\. J" MMwnlniHiMlnaiiaiM MONDAY, JULY 25, 198i Avaraga Daily Net Press For MM WMk EdtM • i b t R t E E N iianrl|?0t^r Eorntng Sf^ralb Jaly 38, ItSS lerVit 1 1 ^ 8 3 Chanss k>. Wellman, 3* 8t. John You C«i*r lEriETTER Auto iBBurwie# St., local representative for Mu­ Open.New Branch. HMSber f< dm Audit. utTown tual of Omaha and .United of n«NMi uf Ctreulalkm Omaha, was awarded a certificate Of Auction Firm M anchester^A City of ViUago Charm , B g ^ . r«e«nUjr com- of proficiency for successful com­ WHY PAY MORE? ,wtMi laitaaaUon .qf • Ham- pletion of an Intensive course in Mias Doreen Marlel Walts, . cohetrt modtl «lectrlc organ Omnecticut'a largest auction life insurance underwriting given daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer why Alisfat'o sold moro outo Insur^eo hi 1YS4 VOL. LXXIV, Kb. 25t (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, JULY 26^ 1955 (CtaMUtod AdyertWag aa Yaga 14) tit tha ICaUiodUfr Church o f WII- by United of Omaha executives In C. Walts of 53 Ward St.. Rock­ firm. Post Auction Rooifia, opens thon ooy othor eompony bosod OB diroet writfoo PRICE P lV l OEMItl liaMBrtle, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 18 to 32. ville,, became the bride of John its new-est branch location Wednes­ Whltfleld Ward, son of Mrs. John day, Friday and Saturday nights. ’ a t K aitarat’a Circla, Daughtera ■ A son. Michael FrederlcK, was W. Ward of Grant Hill Rd., North ^ | p A R E * A N D YOU’LL FIND Allstate, the Snyder-Gray Judge at wiU hold a chicken bom July 19 in Backus Hospital. Coventry. Saturday afternoon at July. 27. ?9 and 30, at 7 p.m. in by Sears, offers rartes usually lower than those of most cornpaniea taibaoia at 7 o'clock tomorrow Norwich, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert 3 o'clock in the Rockville Meth­ Newington. —a really better auto Insurahce value! At the same lime, U. S, to D eterm ine jilgtit at the K nl^ta of Columbus S. Nystron. Nystron Is the' son of odist Church. The ring cei'- Located diagonally _ opposite the can count bn Allstate for finest protection, Hits Execution Law Boms. Following the business Mr. and Mrs. FVederick A. Nystron. remohy wa.s performed by the Rev. Connecticut Light end Power Com,- and fast, fair claim settleiyients throughout the United Stacea meeting after the barbecue the former residents of this town. His Charles Johnson of Hockanum. andUanada, Greenwich, July 36 (iPl . mamters will proceed to the John wife is.the former Jane Kirby of Church .decorations were gladioli pany's headquarters building on B. Burite Funeral Home to pay re­ the Bisrllii TUrnplke, the new auc­ CoBlart your local Allstate Insurance Co. de^er. R ed China’s Viett^s The judge {who sent Ruth Sny­ Wlttinrantie. and palms. \ spects to Robert Carney whose Given in- marriage her father, : tion lt>om.v are considered the most FRANK LANGMACK — Ml 9-5450 der and Judd Gray to the elec­ Wife Ml a past regent. Any mem­ Manchester lx>dge of Elks will the bride had aa her matron of modern in the area. The building, tric chair' after one Of New bers who were not contacted are honor her sister, Mrs. Roland E. set on a 10 acre tract, is construc­ YooV# irt Good.Hondi __ York's moat .famous murdef. welcome to 'attend and should con­ hold a business meeting at the Elks Home on Bissell St. Wednes-1 Knight of 53 Ward St.. Rockville. ted of Roman brick and glass, and On Formosa Truc^ trials said in a 90th birthday tact Mrs. Della Phelps. day at 8 p.m. Exalted [ Ruler | Bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy seats over 1.000 people, Immedi­ ! Ihterview today that he al­ Oeoige . English will give a |report E. Ward of Grant Hill Rd., North ate adjacent to the building iS the MUSTIITE ways opposed capital puniah- Kent W. Scoville, RMSN, son of on his trip to the national conven­ Coventry, Mis.s Irfene F. Burnett parking area whiqh' accommo- fflfTTrU K AN C B COMPANY Washington, July 26 (JP)— Secretary^of State Dulles said ment. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R- 'Scovillc, tion held in Philadelphia July 11 of West Rd . Rockville, and Mrs. dates_§00 , today that the United States intends toTind out. at talks in "It has always seemed mo'ra • % Legal by 338 Center St., has graduated to 14. and Harry Firato. ,< hairman • Arthur E, .Spiclman Jr., of Pro­ “ Principals of -Post Auction Geneva beginning Monday whether Red\!hina will accept or leas a barterous perform-- from a six months training course •of the activities committee, will, spect St., Rockville. Doreen Rooms are Philip Donnenfeld, Al­ ence," said Towmsend Scud- A at the radio school. Bainbridge. five a report on the clambake to Cranlck of Lebanon was flovver fred Golden And lr\1n Navran. a cease-fire in the Formosa area. der; who haa lived at his I H* added that the American';----- Md.. and has been assigned.. to U. lie held Aug. 28. A report will also] girl. Following the grand opening, the Round Hill estate since retir­ B. S, McCaflery D. D. E. 880. at be given on the family picnic held i George W. Ward of Grant Hill auctions will be conducted every repreaentative at • the; "Geneva ing 19 years ago from New meeting will be ready to Helen to ' Newport, R. 1., for duly. on July 17. ! Rd. North Coventry, was best subsequent Wednesday. Friday and York's Supreme Coiwt. and discuaa any matter which Red ------. I man for hia brother. Ushers were Saturday nights at 7 p.m. Only YTdM ROUND AIR CONDITIONING Judge Scudder disclosed' n ' Members of Anderson . Shea John H .W altz of .53 Ward St., brain|-new r.ierchandt.«e will.. I>e China brings up which directly Ifi- volvee Red China and the United that he would-have avoided P«>st 3046, VFW, Auxiliary, are re­ Four from Area Rockville, brother of the bride, auctioned. presiding st the Snyder-Gray minded that there will be no meet­ and Alan Schultz of 112 Prospect TWO SERVICE ROOMS State*. Dulles- alao said “ war danger trial If he could, and that he ing tmnorrow night. The next reg­ St.. Rockville. , , , are evidence of oiir desire lo serve regretted that New York’s ular meeting will be' Aug. 8 Serve oil Faeiilty has receded" a* a result of the The brides' white floor length complelel.v and well. Famllle* can depend Big Four turnmlt talka at Geneva. law made the death penalty oriii gown of Chantilly lace waa Place Orders Early ! msndatdty. Three local men and a Coventry, fashioned with fitted bodice, short on the high standards of Qiilsh Servlee. Dulles’ news conference state­ For School, For Camp Use ment agiounted to saying in new Mrs. Snyder and Gray, her mathemalic\an will serve on the sleeves, .scoop neckline of pleated paramour, were convict,^ in faculty of the Hartford Graduate Easy To Apply words what President Eisenhower Wa8hington\July 26 (^)—John A. Johnson. Air Fore* nylon tulle and bouffant lace akirt William r . Quish 1927 o f the sash weight slay­ Center slated to open in t(ie fall with nylon pleating. She also w-ore said last night—that a spark of general counsel.^testified today that he discuss^ Siecreiair John Tierney world peace Was ignited at the Big ing o f Mrs. Snyder's husband, under the joint sponsoi-ship of the a fingertip veil and matching mitts, Fun-eral Harold E. Talbott’s outside business interests with A tty. Name Tapes Raymond T. t^ulsh Four summit conference but much Albert. ” United Aircraft Corp. and Rensse­ and carried a cascade of white Gen. Brownell last January and Brownell “expressed no di/s- laer Polytechnic Institute. Paul R. iJiBrec .paUence and sacrifice will- be ru«<8- needed to keep that spark alive. J » Tliat Interpret Hie Among the 17 adjunct profes­ Thc-niAtron of honor wa* atured Home agreement’’ with his opinion they were legal. sors selected from specially quali­ in an aqua crystallette strapless Eiaenhower, In a nationwide I Johnson told investigating Senators he wrote a “draft Wishes Of The Family Ml 3 -S 9 4 P broadcoM report on the session; otorist Killed fied scientisLf and engineers from gown made with lace bodice and Ido for $ 1.50 memorandum” on the matter after learning: that the Radio United Aircraft are Vernon F. from which he had just returned,; jacket. The brideamalda wore lace added that "som e giving on each Corporation of Atnerica (RCA) was questioning teth the WHN B. BURKE Hauschild, 94-^MiIford Rd... assiat- and net over taffeta strapless side will be needed." Ak Truck Rams propriety.and legality of doing business with a management' niNESALHOME ant professor; Gilbert. C. Barnes, gowns with small bolero jackets, 150 for $ 1.95 20 ’ Vellington R d . professor; U 2 2 5 MAIN ST. Reporting m thr. Geneva sum­ engineering firm in which Talbott was a partneK that of Miss Ward in yellow, that Bavi-r rhotrt TEL. 8a-S-S888 Morgan Porter, 70 Westminster of Miss Burnett in orchid and that Just iron them on—or sew-on mit meeting, which he also attend­ i- ed DulieS raid he '* convinced Geri Gii\ at Union Johnson said “The Secretary asked me to discuss the mat* ST BAST CENTER ST. Rd., professor: and Floyil C. Mer- of Mrs. Spielman InT'uK. All wore MRS. JOHN WHITFFKLI) WARD tape available. Fast color, riman. High St., Coventry, assist­ laundry proof and permanent. man unification is in t'e - air and ter with the Attorney General,” And that he did so last a m b u l a n c e s e r v i c e crownless picture hats to match Jan. 6. t r ------*...... — ■ ant professor. to Niagara Falls and Canada, the garage and porch at 208 Woodland that eventually this cherished goal Union, July 26 (/P)— One and carried ’ cascades of yellow will be achie'-ed. "My meeting with the Attorney Hau-rchlld will be on the staJf^of bride wore a blue cotton print, St.. *1,000. roses. Notion Dept. man was killed in a truck- General was very brief,” Johnson the mBnagemenf'"division; Baines dres.s with white accessories and a To Fred Rernsten. to alterate He listed the major leaulls of The flowee girl wore pink net (he top level Big Fou.' meeting as automobile collision on the ■mnttfiued. "I showed him my Aged Benefits was anointed to the mechanics shed on Lydali Si., *1.50. j Hale's July White Sale with a matching bandeau and ­ corsage of red , carnations. After these; ^aft memorandum. _ division; Porter will serve on the their return the couple will reside Wilbur Cros,s\ higbwi^y here ried a amall cascade of yellow ■To Sherwood A. Beechter. to al* i 1. Relation.^ between the West ‘‘He expressed no disitgrMment mechanical engineering' division; at 53 Ward, St., Rockville. Yhs early today, that sent two roses. lerate dwelling at 39-41 ChestputI and Russia have now become less with the legal conclusion stated in Review JJrged Merriman will teach mathematics. Mrs. Ward graduated from The mother of the bride chose a St., *250. brittle. This does not mean an other persons td the Johnson the memorandum. Di'. Warren C Stoker.- head of Rockville High School and i.s em­ EMERGENCY biue and white coin dot nylon jer­ early settlement of all issues but Memorial Hospital at Staf­ No Further Omtact the Computer Lab iratory at RPI sey dress with navy blue picture ployed at Travelers Insurance Co. Now In Progress will be director o f the new center that diplomats can begin negotiat­ ford Springs with serious in­ . "However, the Attorney Gen­ By Mrse Hobby OIL lURNER hat, white accessories and cor­ in Hartford. Mr. Ward is serving ing problems without fear that war eatablisiied to provide a .prograpi with the ,U.S. Air Force. Geneva Bound juries. eral said that he would like to , SERVICE sage of pink carnations. The moth­ will suddenly break out. take the matter under considera­ of graduate education/bi'HWifi- er M the bridegroom chose a pink OF MANCHESTER stale Police Sgt. Walter Per- Washington, July 38 (R—Secre­ tiats and engineers in the greater 2. A far reaching demonstration U. Alexis John.son. U. S. tion. The Attorney General said cotton batiste dress with white ac- FLETCHER BUSS GO. flntcheU Lowest Prices fn Years kins identified the dead man as tary of. Welfare Hobby today Hartford area. It is expected that of resourcemine.ss and initiative by Amha.ssador lo Czechoslovak­ that I could expept to hear from urged "a thoroughgoing review s CALL ceaaoriea. 9-7878 Paul Gjltney. 33, of 187 HoiUrter 380 graduate studenta will attend the western powers in dealing with ia. will represent the United Ave.. Bridgeport. him in a day or two, and that in and inquiry” into a Houae-ap- Following the ceremony a I'ecep- Public Records 188 W ESTM IDDLE TURNPIKE On pa n River, Cannon and States st Genevs In ,talks WILLIAMS •when the center opens in Septem- Ns-Soviets. He cited, in. this con­ Hospitalized in critical condi- the meantime I should take no Droved plan to liberaliia. and ex­ tlon w as held outside at the home nection, Eisenhower's dramatij; w-ilh an envoy from Red further action in the matter. pand so(:lal aecurity. of the bride's parents. CORNER DURANT ST. tton Wbs Clyde Sanborn Jr.. 13, of OIL SERVICE Warrantee De^s. Lady Pepperell Sheets proposal to exchange military hliio- China. The Stale Depart- 26 Front .St,. WatervlIIe, MiMne. “ The Attorney General did not - She told the Senate Finance For traveling on a wedding trip printa with Russia and permit air hient ^aid they will discuss Joseph .Ma.s.saro lo/E dw ard R. NEW LARGER QUARTERS Listed in serious condition ' at In touch with me, and I have Committee she particularly object­ reconnaissance of each other's “ repal'lliation of civilians" w-ho the same hospital w-as Charles had no further discuasion o f the ed to proposals to provide (cash MI-9-4548 McGregor and .Myrt^le Ann Mc­ PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING and Pillow Cases military in.stallatioifli. want to letiirn to their own Gregor. property at 44, Campfteld .Sabine, 30. of 804 Lafa'yette St., matter with him.’'’ benefits at the age of SO yeara. in­ THE OFFICE OF The President's proposal, he ^mtrie.s» and “rertain other Bridgeport. Johnson gave the account of stead o f 65, for "covered workers Rd. ' AUTO GLASS INSTALLED 'prarlical matters now- at is­ who are permanently and totally W ra l^roli to Philip D. ^ F on d . Perkins said the tw-o vehicles the visit to Brownell in a pre­ T reIh cfMBY-'''' (Oontiitued oa Page Three) sue." , disabled. Also, to pit^xtaris t6 DR. JOHN ALLISON property at 32 Weliinglon Rd. w-ere moving w-est along the high- pared statement which he read tO Whltinaii, Schraflt, P. A S. GLASS FUENITiHr E TOPS w-ay abqut a half-mile from the the Senate Investigations sub­ lower the retirement age for wom­ Candy Cupboard .Marriage License en from 65 to 62, OLLIE'S ■Reginald Johnston. H,artford, and SUMMER FABRICS M..8sacliusett8 line. The truck committee. ITie Senators are in­ 875 MAIN ST. • struck th rear of the automobils quiring into the propriety of Tial- She aaid the diaability proposal Qes.sa May Booska. New Britain. MIRRORS (Firtplac* and Door) BODY Arthur Drus Storus j AT and then ran over it. continuing hott's partnership, in -the New would add to the Old Age and Sur* WILL BE CLOSED t Building Permit* ^ PICTURE FRAMING (oil typM) Developer Set to Move 1.000 fset along the highway be­ York caiy firm of Paul B. Mulll- vivori Insurance (OASI) System To Herbert Hutchinson for Henry fore coming to a halt. Itan and Oo. Some o f the flrm 'i "an entirely new category of bene* CLOSED 1 UNTIL Rockwell, for addition to dwelling WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Th* garoiin* tank on th* auto^ clients do burineas with tpe Air fits, based upon an individual,'* ., J U L I ES to JULY 30 at 317 S. Main St,. *1,000. CLOSEOUT PRICES mobile caught fin and exploded. Force and the Defense Depart­ physical or menUil condition." MON., AUGUST 8th To Gilbert Saas. to build chlCksn JALOUSIES: Installation la Quick, Easy and Economical. His Factory from State m ent.- "H ie second propoesl would eub« FOR VACATION GENERAL coop at .570 Vernon St.. *7,0p0. CONTRACTORS: W e HAVE IN STOCK . , (Contiaued on Page Two) $183,988 Prefit 8i«e* M U ^ ' a ------OPEN AUG. 1 To Charles E, Ryan, to alterate Mumgsn t«itifI4v(^ing realization by all " stored. The ftro Waa uader con­ body and fender repalra — aad Th^ J. W- HALE Corp. Also, he said.- ne needs more er. becoming less humid; .high ditll. B. Barnes notified McDavltt ucntl(;e and some KI'IIK O" —including the Soviets- 'that nu- memorandum Johnstm had noted 39" WES(20 "BELFAST" in th e' mid 80'.s at the shore, - Tile accident occurred at the trol shortly after noea but stUI space.'and “ I am nqt putting up that Ke waa discharged a., of 3 p.m. iach Side Will be needed to near warfare ^ * u e d to the ulti- the division of RCA ntyolved in burning, aehriy" IS hours after complete attto painting. any more buildings ^'hen the tow-n low-er. 90-s inland. -- intersection" o f 'Routes 196 and 18, yesterday for making "unauthor­ mate could be practically race tui- the proposed contract with Mulli', It broke odt. y Crease resistant, fast color. » just isn’t friendly to industry." known as -Skinnersville Four Cor­ keep that spark alive. ners. Route 16. on which Maple>- ized statements” to his staff in , Winding up a radio-TV report, cide.” gan did a "large volume" of-busi- Offers This General Electric "We're renting every available mills), an inadequate water sup­ !!on< was traveling, is posted with SBA'a Office of Compliance and on last -(veek'a talks :— which, he 3. "A realization t^at^ negoUa- ness with the Defense Depart­ f i r e o u t s D ANISH BUB ./ barn in this tovfn aa w-arehouses," ply, light zoning regulations, and a 35 mile* an hour speed limit at Securit.-. said. included no secret agree­ tloh* can be conducted without ment. He asked Johnson how he • Oopeahagea, Deumarki duly'/ M O ^ IA R T Y RANGE & FUEL OIL yard Neill said. "It{* expensive moving general Indifference .in support .pf the intersection. Route 196, on The rtateihents reportedly were" ments — the President declared; prop'aganda and threats In invec­ could, reconcile this with Talbott's l*i-^ F Ire made a bellow sheH things back.,Snd forth.” which the Brainard bfothera were made last week w-hen McDavltt "I believe that only with prayer­ tives." statement to the armed service* o f the Danish ssbmhi1a)i REFRIGERATOR Neill cited high taxes, (36'2 (C^ntlnui-d on Page Nine]l riding- South, is posted with called together his 13 subordinates ful patience, intelligence, courage 4. "A better understanding and committee. n today. Several men trap-> BROTHERS The nearest fabric to Irish linen. Nine colors in wonderful boulevard .atop .signs requiring and toI(i them the office would be and tolerance — never forgetting closer unity among the nation* o( le in e DUtereace ped NW nd .a waU e f fiamee la Belfast. . traffic to halt before entering the vigilance and prudence - - can we NATO." "Isn't th»e a slight inconaist the engihq room eacaped through ^ 301-315 Center Street The BOLAND OIL CO intersFetiont (Continued on Page Eleven) keep alive the spark ignited at (k>ach in New York -ency here?” Jackson asked. TkrM At 'A New LOW, LOW Price Paul .Stensland, Investigaling Geneva... ' Eisenhefiver spoke ,wit!'.out side­ “ Not to me.’" Johnson replied. ■aUers werotewad hi the Bra, Telephone MI 3-5435 ' ■■1- „ r * « Biggest Roads Bill Near •atete policeman, reported that "W e, all of .ua, individually and line c(^chlng from his TV adviser. "I think there's a large diffSrdnce which destroyed stost of tbehK REG. 69c wlien he reached the scene Maple- aa a people, have p<>ssibly the Robert Montgomery, who was in betweeii the two." "u_. terier Ipstalli TEL Mlfchdl 3.4320 .apn's car was lying on top of a most difficult assignment of our New Yorlt Montgomery's ,own Jackson emitted ' a (leap aigh. marine, a naval i highway fence. 'Hie wrecked natiop's history. Likewise, we program, a drama production, "Oh. Mr. Johnson," he said. r e g u l a r * 5 7 9 -9 5 News Tidbits Johnson said the Senate Armed Jl. Crucial Battle in House motorcycle, apparently hating have the most shining opportunity went off the air on one network NEHRU RULES OUT WAR 39" Spun Rayon hurtled over - the car,. and Ihe ' Culled from AP Wires ever possessed by Americans. May (NBCt just before the President's Services Committee already had Now OeUU, India, duly M III BrSinard brotherti "were Ijing at these truths inspire us, never dis­ address was xarrled by all nrt- settied the question aiid, that "in —Prime Minister Nehrn ' reject­ 'Washington, July 26 (Afi,— A* offer Sjiaenhow'er's bond financing llie foot of a slight embankment may us.” works. (he total context," he aew .no In', ed demnnds In PnrUameat todny TRADE-IN *180'°° biggiest-ln-history roadbuilding biil j plan as a substitute. below the car. ^ Acid Test in October The Chief Bxecutivie's? manner consistency. > - that India try to acquire Partu- SPECIALIZING IN ANY MAKE REGARDLESS OF CONDinON. Senators looking into btiainesa headed (or a crucial house battle , FaHon said h? has "no ibea w-hat^ The Ghief Executive said the was serious but rather matter-of- Sen. McClellan (D -A rk), the gal’s Indian colonies by a UmR-, BUTCHER LINEN the Hoiise w-ill do" on passage but TT interests of Air Secretary . Talbott question Air Force General Coun­ "acid test" of the Geneva talks fact in comparison with the ear­ a u b c o m m i 11 .e e riiairman, an­ ed wnr or police acUea. Nehru tfiday amid conflipting claims as to { added he w-as "reasonably sure" the nestness of the similar IS-min- CUSTOM BUILT HOMES sel John A. Johnson. . . . Imme­ will coine next October, - when the nounced ' as Joiuiton took the said hie government w8l etrtva who would come out the winner. GOP substitute w-ould go down to Ribicofir Asks Curb Big Four foreign ministers meet to nttnln a merger with the defeat. diate arrest aboard ship at San (OostlSBed Page Two) GENERAL CONTRACTING yard Admittedly .uncertain w»s Rep. Franqiaco and court-ma^al later to seek specific agreements on (Oeariaaed M Page Three) colonle* through paaeefut Fallon (D-M(i), author" of the, Count* (Ml (iO^ Support •I U«-14M Of Teen Car Users kwait three young American lucn- some o f the bro'ad problems taken 1IEMODELING AND REPAIRING YOUR COST $ 3 9 9 ’®- measure-4or nearly *50 billion in’ And If it does, lie added, he's ttoata coming home * from Red up, "by their chief*. *' Eight colors in good looking plain colored butcher linen. federal and sUte road conatniction counting on support from leading China, ‘Then is w)ten reconciliation and UVINO OOSm RISE Hartford. July 26 on —Gov. FREE ESTIMATES— MORTGAGES ARRANGED over the next 13 years. Fallon said Republicans for the bill with taxes Only bank In Twentynlne Palms, sopne giving on each side will be Waahtagtou, duly 8$ MV-Tha nonetheleaa he will push for a fin­ because the administratiofi has in­ Abraham A. Ribicoff haa .^called on Calif., shutdown by *618,99# short­ definitely necessary," Eisenhower 19Become ^BloodFactories^ Goverumeut repartad today that al House vote before the day is dicated a While House veto for a Connecticut parents to restrict the age and bank's vice president- said. living eoats edged iip eHghtly hi ERNEST A. RITCHIE $ tiit <£ooJl Clt JhsL&sL REG. $1.49 and $1.98 over. measure with no financing plana operation of cars by theiryhildren cashier, a race horse owner, ar­ At another point, he said; To Erase Plasma Shortage dune to the hlgheat paint in 16 LIBERTY ST. — TEL. MI 3-8172. MANCHESTR^ The House Rules Committee at all. in the interests o f traffic\ safety. rested on embeszleihent charge. “Now, for myaelf, I do not be» 1988. They were etlB a Mt lower cleared the bill fpr speedy debate Rep. Russell V. Mack (R-W ash) He said there has been \an In­ . . Long lines of Israelis wnR little the obetaclee lying ahead on than June last year. The rtae— 1. AUTOMATIC DEFROST IN REFRIG. SECTION ” 9. I. MINL-CUBE and 1, REDI-CUBE ICE TRAYt^ late yesterday with a proviso iiaw- "a v^y good proapect” the crease In teen-age automobile fa­ outside polling station* to cast the road to a secure and just the Brat reaerded alaea - last 45" Better Summer Fabrics making certain a party-line fight Bisenhow-er substitute w-ould entice talities in the state, particularly peace...'! do not blink the. fact By HILLEL BLACK ^through a normal donatiem that November—waa attributed tu 3. CONVENIENT FOLD-AWAY BOTTLE RACKS 10. h a n d y d e s s e r t d i s h ^ votes for third Knesset I parlia­ Philadelphie. Juily 36 (R—Nine­ * over how to help pay the costs. enough Democratic votes'to pull in-the early morning hours. \ ment) elected since foundhig of that all o f ua must continue; to limita the' number, of times and emaU increases for food, haua- teen city park guards have btf the frequency a -person can .give 11. ICE CREAM and FROZEN JUICE BAR" .May Rook Tax Plan it through. . { Ribicoff urged parents to queg- Jewish naUon in 1948. sacrifice for what we . believe to ing, traaapertatloa, paraaaal 8. REVOLVING SHELVES come .part time "blood factories" blood. It takfiB about a month for As approved by the House Ptib- ® Rep. Steed (D-Okla) indicated lion their ichildren ctosei.v om the Twelve visiting American be best for the safety of ourseWea. rare aad medlrol expendlfares 4. ROOMY VEGETABLE DRAWERS ,18. NEW INlyRIOR UGHTING i Hc Works Committee and cleared he thinks the whole bill' will be use to which they intend to put farmers in RUsSiaiMaking big in an experiment scientists here the body to build up red Mood tMhctal* saM further sansanal 9 7 j^ yard and for the preservation of the hope will go s long ways towards cella but tost plasma can be n - by the rule* group, the. le^Slation killed because amendments won't the fam ily car' before tumii by friendiintas and inquiaiUve- thlnga.in which w4 believe. feed-prioe riese nra ludhRlad hi S: AUTOMATIC BUTTER CONDITIONER IS. STOP HlNOES r carries Democratic-sponsbred auto^- be allowed to help the politically over. ending the world’s shortags of life- pleniahed over night. ' duly aad are likely to result lu neaa . , -. Heads of AFL metal "But I do 'kndw the people of giving plasma. - Joseph Smolens, baeteriologlat in Reg. $1.98. Plain Wesco no iron dacron and cotton. motive tax increases totaling 812.- potent trucking industry. “Having Die . children co uaather aeeieet beset te avar«R 8. ADJUSTABLE aiM8 ■BMOVABLE BOOR. SHELVES trades council's 11 divisiona re­ world want peace. The guards, all hardworking and charge of the project at the Chil­ 14. FAMOUS GENERAL ELECTRIC SEALED IN ' Reg. $1.49. Printed spun rayon butcher linen. Beautiful 4 33 ,000,000 over a 16-year period. The Senate passed s road build­ home early might sav4 a life,! ject as Inadequate contract agrse- "Moreover, every other indivli eeetn. - / SYSTEM REFRIG. UNTT ing bill wlUj no financing’ provi- active, have been donating their dren's Hospital in Philadelphia, \7. TRUE. ZERO DEGREE FOOD FREEZER quality fabrics. PreslAunt Elsenhower recommend­ aaid the GdVemor, who confernid ment reached last week by" union’s ual who was at Geneva Ukewfa.., blood every two weeka during the said the Fairmount Park guards HOLDS las LB8. OP FROZEN FOODS ed tke money should be raised sino. for two hours-today w1U).sevew negoUatlng Committee and Gen RESEEVB b il e PASMB AUTO GLASS felt this longing of mankind. . ." \ experiment; about fiv# timea tha have shown no ill effects In , the Weehhigtea duly 98 15. 8-VEAR p r o t e c t i o n PLAN through long-term bonds. How­ Moat of the added revenue in the state officials on the states eral Dynamics Corp. . of Groton. Foot Mala ReaoHs " ROLL-OUT FROZEN FOOD BASKETS , AND MANY OTHER FEATURES House measure — *9,281.000,000 frequency approved for the aver- three-month-old ^ experiment, ’ the Bauata eompit ' Grcan Stan pa Given With Cash Sales. ever, Secretary of the .Treasury mounting toil of highway deaths. Governor Herter of Maaaachu- The President spoke, glancing donor by the AmericaA Red first of Its kind: aettsu today Humphrey has Indicated the ad- over the 16 years — would be State roads traffic toll this year M tU saya hia aUte aUR opposed occasionally at handr-wTritten notes,• m today am a bread no* H NITURETOPS brought in by an increase from "Bmolciui said the new proceOa aarva miniatraUon might go along with is 187. pompared with m for the .0 proposal, of New Haven Rail- from his oval office tn th* White Bed Cells BsiiuMd may enable persons to give up a 2 to 3 cents a gallon in the tax corres(M>ndlng period o f 1954. • x sfssssn A the la x plan. d piesident, Patrick R. McOin* House. In this first direct report to i In tbs unusual part at tbs 4ut- pint of blood.a weekior ahoot 80 The Pules Oommittee stipulated on gasoline. Traffic ficeidents and Injuries Uiat McGinnis head Boston A the nation oh ths Geneva meftlng, EIcctricsI AppUsnee Dept. — Oak Entrance ptlment. ' tha Mood Is b ^ s n pints a ysar. That would ha 10 no would be allowed The other increases would hit are down slightly this year. .alne Railroad, too.-lSolenm fu- he listed four main results of his Into plasma sad rod cor- tlmsa ths amount now pannlttad. U. A WHITE GLASS CO. to tne UH’s tax McUon. but aaid hardest at the truckers: Diesel Ribioofr, outUMd a 10-point pqral Maas sung in 8t. Thomas talks vrith the Russians, British fPE fllU . CLOSE BATUBOAY NOON c o m l U U and ths rsd cells ars int- In eass of a national smargancy The J S K H A U COM a Mnoral subsUtuU would be in fuel, to rlpb from 2 to 4. cents a safety program luggMtad .tjy the ithoUc Church ifi 'West 8priBg<>- and French chiefs of govemmenL VVI’E I W BIOMTBB OF FULY aad AUGUST 21^ GRiiN STAMPS GIVEN with CASH SALES roturnsd to ths donor*' this could msan tha saving at \ M ANCNim R CONH* la n a CoMN- ordiM-. Rap. Dondero (Mich), gallon; a 8 to 8 •-enta A pound conference. ~'sss., fair Mrs. CI(Mnda Du- I. "A sharpened reaUsnUon by . ths apMuratiis, kamm thousanda at Uvas^ , MI-V-73E2 m U m Rept4>Ucan on U|^I*iR>Uc rocher, 78, methsr mt Lee D oi the world that the.Unitsd Ststss 1 ths CUm Mood froettonstor. W «09 OaouBitto*, •irancod to aa F sga r); (C i «■ IRge Vev); cRcr, New York Oiijits jnsiMCsr. twill-go. to Mqf (sagth, coROstHit ths cslln

" ^ — 7 - ); \ ‘ 'J , < , J. '..•i r i '■ ■■/ ' ' ■■ /V '., - '■ •.■ ■ ’"■•■' 'M,- ■I: "■■' •' ■* ■•■■/.:. ;' ' ■■ -.■•'■ • " ■ r- " J);, .r--. y -J 'A '-, ' ■ ■ . ' ■ ■ ■ . • ■ . i t- V M XNC^TER EViENINGj h e r a l d ^ ^NCHESTER. CONy, TUESDAY. JULY 26/ 1955 ■ .y . HAKCHESTEIL EVENING HERALD. NANCHESTlgB, CONN,’TUESDAY, JULY M, 1955 - T Watcliing TV Ads Pig Farmer- Wins Decision Motorist Killed Is. ,4. U.S. to Determine SMFD May Show Deficit TEx PflyRieRt' Du* ■ * - iTsnalatlsH- TalbotVs Business Deals ,4 ---- — Aids Tot to Read Spark of Peace Lit News Tidbits Tax (CJbllector , Paul Oarvinl Red China’8 Yiews announoM today thA his of­ Against Ahdbver in Court '> 4'■ a As Truck Rams ...... JinaHT As Grand List Decreases Review W g ir T. Ha|k HMfesft’s Osy Csasiy Called Legal by BPownell : Gulled from AP Wires fice will remain open Satur­ ^ HHlgiMp aai Memphis, Tapn.' ;^IV-Klm Story, On Formosa day, firom 3 a.m. to noon for 2. doesn't regard the "TV. coihroer- At Geneva, Ike Says Car at million THE MOONISRLUl tha collaction of the second ByMn^^Koliby RockvlU*. July a# (Sp«:ul)—^ He was given extension until daly M - Aag. • (OmbIIrM fNRi.rAg* Orb) the SsiiAts A rasd Barvicaa oem- Western intelllgehca sources in ^ A poaaible deficit of 35,844 facea^year which may be applied llgainat payment of local property oohmiciicot v a l l e y cials as a nuisanc^.-^. They taught OHrkard (rarmlsstes'i 7-Hl*. Cse- Antonio Bibeiro, an Andover farm­ the early part of this year, when mlttsa did not Violate any atatuta.” (OsRltaBai trant Bopn, Germany, report iRcrekae Ir the South Hancbeiitcr Fire Dla- Watrict axpenaaa thii year. Thua, taxes. Carvini, again reminded the town acted again to enforce him to read. (ObfiUBiied from Page Coe) ' (ala S:4S. Taee.-Tkare.--*l|^ PH.^ B0$Hj m a ip ivm tm u it Co. er, will be allowed to continue (Coatinued from Page One) | Ral.. (t.W . TlekeU aa aala a t Oaa- iUiid that ’Talbott haa askad for Ha aaid TRIbott tippK.Uia p^ona firepower and mobility of Sqvfet trlct, according to figuipS rclaasad the total funda available to the taxpayers that uia payment ia (UeHttaRed ERgR dw ) the regulation. Ribeiro then His father, police offiber Frank EmerRency Doctoni . ter Travel Aseary. "for R. few brief ramarka to Ur. aaid, U tha moat dramaUc sober Oommtaalonerii to pay axpensAa Perkins aaid it we apparent irmtasion to taatlfy furthsr In army divisiono in Bast Germany today folloa^g completion of the overdue after AOg. 1, and irt« <;. ■ im .' taielnir *••> «!• ■ 78-acre farm sought and received a temporary Story, says Kim started Out with ute talk he deliveqpd Juat before ; S■ Inquiry, and that tha permla- Ewing in which ha IndicAtad that and oeaceful ever recorded in hls- . . , Pakistan's high commissioner amounts to 1178,870.31, qr'38,-» tcreat . aCcruca on taxea not ther hearings must rwrU R de­ aecordliic to a Toliand dounty Su­ injunction to continue importation such tough oneiT as hexachloro- Oaullney, driver of the automo­ ha was vary upset by' the Implica­ t o iy .^ the Russians have a genu- rate book for the fiacal year. ' 844.63 leas than the. _ _ authorised cision on ad^joummant. leaving for the Geneva conference i Phy&ciana ef the Manches­ bile, was pinned behind the steer­ ■lon would ba grantad. Ha aat no tr India proposes establishment of paid by that 'date. perior <^urt decliion handed down of garbage while his rase was be­ phene and chlorophyll. After tto t ICi days eAUer. Last night's address | ter Medical Afesn. who will re­ Uma for Talbott’a appaaranisa. tion that the legality and propri­ ina deaira for peace poaitive results Joint Ifldian-PakistanI committee George W. C. Hunt, treaaurer of ;*>udget figure of 3184.418. In what may be her last RppaRr- ing tried in Superior Courti the little ones come easily. ing wheel. He aaid it was Impos-- ety of his retention of a partaer- will flow from this proposal. tha piairlcl, said today, "Wa may The addition for thh fire alarm ance before-a Omgrasaional com* thli week. wa.s ■ more hastily prepared. Oc-I spond to emergency calls to- slble to determine wl ether Gault- m At i n e r d a il y In quAatlon and answer taatl- to supervise Kashmir pItWaeite- •rtie decUion ruled an Andover Ribeiro's case was presented in Kim now reads almost anything. , morrow afterhoon and evening mony, Johnson dsfsnded the role ship in Paul B. Mulligaa and Co. 3. Thera is hope Russia will do Work begins on reassemblmg be able to work within the amount aaked by the Commiaaionera doea mittee aa a cabinet mambar, lEre. In (iff moments he amuses himself c'asionMIy the Presldeht fumbled; ney had been Wiled outright in Daore Oyea Dally liM aomethlng about the aubverslve not enter Into budget calculationa, been anticipated because the net aonlng resulation invalid on the three counts. The first count for q word. arc Dr. Alfred Suhdquiat, Tel. rerferaaaaea 1 :U he played In advising ^Ifiott. Ha was being (jueatlonad.” for final burial bones and akullk avAilabla for axpenaaa, but it will' Hobby praised the commiUaa for by identifying varloui tnakes of the crash or had burned to death. activities of International commu­ /ba difficult.” aa it waa not Ifunuded in the pro­ Grand List is below The estimate frounds it wai not properly put blaimed regulation beyond the Without visible emotion, he MI 3-A216 and Dr. Harold AIR C(i V: (T/orv/ ,'j aaid tha axacutive order which Johnson said ha did not listen Ut of 23 inembera of famed. Mistticl the "thorough acrutlny” it gave into effect. The caae haa Ijeen under power of the Zoning Commission atUomobiles, ~ The Sanborn boy and Sabine created the generdt..couiiserB Job on the conversation and does hot nism. Soviet leaders made no fRiBlIy . . . Swiss psychiatrist Carl . Ha fait the main affect of hav­ jected budget aubmitted to tha the Cbmmiajrioners have been using social soenrity leglalation last spoke. '(>( the diplomatic surprise | Lehmua (adults), Tel. MI voters at the fall meeting. Funda up to now, dispute since December, 1952, when and sought a declaratory judg­ The youngster'still checks, the he' sprung at Geneva,—^ s pro^sal i 3-7249. A were passengers Jn the aulomotiile declared hlm,."fesponidbl# for fur- kniiw what Ewing rspUad. promiaea In . diacuasing this but Gustav Jung relebratea pfifk ing leas money avallabla than the year. Mrs. Hobby haa raaitiisd, the ruling became effective. ment to that eff>Tct. commercials but ignores the pro­ andi were thrown clear in the EASTWOOD nlahlng ejl hecesaary legal advice Johnson said he did not listen In titty now realise something must budget figure authorized in the fall to pay for It would have been vot­ Using piut experience aa a guide, effective Monday, bacauaa a< the' that this country and the Soviet * Mrthday at country home hear they had expecUd a Grand List The controversy is over an The second .count sought a per­ grams. Union other's'' military facilities. crash, Perkina said. to the office of the Secretary of the on tha conversation and does not be done In this direction if they Zurich. would, be that tha District will be ed aeparately. litneas .of her huaband. amendment to the soning regula­ manent injunction against enforce­ ‘Tlie .principal purpose, of tingle week of "friendly, even The Slate Policeman said the Marti Bsaday Air Force." „ 0 know what Ewing replied. want to improve relations with the Gov. Abraham A. Rjhlcoff ap- operating without a case reserve, Jobe Net Filled figure of about 868.000,000. Sen. Geprge (D-Oa) commented tions of the Town of Andover ment of the rpgulatlon and the course .wa.s to, convince everyone; fij^ttful negotiation” can fully truck, owned by the Connell Jeff Morrew Marjaria Mala in advising. Talbott, he aaid, "1 Johnson sAid he raeaivad a visit West. ^ n t a MaJ. Oea. Fradertefc G. nedasaitatlng borrowing earlier The fall budget figure of .about This haa dropped 882,533 below that the original coaOfpt of soelal whlcli reads; 'The importation of third count included a claim that of we.stern sincerity^ in seeking; bridge the gulf between differing Trucking Co. of Malden, Mass., t'allli Uomerqae rerey Kllkrida thought 1 was doing what 1 would the following dsy from Loftus E. 4. I'lte West brought home to Relacke to second fi-Vear term aa next year than'uaual. 8184.060 included aalariea for four last year’s 865,022Jt03 to 884.969,t security was to provide an IneaRM X-Ray Machine was being, driven by Don aid J. "MA * PA the Sotdft leaders' their view that A budget of 3184,415 was author­ full-time men to be added to the 760. Rest property rose bv slightly garbage for pig raising or any "the purported regulation in­ peace.'■ he said. "But another idea philosophies of East and West—"a •THIR IRI.AND KETTLE AT do right now." Becker, a Washington lawyer for adjutant general of ConnecUcut.. floor for retired workers. Ha 8RM bt|ter reason is unlawful.” fringes upon the powers which the WB.s this; gulf,” he said, “as wide and deep Keohan, 36, of 440 Highland Ave., earth'’ WAIKIKI” Ike iatormed RCA eastern filuropean Mtellite coun Stocka regain Iqat ground on Lon­ ized for the current fiscal' year by department. more than 81.000,000. wlille per^ it haa now cotne close to r untvar- •iastie At the time of adoption, Ribeiro general as.«icmbly has placed in Tlit’owii for Loss •'if we could go ahead and as the gulf that lies between indi­ Malden. S;»-S:SS till As Johnson was testfying He (Backer) indicated that tries must have a measure of free­ don Stock' exchange aa traders the voters of the District Nov. 18, Hunt said today that all these sonal property fell slightly aal insurance system and must ba vidual liberty and regimentation.” Keohan was held In bonds of l^ A would only be satisfied with 1954. Indications were that a tax men have not yet been hired and more than’81,000.000, thua nearly claimed he was already raising exclusive juri.sdlclion of the Board e.itablish thus kind of inspection Fresidential ' press - secretary James dom, including opportunity to se­ shake 'off . nervousness folld^'lng regarded aa such. He aaid ttwra of Appeals and also seeks perma­ as an initiation of an inspection But he said that with the pa­ 310,000 on a charge of negligent C. Hagerty told reporters at the an-opinlon from the Attorney Gsn- lect their own government* announcement of steps to. curb in­ rate of 2>] tnills would be eat at ao the District mqy some money canceling out, Tax exemptiohs in­ was very -little If any . raasen to h o stiry pigs and importing garbage.- therer Tampa, Fla. iA>l^Tony Plzso, Wed. "1 YEAH ITCH” creased by about 813,000, account­ fore not affected by the amend­ nent injunction against enforce­ system, we ment Of the regulation.” taxable property. Early in 1954 he filed for permis­ The Court .made a judgment in Ybor City, Tampa's Latin Quarter, eventually build on it an effec­ at Geneva can be nurtured and keep the President informed on specifically concurred,, in by the secret agraements at his aesaloit evening for tne recitation of the 000 .000 . part-time winkers, but they do not lief they will eventually ba in­ tive and durable disarmament we will make constantly brighter the Talbott investigation. Attorney General,” Johnson said. with the prime mliiiatera of -Brit­ May 12 of this year, the SMFD receive the'^aame rata of pay aa Lower Inventories cluded. sion to continue bringing in gar­ favor oMhe town and Zoning Com­ wasn’t his usual gay self at a ban­ Rosary. Commtssionera neld a meeting to bage, and in May, 1954, the town mission on the first two counts quet for visiting Cubans. He ex­ system." the tamp that Wll) one day guide •'It is a continuing process It was then, he said, that Tal­ ain, France and Russia. full-time Regular firemen. Moat of the decrease in taxable The- House bill would aRtand Eisenhower repeated, too, what us toi our goal- a. just and lasting Hagerty said without elaboration. bott instructed him to discuss it °frhe United States was described set the tax rate, requesting a 3-mill Another way in which slightly personal property Is a reflection coverage to additional self - em­ • illnykM and zoning commission turned hini and in favor of Ribeiro on the last plained he had just received the peace.” v.'ith Browiisll and “I prepared in Mrs. Carl J. Ande(^n level to meet the coat of a pro­ • tutl-taoM down. Ribeiro then appealed for a count, "against both defendant, result from the mass X-rays con­ he told 'congressional leader.s Hagerty would not comment today aa ready to discuss a num­ The funeral of Mrr. Carl J. An­ more money may become available of lower Inventories held by bus! ployed persons except phyaictaM earlier in-the day—that no secret when asked how the_ President draft form a memorandum to Sec­ ber of Far East problema directly jected addition at Spruce St. head­ I thus helping to decrease the defi­ nesses In the District, according to and to some other praaently SR- • fuH-fulMMd variance to the Zoning Board of permanently enjoining (prohibit­ ducted by the tuberculosis associa­ retary Talbott' stating the con­ derson will he held tomorrow af­ quarters to house the slarin. sys­ cit) la in the. collection of delin- ofllcials. Appeals. Following a hearing, the ing) the., enforcement, as against tion. He was advised to have a agreements were made r.t Geneva, AIB COIKDITIONEIt feels about the situation. with Communist China if'the Reds ternoon at 2 o’cl(Kk In the Eman­ cluded groups. • ROOMriNNMtM either written ones or "under­ A Bettrr Rhow—Voa'II Sever See! Asked whether the President had clusion that the secretary's re­ agree to' free 51 or so American tem. The alarm system pish was queht taxes. | The possible deficit and the lack Mra.''Hobby brought out that • 2fnhionilMdM Appeals Board also denied him the the plaintiff, by the defendants or thorough medical examination. Bowles Cleareil Asdrey Hepbnra I IHeg rroaby 'Tii«\ThHatr« InTIwPHTln tention of a 80 per cent interest ,in uel Lutheran Church Instead of tabled at that meeting in a coniro- of a cash "ciiahion” at the end of variance. either of them or of officers or The' next day Tony was all stood” ones.s, spoken to Talbott about the in­ ettisena. at the Holmes Fimeral Home as A report at the fall meeting by the House bill would make tha Wm. Heldea I .-uttle Boy IOUWCTIOW «11-31 ■WmiMAHTIg I quiry, Hagerty said the President Paul B. Mulligan and Co. and liis vSraial vote. Thomas Weir, tax collector for this fiscal year will mean that the social security tax on covered III haiv im4 ttiy |nw |H MW ttm From there, the case went to the agents of either or both of them smiles when he showeel up to bid "Everything,” he said, "is pul “Sabrina" I Lost” U.S.-^offtOiala wh() reported this originally planned: / The tax rate was set at 2<4 mills under penalty of ji.OOO." Bv Delaware Jury had no appointment with the Air sharing in' the. flrjn's profits dur­ today said Red China's attitude Calling hours are tonight from the District, aaid about 88,000 waa District, will have to start borrow­ workers 9 per cent at tha and at Court of Common Pleas,, which the visiting delegation goodbye. before you on the record." S:IS SiiateiH ing his tenure of office , . . vio­ also at the meeting, despite warn­ ing In the coming fiscal year much handed doWn a decision upholding The Court ruled the regulation ■When X-rayed, he-wore a shirt On the po.sillve elde, El.'ien- H E L D O V E R ! Secretary. toward thia longatandi-ng Amer­ 7 to 3 o'clock at tha Holmes Fu­ atm due of laxea due and collect­ 20 years, instead of 8 par cant SB Johnson told the Senators that lated ' no provision of law.” This, ican demand. Would determine the. ings by the Commlasloiurs that the ible. A portion of this might be earlier than usual. Hunt said to­ presently planned. the Appeals ^ a r d decision. Fol­ invalid because notice of the pub­ with an elaborate design in metal­ hower said, there was "the Dover, Dei.. July 26 ( ^ —Bryant Wed. "It'i Here! “1 YEAH ITCH” he said, la what he showed tO' neral Home. / tax yield would be too Tow to meet day. The fiscal year runs from lic threads. The metal showed up greatest possible degree of I y I I "I do not wish to contradict the score of tha' special conference paid thia year. Hunt said. For self-employed, aha added, a m o n i lowing this decision. Ribeiro asked lic hearing was not posted in the W. Bowles, pro-segregation leader words usad” by Sam Ewing, an at- Browntll. the District's expenses. Judge Nov. 1 to Oct. 31: the projected tax of d 3-4 par cant a delay in enforcement to allow Town Clerk's office the required on the plate as a large dark mass agreement” between Eiaat and which, it was announced yester­ Wesley Gryk and Director Walter But money available to the Dis­ In the current fiscal year, bor­ West tliat "a. new spirit of con­ and president of the National Assn, tome]r tor RCA who testified yes­ Without elsborstlon, Sen. le n ­ day,, will begin next Monday in trict could also be decreased by a for a man with a wife and two him either to re-locate or sell his number of days before the hear in the Chest area, but his jungs der (R-Ohio) asked the .-subcom­ Mahoney led the moves setting the rowing began in March. Next year, children earning 84,200 or laaa an­ M l Mata Stnet ing. were perfect. ciliation and cooperation” should for the Advancement of White ■ . laHOtST SCRK N terday GenevA About Town tax rate and tabling the addition. similar amount alao. because not he said, it will probably begin in Plg«- be .pursued.—more trade, more Peoq)Ie. haa been cleared of But, Johnson added, his memory mittee to.subpoena aa'a witness If .the Chinese Reds refuse to all of the $146,189.78 in taxea due nually would require him to pay "Mr. Davidson of Texas” whb, he The Emanuel Ladles'Ald; Sew­ Ckango Fiscal Year November, th* first month of the more social security tax thaR exchange of information, more charges he violated the school laws Hartford of what was said In a telephone releasa 11 American airmen and Will be paid during this year. A fiscal period. of Delaware. o conversation with Ewing last Jan said, has been qusAtioned private­ 40 civilians, they said, there will ing Group will meet Thursday Commenting today on the pos­ poaaibllity exiats then than there federal Income tax. visiting back and forth by pri­ sible deficit, Gryk said, "The vate citizens. A Superior Court jury yesterday 4 about a proposed RCA-Mulligan ly in the, case, - be n6 point in talking about othec morning at 10 o'clock in Luther may be a deficit larger than the BUSY TEACHER But he said the "acid test” of found Bowles innocent of charges contract differs from Ewing's ver The subcommittee staff told tensions which exist between Hall. The ladles are requested trouble is the District is not on s expected $5,844. PERON MEN QUIT P O « n this SRint would come next he counseled parents to keep their aioh. reporters fha man in question is Washington and Peiping. At the to bring a sandwich and the des­ businesslike basis. The fiscal year Biienos' Alrea, ArgeRttaR, jRiy should be changed.” One of the main points bothering ''Decatur. Mich! i/D—The Rev. 36 OP)—President JlFaroR’a pRrty October when the Big Four for­ children out of high school, and Ewing testified that Tslbott Clinton Davidson, of ’Uadison, head of that list as a Formosa sert will be furnished. / the^Commissioners at the meeting Henry Houseman la lupply minis­ conspired with parents to keep N. J.; but gave no Intimation of cease-fire. . He was referring-to the fact In the House of |)epatiea todRjr eign ministers get together and iU.tuLOiXi'SXS .Joined in the conversation, and told in May. waa the proposed addition ter of the Methodist Harmony accepted the reaigRRtlORa at- Ha try ' to put into writing some their children home. The jury was him that Johnson ‘is representing -what coimecUon he might have Sen. George (D-Ga) said in a TYPHOON NEAR IV('0 JIMA that the tax rate ia set before the IsAfft T im e (vith the matter. separate Interview the forthcom­ Tokyo, July 36 (4^—Typhoon Grand list is known. He feels this at Spruce St^ They felt the alarm Chapel, but that Isn't all. leaders aa oAcera of the Hauaa agreement on euch unsolved out only 13 minutesf before bring­ me,” and had taken over the case system ahould be-move'd because of Farmer Houseman raises muck and ohoae an almost enttraly Raw questiotis as German reunifica­ ing its verdict to a packed court­ M AEILYN from Talbott’s personal attornej’, The group heard teatimony yes­ ing talks may help clear the air "Georgia,” with central winds as order of business should be re­ room. MUNROR terday that Talbott had declared for a future conference on such high aa 140 miles per hour, to­ versed. He thought the District changes at Cheney'-Bros., which crops aa a part'-lime occupation on group' to replace them. The tion. ' ' DAN OAILKY Muriav Smith of Dayton. Ohio. would manage to squeeze by with Supplies steam for the' whistle his small farm. . move was la compllaiiee wHk For cool, matchless "Probablv no question caused Us Hie decision, received in silence **Ther®*ii No "I am not able to give testimony It.ft January that Johnson ”ts tensions with Re^i China, perhaps day headed for tM World War by the crowd, reversed Bowles' representing me" in- efforts to on the. foreign ministers’ level. II battleground Inland of Iwo the money available. An(i after changes in management Teacher Houaefnan \ goes over Peron's July IS nraetamatlaR as much trouble." the Pi-esident BuiiineM Like contradicting that.” Johnson said, The net Grand List against there, the Commissioners are not resdin'. writln’, and 'rithmetlc asking Peronlsta aileeip at tha said, "as that 'o f German re­ conviction by Common Pleas Judge Show but told the lubcommfttee he does convince RCA of the propriety George, chairman of the Senate JlnuL U.8. Air Force weathermen and legality of doing business said outakirt wlUds of up to 60 which the SMFD may levy taxei sure of the future plans of the principal of Decatur High School House to step dowR aa part af unification and European securi- A. B. Magee last April 6 on the plOH not recall those wjnrtli being used. Foreign Relations Committee, sug­ company concerning the Pine St. — a post he's held for 28 years. his naUonal pneiReatlaa pre- summer cooking...: two charges. The judge said ••CANYON will) a firm in which ht holds an gested such S' meeting on Sunday. m.p.h. would hit Iwo JIma to­ comes to 864,969,760. A 2>« mill' ti- CBOAMROADA "It never- was understood.’’ he night and that the full-force cen­ rate will yield 8146,189.13, accord­ flrehouae. Meanwhile, in his spare time, gram. ' "At .first w.e thought that these Bowles would be fined J600, but BicliA'rd RaDPhart declared, that he w-as to "super- interest. He aaid he believes Dulles and Red the former Arlington. Vs., and \Co-Hit: Ginger Rogers tral winds would he wltMn 80 ing to the rate book. , Below EaMmate .■M-year-oId Houseman continues could be dealt with separately, but PhyllU Kirk ■edc a private attorney” in the Also introduced into the record China's Premier and Foreign Mln- his studies as a candidate for full The planet Mercury haa no aat- the American delegation concluded Florida resident immediately am Tnmnrrttta* “TIGHT SPOT* iatcr, Chou En-lai, should meet be­ miles of the Isbind by early Wed­ In addition, there is a cash The final official figure on the '•RKi HOrSB ca.se. was a letter from RCA board surplus of 832.381.78 from last tax yield is lowar than might have ordination as s Methodist minister ellites. that they had to be dealt with as nounced he would afipeal to the r.R.A.’’ "1 ,db not recall any mention of chairman David Sarnoff, taking fore any general'conference is held. nesday morning. one subject. We held that Ger­ Superior Court. Broderick Crawford Wed.: 1st Run! the name of Murray Smith," John­ note of suggestions that Talbott The Peiping radio proposed yes­ many should be reunited imder a 'The appeal gave Bowles the “WE RE NO ANGELA son said. had sought to influence him to have terday that the fate of National­ Nmiv Clock Cdiilroll«d Q 0£ RangM government freel.v chosen by chance to put his case before a 4Aiv4>J 2 CARTOONS Johnson said /'it ia possible'’ RCA sign a' contract with the man­ ist-held Formosa and Red China's themselves and under conditions jury yesterday. Judge Magee heard ■that he may have asked Ewing agement engineering firm of Mul­ admission to the United Nations K -• that would provide security, both the case without a jury. whether a letter from himself, in­ ligan A Co. "be settled through consultation for natiofis of the East iuid^for na­ • The charges grew , t of a iioy- stead of an opinion from the attor­ "In order that there may be no among the countries concerned.” tions, of the West.” cott, last fall of Milford High ney general which RCA was de­ misunderstanding," Sarnoff said, George said Dulles made it clear The Russians, at Geneva, appar­ School after a few Negro students manding, would resolve RCA's "in falrnesa to Secretary Talbott at a closed meeting of the Senate ently withdrew their objections to were admitted. The rchool had doubts about entering into a con­ and at his request, 1 wish to state Foreign Relations Committee yes­ western Germany's membership in been restricted to Whites only in tract with the Mulligan firm while that Secretary Talbdtt has never terday there would be at the am- the North Atlantic Treaty Organi­ previous yeari. TELEVISION RCA was doing business wrlth the made any such sttsmpt to influ baaaador'a talks In Geneva do dis­ And here’s why: zation (NATO), at least for the Defense Department. enc# me.” cussions "involving any third L time being. They showed no slgi) In hia prepaiyd statement, John­ The Chattanooga Times said, party—in this case, Nstlonallst People are finding out that Fprd is worth more . ... worth of backing down, however, on f M I. O E W A son said Talbott never mentioned meanwhile, that informed capital Chlnfc"/ their opposition to a united Ger­ the Mulligan firm to him until the sources expected President Eisen­ On Formosa, the Nationalists more in styling . . . worth more in power. . . worth more in the many as part of the western se­ PROGRAMS mstiitained official silence. day of the Jan. 4 call tb Ewing. hower to decide quickly whether to pleasure it will bring you. No wonder Ford sales have sky­ curity system. He said Talbott then handed him 'end Talbott's services as secretary. OOK CONTROL. bolt had told th* Senate Armed the Chattanooga Times qiiotfd an' interprets Dulles' statement "there Services Committee of his part is no intention of discussing ques­ competitive makes barely held their own or sold ./ewer ctnl y o u t o 1st Drive-in Showing! unnamed White House official . as nership in the Mulligan firm. He saying "I don't think that/the tions involving the sovereignty of 0H O R . OOl-F, VIRIT said Talbott told him that RCA tha Republic of China” at Geneva. "SINS OF POMPEII" now questioned "the legality of President is going to play atound Take Ford’s styling, for instance; Only Fordjlrew its styling Mlrhellne Prelle Secretary Talbott's retention of a with t'Sis one.” It added that policy from the yeats-ahead Thunderbird . . . so it’s styled to Htoj in There are hundreds of ovcn-ijneal CAST DF THOUSANDS ■ We’re headquarters for partnership . . . while holding the making forces in the administra­ menus that will delight your family — Ctnrma.Scope and Color Auto Radios, with custom office of Secretary of the Air tion were aaid to be forming In op­ ^ e a r srt'lc. You also get a smoother Angle-Poised Ride and a host all cooked without you being nearby to Force" position to Talbott's continuance "LU CKY M E" installations oh most new "I told Mr. -Talbott that his re­ In office. Obituary of other worth-more Ford features. turn range on, turn range off. Oven- models. When your present pecking. guessing at doneness, are gone DORIS DAY tention of the partnership Interest s' ____ ROBlSRT CUALMINGS radio goes dead, see us for in Paul -B. Mulligan and Co. dijl As for power . . . only Ford in its field has an advimeed forever! repairs orTeplacement. not appear to violate any of the Y-block V-8! It has a deep block for smoother going—longer ^ . / ' ' STARTS WED. so-called 'conflict-of-interest' stat­ D eaths Greater Than “Ben Hur” utes.”, Johnson related. Household • Hints engine life! It also delivers Trigger-Torque power—instan­ V 3M)NO NEXT FRIDAY “Hieodora, Slave BmpreM” 277 IR O A D Johnsoiy. ^said he telephoned Ml-B-1124 MIsa Luella C. Sperry was greater than taneous get-going power that lets you pass quicker, safer. "Prince Valiant” Ewing at Camden. N.J., and. “I told Your boiled frosting too stiff STATE THEATRE SA.LdCS And Mr. Ewing that on the basis of to sjutead? Beat In bollihg water, Miss Luella C. Sperry of 281 TELEVISION RADIO what I knew of the case I was a Very little at a time, Until the Center St., died this morning at MANCHESTER CHILDPLN FRt C SERVICE Manchester Memorial Hospital. With all these fine-car adyanccs4([and more)—no wonder N l'w (nqlo idi I ijr*st P’ ifyi (luiiJ P.rr i prepared to give Secretary Talbot frosting ia soft enough to top a an opinion to the effect that his cake nicely. She waa the daughter of the late Ford holds onto its value for th£ time when you sell it, tool A Chaaael 9, New Havea^ Cobb. i;9t ( lUSS) MEET MILLIE retention of a partnership interest Alfred W. and Alice Hichardson CkABael la Hartford, Cobb. (lib9 9 “3t) DAaVNY THOMAi in the Mulligan Co. as disclosed to Sausage meat la told in bulk, Sperry. riiu u ie l 19 Pitlftflold, Mane. SHOW Miss Sperry was employed a* a Chaaael 23 Npringfioid. Mbm. at) VARIETY TREATER— celluloae caaings or cloth bags. It the gains o f saleslady at Sage-Alien in Hart­ MANC-HESTER PLEASE NOTE rk a a a p l 99 Now Rritaia, Coaa. **(toa Sm oke," " C rim e contains the tame meat and sca- CkCmct U Waterbary. Coaa. S m a th e r" spninga aa does link aausage. ford until her retirement. And here’s what Chaaael U Hohroke. Matt. ___ «89)tOLONEL MARCH She is survived by one sister. Drut/e Main Fenture Shown. FIrat »:le ( l> SPOTLIUHT PLAYHOCSE Miss Alice Sperry, aftd several B oltU>n “ At tke. SarrkeB le e ;” Any leftover cooked ham in the Mqn., Ttiee., Wed., Hiurp. 9:99 ( 9) Ol'TDOOB AUVENTL-RE Peter t.awierd cousins. / we’re doing to celebrate: A7i’C r-f ‘7 ^ A (LCR DOTTY MACK BROW house? Dice it and add it to a ■Hie funeral will be from the T, (19) W EATKRN FL A Y H O tA E <**) PA CK O.NH SEND THE fruit salad for a luncheon aalad. P. Hollorsn Funeral / Home, 175 ----- — irtifiaittttiifaiMMr- (19) M A TIN EE THPIATEB — (In (U( ALL STAR THEATER Sen-e the salad in lettuce cu|>a N^e're mighty happy .o ^ r the sales success of our '55 Fords. p ro g re ti) "The FeiltWee" Center St . Thursday at 2 o’clock, ca rs STARTS TOMORROW BAR M WESTERN THEA- (III HIU TOW.N , with ma.vbnnaise or some other i with the Rev. John Ft. Neubert of TER~**Okotl Ta« b fiftld" favorite dressing as a topping. And to show you how happy we really are, we’re offering you (U) OCT WEST WITH RILL>- j the *Commiinity Bai>tist Church NOW ON THE M0 n 01> | ^ ^ PICTURE SCREEN/ (In prugrpMt) HOME JOWN ^ • : ofllcifltinc Leadership .Savings during our Ford Summer Bandwagon (It) CNCLE ED’S rCN CLCB DRIVING INSTRUCJTI0N3 HAraeiadish Sauce is wonderful . Friends may call kl the funeral 6:1S NEWS A WEATHER LARSON DRIVINO SCHOOL TO THOSE IN salt, a. teaspoon, of prepared miis-jRd._ qjad suddenly/Sunday night (19) CEOSAROADS (U ) NEW S ftft HTK / . T E U M1-9-M7S tard, a tablespoon of lemon julc* I at. Mt. Slrtal Hospital in Hartford: (22) CHINA SMITH THE SERVICE and about three tablespoons grat­ Born in Hartford, .son of the lECHMCOtOR 9:19 (18) BIG SHOW- 1*;M ( S-tt) TRVTH OR CONBE- ed tattled hoiseradish. late John and Heleti Curtis Davis, (M ) t h e EARLY SHOW qCENCKS he had lived in this town for 10 .W DE SCREEN ••Goodairht Sweetheart'! . (I«-U)^HK NAME’S THE BAMfe WATERFRONT flour In which you dip the poultry was plant superintendent ^at the y, PHONE YOUR ANSWER "Tke Arttal Here.” (22) THIS EVENING ,, III) Ct'BTAIN CALL r pieces. time of his death. An Army vet- PUIS ‘TROUiLE Hi THE 6LEN‘ 9:11 ( 8) WEATHER FORECAST \ (M.A(> TH E SEARCH .eran of Worjd War II. he waa a ENDS ’•CITY ACROSS THE BIVEB”" 9:49 < 9) WORLD NEWS TODAY V <.VI> EARLY LATE SHOW Here's a lijxurioua company mamber of Hiram Lodge, A. F. ■4 . BRINGS NEW F^EEDpIVI . (18) AROCND \ »K) DEATH VMLEY DAY* t o n ig h t "GIIU3 IN THE NIGHT” (SI) k o m e d y K O RN ER 11:M ( «i MB. CITIZEN diah; Season heavy cream with and A. M., of Bloomfield. (III.M) h'KWS garlic powder; mix with cooked -He leaves his wife, Mrs. Isabel FORD T O YO U R K I T C M E N (Ul-NIOHTCAP HomON cleaned ahrim{>. cooked rice and Wallace Davis; a son. Raymond .. .. !**• riNAL EDITION Il.iM fit) THE LATE SHOW cooked green peas/ Add aliced J. Davis of Manchester, jind a CHARLES , "Mr. Ace” water chestnuts. If you like. Heat sister. Miss Sylvia C- - Davis of ENDS TODAY (M) THE LATE SHOW' KegaFdle&s of where in a.Mrge covered skillet sad serve Hartford. STARTS ,(M>... PBEVI'ES Nadame GamUee” witli^a crisp salad and crusty The funeral will be held tomor­ No iRofcIws n##d#€l . .• oven, broiler and fo|> burners light ibutomatically. "ANNAPOUS your .service min or row afternoon at 2 o’clock at the TO.MORROW STORY” LESPERANCE P A T TI PAGE SHOW Oreeawich. July 86 (AV-The Funeral services for'Teofil Opa- (ll> KELLEMS ON CONX. Telephone MI-.T-3121 tlBAA) DOl’OLAS EDWARDS body .of a womaa was found laoh, 88 Avondale Rd., well known —NEWS flfatiag la Long lalaad Sound North End barber, were held from UMtl TALENT RhL'NDl'P \ Circulation shortly before aoo« today Just the Walter N. Leclenc Funeral , C A-tt> NEWS CARAV)AN „ \ soaUi of OrrtU Oaptaia’a lalMta, («) PATTI PAGE ' Department Home this morning at 7 ;4S, fol­ (U) AMES BROTHERS about two iialleo off 4be Greeu- lowed by a solemn requiem Mass fJt W ( I) PLACE THE XACE — Bill , wtrb shore. The body waa dis- in St. Bridget's Church a t -8:30. C i n e m a S c o P £ Callea Today! * eovered by ocenpaato of the At Your Oepartment Store, Appliance Dealer and . til) TALENT ROrNDCP FURNACE'OR AIR- The Rev. 'nieodore P. Gubala was 'matchless ; (M> GENE AL'TRY SHOW , erRiaer "PtayRmta’' •• . •* the celebrant, the Rev. Robert Car- "Wsetera. Way” CONDITlipNER AT cmlaed off i k t Islaad. Tlw roll the deacon and the. Rev. John (U> STAB TIME PLAYROl'SK eSRat Guard atattoa at fitatona- J. Delaney the aubdeacon. Mrs. Burton McNamara Derek Massey — nats Ztatkowaki, Bolealaw n - tH> ,BIAERT RfKBN Eo fttin g i- >"apectReular Sru bruke eut In esciwk, Herman Platrowaki, Frank of the year NOW m .the^Htaa #f aa aM wtag af the Haraburda Jr., John Tycx and Al- Methodist Hs(we far the Aged SUPEII HARTFORD bin- Platrowaki. Lack far IWa aaaL (?/IS COMPANY tadRy, hat fRat waric by pm - Burial ..was in St. Bridget's : I from VOUR FORD DEALER GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. eaarR ap|lRi«atty Rvartad laaa Cemetery where Father Gubala af Hfa or aeriaRa tajHiy. Saaaa a|id Father Delaney j ’ead the com­ IffaB ] af the 333 raoUaala af tha to- mittal service. BUICK aKtatlaR. mmm at th a v badrtd- Large dalagitlbna from the Po- | DILLON SALES and SERVICE 285 MAIN ST by MMha. lis h Romaii CkthoUc -AUianca Radi PHONE MI-2-4571 lie the PoUah -American CMb Rttandtf I "atf-Mhar- tha-RuerRl homo ia R -bodF _^ |lf MAIN^STUIT^MANCHISm ----- A — Asks Curb Users Skyivatch Schedule Conducted^ Measure (Continued from Pmge One) Wednesday, July S7. Dr. EYed R.- EMgar has ratnmad xJtdnight-2j, aim...... R obert EUlsworth. to Manchester and will preach the 2 a.m.-4 -am. \ ...... Voitttafeers .Needed. ^Stvint Program^ Progress Parents were urged to restrict sermon a t the 8 and. 10 q^clock the Use of cars by their children 4 a.m.-8 aim>.,^ ...... Volunteers Needed. if 1t involves driving after mtd- 6 a.m.-8 a.m. . , ...... V olunteers Needed. services of South HV|^hb d 1 s t 8 a.m,-10 ja.m .... lAicy,Burke. Ned Feltham. Bolton, July a* (Sp^lU)—' ^Board. Six clnanroom* are includ- -nightS^. > Church On Sunday. Dr. Edgar has ffAil i CU lit M|R p<(Eia4«»4a^ ■ ^tb*a m»i Other points included were to a^m.-Noon __ „... .Grace Ross. Douglas Mahon. announced that he will deliver a His closed casket, flag draped, proposals Incor^ating facilltiei stricter enforcement of traltlc laws Noon-2 p.m...... Flora Grade. series of sermons on familiar Old had lain -in stale at the cathedral. held by the Board to be bv the courts; .^s Uniform traffic 2 p.m.-4 p.m...... ; .Robgrt Genovesi. Bernard Hart. Testament personklltiea during Thp Very Rev. Francis B Sayre ■ogtstn on Frldayby CM fibrd jj, ^ g-^od aciiool program. These ticket for all police departments 4 p;m.-6 p.m...... Bill EN^ans. Columbia De Caili. the remainder of the summer. The Jr. dean of the catherdral. con- Mnuey Inatnictor 'to t Uw■’courae.^ include atorage apace, a teac.ier* in the*slate; a "ste'ady Improve­ 6 p.m.-8 p.m...... Daniel FIrestpne, George diurlUa. first of these will be Abraham, ducted.,the services. 8 p.m.-to p.m ...... Raymond Ha^katij May Hawkes, who wilt be follpwed by Moses, I t .■ Teatlnrwill continue on'anemate: room.- adequate incinerator and ment" of signs on state highways, Hull won the Nobel peace prize / Wdaya throughout the course *n intercommunication system, and contimied expan.slon of traffic! , Virginia Llegl.' Gideon, Samson and David on suc­ 10 p.m-Mi’flmght ...... 'Hyatt Sutliffe, Victor Cotgrnan. cessive Sundays during August, for ' his vvork as secretary of which will conUnue through Au-r An announcement by, the SBC safety education in schools. state. He was credited by many ' following the July meeting in- Riblcoff and Raymond I. Catlin.. Skywalch Post located on *top of Manchester Police SfaU ^ In each of these sermons, the Volunteer.* may register at Civil Defense Headquarters. M iinlcl^- Hves of these men will be reviewed as being the father of the United • Intermediate swimmers were dicated the (Committee hoped to chairman of the State Safety Com­ Nations. VALUES tasted on a one-minute back float.; obtain Board approval of the plans mission. said Col|inecticul'8 traffic Building. Manchester, on Monday. Wednesday. Friday, from 1-5 p.m. and. emphasis be given to the con- arm stroke and the three leg at tomorrow’s meeting. The plans safety record Is excellent, except tribultoq each makes to the life strokes, side, frog and flutter.! will be presented to interested for the incresjie In multiple deaths and Ihoiijthl, of men and wonien WHIHCHAM GJrls who passed all three or two, townspeople at an informal hearing due to speeding. living today. I^uitc for. the servifies out of the three Included Thereda' at the Community Hall on Friday Olhe^ at the conference were 19 Become ^Bl6od Factories ^ will be under the-, direction------' of■' What to do iatily COB' d-. Caldera, Phyllis Converse, Susan | night. Associate Supreme Court Justice Philip Treggor, ministerMrf music v erte'a (torn DAILY! \ BOmiP. Owen Owren. Tonya Iwa- Widening Koad Raymond E. Baldwin; William M. of the church. A cordial weTbonje Is rear-wheel to nowslcy, Susan Johnson. Beverly Green. eXe'cutlVe director of the To Erase Plasma Shortage extended to everyone to attend4, froaC'Whcel \ Town workmen are* completing these services. if a dog jltebman, Unda Olmsted and Ann an improvement project on South safety commission; State Police propeUing, or Peresluha. Rd. which has re.sutted in widen­ Cmsr'. John C. Kelly; E’nan. and Hartford Police Chief ing carried out under g grant What mother, father, or^dog Return Home Michael J. Godfrey. (Inue for another nine months Condueted Todav owner hasn't asked himKirthis. three; include Ma.xine Allison, Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Freddo lof from the U. S. Public Health Marie Costanzo. Josei* Costanzo, The gtiards. whose duties Include Service. question. August Bfiter Homti Hsltyweed 0v« I»iU« CemweJ Rt. 85 recently returned from a <4 Gardens answers it for you Fiti over average toilet Richard Costanzo. S cott F a g 1 e y. horse back riding and directing 'Vyiaalungton, July 26 (/Pv-- The Susan McDumott, Joanne Rose. vacation at Atlantic Cltv., N. J. traffic in the city's busiest ar­ X, in the regular monthly feature, b o w h Sturdily con- Shower Given' Koatls Bill Fares bod.v' of Cordell Hull, former "Your pet.and mine." page 108. itructed. Easily cleaned. Others who pa^ed part of the teries, are all volunteers. Some secretary of state, was Imried to­ tests were John, and Hope Roth- Mrs. William Valentine of Notch make their .pint contributions be­ This article tells you the\ steps day beside that of his wife in the lo take with the child as well as well. Robert Nichols, Fxlith Toom Rd. entertained last week with s Bailie in House fore going on duty, others after Weddings Natlonat\ Cathedral Cemetery *47J!$ bridal shower for Mrs. Mae Mur­ their daifv shifts are over or on the dog. Gives you ihd facts ey,- R c^rt Spencer, Hilary Mc- here. about rabies and how to avoid Aneey, Billy Howes, and Eileen dock Miner who will be married their day's off. X on Saturday to E. James Roser of (


Mwmmm MmmHmr

I, MELTAWAY - '/ / Col^! Excitement y Gaiety! Htro’t Hit mtosuro of O truly mokitm V t tngint CAKE Don’t miss the big doings at First National! —ChtvroltHs ovtrsquort dtsign. It A wonderful big. Food Show at 297 East fjenter Street and mtons loss fiicHon. • # grtottr tfllcltncy... Ovcriquore design—ilrolia it im allcr than borel REGULAR 39e lohgtr ooglno lifti 1041 Main Street, Manchester.

Htrt art mert dollar-taving rtotono why ntw Watch the interesting food demonstrations!>^trations! EnjctiUjoy Chtvrdtl trucks olftr you Iht mptl inodtrn - V8’t* your monoy'con buyl A Delicious Breakfast Treat! free food samples! Best of ally take ajdvantage MOOI8N 11-VOLT lUCTRICAl 8YITIM power is available for hauling. Double4hc. punch for quicker start­ ing and more efficient ignition for ADVANCID AIRCBArr-tYPt VAIVI8 of big special celebration values! finer performance. Valve action is more positive for • finer, smoother performance. THESE PRICES EFiFECTIVE OA8-8AVINO HIOH-COMMliSSION RATIO With a high 7.S (o 1 compression noADNO OIL INTAKI . . • if" * ; Come in and join the fun! ratio, Chevrolet’s new V8 truck en­ M ISSURI LU88ICAHON Oil intake selects the cleanest oil gines squeeze extra power—and work for positive, full-pressure engine Wed., July 27 thru Sat., Jiily 30 —out of gas. lubrication. • \ ^ - ■XnA-HION POWIR 918 POUND • y s standard In the new L.C ^, mrtdeis, an AT THE Since these V8's deliver high powier extra-cost optiom In all others except ■ '/ per pound of engine' weight, more Forward-Control modelt. FIRST NATIONAL SUPiR MARKETS FIRST NATIONAL SUPER MARKETS yoor».. Amoffeo’s ho# uHing hveb 297 EAST CENTER STREET > 297 EAST CENTER STREET AND 1041 MAIN STREET M'S! MANCHESTER o

> . large; f r e e p a r k in g a rea 1041 SAAIN ST r C ^ FOR YOUR SHOPPING, COjNVENIENCE TMMS “S * rJ-.' '■ ■ Wa Bcaerra the Bight t* I ^ t - ! • ■ ' J MANCHESTER CARTER CHEVROLET GO. Inc FIRST M MAIN STRUT— MANCHISTU -i \

m 'Jr iia n c h e s t £:b e v e n in g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n , Tu e s d a y , j u l y 26. i9ss IIANCHLSTER EVENIKG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY. JULY 26, 195S Uie fact that he had not slept for Company was called to taka 'cor* W iu n u -« M .m-L mm n ' • V • 1NOni--14M Andover 32 hours prior to his violation and Hebron and Mrs. Stephen Rychling of of a trouble on the wires in the new sYatem would seem to be that Coventry hod no prsvloun record. Detoctive vicinity .of the Amston Silver Oo„ StonehOUse Rd. 'Hie great grand wote-uN Daily Radio wHAy-«it Sargent Edward O’Connor was ttlc It Ik/called diversification Instead probably caueed by a abort cir­ ■VI ^ tetfr Di’oodles mother is Mrs. Pauline Rychling J Teach^ Hesigns arrostlng officer. 4-H Club to Post of j justed and no damage done. Iferaib cc^pany started to gobble up too Visllora from California., /■ Now..\You can dictate ton, 31, Long HIU ^d„ Andover, Signs .on Lawns Mr. and Mrs. MiMon Zurmtihleh t T iu following program ocl>td'-!7e:< To/Head Aooepta PoelUoa many companies In Its own linc,^ WHAV-NUa Watch was Charged with not observing H o ^ e W. Sellers, eon of Pt*of.' raS5rhNQ TO* Ofc. Yankee ' Small ('ar^Blaze have visiting with them fob the ule* ATS supplied by the rsdto WTIC—Bto sra i^ s In Bound the rules of the road. Walter Yer- FOR ONLY $12.95 __ Wnell Strfcl It would be likely td find a i^ov- .si.mmcr his parents, Mr, and Mrs. without error or expense! WDRC—Disk Derby AijKfover, July ; 26 (Special' Hebrorij 'i/uly .36 (Bpocial) — Charles C, Sellers, former Hebron By A. H. O. mansfemeuts end are subject to ger, town prosecutor, was' the resident, Wim is In the employ of We will install for you • quality Sterai w m V s ernment antl-triist suit conting at Edward Zurmiihlen of Sghta .Bar- WGTH^Red Boa vs Indians Mtcneal Selavka, popular fli ilainant, John Carlson, third Hebron Garden Sprouts 4-H mem­ . Coventry, July 2k cSpecial) bara, Calif. Gbaafe without notioe. •:U- bers are to visit /all 4-H Club the Austin ^\Organ Co. of Hart­ Hnudnida of Satiefled CnHenen la Year Oi ■tea e l I It. But w hen a company whibh, ...AMAZING RE-ySm iE B a r WHAY—Nlta Watch iTade teacher at the Elementary Was a witness for the UoaS Puuuii ^ An infiiiitcsmal number of Con- The South Coventry Fire Co., ex- Setbar'k Resitita «:IS- WTIC—Blbgraphtca In Bound msnd>ers in the town tomorrow ford, will assilme the position ot makes tlreskbuys a motion pic­ School aubmitted his Vealgnatlon Judge Nicholson nolled d AWNINGS ' • CANOPIES UdiUi6l78nM id OetBl 1. i«tt niet^cia citizens will Ro to l!ic tingui.«hed a fire yesterday morn­ Setback prize winners at the Erasit' Errors Instantly^ WHAY—M uilc Merchant WDRC—Bins Crosby the char^sf for lack of evidenc*. forenoph to install 4-H signs which organist. In September at the ture company, it is not demon­ WCCC—Kecord. WOTH-Rf^Sox vs Indians South Glastonbury Congregational H> iMantnc Except pollln'gv places today, to vote to ing in a car owned by Miss Annie American Legion. Auxiliary's re­ is Qvaranteod for Lifol WKNB-Baanbaii MaUne* »:ks- , yesterday to George E7GrXlf, sup­ T m in Wine have been donated by the 4-H ___aya ICntarrd at lfi« strably reducing the competition cent parly Include: Women’s first. WTIC^Itapptnc’aR WIIAY—Nita Watch erintendent, and Mrs. Dorla E. Tfie AndoverH^ke team defeat-, Town Committee. Church. He will also he in charge BILL TUNSKY • Ml .9-9095 llanchcater. Conn., aa heal an Ambiguity in the Constitu­ i Wcllwood of tVellwood's Gi'ocery Tke iMw Hi|h-FM*lity UniytwktUr DktiN«g WDRO—Cal Kolby WTIC—Blofraphles In Souha of the choir as choirmaster. This me* at in eitlier field. It could be that Mra. William Robarge; second, Chamberlain, principal. ed F isher's GashbuM Gang, 10-1, These signs read “a 4-H (Mem­ “YOUR DEPENDABLE STORM WINDOW HAM” Clan Kall Matter. tion. It is l^>lttle^silly. It willbe a o Store. ^ ^b'and Ray WDltC—Amos ’n* Andv V He is leaving to accept the posi­ ber Lives Here.” Colors are in will not conflict with his other thepe'is no limit on divcrsifica- Mrs. Mary Rose Grayof Mans­ MMMtM •• ^'‘**’* \ WGTH-t>Rert Sox vs Indians/ in aid-inning gam^sat Andover TBSCRn»T« pitiful demonstration of lack of Fire officials said they were field; third. Mrs. Msry GaVIgan of •Mwvt Mtiri. Simply r*»»tt* H wfctri m w WIIAY—Uualc Merchant • j4A— y tion of principal In Franklin. At Field last night. The L ^e team green and white, the club color*. duties for the company. payaMa la A dvai^ tion, tmlcas there piove.i to be voter responsibilttvy Vet we will be able to use the hand fire extin- WCCO<'>ll«curd Kevievu WIIAY—Nile Watch present It is a one-room school but It la'desired that no member be One_ _ Year .. •#•#« Willimanlic. WH iiwit Mi iktili tkt cMttil w trit. . . Ikt WjWB—Baseball Matinea WTiC—Blosrai^lea in Sound took the lead in the firsKJnning Relief Appreciated - ■toiiUie . . 776 some flaw; in the new theory th at - Hiirpri.sed if we maJic a polling gnislier to put nut the fire. It was •trtr it iM|Mti(illy •rttti, At (trrtititR h WtiC—Stelia Oallaa WDRC—Mtiaic Hall / a new consolidated school ia being with two runs, then scored three left out, and Victor Rychling may • Y esterday Waa a cool day he>e 8I)( !•...... 33.S0 HO Men's first. Howard A. Richard­ be contacted by any uhaffUiated ^ Thrpe Montha ...... a w a certain type of management I place ourselves. There is, wc sup- ^ apparently caused hy a short under son; Second, Emil Dazy; th ird , rw triti. , WDIIC*Cal Kolby WGTH—Red Sox vs ^dlana built this year. In the third, one in the fifth for a change and waa much ap­ 7 One Montb ...... ••••' *’Jjq the car da.shboard. No damage was WGTH^Bob and Ray It Selavka, a resident of Williman- 4-H’er whose name might other- preciated after the sweltering Weekly -- a aatraa can run any kind of ’'be Inlcr^^^ I Stanley Wawer of Wililmantlc. (MiptMilir rufMttts Ik* lr«t-0- WHAY-NIta Watch/" four in. the sixth. Sinsla copy ' .01 reported. WHAY»Betty Kimball WTIC—Fibber McGfe tic end formerly of Windham Cen­ FishCr’s boys stepped on the gas be omitted. weather from which all have suf-< any rate, no law .seems to k n „,n ,|m en t is in the intrre.sf 01, _ I’TA C'oinniittee Sesslnn I Specials. Mrs. F'red B r o w n, j MMk rtetriisf kilt (*r lit*. Ut* ynr rK«rii«| WCCCr-Record Keflew WDRC—Moods fqr Romance ~HKMBKR o r k*lt (Mr Mi m r, UH» limtt *f m«rf. ter,, has taught in Andover for flve in the third, bringing in one run, 4-^L.Club members who plan to fered. in the \yay of the growlli of big-1 pypnc policy Hut v.c'il hate | ‘Stamp ('idhs'lion Seen bv Ma^ Th‘e RoberUsin School PTA Ex­ ' Helen Barile and Fred BroWn. WKNB—Baseball Matinea WCTH—Red Sox vi Indians years. He hss been extremely pop- enter ahirimis In the various shows THJD ASSOCIATfSD PElSffl Mrs. Clarence S.'Grant of Co- WTiC—WIdder Browo 1B:1S— but were unable lo dsivelcp the *nie Aaaodated Preaa la excli^vcly Rer and higeer ' diver.sification j to have to try to sell the urgency ] Witli Hay Fever' ecutive Committee will meet to- i < Okly •"•i-fiM. ««»• • WDRC—Cal Kolby WHAY—Nile Watch' ulfir with students, parents and the rally. Billy Dunnack was the win­ of the seaioqWill attend the dairy Manchester Evening Herald He­ SAVES TIME! ara^ed to Ibe use of ‘‘eoubllMtlon ot of getting put tlic v lt:4A- *'pubitshera Representatives: The nienl adopted ur lost, accur.ding lo' M a\oi 1 iii.sed tlie flag anil bent alii Havenr librarian, continuing with In preparation for advancement, in uniform. leader, assisted by Don Gayl _ push button can make^Urrs and Lit fie, telephone Pllgrlni 2-62.81. \ WUAY-^hocord Radio WIIAY—Nile Watch Julius Mathews Special Arency -* New the vote cast. Until the last batcli the lien points those davS. of ; the Storv of Daw Ciockett. C om ptom eter \\V('CC—Rccoi^ Review WTIC—N. E. Regional Survey Selavka has taken courses in ad­ The next ganse will be tomorrow the University, of Connecticut. .»Ycrk. Cblcaao, D e^ tt and^storL cour.se.- they didn't liave 'Odernj .^^'hr ' Booth-Dimock Memorial WDRC—Moods for Romance evening between Carlson's log­ * ^ audit ■BimEAU or movies. i of amendments went through the WKNB—BasobFil! Request Matinee ministration at the University of Sllirtv Vote machines or. equipment and the (.Uiprarv Storv Hour will he Thiire- w T ir —The. Woman in My Home W(»TH—Red 8t>x vs Indians gers and Fisher Gas. dRCOI-ATlONa . ___— ,— — process, no one look very seriously W p a c —News. 11:BS- Connecticut. Prior to conning to A decidedly slim attendance of the fact that there was a i onlrasl Clefks had tit cru.sh all the pack­ dSy at 2:30 p.iti. in the reading WuTH—Bob and w y WHAY—News; Nile WaU’h Andover, he taught in Ellington Cllnica Flanned voters at today’s IVj.wn Meeting A Man And A Principle between the number of Connecticut ages by hand. There was only one room. GENERAL RUSSELL F. BRODERICK • :1A- WTIC-Newa . - Candidates for the vacancy cre­ An audio-visual clinic will be at the old Town Hall, is expected. Att. gdday. principles could solve world prob­ 20 .000 . Lieague. The Leagtie has been es­ M ghti Rluk Faria WGTH—Red Sox vi The Andover Volun'cer Fire De­ appointm ent only, aiiU parents will not, be surprising. A much For Tuesday—1 p. m. Monday. something when thky mailed a let JLFFILIATED WITH ACME hi .SINESS SERVICE. INC. ll:3G- yvir W ^naaday-1 p. m. Tueadiy. Then one of Uiohc characters tablished to pi .an social acllvitlea TEL. Ml S-51M WilAY—Suburban Serenade WIIAY--Nlicbt Symphony partm ent softball teXm, which is will be called by the committee in largFr representation is looked for ay. lems, and when he found a prin­ ter. Ilf I’o.stina.ster Siimmerfield. . WCCC—Rfcord Review For nSSrsday—1 p. im^Wednesda; alua.rs sprlnglifg up to read the and'special projects for the Hart­ WKNB—Baseball Request Matinea WTIC*—Siarlisht Serenada now leading the league, will play charge. ' St the second Town Meeting. This For Friday—1 p. m. Thu^ay. ciple he con.sidcred sound, he kept wants lo slinw his appreciation for ford Air Reserve Center and .is WDRl'—Dance Orchestra evening when several important For Saturday—! h. m. Friday. letter of the law tiiiall'y noticed WTIC-^IUHU Radio Lana W'txTH—Red Sox .vs Indians in Aahford tonight at 6:30 at the , Anyone desiring transportation boring away at it. \ all. .this publieity Pin short on composed of former WAF's and WDRC—Cal Kolby school on Westford Rd. Players It requested to call Mrs. Charles town matters will be acted upon, Claaalfled dsadllne; 10; 30 a. m. each • th a t the aiiM'iidment process in WGTH^Bbb and Ray 11^1^ day 01 pubOeaUM except Saturday — Ihe Constitution calls for ap­ 'Three's."a the wive.-, .sisters, mothers, and WIIAY-Nite Watch will meet at the Town ,Hall'in Hicholson, chairman of the Well- called,at 8 p.m. In the school audi­ » a. m. ■ These qualitic.s. in an era of daughters of local air reservists. S*.4^ W nC—Starlicht Serenada torium. proval of amendnicnls by a WilAY—t)iimer Dale WDRC—Dane# 'ircheitra order to leave no later than 5:30. Chlld Clinic, Mrs. Ralph Ransom, cynicism and opportunism.'"- in W eet’—Record Review This game is in place of one which Co-chairman, or Mrs. Henry Park- Minister A’Isita Town Tuesday July 26 majority of the "flectors present if only one vote out of a million To Eleef O.flicers WKNB->Bascbali Request Mattnef which those who pretended to at such m*‘ctingS." If this iiicanl Is cast in all f nnnectlcnt. The 21 Social Club of O sk'G rove WTIC—1080 Radio Lana was rained out in the first round. ington. . ' . The Rev. H. R, Keen of Glas­ lead policy were frcquriUly j Actually, if tve had been ban- j will hold election of officer.s Aug. WDRC—CAl KoJby Another game t.'ill be fdayed A dental clinic is scheduled, pri­ tonbury. formerly In charge of St. Welcome Sign I that an anicmliiient considered WCTlI—Bob ami Ray Deaths Last Night chameleons changing to the color ^ at an election ulierc I.tMMI.OOO dhng tile matter, wc would have ■ 3 at 8;30 pm , at the home of Mrs. i:# a - away from home on Friday and marily for the new firit-graders Peter's Episcopal Church here, People are busy, all the time, ai conip’amed thi.s amendm ent to -' Arnold Chace. two games will be played at the on Aug. IS, 16 and' 17, was a visitor In town Sunday and M let MM CaVAieU of the events they were i nllc'l i' people voted for presidential or W HAY-Newa The Universal ‘Jfeetf does hundreds of jobe better and footer / working at peace, and that should gnirernatoriaf THiididiitcs liait. to ”(lav uilli anoUicT" provision, de-| "To Hold Picnic W(T;c —U ood Kveninc .Good Music B.V THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Andover Field next week. called on some.^ of his form er WKNB—News; Sporia' 64 PRATT STiEIT stir something ot a profound upon to handle, .seem very ;' have .'rOO.tMII voles in order to Is- crecing that no amendment should | The Miy , and .Mrs, Club have WTIC—News Lancaater. Pa.- J. Roland Kin Fined $175 Manchester Ek'«nlng H r r ad d parishioners. in 2-wheel drive onfhe^highway, or in 4-wheel drive wbeu-’ precious in elrospecl. Peiiiap.s adopted, it would tTM-iiii Huit all ever hccorne effertive without some ‘ voted to have the Augiisl meeting WDRC—News zer. 81. Republican representativS Lawrence Roger HaH:v.', 21, zZ •Andover correepondent, Mrs. Foul Call AnsWe^red HARTFORD the going is rough - on oMjff the road, in all kind* of weothec. gratitude in all mankind. W C TII-N ew s in Congress from Lancaster from Willimantic. pleaded guilty, last P f a n BI e fa I, telephone P ilgrim Early Sunday morhing the fire there were no great issues on the auM'iidiiients ever adopted .erUin penentage of a vote. Since at the Gay City Statp. Park in • :15— OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Thus, after Geneva, every wc (ielc'sl the four vear teim for Hebron on Aug 21. There will be 1930 until he retired in 194,7. Died night in Town Court to three 3-8656. It hauls heavily loaded trailei^and with power take-off or which Cordell Hull wi s w rong. ; hart ne\er Im-i-ii adopted. W'HAY —Bpotilcht Sporta mind rather automatically turned Governor, which pa's.scd. in 1948. ' « family picnic and swim party WC hensive lest the good atmosphere of Iho.sjp voting on the aniendnirnl. | slip.s hy again. WKNB—Joe Girand Wayland Carpenter, 74, research considerable dam age 't.o another his age at 117 years. INIVEISU New Arrival j WTIC—Ilospitalitv engineer and former head of the Holloway was brrn New Year’s Jeep Vehicle in Andover. He was flned at Geneva merely ppve, the v.Tong, instead of safe. not at the polls, will be sufficient W'DRk'-^i Lombardo TOWLE STERUNG— GORHAM STERLING A daughter, Floienda Elaine. ' Research Department of General $100 for operating under the influ­ day, 1839, in a slave cabin on the screen for unyielding positions In The mo.st Im portant issue of his for adoption. was born July 20 to Mr. and Mrs. ^ WGTH—Bill Stern Tlie huimii'oiis angle concerns 4 i « s - Mill* Corp. in St. Paill, Minn. Died ence, $50, evading responsibility; Tom Holloway plantation near PRICE ADVANCE AUG. K RILLTS...iaM’$ lo|i$t Brim If 4 -M MU NMdM the Far East, the first yilng ap­ life was that of freer trade among Charles Messier of Stonehouse Rd.. WHAY—Suinier Serenade Sunday. $3.5. operating Without a license. Durham. He moved near here 25 , , , the ■ care our legislative constilu- A Thought for Today at Windham Community Meinorial , WCt'C—Good Evening Go. d Music ORDER NOW AND SAVE Comeinandgetademonitratiooi.. \ pearing was good news—the an- all nations. He came to this l.ssiic 1 minds took to make sure; WKNB—Joe FJitnnd Flagstaff, Ariz. - Dr. Gladys The charges were presented by years ago. Hospital. This is the roiiple's third WTIC— a'hree Star X Armanda Reichard, 62, anthropol­ the arresting officer. Clifford Bom­ Holloway, ■who'died Sunday, was .iiouncemcnt that Geneva is to be in the role of a traditional free that tills amendment of the amend- | child. The grandpare'hls ere Mr. WURJ—L Ynoiims ogist and author who waa doing bard, of the Colchester State Ho- spry and active. Until his last ill- the scene of a meeting between trade advocate' from the ' Scmlli. 1 iiig proce.ss could not tlsf lf be 1 .lust Keginnilig \Vi ;T!I—FMano Portiajla research at the Museum of North­ ress he wsiked two miles to DEWEY-RICHMAN ^ He broadened his advocacy.,, as 1 q'"'!'Hoiied, SO, today, we are I I heard of a Isiy who recrrttly 1:WA Ilco Barracks. ■ DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES, Inc. representatives of the United WIIAY- Km«K*e Theater ern Arizona while on leave from In levying the fine of $175, the chui-ch regularly. His secret for a 767 MAIN STREET . , . - , voting on the amendment, and on . won a prize for drawing at a Sun- WTyC—G ixhI Evehing Good Music long life; ' I eat good, sleep good, 22-24 MAPLE STREET — MANCHESTER States and CJommunist China, on time and exporicnre went on. iin-| ihroughoul the ^i„y school exhibition. When some WKNB—Joe GI rand B arnard College. N.Y., where ahe court gave consideration to thf WTIC— Music Willi a Beal was .k, professor of anthropology. fact that Harlow, while awaiting chop a little w o^ and take life ( the subject of nationals held by ) til it w*a not al all regional, hut Hinir, only 500 voters turn out to- ! one was cungiatulating him on No more WDRC‘rTenn. Ernie Both' in Bangor. Pa. Died Mon easj'.’’ each, belonging £0 the other, and based on hi.s hopes for the long- ‘ day, they will prcsunjably .still con- , having done .such a good drawing WGTnA^^Jlton Lewis judgment.' had already spent 28 Advertise in The Herald'-^It Pays day. days In Tolland County Jail for other matters. rarigc welfare of all the woild. | slltute a majority of the electors he said, ''That i.sn't niy best draw lilG - \ Hyannls Port. Mas.4.--MrS. Clara Ing" "Wh.v didn’t .voii exhibit your WHAY-hiiirore Theater failure to post bond. This seems to be the result of And he.1.1 lived u ... 1 lo . see__ __ a Repudihc^n ; at the polls, stace there is nothing „„ dish washing WeeC—Gobd Evening Good Music Young Laughlin. 89. widow of I else at the polls to attract them m b e st”” he was asked. ''O h ,” he WKNB—Jof\ Girnnd Willie C. Rogers, 22, Newington, the .activities of busy pcR,te President, and a good part of Oie James B. Laughlin, former treas­ for them to vole on. replied. ' niy best drawing i.sn'l WTIC— MusV With a Beat urer of the Jones A Laughlin Steel was fined $21 on a charge of reck­ beavers from Ind'ia and Burma, American bii.sincss coiniiiimily. WDRC—Teuii \ Ernie less driWng to which he pleaded Of course, a few hiindicd drawn yet '.That boy was by wav this summer - WGTH—Vand(*iT0ok Corp. of Pittsburgh. Died Mon tvho . have been flitting between accept the heart of Ins theory. prankish citizens could upset the of becoming a real artist. So it I;3#- • \ day: ’ guilty. Consideration was 'riven to applecart again loda.v. They could may he with us, if we let our eye WHAY — Kneor** \The,'itcr Peiping and Washington, am! who Tlial ■ •Hpectacl'*, of one . man Hot weather linen and dishwash­ WCC(’—t;oofl Evening Good Music go to the polls, and be checked off of faith rest on the promise of WKNB—Joe Giratifl YES, THATS D.4VY! X ■ have apparently won Some aUen- s.tiikiiig to one principled policy, as voting, and then not register a fJoil. and not the fiequenl failures ing is, over now , thanks to new WTU’-N e w e ol V\\.rld Don in both capitals. It is a wel­ products of paper. August WDRC—Tenn Ernlb Uii'ongli thick and thin, with pa­ vote on the amendment. They of the pa.st. Better Homen A Cordent tells WGTH—ti. Heatter ' Paterson, N. J. (/P;—Gundsy GENERAL come devclopraen£, because it in­ tience, • integrity,- inlclllgence and could even, for what reason wc - John Bishop you all about them—tablecloths, IsGA— School Teacher Ethel Gillespie cannot imagine, vote no. Sponsored By The Manchester W'HAY— Encore Thea^ dicates that one of the Issues be­ courage, is the dominant legacy piacc mats, napkins . . , dhhes, WOCC—Good Evening\Jood Music tpid her Eastside Terrace Melho- TV SERVICE WATCH THAT/ tween Communist Cliiiia and our­ At on.v rate, therqulrks of le­ Council of Cliiirchcs. tufflblert, cups . . . all of use- WKNB—Joe Girand \ rby $369.95. .NOW T T . T .1-of the. banned zonc.s to com- j WGTH—Red Sox vs Ind^Ans , where the guns Of war have never 01 1089 \ Tolland Tpke., Buckland OIL SERVICE been completely stilled, tlic re­ plain to Wanhington. demanding , Television Programs \ TEL. Ml 6-5098 gion where-tlic wlde.st diplomatic th at tiiey, loo, he InChulcd in the 1 M em ber of ,Telsa MI-9-4548 gulfs exist. Any small sign that list of cities or towii.s Rii.ssiaii.s , On Page Iwo the atmosphere of peace in t;cnc\ a would not be allowed to vl.sil. Tlic V Is not going to be followed by the State Department had. it • ap­ Pontiac "America’s Greatest Buy”! act of war in the Far East is wel­ peared, been making a huge re­ prisal joke, trying to “sliow the ■ come, and announcement ot the It lakes only one word to explain why today’s . approaching meeting at Geneva Russians how nonsensical and nothing beats wheelbase in providing solid comfort and husky bigness under instant and practically aeems more than a smBlI .sign ridiculous their own travel rc- Pontiac is the most popular Ppntiac ever built. and stability on any road at any speed. effortless control. slrlcttona were. But aonie Ameii- That word is V/VLUE. Pontiac’s performance is strictly Pontiac’s alone And if you interpret value in terms of appear­ And Now DiverBificution enn communities seemed lo take Buyers from both ends of the price scale are find­ the thing very aerioii.sly. As a and it stems from the nufst modern, most ad­ ance—here again. Pontiac’s your kind of car. Its The other day, a tire ctmipany ing tliat Pontiac provides just about everything / brouglii a cOmpaity which pro­ matter of patridllsm and civic vanced V-8 in the industry! Its mighty 200-h.p. distinctive Twin-Streak beauty and Vogue Two- Home Loon Application duces motion pictures. The lire pride, th^v wanted it, clonrly up- any car at any price can offer. It’s a matter of fact, Strato-Streak V-8 with four-barrel "'carburetor* Toning will stay new and fresh for years! der.sfood that they wanted nq vile company already owned tlic cdiaih not opinion, that Pontiac is the biggest, most powers provides more power than any car within hundreds And for the final value clincher—Pontiac prices of television 'Stations over which Rus-sians visiting - them. ful car at the price! v of dollars of Pontiac’s modest price. fit easily into any new-car budget! it could usQ the motion picture#. This week,'" out in Iowa, there For size, Pontiac reaches high into the fine-car ...Serviced Within It happen*' tliat oply AO per cent has hceii something akin to an Another Pontiac extra value, so easily measured No wonder Pontiac sales are at an all-time high! price range—and comes up with a long E22* or of the bu.sitic*3-of, the tire.com­ international crisis because a when you get behind the wheel, is the supreme Come in soon and drive this Wonderful car. We’re pany in question now has anything group of RUssiana, louring qur 124’ wheelbase. This is size where it counts, because ease of handling that keeps all its eager power sure you, too, will join the big swing to Pontiac! to do with tires, although once‘it corn country, have been chang­ One Week V k *t.ou‘cxtra-coli option; ISO h.p. itandard made nothing hiit {ires and tubes. ing their schedule. Twice they w When the head- of the .'company decided, m- attempted to decide . was asked, about this interest in that they would' omit some com­ things- besides tires, he replied munity; pclginally on ’jheir sched­ that his investors were interested ule. Tlie re.sult has been the most . « in making .money, not tires. . - excited kind of protest ft mu these -THi.s Is one example of a new communities, pattern of industrial eniplre. It la ■ When the civic, leaders of Here'S a gasoline at regular price that gives you called divicrBlficatlon. There are Sioux City heard that the Rus­ Ua Btartlipg practitlonersf vvlio-in- sians weicn'l coming after all, elude- tires' and motion pictures they protested' to their Senators ^ ^ n q s and Loan does everything possible te oct In the same general managcnieht in Waialiingtoii, demanding pres­ MORE MILES PER GALLON 1 pattern, and its more cautious sure I on the Deparlp.rent of in your best interests. Prompt opprdisels, liberel exponents, lAho reach' out lo ac­ Agi'icullure, and seeking to get voluotions end quick decisions ore epprecioted by quire related lines ot mamlfacture even President Eisenhower to in­ Tour first tankfiil win provti' i t . .. your gas ADOITIVI #2-S aves gaoeUne by ledodof In which they themselves natural­ let vene, so that the.y would have folks who come hero. needle really movee more, slowly with thk stalling onjxx>I. damp daya. - their Russians visiting them. g reat new economy gaaoline! ly have some experience. Going- ADOITIVI #6—Saves gafoMne by ooenbat- along! With this development is a Botli the Russians and the 7b . It's New Mobilgas with higher octane„ plus ing engine-forined gum and by hdpiiiff to keep 1^ ’ concept of matiggemcnl. In Americana are the same, people Mobil Power Compound—three important, . carburetor and fuel 8ystem|clear. svitich the old idfa that manage- today they wqre a few months Business Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Fridav— gao-aaving additivea. Here’a how theoe jpreat /ment became expert in one par­ ago. They are just behaving a , , . 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. additivea aave you money: If your car uoee “regular,” you’ll be thrilled at ticular type of' business la going lllUe differently, But.it does seem how much better your engine perfocma with . by the boards. Good mahage- Wednesday— f* if the enUiusiaam for the posi­ 9 Ai M. to 12 Noon. ADMTIVI #1 —Swvas u^Sb^n* by control­ New Mobilgas—h w much gaariins yoa aem ment, it seems, con run any kind tive discovery of one another, for ling pre-ignition and apivk plug mio-firing. ’Try a tankfiil—and aaa! of business, or any number of being kind, for living in the same Thursdays— divergent buainessea. It u n hire world, is a little more gdntilne,., a • 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. tha people who know sometNiPS little -- more deep-aeated, a Uttl'e about the particular nature of more reflection of the true nature any one business, of ua both, than the attitude-that Mobilgos ITie prime purpose of the new was fashionable a few hionlhs NEW M o b ilg a s secenTMORii trend seems to be securlty-«tliat a g a ascurlty- ’ whjch Is gained from jllpM (Cbmpound having your eggs in mors than (pavings ^ £oan one basket. If one industry is sea- aoMl; or has a habit of running Elizam IrdM M d b l l 9 M '~'lli« iRinoua ■oonom y 9tu« O «solln«—ytvAa'you pr Into timee of atguggle, wme of its Maadietter Saiigis 6 LMalbtMialiMi ’ 1N7Miii $L MsUsca m ay pz«Aact itr-

A .

y • '1,. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. JULY 26, 1986 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ^ ^ E S T E R . CONH»,TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1958 iatoiai m*. My yeungsat child Is In Junior Hospital with Injurlaa ho Mfforsd bustnew'Jn manufxctm^. of paper, inf T^araonally I have ) seen noaa. high and my oldest is a santor In Driver Injured* whan a car driven hgr Prank C. the Board has for the past several Rockville W hit they fail to realm U that Purvis, as, oC WlUUnantio. Maa>- yeara. Ona of the apeciflcatlona of wood, meta),..Wtre glaaa or plastic U.S. Quits Fight Developef Set to Move Voters Cast high qchooL Thsy ar* go huay with 131E OFFICE OF T articles, to engage manufacturing, _ _ ’• _ _ > fhoee boys playing on the —Rec ”Rec * thsir own sMairs that about all m*d into tho rear and of Ms car. to L^jo^ the’contract’ will be that the buaes T o O u s t f f a v m C w are..tnelr, future cuatomera The they stem to nasd m'a for la as a In .CraHli Here be painted yellow. Lodge Announ^eg merchandising contracting of A U V.FUBI n a ^ IUV7B taxpayers Rockville, aa are‘ Hospital. authoriUsa today re­ DR. N U E B A Tt "^ Pearce recommended the longer any kind, to skll. buy, and OiStri- 131 Ballots • cook, ISundrsas, houasktspsr and a ported that Paulis had hit his bute such ^ ic lc a . aX'uiell aa to their parents right now. His Factory from State asttlsr of argumente. . Two 2-car accldante Invtdvlng teeth on the dashboard oC Ms ear tiiigeB oh 3- Year Contract period, saying m ore. companies Someone suggested reloMtlng Doctor Says SCHWARTZ would be interested Id bidding on Bake OommiHee own, .bulld^or acquire real estate Washington, July M f/Pl —Sing­ . "Thsir father Is so 'with his one local man and threa out-of rssultlng from ths Impact Hs also or "persqiuil property. The Little League. Wbsitf?^ lU By 1 o ’clock work, his hohhlss,' and Ms men’s town driversrtvi occurred In Manchea- that basis, particularly if the buses er Dick Haymea, bonyln Argen­ (O s u tto ^ traas Paga 04a) ‘ complained o f hack and bsMc bi- 10 DEPOT SO. \ of Sducatlon doddtdf The town now leases 10 buses, Listed aa Incorpprators' of the ball park is conaiSsrad one. of tbs It Dom Fareats Ma Good organisations that, hs has. almost ter ysaterday afternoon. Both mla- had to be painted yellow. He said Rockville, July M '(B peciaD — tina. may atky in „/uu llnlted T » Worry Ahout Folio Juriss. H* was ralsased. after treat­ •Bt to gb into tbo six from Silver Lane and four inquires he had made Indicated firmware Daniel J. Hagearty Jr., finest in the sUte. and is one tha Only Ifil persons, a rscord low, no UnM tor m* or th* chililrsn. hapa were on heavily travalsd B. ment BE CLOSED biMinMO—ot iMurt from the Manchester School Bus Martin Lehan, exalted ruler of the of/Weat „ Hartford: _ _Doris J. __ Bur- StXtea. best advertisements for the City D i l M M his oharga that Watertown "U , BoUd |ifo af Tsar Own Ointer St.' there would be “a reasonable had c u t ballots In today's (Mats By BDWm p. j o b o a n , '1ni. d . No*^ arrests resulted from the Transportation SeiSnIce, which is local L ^ e r f raka, h a a ^ i n l e d ^ MVtford ’ and'Elidne A TM ' Justice Department . xn- of RockviUs. friendly to industry," ' ' "So I am left sitting aloas 'k The firat accidant, wMch oc- number” of bidders, on a contract E. Fenton Burke aa chairman of/S T .^ ,.-- Hertford. and, ^ *$ rsfsrsnoum election at 1 pjp. WrittMX tor MBA Sorvtoe ihiahsp. .. ; JULY 28 THRU to loaM tho operated by Elmer Thrall The for three years. Bunting of & a t Hartford. noimeed yesterday that it-, was Rockvilla never had too much to Hs made ths chargs not -only number of nights each tgfek whtl* currsd at 2:20 p.m., inVoIvad Ade- Board has asked for a budget ap­ (he committ, to arrange for Uh "Land Records « There will bs soma victints of TosterdOy morning • at 10 luMO BOOM to t r a iM ^ Mm - Authorize Hfudy dropping Its effort to deport him. offer in the way of recrtatlonal In rsfsrsnc* to his own company, with half of th* 12-hour voting the rest of the family ar* busy lardXl. Waat. 28, of RFD S. Man- I'clock Anthony T, Santor*, 58, ’ JULY 80 propriation of $40,000 for next annual clam bake. / . A warrantee deed haa been facilities for younger boye poliomyelitis this year. This even 'With thsir own affairs. Oiiootar aohool children, but at the At the san\e time, the Board Other menrbers of the comqattee Haymes entered the . United but tn an open latter to tax col­ BOMkm p u t cheater, and Mra. Mary E. Osgood, of West Hartford waa arrested by d v M Umo otudy the feootblllty of year’s transportation costa authorized ■ the • ‘'initiation of a with the Town Clerk from the Holt States for permanent residence in six years ago, when the Lillie Q.—How hu-g* is th* Island of if ths polio vsecins were com­ 1 feel left out and dull and use­ M,. of S'hewsbury, Mass. i The buses operated by Thrall Include Lewis H. Chspmaiv'Addi- Investment Co.^^Yo Joseph V. lector Irving F. Smith who had If the vote cbntlnuw at that pletely sffsetiv* ^in prevenUng Patrolman Walter Gutsmsr aad the towa'o bujiing *nd operating study” into the possibility of the 1937. The government contend­ League was formed. It was uot so F orm osa?/' pee* until th* town’s four p ^ ln g less, and don’t know what te do West, driving a 1954 Ford ate- charged with toiling t ostop for a now meet the SUte’s! color re­ 'son R. Dusslnger, Johi Dobosz. Nichbls and Mary Nichols for prop­ long ago that our city was re­ asked him, Ss development com­ A.—Forinoaa, incIuiUng ths nsar- polio, which no one claims to te about It." tta aom buoM. town purchasing its own trans­ Joseph A. Eckels, Dominik Grac- ed that he became Ineligible for places eloM at 7 p.m. toda;|^*aeh tion wagon, was heading north stop sign. Hie poarturnty of the Board quirements, but those owned by portation. Pearce said a fully erty on Middle Lake in Vernon. ferred to as "Littl# Chicago” . How Qiiinii mission chairman, to help . bring by island under Its cohtrol, is IS,- ths css*. There is only on* tMng you can around th* rotary at the Center to citizenship during World War n vote will havo coot wol zmr $7, Silver Lane, a public transporta- zewski. Fern R. Lentzner, Robert A building permit has b*en la- many Uttls Leaguers, pest and 'There will bs many ausespUbI* *The allegad offsnss took plac* buying, rather than equipped school bus would cost when he claimed a ^leutrSl status mors industry into Watertown, m o square tnilss, or slteNtly larg­ based on a total cost elK$l,800. do and thst is to start building go north on Main S t Mrs. Osgood, ; Bridge Bt. aad Hartford Rd. buaes aroae rooently in connection .tlon company, do not. E. Moyer, Richard.A. Morgaa«on. sued to Bennie J. Szeatowlckl to !sent have been in trouble? Base- currently experiencing rapid real-; (ndividuala who will not te vac- soms kind of Hfs of your own. The about gS.ilOO. 'Ihaddeus MIodzinski, Albert C. and did not serve Jn the U. B. er than ths state of Ifaryland. There apposra Uttto’^doubt thst art'.ving a 1951 Pontiac, thought ah* Court dates tor the t'wo drivers with a new au te law concerning Special Seaelon Superintendent of , Schoola Ar­ construct a dwelling on Terrace tell ia one of the nations favorite dentlsl growth and a rising elnated simply becauao there will rest of your family are busy and could make a left turn around th* The Board met last night in a Splclman, Clarence W.' Finley Sr.. armed forces. Haynnes said he Manchester and ttoT r u t of tbs not bo enou^ Vaceln* to goT ayfeeted yesterday ar* scheduled the color of aChool buaes. thur H. Illing.sald It might be ad­ Dr. pastlmee and from the Litue rate. Q.—WNch iy.8. sttornsy gSR State's comtnudittto will ararov* happy bMsuse they have done Just rotary onto E. Center St. before special meeting to decide what Charles E.* Heintz. Raymond E. Edmund Joseph Oroleesi later ' was classified for military League and farm teams come the that. -They may have left you "sit­ for Aug. 1. . The law, paaeed by the last visable for the tow'n to operate Its service but was rejected for a “Watertown la . hot situated eral served longest? the amendmentjb the constitution around. West* made his turn, accoi'ding to oeaBon of the General Aaoembly, course of action to pursue, and one Lutzen, John Mattis, FYa icia J. Edmund Joaeply, Groleau, .70, of future players for the other right geographicaliy for industry,"] ^ A.—William ' Wirt, who served What than ahould our atUtuda ting” hut you don’t have to sit own bu.scs "in a few years,” after McGuane, Anthony F. PhllUpa. Al­ heart condition. which would uiMe it Isffally ou lsr police. BONUS mVIHON AT WORK aUtee Qiat the sUtute requiring of the alternatives suggested was the achool-oonstructlon program 32 Snlpsic St., died suddenly at leagues. Let':s give the children of Neill replied, "and, furthermore, imdsr Prssldsnte Jsro*«i Monroe he toward polio? Thera is, perhaps, unless you want to. So start think­ having the town, buy its own buses. fred L'berl, Charles N. Eow|er, hit home this morning. The government said Haypnea to amend U(e eoastlbition. Mrs. Osgood’s vehicle Mt the cars to stop on approaching or had leveled off and the pchool pop­ Rockville a break for s change the exciting tax rate- certainly and John Q. Adams from 1817 to' At tb*^ p.m . eount, 28 parsons no dlseasa, with the possible ex­ ing about the things you used to Hartford, July 3fi '(^1—Hi* overtaking a standing school bus However, it was decided instead Howard Isch, Charles F. Murphy, He w-as born in Montreal. .Can­ made himself liable to deportation and keep the "Rec Field” for them ception of cancer, which produce* wish you could do when the chil­ West car. damaging th* left Btmus Dtvislon of th* State 'Treas­ ulation had stabilized. At the when he went to Hait’aU in 1953 wouldf not induce industry to Ideate 182B. had voted at Waddell School, 28 1951 RinCURY shall apply only when the school to continue leasing the school Charles Miske. Arthur W. MoFail, ada, Jan. 19, 1885 the son of Ed­ Mrs. Hector Laferriere here, :sa well as the fact there is as much fear as poHo. While I can dren were small and you had no front fender and door. Damage ury Department ia proceselng 18,- transportation, and for a 3-year pre.sent time, he said, transporta­ Meceslaus Raczewakl. and Robert and then re-entered the United at the ConMMmity T, M at the amounted to about 8100 to the CLUKSKDAN bus is id^tiffed as such by being mond and Marie Sansouze Groleau 4 Cedar St, an adequate supply of water here Q.—^What waa the date o f the West Side Recrratidn Center and a understand the mental anguish tim# for yourself, and start doing 000 Korean bonus iQiplications al­ periMlod iinstead of for one year, as tion needs vary too much from D. Vining. . and moy.ed to this area 35 yeara States "from a foreign port or Rockville. Conn. and panicky feeling of parents them. Ford. wMle no damage was done to painted chrome yellow. year to year. Dodge in .Watertown. 1 certainty would first turbojet airplane flight? high for th* town ot SI at th* E u t ready received from Connecticut The Jail and otiier details will ago and he was employed In the place or from aq.,butlylng posses­ not Induce any industry to locate A.—Aug. 27, 1899. Just bsfOrs who have a child stricken with th* Pontiac. No injuries were re veterans. An addlUtmal 82,000 ap- Mercoastk. laascnlste Tttls fluctuation will be taken be announced shortly. Side Rocreatlon Oentu-. Don’t give in to feeling sorry for local jnills as a weaver for many sion." Haymes went to Hawaii e x t e n d e d f o r e c a s t here that even required a modest their Invaaion of Inland, the Gar- this disease (I have been one my- yourself because you don’t feel sa ported. plicatites are expected. Office Di­ interior with brhHit yd* intW'‘conslderation in the 3-year Note* tn sing and also be with actress An mtrsnisly liQht vote w u qx* Patrolman William Cooks, who years. Boston. July 28 (ffb—The tem­ Convertible supply of water." - mans flew a Helnkel He*178 plane pectod throufthbut the State. aolf), this emotional approach Can needed as you once did. And at all rector Maurice E. Fosset antici­ low and bisck finish. coiftract on which Pearce will seek, Congressman at Large, .^ntoni He was a member in St Rita Hayworth, whom he later powared by a Heinkel 86B; turbo­ do no good' and la hardly Justified investigated the aocldent, arrested pates thst when all necessary — WHO — FORD — FORD — FORD ^ FORD — bids. The contract will contxin perature In New England during TeUing Smith that "no Indua- ' The lone propoaiUon up for costa resist the temptation to try N, Sadlak of thW city will be one nard's (Thurch. married. the next five days, Wednesday triallst in hla right mind la go­ jet. by the facte. to make jwur family feel sorry for Mfs.. Osgood on a charge of failure equipment is installed, probably clause permitting the. town to of the g^ieats at the annual corn Haymes took his rase to court, "yes" or "no” vote would isdd flv# to grant the right of way. The survivors include two sons, through Sunday, will average near ing to come into this town to pay words to th* 11th amendment, For one thing, polio la not truly "poor Mother” who Is left sitting about Aug. l,..a veteran can ex­ adjust provisions of the agreement roast of the Windham Republican Edmund of Rockville and Wilbert and on May 31 a U. S. district normal in northern Maine end 2 to your bllla for you,” Neill said: Q.—Is the Soviet Union still in a common disease, and tha chances slon*. At 5:10 p.m. POtroIman Emanuel pect to receive his.check from one to meet the changing conditions judge here ruled thst Hawaii is a which tells how to amend tbs wn- ISM OOSTOli VM80N Town Committee to be held at the Baldwin of Manchester; also four 5 degrees above normal in the reel "As you well know, indiuitry re­ a state of war with Germany? stitution. of avoiding it are. much tetter You hsv* a chanc* now to grow Motola investigated an accident at month to six Weeks after the ap­ of each of the three years. Windhum Fish and Game (ilub, geographical part of the Untied than those of- getting i t Further • pasaeager. Very cleaa. daughters, Mrs. Ralph Lamenzo of of New England. Warmer Wednes­ ceives little or nothing from the A.—In January, 1956, the U.8. Ronsovo ChaHoagM and develop t your own interests. the intersection of Woodbridge and plication is- received^ "That is, if Illing faVmed town ownership Windham Center, on Aug. 16, West Hartford, and Mra. Benjamin States and thus Haymes did not day and Thursday except turning town. ”We get very little in the 8.R announced the end o* its state more, of those who do get polio, Don’t west* It in self-pity. E. Center Sts. One of the (blvers, the veteran has suppHed us with of school buses, after the school- • There will be a meeting of the Musaket of Pawtucket, R. I., and leave the country when he went way of police protection, and the of war with both East and- West ThsM words ibould rsmova the even In paralytic form, the chancea ' (All rights reserved, NEA Serv­ Anthony J. Paulis, 58, of Coventry, correct informMion and necessary cooler northern Maine 'Ibureday. jXMsibUity of any legal cbsl population figure had stabilized, Litt.e League Thursday evening, eight grandchildren. there. Cooler all New England Friday only thing the town has to offer Germany, -but said it - .-ould retain o f surviving without crippling are ice, Inc.) was taken to Manchester Meiporisl service papers,*' Fosset adds. saying that they could be used for at 8:15. at the Memorial Building. The funeral, will be held Thurs­ The Justice Department said it and continued near normal temper­ is plowing the snow, off the streets Jie "right and obligation" claimed SngM to future votu on amend generally good. field trips and for transportation The ‘Women of the Moose will day at 8:1.’> a.m. from the White would not appeal the ruling. around the factory.” under four-pmv^ agreement con­ mente. Also, many oUisra apparently tin OOUNTRY SQUIRE atures through Sunday. Currently the 41th amendmmt • paasMiger. 4-Door. of athletic teams. meet at 8 o’clock iit the Moose Funeral Home followed by a sol­ Soma normals for tho. period are 194.8- C^ood top. radio, Moving Witkia Year ' cerning G erm nn;''^ a wtiole. - harbor the virus responaibls for BEAUPRE In other matters last night, roms with Senior Regebt Margaret emn requiem Mass at 9 o'clock in Neill said he haa not decided states that aftsr passing Isgtala- polio without developing any Boston 73, Providence 72. Nan­ heater, sparklinff black live preUmlnarlM, amendments s the Board approved a number of Pucino presiding. St. Bernard's Church. tucket M, New Haven 72. where in the Midwest he will Q.—'What la the ^itot ‘^xipular paralytic symptoms. In this way MOTORS, Inc. finish with plaid ranvu personnel decisions made by Ill­ The weekly movies at Henry 'The Burial will be in St. Ber­ O pen Forum move the department-,-- but the breed o f dog in the UnMS4BLates7 shall hs valid if a majority of the they develop an immunity or re­ •58 EAST CENTER tT. Park tonight at 8:15 will include Concord, N. H., 70. Burlington 71. Hectors present a t /a referendum ing since the last regular meet­ nard's Cemetery. Portland 89, Eaatport 82, Green­ that will knock your eye move will be made "within the A.—-’Ilte beagle, acoorain to sistance. MANCHESTER ing, June 20. a Woody Woodpecker cartooa a American I^ehnel C2ub rsgtetra- approve them. list FORD OUSrOM Friepda.may call at the funeral ‘Rec. Field Question’ ville M, and Oribou 85. ou t! ■ year." Ot- those who can be diagnosed 4>Ooor Heta a Bhw. Accept ReatgnaUons short on Junior Bronco Busters, home tomorrow from 3 to 5:30 and "A lot of our New England tiona in 1954. Today’s amendment makes It as having paralytic polio, only STARTS WED. 9:00 A. M. OPEN EVE?ON08 It accepted the resignations of and an Abbott and fTpstello com­ To the Editor. At Bteton the normal maximum spsciflcally clear that amendments 7 to 9 p.m. Tile "Rec Field” in Rockville temperature during this period la towns have somewhat gone to about half suffer any paralysli Hiss Bonnevieve Sturdy, a music edy. Q.—How do the Sues siid Pana­ shall pUs I f, a majority of the lasting much beyond the acute primarily used by the IJttle 81 and the normal minimum tem­ pot,” he told an interviewer. teacher in the eiementary grades; There will be m and BEAUPRE ‘"We’re proud o f our Yankee In­ ma Canals compare in-length? eltetors. present "and voting on stage of the illness. And iji many All Talcottville ’ and Vernon League and its farm teams, com­ perature is 65. GRANTS END OF MONTH Mrs. Margaret Boyd McCarrick, a splash party tonifht at 7:30 at the news Itonw are now* being handled genuity and we ride, along on The Suez, 103 nriles long, is such amendments" approve them. of these, modem methods of after Horowitz Memorial Pool, Henry prising a total of about 150 boys Precipitation during this period twice as long as the Panama Frequently it is convenient to l^TUOORVt Ek>wers School teacher: Mfs,. Anna (brought the Maarheater Evening is threatened to be taken away MOTORS, Inc. that, but we fail to take into con- care lead to such effective restora­ Clay, a school nurse; and Mrs. Ina Park. will on the average total 2 to 6 aidefatton that other people are Canal. place proposed constitutional tion of function that the effects Overtt^lve. Ooler taa. Dairy (iiib Meeting Herald, Rock^lle Bureau, located from them. 358 EAST CENTER ST. Sarin, a Buckley School teacher; at I Market St., telephone Rock­ tenths of an inch occurring as scat­ progi-esaing while we're standing Smendmonte pn a ballot at State are not too serious. ^BASEMENT Several of the merchants have MANCHESTER or national- elections, rather than and approved a leave of absence 4-H Dairy Club members who ville TR S-SIS6. started a move to have it con­ tered showers and thunderstorms still.” , Q.-^Do snakes always meallow 'These remarks are not made ♦ for Mrs. Nancy B, Perry, a kin­ are planning to enter animals in verted into a parking lot. "Bie extreme northern New England OPEN EVENINGS Saying there is little primary theli^prcy head first? hold separate retierenda. with the purpoae of minimising the dergarten teacher at Verplanck the fairs this coming fall will at­ parking .space available there now, Wednesday and all of New Eng- manufacturing in New England, A.,—/When snakes firat :}iss When theae amendments sppur importance of the disease hut only ISM MERCURY CLUB eOUPE $5«S School; tend a dairy fitting and show­ Texas Democrats is not being used ot its fullest ex­ land'Thursday. Neill added; their prey they-grab any part of on the ballot at State or national to suggest how unwise it is to be­ \ Very, very rlee% The Board al.so approved the manship meeting tonight ait the tent. During the week, you see ■'We’re parti' manufacturers. the body, hut' generally, although electlona, many persons fail to come hj^terlcsl about polio. following nominations; Robert H. home of John Elliott, county very few cars parked there, and We make the parts and ahip the not always, U i^ swallow it head vote on them, while voting for What parents should do is be Von Deck of Manchester! to teach agent in ToJlajtid, starting at 7 ‘ Oust Ike Backer even bn-, the busiest days, Fridays stuff but to the Midwest. Our foremost. ■■ candidatu'riinnlng for office. alert and calm at the same time. seventh grade mathematics and o'clock. and Saturdays, there are empty cflrnpetitors are going out there, This raised the question qf If there are a number of cases of science at Buckley School: Miss The Tolland 4-H Dairy Club spaces. Even if this field was ueed and they're getting right'into the Q.--Ia it true th ii there ia whether a majority of' the elec­ polio in the comunmity, care is 1S« OHEVROLEF^RDOR Nancy Leonard of Columbia, to will conduct the demnnstratlon. Austin, Tex., July 26 fjP) — just for parking facilities, it etill back yard of the big buyers where .plant by- means of whlcii dirsctlan tor* prsunt have approved these particularly indicated. Donald Gaylord, extension animal Texas-Democrata who helped elect can be detefciined? S Looks aad raas Mka aeax teach a primary grade; Miss Bar­ would not solve the parking prob­ they don't have' big shipping costs. amendments. Quite often, the The firat signs of the disease bara J. Smith of Barton. Vt.. U> husbandman of the University of a Republican President in 1952 lem, as the majority of people It puts us in a bad competitive A.—Yes, Ue compass |>Ianf. number of persona who fail. to may he simitar to those of any teach a first ggade; and Miss Cori- Connecticut, will be present ,gnd have ousted their national com­ would not walk the distance to the position. 'When exposed alike on all sidss other- infection, such as headache, mitteeman In hopes of getting vote on ammdmente la much ataitOe M. Young of Manchester, assist the young people in their busiest stores.Xlt is far better, to Smith said he had little com­ to sunlight, the edges of ,he leaves larger than the number who. do. low fever; dizzines, irritability or plans. back in national nart.v fr.vor. point approximately north and to teach a primary grade. have parking \faciHtlea available ment to moke about Neill's criti­ With the addition of the five other vague symptoms. Change Meeting Night ' •The State Democratic Ebceeutive cism, but said the formation of a south. 1SS1 PLYHOnTH FORDOR Miss Esther dfshay of Marl­ in different sections near the cen­ BEST words—"and voting on stich Many children who develop \ borough. to teach home economics The regular meeting nights of Committee voted yesterday to de­ ter, than in juSt one particular local development ronunltajon. such signs do not have' polio, but Crmabroolc. Mimoau Co. p, 189th Infantry, have been clare the post of National Com­ something Neill suggested, "might smendmenU”^ it . would be clear In Junior high school; Mrs. Edith spot. To name a few: tho land in Q—Who founded the .first state that the majority necessary to if suspicious signs do appear it Steketee of West Hartford, to chXnged to Tuesday evenings. The mitteeman Wright Morrow of back of the old High School, the "DRIVE" be a step in the right direction.” normal school in the United i* safer to pop the youngster in meeJLings of the company have Houston vacant. ’The voice vote Albi Co., yard offer, and the hos­ approve an amendment is a ma­ teach the special class for physical­ came after the Houston man de­ A new law permits towns or States? jority of those voting on it, rath­ bed until one is sure about it. ly handicapped children; Miss Joan been held on Wednesdays in the pital having its own parking lot. A—Horace Mann in 1839, at Slight stiffness of ths neck Is clared he was not sorry he 'sup­ OF THE grouils of towns to form develop­ er than a majority of those vot­ h o t 7 c ja s e Lawrence of New Bedford, Mass., past, and are changed for the best Do they really want a pe.rking ment commissions which would Lexington, Mass. quite common in polio, but par­ W o art mokiiif way for now foH morehondiuo by drostk prieo roduetions . MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FftOM interests of the personnel. ported Dwight Ei.senhower in 19.52 lot, or is it Just an <^ning wedge ing on any other iuue on the bal­ to teach a primary grade: and Miss and would do it again in the same function locally aa the state agen­ ents should net make an 'imag­ IT) ' ■? ' ' h^st night be Estelle Boyatis of Brockton, Maas., l.iegion .Aiixillary for the future lease or sale of this' Q.— Where ia the wo.-ld’s largest lot. , circumstanre.s. YEAR! cy does. The attorney general h u ruled inative child too conscious of the imuhsd. A serioas mattee RACKED lY DILLON'S W a r r a n ty . to teach a middle grade. The local unit of the American field for private biUldinge? Gqy. Ribicoff declined to com­ bell? importance of a stiff neck. ' Gov. Allan -Shivers, who also How many of these people that that the law agalnat liquor sales OR eoiMlor « b ^ mereliendise— discoRfinued styles— odd lots— gpocid Mra. Dorpthy Herman of Man- Legion Auxiliary will meet tomor­ deserted Democratic nominee ment' on Neill's statement. A.—Moscor.-, Russia. Ths "Tsar All in all the parents’ respon­ if fire or .wlndstora \ cheater. to continue.'is a part- row evening at the home of Mrs. would do away with tte ’’flee Kolol.ol.” the glbat tell o f Mos­ on election day does not apply to­ sibility ia- merely to watch for Adlai Steven.son three years ago Field ", have ever taken the time day.. So liquor outlets wrill be emJM* ap wim you. Why time kindergarten tetckel^ at High­ Jerome Remkiewicz on Mountain to lead Texas' "Deniocrata for cow, weighs HM tons, It'w u aevsr suspicious signs, keep the child jwrdMMOt. Find many items rodueod for below gost price boiiuohold land Park; Vlra. Anna M. Bergrcn Rd., preceded by the annual pic- to sit and watch one of The\Littlo rung because tut 11 ton pise* broke open. quiet if they do develop and leave cahe a diaiKe? Fdc ah e» Eisenhower” , said Morrow Would Leagtie games, and cheer anq en­ of Elaat Hartford', to teach in the nic-and dog. roast. Members are have to step down because Texas Snakes Are Fun off when it Ivaa mada it up to the physician to make the ptfteaced chidc^ wMwaC Barnard School; MisS' Joan N. asked to be at the Town Hall at needs two'voices on the national courage the boys in tb«lf dta^osia. itoins — clothing — fashions and novoltitf. oWgni^ call to lodqrf Henokel of Trumbull, to teach a 6 p,m. and transportation will be ' Q—Who was ths ArsL reporter If polio should be found respon­ committee. 'T Says Schoolboy Crow Is Smart, seventh grade att the Buckley provided for tho.se requiring it. The national party has not Re­ to cover war by radio?' sible, then, o f course, immediate School; and Mrs. iVlIliam .1. The co-chairmen for the eve­ cognized Morrow but has ' con­ A—-Lionel James of th* Times treatment is in order. Treatment is McHugh of Manchester, to teach ning are Mi.ss. Ann Gworek and tinued to recognize Mrs. H. H. Franklin. V*. (,D—Joe Chase, a of London. He chartered a ahip Superstitious Too becoming more effective, but early RaiRMii L DILLON art in elementary grades. Mrs. Christine Mead. They will Weinert, Texas’ Democratic na­ 16-yqar-old schoolboy, says snske.« and /equipped it' with a radio diagnosis remains highly impor­ laeannee Agency are fascinating. enjoyable arid system and covered the Russo- Mrs. Hazeltine BJorkman of be assisted by Mrs. Frances Sci- tional committcewoman. ~ tant. •as MAIN STREET Manchester, to serve as a school profitable. Japanese ,War at the turn of the Winnsboro, La. m —Hub D u r bek. Mrs. AmeliS Sierakowski, believes crows are superstitious IB U Bfl S-1188 SAUS and SERVICE nurse; Mrs. Ann-L. Peterson of c o r r e c t io .v J The, female members o f ' Joe’s century. Mrs. Bernice Sierako.wski, Mrs. Alva, Okia., to teach a first grade; family'despise his hobby w-tiich he This, u y s Dear makea them a IS 319 MAIN STREE^ MANCHESTER Helen Gworey. Mrs. Julia Siera­ cinch to keep out of watermelon and Mias Betsy McNiff of Nashua, kowski, Mrs. Loretta Milanese, Newtown, July 28 tJTt —A Bos­ has pursued since the age of 9. Q—Are there bofdef guards N. H.. to teach a primary grade. He says he haa caught thousands patches. Just drive stakes'at Mrs. 1 Harriet Colombaro. Mrs. ton to New York bus carrying 20 along the 'Ublted States-Canadian intervals through the patch and Ruth Mitlett Shirley Elderkin. Mrs. Lena E(ri- passengers collided with s small o t snakes, harmlefs and danger­ border 7 DOUBLE EXECUTIO.N ous, and that they bring from 50 stretch string from stake to stake. Th€ Home Of Used Cars Bon, Mrs. Rose Belyea. Mrs. Julia pickup truck Sunday night, injur­ U tiP O U f A—No, only ciutom- inspectors "Thinking the strlilg is some Bellefonte, Pa.. July 28 (>T) — cents to $10 each from zoos and Shiart Wemea Don't' Waste Dimock-and Mrs. Anna Filip. ing^ fha truck driver. private snake farm*. hind of trap, he will not light in I Two men convicted of slaying chil­ Mrs; Dorothy Allen and Misa The bus was a Greyhound T)U8, SPECIAL Q—What natural product gives Time IndnlglBg In geU-Pity He haa received help from Dr. the patch where the string la FORD — F O R D ^ FORD ~.1>ORD »F O R D dren died five minutes apart laat Eleanor Fortuna, who attended not an Arrow Lines bus. as the ih m 9 Buick off the longest lasting odor? night in the electric chair at Rock- UiSED CAR W. M. Mann, director of the Wash­ A—Natural musk which comes placed." said Dear. , “The crow There is no particular ag* when view Stqte Penitentiary, the sessions of the . department Associated Press originally re­ ington. D. C„ zoo and from Dr. is a smart bird but he is also very 7 5 ^ convention, will give reports at ported. When you hit (he mad—hit it in .tylel from a pouch lii the male musk a woman may begin to,, feel that First Ip die was Patrick Lance, Morris M. Cochran of the Smith­ deer. superstitious.” life is passing her. by and that o f 3(i-year-old steelworker from Big the bu-sinesa sesalop. Election TYe truck driver,^ Orrin Patrick, Stop in—take voiir pick fmm our SafelyJ sonian Institi-te of Natural His­ Dear discovered this version of of officei's will also take place at 60. was treated by" a doctor for a Tested "Vacation Specials” —the smart-j all the members of her family she Bend TWP. Charged with slaying tory. ’They plan to get him into Q—Who originated mail order the trsdiUoijsI scarecrow in 1917 is ths only one who is leading a his wife.' a 9-year-old stepaon. and this .time. cut on the head. est used esr buys in town! Tske off i some leaeen identified ? (jhlcagoJFV-r-A national associa­ about the plight of the woman eihRlpyed laborer, was executed b'clock at the field house at Hen­ Althea Beverly Carol Diana Et’s A big cottonmouth moccasin tion of automtelle finance com-, MERCURY SALES Felice Greta Harlenr lo Joanne A A—The ancient BtUiesil fortreu whose cMIdren are grown and gone for the faUI beating and stabbing ry Park. Additional players wlH struck his hand once but the fangs pantes cautions auto dealers Kren Laquita Maurine Naomi ^ Megiddo, considered by sonte from home and her mMn Job in.life of his neighbor. Helen Jean Bry­ be\hoSen to take part in the sec­ hit his finger nails and didn't punc­ authoritiM to hxva been ths hit o t against loose credit terms and wild already done. ant, 18, last October. Her body ond 'round of play. Orpha Patricia Queenie Rebecca ture the skin. adverUsing in the industry. Shirley Tcreaa Una Valeeta Wan­ Armageddon, is 18 miles souUieut “ But sometimes the problem of was found in'a shallow grave near C'4^|iflcate of IncorporalioB - .of Haifa in Israel. The American Finance Confer loneliness and feeling useless ex-, ARE SOARINC her Altiqulppa home; five days A certificate of incorporation has da Xriia Yolanda Zoe Kalkofen. Uoand valttei-wltli tk* \. snee warned the practice could cept ms a cook and housekeeper All around Look mt thwe wonderful values! after She dlssappeared. been filed In the Town Clerk’s Tfaat's a.name for every letter,of ffaod esse of Onr erganl- make the Industry vulnersbl* lo the alphabet for the'17-year-oM Q—Is the custom of taking daily comes when one’s children are still It was the second double execu­ office for the Tober Realty Corp. lotion tohind oaek car, e PubKc Record arguments favoring government at home. ’The ' organization ia listed to do misa. She caHa herself Pat. slestu still pV-acticed in Mexico.? ; 't1 MMCUSY tion at Rockview tn three months. a wrvHen Gaarmfet / C v m controls on Inatsllment credit. "Tha^ is what has happened to '54 MERCURY ^*Beoj, grey aad cream. see onr many All SquiO : A—In 1946 this custom w u of’ Th# AFC said dealers who offer service Warrantee Deed Moaterey 4 Baer. PB- Radio, heater ax- MTAJE fine buys today I ficially ended. low or no down payment on cars PfhFW. whitewisUa, >- celleat rubber. E. J. HoU to Richard S. Boland, with three or more years to pay teOe .palxt. B a U 1 e, property at Ferguson Rd. Q—Where'the earliest railroad are Imperiling their business. Checked Carriage License ; heater, rear Beat 'S3 STUbEIAKER E iifln a ^ B n k t / pusenger cars heated? tiaiM guicUy apeakeis 7.00e erigiaal 1952 FQNTIAC Walter Edmund Britton/ 402 E. A—No. In the ISSO’a urchins SOUP'S ON! arMh MORCAL tho new a | ^ Reggl De Luxe hardtop. Center St., and C>-nlhia Veronica mllee. la ahowrbotn Radio aad healer, two- Mntion Wagon- Radio/ eter. it—t i n t / T ir a * / along tbs railroad earned small Using high calorie toed eupple- eoaditlon. Complete hydra matte, new ttr W ays Barrett. 249 Vernon St., Aug. 1, change by selling hot brick* and Hamden (F)—Lawrence Kelley meat, with Vitamin* R1 gnd tone palat, M l i R St. Bridget’s Camreh. hot stones to passenger* for foot R12. Good tor the underweight whitewall tires. # I « W low mileage. «1395 llacIriMl Systam^ was charged with driving through Very clean. Building Permits Warming. a red traffic tight. His explana ehUd or adult. Good from the SI1K for Safely I To Joseph' Rossetto tor a 1-xtory, tion in court was thaj ha had epoon In eooldng, baking, dee- „ '531UICK 8-room dwelling at !Xmott Rd,, ■erto or ln> bevemges. $8.25 1 9 5 1 RUICK Q.—What famous pamphlet in kettle of aoup in his car and waa ,'54 MUCK Super 4-deer, $- Bpeclal. Dynaiow, . radio, ’53 OLDS, i^an ’53 OLDS. 2-Dr. To Chtarter Oak/OonstrucliOn to demand their independence? stopped. Judge John E. McNsr- WiLOON DRUG CO. heater, two-toae palat. dyaadow. Hated giiws, uflow. good $1095 r Radio, heter, hydra- Radio, heater ''hydra- Co. for Connecticut/Power Co., for A.—Thomas Pains’s pamphiet nsy said: "Next time 1st ths aoiQ) tlrrs. Very dean. 901 MAIN ST. ‘ «-«ne-r 11195 ^ w -. xt $1795 matir, power steering, matte, power brakes, a sub-station’ at Ol/ott St., $1,000. called ■'Cbramon Sense."------spill. Pay ths clerk $$." ~ Are Tailor-MadeToSuff^ power brakes, beautiful beautiful two-tone, one 1 9 5 3 lU I C K two-tone, e e owner, owner, low '44 CADILLAC Super, Hardtop. Radio, beatc|r, low mile- \atiieage. $1845 '49 PACKARD 4-door, kydramaUc, apar- No Fix^ Down-Payments or Monthly Payments dynaflow. power steering, power .- .age. $ t 1 K 4-door, taa. la ex- brakes, white wall kllag new paint $995 $1795 HoUday;. «alleat shape. $195 J** Urea. ’5$ OLDS. ’MOLDS."'HoUday . Radio, heater. EXPERT ,1,.: , X .i-'q 'S3 MERCURY I^KYMOUTH 4-DOOR 1951 DeSOTO CUSTOM^ Coupe. Radio, heater, ' kydrainatirr whitewalls, *53 D iS D T O Cosveriifcle, onyx and ★ SPECIALS ★ hydramaUe, power beautitui two-tone, one Firedome* '$'•>, rails aad owner, low W ifli Hw UMpT HiRdRni RqttipmtMit w r ' v r cream, whitewall tires, RatHn heter, seat cover*. Extra ^ O Q E . " A S I S " brakes, tinted gfaaa aad aUleage. heater, auteoHUIe traas- radio sad "heater, power CLUB SEDAN many other extras. $1995 fRt for Dry ClocaiHf, it wwM bo mission, whiteeyall '-tlroa. eleaa. Oaly a c t . aad. win- $ | 5 $ 5 Automatic shift, radio, heter. 19M Bniok 4-Door. H eter, Low, leiw SAVE two-tons $1S$S dowa. Very sharp ' 4 A-1 Brea, 89,000 original m ile atandard — $ 3 9 5 nsUega. ’5$ PONT. ^ eolt not to bo "oMfwrt" . . . botwoqo paint. ahlR. ' Very, very clean. Has fortbor. Modom oiothods. oxport woili- '5 0 F O R D had the very best of 1953 NASH STATESMAN 4-DR. 1*47 Olds 4-Door. ’5IBUIGK RIvtee Oaatam 4-door. M A C Radio, heter. $145 care. A ktar oa the ors bolF' M to y o o r oR t M #iolity rosults '53 CADILLAC v Radis, heter. ' wwVw Hardtop, radio, hqatar used ear Mt. Model •$, b e n ttful gun Radio, w ether eye, h e ter, twin C I A O C 1959 BUlOK CONVERTIBLE lf47 Olds 2-Dear. Ra- | $ g g aad Bulck’a owa dyaa- No. 2C0-A. \ $1595 HELPS YOU LOOK YOUR OEST! ovory timo. Try fn Old too. nletal grey nad halgc, ...... 51 F O R D beds, tu te e paint. Only ^ I W V 9 dow. A alee shade of power e q n lp ^ . Shaw- Fordoarnttr, radio and Dyaaflow, power wtodows and a e t. radio, die,-heter, hydiamatle. \New ''r, hentar, whita wall Uroo, ym**.top. ^ O Q I C blue with a white top. raom condittaai haatar. E xoa llct A7AC^ Ifi4d Olds 2-D er. "* Aa origtaal one earner, ’59 CHRYS. Yorker Spaclal price ecdltioB. Of 9w E xoellet aawditte. Only # 0 7 9 Radio, h eter. $59 Ooavertible, i ^ a aad MIRUII low mltoM:- ear. ItS-A. $1795 heater, aut««sa% traias- Many Ot harm to ChooM Froa. Out They Go! 1954 STUDEBAKER 1M7 Bnick 4-DMr, mlssloa, power i Radio, heater. I $149 ' - Look Todhy ^ . . Buy Today! 1K I PMiuRD Moua no Oraabroek A alee dark blaeX STARLIlUIT COUPE 'IfM Studebaker 4- ’53PLYM.■e 4 -D e r lighted hy wMt Door. Radio, h eter. $179 Radio, hsatse aad hsaay Ures. Lew aaileage and Overdrive, h eter pad dafretar, DELUXEI-UOOR Mtras. Dark Mae. Orig- aaly aae oaraer. SweU . I .. ' white wah titac. tu te e palat. Ultramatte drive, pemrer beakeai, $1095 1P41 Chevrolet t-Dodr.‘d fan tbeaa Not daya aad HS Oaly $1495 radia, healer, tatoaa palat Oaly Radio, heater. 4 mileage. Ughta. MORIARTY 2d4-A. IM t Stadebaher 2-Daar. tins W ito-A. 1 $1945 Radto heater, TERMS TRADES ovreidrivq. MANY OTHER MAKES and MODELS A IWl Ptyamth TO CHOOSE FROM NEW MODEl BROTHERS d'Dqar. Heater. «ON THE LEVEL AT CKNTEE aa« EEOAO” UUNDRY t DRY CLEANINB T O int LOIOOLN-MEBCI7ET D E A U E to BtoEaa Y m A T aveep alghf_ fat*•» h h m MOTORS, liHL Manchester Motors Green StSHps 241 H. MAIN ST. (Two LocotioRs) 1SS CKNTiR ST. toy Bdai Chr ■ptidel m y m u radio TOUR 0LD8M0BILE DEALER OUR DELIViRY A RIAlto;U D K S MLCia CKNYEE BE^M I M i t t GORMAN O FIN 9 A.M. to 9 F.M. ■ Sihrtr Id Rd„ MdRchastcr W Or m i U r UI 9 P . M. BOLTON • COLUMBIA > Oatti Id iua ■ \. MOTOR SALIS loo. M It-4 4 2 7 ANDOVER o COVENTRY T IL Ml 3411 3 -^S O Tb .P LY M b U TH — m . Ml 3-1224 w M d^ n.. MAHcnMnoi. Rd7 DHydff. Um 4 Car Maaagtr AIReOW OmO^ f ■VBoiroo oinn. • \ \.^ L ■ I


should say so. Ify father helped DoAor- ;Aro you troubled by Answor to Proviouo Punlo BUGS BUNNY JLO build it ' naughty tarns ? Directors A ^ee to Hear ^ Heads Bar Assn. Health O ff uniats LetekNewe Small Business ___ : !» ■ 'Patieht:! ■Why, no. I rather on- Screen Star ^ H k o o i r r AMESITE J)tel Sense anjd-N on^nse .The woman who doesn’t drive joy thorny MMITO.. an auto doesn’t Know what she 'Wage-Demands of Union On Arrival^Salk Vaccine Seeimty „ Chief eerantyMsT, e m m n is missing.—A1 M. Schaffer in W hat this country needs is heli­ ACSOM 94 Cereal gnln M OnMlag ~ Mieetoi SpeMi V copter’’service to and from work. 93lmprcetlon - Satevepost. % * 1 Screen star, Ale*: BarUfig Lota — T s m ts “ While I w u in CSiina eome “ Those objects?’ he smiled 96 Atmoaphere atato Health offIclaU today Fired from Job Tetaee A m u g r t It blartdiy. ‘Why those are Amer' Howard ■ T1i0 Board of Dircetoni laStSpolntad out that no other workers yean ago.” aays Dr. Will Durtmt, 97T00U1 etumP urged speedy use of Connecticut's |oU Pnblle Hearing 1«% FOBCABHliAMI the well-known phlloaopher, “Mra lean hot Water bottles. You wish BY DICK TURNER 5 He may b* , night agreed to hear repreaenta- receive a rales In lest than a year. CARNIVAL DOWN Aa for other pollcamAn, patrol­ new shipment of Salk , vaccine to On Sajiitory Sewer '((JMrtlaaed tron Bag* Oae) ALL INSTALLATIONil W fU W M P Bt Durant and* f were tendered a ban­ to see the sing-song girl in native teen St — tivea of th* town union, teuntolpal quet; quite an elaborate affair, costume, but the seissoh is cool; cinema 1 Scottish river men would receive $1.90 Inetead of beat- the peak of the t>ollo season, building workers and polic* ex­ 91.W. Martin said he did not look 800 ''prtmrty owners aboUahed and their Jobs along 'with given with much pomp and cir- the klmnono of sheer silk, s o .. • He stars ip 2 Soviet river J»ut local health ot/lclala today had have be)Hi invited to attend a DEMAIO BRCITHEEiS cumatance,/and attended by a “ And that, of course, explained press their opinions, on salaries upon that increase eg a rolae and no knowledge of when the second^ IL ' . BRABLIS&KD UM motion 3 Ignite said it would affect only a few men public hearing of the water number o f prominent dlgnitarlea. it!" picture — 4 Auto part and wages At a meeting Monday. ■hots of the vaccine would be givert' Commlaeion^ 8 o’clock in the JlcDavitt’e eacurlty program OALA MOW — ANTTIMB , To my host, I had prevlousl^f ex­ 22 Dregs ggWtltlcism But the Directors made, it clMir for a short period of time. in Manchester. - MANCmmEB kO^TWl — BABtrOBD Caap* Y<«tV 12 Iroquolan'’ 9 Wearies Patrolmen would receive a 3 Op auditorium oX. Verplanck has been under i'nveetigatlon by a press^ a wish that I might see Ranch Tope Six Natlona Indian 6 Garden 23 Pace UBugits that Local 991, State, Countj/and Soma 101.OO7 shots of the vac-| School tonight-, to express Senate Civil Service subcommittee. Six European nations— Duxem- 4-cent hike depending bn their some of Chink's celebrated sing­ 13 Elcrertrifled implement 24 Rip 41 Temperate Municipal Employes U nii^ APL, cine arrived by air ' freight a t; opinions on a proppeed $25,000 Former enqployea compleihed song girls, attired in native cpe- boiirg. Andorra. Liechtehstein, statue and eergeaiTls would receivi Bradley Field this morning, and pWipSrticIe .;7 Conclusion 29 Poker stake 42PainAil a 4-cent increase. - . main sanitary aew«r line in- Uiat McDavitt teld them to mibniit tume. Accordingly, he had pro­ San Marino, Monaco and Vatican 43 Presently which is seeking a 10-ce^an-hour Dr. Stimley H. Osborne, state auilation in Center ^ and W. 14 Operatic solo 6 H* is quite 26 Pause hike for its 87 memMra, would Martin repeated ,hla recommen­ only "derogi tory" information vided for this occasion a number City-have a total area smaller 19 Merit 27 Stove part 49’i;ineraIdltIeP health commisaloner, immediately Middle Tpke. about certain pereons they were than that of the King Ranch in have to present A strong case to dation tfiat other hourly rated assigned a team of 20 doctors to of these very charming little la­ 16 Color PPreM 28 Back of the 46 Fool (Jewish) workers be given a S-cent an hour The town proposes to' have checking on. - 99^ Itku lf$9 m i dies, each attired in sheer and Texas. override General//MiMger Richard contact each local health'director the sewer Installed while |he 17 Mountain lOiRow neck 47 Scatter, as Afai'tin’a recommeMation for A 3- increase, The Senators also inquired into beautifully-colored kimonos. We (Fr> 11 Entangle 29 Mix hay Asked by Director Jacob Miller urging prompt Inoculatlona. State Is repaving the street 4p an alleged "liaison” between Hc- A hiaii never knows that a worn cent-an-hour incMase. ' , , However, Dr. Nicholas Marxlalp, connection- with relocating thOi $9mtU9i fmi tft were, of course, duly appreciative, 15 Shelf 10 Obtained , 31 Dispatched 48 Extinct bird The Directopi; with some ' re- how he arrived at the Bgiire, Mar Davltt and a "Mlsa K ’’—a German but there wa.s one detail of the an has any old clothes until hs'k 49 Boundary when telephoned this morning., said exit from the Wilbur Cross .girl 'Tvhoee emigration . to the 20 Solitary 20 He has had' 34 Fiddling seiwation, mMe, the decision to tin gave this explanation. Highway. costuming which, I must confess, married her.—Derek Wingraye in Roman (comb, form) he did not kfiow when Manches­ united States he later sponsored: Satevepost. 21 Goddess of tome — - hear wbrk4ra' representatives 'Hourly-rated workers have made ter’s shipment of the vaccine would Ultimately property owners had me a bit puszied. Each 37 Wisest 91 Body part after the Board had heard a de­ gaijna in the last three or four MePavItt formerly was with a unit sing-song girl wore about her the dawn rolca arrive or when the inoculation pro­ along 15 streets in the western 22 Romanian tailed explanation from Martin of years. A balance has'been reached of dw Displaced Persons Cominia- waist an object which linked for Mother—Willie. I’d like to go gram, upaet when the government part of town can connect to sion ik Germkny. . coin 1 1& 1 his salary and wage prograin. . between hourly-rated workers and Naylor Photo. all the world like an article fa­ through one whole -day without 1 r r ► i Atty. FAIHp Bayer withheld shipments of the vaccine, the sewer. - Hie Sb'A Job has paid 910,800 a 23 ^ g in The tmion, unsuccessful in its at- salaried workers. Martin tried to miliar to every American house­ once scolding Or punishing you. • tem i^ to cbnvince Martin he would get back-on the tracks herA year, but under the recent pay in­ Willie— Well; Mother, you have 26 Motives r make the increases roughly equal. hold: Both Mrs. Durant and I ahe^d recommend a higer in­ Th* 3-cent figure makes the raise Atty. Philip Bayer, prosebutor No' PkiBs Formolated crease McDavitt’s .final paycheck, looked, rubbed our eyes -and my consent. 30 Number for the 'Town Court, waa elected And yesterday. Dr. Joseph Bar­ diatrlbuted today, is at the rate bf 31 Plant r lb n crease. had asked for an audience equal or gives hourly workers a ventloh of disease campaign XP“ looked again. Surely, we thought, vlth the Directors. .Martin had little more. Percenlagewlee, It president of the Manchester Bar ry. school pbyaician, skid no plans can’t put a thing like th'IIS off until 911,800. there must be some mistake. A native of Virginia was once 32 Hug* tub said he would asked the Board if Assn, last night at Atty. Harold had yet been fornjulated. for car­ Septerflfber. Right now Is the time The poiitlon was in the "A,’’ or ashed if he had ever seen the 33 Consume 1# gives them a lot more. He said "Ijiter. my curiosity getting i it wished to hear the union and hourly pay* have been raised three Qarrity’i , cottage at\Coventry rying put the program, iflowever, to give the vaccine before a child politically appointive . category of THe"better of me. I ventured an famous Natural Bridge. 34 Promontory ✓ representatives of non-nionised Lake. ■’ he did eay he believed that "three is exposed to infection. If we do so federal Jobs McDs’^ t thUa served Virginia Native—T^See it? 1 35Roofflnial ’ r times as much In the last' four inquiry of our host. i workers. 'v years as Salaries In dollars and Judge Wealey Gryk became vice or four’’ echools in town would be we know we are going to prevent at. Barnes’ pleasure ehd has no r ------1------36 In attendance /'I A Meet Tomorrow \ president; Atty. Charles Ctockett, opened and used for the inocula­ some children from getting polio right of appear through-Civil Serv­ 36 Coel-digger e i r much more percentagewise. T. Meanwhile, the union has sched­ Fringe Benefits , secretary; and Atty. John' J. tion .program. and possible paralysis that may ice channels. BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 40 He works at '/// £ uled a meeting of the member­ O’Connor, treasurer. He also did not know how many last for life. If we're going to put Barnes named Edwin Z- Holland, OUT OUft WAY the — of \ M srtln explained the cbmparl- 1 ship tomorrow night-for pay hike aons between rates In Manchester Atty. Herman Yules is the out­ doctors and nurses would partici­ out a fire, we’ve got to get the SBA’s director,bf personnel, (o be acting r f ] !!> discussion. going president of the asaociatlon pate in giving the second shots ho.se out' now." - acting security director. TLI. a c MO i and East Hartford, which he dis­ ITie commissioner, said he could e s a d . e a r l roFcpueeeZ 41 Male child f Departing from a planned cussed with the union earlier this and the. others, with-the exception since many, he explained, are now 'T h e agency’s spokesman de­ W rT M E S & EM-HBHf WE MUST SET 42 Kind of r schedule, the Board spen\ almost of O’Connor, held office with him. on vacation. About 20 doctors and see no reason for {K>st|>onlng in­ clined, as he did last week, to veri-^-. QUINN’S PHSPAQY O K u m p i r e 3 C > IB t X DO OlSCeCN f week. TOSdrrHBR O'lER A pudding 7 three hours last night discussing Bach of them advanced one step 40 nurses donated their services in oculations until schools reopen in fy. or dehy the reports attributed ■/f fo e CITHER FAMILV CESEMeXANCE BKTMEEM f The^ BMrd talked briefly on September with the vaccine on X, OP XXI TWO.' ^POT OF CRIggASe- i 44 Musteline the salary program. Martin sug­ fringe benefits offered by the town this year. . / connection with the first shots, to McDavitt that the office, would PliOM Ml 3 -4 1 3 * US, MA30R.* tWE CLAESICAl- And coMPAREoue - mammsl i gested the salaries be taken up which were given In-'May. hand and ready for uae,. Some be Abolished. ViOOPLE PfZOiOSClE «»A SOCT and Director Mahoney sought to ILLUSTRIOUS 47 Musical VI now because, apart from the debt At that time, about 2,400 first, health directors have - indicated The. spokesman acknowledged, OF (3LOWI1M6 BOUB OF eE hlTlL- W L arrive at a figure per hour which they would rather hold off. until d quality service, salaries and wages form second and fourth grade child however, that "some changes in ITV, Ert.OLD goy ^ — BUT tlK E A S e /— 60P § r would represent the fringe bene schools reopen. ONER TO MV 46 Unruly crowd the biggest part of the budget. were given their first shots^^the procedures" in SB^’a security pro; " ESCUS8 ME. X MUST DASM e>e«.iait,i»iein«a.>ii, fTrsw-aa wnat ■y-r* fils. Local Stocks ShbuM Start Soon o u A cre R s anv 90 Pertaining to SI Martin told the Board that aet- Director Firsto pointed out that vaccine which was donate





THE Road to Victory la Not a Soft One V': '.. Boldue’s No-Hitter Gives Auto Parts Tpp Run Stai^Tonight

EARL W. YOST BeatPhonemeii The Big Target Payne Bkiiks s p w u wmukt Tru$t Foe 2-0 CYO Defeats BA’s 5-1 Fo/^e Birds I Yaiiks^<^ceivca n l^ 1 6 to 0 in Battle o NOVEL FOOT RACE - . D »y of the .300 hitler In mejorj » . , Football Tops Baseball ' Klandlnga / To Tighten Twi Race Chi^x; RSc^ dballMiKed by Dr. Charlie 'v:; ro For Rer ■ Lead (AMRRIO.AN l-E.%Ot'E n a t i o n a l iJSAOUE W 1., Pet. KjobMiu to compete In a 10-mtIc OreenberK. ireoeral manager- o f , ^ First National 10 / 1 .909 the rteveland Indiana and former | Standings'' ^ ' Standings Bidding lo r Top Talent Meet Indi&ns « 9dtibtUon run on Sunday, Aug. l i W L Pet. Beaupre Motors v 4 .600 Staadiagr at 3 o'clock at Loke Chaffee, j American League alugger. •Take! . , ^tandlnca W L Pet. at 3 OMOca ai V' . ^ I - i»»i, .1 ~,v list of firat 10 hilleca. 1 w L Pot. Spencer ffb b b er...... 5 1 .833 Medics ...... « 1 (M)0 i Manchester Trust ,/ * H .M 6 ' N RobMna. one of the natlon a l e ^ - . jjo o k a ^ ^ r 1 North Ends...... New York, July 26 (IPJ — The 1 .916 Man. Optical ...... 4 2 .*67 Morlarty Bros...... 2 2 ,WKI Elks y S $ .273 Shaping Up New York (NEA)------Freiico^player- plays football, and a.* 'dtiEfmnrA ninnera olAns W)OK av inr iiini m withRtiMRn« l i ^uMrieiiioAtitn FurtR . 11 CYO ...... ot- . 10 2 .833 Police A Fire . . 8 8 SOO Man. Auto P a r ts ...... 2 3 .4001 Nassiff Arms 3 9 .181 Thompson was scanning the rost­ ball is the big gmne in col run for the Ameilcah league ^ a tum 1A Have P*rh )!TouP' That cloean'l mean' that! Telco* ...... b a :,...... <*«• . 3 7 .300 Man Motors . 0 0 .000 ers of National Foothall League 'So a bird dog spots a tey with tiqnjiant stnrta tonight aa the Green M an or...... 1 3 i Curve-balhng Gary Payne white­ Herm's ...... 2 8 200 ciubs. considerable baseball potential anti npw. -re S ^ evj ^ ’ ‘ ‘ washed Manchester Trust 2-0 in WiMtarh teams Invade the BMst. 1 9 .100 Skip ,'M ari* pitched Spencer Curve-bailer C h r is McNeill "Take a look at this," said we offer hia father $ 4 ,^ for sign­ an Aliunni League contest played Jqat one game sepsrates the top Thbv Chicago IVhite Box, atm. T." S "g o^eri ke:pC ri”g "n'readin'^ Ri|bbei- to a 2-i victory over Police notched his ftfth wun of the. season Thompson, the old Infielder who ing and the first yearik salary,’ the trying-hq get the hang of otaylng the 10 milM. _ iraia 1 ^ g ■’Riphthandoi Pat Boldur cacame m e ,^ . last high! at Charter Oak Park. tlpree teams in the TVl League is vlce-bresident in charge of find­ limit unless the lad xdants to waste American Little without a loss at Charter (5ak Park Pavhe gave up three'hits, walked in the Ited, barge into Tankee ataged aa last night as the Medics edged .I^Hlay after the CYO's 8-1 victory ing ivory for the baseball Dodgers. two years in the ^g o u t, which is Stadium to harraas first place determine If ’^utere la enough In -^"'"'’* ‘ n j league ga me at Waddell Field laat t(0o and struck out nine. The win •This is Just the Detroit Lions' re­ a frightful mi.sUke and result of Manchester Auto Parts 2-1. The for the Elks was their third In oyer the Britiah Americans In a New York. And Cleveland, Just tereit to have mi mi.m». pttcher.. Well, you fan I fast-balling right ha nder victory gave the Medics a lighter cruit roster. There's 38 names on an utterly ridjjehlous bonus rule. two percetttoge points bshind ssc- championship of Connecticut to P , y p » , h v ■Manchester Auto Parts' shut out j limited the loaera (9 but tw.o •’.lt». their la.«l (otir games. loop encounter last nignt at Mt. 1' And here are the Phlladelphta for the p ip on first place moving Otfem The Elks garnered 10 hits, hit­ Nebo. Ronnlt Simmons won his "The nexyUilng we know a col­ ond place CMcagd, . tries- to keep be held the second.Sunday In Aug- •'pituhrer.a. because * they don't heed the Telco.s «-0 in A Her | into a one and one-half game bulge Eaglet' rookies—24 of them." lege pros^yter pops his bead the Ud on the RWI Bog at Booton. uat over thla courae. They (the f. ...u... _____ I..J 1, ■■ . / ___ ' . ____ — , 1 Spencer galned/a l-O lead In the ting in every inning but the second straight, game for the. . Thomgison ran through the it. They never had it so good I.ieague e/“eu.ring criea of proteats from tfie I largest crowd Neill was the mSster'ln every in- • ' *- - for t ^ t's what it costa to aend a smart to keep an eye on Detroit, wRsjm hand s» the winner--" moved when the ball got awS\ from the the inning with a double to left. hander cattie In the third Inning Dick Bielski of Maryland and before,” . the forrner Manchester f^ o w s who are having trouble nlng but the fifth When the Anio t.', earn the Maple Streeters their boy Jto college for four years first too—aa the contenders try to un­ HighV.VlL.t> MasasBSnuiner-phyalctan Aw-«sts teaissl A ft said,afain inIn.' aE thr^'lng . . x . .balls . . past the .hatters... . . > tb aolr po.aae.aaion m first plsre. second basefnan. Marsh helped his A pa.saed ball sent him to third Pennaylvania'a Ed Bell, backs; class, dates and all. PartSjPUt together a walk and two and he .scored as Payne reached on lone run. , snarl the tight A L race. Could te recent letter. Trustees of the lln iv e rs itv ^ > " '' ‘ont of the own cause by singling in the run­ end Dean Dugger of Ohio State; 'Unless the boy doesn’t play things will te atraif^tened out hits for their lone tallv. With one a fielder'a choice. Terry Horan was Tonlght the can gain undis­ tackle Buck Lansford of, Texaa; SHOTS HBilK A.ND THERE ner froro’'third. In the tiottom of football, or isn't completely nuts by Aug. 7, when the Western BridRepdrt have announced^l^r^'' ^ , * .a at . the inning and with one sway. out, David Hbwea drew a twse on 1 fl^at on an error and Jerry puted first place id the standings Jim Salsbury, UCLA guard, anil Finally coming into bis own as for the construction of a * ^ . 00* Pitching an almoat identical about tjaseball, whkt chance, I ask teams head home again. Eagl^on doubled to rightfield balls and Stole sepond. After the Rf,thman singled to load the bases. by downing the North Ends, who so no. g hitter thia aeaaon with the gymnasium with a aeatlng capacl-i K «— s«‘Cond out \vas made, Bill White- own a 4-2 v/on ind losh mark. you, have w e?" Limped Back Home brealiing the S;>enrer hurler's no- After Bill TwCrdv forced Payne "Lziok at the column oh the end." Incompatible SportsI Cllicago White Sox is Vfd\l Dropo, ,ty of approxlniRtelv 2.500 people. I ' " ' sell dropped a, ilngle into rightfield at the pPate. Horan scored on an T te all-important tilt is scheduled New York limped back from a ' ; only 26 battera last night. He gave hi^er. Tommy Bolt, battling Cary Middlecoff to ^ v e n c e to PGA golf continued Thompson. "That's their Unfortunately for baseball, foot­ terrible toiir of the West with the Moosup MooSe syho used to Poliew A Fire threw s scare at scoring Howes. Billy Viol, who col­ error. to get underway a tjd t. Nebb at number in the draft. Let me .ee. j up four walks and struck out six. ' finals, finds his second stroke put ball in corner of seat back of a 6 : 10. ball, and baseb^l are incompatible. only a one-game lead. The White play baseball, btuiketball and foot­ Old nimers Day will be held /!^>encer Rubber when it loaded lected two of the loseca.' three hits, Ooml Relief Pllshlng here's Charley Hatch, an end from a ball at the t ^ lv e ^ t y of Connect­ 1 Only one man got pari first base •traw cap (arrow) in Detroit (July 25). '^ e lie was ih an electric Mylea McDonough, who went all The tey goes to college, becomes Sox, first from Friday night 'til Saturday at Yankee Stadium. The W"hen A1 Barone walked in the fifth' the bases in the fifth. Boliby Met - lined a ba.se knock to leftTbut Mc­ Highlight of the game came In Utah State w' > is nurater 80 on icut. D ro ^ h ^ upped his aver­ scooter car used'by some visitors for transportation around the course. the way for the BA’s last night, the campus hero, forgets baseball Sunday afternoon, .and Cleveland Yankees and Kansas CUV Athlet­ inning, '^vas sacrificed to aecopa rer. Marsh's glitching rival, walk’ d Neill quickly settled down to ret#e the fourth when Dan ManChuck the Lions' list. That meana ; 29 age to M O' »1\XT being in the low PGA officials allowed Bolt to drop ball Over his shqulder for next waa blasteu for eight hit#; three or is so badly banged up he no long­ both are a length behind Bqeton ics will ehare the spotlight in a and moved to third on a wild plt^h. to open the Inning. The next bat­ the aide, relieved atarter Pat Miatretla on shot's lie. (A P Wirephoto). hand-picked college kids were er can play it. .300 class arm has been elevated regular acheduled con test... Bert'Baskerville hurled the dis­ of them for extra base . The game trails by four games. Detroft is But Bold’.x got Roy Squibb to'^pop ter struck out but Toddy Potter the mound. The bases were loaded 'Cincinnati’s Joe Black makes drafted al.ead of him, and you Vic Janowlcz is a striking ex­ 7^ bftck* by Hanager Uarty Marion to the Scheduled to appear In uniform for tance for the Auto Parts and was might have beci, much, closer, how­ lip and fanned Bob McKinpey to also Walked. After an. infield out. Using a blow-up of-the champion for demonstration, purposes, with no outs. Manchuck retired the sure he''8 . in shape by doing ex- know what the draft price la—not ample. In high school, young Jano­ 9lean-t^ spot in the batting or­ the three-inning Old Timers game nearly as effective as McNeill, In ever. with better support behind k pink peso. 'Ve'm Smith appears to te sad­ fJoing Into tonight’s/^gamss, end the losers' only tcoring'oppor­ Greg Manchuck became the third Archie Mopre shows and tells what he intends to do to R'oeky Mar­ side on two and a erclae^ between pitches, wlcz was as remarkable in liase- Chicago and Cleveland have the der. >Dropo not too many weeks are Baker. , T>- Cobb, man to receive a free ticket to fact, he allowed one l*as hit- and balk to the mound. The the lean rljfhthander. Two out­ "The performances of about 10 ly contemplating cutting one of tunity. ciano at Yankee Stadium. Sept. 20. field errors al'owed three unearned ball ak he was In football. John W. advantage, what with a]»aren t ago yfaa hitting eighth in the m - Tris Speaker, Bill Tfcrry. F r a n k Grab Early I-rMtl third base. Thin brought up, pesk-\- recorded one more but,J!j,nt„t marked the end of candidates give the coaching staff Galbreafh arranged things so that hia clubs In half to make this d e ^ Once he caught fire with Frlac)^, Mel Ott. Cy Young. Dazzy wildness proved hia downfall. The [ R „.,r Amii ault a hitting streak, Different T ^ e Players runs tb cross the dish. that glowing feeling,” it sayi here. shot during a toumstfient on the romps ahead in Waahington and Two errors with two men down •Tarzan Connolly a'tio fouled off His record Is now 2-2. Janowicz would have a Pirate Baltimore while New York and tM bat he moved up in the bat- Vanca, Ray Schalk, Mickey Coch­ winners scored their two runs in 1 xmirault had hit safely in all of "Can you imagine a' major Blue Hills Course of Kansas City. in the first followed by Bill Cobb's four straight pitches 'oefore taking Two Two-Run Innings Rbckville Tbps bonus after lugging 'the leather Boston have only Kansaa City to /'Uhg slots and is now the team’s rane, Jimmy Foxx, .Gabby Hart­ the top of the third. Jack -Mr-| jj,, Trust's 10 preceding games. league manager having 88 recnilto double to le ftfie l^ provided the a third railed strike to end the . TTie Churchmen started botlf of for Ohio State. provide a breather among the In­ second test run producer. Walt nett and Joe DiMaggio to name Auto Parts with A 2-0 lead. Bol­ threat. |Joltin^ Joe Makes Big Hit Adam opened the franic with a: Tonight at 6:15 Ihe Elk# will wiUi 10 of them making him sit up Vic Janowicz, the football All will te 32 In January. His test a few. The Yanks have 34 remain­ . With one gone: Me- ; Beaupre .Motors. Collide for PGA Crown their two-run rallle.4 after two and take "notice?" vaders. The, White Sox and In­ duc's single and Bernle August's Spencer added an insurance run were out. Ir. the second. Stu Beal Tri-Village 5-0 America and then some, came to dians play eight of their 14 previous season in the American ing home games... Sleeping Neill also walked and Ixith runners wfirat time, as if he suspected It Thompson gives you a rather Crowii triple scored ahother tally in the in the sixth which later proved to #* Tbi the Pittsburgh club wltlVjonly one League was in IBSO when he bat­ champions in the majors are the advanced when .Steve McAdam; • Rlv r h A Delioit, July 26 / V »—Doug might have been resodded since collected the first of hi# tis'o long fresh and interesting slant on why Eastern games against the tail- fifth, and cphsecutlve .singles by be the deciding tally. Bates walked At Hall of Fame Ceremonies . 4 (1 2 r 0 0 Ii (i(>ubles and promptly scored when liaseball talent left. This waa enders. ted .322 with the Boston Red Sox O'Brien twins • Fkldie and .lohnny and later scored from second, on reached on an error loading the 0. fi ‘ 0 0 «> Ford and Cary MiddleLoff, who he had last played it. Someone re­ Rockville Little Leaguers got by front offices have s distressful Tommy MaSon and Sandy HannA 1 II Rick Paquette sent a )>ooming quickly spotted by Fred Haney. CStioago has clobbered the Sen- —Two Yale grads were among ■— of Pittsburgh who sleep be­ Bob Gleeson's single. bases. Darcy Smith stepped to the I f i«'ik-i H' ^ ! 4 0 2 1“ 0 •0 square o ff today -for the S7th marked that Dr. Middlecoff. golf's the second game tourney Jinx last time satisfactorily manning 18 " I don't know about his catch Aim of Kaline dented the fourth marker in the. Cooperstown. N. Y.. July 26 . 4 0 1 1 3 0 0 triple to deep left. The speedy ceh- atom and Orioles in 20 of 25 the 1* former players who have tween 11 and 12 houVs a d a y ..' Police A Fire moved two men plate and rocketed a clothesline-ill'’"''' »" •• () PGA championsh^, simply don't leading money winner; would even major league clubs. ing, third basing or hitting,' sixth. Tlie leSgue-leader-s' added W In hi.s piihie, no New York . 4 0 1 (> 0 0 terfielder also crossed the dish on night‘ at Rcc Field by defeating a **•***• tWs eeaaon. Cleveland is received.collegiate football's great Open hearing on the new hunting into scoring position with no outs Single' to right' scoring Jack Me-1 )) 0 0 0 0 0 n l.ke each othrr's'^style of ploy. be richer if he charged by. the "Our sternest competition comes Ql^rved the manager of the Buc Now York, July 26 (IP) —AI KSt , their final two run.« in the seventh Yankee game wa.s over until Joe Lasi Night^s Fights 0 It -a parsed ball good Tri-VHIage combination 6-0. 19-9 against the pair. and fishing regulations will lie held, „ „ hit and four base., on balls. in thO-^xth. One r i scored on an Adam. Ronnie Allen's ground ball ; Bvehri«ki rf . 4 V i () 0 K\en 'UK they walked trium- hour. from the colleges,," he testtfies’. caneers. "But he certainly looks honor—election to the 'H all of DiMaggio had his cut. And ye.ster- I) 0 0 0 0 M 'The BA's posed their only threat line was only a youngster in grade Dick Donovan (13-3) probably Thursday at 8 p.m. at the hall of j Thie Auto Part* crashe.l nine hits error leaving men on third and to second forced Smith but M r-! Brni '< 0 (1 pliaiilly from the 33rd j^recn of On the other hand,' Ford wastes After three scoreleas innings, in "Nearly every high‘school beseball good carrying the ball.” Fame. According to a release day. 6a ba.set>all pau.setl to add six r 4 0 1 0 0 In the last of the third, loading the school when Ted Williams won will pitch for the White Sox as today, Qen. J6hn Reed Kilpatrick the House-of Representatives at in gaining their second straight firrt but'MOveh set'ied down to New.York - Gene Poirlar. 147. Neill crossed the plate with w hat' J . 4 0 .. 1 1 0 1 Uieir .scmi-i^ial.s virtoi ies—hours: practlcilly no_tlme, on tee, falr- which both clubs played good de­ the American toague’s triple ^he State Capitol building in ^art- more names to its scroll of Ini- Niagara Falls. N. Y., outpointed proved to te the winning run. ] Hura'n ih'".. . .3 1 1) 0 3 0 n apart (hey were hurling need-, way or green. He is known aa baaes on a walk, single, fielder'a ttey ^ e n Jhefr three-gamei-game aeries of New York xO ty and Clint y/ln over the Telcos. Bolduc banged fan three stgaighl batters and end choice and another walk. Augie fensive baseball, Rockville came crown In 1947. with ford. . . Rushing the'season sign: the game. mortalily. it again was Joltin' Joe Dannv Joe-Perez, 147. New York. McNefll allowed .three singles.' ling Jihe.j at each other's game, golf's "m a n - in - motion" - not Yanka tonight. .Tommy Frank of Chicago were named. out three of )iis team's safeties off who delivered the big hit. 33 10 21 7 0 1 Davis then teat out an infield up with two. unearned im s In the Today, the 20-year-old Detroit Byrne (8-2) le the New York prob­ The Harlem GIotaAtrotters wilK The tliird innmg saw two fine 16. ■ fanned nine, and walked only t'a'o. ^ " They 1^ it be known, then and | fidgety, but merely one who wants Both were All-Americans. Other Squilib -who lost his second game Those wtori gatliered to watcli. r h po A e I l»i roller to score'the only BA run. top of the forth. With one out, Pop ' Bottles for Drinkings le In * good position to able. players who were named today meet the Hawaiian Surfriders in nine atait>. The triumph was plays in the iielase hit... He.was forced at sec­ since then to finish on top in bat­ five newromters to basetiall'a Hal^ CenlVlla! 137',. New Orleans. 10 o 0 1 0 o of ircrves as of sl>ot.s. though they ware short stories, test by scoring twice in the fifth Score (9-8) is the CTeveland choice ginia). Paul Des Jardien (Chica­ in an exhibition basketball Mme. loss chuck's high liner between first In losing. BaRkerviUe Rav« up Ml^upua p ond when Dave Logan roHeiJ to ting, home runs and nina batted The Trotters are rurrently/on a of Fame with polite respect, ap- 0 0 fi 1 o n ■'‘That guy play.s so slow that Attracted Big Uailery and once more in the sixth. In Not Throwing Italo Learns with Frank Sullivan (12-8) work­ go). Beattie Feathers (Tennessee , Pagani's Soda Shop a.id the and second for the winners. Center- plauding warmly aa fir.sl Frank , . I Swf‘ti4on If I 0 o 2 0 0 i» the fifth, with two out. Bob Sweet Kirby Holcombe on the mound for in during the eeaaon. ing for Ted WUliama and the Buede Flowers (Georgia Tech), lour of Europe. Wolves clash tonight at 6:30 in a fielder Oohnolly of Polict A Fi.-e WRiked four. His seasons record sto<-k4 4« 0 0 '1 2 l ayhe I'd belter bring my trailer The MIddlecoff-Bolt match (Home Run I Baker and then Ray t* 2 1 r 0 0 singled and Jim Moriarty^^ tower- the visitors. Russ Koelsch hit an Kaline heads the^.Ji^or circuit gang. Bobby Grayson (Stanford), Le- battle for third place made an even more iqrecta^lar now stands at .500 with four wins. 1 Msnchnrk rf p 1^ z■along and sleep between shots," yesterday drew moat of the gal­ . New York, July 26 (JP\ Popw Clayton Schalk. Dazzv Vance. Gabby I* 0 2 .S 1 lery of 6.500. but they saw very Ing fly to centerfleld was dropped easy grounder to Arnold Repetto and won on an eighth in batting with a .MS’ average. In Detroit Is at Zialttaore and Duke Snider and ^ y Campa- ! Aal* Pari* isi play. After Bob Cor/lea had Ikied and four loasea. ' M 0 0 0 1 said Ford. "I might even lap him." bottles are tor drinking, not throw, roy Mercer (Penn), Ds'vie'O'Brien nh r h pn Hartnett and Ted Lyons w ere in­ Police & Fire with Sweet going to third and at aecond baae for what appeared round n tO when Clayton'a han- home runa with 22 and he'a sec­ Kansaa a t y at Waahington in a nella, the Dodgers' ode-two punch. | m,.,..iriv a sure single to center. Connolli^ta Tonight at 6 at Charter O a k ' Kmi ih o 0 0 0 I Different Slant little good golf 'through the first to be an easy out. RepCtto erred ing. That’s the message Italo Scor- (TCU), Elmer Ollphant (Arm y), . 5 0 0 1 troduced. 18 holes. After blowing four 1-up Moriarty to second. Ken Skinner dlera tossed in the towel. ond to Boaton’e Jackie Jeneen in pair of twi-nitat doubleheadera. are slugging the ball at a. record - bar if ..!. ...3 0 1 3 (I n 0 ‘ perfect throw teat the runner tn Beal Double* advanced to aecond. With Jimmy The squat 8-7 gentleman from to stay over a day and jo'eet his , "race’’ and the I I) 0 Besides pitching two-hit ball for f I'Avn*' l>*b Tni4« ft, I "111 take-as long a.s I. want by firing an eagle three on the .more slumped three points last Cal.l, Doc Spears (Dartmouth') same team In ,fhe slugging depart-j K1 k 4 12. and he'll have to Just like it." 17th, hole, dropping a W(X>d to week, but lost little ground to hia and Alex Wojclechowlca (Ford- menl is .67» set by Hack Wilson 1 c o o the winners. Marsh struck out 12 The rroVyd whistled and .shouted. Manor will be out to get back ^in p^vn** 2 r** Ml-Htrcua 2 Manchuck 2y scoring as Bob Skinner opened the up a )>ase on a passed ball. Cole on hia noggin as a souvenir of his and the dead. In the National, it'a ... 3 I 1 1 \V L Pci .Middlecoff said. "I'll play my lit­ within four feet of th# pin. world featherweight champ, and closest pursuers. Teammate and Gabby Hartnett o f the Chlca- ■ irsMiU .ii> ! i.r 0 1 .5 y U J I men. Merre'r also pile ‘»d fine ball the second round race. / i Amirauii 2. Pnvnf' Kii* eff Mi» sixth with a long fly to left that then hit a hard shot bn the ground hapi). 3 There w ^ criea of "Atta bov, ' Police A Fire ... ___ 8 1 .889 NriUfr / Irciia 7 foi 2 luo.i in It umins.R ifAf/«l A pair of 20-feet putte on the trip to the Philippines. Italo also Charlie Johnston, his manager. Harvey Kuenn moved Into eecond Brooklyn by 13Mi as tha Dodgers, go Cuba in 1930. The top mark in / I in a losing rauar. allowing only tle old white bail, and Irt^ him dropped off the outfielder's glove. which Repetto failed to nandle brought back the Philippine mid­ 31 6 9 21 1 I < four hits Slid whiffing nine bat-'' Joel” - 'X ' 1 Bantly's ___ 6 3 .687 ah "r h IN) a^ rbi ^ oif'n in 4th' Manrhmk o fnr 0 r/xv* play his." 21st and 23rd sent MUddlecoff into Saddler fought Flash Elorde July place at .328. replacing Chicago's still/phy*1cally ailing, bead >west. Ihe majors was set in 1927 by the — This was tnk "haby■' o( the six. 2 6 .2.50 Morhaidl If ... a 1) 0 T 0 0 orm 1. Ainlraoli .1 for run4 in B e^ then countered with his sec­ and both . Logan and Koelsch dleweight title, bpt they can 20 and lost the decision—but that’s Manager W alt Alaton has bebn ters. , [ Roy M o to ia ...... ___ ,.2 I 0 0 1 0 0 Mi4irrttA ph Amitault. St'orn TTiere is no doubt that these a 3-up lead, and Bolt - - who hiul Nelson Fox, who slumped to fifth one and "Only Bate Ruth and Isiii \ Mb I b (-1 S ,r I til ss Frick calleff. DiMaggio. The 7 .125 Mc.Ncil p ..... ond double, a long drive to left scored on the eiTor. hgve it. getting ahead of the story. able, to field bis regular starters Gehrig. The (fieat Yankee palr/ .'l* dtim"-! ■■ 2 II (I o 1 1 o .Manchester Motors is still look­ ; Ponticelli'a .'...... •• 1 8 sMcAdam rr .10 0 1 2 1 0 Diana. Tim'- 2 ‘R* players differ as iiuuh as bogey gained the reputation as the at .312. AI Smith of Cleveland 1 0 n I .1 II II Yankee Clipper, fbr^^isli. was the Smith - lb ...... 2’ 01 fi 0 0 1‘ -- . » center that .sent Skinner scamper­ In the bottorwof the fourth, the . No Pr&iMtion In Sibddler’s Corner Only twice in the last 34 games, slugged at a .7(19 pace.Shortstop' ing for their Initial win of the and birdie, except for the fact tournament's hatchet m#n by Tri-'ViHagers had a real opportu-; and Vic Power of Kansas City are .r, (I n (I I i> cl test remembered. He had played steady Donnie Simmons pitched A lU n r ...... ,1019001' ing home; *T don't think I like to go back.” , " I ’m workJiig In Sandy's comer" yet the Bixwks have gained Ernie Banka of the Cubs needs bi,n iiiiKid.. ih .? n (V11 II I II second round, and Wednesday only yesterday, while the othcis AitiRM^ r f ...... 3 0 0, 0 0 0 0 : tliat both register out of Kiame.sha knocking out Sammy Snead. Jack For the Churchmen the win gave nlty to get back into the game. deadlocked for third with .314. ground. They don’t figure to lose ,3 0 0 1 1 0 • 0 i Fleck and Lew Worsham—never he said last night. "The people, /iald Scortiebini. "In the flret round -bne more Kome run with the bages ; 1 II II I (1 II II; night- their opponent will )>e the were from the past, Police A F*ire to a '5*1 win over Thavr 2b North Emls/dYO Tjike. N. Y.. and both arc .shoot­ tbem a 5-3 won and lost mark, Dave Patria opened the frame with In the National League, Phila­ it on thia trip. 1 ii (I ” JJ to'.igh Manchester Optical, a team MorrtRiNn rf .2 00 0 0 o o' ing some of the greatest golf of recovered. they are nice, but at the boxing the people start to holler. about delphia's Richie Ashbum, with a loaded to tie a major league ^ec- I II II « "This la a happy day for m e" second-place ^ n tty Oil last night j » MrAdajnAd: 3h 2 1 0 0 l 0 0 '»» while the BA's dropped their third a scorching hit to centerfleld and ring they give you no protection. . Outfielder Sandy Amoroa, in­ I fi n ( " 0 very much, in the rU|nnlng for aac- their lives. Sandy using his ell>ow'. 12-polnt increase, took ovpr Dm ord for grjind slams in one segson. Funk .'i< said Joe. and then he talked of in an Inlentiediale Leajyne con- joiait game in seven starts. Repetto drew a base on ballb. When they come at you with b6 t- cidentally, won't make the touP t II (I I 41 n II. ond round honor 21 2 2 1# S 1 2 Meet Neho It took Ford five hours and 10 CYO (5) "By the fourth round, they're lead from Brooklyn's Ro/ ■ Com- He has alread.y collected thrc(; cjy- ' [lonshu. in how he came up with the Yankees. ,r*rts III Strike Out SIdr 4^th Brooklyn.' He’s staying be­ fifiulhti .. 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 test at the West Sid* Oval. The ' r A tles and knives, you can get your­ climbing up near the ring, hitting cult clouts with the bases jammed )• ...... Of how he had followed every ■#h r )i po a e rbi —y minutes to dispose of Shelley Aliiiilhi Loop Set ah h po e rbl Stout-hearted B i ^ Prutting panella. AR n H PO A K ' Swpp.t JII8 ...... 4 ■1 2 2 0 0 self killed quick. They are/ too— Sandy on the back and Ipbaening hind for an X-ray check S t hia . ...Although .Mickey ' Mantle ia Ti.tal." 21 o 0 21 ITi 5 n i.An**' « 2 0 1 12 1 '•0 move of the late I..OU Gehrig, leain- triumph Accords the victors a two* 1 Whu^R^ii hr ....a. 0 1 2 I (I 1 ' ill be at stake in Mayfield of Westbury. N. Y.. 4 Moriarty 2b ...... 4 1 1 3 0 0 came to his own resplje and struck Ashbum gameied 19 hits in 46 aching back. ' Adtn ’EM •< •J n 0 '» 1 1 2 6 (1 0 0 2 1 "1 2 1 0 0 0 0 o what you say--fanatlc." up with bottles. I tried to" hei^p my having his best year aa a major Rrifk* 11b .. . 3 [1 I1 ing ."What makes a big leaguer " game lead m* the standings over 2 0 0 0 hi Baseball League and 3, at the Mcadowbrook K. /Sklnnrr r ...... 4 4 1 0 but Henry WiHjorh. Dave Burn­ at bats and is batting .836. Cam- Bemdes the Dodgers, the West­ RnhllD' 1 (hh 3h A>IC)|PI 1*1* 9.4 .. 1 2 1 1 ft 1 1 !'.:.l ir< ; tonight's Twily For Annual Gan^ R Sklnnrr If ...... 3 1 0 0 i) r> Scortichlnr'fought in Australia friend. Next t)Ung I hhow I am leaguer he attlj ranks (bird among 51r'mi|i • r.iiih K^lh ■ nr i> '■ "I'm proud. Indeed, to he pul j the Oiler.s BasRcrvllI- p ... 1 II n .,0 1 ^-0 III. contest...... st Ml Nebo. The North Country aub. Middlecoff, play­ ham and Holcbmlie to end the panella lost 18 points to fall into ern teams also have to, contend Mhi 4h p . 3 0 1 1 1 M. Slmmcns Ih ... 2 0 0 J- - * - MAnfRIfia 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 0 in April, going 10 rOunda to a draw hit on the head by a bottle." ' the flyrhasera In New Y/iik. Duke f'oM) Fiinkf' hl) T*'<'i»Pfc5 .5)ilfgon rf . , . ,3 1) 1 0 0 0 alongside M>u. Bill Dickey, my Simmcm.H, in notching his fourth 0 0 !>-n 0 ’ Ends, currieht pace-setters with a ing the same distance, look -six Bpal lb ...... 2 1 2 3 0 i) 1 threat. That wa.s the* test scor­ a second place tie with Duke Sni­ with Philadelphia. The FbIIa,.lV4 4 hi) Roldur 4 .*?qi|lhh 4 .iH> B.ofdur l.lAhr«i« 4ki i t . . .3 0 i> 0 0 a . Smith rf ...... 1 n 1 0 0 1 with George Barnes. Then he Scortichini expects to start Snider of Brooklyn an^^the Giants' other old teammate, and those victory, spared seven hit." and gave I'hurtUa c ...... » n n m n n o 'I four■ won ^nd - . -two lo mark, clash hours and 55 minutes before he The.Alumni League's second an­ Paquf'.U'' rf ...... 3 • 3 ' ing chance that tjie Windsor boys der. also of the Dodgers, at .M l. games behind third placo New. 6, 8(|inhb 1 wp { 'owlFg If 0 0 0 0 0 , .(tArdn^r rf ...... 3 0 0 0 n 0 0 decided to try Manila. When he training today for his August 10 Willie Maya lop the/Yankee fly- 0 0 3 0 iij other gr>at players of my lime up a lone-tally in the fourth in­ Jfawr.s 2h . - CYO. second- finished off Tommv Bolt of nual All Star game, will be played a Snider hit Ih ite honiers, giving York and three ehy of aecond nuiM'hi n* D. Slmmnns 3b 'i i U i J i S'i"'*t''- th# vouthfiil I SlmmoDA p ...... 3 1 0 0 had d u ri^ the entire game. knocked out Young Paulino in four chaaer in most departments . . . T»>r«irmicii 2b ’ \ h 0 1 n ' 1 ' and before." ning ’ after his teammates had * _ place occupants witwith its .live and Chattanooga, Tenn.. by a similar tomorrow night at 6 o'clock at RockvHle added another run in non-title match at Madlfen Square him 34 for the eeason. He leads place Milwaukee, have won 14 of Sign of the time: Every one of the Some other great pl»y- taken a 3-0 lead. Simmons did not 4 and 3 mart.'in. Charter Oak Park. The rivals will Totals ...... 33 5 » 21 ~s .0 4 rounds, he won the PhillpuJne Garden with welterweight champ Totnlfi 20 2 4 14 4 3 T*)ialR r 1 IS s 1 1 thr^e/won and lost record. the -fifth and two more in the Ted Klussewtki of Cincinnati, who their laat 10. TMey start tha trip Poirirr O iitpoiiils MfilcR ...... 0 o 2 0 0 0 -2 Middlecoff seems to have the RA’s U> championship )>ecause teth men Carmen Basilie. Doctors have as­ St. Louis Browns' playeri w;ho Tnllrr a rire I ers Uhere now are 79 names in the walk a batter while fanning five. Ve'teHin Dick Blow, leapie's be an A ll SUr nine from the cir­ »b r h po A r rbl sixth with the assistance of walks had 32. Snider alio has batted in Milwaukee. Brooklyn U at On- W ge for the championship windup were under 160 pounds.- ' went to Baltimore when the fran- . . . . rss| AB R H ro A K I of Fame! weio on hand for - : Porter .Delivers ^*2h: ^aiVah Ah a UaiJ! Howpr': \,b* j bukiP*t pitcJiPr With thrfp wins in cuit and a team comprising the Voizolo 3b . __ 3 0 . 0 2 0 0 and errbrs. The visiting pitch­ sured him that the cut will te com­ in the moat rune, lOl. clnnati, the Oionta at Chicago and Maiu'huk rr n 0 at 'lhe 6.701-yariJ. par 71 Meadow- D PUkin If . 0 0 2 0 0 Last week Itajo defended his pletely healed long before fight chiae was ahlfted to Baltimore , | 'C T C / 111 J l i r i l l C r f'lnnolh rf 1 0 0 *1 I) 1 the ceremony. Ty Cobh^ Frankie The league-leaders dented the Mc.VaIH 2. BnakArvlMA 4 . ho MrNViH ' flv^ alarts. >HI1 FPrve them up for coaches and league, officials. AH n ers were well instructed in pltoh- WllUama was 29 yeaia old when nttaburgh at fft. Louis. 4 0 - - -I .... ~ brodk layout. This is one of his Davlh c ..... 0 1 0 1 newly-won Jitle against Marahall time. have either lieen traded, sold or M Pdli- I lb .1 ) 0 FriJIch, Cy Young and BUI Terry plate twice in the first frame when proceeds from the tilt w’HI,., enter Hrrdir lb ...... 3 0 n 0 it ing to Roger Javarauckus. Rock­ he captured the American League’s optioned . . . Eiroy (Crazy l>egai j ------Kagl^Roii rf 1 0 J 0 o 0 were seated at a place of honor a hit. a walk and an error loaded favorHe courses, having won three the Alumni and Intermediate Bf^lMnifhin cf e* o (1 a 0 TOUGH T A O K u i' Minor 2b .10 0 0 3 1 AMah. ('hiinila: ti Su.rprAnani.' iShn/.J^ opposed by southpaw .Tackte 2 0 0 0 ville's home run king. In four triple crown in '47. He paced the H lf^ h has derided to retire from ' New York. .Inly 26 'JPf Gene 01 tournaihents here. League Assn. Fund. Whilnry b .. 0 0 Mci» n . ., 1 0 0 1 2 0 before the museum Mel Ott wa.s the bases and set the stage for *lff. ScDTAr Kvana. TimA; i Oi.. . x He'Hedhind who has broken even in HofiC'' SK , ...... 3 0 0 0 0 ({ trips to the ,* plate. Javarauckus circuit In batting lirith .348, in pro football In favor of radio and i Poirier came back the hard way Rrnwn If 2 0 0 0 0 0 caught in the crowd, but present Bill Porter's two-nm single. PAF two appearances. But despite that fact^. he views In laat year's contest, the first McCarthy r( ...... 1 1 0 3 () 0 0 N. E, Amateur Play Blacksburg, Va. IA5—Tom Rlch- Biirnoit If 1 0 0 0 0 0 drew four Intentlbnal bases on Mdmers with 32 and in RBTa televtalon work. Hlrach, a former I last nigh), five wVeka after a. .’l'' nonetheless. added a single marker In the sec­ C.YO Tommy Conran will •ach greertx as if seeing ii for the of its kind in Manchester, the AH McDoruju$b p 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 arda, Virginia Tech tackle from Pf)tl4*l 2 0 0 4 0 1 n ie program also included the balls. ‘ Sport Schedule wlth'114. /' All-American at Wlaconain and an | knockout defeat, to win a blazing Sc^rufon Ih .1 0 0 1 1 I) ond and two more in the fifth. rely on Rick Paquette. Stii Beal. . SUrs prevailed 2-1. The Coaches T«jtaln ...... 22 1 /» 21 7 2 1 The winners will play their next Han4>ton, Va., is the holder of three AJl'fftar choice in the NaUonal battle from Dannv' Jo Perez. Dfttrhin a I n 0 0 n 0 presentation of a certificate to had taken a 4-2 lead in the top of CYO ...... 0 2 ^' 0 2 1 ()—.'> Sts^rts Play Today Catcher Dave Turkinglon con­ Jimmy Moriarty and Bob Skinner game-Wednesday night - at 6 at The Detroit Uons vriU play 18 Purple Heart decorations. Richards League, has also starred in several The scrawny welter from Nlag- .Mav 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 Billy Capps of San Diego aa the tinued hia fine atlckwork for the to pro\ide the power At the plate. the seventh Inning on Tiny Poek- BA> ...... 0 0,4 0 0 0 0--1 fontat with the Marines during outitanding American Legion 2b; Bfal 2. 5b Pxlf^urKr; j»h Stafford Springs. Stafford elim­ Tonight football games this season. Six moviex... Veteran aouthpary pitch­ gfa Falli. N. Y., raked- Perez with ToIaIr .22 I 2 IS 7 2 winners crashing two-iingles in Sturdy Steve Cooper. Rad Case. ett's two-run homer, but darkness dp. H••!d1c/4|una.^Rlj»l#*d»: bh: iianchester. N. H„ July 26 (1; Scorrr; England: pected to prove a real tough a.*- Tournament swings into match eran at eight aeasona.. Three of down in their 10-round scrap at RBI Mar«h 2b: KangA. and Tlmea-Herald and president of Thus, the- score reverted back to Beaupre's vs. Elks, 6:18—Cliar- Tonight's oontest at 6:15 pairs Time;” 1:50. 4 signment for the Rockville nine. play today with the medalist still Notre Djime'i football ganiea thl.s St. Nicholaa Arena.. All three of- RatAR. ICaalAHun. »b Matcat. aac, the Writers Aeen., served as master Roy Motors against cellar-dwelling Statues have been erected to the sixth inning. undecided. ' ter Oak. I.«angA; Inb: SpAnCAr X P oIIca A F ir* of ceremonies. • Rork^ iilp (5) fall will te telecast on closed rir- flctalx. Referee Barney Felix and 7 bK M^rrAi' 3. Marah 4 ao M a i- PontlceUi’a. many Actional charactera includ* The AH Stars are comprised of PRIZED EqriPMRNT A ^ n H r o A Dave Sullivan of CJharIrs River, Case's vs. Pagani’s, 6:30—Char­ Yoh Can't luy IEfTE| Aofo hMoraaea Afterward, the BoXton P.ed Sox cuiti. Judges Bert Grant and Bill Reoht. rrr ?». Marah .13. u BaslAv. T vIa t ; PfiMcf A Fir p YKBTRKDAV'A SK8I LT8 ing: Petei- Pan in L#ondon. Hans 14-year-old 'performers from' all liOffan rf* ...... X 1 ft 0 Newton. Mass., and Don HoCnig ter Oak. I AmAflraa Korlprh If . .4 ft 0 scored it 6-4. The A P had it 7-3 b T. Potter , acorfr. Wat.Ron. Time. defeated the Milwaukee Braves 4-'J all r h pji a p rbi Brinker in Holland, Puck irf Wash­ four I«ague teams. The bpys were New York (N E A )—Jack Fleck of Wethersfield, Conn., and Wa- Aceto A Sylvester vs. Lawyers, f .slO. in the annual exhibition game held H«»yart Ih ...... 4 1 1 7 0 0 0 ) 'iN o aamAt irhAdul^cli. Col** B» .. . 3 1 0 3 a for Poirier, who was penalized the 5'aliaaal selected for their ability as well donated the putter with which he JavarauckAR Ih . .0 0 3 ft chusetfs. West poylslon. Mass., 6— Verplanck. in conjunction with the feslivi- (eARIIon BR ...... 3 0 1 .3 4 0 f) ington. D. t;.. Hiawatha and Min­ [lyilmu-ujfliT #lxth round for a low blow.'’ Siriiniunff p .. .. . 1 • t 0 <*• 0 1 I iNo •rhAtiulAfi.). aa their sportsmanship on the dia- won the -United States Open lo Pruttinif p ...... , .4 ft 1 ft 2 Moriarty’#, vs. Green Manor 6—^ WHY PAY MORE? DO IT T O O E T H I» nehaha in Minneapdiis. Tom Saw- tied with 146a yesterday in the Turkinifton r .'.’.V .i 0 2 0 1) NATIONAL .Mprri.s c . r-ve ...... 3 ft ft 9 1 X Perez outboxed Poirier in the tte». 7 2 nionjl. Golf House in New York. , , ,, ...... 1 qualifying mednl roun . Charter Oak. New York fN E A ) Stan .Muslal B 31) ,. ^ . 3 1 1 0 rt 1 0 W Te Pel. f;BL. ver and Huck Finn in Hannibal. ( ‘A rlfr 2b ...3 ft ft 5nn why Albtota i M moraaoto lasoraaea in 1954 ft. ft ft ft CYO vs. North Enda, 6:18— early stages but ran Ip7n heavy and are' room­ Hiihb.ird r f ...,,... 1 1 0 D O' 0 I) Brooklyn ...... fifi 31 .fifiO Mo. Tickets )or the contest are teing Sftwyrr rf . .1 CHose behind the leaders .were AI PoM fr If ...... 3 (> 1 1 1 0 •> MilmaukAP...... 52 44 ,542 H*., ■old by all players in thfr''Alumni Q. With -two strikes on the bat­ Plank 3b . 3 0 a 1 0 Nebo. thanI any _ , othnr e o m ^ y Dosnd on dimer writtnn going in the fourth and,fifth. He mates when the St. Louis Cardi­ sV aw York ...... 51 44 .52fi 1.5 ft 0 ft ft Winter Jr., if Bridgeport, Conn,, Rrn«on 2h .... 3 0 _a. . 3 a . 0 IsCague and a collection will be ter. a foul Up is trapped in the Tlnbrrta rf . .3 also took a good golng.over in the nals are on ihe road. Mrin)ni*)i 2h ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , PhltadAlphia ...... 51 49 .510 16'a ; 147i.and Warren‘Ttteetts of Man- Wednesday, July *7 I rh lcago ...... 4« 53 .4«9 30*,; taken at the field for all of the Totals .... .26 5 4 19 ~ h sixth when Referee ^'ellx ruled he The m h Hole rf ...... 2 1 X 0 0 1 1 catcher's equipment, not his- glove, chwter and Art Butler of Ports­ Telcosna Vi. Case's,Case's 6 : 30—Char. EotBPARE a n d T O UTX f i n d AnaUte, the company founded was hit low by two right hand 1 St. leOuiR ...... 43 50 .4fiL 21 i fans who have not purchased a la the batter, out 7 Tri-VUlMC* <•> mouth, each with 148. ter Oak. by Sears, offers rates usually lowar t^on thoM of most companla# Southpaw Paul LaPalme, M. T oIa U ...... 25 ,5 .fi 21 12 2 ' 4 nncinnatl ...... 41 .54 432 24 ! ducat AB R H PO A K punches. Louis Knuckleball plteher. likes to Rantlyr Oil Mr " Pillffburgh • , ■A. No. It's Just a/oul ball. Baxt^’r BA ...... 3 0 ft 0 ft Hoenig,' wJ-,0 won both the Mas­ Norman's va. Anaaldi'a, 8 —Ver­ —a really better auto insurance'valna! At the same time, you ft 0 ft Each 'b>0xer weighed 147, for the face the New York Giant#. In 21 ah r. h Im « a rbi AMKBUAN ^ Karly r .... .‘2 5 sachusetts and Rhode Island Opens planck. ' can count on Allstota lor Bnest proitoCtton, ftlendly agent service CUP PAIRINGS Sirangr cf , . . . 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 SoiT^Say Blinn rf ...... 3 ft ft 0 wEft la televised (loUt, watched by '850 last year, faces AI Faenza of East Motor Salea va. Optical, 6— Inning# thia season ha ha# shut Following are the pairing* to'' B'lgzllil 2li __ 3 n 0 00 3 0 0 N a v York ...... 59 37 .515' — ! NfchfJaon Ih ...... 3 ft ft 7 0 0 and fast, fMr d a ta oetUements.thfqugliout the United States MMd WwMcfaH paying 91.300. i" them out. ' - . the Preiidenf# Cup Tournament. sMant’irfrla r. ...3 1 2 7 0 0 0 ChtcaRo ...... 57 37 .AOfi 1- Patria If ...... 3 0 ft 0 0 Providence, R. I., and Sullivan Waddell. * and Canada. . ■ - ■' AdaniH 3h . . . . . 3 0 1 3 0 2 1 riAVAi«n*T ...... »4 3S .604 1 THEY HAD THEIR UPS nopetto 2h ‘ ..... 1 0 ft i 2 meets Cal Geary o< Concord. Moriarty’a vs. Auto Parts, 6— MEf»y »E»l4|a»A| IS The first round must be pla.ved on Knh'‘ii RH . ....3 0 O 3 3 1 0 Bostorj ...... 55 4J .573 4 Wilborn rf ...... 1 0 0 0 ft . Osataet your local ARatato iBMMaace Co. dealer. DAirolt . . . . . :...sVi 43 ..538 7* AND DOWNS ^ Burnham 3h ...... 2 ft ft ft 0 Mass.'; in match play openers. CJharter Oak. or before Saturday..Gross medalist (liaiiRantt If ....3 0 2 1 p 0 0 FRANG LANGMACK^ Ml 9-5450 was H a n k jla efs with a 69. Net Bockwllh lb ....3 0 0 3 0 0 0 Kanna* City ...... 38 57 .400 30* llolrombr 2b. p . ft 1 0 3 1 Defending champion Bobby All-Star Game, Alumni Lpasus, Bra.^.R rf , . . . . . I 0 1- O 0 0 0 liVaahlnRinD ...... 33 61 ..^51 35 Mrtiuirr P ...... * !!!!!!! 0 ft 1 r 1 Grant of Wethersfield, Conn., who 6:18—Charter Oak. medalist wte Savin Zavarplla with 2 (i 0 , BaltimorA ...... 28 64 , 304 29 Stonr r ...... 1 0 ft 0 ft 0 RAvnolil.R rf . . . , . 2 . 0 0 qualifie<* witl. 149, is paired with You're In Good'Hands with (7anbon p ... .O 0 0 0 0 0, TODAY'8 (tA.MRB KltnAkaA a ...... 0 ft n u ft 71.g_65. . AmerirAa " ’\ 'V Henry Weston of Claremont while STEADY WINNER Zavarella vs. K. Murphy, St. MItrhAiI p # ...2 0 1 1 % 0 J______Kanias Cily at Washington TntalA ...23. 0 5 lA 6 4 Winter meets Stan Nowak of New. John ve. De Martin, K. Gordon va Tutalii ...... j.25 -J 7 18 7 3 I night! Bovat i5-2> and HAfbert i, a Battcfl for WUborn In 6th. PbliCA A jirirA *' i 1 0 0 3 0 x—5 Schmitx »5-5i and PnriAfdpld <7-l3» Rockvillf ...... 0 n 0 2 1 2-5 Bedford. Mass., ■ Tibbetts playf Cleveland (N E A )— Bob Lemon Karpuaka. Dutelle vs. Bbuvier. BAnTly> ,0 0 0 1 0 0 (V-1 I *>r ,(l-0» ' fih; ('nlo. loh: Riirkvlllr 11, Tri-Vil- Brad Oxnard of East Providence, haa averaged 1.46 victories for Porterfield v#. Jeaanis. Ferguson M m s m s 2b:' Maneggia: 3b .MitchAlI; tb: 1 Detroit at BaltimbrA 13-lwl-night» ■ JaR*' 7: bh; Pruitlnic 2. Holrombrt 6. and' Butler tangles wit)*.- Joe each of his 12 years of major ,1 v«. Saari, E. Balliieper ve. McKee. GatAg 2. MUrholl. Giansanti; aac: Gag-: l«»rvAr an? Hoeft M0-3» v*. i .McGiilrr 2‘. 8o: Prut-tiiiR 8. Hotcombr non: dp Revnolde to Maneggia: ^ g - , i5-8» and WlUon (7-10». 5: Holrombf 4 for 3 run?* in 5. 4Mc- Mitchell of Wethersfield, Conn. league pitching. ' . MICHAEL McKone va L. Gigllo. Gulro o for 3 rims in .1; bbp: KarH:: giniInl (o Kohon to Adame: lob: Police Aa ' fl**®**^ V ^XT**** Donovan , Wllaon vs. Chanda, Delrar vs. J. .Firn R, Bantly'a 4: bb: Cannon 4. U8-3)tvii. Byrne (8-2). wp; Pmitlnu, Holcombe; |: Holrombf': Gordon. Pond va. Bryant, Cerina Mitchoil 1. so: Cannon 3. Mitchell 6: Cleveland at Boeton (N)—Score (8-|i pb: Karly 2: ui Kamxcy. Worthinfton, Siminone 6. .Hits off: ('annon 4 for 3 va. Sulllvzn Il3-Ri. v». Handley, H aefi ve. Stevens, runs itv 1 Inninga; Mitchell .4 for 3 N*ti*Bzl Oangwere va. ,P. McNamara, Rocjt- runx In 4 1-.1: hbp by Mitchell (Hub­ Brooklyn at Onrinnatl IN)—Kraklna The fimt Senior Amateur cham­ bard); wp: Cannon. Mitchell: 1: Can- (9-41 va, B lin (4-1) or Groaa (0-01. pionship of the USGA. will be held / J. Well va. Plodrik, T. Kelley Sr.,vy». Phitadalphia at Mtiwauk.a (N)—Rol>- hon: u: Gianeanti. Staiim; Scorer at the Belle Mei^dc Country dub. Law. \ Kratut’; Time 1:45. . «ru (19-71 va. Bpabn (9-101, . . . but not on thlei eveiy- N.w Yor)i at Chicago—Mafli« (9-4) Nashville, Tenn.. Sept. 26.through va. Daria (5-Si. Ume they cm me to Center Mo­ Oct. 1. The entry fee is |1CT. PUtahurgh at St. Ixiula (Ni—Donoao tor Sales they are rompletely i . . we’ve got a growing list of 2 " j t 8 * ' x U " We don H want to (J4l va. Arro.vo (11-41. Mtiafled. So will you t e . - 29c Mch SHERIDAN eiutomers who like the way we The Lewis Ivoodpeoker of Uic M O I I L H E A T waatern United StAtee iNttetee in- TODAVS SPECIAL keep their cars ruhning in top form, MCU on the itround or in the elr pin a medal on ORNAMENTAL FLAGSTONES A N N O U N C I S or digB them out of fruit insteed 1952 CHEVROLET i1 at lowest operating cost. Tbat’a the of out of tree trunke end brenohee. FOR BEAUTIFUL WALKS and PATIOS \ FUEL on. / CLURCOUFk ourselves hut • • • only award we want—your con­ •Aavefia cea by etireelive, talarM weMo, tarrecM pabEt vi9k th«a raytEA^oUr SlecN- THE OPENING OF DE LUXE MODEL crala flofiteAE*. Itmfly tfr ^ • fawndEbae beta wkh EbatS. 2-fncKat af ardmary aaiids tinued confidciica. iEiaa*h ant« fkaa laf hi t^. ^sfilaaM ki yaac awE ckaica af ErSfbcgabariM. ^ LET US TEST with radio and heater, '■ You'll Bo Glad You Old! WaiticrEia Ftafiianai clay ki placa wdiKmuly fafardiaw af waaAar. Na 'kaav.^*' m wwaar Yeur W atch Free nearly new tires. Driven leas Iram fratf. Na tyslag ar **radikif* fraai rala. tanaa|>*ar tkipi E)#Va« Ikaai aaty *a than Xi,900 mUes. ^ ^ MONTHLY 'M ia and aary^iiagla la Wy. Na aa«aMs aaadad. Samt'^aui caatpailian MORIARTY la 30 Soceodf A beatiiig plant la something you operate. It Is "eX- Today only. ^0*90 atanraa gukfc ^siaan lac dry %i«fca. Naaikid Mirlaaa graildai *ala aalawf. Aik far SHERIDAN’S pHulve” or "economical” depending upon the coat- GARAGE sS to-you to run, year after year. \ CALL US 1954 FORD V8 CLUI Manufacfvrsd kf * fFaftlfi TODAY G-E with its year-after-year economy of operation *BR0THERS )Mast9f witl (In the long nm) make it one of tlie meet eco- flASTICtETi CORPORATION, HAMDEN, CONN. FOR FREE SEDAN CUSTOMUNE and SERVICE STATION nomical heating unite you can buy- Installations for OMKAYIO AND SOU> lY A eeieBtUle prUited record eaado ESTIMATE O P E ^ olectroaleBUy will tell jroa the W A R M AIR, HOT W ATR R and S TE A M ' Dark ffrc«n. Immaculate (FORMERLY GOWDY'S) trao ooMHIob aad mto of jpmt BEAUPRE MOTORS, Inc. wmteh. interior and all of tlie ROUTES 44.A and 4, lOLTON EXPKBT WATCH EEPAnS ffne Ford accessories. 9f . 24 HOURS r o o M P r Only $1495* COMPLETE REPAIRS ON A U MARK OF CARS 315 Center S t^ T cl. MI-3-5135 ■CONOItnCAL SBBVICE Root TIm ill ^ COMPLETE LURRICATtON ^ Hoot With. — BEAUPRE MOML KEROSENi CENTER G-E NCmTH MAlNSTRSeT. TEL. MI 9-5253 1 have had‘ many yean’ axpcriwict (n tkk burintM I S E R V I. C E MOTORS, Inc. I: aiid wiU'bt (bui to grtot all my fritndi. * * and mw 9 * *■ lU EAST CENTER ST. OfM Oailr 7 A./ m . to .5 P. M. IncIwUnff Wodneatay MOTOR. SALES ■ I Air Coadifioaiaf enatomtn, toos u n c e obl MANCHESTER ^ / Y xA / y 'y / ^ / y'/. /YY/^ ' Y ^ y / y y / f y y y / o .A XJ M l Mala Stc-TaL Ml *4iMl ‘ SatanUyi Until Noon 785 MAIN 8T. 341 RROAD ST. ' TELMI-9i454f OPEN EVENIM08 S-szA-vis# pcagaav.;; Or.re.vs'-. V r ■. V ’ ’>s i:

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. JULY 26. 1955 -J-...... i—i.. , r III,.III W ■ ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., tUESpAV, JULY ^6, 1955 iniGiB rOOBTEEN. Rooms Without Board 59 Waaited Ta Rent ' 6S ^ -Houhes For Salo 72 Houses For 8alo 72 Wanted—^RcaI Estate 77 Legal N otice ' / -ei^ j f f a i B o y h v^.lgaaATrp fumiabaA rtxjm, auit- f a t h e r and high school daugbtar ispifrON —• Two old, five for SMo 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! Diamond»—W*tcliija - Houaehold Goods <11- 813,800. FIVE ROOM (kdooial, two-; FDR PROMPT aouftaoua esntee, At a (9eurt of ftob A ltO R H ^ to T By FAGALY uad SHORTEN Help Wanted— Male 36 .aide to t one adult, Oooking privl- dMire 8-4 room fumlahad apart- car garaga, 110’ . lot, beautiful tpom ranch in lent conAtlon. or huyliig real aatdta. aril fester, witbia and f; Jewelry 48 leges. MI. 9-8884. ^ maht or housa. MI, 9-7444. Nicely landsci I, comar sera lot. Johnson BiiUdng CSompany, M n- HanchMter,------. — on —the Mlh iajs of July, B«1 Air Iterd- CARPENTERS wanted. Rough and BARBTOW SAYS^ / v Bhoda trsaa,-Naar Mia. Carlton W. 8 IW CaMiOUBt tFcbUfiVlNRfrEsX Hutchins, ML 9-8183, Ml. 9-4894. B dict __ lood. Idaal ‘for chaater. Ml. A lL t. ^ ^ • e n t . John J. Wallett, Judge. Beauty Contest Jildge C lis if ie d to p. ._____ two-tone iv<^ top MM ORINOCTONE.OID 'MMJ OFT ITHIS OWICE 1%* .THAT «PBBCMroa finish men. 50 hour week. Call LEONARD W. TOST, Jtwtlar, rie^ '."IT’B^ THK TRUTH !’* \ , FtmNISHKD IUX>ki-^aikr Ikfaln WANTED TO RENT by August 18 GlUkildreri. Aakiag 816,000. Own­ „ * » « * « . Thomas Mnldoon, late oI ow r "BMiterscotch" body. White- OUT TMOSE MeBTlll& NOTlceS •>' ■eCOMIN&JUET . MiMTHBOBBHlND James A. McCarthy. MI. 9-6474 pairs, adjusts watches expertly, St. Gentlaman praferTad. MI or Saptambtr. I, hasted 3 or 8 er, MI 95187. IF Re a d y to» sail. 'axc^iunig* Manchester In said District, deceased. 22 N« OWN BUBim between 6 and T p.m. 9-2170. 9 Haael St. , room and bath imfumlohed a|>art- 810,900—Two badroom ranch, all The adininiktrator having ezhIWted wall UM . Actual mileage Just TO LOOGB MIMB6RS IN PACT HI BBMTBHCamLr~ Raaaonable prices. Open dally. Close Out of Floor Model " brick, garaga, larga ohadp treas, real estate lu..; arranged. his administration account with said AAttrtiieMeiit OAOOi^This car carries a rtew CRlMB.S,aBT MB UP A ^ A HICCUP.' Thuraday evaninga. 189 Spruce ment4h reoldtnUal nelghbomood. ; MANCHESTER Oonsulf. Howard Hastings, estate to, this Court for allowance. It TeUs Abour Work HiEfwwrN WANTED Westinghouse TVb lA RO E Afudarn Room with all No objection to aubtifroan area. picket ftpee, central, convenient. Agency. 30 , 9-1107. car guarantee. Barlow Motors, UBT OF AtL THE , " Street; ML 9-4887. Oarlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5133, ORDERED that the Srd day of Au- CLASSIFIED ADVT. 4SS Main St., Manclieater. OeUMOUBNTfi—,' fiOON-HEa< - ja m MATERIAL HANDLERS houaekeemng facilltiea fully at- One adult, middleaged buainess •P ER IO D .^ MB NAD bCUlORklNfr ] New Set Gugranteed . tached. m ya te ehtrpnee. In­ 9-4694. PRICE REDUCEl) $14,400 U8TINCW ' RtaNTED — Single, *151.*" f ’riock, forenoon, New 'York (ff>—Roma.62S times d e p t , h o u r s CDUfiBLSIOH.COMtl ■ BE T DUBBTIMB A LL LAST woman. Referoncea exchOngad. at Iho Probate Office In the Hunlctpai York.” She hit KUn wttli her mzka* uftpoa quire 101 pTkeatnut St. Write Box C, Herald. twe-family, threa-famUy, bual- MlldIpg In saM Manchester, be and in Us life Rueaell Patterson haa 8:1S A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. 1*55 DODGE Camrt. red and IN HBttE.lVMNT^ ' VCtkONONSOFHB , Household Goods 51 t—Model 880KU21 de luxe con­ Ma n c h e s t e r —Central six room Owner moving out of state. Five- tno la aaslgned for a hearing on had to view a Una o f . beautiful up k it gray. To settle eatate,^X72 Great- “» DUES? Minimum Weight 160 Lbs. room, two-yaar-old Ranch. In ax- ndaa prd^rW, Have many caoh What haa WOU TO HELP aU B fTAGS! HiXL PBOBABLV sole. all channel. Was $369.'95. Sava ROOM f OrTRIINT for ono or two, YOUNG doUPLB — Teacher and Cape. Two unflnlahedi fireplact, the allowance of wid administration girls and pick out tha prettiest. Fattanoa laamad wood Dr. MI 9-1063, Mtween 4 'i. $70.00. Only $299.95. Terms. lot 66 x 140. Only 8131900. Exolu- callent condlUon. Thrsa hadrooma, ^ « r a . Mortgages arranged, account with sold estate, ascertain­ about women tram Ua* uapaM M E MITH MV 9AV MB 09A M BBBR AMO FLORENCE de luxe combination with, ll$rht hoiMekeepIng privi­ college student, no children, de­ .^aae oUl George L. Orastadto, ment of heirs and order of distribu­ NaturaUy, hard work Uliis this COPY CLOSING TIME and 9. \ gpBEcnr FREtZELSr; oll-gaa range, including drum and leges and bath. Ml 9-4776. slve. Moran Real Estate. MI. living room and kitchan. Ampla tion, and ihlB Court directs that noUce should M y well. A fellow !haa to hobby ? ■ I Goo(l opportunity, for ad- 1 Model 884KU21 all channel. sire four-room unfurnished apart­ cloaats. Oil hot watar hast. Realtor, ML *5878, lOt Henry "Well, redheads tand ta fast FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ■ — ' " ----- pump. Good condition. JA. 8-86J5. ment. Mancheatar area, com­ 8-4851. . Street. - : of the lime and place assigned tor said think, of the wear and tear on hta b e f o r e TOU b u t a used car vancdhient. |1.40 an houP^^to Was $309.95. Save $60.00. Now Screana and combination doors. hearing be given w to- all prraonipersons knownanown superior—wlisttier they wars bpm MON. THRU FRL ROOM FOR RENT. Bath, park­ muting diatahee to store. JAck- to be Interested!itad thtremtbtrain to appoar eyeballs. Sea Gorman Motor Sales, Butek start. Credit Manager of 1249.95. Terms, ing. For gentleman. Tel; MI 18,600—SIX iQOOM homs; oil hot Amasita driva and garsga. red-halrad or aciiuirad, tha o < ^ 10:30 A. M. aon 8-7671. water heat garage, 2-3 acre. Near and’ be beard1 thereoo. by publlahlnc a, But Patterson, a famous llliia- Saleh and Service, 385 Main Albert'e Furniture Co. 3-1406. J Legal Notice copy of tbla ordar-ln oi soini- n«wapap.r trator and Interior decorator, has later. And brunettes are geBazaUy SATURDAY 0 A. M. street. Ml. 9-4671. Open evenings. WOULD LIKE TO MEET i-M odel 871TU21 ail channel bus, school, Carlton W. Hutchins. \ Exclualva With having a Circulation in said Dfartrlct, a little more solid and staMa tka^ Apply Iii Person table model with base. Was $267,45. MI. 8-5133 • 9-4694. . at least five days before the. day of aelflessly put principle above Reliable. Honeat, Person LARGE, Clean, Pleasant Room for Busincs Property For Sale 7Q FRANCES K. WAGNER LIMITATION ORDER said. hearing, and by matting In a profit In this matter. blondes.’’ \ 1949 CHEVROLETS, de luxe Save $67 .50. Now $199.95. Terms. gentleman. Central , location. certified letter on or before July 28 That should dispel tha myatary t o m cooperation w u x TO TAKE OVER MANCHESTER—Qarrlaon colonial, Realtor At a Ciwri of Probate held at Man- ’’You can’t accept money In a BE APPRECIATED models, 839S, full price. 1947 Chev- SPENCER RUBBER UPNPAID BALANCE Private entrance, parking. MI OPPOr !t UNITT PtUa-rFally ^ulp- r^eeier whjiln and (or the District of 1965. a cony of this order to David about all women — exem t o f 1-^Used 20" half door conaot# six years Mdd. Has everything in­ Mltchall 8-ns7 Ma^hester-,on the 21st day of July, Muldoon, 60 RusseU 8t.. Manchester, thing of thia kind-—it might be rolet,- Mercury, $96. Douglaa PRODUCTS CO, MONTHLY PAYMENTS 3-8914. ped apeelalty shop, the only one Conn.; Margaret Slnnamon. 441 Parker course, the one you want to naw. Motors, S33 Main. with UHF converteV, $100.,T#nna. cluding two tile baths. Full price, mistaken, or it might oblige you,” Chapel Street ^ $12.58 like It In town. Main street loca­ $15,900. Capg’ Cod—8U finiahed OPPORTUNITY knocks! Eight Present, lion) John J. Wallett, Judge. 8t.. Manchester.. Conn.; William Mul­ he said. was 8475. OK only ^ < PLEASANT ROOM for a genUe- tion. Low overhead. Owner sacri­ Estate rtf Mih’ l M. Peak, late of doon, 529 East Middle Tpk., Mancheft- Dial MI-3-5121 196P MERCURT Club Sedan, ra- BEDROOM SUITE man. Private entrance, parking. rooms, nice condition, good loca­ room home In good locaUon. Manchester in said District, deceased. ter. Conn.; John Muldoon. - 235 Hlgh- Beauty contests have become a DRIVER-SALESMAN-^ Ambitious ficing dua to lU health.. Call 'The tion, sale price Itl.OOO. Over forty P. Peak of said Jand 81., Manchester, Conn.; Harriet dio, heater, overdrive. This is a LIVING ROOM SUITE BARSTOW’S ' . Near Marti St. MI 3-8905. Steam oil hast, garage. ' Owner RIsley 104 West-Center 81.. Manebes- big American industry. It has Hbspital^Nota^ Manchester marfieid man between Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ more listings of all ktitda from transferred. Price 813,600. Made­ nice running car in excellent con­ 5-PC. DINETTE SET tors. MI. S-6930, or Mr. Higgins, ***•* six/nonihs from the f'l’. Elisabeth Gagnop, 160 been estimated that there are up 25-35 years of age for retail milk Just North of P. O. $6,000 up. CaU The Ellsworth Mit­ Eldridge St.. Manchester. Conn.; Vio­ dition for only $795. Barlow Which Was Used Only 2 Weeks MI. 1-8609. line Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-1642 or list day ol July, ’ 1 ^ . be and IW to 17,000 beauty contests a year route located In Manchester and Apartments— Flats— ten Agency, Realtors. MI. 35930, MI. 9-1146. same arc limited snd allowed for the let M. Benwav'. 7 Guilford 8t., Wlhd- Patients Toda y ...... 1 # ' Lost and Found Motors. 435 Main St., Manchester. Vernon. Permanent position. By A Young Couple creditors within which lo>rliig m their •or Uovks. Conn.: Robert/Muldoon, and the money output, including ADMITTED TBSTTERDAT: Da* ^ W atchims the h ard - Who Unfortunately Tenements 63 or Mr. Higgins, MI. 3'6609, eWrns against said eslsta, and said Jr.. Fox Trait Road. South Coventry. advertlaing, to promote them runs Must be qualified to deal with GE FRIGlfiAlRE and Baby Wash­ COMPLETE OFFICE or FIVE ROOM ranch, aU uUUUaa, Conn. vid Blazanaky, 39 Oakwoo4 Rd.: FOUND — A place where you can UORtOHO aUB OFFICER Were Compelled To ing Machine. MI 3-5995. admtiiUtrator la directed W glve public into the hundreds of millions of 1947 DODGE, radio and heater. public. Quick and accurate with TWO FURNISHED rooms with DESK SPACE MUST BE SOLD-55 dufdex. Ex­ large lot with ahads trees, good lo­ not ce to the rredltora' to hring Ih JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Steven Mitchell, Hartford: DQidley •ecure a complete line of knitting Break Up Housekeeping their claims within ,s4ld tlme“ wllowed dollars. yama and acceaaorlea. atamped MI. 9-2428. WORKIMO EVERVBOtN ELSE . arithmetic. Union shop. Health, privata bath, buoineas block on Manchester—Broad Street cellent condition, large tot, all cation. Call MI. 85105 for appoint Siedllk. 14 Windarmera ' A n ., welfare and pension benefits. MOVING Selling entire fumiih- conveniences. Call A. Reale.' MI. mant. by publishing s co^y of this ohder In At a Court of Probafr held at llan- At 60, Patterson, a Cautious, Rockville; Mrs. Baatriea Fnrpliy, goo^, embroidery cottons and es« h harder AH of this merchandise has been ; ingji of six-room* house. MI bus line, free parking. See Mr. Fine office space suitable for iwme newspaper having a circirtallon rheiler; within and f/r the Dlatrlct of whlte-mpstached man who admits Salary and commiaaion. Apply returned to ua and is now in our Keith, Keith Variety, Depot 9-1919. In said p r o ^ e district within ten teys Manchester, on the-35th day of July, 187 Hackmatack 8t.;/'M ra. Oraee tatting threads. At Tour Tam I 9^272. Inquire 94 W. Middle ■mall retail or wholeaala outlet. NEW CAPE COD; North Coventry. ^om !h« Gate of thin order and return to a slx'-atitch head scar Inflicted Shdp, SO Cottage St. Phone AO. 1940 FORD pickup truck. Good ‘ rb m J U Itr Lincoln Dairy Co., 69 Ward Place, Warehouse. Every piece has been . Square. $965. Glglio, 10 Olcott S tj Mrs. Oartnida condition. 80. 9-2428. Hartford. Conn. t' Tpke. Ample off street parking.. Birch cabinets, baseboard heat, make to this court of ih<* notice clven, Pre.ent, Hon. Jphn J. Wallett, Jiidse. by one losing conteatant.-is the un­ Ueberman, 489 tL Mlddla TTikt.; 0-3SM. JM oTTom $T., RMt«r tm m tn,, serviced, polished.' waxed and in cersuinic tile, hath, full basement. JOHN J. WALLETT. J^d»e. taUle of Jos.1^ Labanaky. late of challenged king of beauty contest WAM/M07DNB8,O.C.. exceUent condition. If you can meet 18 CU. FT Hotpoint Refrigerator. AVAILABLE about Auguat 15, 6ti Call MI 3-5107 lU CONCORD ROAD Nanchrster,' Ur aald Dlatrict. de- Leonard Land,' 362 Hartford Rd.; 1949 OLD8MOBILE "M ’’. 1947 HAVE YOU SOLD BEFORE? room duplex, completely, re­ Reasonably priced. Bee John Fay, VfAMed. Judges. XOST—Within last fortnight, pair these qualifications we, will be : Excellent condition. Very rea- LIMITATION ORDER Hla own shy estimate Is that Mrs. Myrtle Bkepord, WIndaorrtlle; of driving gloves. MI 9-S790. Dodge ’club coupe, 1949 Pontiac Do you ha»'e the aptitude for sell­ decorated. iPhone MI. 3-7813. Route $4A, or call PI. 2-7830, At a Court of Probate held at Man­ le executrix havinf exhibited her Mrs. Shirley tValker, 13 MoratRd.; In' good' condition. Douglas Mo­ ing? Do you think you can sell? moat happ.v to do business with I sonable. 37 Autumn St. Large five room ranch in- chester within and n.r the Dietrlcl of Intatratlon account with Mid eatate he has had to view and Judge the ' Reward. you. If you are not ready for de­ Houseff Fpr Sale 72 m o d if ie d six room ranch, en- Maqchetter on the 22nd day of July. to tnts Court (or allowance, It Is Howard ^ it h , 19 Knox 8 t ; Judy tors, 338 Main. If the answer to any of these is SIX-ROOM TENEMENT. *Hot air o r d e r e d that tha 5th day of Au- charms of maybe half ; a million livery, we'll store it for you at closed breezeway, two car ga­ tranca hall, fireplace, tUe hath, Hickey, . ^ Oakland St.; Mrs. DOST—-Optional Shart Book No. •’yes" then we would like to talk furnace. Call between 7 and 9. MANCHESTER — AtU-acUve rix Preaeqt, Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge zuat. 19^, at ten o’clock, forenoon, at lovely American girls, and he still 1954 FORD country sedan station Auto Driving School 7-A Household Services Help Wanted—Female 35 no extra cost regardless of time. Wanted—To Buy M oil hot watar bast, aluminum Die Probata Offica In tha Municipal doesn’t feel tired. You hardly Dorothy Allan, Glastonbury; John 5257. to you. We are an old reliable . MI .9-9043. . room home. Flreplace.Noll heat. Estate of Celia Mauon late of Man­ Bulldtna Ip said Manchastar. be and T. Prior in , 8 Church 8L wagon. Four door, eight passen­ rage, recreation rooms in storm Wlnriowa, full’ cellar, split chester In aald Dlatrlct, deceaaed. the same la auMlanad for a heartnx on can find men like that any more. Notice la hereby given that Op- MORTLOfcK’S oRTtONG School. Offered 13-A firm and due to promotions ■ wp, This Unusiial Opportunity , lArtdacapad lot. Aaking 8t3,90Q- 1 ' On hiotlon of Edmund L.'Mataon of DISCHARGED YESTKROAT: ger. Heater. Less than 12,000 WANTED — Experienced bakery $10,300 mortgage for 30 yaara raU fench, aitaeslte drive, neai^, the allowance* of Mid admtnlatrntton Being an artiat himablf—he fig­ ttbniU Share Book No. 6257. Is- Lost confidence quickly - restored have an opening for an aggres­ Does Not Come Too Often GIRL S 20’ BICYCLE. Telephone ■Aid Mancheater adminlatrator. account with aald estate and thie Court Mrs. Janet White and son, 34 Foo­ nines. Like new In every respect. FLAT FINISH Holland window salesgirl. Inquire Manchester Pub- Business Locations available. Monthly payment $71. basement, large lot, beautiful bus line, ‘ school, only 813,S(X). .ORDERED that aix montha from the ures he haa drawn the female form aued by The Manchester Savings by a skilled, courteous instructor. lie Market after 1 p.m. , sive man who wants to work hard So If You,-Are Interested In It MI 9-6254. Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml. 9-5183, diracu that notice ot the time and ter S t; Eugene FlematU, COvan* and Loan Association, Inc,, has Price for quick sale. Call Ml. shades, made to measure. All with an eye to the future. This ______For Rent , ( Madeline Smith. MT 9rl643. 22nd day of July. 1965, be and the place aoalaned for said haarlnz b< 150,000 times lit , his work, not 3-5111. Ugenae included. Insured, dual metal Venetian blinds at a new Phone Now’ For Appointment view. Three minutes' from 95894. ■ame are limited and allowed for the Xivan to all persona known lo be in try; John Ulrich, MUe HiU Rd.. bean lost and application has been is a permanent Job and promotion w a n t e d ’-Girl’s college trunk. creditora within which to bring In their counting idle doodling (the kind of cotatrolled standard and hydrama- low price. Keys made while you HOUSEWIVES can work morn­ Phone Credit Manager BOLTON l a k e — Winterized terested therein to appear and be Rockville: Alphonse Machs, imiH- made to said Association for pay­ is guaranteed to the right person. Phone MI 9-0086 before 10 a.m. THREE ROOM office apace, wU^ claima againit aald eatate, and aald heard thereon by puhllsninz a copy of pictures aijy^ man draws Just for 1953 STUDEBAKER L.and Cruiser. tlo cars. 1^. 9-7398. wait. Marlow’s. ings or afternoons and have good HARTFORD CH 7-03.58 year round hopra on the take. Four Wilbur Cross Highway. Ex­ admlnllitrator la directed to give pub* mantle; Christina HerUhy, 118 ment of the-Amount of deposit. earnings. Write Box V, cy'o Good salary while training, with or sfter 6 p.m. renovate to suit tenant. 2nd flooi this order In some n^spaper havTna a fun)—he-feels he Lv Impervious as Has overdrive, heater, whitewalls After 7 P. M. CH 6-4690 Manchester Savings A Loan. Hldg. and one "halfitioms, full basement, Lots For Sale 73 He notice to the creditora lb bring In circulation In Mid Dletrlct, at least a Ju(lge to any feipinins charm Deepwood Dr.; David WUay, 100 T with wire disc, tinted glass. This AUTO DRIVING Instruction. All WEAVING of bums, moth holes Herald. ' salary, commission and bonus af­ See It Day or Night their claima within aald time allowed five days before the day of Mid hear- Oak Grove .Bt.; -Carol ^ u e ^ s, Tl LOST — “Pair of glasses In case lessons on insured dual control Apply Mancheater Savinga- A arteataff’^ e ll. Only 8S>800. Cash cellent neighborhood. For ap­ by publlahing a copy of thla order in pressure. was a locally owned one owr\er and torn clothuig, hosiery runs, ter training period. Company If you have no means of trans­ aome newapaper having* a circulation Inf, and bv malllna in A certified let­ Vernon St.; Mrs. Amts BkMlsy. from East Side Optical Shop, cars, standard or automatic. CLERK TYPIST — Recent school car furnished for which we pay all Rooms Without Board 59 Loan. 1007 MAln SK $1,800. Payments of $75.50 LAKE ST., VFRNOn ' ter on or before Jul^3R. 1965. a copy But o^’er the years he haa Providence. Return to Mrs. Mur­ car, with only 17,000 miles. This handbags repaired zipper rfc- portation. I’ll send my auto fo r ' per month covers interest, prin­ pointment call In aald probate district within ten dayn of this order to Anna Mary MacDon Achieved an idea of what he thinks 387 Hartford Rd.; Stanley ' Fal- Capable experienced instructors. placement, umbrellas repaired, graduate. Good at figures. Op­ expenses. Vacation with pa.v and from th#* date of thla order and return aid. care of Francis J. Donahue. Atty.-; kowsm, 69 Foster St.; M n. Dore* phy, 20, linden St. dark green'beauty is in show­ you. No obligation. •BEAUTIFULLY furnlihed apacloua OFFICE SUITE, excrilent decor, cipal, taxes, insurance. 5 beautiful building lots to niake to thla court of th^ notice given. ia an ideal girl; room condition and will stand Cordner Auto School. MI. 9-6010, men’s shirt collars reversed and portunity fpr.^ advancement. Ap other company benefits. For in­ complete facillUea. Street and 968 Farmington Ave.. West. HartfoM. thy sanden, Columbia. JA. 7-3660. ply the Alexander Jarvis Co., 5 room with complete light house­ be sold individually or collec- JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge Conn.: MictJ-lina A. Ladianaky. care oi She would be'about 5 feet 6, IX)ST — PASS BOOK NO. 77254. rigid inspection. Barlow Motors, replaced. Marlow’a Little Mend­ terview, apply at the Singer Sew­ A—L—B—E—R—T—’-4's keeping facilities available. Will rear parking, Regtal, $75. 351 Cen­ McKINNEY Ueainer a Rottner, Attya., 8J1 Main ' DISCHARGED TODAY: Mias ing Shop. Dover Rd. ing Machine Company, 832 Main 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD tiV'ely. Overlooking whole Con- At a Court of Probate held at Man- Street, Manchester, Cona. have red hair, blue eyes, a full, Notice Is hereby given that Pass 435 Main St., Manchestsf- LARSON’S DRIVING School, rent single or double. Children ac­ ter St. MI. 9-1680 or Ml. 9-3549. BOLTON—Cape Cod with five cheater, within and for the diatrict of Leigh Moss. West WilUngton; Mrii. St.. Manchester. Free Auto Parking ’> 'BROTHERS, Inc. JOHN J. WALIJBIT. Judge saucy mouth, a 37-inch bust, a M- Barbara Griswold and son, E l^ Book No. 77254, Issued by The Manchester’s only, trained and FILE CLERK wanted for branch cepted (limited); Central. Reason, SPACIOUS Professional Office. rooms finished and one unfinished. •necticut 'Vally on former Wil­ Mancheatar, on the 26th day of July inch-waiat,/and a 34-inch hipline. Savings Bank of Manchester, has 1946 CHEVROLET, 1M6 Dodge, Cor. Allyn A Trumbull able. Mrs. Dorsey. 14 Arch 8t. Acre of ground. House has plas­ A.D. 1955. Hartford: Dr. Samuel Pond. 58 1941 Chevrolet, 1946.Nash. Trana- certified instructor.” For your safe­ Building—Contracting 14 office of nationally known insur- Ground floor. Main St. Ample Phone MI 3-6060 or MI 9-3931 son Farm, just soth of Fay’s Preaem, Hon. John J -Wallett. Judge. L IM IT A ’n O N ^ G R D E R Oddly enough, although this is been lost and application has been tered walls, full basement, gS: Estate of Jame,a C. Carlaon of Man- Alexander St.; Harold Whiting, portatlon for 85. weweek. Doug- ty we are trained to teach proper­ ance Company. In Manchester lo­ Situa(ion.8 KVanted— FRANK S IS BUYING AGAIN— Wid o w .has comfortable room parking, jvtl 3-6900. TV Barn. At a Court of JPtobate held at Man the tyM of girl he drams in his made to said bank for payment of ly. MI. 9-8075. STONE, BRICK work And concrete cation. High school graduate with rage and nicely landscaped lot. cheater in nald dlatrlct. a minor. cheater within and for the Dlatrlct’ of West Hartford; Mrs. JaeqnsUna las Motors, 333 Main St. Good used furniture and antiques. with kitchen privileges. Ml Upon application of Paul E. Carlaon Manchester on, the 3Sth day of July, own magazine and nemi^iaper illus- the amount of deposit; work.. Call Ml. 9-5451 tlaya. MI. knowledge of typing desired. Op­ Male 39 Asking 813,900. Will qualify for S t John and daughter, W ^^lBg; Has a large stock on hand and 9-2651. NEW STORE for rent. Located at JERRY FAY, Broker" guardian, praying for authority to 1965. trationa, lie rarely has met her in WOMEN MOST careful drivers. 3-5042. Valentino BeUucCK portunity for advancement. Five G1 loan. MANCHESTER—Vacant, four bed­ compromiae and aettle a doubtful and Present. Xon. John J. Wallett. Judge Jim Kinchner, East HartfonL HAVE TOU SEE "TWEByriE"? DeCORM^ER MOTORS WANTEpr—Job cutting trees with very low price. Ml 9-6580, 420 123 Spruce St. Ideal for office, real life. Never too old to team. Female in­ day week'. Excellent insurance Lake St., Manchester. beauty parlor, drug store, etc. For room home. Detached garage. dlaputed claim which aald minor haa Eatate , Of William Lyman late of Given and yellow parakeet, lost structor. Standard automatic. power s'aw. Ml, 9-9712 between 8 Nicely landscaped lot. Attractive Phone MI 3-7029 or MI 3-5544 agalnat laabel T. Maaaey of Manches­ Hanchpater In Mid Dtatrict. deceiied. In Judging beauty oMtestants The term "methodist" was ap* SAYS: “Tjiiese fine cars arc benefits. For appointment call and 10 a.m. or 4 and 8 p.m. information call MI. 3-7723, MI. ter. Connecticut. It la On, motion_ of______John D. Brennan 1189 he now relies on his artist’s eye, last week from 12 Cedar St. Dual Insured car. M and .M Driv­ MASON — Fieldstone a speeialty- Mrs. Peterson. JA. 7-7131.' GOING OUT of business! Selling 9 1690. MANCHESTER—Bretton Road. neighborhood. All utilities. $2,200 or . ORDERED that the foregoing appH Marti St., East Hartford, Conn., plied in derision to foUowers eC Childreii's pet. MI 9-9140. priced to please at the very ing School. MI. 9-6541. Notice cash required. Total monthly pay- cation be heard and determined at the eXeciecutor, rather than a tapeline, to measure Ernest Toth. Ml. 9-820|r out dressers, chest p( drawers, Now vacantl Six room Cape Cod See Jerry Fay at his fdrmer the variables involved. John Wesley at Oxford and, adopt­ t)6Bt of tferms.? WOMAN TO care for small child MANCHESTER—Rear of Main St., in immaculate condition. House ihent 881.22. Coll now. Warren E. Probate office In Mancheater in said ORDERED that alx months from the ed by them, became the name of Doga— Birds— Pets 41 beds, springs, mattresses. Ward­ A Joint Pul)lic Hearing will be TV Barn on Lake St. Dlatrlct. on the 2nd day of Augu^. 26th day of July, 1 ^ . be and the 'Tt makes fpr better understand­ Penmnals NEW CONSTRUCTION, remodel­ and do housework. Live in or out. robes, tables, chairs, dining room large parcel of land facing a two- has basement, fireplace, plastered Howland, Realtor. MI. 3-8600. A.D. 1955. at ten o'clock in the fore­ same are limited and allowed for the the church. / ' ,, ■ ing and repairing expertly done. held by llie Board of Directors ing in my home,” he said crisply. Mbtorcycles—Bicycles 11 Write Box Q, Herald. sets, linoleum by the yard, lino­ and the Town Planning Commis- way street. Will build to suit walla, ceramic tile bath, high ele­ BOLTON—Building lota, one acre noon. and that notice b** given Co alt creditors within which to bring In WANTED—Transportation for two Estimates gladly given. Robert M. MANCHESTEIR Pet Center, beau­ SMART BRICK home of four persona Interested In aald eatate^ of the their claima against Mid estate, and a!s a Judge, Patterson admits to 1^54. CADILLAC 4-DR. tiful baby parakeets, guaranteed leum ruga, all aizea, oil cook .Hion in t(ie Hearing Room of the tenant. Ideal for distributors vation. Price on this is 814,500. At and over 150' front aach, estab- pendency of aald applicationi^atiqp and ^he said executor ia directed to give public girls to vicinity of Albany Ave., BICTCLE REPAIRING all types, Alexander. MI. 9-7716. CLERK TYPIST to Walt bn coun­ warehduse or trucking firm. Will roomg. full hasement, oil heat, being neither a leg nor' bosom ter. Opportunity to learn Nation- singing canaries, hamsters, tropi­ ■tovci, combination electric and Municipal Building. Mancheater, present there is a State mortgage Uahed, reaidenUal area. Priced Urn#* and place of. hearingniL^preon. ------by * notice to the creditors to bring in man, says the basic desirable Shape Hartford working hours 8:80 to 5. SEDAN English a specialty. Now open F oil stoves, electric stoves. Jones a((oi;d large parking area. Agenta landscaped lot with trees. $10,200. to sell. Warren E. Howland, Real­ publishing a copy of thia.sMue-i/Order «•!in mjasavsome their claims'within said'lime allowed GENERAL Construction, altera­ afCash Register bookkeeping ma­ cal fish, pet foo^ and aupplies. Connacticul. on iSiesday, Auguat at’ l!a % interest that can be as­ Madeline Smith. MI. 9-164(2 or newapaper having a circulation in aald by publishing a copy - of this order In of beautiful ivomen hasn’t really LET US FILL TOUR ~JA. 2-1181, evenings MI. 8-4743, Loaded and gorgeous. This p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Manchester Furniture and Floor Covering, 38 Invited. JA. 7-5343. sumed. Balance of $7,300. tor. Ml. 3-8600, Ml. 857U. MI. 9-9739. tions, remodeling, plastic tile, chine. Must be quick typist and 995 Main St. MI. 9-4273. Open 9 2, 19.55. at 8 P.M on subdivisions MI. 9-1146. district, at least fivr days before the some newspaper having a circulation changred much Ir this century. Ha one is strictly for the carriage Cycle Shop, 166 West Middle Turn­ counter work, garage, etc. No Job a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Thursdays 9 Oak St. No phone calls. All sales entitled: day of aald hraringl to appear i( they in said probate district arlthln ten days pike. Ml. 9-2C98. like figures. 40-hour week, air- finsJ. see cause at said time and place and from the date of this order and re­ fcela that the quality of entranta DESIRE TO SHARE rides or fora^ trade. Only $1,095 down. too small. Eugene Glrardin, 16 condinoned office. Blue Crosa a.m. to 9 p.m. S. and H. Green MAP OF OAKDALE Suburban For Rent 66 ATTRACJTIVE Six room Cape, Im­ be heard relative thereto, and make turn make to thla court of the notice In beauty contests, however, has Stamps. BOL/TON—New ranch homes on maculate condition, ceramic tile 300’ FRONTAGE, ten acres, with return to this court. given. car pool from' Baldwin Rd. A o Trotter. MI. 9-5509. benefits, after first year. Call ELECTRO • MASTER Electric PROPERTY OF city water. MI 9-0493. risen 'with the Increasing popular- Pratt and 'Whitney, Eaat l$art- • ALEXANDER JARVIS ROCKVILLE—24 Grove St. Well Fernwood Drive, off South Street. bath both floors, cabinet kitchen, JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. ity o f such competitions. GIRLS 26’ Columbia . Bicycle. PALMER AND CAftNEY. mason Mr. Seiler. MI 3-1141. Manches­ Stove, brown metal bed with Ideal residential aectlon. Homes ford. 7 B.m. - 3:30 p.m. / Call Ml 9-1468. ter Memorial Hospital: 8 a.m. spring. Ideal for cottage. MI CHARTER OAK STREET, flemished: two-room Apartment, fireplace, storm'"sash, garage, LOT—8o x 155. Central lixaUon, At present, Patterson Is Ml 9-5366. / 1949 WILLYS I pntractors. Free estimates. No to 5 p.m. BOXER PUPd—Red. fawn. Males MANCHESTER. CONN. also single light housekeeping have 5H rooms, full basement, aimesite drive. Nicely landscaped, job too big or too small. MI. and females, $3.5. Call MI 9-0016. 3-5401, MI 3-5770. fireplace, plastered walls. Avail­ garden and shade trees. B Zone. scientlouely)ly tngoge'eng^ed in the task of UNIVERSAL JEEP s c a l e 1 ” 50’ JUNE 20, 1955 rooms, TR 5-4291. \'$16,SOO. Warren E. Howland, Real- MI 9-9801 or Ml 9-3393. Rockville-Vernoii CALLED FOR >N D WANTED—Ride from }ioorthfleld i 3-4793 or Rockville TR. 6-4744. able for occupancy within thirty Jor. MI. 3-8600. picking "Misstss KxiExquisite Fonfi,” A one owner Jeep just like Wanted Autos— BE A CLUB SECRETARY— BEIAUTIFUL 9-piece mahogany HAYDEN L.»^GRISWOLD, C. E. beauty contest sponsored by DELIVERED PROBIPTLY St. to Royal Typevewriter. Hart- Motorcyclc.s Choice of $72 FREE merchandise dining room set in excellent con­ days foitl. Hours, 7 to" 3:30. Ml new. See this one today. Only 12 Livestock—Vehicles 42 Summer Homes For Rent 67 l a r g e Six room-ranch with beau­ United Artists, a Hollywood firm. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE for running just one club. Mem­ dition. MI 9-0598. MAP OF ANSAIjyi HEIGHTS T. J. CROCKETIT Suburban For Sale 75 There were 163,000 original e /- 9-9143. $195 down. WANTED—Ofan Used Cars. We bers choose from nationally ad­ tiful view. Garage, two fireplaces, Cham ber Denies Intention / Roofing—Siding- 16 WE BUY COWS, calvea and beef ADDITION No. 1 COTTAGES and rooms. Wells trants throughout the UnitM T- are always ready to buy your used vertised products plus a frbe pre­ Cattle. Also horses. Piela Bros. MAHOGANY, Governor Winthrop BETWEEN SCHOOL A CHAR­ (Real Estate Broker) large lot, Manchester,Associates, BOLTON—Custom designed three Pile PiMmiMi RAY S ROOFING CO., shingle and Secretary .Desk, (hvan, couch, Beach, Maine. Write to Guay and Realtors. Call Phil Hallln. MI. bedroom ranch. Youngatbwm States and (janada, and Patter­ car or truck. FOR CASH. Try mium. Choose from Peppefell Tel. Ml. 3-7405. TER OAK STREET. / , 244 Main Street son Is resigned to the fact thSt as •M CENTER ST. Automobile for Sale 4 our famous five-minute cash buy­ built up roofs, gutter apd con­ overstuffed chair. 'V ery good Morin, Mile Road Wells Beach, 9-9221, MI. 9-3434, MI; 9-0384. kitchen,/ outstanding bathroom, To ^Destroy ^ Little League NEW RAMBLERS and Sheets. Dormeyer Mixers, Martex MANCHESTER, CONN. , Maine, or call Wells 417WS. Office MI 3-5416 a judge he won’t make many close TE|a MI S-tUd ing service. All makes—all mod­ ductor work, roof, chimney re­ Towela. furniture, clothes, etc. condition. MT 3-8993. PROPERTY OF 5(i ROOM ranch, all utilities, con­ coloredYlxturea, car port, amesite 'a04B, '47, '48./CHEVIES. Fords, els. "No dickering"—WE BUY! pairs, Ray Hagenqw, MI 9-2214. Articles For Sale 43 Residence Ml 9-7751 drive large shaded lot. Price re­ personal friends. " ” Bulcks, Oldsmobiles. Completely HUDSONS Most' Generous. Easipst-to-form ANDREW ANSALD/ COVENTRY LAKB-Cottages for venient to school and bus line. He says the scar In his scalp Open 8-30-9:00 every day but Ray Jack.son, MI .3-832,5. club plan in America. Write for duced. Warren E. Howland, Real­ Rockville, July 26 (Special) —' tend to dgatroy the Little Lea^e, PiMUioxPliamaii reconditio^d' throughout. Two ZENITH Tran’i-Oceanlc Portable SCALE 1 ” 100’ DEC. 10. 1954 rent, August 13 to ' Labor Day. Call MI. 3-6105 for appointment. tor. MI. 3-8600. said, “ On the contrary, moat of was put there by a runner-up in 299 EAST CafNTER ST. Sunday. See Barlow Motors, 435 free, new 124-pgge color catalog HAYDEN L. GRISWOC,b. C. E. Private sandy beach. Ideal (or MANCHESTER'GREEN — Large The Chamber of Commerce today doors anij tour doors. No down 1955 HUDSON WASP Main St., Manchester. FOR THE BEST In Bonded built Radio, power or battery. Inquire custom built six-room Cape Cod. the members of the Parking Assn, a contast to choose 'The Most T E U m td M N payment Good credit is our only and information. American Notice All interested per.son/are here­ children. Call Mrs. Harold Hills. SOUTH HAWTHORNE ST.—10 yr. BROAD BROOKr-4-room ranch, emphaaized it does not intend "to Beautiful Cigarette Girl in New HOLLYWOOD HARDTOP up roofs, sbingle roofs, gutters, Home Club Plaii, Dept. C-6, Ban­ 11 Eldridge St. after 4 p.m- t-i acre lot, nicely landscaped and old Cape God. Six finiahed rooms. have given assistance to the Little requirement. Aa low as $5 Mr WANTED- The best used truck conductors and roof repairs call by notified to appear m the above PI. 2-7606. full cellar, two lota. Only $8500. destroy such a fine institution as League- financially." gor, Maine. Caucus Enrollment time and show c a n s / if any they shrubbed. Reaaonably priced. Full cellar, new oil burner and week/ Come In today. See Bob Smart, so smart. Loaded $100 will buy. MI 9-7413 be- Coughlin. Ml, 3-7707. If no answer BOLTOK—Building stone, veneer, Quick occupancy. John S. Bisaell, Associate Realty. Broad Brook, the Little Leayue," in answer to a The statement also said, "The fireplace, wall stone flagstone. have, why said plans shall not be COTTAGE at Lake Hayward, five electric hot water heater. Quiet Oli'^r, at Center Motor Salfs, 461 and beautiful. - tween 5 and 7 p,m. call Ml. 9-4421. YOU TOO can render our exclu­ Croaa St., So. Coventry. 'Tel. Cov­ Tel. Windsor Loc|ca NA. 3-4739. statement issued yesterday by LL purpose of the Parking Improve­ Mein St. Also slate flagging. 6olton Notch The Registrars of Voters . of approved. rooms. For information call MI convenient location. Suitable for president Watts S. Shattuck. sive personalized service. ' Ex­ the Town of Bolton, Connecticut 3-5872. entry. PI, 2-6828. V.A. or F.H.A. mortgage. Small ment Assn, is to suggest, help ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. Quarry. MI. 9-0617. Prompt de­ Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ CAPTIVATING real estate buys— In a prepared statement to the build, and Improve l o ^ commu­ '46 c h e v r c l e t s e d a n ---- Alterations and additions. Ceil­ citing new training films thor­ livery. , • ■ will be in session in the Com­ cut, this 22nd day of July, 1965.- down payment. Full price $11,500. . East Windsor—Si^-room-dwcllinr, Business Services Offered 13 oughly qualify you as art Avon $1000 DOWN large' 3 bedroom Immediate occupancy. Phone MI. press,- the (Chamber said! "This Tet­ nity' for the benefit of all who re­ 'noil. It’s like new. Look ■ it 1955 HUDSON HORNET ings. Workmanship guaranteed. munity Hall, Bolton on Friday. BOARD OF DIRECipRS ^ acre land, $550. 5-room ranch, ter la intended to clarify the posi­ \ Representative. Call MI 9-2814. July 29. 1955 from 4:00 P.M. to Wjinted To Rent 68 ranch, fireplace, tile bath, cellar, .35273.' Brae-Burn Realty. side here. T h ey are working in VAm ONASUm ovecj Driyq it. First man or ’ 4-DR. SEDAN COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autuihn CIDER MILL Antique ^hop. Route Harold A. 'Dirkijigton. Chairman garage, over 1 acre, large trees, sewer and water, very laTge lot, tion of the Parking: Intprovement woman with a little cabbage owns 6 and 44, Bolton. Clearance sale, 8:00 P.M. D.S.T. for the purpose colored bathroom, only - $11,900. conjunction with the Rockville t o i S i S 1 R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ Street. Ml. 3-4860. ’ HAND CUTTER WANTED. Ap­ Jp.cob F. Miller, Secretary V i OR 3 ROOM unfurnished high elevation-, suburban. Carlton FOUR FAMILY house. Beautiful Assn, of Rockville and Ua inten­ /■ this, bee me personally. Chet The finest performer of prices at cost. Open daily Ml. of receiving applications for en­ 2V4-year old, one and t^ee-fourtha Chamber of Commerce and city p'f- ISMa.nm| matic washing machines, electric ply Ka-KIar Cloth'Toy Co., 60 Hil­ TOWN ’ PLANNING COMMIS- apartment for inaurance working W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, 9-4694. yard, ideal- location. Near bus, tions, and coinment on thp avail­ ficiala ta obtain the most bene­ ---- trntpJommjmtsmymmmA Brunner. Thanks a lot. Rock' them all. 9-5690. rollment on the Caucus Lists and story Cape Cod of 8 large rooms, 4 6.72 ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors, liard St. - SION couple. MI. 3-6370 after 6 p.m. school. Inquire owner, 44 Lewis ability of merchandise in Rock- ficial results for all concenied. T S S S l W Ost cash to t voeatlea ia aaa < / villa Rd.. Talcottvllle. small appliances, welding. 180 to make any changes neceasary on Martin„E, Alvord, Cliairman HENRY STKEET—Three bedroom St. 2 baths, breezeway. 2-car gSrage. ,Ville.” 24.25 1 19JZ5 Roofing aind Chimneys 16-A such Caucus Lists last perfected. NEW' TEACHER and Jiuaband ranches now nearing completion. Low down payment'. FHA A GI Small Size Predudee Variety •MO . by phoning first Emplojrad BMti i Main Street. Ml. 9-6678. WOMAN to do secretariar work. TWIN BABY BUTLER. MI Williani A. Allen, Secretary The letter refers to Shattuck’s “A statement has been made 39.05 1 30.70 TOU CAN’T SEE these from Uie Mamie A.Manegg'la • need 3-5 rooms, unfurnished, lAmong the many excellent fea­ RANCH HOMES—Custom built loans available. A*90ciate Realty,- woman—marrisd or lingls may sttVet.T946 Dodge, maroon, sedan, 1955 RAMBLER 4-DR. ROOFING—Specialising in repair­ Typing ability is of the utmost 3-1398. stateiiient yesterday that Rock­ that there are many things that A lono SIQO CMi$ 120.40 wriioR m prompt to thair loan n DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, ing roofs of all kinds. Also new importance. Apply in person to Alice E. Lea heated, in residential area, by tures'are the puilUin riectric by Practical Builders, Inc. jq’ow Broad Brook. Tel. Windsor Locks. |43 12 1947-1048 Oldsmobiles, two-doors, CROSS COUNTRY Registrars / NA. 3-4739.. / ville's commercial section was cannot be purchased in Rockville Phone for 1-trip loan, coma ia i copied, vacuum cleaners. Irons, Vroofs. Gutter work. Chimneys I Mrs. Maynard at Manchester 200 USED STEEL drums with tops, Sept. 1. Write 410'.* Garden ranges and ovens. 'If you hurry building on Amott Road. Man­ "outdated” and his opinion that ■Mnotlily •! SIO.OS Mcfc. 1948 Plymouth sedsn, oUters from STATION w a g o n guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Dated at Bolton. Connecticut St., Hartford. you will have your choice and that prices are high. This ii toasi $35 In $500 835. Look behind office. Douglas cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex­ Motor Sales. 20' gal. size. Good for rubbish. chester Rockledge Estatba, tel. the merchqnta are ..blaming poor knives, mowers, etc., put into con­ the 25th day of-July, 1955. decorating. Priced at 315,700 with MI 3-4362, MI 3-6761. BOLTO^ COVENTRY largely exaggerated. True, one Motors, $33 Maihija W ith exclusive features no perience. ’ Free estimates. Call Minimum 6 to person. Price 50c patronage on parking, where he cannot expect to find the dition for coming needs. Braith- Howley, Manchester Ml. 3-5361. WANTED—5 or 6 room unfurnish­ FHA financing available. Hensel other car possesses. Painted AN IMPORTANT JOB per drum. Call at Tober Baseball ed. first floor apartment. Call ML COVENTRY—3 room cottage, plus thought It belonged elsewhere. of merchandise available GOOD WILL used cars from your walte. 52 Pearl atyet. ' Mfg. Co., Hilliard St. A Peterman, Lnc., Builders. Phone TRULY A FAMILY HOME— in fashion tone red and white. 9-3378. Ml. 9-3001 or MI. 9-9404. Seven-room Colonial, four bed­ 1 room cottage, partially in­ One of NevenU'Suggestions ville as 'he would find U €A ££icicJi FINANCE CO Pontiac dealer. Good prices and FURNITURE Repair Service: FOR YOU! sulated, dug well, partially The Chamber’s statement today twice our size simply because' the " ( c \ terms as low as $2 per week. Mc­ LAWN FURNITURE, all types. Official Notice/ rooms, lavatory, full bath. Two- \ fiftticruxl I iSASt ICO/ Complete repairing, refimshing, Heatinsr— Plumbing 17 car garage, glassed sun porch. furnished.—$4,000. continued. "It haa been stated that selling potential Would not warrant Clure Pontiac, Inc., 373 Main St. Chairs, $8-50 and up. Oppoaite the Parking Assn, would destroy MI. 9-4545. restoring on all types of furniture. _ You can have the .sati.9fac- North Windham Fire Dept, Junc­ Crochet Bazaarl Wonderfully Practical Lovely park-Ilke lot approximate­ 4 rooms, flush toilet, fireplace, that size operation. About/prices 1965 RAMBLER 2-DR. Ztgmund Gozdz, Prop. Formerly LENNOX FURNACES and warm Making VoterB ' dug well.-7’$4.200. the Rec. Field for.no better pur­ being high, we believe thin prices tion PId Route 6 and 203, ly 100’ x 2 ^ ’. Fairly priced! MS MAIN STm 2ml n ./o U r'^ X . SEDAN of Watkins Bros. Tel. Ml, 3-7449. air heating. Earl Van Camp. MI. tion, of doing interesting and / 5 . rooms, ^plne paneling, some pose than parking for the tnerr. are as competitive in Rockville as 1951 CHEVROLET , 9-5844. The Selectmen a;^ /'Town Shown by appointment only. Mitchell S-4U3 . Ask far Uia VES M$ four'door, eight passenger, radio, important work a.s a full time BATH TUBS, wall aiiik, wash tubs, Elva ’Tyl^. Realtor, MI 9-4469. '/ Improvemen't'a.-$4,900. chants. This coUld not be farther any other town;” ' Ready, .for delivery. Only POWER AND hand mowers sharp­ Clerk of the Town of k^hchesle'r from the truth. The Parking Im-, OSfN THUISOAV EVENINOS UNTIL 8 PAC heater, Powerellde.' Five nearly wash bowls, thirty gallon water 4 rooms. Improvements! fire­ The statement was /signed by * 1mm anW M mMnrti •! fH nmmSiaf Imii $349 down. ened. Air cooled engines, sold and TELIIPHONE OIpERATOR boilers, gas water heatera, oil hereby give notice thsi' they Will MANCHESTER — First time on provement A.ssn. has piit together new tires. 100% in every respect. be in SMsion at the T6wn Clerk's Come on in and see thia place.—$7,500. Adolph J. FTier. ChamlM{’j,presi- repaired. Capitol Equipment, 38 water heatera. 36 Oak St. market, four rooms and two un­ a number of ideas to' help alleviate dent; E. George Gorsky, secretary; Ready to go. For the best in cars Marti. Moving—Trucking Office 1n- the Muni/ipal Building beauty, it’s a real doll. 4 / rooms, ' improvements. — Bob Oliver, Center Motor Sales Storage 20 You will receive good pay finished. Hot water oil heat, $8,800, the poor parking conditiona In and Elsie Soutivwick, , Seabury 461 Main St: > Many More Fine Cars at WOOLEN REMNANTS and rug for the purpose a t examining the fireplace, combination windo<\'s, Rockville. Among these was - the Lewis and M. W. 'Thompson, mem­ HAND AND power lawn mowere and frdquent raises. No ex­ strips (or braiding and hooking. qualifications OL'electora. and ad­ L952 Nash Rambler 6 rooms, art,_iniprovement8, AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., amesite- drive, garage, pbreh. basem^t.—$8,900. suggestion is making the Rec bers of the board of directors. 1964 CHEVROl£T 4 door, heater, sharpened and„ repaired. Work perience is necessary and you Jen’s Rug Shop, 55 Talcott Ave., mitting to the Elector's Oath Hatdtop. Radio, heater guaranteed. Call for and deliver. local and long distance moving, Very clean- throughout. Near 4 rooms, all improvements, ga­ Field into a muhicipar parking lot. Robert A. Rivkin. co-chairman defroster and signal lights. Driven will receive full pay while RockvUle. TR. 6-5706. those who shall be found quali- Verplanck School, church and ’Taking the Little League' into DeCORMlER MOTOR Ideal Grinding Shop 273 Adams packing, storage. Call Ml 3-5187. rted on Saturday, Auguat 6, 1955 and a fine clean new in­ rage with breezeway.—$9,660. of the Parking Assn., emphasized less than 8,000 miles. Like nsw Hartford CH. 7-1423. training. Ages 17-3'8, high shopptlig center, and bus line. consideration, it was also men­ today that his group had merely in every respbct. See Bob Oliver St Call Ml 9-3120 mr 3-8979 ROYAL' AND Smith-Corona port­ frorh 1 prm. to 5 p.m. only. terior with only 27,000 SALES. Inc' - school graduates preferred. able and standard typewriters. Immediate occ.upancy, (Karles BOLTON—4 rooms, all Improve­ tioned that before this could be suggested .the bmi park aa a possi­ THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU today at Center Motors Sales, 481 MELODY RADIO—T.V., phono’s. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. Naturalized citizens must pre­ Lesperance. MI 9-7620. done another suitable location ble site and that It definitely did Main St. . All makes of adding machines sent naturalization certificates miles on it. Full 'price ments, large lot,, artesian well, 24 Maple Street, Idanchester Night calls. Guaranteed service. Light trucking and package deliv- ■old .or rented.-’'•Repaira . on all garage, tar road,—$11.^00. would have to be found for the not intend to recommend the field MI 9-2280. cry. Refrigerators, washers and A JOB THAT STAYS before being admitted. Docitpien- $ 8 9 5 . ALEXANDER ST. — SIx-rOQni little leaguers." for municipal parking unless the BUY INSURANCE ON PRICE! TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL stove moving specialty. '- Folding makes, Marlow’s. tary evidence must be pre.sehted Colonial. Excellent condition. ' 1953 Dodge V-8 4-JPoor Coronet 1941 —Good cohdilion^ INTERESTING Over too other homes, farms The Chamber, in noting that the city could find another location for Reason for selling, entering serv­ LAND CLEARED and construc­ chairs for'rent/ Ml. ’9-0752. ... ELECTRIC STOVE. $10; com­ in rases of derivative citizenship. Fireplace., oil hot water heat, bath parking-Study group does nol In­ the Recreation field. o f course you want tb 8:30 p.m. \Phllco factory supervised service. change. 27 I.ewis St., Hartford— WANu’BiU— Experienced Cashier for $13,800., .Agent, MI 9-5;t29. Oliver today. Onter Motor Sales, for grocery store. . Call MI Flush Doors, We will appraise your property Tel. MI. 9-1486. (til noon on Saturdays). Apply in penrson Ten items to make for bazaar free ^nd without any obligation INSURE WITH LAPPEN" 461 Main St. 194 tr PLYMOUTH 4-door special 9-6798. Clear Mahogany . -each '$7.50 donajions —- all to be crocheted MANCHESTER de luxe. Heater. Privately owned. FIRST AND Second mortga$;oa THE ^ We also buy property fdr cash. ALL TYPES OF-TV SERVICE Passage Locks___ each if.O? and some to which a touch of em­ Custom built year did, 7 Selling or buying contact 8949 CADILLAC convertible. Lui- $325. MI 9-4463 after 6 p.m. bought for our own account. Faat, room Garrison Colonial. 4 bed­ trous black finiah, whitewall Urea, Radios and Phonos Window Frames, W. G. GLENNEY CO. broidery or stamp-on flowers are Detailed to pl6aae every young STANLEY BRAY, Realtor confidential service. Manchester Help Wsntcd— MBIe 36 added for color. You’ll find these aeamatreae la thin clever party or rooms, large living room with radio, beater, hydramatic. Looks 1948 FORD 2-DOOR. 'Excellent Inveatment Corp., 244 Main street. com plete...... from $11.25 886 N. MAIN ST. BRAE-BURN REALTY like a much utter model. See this Available At ^11 Times 11 articles easy and quick to make; school frock. Sleeves or none, raised fireplace, pine-paneled rec­ MI 3-0273 nmnlng condition. Private own- ML 3-5416. CARPENTERS WANTED. Steady Euf uiug ? ralh 3IANCHE8TEB, CONN. reation room with fireplace. H i beauty at Center Motor Salee, 461 ' er. MI 3-6836. Philco Factory Super\’iaed Service NATIONAL (Also ideal for glft-glvinrll I'rlca tiny collar, full pleated skirti Jiain. ' : work. S jjM r. Finley on the at 81.00. l^ttem No. S(MC is In aisea.ll, baths. Excellent neighborhootL ARB TOU CONSIDERINa • C alr^ IL L HILLS comer Summit an^ William BUILDERS SUPPLIES Pattern No. oUtoldera and coins, your name, address, size de­ We also buy property for cash. radio and T,V cpeciailata elnce area. These , highly successful trucks preferred but not naces- toys. sired, .and the pattern number to Ehcclusive Sailing or bii;■ dug contact I 8951 FORD "8" CTub Sedan. Ra- 7 FT. UnUTY TRAIIER. Good MT 3-4351 dto, heater. Rara’a trouble free 1934. Charter lember of Telaa. drive-in ice cream store franchlaea aary. Apply at Tha Thomas CoUa Send 81.00, ypur name, addresa SUB BURNETT, THE MAN- STANLEY'BRAT, Realtor coodiUon, 148. Ml 8-7883. Ml. 94660 or 84607. are now available. Carvel atorea and the pattern number to ANNE OBES’nSR BVENINO HERALD, BRAE-BURN REALTY ~ low coet transportaUon for only Co., 281 Broad St., Manchester. . Read Herald Advs. WANTED BOLTON—Just over Manchester REFRICERATORS 6595. A short drive in this car are delivered to you complete in­ ’C^.'TOT, MANCHESTER EVE- IIM AVE. AMSUCAS. NEW 3a-8-«37i 164 EAST CENTER STREET.. . BU 9-4261 ANTIQUES Reflnlsbed. Rejimairing cluding our own exclusive pat­ WARPER OR CREELER fdr ny­ linn. New six tropm Cap« Cod, 4 will convince you this la tha car N .'.O HERALD, 1158 AVE. Y.OBK88.N. y. finiBhed. Large lot. Decorate to WASHERS done on any furniture. Tieman: ented equipment and special for­ lon. Write Herideri Milts: Meri­ "EXPERIENCED AMERICAS. NEW VOKK 88. N.Y The new fall and winter '65 'ED—FVhIt or 5 room hpuse, -Open ’Thursday Evenings UjntO A;00 . Fou’va been looking for! Barlow Aato Driving School 7«A 189 SouUi Main 8L Phon# Ml. mula products. Training, ouper- suit buyer. 313.300. Moron ReSl ' or under: several clients . M o to n , 435 Main Bt., Mancheotaf. den. Conn, Now avaUiriile—the 1955 Needle­ iosiie o t Basic Fashion, our cMn- EsUte. MI. 3-4351'. RANRES Walen, advertising and merchiin- GA$ STATION ATTENDANT work album prifltad in attractive plata pattern magazine is filled ihatontial cash. Carlt<» W. . and Saturdays ^ntilvNoon — MANCHESTER Driving AcaOamy. dlsiqg methods. ' No experience PART T im e Gaa^station Attend- MI. 9-5183. 9-4694. 1954 CHEVROLET Bal Air ChJ> Mancheatar'a oidaat, moat racom- FENCES ERBCTB9D, cedar split . colors. It contains !i6 pages of with attractive, sew-eazy styles to CAMBRIIX3E ST.—Cool, shady, Ooupa. Two- tons green and ivory. necessary, caiolce approved lo- ant. Hours' 6 to 10 p.m., Monday lovely designs — plus 8 gift "pat- delight beginner and expert. Don’t coovanlent, 5H rooms, one floor. mandad,' your oa f^ . - our buai* ,^’rall, wire, etc. Phbi^ MI. 9-5638, caUoas avaUable.' 6Vom $9,000 through Friday. Saturday 13 ta WANTED—Two-lamlly houoea. ajso flbUk. Only 6,500 mUao. Ucanoa gwnnM d. BUM. l»or BU. 844M. V . COOK'S SERVICE STATION tmma, directions printed In book mlze. it'-’—send 3 cents today Tor Large porch, electric stove, re- alnglas, clients waiting. . CaU A. to iMiOOO down pkymant raqiUr- 80 p.m. Sunday 6 a.'m. to 80 Only 25eia eopyl your copy. ' frigerator, Bandlx. MI 3-M48. AdvertiiH» in 'Thf H e ^ d —-It Payj^ layia. Mr. Mtnlatu hd'.Jwrita Omral, M.llrinth Claotrai p.nL.Apply ia..po(boA,— Vaalg ...... -H X M C H EaiB a n a B R N ., __ , / Raala, .Brok4r. ML 9 -im , . ia|NiiHior« DM n . Ave., HukiMl^N. T, or Sarviea Station, d3T< Hartford Read H erald AdW^ WhHa Pialhi c^eet •Rd. m m V u

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1965 JHXTEEN Utanriffsit^r lEm^ning HrraUi Arcrafe Daily Nat PriiM Run Far the Weak Eaded throw, water pistol and . aponge phases of the h«w high achool and M y tS. 1865 . Picaics. Tonitht Annual Carnivals throw;' Waddell, bean bag, bal­ Receive J2 Bids ths Keeney^ Straat Mamantary About Town loons and darts,' water pistol; school, now imder conKruction. 1M83 Green, washer toss, shee ball and School authorities hava racom- The wWkly picnic conducted Planned by For Vacant Post Member a( the Audit ^ ^ S^pMT Club wUl hold iU an^ ring toss; Buckley, sponge throw,. r.iended that whoever is engaged be AMESITE DRIVES on all the (dayrrounda will be lawn bowling and rubber ring retained as head custodian for the Bureau af ClreuluUau WMl otCBle Sunday. July SI; at held thia evening at '6:30. M anchesUtr^A City of ViUago Charm t M rflirani PSrk in Eaat Hart* The second annual' playground toss; These activities and play­ Twelve aj^licatlons have been high school when It is contpleted. No Monoy Down • 34 MorIHs to hoy t a n Ifamban and frienda are 'Diere will be a Are for p o k ­ carnivals ccmducted .by the Recre­ grounds will be located at Robert­ received by General Manager | ing botdoga. Afttr the picnic son Park. nab note A bradwurat dinner will ation Department will bf held to­ Richard MarUn foi the post of PAVING • DRIVEWAYS ^ n e m d at 12 o’clock. gamea will be played. The following activities and VOL. LXXIV, NO. 252 (TWENTY-FOUR PAUES~TW0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 morrow .evening at both the Rob­ playgrounds will be located at the building inapectlSr. according to a • PARKING AREAS 't in . Afnea Leduo and Harvey ertson and West S|de playgrounds. West Side playground: West Side, report from his office today. The Ward of Hartford were (ueeU of Miaa Nancy Vacahti of the Her­ All thiv playgrounds trSm ■ the nail driving, gsh pond, balloons deadline for applications for the honor at a double birthday party ald-ataH. accompanied by MiM North End o f town will partici­ and darts; Verplanck, tennis 35.830 per year job was; last night. and don roaat Sunday afternoon Barbara McKinney of Coventry, ia pate at Rob^tson^with the play­ throw, water pistol and sponge Of the 12 applications, nine were R ed C h iefs held at Mra. Leduc'a home, 61 Ed­ vacationing thia week at Hampton grounds from^he South End at throw; Nathan Hale, bean bag, from Manchester me., while the MKcImII M2M mund JSt GueaU were preaent Beach, N.H. the west Side p^vground. I balloons and darts. Water pistol. other three were from Connecticut LIFE from Himcheater and Hartford. A The Robertson Capniyal will be ; Charter Oak: lawn howling, residents. Manchester buffet aupper waa aerved featuring Membera of the Manchester under the directlori\!t>f"Nell Law­ , rubber ring toss,' sponge throw. The post was left open recently Ptim V isit rence. program director, and the Valley Street, washer, toss, skee ana a beautifully decdrated cake with Wates are reminded of the meet­ when David Chambers resigned. candlea. H ie yuaata of honof were ing tonight at 8 o'clock in Tinker West Side will be supwvised by I ball, ring loss. Griswold Chappell has been acting remembered with many lovely Hall. The Manchester Fire Depart­ Jim Herdic, superintendent of rec­ Each chi^d mtist buy a ticket building Inspector. ' THE THOMAS COLLA CO. To B ritain fifta. — ment, film, "Oiir Town," will be reation. I which is good for 20 actlvitie!a,for Martin also reported that .seyerSl shown. Following are the activities and a very . small fee. This money \ applications have been reteive*d for 251 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER The Mancheater Fire Depart- the_ _ playgrounds^ _____ which______will^ Con-..... ' goes to cover incidental expensed. I the post of assistant clerU-of-the- mLcsMmiiKHr London, July 27 (/P)— So­ n m t will hold a department drill Members of the Army and Navy duct them at the camivaIs:'\Rb'b-| Refreshments will be served . at ' works, Th’s post carries aniannual viet Premier Nikolai Bul­ tMWtrrow nidht at 6:30 at the fire- Club are aaked to pall for their ertaon. nail driving, fish pond. 'bal-' both carnivals. Actiritiea will ! salary of 34..550 and relates to in­ Mtmmu I M S ganin and Nikita Khrushchev, hoiM comer of Main and Hilliard tickets to the outing Sunday at the loons and darts: bei^in promptly at 6 p.m.______^ spection of the varioca mec+ianical StaT^, Garden Grove at the clubhouse. the Communist party boss, plan to visit Britain n ^ t A daughter, Linda Marie, was spring. The House of CoW born on Julv 24 to Mr. and Mra. mPns cheered today this an\ Charles R. Pillard of Craddock. Vs. Mrs. Pillard is the former Rose nouncement by Prime Min­ e Sand 16 nun. Movie Frojectora— Marie Buck of Virginia and Mr. ister Eden. ( i r e e k ^ ioaBMl or aUent, alao SS nun. Eden aaid the vlait of the Soviet ort AU ■Sda projeetofB. Pillard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L, Pillard of 116 Waddell leaders was agreed upon during his WiLOON DRUG CO. private conferences with them at A ccord on SOIrMSin Sb—TeL Ml-S-SSSl Geneva; during which all concurred Pvt. Philip C. oh erf 88 Church bn the importance of maintaining But One Perished St., 'Pvt. Charles . Luce of 604 B. personal contacts. Aii\Check Middle TTpke., and Pvt. Charles 8. The announcement waa heard by Tarpinian of 31 Hbmestead St. .Russia’s Ambassador Jacob Malik Athena, Greece, July 27 (IP)—An Israeli airliner was f o r ^ Waahington,\ July 27 (yP)— have arrived at Fort Dix. N. J„ P OPENING Fqrfner Wehrmacht Generals. Adolf Hauslnger, left, and Hana who sat In the diplomatic, gallery. down in flantea in Communist Bulgaria,,today. Greek au­ . Malik listened attentively and President Eis^how er said and been assigned to Cm. F, 364th Spiedbl, right, will become highest ranking generala of the new thorities said Bulgarian antiaircraft gunners shot it down LECLERC Infantry Regiment of the 60th In­ Welit German army. The security committee of the Bundestag when the roar of ;approvaP swept today he believes he would the House a smile broke over his near the Greek border and that all but perhaps one of the 58 FUNERAL HOME fantry Division for eight wdaka Of ' ih Bonn, Weat Germany, announced the appointment# (July 26). allow peaceful foreign planes basic training. Prior to enterfng Both Hetuihger, 57, and Spledel, 58, will have rank of lieutenant face. persons aboard must be considered dead,. Reporta on Geneva to fly over any area of the the aervic* Froh waa employed at general—aama rank they held in World War II. At lea.st three Americana were Aboard. The airline said FUNERAL Travslers Insurance Ob.. Luce at Eden told of hia dealing# with United States to carry out his Charlie'# Service Station and Tar­ the Russians at Geneva. they were Mrs. J. Sheinbaum, a Mrs. Katz and the latter's Geneva proposal for exeWng^ small daughter. It did not release their home addressea, but SERVICE pinian waa practicing law in. Wil- "In Geneva," he said, “ the For­ of military blueprints and llmantic. eign Secretary and 1 had aeveral said they were en route.from.Ixindon to Tel Aviv. Walter N. meetings in private with Mr. Bul­ aerial inspection. Israel, alerted that the Conslel'-*------"■ ...... Leelerc, Charles Audetfie, 42 Lancaster Seven Bonn Soldiers ganin and Mr. Khrushchev and The Eisenhower proposal wa# lation had crashed from some Director Rd., has returiid home affer .re­ their colleagues. y' niade at the Geneva summit meet­ cause, said it had no official infer-1 83 Main Street, Mancheater ceiving treaUbent for the paat two "We discussed very frartkly our ing. contingent on agreement by mation that Bulgarians fired on it.' Turncpals See weeks at the Hartford H o^tal. anxieties about the great problems Russia to allow the same inspec­ A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Call MI-9.5869 < Officially in NATO which divide the world. We also tion and provide the same full in­ Jerusslem said the Israeli legation | The office of Dr. Irwin Reanibk considered how to maintain and formation this, cwhtry would give! in Sofia haa been instructed ur-: Army Spoiling at »35 Main 8t. will be' closed strengthen the personal relations At a new# conference at which gently to Investigate circum- starting Monday. Aug, 1. It ndll re­ which we had eatablished at Eisenhow^ again stressed gains atances of the crash. open on Aug. 15. Paris, July 27 (/PH-Dreased in civilian clothes and look­ Ganeva. . . . at Geneva but minimized the hope . A special .Greek goveriiment Reiiiiion Plans of any/ new era of _peaoe right atatement, basfd on observations S ing like businea.srtien, .sev^n of West Germany’s first postwar "I would be rash to expect rapid now, he alao touched on these sub­ FUBUC and far reaching results. Mean­ of soldiers of the 10th Greek Army, soldiers today officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty jects: The following story by Virginia HALE!S while, Geneva haa„given this sim­ Oivislbn in Macedonia, aaid the! Red China -The President said four-engine. American-built craft ■ Pasley, author of the book "21 Whp Organization (NATO) military machine. The seven went on ple message to the whole w orlds Stayed” and Garden City, L. .1,, duly «t Supreme Headquarters* he cannot guess now as to the posr of the El A1 Linea waa felled north Headquarters it has reduced the dangers of war." sibility of a U.S.-Red China meet­ Newsday staff writer, has bein Allied Forces Europe (SHAPE), Air Force Secretary Harold Talbott (right), and Paul B. bf Petiitaiu bn a flight from Lon­ rO B THE KIDDIES Eden said he felt the House ing on the foreign ministers level. don To Lydda; Isfael. made availaMs to the Aaaodated Larg* Aeaortmeat outside Paris. i Wife of Legislator would be glad to hear about the What the next step will be after Mulligan, his business partner, listen to testimony before the Sen­ Frees by|.Nrwsdsy. The Germans will be classed as I Russians coming to Britain fn the ate Investigating Subcommittee at Washington. The Subcom­ The craah in rugged territory of "civilian advisors" until the Bonn; next week's Geneva conference Bulgaria, a member of the <5om- Crilicallv Burned spring. between the two countries on the mittee is investigating Talbott's alleged use of his government muhists' Waraaw Military Alli­ By VIRGINIA PASLEY Arftiir Pngi^StorMj parliament, gives Anal formal ap-; "Both the House and the coun­ ambassador's level, he said he is itositipn to secure business for Mulligan's company. Aboard the S.S. Preiident Cltve- proval to their appointments in ance. came only four, daya after try will welcome it as a step to­ not suae. the Windup Of the Big Four aum- land, July 27 (Abr-The three Army compliance with laws deAntng the East Windsor. July 27 iAb - ward the ending th^'state of mu­ Racks Adams' Stand turncoats admitted today the news atatiis of the Arst derman troops. | mit conference to ease tVorld ten- The wife of a state legislator tual distrust w e ' ^dall the Cold Dixon-Yates — Eisenhower dis­ aiona. that they would, be jailed before Six members of the group will' was burned critically in a fire War." they could be reunite with their . be . absorbed into SHAPE'S inter­ closed that former budget director The first word that anything which swept her Warehouse In touching ^'bn other summit Joaeph M. Dodge, who Initiated loved ones “is alnioet too much to national staff under U. S. Gen, Point horns early today. topics, Eden said Britain was con­ Ike Holds Verdict waa amiss with the (Jonstellafion, take.” fiONT the controversial project, will go which took off from ’Vienna'# Alfred M. Gruenther, supreme vinced that no* European security They told nte they had not ex­ still plenty Of wear left In Rep. Samuel B. Lawrence . before Congresa to tell complete Schechat airport at 4 p.m,, today' 7 commander in Europe. The .sev­ rushed his Iwb children from is possible on the basis of a divid­ details of the matter. pected to be'arreated the . moment Everii WedrFH.-Sat. EM. on the Vienna-Istanbul leg of its shoen when brought hero for enth. Col. Adolphe von Kielman-1 ed Germany. He described unifi- the homa while neighbors and The President said he is sure southward journey, was an SOS they set foot again on American expert ropulring. segg, will serve as liaison officer, catiop' as the chief East-West is­ that C3iairman J. Sinclair Arm­ On Talbott Future soil, though they had atebled them­ firemen reacued his ^wife. Intercepted by the airline opera­ WORK DONE WmUS between SHAPE and the West sue.' strong of the Securities and Ex­ • - j ------\ selves to the prospect, that they TOD WATT German government. Mrs. Lawrence was taken to tions office and Rome nronitora. St. Francis Hospital in nearby Halls ike Proposal change Commission has given the would have to answer to the Array ' Group to Join Frenidi He called "bold and Imagina- Washington, July 27 (/Pj^poaalble plana to resign a# the top The message said ths plane waa Hartford. entire story of the role played by going down in flames. some day for deserting their coun­ A. aecond small group of West tivD" Prtaideht Eisanhower’S pro- Sherman Adams, No. 1 aide to Ei- try and Joining the world of the RoaDM. Refrigwefers SAM YULYES The blase, cause of whic^ if' ‘^TXt‘*“a'fd**hf wom^‘"girr?rp Then clime an announcement by Germa’n officers will Join the Al­ jienhower. withheld ]U(lgment Interests times over" Chinese Reds, SHOE REPAIRING lied Central Europeat) command Was hot' ImmMlately d e t ^ (Continued on Page Six) on i -lo the El Al 'ofllce iR,London that the Woshtn and AH He said Adams told a Senate E. Talbott*^; future in Mr ad- ^ rather than hurt the Air Force, The first indication of what the o r THE BETTER KIND of French Marshal Juln at Fon- mined, swept ihpre than two- Investigating subcommittee he plane, which tdmt off from London thirds of the one and 6nN half ministration pending the end He remarked\that when h e ^ - last night, waa believed to have Army’s/attitudeNwould be toward-- OfiMT AppHaneos IS Mnple St.—Acroes From talnbleu Friday, could add nothing to Armstrong's the men—-Otlio G,x Bell, Lewis Ftrat Nnttonal Parking l,ol Escorting today s group to Su­ story home on Route 6 / \ story, and that is all there is to it. of a Senate inquiry. Tatoott ^ir Secretary, he gav« kp one down, afire, near the Greek- slocks which wera\givlng him an lulgarian border. A crew of seven Grlgta and wmiart A. Cowart— preme Headquarters waa Hans The famllw appasehUy wa#' Church Makes ■ more himself announced he is ki'-tmcome of 3100.000 \ year. "I wa# asleep when the flpe bvoke out. and 14 passengers were aboard Monday when/k ^antacpn. Speidel, who with Adolf Heusin- Armstrong told the Senators ing up hi.s partnership in a glad to do it ." Taibptt said, ob- inum said they wpuld -be ar- ger was named to-‘ the rank of that Adams suggested a delay, iiv when the plane left London. Other managertient consultant firm i serving that many Withers had passengers were picked up in . !8ted immediately, aad'^firObably Read HerRl^^^dvs. lieutenant general in the new i proved the appoihtmentappoim of 3 ma­ Heresy Charge an SEC hearing oq Dixon-Yates would be court-marifalsd. \ German Army yesterday. Both Anancing to give government which .stin-ed controversy aacrifice. to serve Paris and 'Vienna. / jor generals, ^brigadier generals, their government. ■ In Tel Aviv, the airlines genepil * Not Saw Now. Speidel and Heuslnger Agured in 275 colonels, HO lieutenant colo­ lawyers time to decide whether to over hi.s conduct as Secretary Chairman McClellan '^D-Ark) Since they boarded the President the unsuccessful . bomb plot ainst Pastor get Into the case. Sen. Kefauver manager said the ConstellMion nels, 966 plajors, 970 leaptains and of the Air Force. , announced there would b« hp fur­ made a forced landing in /B u l­ Cleveland July 11, the three cx- against Hitler in 1944. 400 lieutenants. » (D-Tenn) has suggested the delay In quick developmipnts: ' ther witnesses unleaa new Infor­ POW# have enjoyed a freedosa de- , They headed a list of officer was .sought to prevent Congress mation is produced. garia after being fired on by Bul­ Speidel, 58. now Is the Bonn gov­ Milwaukee. July 27 (P>- The pas­ 1. Eisenhower told a news con­ garian antiaircraft guny.y'^ nled to them since they nrent IntO'N appointments approved last night ernment's civilian representative from learning about the activities ference he will decide, once the He said there is nothing now jn their self-imposed exile. All said bv the Security Committee of the tor \pf , a amall town Lutheran of Adolphe Wenzell. New York in­ Against the Greek a c tu a l that at ^IHAPE. There has been spec- current Senate investigation end.s, i. the committee files on which fiih 58 per.sona were aboard, he aaid they thought they were prepared Bundestag, lower house of west that he would he named to (Thurdb accused of heresy by his vestment banker, in the Dixon- whethei' Talbott used hia .public i t^er hearings . would be based, for the final reckoning, but that , Germany's parliament. head West Germany's military synod .acted as his own counsel to­ now they weren't so sure. j (Continued on Page Six) office improperly and should be j Call to Douglas (XlonUnued on Fourteen) The officers Arst will serve in a mission to SHAPE. He was Field day as'the faced a trial board of fired. Meantime, he said, the i 'Still t'O com#,-however, was an “(For the last five years, we've 6 ,000-man volunteer force to . be Marsiial Erwin Rommel's chief of the Noi^hwest Synod. United Lu­ matter la in abeyance. i afternoon long distance telephone been in a prison,” , Cowart aaid, raised this year as the nucleus to staff op thre western front in theran cihurch in America. Further, Eisenhower said that call between McClellan and Sen. summing up the attitude of the the .500.000-man armed force West World War U. ' The Rev. George P. Crist Jr., 31. in general the actions of a public Mundt iR-SDi, at this end, and others. "It isn't going to be eaey Germany ha.s pledged to the At­ Heusinger, 57, has been heading ia charged with "adulterating the Voters Support official must be impeccable from two officials of the Douglas Air­ TruckyW orkers going back to another prison." lantic Alliance. the defense ministry's military word of God" and mixing his own the standpoint of both law and craft Co., of Califomi'a, Donald There was no Indication from As I talked with them, the ' planning department. He was war­ "opinion.^ and surmises" with the Technical Shift ethics, and should avoid giving Donald Douglas Jr Seei^ccepting thoughts -of each man turned to the committee of what posts Heu- time chief of the German Supreme scriptures. \nie trial'is the firatIn any impression of wrongdoing. ! McCJelian noted that if he Rnda their relatives who have been pray‘ ainger and Speidel will hold. Command's operations division. the church's 65 year hi.story. and is Will Oult Partnershlii 1 "reluctant dr evasive, he II Ing and hoping for their return. ES They will have, their former rank Defense ministry officials have closed to the ht>l>lic and press. 111 Constitution Pa/Hike Offer of lieutenant general. said previously he would be named The Rev. Cr^t ia pastor\of the gay.'. (Continued on Pngo,. FourtsM) The new Army will include only chief of staff of all the armed Eethlehem Lutheran Church at neces- one fullygeneral; He will not be forces. , • Durham, In i^earby Waukesha New Haven, Conn., July 27 i/F) m hla partnership Paul B. Senators want iston, July 27 (A5 — Settle- appointed iinlll organization of the Both Heusinger 'and Speidel were County. Pa.stor Crist has headed A. trickling of Conneetteufs to ask the ent of a 42 day truck strike Mulligan A Co., of New York, bus­ Douglases about what Talbott may armed forces ia well'under way and arrested following the 1944 at- the 225 member \congregation for 1.160.000 voters yesterday ap iness engineering flmi which has heared today as negotiators will serve as representative of the- tempt on Hitler. Heusinger was six yeara, ' have aaid to them concerning the. agreed to a three year contract proved a technical change which contracts with some defense sup­ Mulligan firm. There was test/ a/tned forces at cabinet and de released after, two months. Speidel The charges against the Rev. makes the 11th article of the imtier which iiourly wages would Bulletins Crist, made public^ by him, spell pliers. mony yesterday from V Washing- fense council level. esejped and waa in hiding when State Constitution legally stable. "That ia my final action," .Tal- ‘climb from 31.82 an hour to $2.17. The Security Committee also ap- the war ended. out these accusatloits: , ton representative of Douglas Air- from the AP Wires The article tells how the Con­ bott said to the Senators In em o-, craft that Talbott discussed Mulli- during life of a contract. Thpt he has denied Jesus Christ stitution .shall be amended. The .Rhode Island labor dlrec- was actually resurrected frbm the tional tones. ' gan in one conversation with the tcr, Arthur W. pevind' said that Only about 26,000 vot,ers —or He made the announcement in Douelases.Douglases. ' . - dead or that He ,\m s assumed one and three-tenths per cent— the union negotiutors accepted REPORTH TALBOTT OUT - bodily into heaven, that he denied a prepared statement' which he The closing session of tbs' hearing Freedom After 17 Years: bothered to vote In the first off- read, to the. subcommittee, and the terms and' they will recom­ Indianapolis, 'July 27 (Nh-A Jesus was actually boi^ of virgin mend approval by the A.FL 'Team­ election statewide referendum whidh made no reference to any (Continued on Pag^ Six) special dispatch to the Indian- birth or that Jesus periormed all aince 1953. Hot weather and sters' Union Committee. npolla News from Ita Wnahlng- the miracles with which a literal DSVtne alao quoted Michael Ad- ton Bureau today aaid Secre­ interpretation of the' bible credit# apathy probably were the factors Austria Reaches Goal in the light vote. ley, chairman of the industry tary of the Air Force TelhOtt Him. and that he has abandoned cornmitlee, as g(iving a.ssurance has «subniltted hi# realgnatlon funda'mental principle bf scrip- The change was approved over­ whelmingly. 20,904 to ,4.463. But of acceptance by the owners. and Gov. George N. Craig of INCLUDING* A||iliaiiicts« turarinlerpretation^ ^ I c h guided Devine said the new contract 9 George Renews Appeal Indiana is being considered for the voter-turnbut was far below Of Independent Nation the expected 5 per cent. calls for an immediate jump from the Post'. Gov. Craig was hi (OoaUaiied on Vmti;e Thrpe) the 31.67 hourly rate to 31-82, re­ V In all; the cost of the referen­ Washington todog. Before, leav- troactive to April 11, and effec­ ..In Indianapolis he said he had Vienna, July 27 (P) -— After*"W# Auatrians will keep our - \ dum may run to about 3177.000. For Dulles, Chou Talks tive for a year. Kiiqs, Tools. Ckuwi, To^. Xik.kcM Noods. Towns reported referendum costs 'an appointment with' presld^- seven years of Nazi rule and 10 promise never, to take part in During the second year the pay fight other Aban the battle for tanging from 36 :to 8.50 per vote. ttal assistant Sherman, Adana ,of Allied occupation, Austria final­ rate will be 3i;97, and in the third He said Adams had requested ly became a free and Independent peace and justice. Bitter experi­ Regular .voting machines were Waahingtbn; July 27 (f»—8yn.» tions must be met before the Unit- year it wilt be 32.12 from April 11, ence has taught ua to guard inde­ News TidBiti used. \ ■ him to come to Washington for 'nation today. . George' (D-GS) renewed his call, ed States will agree to s higher 1957, to Feb. U, 1958, and 32.17 a conference. With the depositing of France's pendent;# and freedom as our ReJened In New Haven' for an early foreign ministers' | level session'. This country does an houn from that date to the ex­ Gla$sMai«, WateWs. He. highest treaaurea." > Cuiied from AP Wir<>8 Officials had predicted over­ ratification of the Austria treaty conference with Communist China', not negotiate with a pistol at't piration of the contract the follow, Ik e r o a d b i i l r e j e c t e d In Moscow, the four-power regime But the day .had- a aad note for whelming approval of, the change -r the time for which Secretary of i head,'th^ Secretary said. :ng. April 11. i local radio fans.. It "marked the and only four communities, includ­ . Washington, July, 27 IB-rTho over Austria came to an end. State Dulles says has not arrived. 1 Duties'said he does not want tl .Fringe Benefits iliause today reacted I8l-17t J o. . ____ _ of their favbrite station. . Tax appraisal shows press agent ing N'ew Haven, rejected it. George, who hSada the Senate < exclude al) prospects for a forelgi The United States. Ur**! ®Ut-, the American . controlled Red- In addition, Devine aaid, the new President Elsenhower’s plan, for Steve. Hann.agan left groea eatatd New Haven, thlr9.55I, with 3218, 399 koing\ n . multl-billion-dollar rondhoHd- in the state, turned the proposal pressed surprise at .Dulles' news ; thq, ambassadors meetintT Monday and meal allowances for drivers re- Ing program financed through ready, deposited their ratlflca^Uon polls showed, about 80 per cent of to long-time friend, movie actress down b y '88 votes. The city had conference announcement yester- j„ Geneva no\V is not the time, he documents at the Kremlin. , tn* Viennese preferrod th# 'U.8.- ^^ired to be away from home. longterm bonds. But. H pohrtod JUST FOUOW T kt SIMSU DIRECTIONS AS SHOWN ON THE MAP. Ann Hherldaa .. .Group of Texas \a 1.8 per cent turnout of its 87,195 day that U.8. Ambassador U.. He added that he does not eae allowances will be 37 in the The capital was‘a sea of Aus- type fare of quiz shows, musicals convicts lose court fight In Austin toward probnMe neoeptnneo In; . ITS AN EASY, FAST DRIVE TO FAIULOUS SAVINaSI COME SOONI yotera. The vote was 827 to 739. Alexia Johnson will sound out his *uch a .meeting as a likely poa- [Irst year, 37.75jin the aecond, and stead of n rival Democratic pro­ triiui flags. Thousands gathered and jazz recordinga. The two sta­ to foixe state prison to feed them 1 The other towns which rejected Red Chinese counterpart at Gene- in front of the Allied Council tions of the government broadcast three ntrala e day instead of two. ' .50 a day In the third year. posal lor n highway progrnmto va next week on the Peiping gov- Coupled with the Secretary’s Devine said the agreement cov- be paid for through 614.428,6ea,- building fn Vienna's SUlin Square system said they would Uke over William J. Roach, superintend­ ^ (Continued on Page liiirteen) emment’s attl^de toward a comments about a ceaae-fire and watched the flags of the Big Four some .<* the most popular Red- ent of .Waterbury Police Depari- ' all striking triick drivers out- 000 in added automotive tnaea i FREE PARKING FOR 900 \ ■ • ceaaefire in the Formoea Strait. the use or threat of force, hia re- |e the Boston area, with negotia­ over the next 16 years. come down foi' the last time. Whlts-Red ahowa. ment, reelected president of State Georjp" said he has no objection marks were taken aa notice to the CounrJI .DiMolyMi The first statesmen to congratu­ Police Assn. . . .Father of 16- tions continuing on slightly higher to such probings, but that.; Jie (;^lnese Reds that the spirit they MORE SHOTS R E L E A S E D ------Prior to the*'flag ceremony, thb late Austria on winning back her year-old South African Negro stu­ IV^aine Boy,*14, Dies doesn’t think shy substantial prog­ wage demand for drive™ here. . freedom were Preiident EHsen- dent asks govemmenuto reconsid­ snow in Geneva will have a heavy ambers of the employer# group Washington. Jnly 27 (F)—Th#;^ SEATING FACILITIES FOR 1000 PEOPLE four high* commissioners met for ress will be made toward relieving bearing on any arrangements for met\at Hotel Somenet this morn­ goiernment . today re leaned ^ the last time in a fonpaJ nieeting hower And'French Premier Faure; er refusal of passport for boy who Crash liijtirieB Far Eastern tension# until Dulles 'In a meaeage to President Koer­ has bera offered scholarship at sits down with Chou En-lai, Com­ a higher level session to settle big­ ing and recessed for lunch at 11:20 about 1.166R06 more ruWe ee»- and adopted’ a resolgtion dissolv­ ger problems. a.m. Without making any atate- tlinrters. or shots, of. Salk PnUo ing their council and endjng the ner, Elsenhower Sal0: Kent Hfaool in Connecticut. .. munist CJiina’s premier and for­ "On the historic day which Ex-inmate of Fairfield County eign. miniater. George said he hadn't thought ment\ They said Frank Thomp­ varclne. The new batch waa la occupation. All four commiaaion- July 27 (jp).— that Johnson's conversations would process of manufacture when marks the coming into force of Jail brings 3100,000 damage suit Clyd. Wants' Direct Contact son, imploy.era' counsel, who par­ •rs wished the Austrian nation ,^J4. of 26 Front cover anything but the repatria­ ticipated In the overnight negotia­ the gm-erniwent adopted MW wall. < the Austrian state treaty. I wish in Superior Court in-Bridgeport in St died' eariy “ In fny opinion." George told re- to express to you and, to the' connection with charges he failed' day portera, "the only talka that will tion of Americana held in China tions, was expected to report td standards and teattag One final big step remained for iTamorial Hospital and of Chinese in this country'who them Hiia afternoon. - ments tdr the vnedne. the ah- the Big Four—withdrawal of their Austrian people the d«cp gratifi­ tO' receive proper food, 'drugs, from received In a col- be profitable Will be those that cation felt by the American na­ OMdiral atteatioa juid timely hoe- ■take place in direct cortacta with want to return home, plus'^'other Meanwhile, varion'a operators BouBcement said. It nMt tka occupation forces within 90 days, lision b Itween ' an automobile and new reqnlremenU and haa haaa tion that freedom and sovereign- pitallaation Urhile In jail. a triicd Which kiHe4^. one man in- Chou En-lai and other high offi- issues directly affecting the two leaving the meeting told newsmen or by the end of October. Part of countries.' that the strike was still on and no denred. It added. POST SUCTION m u s the' 70,0(K) troops already have t-y have' been restored to Austria. First ' postwar paternity suit slantly:. c(nla of their government. I am “ Sovereign Austria, can forget against American, by German A apdkesnTan said "the. boy died aaUsfied In iny own mind that “ I did not think the meeting In onto waa authorized to make a pulled out. (Seneva would touch On any ques­ RED CANCEL TITO DEinr "The final remains of the walls the bitter aftermath of war and woman filed in ' Fjonkfuri, Ger- 'from th)rd degree b\imi on the such a. conference will be held statement. POUTES 5 f/ 3 - BERU/U TURNPIKE OPP. CONN. UCHT ^ POWER BLOC. move forward Into a new yra of ifiany. . .Francis Csirdlnsl Spell­ lower M k of the pody, and brain within a reasonable length of tion affecting Formosa, in which The .stoppage started June 15 Belgrade. Tagaalavin. M y 27 which separated Austria from Its the Ohineae NationalUts are con when th# drive™ struck aeven ma­ (F) — PfcsMeat Tito aaae# frtedom nave now fallen," Pre^- freedom and proq>erity. This Js a man notifies office he will styy IfiJurlfR V \ time.” significant event for the entire ont of ArgentiBn even though his KU)M' inatantly in theXcraah Dulles said Johnaon In the Gene­ cerned,” he said. jor southerh New England firms today tho Sovtet Balsa haa dent Theodor Koerner aaid In a In a demand for a 35 oeiita an hour oeM 966 aaUUon hi dehta 1 broadcaat to the naUon. adding: community of free nations, whose ship s t ( ^ there. early '^ in ^ *y . morning at Union va talks will aeek to find' ou( If the Sen: Knowland of California, ths Roland T. Tibbetts, finit vice- Peiping-Government is prepared to GOP leader, made it plain Jn a boost. The pay scale In the Boatoh slavla haa owed Ranla. Itr “ With a..unanimity Which rivea number Austria now Jolna in fact waa PHnOaultney, 33. of IST^ol- ports before 1948. la Just cause for new hopea of the as weU as in aplrit. president of H utford Junior lister A re! Bridgeport. abandon the use or threa't of force separata interview he doesn’t be- area luu been 31,80 hourly and in NeuiiifiqfoM . C o m m . “I wish to rsaifirm 'to you the Chamber of Commerfe, named ex­ Reported aa improving at to achieve Ua nbjectiyes and wheth­ lieve' Johnson will be empower^ other Nbw England aectora In­ thlsdu^aspw ' eatabliahment < ot peace In the IIU Mdd Sovtet worid, the great powara of the slncers and frfaiidly relations ecutive Tice president R f IJ. S. hospital' W u ' C^tarlas Sabine er it would be willing t