Scottsville Sun, 03 December 1953

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Scottsville Sun, 03 December 1953 • -, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3,1953 THE SCOTTSVILLE SUN THREE Davis and their two wee ones, Russell and Joan Collins had W. T. Powell in Richmond for the Girl Scouts Plan Items for sale, and they are ask- TIDBITS· Carol and JUdy, over here from long week-end guests from Staun- ·tug; their mothers to contribute last seven weeks, returned to Food, Sale December 5 Charlottesville. ton. Joan's mother and sister, Mrs. Scottsville on Saturday. As soon one. ~y N8IIlcy Dorrier Dorothy Reid and Hilda, .came over as she got back though, she went It. is their hope that everyone C'lrl Scout 'I'roop No. 45 is plan- E.lmer and Adele 'Johnson had Also, at the Raymond Thackers o:n Wednesday and stayed until makes an effort to turn out to see to spend a few days wtbh vtrgtma ning a food sale to be held Satur- their; respective Jarntfuies , for from Wednesday until Sunday what they have to offer. Sunday. Newton. day December 5, at 10 .a.m. at the Tha~ksgiVing dinner last Thurs~ were Virginia Lee .and Nelson Ve- Bruce Dorrter Motor Company. day, which inclUded the s . lasco, the virtual newly-weds. At Etta and Andrew Collinses Elme J h emor Mrs. Florence Wright and Miss 'Dhis food sale is the first money- ,r 0 nsons and Mrs. J ohn- They have begun counting the for Thanksgiv,ing Eve and the big Want Rose Jamerson of Dillwyn were making project to be put on by. s'o.ns sister, Miss LoUise Wheeler days until Febuary when Nelson day were her brother and' new To Sell? here in Sco-etsville.this last week- rthe troop, organized just a little WIth Adel' ' getll. out of the army and they can sister-in-law, Leroy and Barbara Mr d Mes mother and daddy, end. over a year ago, and they are hop- To Buy? . an rs. Charles Smith all s'ettle down to normal living. At Herndon, from Richmond. ing that it will be a tremendous For Quickest iResults o~ them from ChatlottesVille.' Ro- this point, Nelson is at Pickett, and Rose Mae and Milton Cohen have Doing a little professional as success, said- Carol Jean Duncan, use bin and Karren couldn't be torn Virginia is in Richmond! made the supreme sacrifice..... ' well as personal shopping in Rich- Th \ chairman of the Bale. Eacjh gtrl is away from the grandparents so ..:;-- ey procured two kittens for. the CIassifi2d Ad Section h e now-established Notting- mond on Monday were Mrs. Harold. •L-ynn and Susan, and are now go~ I gomg::._.:.........;.to contribute two different:...- _ they. r etu rne d to Charlottesville' Th WIth them, and stayed until Sun- amsd had visitors over the week- Parr and Mrs. W. E. Moody. .TheIr.,. mig th rougnh unethe to rments of hav-\' day when Elmer and Adele went en . They were the Samuel Bur- :husbands probably drew a iSlg1;l.of ing two new members of the fam- over to pick them up. rowsh erom Mr. Nottingham's old relief wheh they returned without ily 0''J.WlDllIhioh th·'ey k now so httl1 e. c arge in Matthews. Came on Sat, the whole of Richmond in th~r Rose Mae engrossed in the care The college ~ all swarmed' urday and didn't leave untrl Mon- pockets, or aren't all women Iike and feeding of small kitties right, +Gifts home for the short 'holiday. From day. They cer~ainly did have great tJhat?? now, SO if she seems a trifle vague, I • V. P. I. came Donald Combs and words' of praise for the Notting- just attl'ibute it to that· Joe Kidd, Pat Carden and Chris- hams. They just said what all of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Goodwin, Jr. the chu.rch has been finding out in and their son, Joimmy spent a m,ce Visitors in the home of Mr. and tine Catlett from Mary Washing- the few weeks they 'have been here! long week-end in Scottsville witth Mrs. Wilsol\ Darsey over the Galoie ton, LaWana Rutland from Long~ Mr. Goodwin's father and mother, Thanksgiving holidays wele Mrs. wood, and Bobby Spencer from 'the • •• to please everyone the Senior Goodwins. They came· Darsey1s si'Ster ~andbrother ,in law, University of Richmond: What Birge Carroll entertained her bridge club on Wednesday night. up all the wary from Clemson, S. Mr. and Mrs. J G. Massie and on your Christmas list! they all did after they arrived in ( She certainly did have a nice paJrty C. Then on Thanksgiving, Mr. and two children fro~ NeWiport News. the fair metropolis is a matter for Goodwin went up to Alexand- Look for the Gifts Galore Santa at our store for the quickest, conjecture, but its fairly certain Fun for alL .. ria to spend the holiday with.......their Tuberculosis is not hereditary. It easiest. happiest solution t6 your Christmas shopping prob- that they didn't waste any time ! ! The Peter Hunters were quite daughter an son-in-law, :Mr. and can be prevented and cured. Buy lems. Hundreds of unusual holiday gifts for the whole family . .. gifts to thrill your friends ... gifts to fit every Christmas gay during the Thanksgiving Mrs. R. D. R,inker. and use Christmas Seals gener- Jesse and J'ack Grove and their all budget. Save money. Save time. Do all your .shopping at week-end .. On Thursday, they and OU.'3ly. two children, Barrye and Sally Ann, The long awaited arriv- our neighborhood Gifts Galore Drug Store. the Sr. R. R, Hunters went oyer to came down from Vienna for· the Waynesboro to spend the day wit'h, al of a small bundle of REA,D THE ADS CLOSELY / entire week-end, startIng Th~nksM heaven to Kathleen (Nee i _ Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Austin, Peter's giving day. While they were here, sister and brother-in-law. On ffil"i~iP.hillips) Mc(Namara ~came early VffiGINIA: IN < THE C, ~Jess'e and Barrye drove over to , , " N r' lk IRCUIT BRUCE'S DRUG STORE day Lear and Peter with Ann and ThanksgIvmg mormng moJ.O " COURT O~ ALBEMARLE COUN- Harrisonburg to see Jesse's fami- The bundle is a g,irl, six pounds ITY, NOV. 6th, 1953. < Floyd Johnson went to dinner at , ly. On Saturday the other siste'r Dial 3881' the Bradys, Sherwood, Ca·rters and nine ounces, ll1'am~~,Theresa, GEORGE L. M'CCARY in the Beal family, Helen, and Bridge. They wer~ the only ories and both mother and chIld are do~ Plaintiff \ husband, Bl8!ke with Rebe.cca· ar- ing fine. The proud ,grandparents, v. ORiDER OF Pl,TBLICATION Scottsville from around this vicinity who rived from Richmond, and stayed Katherine and Randolph Phillips, REECE (McCARY, if he be living, went. The Deines' entertained at were planning to go down on Tues~ et aI, Defendants until 'Sunday. Greerufields on Saturday night, and day, Ibut decided they couldn't The object of <t!his suit is to they went to th'at party too. Eloise and Pat McKenry with wait, so took off on Sunday. %ey partition amoIl!gst the owners, by dropped Mother Helen in Ric'hmcmd sale or otherwise, a cer,tain tract Mattie Leigh Golloday went to t'he Back to the old home place for of land lying in Albemarl~ County, I to stay with Dot and Buck Jordan Virginia, near SCottsville, contain- V. M. I.-V. P. I. game on Thurs- Tihanksgiving was Walker Turner until their r~turn. Katherine will ing 4714 acres, more or less, as day. They s'at beside our group and from Arvonia. He .arrived on stay a While to helrp the new ma- shown on -a plat of record in the we had a marvelous time :razzing Thursday and spent his time be~ Clerk's Office of the aJbove Court ma, ,but Randolph came back on Pat, who is a V. P. I. alumnus. As tween his mother's, Mrs. Nettie in Deed Book 85, page 267, and the game progressed, he got quiet~ Tuesday. owned by Sarah McCary at the I Turner and his sister',s Mrs. Nor- time of :her death in 1910, and er and quieter, and we yelled more I man Ownby. ,Went back on SUn- who blas An afmdavit having been made i and more. Neeqless to say, it was day, and Mrs. and filed shOlWing that diligence the best game of the season . has been used by or on 'behalf of, i to ascertain' in what County o~: Visiting the C. G. ~nrads ,sr. Corporiation the Defendant, REES'E over Thanksgiving were their son McCARY is, without effect, and I and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mau- It appearing that the Bill of' THE HUB· rice H. Conrad, from Falls Church. Complaint filed in this suit states thwt there are Or may be persons They all came over here on Friday interested in the subject (the Scottsville night to have dinner with Curtis a.foresaid 4714 acres) to be divided --~ lor disposed of, whose RaJIDeSare We Clothe and Mary. unknown, and make's such persons, • aA~ 10 defendants by the general descriP- 1 Claire Thacker, and her daugih~ ,rs 111'1 tion of "Parties Unknown," and The Family ter, Linda with the J. E. Ker~ •• II!A ... IJER' on affidavit that anY' such parties, shaws and 'Buddy Hudson from ,v...ri'f' are unkonwn, being the widow and Iheirs, devisees, or other suocessors I Hampton, made ,a flying trip to ,7'~.,~,p lin title to the said REECE Mc-I' ' Waynesboro and Staunton on Speaking of 'hunting season, ,WITH CA'RY (a son of said Sarah Mc- Thanksgiving Day.
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