1953-01-08, [P ]
Thursday, January 8, 195' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE iUTOMORILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU HOW YOU CAN BUY THE HEW SPECTACULAR CLEAR THE DECKS!! THE POPULAR DEMAND FOR HUDSON WASP NEW FORD TRUCKS Equipped With TWIN-H-POWER Forces Us To Make Mors Room for Trade-Ins DON T FORGETi OUR FAMOUS Delivered BRAND-NEW and Heater (GUARANTEE $248500 Plus Tax MONEY-BACK 1951 Ford Ton Cab 1950 Ford Vt Ton BEFORE TOO BUY, SEE US FOR and Chassis, long Panel, red $695 THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN! , wheelbase, green $1095 1948 Dodge v, Ton See and Drive This Spectacular New Car At 1951 Ford »/» Ton Pick- Panel, red $395 Up, green $995 1947 Chevrolet 1 Ton 1950 Ford, 2 Yard Panel, red £595 WAGGONER-BEACH, INC 3? NASH AUTHORIZED DIRECT FACTORY HUDSON SALES and SERVICE Hydraulic Dump 1947 Chevrolet Truck,’ green ... .$1295 481 East 185th St at Lake Shore Blvd. KEnmore- 1-6696 Pick-Up, red $595 1950 Ford ’4 Ton . 1947 Dodge Panel $345 We Need Room Ramblers Pick-Up, green . $795 1947 Ford Vanette $345 for more 1953 Dodge and Plymouth Trade-Ins! SOI AU RALPH STEWART ,1950 Studebaker % Ton 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Our New Car Trade-Ins Have Been Pick-Up, red $695 Delivery, blue ... $495 Just Arrived! ONE OWNER 1949 Ford Ton Pick- 1945 Ford V2 Ton **•*& TRADE- INS Up, green $695 Pick-Up, red $375 Drastically Reduced In Price! with A Many More T< Choose From if Big Selection All Makes and Models if Most 1947 Dodge Deluxe One Owner if All Reconditioned if .All Guaran 2 Door; C7ftK radio, heater W I 0 v DON'T FORGET OUR teed ★ AH Winterized Easy Terms if Your Present Car May Be Down Payment MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE GOOD BUYS ON 1950 Dodge 2-door sedan, black finish, this late 7 ’ ’ is 1947 Buick Roadmaster DESOTO - PLYMOUTH specially priced and ready to go at the Sedan; C7QR SPECIAL LOW PRICE of TRADE-INS radio, heater .
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