenj condilica. ASHES and RUBBISH 906 Matai at. Friday 4-7 p.m. 817 Esat Mlddia Turnpike desired, and the pattern number to and the Pattern NumI If th ^ eae enuee at 'aaKT time and Lew Baron Is publicity chairman EXPERllINCBD MAN for produce Saturday 9 a-m.-4 p.m. ANNE CABOT. B(AN- pandable Caj>e, not in develop­ place and be heard relaUve thereto, for the affair, while Ben Hlbel la vately owned. Low mileage. Rea- REMOVED Hours: 10-8 p.m., 7;30-8:$0 p.m. .BUB BURNETT, MANUHESTM and make return to (1^ court, and by dept. Good working -'condlttona. EVENING BEHALD, ment. Owner says ’ ’Sell it, 1 wUl $11,900 — 88’ X 85’ Ranch, nearly in charge of tickets. 7 CaU MI. 30898 kftw 6:30 Cours^aMClMses 27 WANTBD—Quick, iatalligent man EVENING HERALD. IIM AVE. ■acriflee." For particulmra call now, exceUent condiUcm, oil hot malltnx la a roflsterad letter oa or be­ •-■•I Apply Mr. Quigtey, l i n t 'P ood 1«4 UGRT OREEN saml-auto- SEE THEM! AMEBIOA8, NEW YORK N.Y. AVE. A38EBICAS, NEW fore September t. Ittl, a copy of aald Richard Korotkin ia commander p.m. FROMPT SERVICE 86, The EUaworth Mitten Agmoy. ML water heat, fireplace, Ulo bath. wUt and of this Older la John New­ AmstiDn Lake Company RADIO-ELECTRONICS. Telaviston 8£oin, 6M G e ^ at. or woman for part tlma work, maUc waablng 'macMna, Used SS.N.Y. . o f the CoiuMottcut Vateraas and B’t ahort < The new foU 4k winter ’85 lanM neariy 3 acroa.good land, -lar« man, 21$ . Hackmatack St.. Mancbeater, 3te8 CRRYSjUCR, good nm niw Ssrviciiig. "Learn by Doing'* at Wodnoaday-Satarday. $ to 11. No vary Uttla. Raasenabla. MI ”a n leaBy oxeeptioaaL Call S49M. or 3(r. Rlgglna.Ta. 34609. Lafayette Robertson Is adjutant. AMSTON.CONN. DIB M AK ^ waatod - first claoa As of Basic Fashion, our convleto Now avallabto- the 1965 Needle­ trees, suburban. Carlton W. Conn.: William Newman. D-199 Cbaf^ O' eeB«tiaa, good ttros. la . WL Call MI 9-2145 "OonnecUcut's Olddst Electronics aaiparionco wacaaaary. MI 9-6416. 9-8384. .M n. ■ ford /IAa M llS : ter OSk Terrara, Hartford, C o n .: only. Bmptra Tttol and Manufac­ pattern magaaiae la flHed with at­ work Album printed in attractive HACKJdATACX ST.—13 acres, af­ Hutobina. 3 0 . 94132, 30. 9-4694. John Molbera. Hotel Trumbtill, $67 9-0774 'after 3 p.m. Anytime School." Fall term etarUng Sept. turing Oo., atock Placa. tractive. aaw-pasy etylsa to delight colora It contalna 58 pages of fording an excellent view, brook, TnimbbU St, Baiiford. Conn.: Mary Tiny worms Are sonietimes Located on Bout«~85 Between Gekhcslar M, 1955, EnroU now .tor pracUcal Situation Wanted— beginner and expert Don’t nUsa It lovely doslgne ^ plus 3 gift pat­ good barn and othar btiUdihga, 5% ROOM BUNGALOW, large Mulhern. c /e John Mqibcra. Hotel found litHng on Ice, but their life M64 CHEVRMJET two-door eodan. SEPTO-TANKS and sewer Unes, *80FA—78" long. In g o o t condltlim. TntmbuU, t$T Trumbull St, Hartwid, and Hdbron. Drive I Mites Around Lake To FMCOfIkD day or evening class. For free ACTUAL JOBa opan in U. 8., to. Femfie. 3 8 MI 94038. J. WATSOH BEACH nifd CO. «-r send 35 cents' today for your terns. direetlbnq printed la book. naar new school. E. F. Von Ecker. porch, choice location. .Owner, cycle has not been studiod, Mys Two tone groan; radio aad heat- iMtaUatlon only, DryweUa, leach­ deacripUva circular phone JAck- Coaa. Am., Bunpa. To $16,000. liroval •opy. Only 35c a ^ y ( Agent, 609 Keeney St. K u m aI MI. * '’ >8448...... - -V John j . w a lle tt, judge, tlw National Gaetrsphie Soetaty. ing trenchea ludidto^ calUur sen 6-34 U K E. to care for pro- SOLE AGENTE^^-REALTORS—APPRAISERS ■ r a p d N im InatdtedJ ‘A w b * Technical InaUtute, 191 TrumbuU formattoo Cantor. Room 474, 4 school ag« child, daya. ML 84388 ROPER Gas Stove. Inqulro t$ 21 CENTRAL ROW— HARTFORD Ooqtai7 matraoUea. m . 0-4341. •t., Hartford, Oonn, Grata Bt., Boatoo, batoraS p4n. Chsatnnt 8L ■A I 1

Jy— ... -• / 't' ■ V'' . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, IMR !k13i'iilGHTEEN H r r a lb *■ ~f‘ ATcrage Daily Net Press Run ilSanrtr^gpt t'eB I , V Par the l9eafc Bade*- Sept. 3. less Mm . David Tooniey of Boltoa, Nancy Walah, Carol Wannargran Sales at Market Green tliijim b Club member o^ the Msinchester Garden purtir and Joyea RuMell. all gMduatea of ■ • Club, will discuss "Delphiniums" 1 1 ,5 3 6 Ighfc Rmujbr ■ .^ U m u tT o w n Uanchaster High School in June, Enters Albion and Miss Milllcent Jones, who U Member of the Audit ______have entered New Britain TeacheM Coutiilue to Rise In Second Season advisor for the GrMn Thumb PEACH FESTWAl Ks- Bureau of CIreulaUon r Jlt. and K m . Th«odoM C. Km- college as freshmen. ' ;• group, will be on hqnd to aiiawer MdneheMter~—A City o f Viilago Charm y m * n Kain Bt, nturnad ywtwr- any questions about garden prob­ SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH KT. and Mrs. J. H. Law Jr,, IB Sales Th irsday at the Manches­ dM from BU John, N«w Brunj^ ter Auction Mart amounted to-|3,'- ..Tha Green Thumb Group of the lems that have pussled anyone TOMORROW, 5:00-t:00 P.M. vrtA , CWwdlt. whoM K m . BbqnW Baldwin Rd, will be in Hamden to­ during the summer. PRICE PITS CENTS morrow, attending the wedding of 505.05 as a record-high total of YWCA vrill initiate its second year VOL. LXXIV, NO. 290 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.,'SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. f9S5 fOtaaaffled AdvavfMug m Pegu It) qiaBt tho aumnwr with Mlativei. 933 liainbushel baskets of toma­ on Tuesday evening. Sept. 13, at A most cordial welcome ia 'ex­ PEACH SHORTCAKE. PEACHES AND CREAM dhair son, Olenn R. Law, and Miss PEACH SrNDAES ___ Blame B. Schwlng at 3 p.m. toes were .sold. The day's high of 8 o'clock at the Y. tended to anyone interested in "T Tho OMCutlTO board of th* Wad- 35.35 was Just 10 cents short of iardenlng and related subjects to a n d p l e n t y o r h Ot d o g s a n d iM l I*TA win hold a food lalt in in Whitneyville Congregational A year of exciting activities hab h a m b u r g e r s Church, Hamden.. -Wednesday's record high. been planned. At this first meeting Join the group. Y membership is Falser Fire Alarms tha auditorium Twwday. BopL 13. Low Thursday mark was 32.70, required. Any further inquiries at 3:W >m . KamboM who hav» members are requested to bring SERVICE A LA CAR'TE Judge Stalls The Polish American (.Club will while the average per ba.sket was the results of the sinnia seeds that will be answered by calling the tidt baan contaeted and who are 33.98 at the Charter Oak St. chairman of the group. Mrs. Her- 'Near Yale iCampus wUUnf to donate food itami for hold its monthly meeting Sunday were distributed earlier in the afternoon at 1:80 at the club­ market. year. I bert E. kiecolt, 52 Trebbe Dr. tha aala. may bring them to tte As in the past, this season's auditorium any time before 2:30 house. 100 Clinton St. All members Legal Curb New Haven, Sept. 10 )/P)— J- are asked to be presenL mart has been attracting buyers False fire alarme have been 9 r « i ih e aale ia for th r handbooks from Manchester, Bolton and the - i— eutie fo r membeM. aounded on three aucceaatve Auxiliary Police will continue -surrounding' areas as well as days this week from the vicin­ their work on the campaign safety buyers '/from 'throughout New On D ockers ity of the .Yale campus. A daughter was^born at the Elngland. Hartford Hospital on 8ei>t. 0 to Mr. on Main St. tomorrow. All those Police and fire department participating are asked to report officials .say they believe It it- and Mrs. John Hennessey, OS Hel- hero’s "Slick-Joc/** your New York, Sept. 10 (/P>— alne Rd. - to Police Headquarters at 9:30 a.m. Special Sale no cblnrddence that: and 1:30 p.m. Delivers Sermon Legal punche.s aimed at strik­ .1. Students are beginning new Corduroy componioni ing longshoremen in the huge to return to Yale for claasea on The Joy Circle of the' North At Center Clnirch port of New York have been Which start next Thursday. WAPPING FAIR Methodiqt WSCS will hold its first .2. All the false alarnjfc have fall meeting Wednesday,' Sept.. l4. stayed over the vi’eekend to been sounded late In the "after­ DANCE at the church. DOssert will be Jamea R. Nelson The Rev. R. Russell Peery, as­ give the dockers a chance to noon during a no-parking pe­ served at 1 p.m. and the business sociate minister, will preach his go back on the piers.^'Mean- riod when police tow away ROUND ORd SQUARE^ meeting will follow'aij^g o'clock. James R. Nelson, son of Mr. and first .sermon q( Center Chlirch ' .1 .. it while, sympathy work stop­ automobiles parked in re­ Mra James R. Nelson, 61 Avondale Sunday at 8. 9:15 and 11 a.m. A stricted zones. Bulganin Says Rd.. will enter Albion College in cordial invitation is extended to pages threatening to embroil 3. The no-parking regula­ Rhythm Ain OrehMtia Albion. Mich, on Sept. 12. anyone in the community to at­ all East Coast ports were op tion la a new one,_put into ef­ GENERAL He is a graduate of Manchester tend. His topic will be "Prepara­ the wane. fect since the atudenta left High School, class of 1955. and 1s tion" - "Let a Man Examine Him­ Called off yesterday were- walk- New Haven last June. . ‘Hold No Gen lans SAtEVE.8f«12 TV SERVICE a candidate for the Christian self.” ■ I euts in Boston and I^ovidence, R. ministry,^ At the 11 o'clock service the i I- 4 , SEPT. 10 ^ Dajra M OK A OCall Rev,. Mr. and Mrsl Peery. will be i The stevedores in those cltlea Moscow, Sept. 10 (/F ^ W est Gerroftny reitereted emphotl c - . . NIghta . JjW wRI JlnaPi j:ereived,-lnto-fulI:-m^herafalp-l^i wer*--ordered'bltclt work ■ tckla y; Santa Barhar mUy today lirii~8tormy fieggjon wl^ Soviet Iwidort TEL. Ml 3-5194 The Methodist Men of the South theth# pastor,na«tnr theth# Rev.R#v Cliffordmiffnrri O.D ' " ADimssibN lsor"“ Piers were’ back to normal yes­ would not establish diplomatic’relatioiifliwith Russia until the Methodist Church are planning to Simpson,. who will assist at all terday in Philadelphia and Balti­ put on the bi)rgest and best peach three services. The Rev. Mr. Simp­ more after one day of idleness: Cattle Ranches German prisoner of war question is settled. festival ever held at the church to­ son . will also be the, celebrant at However, longshore meetings Heinrich von Brentano, West German foreign minister, morrow from 5 to 8 p.m. If the the 7:30 cbmmunibn. The full choir stated the German position anew in a meeting at SpiridonofllR weather is favorable it will,bis out­ will sing the anthem. "O Divine yesterday at Norfolk, Vn.. tied up Safe from Fire A FABULOUS IDEA in . doors; if not, in Cooper Hall. Pat­ Redeemer," by Gounod, at 9:15 : 11, ships there. And the walk­ Palace that lastea more than three hours, r rons may choose from peach short­ and the quartet will sing "More | out continues at Port Newarlf. West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer emerged iYim- cake, peach pie, peach sundaes; Love to Thee. O Christ," by | ‘■Bayone. Jersey City and Hoboken San FYanctsco, Sept. 10 (/Pi — faced from the working session, without comment. FEMININE PROTECTION also hot dogs, hamburgers, cold Speaks, at 11 o’clock. | In New Jersey. Firefighters appeared to be getting and hot drinks. II is also planned The church school will open this Some 70 cargo ships lay immo­ the upper hSnd today on a danger­ Von Brentano spoke after Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin to have games and rides for the Sunday with two complete ses­ bilized in New York harbor, With ous brush fire near Santa Barbara said the.Soviet Union is not holding any German prisoners New whisper-uoft fabric cover aa other points iiythis fire-ravaged children- sions. nursery through Junibr high, erishable cargo piling up on the •Leonora Back in Business of-w ar but had in its custody 9,626 "war, crimihala whose at 9:15 and 11 o'clock.' SoCka at the rate of 320 million state also turned more optimi.«tic. The Santa /Barbara/Ba fire had sentencing was a humanitarian act.” Emil G. Stavena, Lake St.. RED worth a day. pipping firms es- Little Leonora Maglione, whe first saw the light of day last The poaltionz of the two govern-«- New douUe-ipad protection tlipate they are losing a million Aug. 4, ia going home to Plttston. Pa., after a rare operation at threatened 20'cattle ranches in the No. 3, recently won 391 in the area, but firemen — including ments after today’s session was monthly suggestion awards at dollars, (tally in business diverted Philadelphia’s Hahnemann Hospital. Surgeons said Leonora, ann(Hinced at a..bewa conference held here by Nilrse Emily Walter, was victim of a trachea eso­ 500 Marines — concentrated along Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. A to other porta. a 7-mll^1ine and aided by fog and presided over by Leonid Il3richev, Blueprint Swap New cfolded enda lie flat total of 36,319 was won by 130 em- Railroads' are conaidertng an phageal fistula—which means that her air- and food pipes ^ei'e FOR RENT rising/-humidity, appeared to be Soviet Foreign Office press of­ ployet. embargo on all shipments toi'the mixed-up. Pood which the baby ate went Into her lungs and she winning. ' ficer. , ^ port unless the backlog starts was having difficulty breathing. Surgeons cut the food tube Waraed by InoplicattoB Query by Reds NEW DESIGN MODESS Two rooms (Approx. 500 aq. Danger Reduced LiOyal Orcle. Kings Daughters, moving next week. away from the air lube which then was rejoined. Now she's back "The fire is not running now and Bulganin aet the tone of the will meet in the Federation, Room ft.) for business or profession. On the legal front. State Su­ Box o f 12 39< Box o f 48 S I.49^ N otion 8 Department in business and putting on weight. iAP WIrephpto). there does not seem to be any irn- opening working meeting when he of the Center Churth at 7:45 Mon­ Second floor, 1009 Main Street preme Cowt Justice William C. mediate danger of a break­ warned by implication that Ger­ Baffles UN Unit day evening. Surgical dresaings —over our offices. See Mr. Hecht Jr., yesterday deferre(l un­ through.” Bruce Barron of the many should not" attempt to bar­ will be folded. A good attendance til, Monday ■'application for a full gain from a position of strsngth. Boyce. U.S. Forest Service reported. United NaUons, N. T „ Sept. 10 ia hoped for, as plans for the y u r court Injunction .sought by .the The area where firemen con­ "If someone speaks from such will be made. Mrs. Rachel Tilden (#)—U.tC disarmament suhconi- New York-New Jersey Waterfront centrated was between the Alisal a position," he was quoted as say­ mittee members pusalsd today naJSKHUKeou and Mrs. Mary ThMll will be the Big siKcr to your favorite "Slkk Shirt,” * this new jacket ing. "there ii no tense In nego­ Cof»tmi8slt»,n against the Interna­ Anxious GOP Prods Great ranch and Nojoqui Fall hostesses. MANCHESTER Sovlet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, right, motlona Weat Ger- over a Rusaian query whether MANOUsnet Conn* if every inch a beauty! Look at that deep-notched collar, tional Longshoremen's Assn. State Park. tiations here.’.’ man Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to hta seat at the conference President Eisenhower's blueprint roomy sleeves, cuffs buttoned with "pretend”' smok^ (Ind.i A total of 2,000 men were fight­ Adenauer was then. reported to exchange plan meana conventional Polish National Alliance Group SAVmaS I LOAN table in the Splridonovka Palape In Moscow, Russia, §ept. 9. have answered that no one In West 1988 will hold Ite monthly meet­ The ILA strike, entering its ing the blaze which has swept Pver ss well as' nuclear arms. 1007 MAIN STBEET pearl at big at half-doilars! Action-yoke back, patch fourth day today, is avowedly Ike for Word bn ’56 70,000 acres of brxrah and timber. Meeting was the first between West German tenders and the So- Germany would think of apeaklng ing tomorrow at 7 ■ p.m. at 77 v-let Union. Adenauer, at the meeting, set an agreement on re­ with such a ' great power aa tha The question was put before the pockets — all this in fine pinwale corduroy that is com­ against the bi-state agency and Nolan O’Neal, fire control officer, subcommittee last nl|At by Soviet/ North St. All members are urged not the dockers’ employers, the estimated damage to the water- lease of German war prisoners held by Russia as part of his price Soviet Union from a poaitlim of to attend. ' pletely washable. for establishment of formal relations between his government and strength. te Arkady A. Sobolev. Har- REGULAR $1.00 FIRST QUALITY 170-member. New York Shipping Denver, Sept. 9 (tP)—Republican state chairmen built up | shed at more than ifi^ntiiiion. T Staiwsn, disarmament ad- New fall colors. Sizes 12 to 18. Assn. pr^Viire today on President Eisenhowee fpr an jari.y secomb I Firemen planned to try out the Soviet Union. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Moscow). Bulganin then emphastsed again the Soviet stand that German viaer to Eisenhower, did not an- Mary Wilson ' Justice Hecht al.so continued un­ 3,000 gallons of a chemical fire re- ewer at the time. Later American Sportswear—Second Floor til Monday sn'employers’ restrain­ term announcement they .said will hel“ '' ^ ' tardant today. One officer said the reunification la a question for tho Open Fall Term German people themselvee. .circlet aaid they did not uader^ ing order Issued last Wednesday candidates in state and national races advance, of a break­ fluid would be getting its first real etenit'what Sobolev MeenL Sheer Nylon JHosiery test under real forest fire condi­ The Russians have alqo been in­ Teacher against the union—an order which fast conference with the PrealdeptY First Direct Soviet Qaeetioa Of Church School the ILA has ignored. the GOP cha'lrmcn who flew here | tions. The retardant i? sprayed sisting that an exchange of am­ from pressure tanks as a foam china in Pact bassadors sriUi . West Germany It waa the first time the'^Ruasiaa All new fall color in plain and dark'seam. all with re­ last night from Washington were ■ extinguisher and also can bs should be the first step in .U^m s w delegate haa aaked a direct ques­ Church school at the South of Piano inforced heel and toea for axtra wear. Sizea 8’s to 11. unanimous in expressing belief that I Major Defense tion in ths talks here about the Bi- Eisenhower will run again. I spread by plane-dropped balloons. relationship. Adenausr's position Methodist Church will open on I At Sequoia National Forest in from the first has been that ths senhowsr plan. He kept eilaat an Sundav, Sept. 18. for the fall and Announces The Navy^ Reviews TTie President' himself has lef^^ the Sierra Nevada east of Fresno, war prisoners return muat be Uoacow’a attitude toVrard the plan. AT Winter terms with sessions at I this question Up in the air wlth/a To Release Yanks It was recalled the United Otatea Opening 0.f The Fall Seaaon Cuts Denied by Supervisor John Beebe said negotiated as a first step. 9:30 and 10:45 a.qjil C pair J declaration that th? condition ot "things look g(x>d” although one In the heated eicchange, Bul- already has.aald tha ElaMih|Mver At the first session there will 79 Landv Case at his health and the state o f the For ReRintration blaze that Jumped fire lines Thurs­ Geneva, Sept. 10 The United States and China reached anin said ths Germans still held pn^waals''included cnnvtiwinet be departments and classes for all world and the nation w;tll de­ Adm,\ Radford day is still out of control. The fire fad been’ convicted of serious etroc- armaments, such aa ordinary n n s children, ages 4 through senior Phone Ml 9-2818 termine his (decision at the proper is' in Ccinverse Basin, west of the final agreement today on the release of American civilians Itiea eommited under Hitter but and cannon,' Stesaea ia expectM to TURNPIKE MARKETZ high young people. There will also Closed Hearing tirhe. huge Boole Tree, north of- the i held in China. The agreement was reached at the 14th meet- that the German people looked on try to dear up the question when be an adult class. White House aides 4aid in ad­ Denver. SepT. 10 (Ah — Despite ______apparent slip of the tongue on] main fire and south of King's Caii- ; jpg Jbetween U.S. Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson and Red them with -,disgust and a(Med the subcommittee resumes meet­ RLOCK At the 10:45 session there will New Yin;k. Sept. 10 The vance that risenhow/r would out- "Soviet troopa when on German ings next Tuesday. be departments and classes for line h i.rv iw r’o n ‘Ii^i3or"lMUM7o'r i figures by Adm. Arthur W. Rad- . re n e r«)> .i.n f' Tree ' ^'"•’assador Wang P ing-- Navy today takes another look at e .—neio,- e» ford, his office says no major Both General Giant T ree, soil also committed certain acta.” . Sobolev also asked Stessen ivhat children from nursery age through the next Prcjldcntlal Campaign at the United States meant by jpbie- -X- Its decision to d,en)^r«serve com­ change in defense spending now is , and ^ ‘^^ree are a Chlne.se spokesman said after Nikita -8. KhPi'shchev, Soviet, the sixth grade. ■ AH children wile mission to Eugene Landy, an honor the breakfast rpecting. (^mmuniat party chief, anawered ing a rciervs.UM on all plans on n> are entering church achbol for the 2 Attention graduate of thp Merchant Marine Before they left Washington, the planned. believed to be the world's oldest' meeting negotiations on the Turks Relieve disarmament before the Geneva Radford, chairman of the Joint “ ™ " “ rid a oldest. detained civilians had sharply that he categoricaUy CHUCK ROAST first time are requested to reg­ Academy. chairmen sesit Eisenhower, a mes- denied Soviet troopa committed conference. Sobolev asked whether ister in the church office tefdre The dark-haired youth was .sage saying they^ v.erc- "looking; Chiefs of Staff, hlmaelf said as! * _1-1____ . | been concluded and the talks any atrocitiea on German soli. He this meant the United States has going to their classes. OFFICE turned down for a commission on forward , to uuppoftlng you again much yesterday after conferring, would continue on the second item Three Generals called Adenauer’s remark “offen­ disavowed these plans and has V. 8. CHOICE Genuine Leather Belts the eve of his graduHion last In 1956" and adding: "We like w ith Pi esident Eisenhower. He I of the agenda. sive” and said "it compelled me to gone beck on ths work o f 10 years, FOR RENT month on grounds that hi- Ike better than ever." , created a bit of confusion, how-, Miss America Details to Be Revealed make this statement." ■epeata ExplaaaOan Ideal locatloa at 100 i/i widowed mother had been a Qom- Sees Nixon on Ticket ever, by mentioning a figure of Details of the agreement are to ‘ 111 Riots Area Then he added: Stessen repeated his sxplanaUon National Chairman Leonard W. $37,750,000,000 for the current ba­ Eaat Center 8t„ greuiid floor. • ■ Narrow or wjde belts in many styles and colors. All top irunlat. be disclosed Jointly by the two “Who ia to blame that these that the-reservations meant the Our Motto K m |i Now vacant. Ap^y Hall told a news conference here sic military program. At another The special review board. me'M- Of 1956 Choice sides this afternoon ^ Jl Istanbul, Turkey. Sept. 10 (/P)— people failed to return to their United Statea is not now rwsffirin- ShouUer STEAK ' grain leather. Sides 34 to 30 ^ch. Ing behind closed doors at the last night he looks "for the same point he indicated to ’ newsmen relatives? If many Germans per­ Ing the plane or discarding them, 45 American spokesman described as Turkish iStefense Ministry last ticket as in 1952. Including Vice ’Em U w , Soil H. J. TROTTER Brooklyn Navy Yaid to reconsider that he expects the total to be be­ ..a ••substantial onn„„ncemenlannouncement. relieved three generals who ished and even more Ruasisrts died, but is holding them eh the shelf . this action, Consists of a rear ad­ Resident Nixon. He Said he thinks tween 34 and 35 billion dollars. while study is being made to see S3 SUMMIT ST, Set for Tonight ] The two Ambassadors, who have : held important commands in Is- who is to blame? We didn't cross HOMEMADE ’Em FAST miral, a captain and a commander, Elsenhower "will's-beat any Demo- To questions raised after Rad­ the border. It was not we who whether thii presence of atomic TEL. Ml 8-7783 i cratic nominfcc (in 1956) by a j been meeting at intervals since, tanbul when -anti-Greek ri<>ting tiose to His Mother ford had departed, his office said Aug. 1. agreed to meet again started the war.” weapons can be detected by aden- * 1.00 “ ci* The Navy has said little about I greater margin than he did in All.intlc City, N. J., Sept. 10 (/P) broke out. tific devices and what controls can RILL PRICE the Admiral meant what he said Wednesday morning. Soviet - troopa that continued -the Landy caSe tout never indicated 1952." —Selection o f the 1956 Miss ' The officers relieved ai'e Lt. hoatilities until Gsrman surrender be instituted. ' .Hall, said it appears to him that in stating no major change was in America—heires.s to a 350.000 there wa.s anything against Landy ! prospect. - ' . Under a previous understand­ Gen. Vedad Garan, commander of only were only carrying out their With this question apparently In Italian SAUSAGE > Jv. except that he was "extremely | Gov. Avercil Harriman of New Jackpot of prires and personal ap­ ing, settlement of the question of the First Army with headquarters dutier, he said. mind, Stessen was quoted aa say­ 75 I^S. 'N«(ver Bstter O ff close to hi- mother and she has York Is "coming-forth'strc|ngly as pearances—will be made late to­ detained civilians would automat­ in Istanbul; Lt. Gen. Fasil Bilge, Members of ths Wast German ing: a-peesidentlal candidate" bift he After an hour-long conference night by a team of 11 Judges. HOUSER been a CommunlsL" with Eisenhower. Radford told ically take the talks to the other commander of the Third Corps: delegation -said there would not be ‘It is our deep conviction based ^COOKEU-READY TO EAT The mother. Mrs. Deborah Lan­ "doesn't care" wtiom the Demo- S)x preliminary wlnnei-s held a item of the agenda: "Other prac­ Brig. Gen. Nedlm Erensoy, First another sesirion today. Adenauer on a most thorough, thoughtful crat.s nominate. newsmen tliat frorh a national se­ commanding lead texlay as the 1951 CHRYSLER New Fall Handbags dy of Bradley Beach, N. J.. did not curity standpoint the United tical Jliatters at issue between 4hs ■ Army chief of staff. was scheduled to go sightseeing' study of the entire aituatien that hesitate to admit she was a party - Although he said he expected no beauty cont^t moved into the two-sides.” „ Action After Probe thle afternoon. the adoption and initiation of Pres­ WINDSOR DE LUXE announcement by the President of States "was never better off." He final stage. lb member for 10 years but added she said he and the President ’ dis­ The Chinese have been anxious The Defense Ministry's com­ Diplomatic circles expected the ident Eisenhower’s July 21st pro­ Radio, Heater. Auto­ B O Y S ^ iH O P left the party in 1947 at the in- i iptentions he regards the meet- The Judite-s’ decision, expected munique said the officers were West German "Chancellor to give posal (for ths tnutpal sxdiange of DAISY HAMS Top handle styles in plastic calf, faille and genuine cussed national security problems, about midnight, will end a tense, matic Tranamitwipn. Zistence of her son. i ‘"S ‘J)* fhainp'n »» ■elieved of their duties after a full a polite but firm no to Rusaian leather. Many styles with zipper compartmente. Alao including military spending. exciting week for the 49 con- (Continued pn n ve) Black, With Good 'lircs. fitted bags and leather lined genuiaa calf handbags. The ca.se stirred up strong pro- i wdHhwThile because 'whenever you investigation of the rioting, de­ suggestions for an Immsdiats ez- (Osattaned on Pago Five) test, including a blast from Sen, ''’^h lhe Pres dfnt. you come te.slants^ fiom '45 state. Chicago, Stop LookinR . His remarks on the security pic­ struction' and looting that swept ''lange of ambaosadora as a- first ALL DAY SUNDAY Herbert H. lihman (D-NYi who ! " '/ “ .v wlUi_ soraetlUng of value.” ture were in response to a lequest District^of Columbia, Hawaii and step toward normalising relations Canada. Istanbul. T h i»IsI(! called the Navy's position "illogi- Some GOP chairmen hadn't' for comment on former Pre.*)!- Gafan took command of the between the two countriea.' ssralB asm -f I^ ILY TO 10 P.M. cal. unjust and unjustifiable He given up hope that Elsenhower dqnt ’Truman’s fls.sertion that "the The new Miss America, to re­ city shortly after midnight Tues­ Adenauer and ' hie delegation OP E N would indicate by l)is 'actions, if place 19.55'winner. Miss Lee Ann ^2e98 to ^5o95 each demanded a full report. cuts in our ground forces are un- News Tidbits day when Prime Minister Adnan planned strategy for the meeting BEAUME Secretary of the Navy Charles- M(Tiwether of San Francisco, will Menderes declared a state of siege. aboard a -German train in the roll- BuUetins PLUS TAX S. Tbomas. who first heard Landy (CoDtinued on Pag^ Eleven) (ContiniMid on Page Five) he .selected on tho basis of beauty, f'uUed from AP Wire* The Premier Canceled his order yards outside Leningrad Station. MOTORS, Inc. from newspaper, reports, promised talent am) personality. about 12 hours later and subse­ They are holding their confiden­ fron tho AP Wirto e a s t CRNTTCR s t . to Btpdy the. (Mtee-'personally and Thf^e-^- niglits , of preliminary quently his cabinet reimposed- It. tial taika around the train because TURNPIKE MARKET -^MANCHESTEK, TJONN. said the young seaman will get Judging" hav(>'''brought valuable Two men killed st Enfield, 'VAt this time, Lt. Gen. Nurettin of their skepticism .concerning point honors to 'hese winners; JORDAN CONDEMNED EVENINGS t i l l fi P K . "Justice." Maine, in car that went off U.S. AJenoz was placed in command of security at their Sovietskaya Hotel 151 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST SATURDAYS TILL 5 P K . Appointed by Thomas to serve Swlnj' suit division — Barbara tlje city and- promptly clamped headquarters. Jernislstn, Sopt. IS UO—4ww CHILDREN’IS GENUINE HELENCA on ,the special review board,were Mamo Vieira, a tall, tanned Hono­ Rt. 2 near Enfield Drive-in Thea­ Oaa wna eandemaed bsr the Jor- Rear Adui. K. A. McManes. com­ lulu hula dancer s entered «» Miss ter and smashed into utility pole (OontlBoed on Page Five) (Ooailaned ea Page rivs)' daa-lsraeU Mixed A m is tire mander of the Atliuitic Fleet mine Hawaii; Ann Canjphell. a 21-year- , . . Yale professor tells members OomasUaisa tedajr fer Hewiag force, and two reserve officers old Oklahoma City xrt'stuilent: of Incoming freshman class to.be np Israeli water pnaiplag ia- S-t-r-e-‘t-c-h Nylon Socks now on active duty -Capi. Albert and a petite 18^year-old bl.ue-eyetl free with their (Tifleism of unlver- etallatloaB an the Jardan SNsr B. Cook and Cmdr. Alfred E. Gql- blonde, Clara Faye Arnold of sUy. Ite CouldnH Get to Yalu Sept. 7. It waa ths flrat eoasr- la'nt Jr. ' < , Raleigh. North Carolina. , geney mesHag ef the coomla- Talent division — Soprano Pat­ Meth(>dl8t Bishop G.- Bromley Medluin,^siM 8 to large size 10 to .11. Oolora: Rad. Th« hearings are closed to the bxnam leaves for two-week lour aloa stole Jaae M. ' ^navy, brown, green and white. ' press and public. No announce­ ricia Byrd Huddleston, huel-eyed NOW IN SEASON southern )>elle , from Clanton, of EJurope which is to'include trip ment about It is to be made before CALL OENEEAD SIEIKB Alabama; honey blonde . Sandra Into Communist Hungary . . .State TnimaiL Regrets the whole question Is reviewed by Health Dept, urges Connecticut Naatoe, France, S c ^ M (P>-> EiaESTA ■ \ Thomas, who will publish Jhe final Wirth of Miami, FIa„ a baton Straet ear and M e wsrhera twirler; apd drama studeiit Vlr- resicienta to spray homes with decision. ' mosquito repellent to avoid possi­ strnck here today and Naatea • 5 9 c pair Landy, who was given the choice inia E. MaffuccI of Watertown, Baby Shop ble infection from sleeping - sick­ In Dropping Mac,Arthi]r nalea leaden! eatteO fer a gen­ ♦ ■ • I . of having the hearings in New ias.s. ness bacteria which has never be­ eral strike Monday- to pratoet York and Philadelphia, was invit­ Alt six girls haye a good chance agalast a tsekant la the sMp- ■■ „ \ - ed to bring along k lawyer if he of being among the 10 finalists, fore occurred in State. baildlBg yards. The teehsat waa PEACHES JUST ARRIVED , _ !to be announced when the final Chicago, Sept. 10 (P)—FormerOhtm and the Yalu River and he wo desired. > ■ —- Longest and hottest heat wave •raered•fliered yeeteidayyesterday ayhy ran Use Mother's Testimony Judging begins st 8 p.m. '(EpT) Los Angeles ever experienced President Truman says he wishes couldn't get through them." McIn to sh \.L. FINE QUALITY TRICOT KNIT ALL ^ he had fired Gen. Douglas M ac-1 UJI. forces hsd rsacbed the ploycra Asseclatfea sehkli a • ' • Among the material at the re­ tonight. comes to end, at least temporarily they had to ehat hoe '1. The naming of Miss Americs Arthur two years sooner. Yalu earlier !n the war, only to they A m m view board's disposal is a tran­ .U.S. Ambassador to India John be forced back when China-entered ef "efeaernsal wetkteg” hy the script of testimony given by Lan- 1956 at this seashore resprt’a huge That, he said, ia the only ” re- I Our Famous - Sherman'Cooper cancels 'scheduled pentehce*' he has had for remov­ the conflict. men atoee a strike i m arahth. dy's mother before the House Un- Convention' Hall will be televis^ inspection visit to American- \ Seme 18,880 M M asaa atoeeed White Pantiles - over a national network (ABC) ing MacArthur as supreme com­ A MacArthur aide in New York owned' Jute mill at Cricutta be­ ■aid there wouM.be no immediate j befere the jaMnnasO gates. (Continued on Pago five) from 10:30 p.m. (EDT) until mid­ mander in Korea on April 11, iqSl. -1 APPLES cause of "labor unreat.- -The 71-year-oId Truman, who comment from the General on Tru- Tumbl-Togs For Fall night. ------i- INDIA j^ilU nibODED In trunk, b ^ f and wide leg atyles. Sizea 5 to 8. Dallas police clerks are still recently canceled two Caluorala lan’a remarks. •ARTiiri: busy this morning after vice squad speeches. re|Mrtedly because of hto Caleutto. M L 10 (iP)—A lew officers pull surprise raid and health, macm the statement in a StIU pIuggiM Adlal Stevenson areaaara aiW hrsught heavy British Act to Halt rato te Otissa*a 170 ■■Ole ssaatol Corduroy smock sots in solids or print. Sizos France, Ex-Sultan book moi’e than 40 local business­ questipn-antj-answer period fol­ tor President, 'naunsn told a neWe lowing an I addreea before the- conference that Nsw York’s Car­ belt teOayw Tha 6 9 c each iiy stei^ Freighttnp men for gaming. .Post-game foot­ aslacvy .-ea ,ap'" small, modiiim. lor9«, x-lorgo prieod ot 1.91. In Moroccan Pact ball' celebration erupts into wild- Bhcecutivea ^Club of Chieggo yea. mine DeSapio is not a "king PEARS asringlng row Involving seveinl terday. J maker” in ‘Truman'e home state of i’'-. Mlasiouri. greatsat •'i-rf Singapore, ?ept. 10 ( ^ —The hundred and police are forced to The foriner President fired Mac- khawa to government of this British'crown ' Paris, Sept. 10 (A5 —FVance to- Arthur on grounds he waa "unable DeSapio. head of the New York i / Corduroy jockoh in small, modium, lorgt, use t£sr gas bombs to quell out­ a t y Democratic organisation, re- I? colony raised a fresh obstacle to-, 'day sehlsved a general agreeipent break. to give wholehearted' support" to x-iorga prieod o t 2v$B. with. .the pro-Natlonaliat former portsdly favors Gov. Avstell Har* DBOTEOT EADTOBm podnrts epppGf day In the path of the mystery Attorney General's Office ad­ the policies of the United Nati

1 ■ f: X