tiV THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 8, 19Sl| Avtmgc Diilsr N«t P n a Ron Vir tka WMk KuM iiancliriater lEvrutne H^ralh ■•lit S. IfU of Saida, Lebanon, the city mana­ sage by the pastor, the Rev. K. Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop A. Reed ger of New .London, the Rev, Hage 11,536 Ejnar Raak. A sqp\»iftfr will be Attend Reception of Tolland, form erly.of this town,' of St. Ann's Church, New London, at IfM iiatUt About Town given to each' o n f attending the have issued Invitations for the and members of the clergy from laf ( ■ . * t ^ service.' An offering will aleo be DON'T "TIT" Man^he$ter~-^A CUy o f ViUogo Chorm marriage of Mrs. Reed^s daughter. In New London all parts of North and Soutli Amer­ Still, pleaty'ot wmr left hi U ^ b c n o f the Junior Ghumber Miss Nancy Huntington Bldredge, received for Ihe benefit of. Co­ ica. His Beatitude the Melklte shoea whM broaght hw* Mr ' pf Commerce'and their, .wivee will to Charles Daniel Kellogg Jr., of venant people w ho suffered losses Patriarch, spoke to the enthralled expeH repairtag. In the receijt flood. ■ ” Mr. and Mta. Richard S. Nasslff, M) mark the atart of the fall aeaaon Fairfield. The ceremonk will be gathering In fluent French and In WORK DONE WBUJB yOL.LXXIV.NO.28f (EIGHTEEN PAGB3) BIANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1955 and the Mlrses Marie and Hieresa Saturday night at a dinner aoclal performed Saturday, Oct. 1, at 3 high Arabic, his native tongue, TOO W A IT meeting at the Manchester Coun­ p.m., in Christ Church Cathredial, Nasalff attended the dinner recep­ A solemn Pontifical Uturgy was try Club. The affair will start at Hartford. The Mary Cushman Group of the Second Congregational women’s tion held in honor of His Bektitude held at U a m. at St. Ann's Church 7.30. with the honor guard Grand SAM YULYES Sunday. Sept. 11, will be rally League wlU meet tomorrow at 8 Maximos IV, Patriarch of Antioch SHOE REPAmPIfl Con, Policeman .m., at the home of Mrs. J. Her- and of all the Fgat, of Alexandria Knights Of Columbus of Norwich The Buckley School cafeteria day for the Covenant Congrega­ in attendance. - o r THE BETTBE KIND j will serve lunches beginning Mon- tional Church and Sunday School. Sert Finlay, 86 Phelps fIM. The- and Jerusalem, held Sunday, Sept. hostess will, be Mra. Albert Post. 4, at the Roof Garden of the Mohi- Also present from Manchester 15 Maple St,—AcroBB Prwi Ex-School Pals, ! day. Sept. 13. at the following At 10:30 .a.m.,- a joint rally day was Stewart B. R. Chehey. who Is FIrat National Pnrhhig Lai I hours for the various grades: program of recitations, hymns, an The group will make plans for its gan Hotel in New London. booth in (he annual fair, scheduled Honor guests Included Bishop greatly interested in’ the Eastern ! Grades 1 to 3, 11;2S to 12:30; object lesson and other features Rites of the Catholic Church. PINEHDRST I Grades 4 to 7, 11:43 to 12:45. will be presented, including a mes­ for Saturday, OcL J. Flannagan o f. Norwich,-the Bishop In Pistol Fight IS OPEN ^ For PeroiTPlot Yonkera, N. Y.^ Sept. 9 ( ^ THURSDAY and — An ex-convict shot,.an off- Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 9 (ff)— An Army general duty policeman at 'crowded FRIDAY NIGHT accused with, four other high ranking officers of plotting a Y oi^en Raceway last night \ rebellion ag^nst Pjresident Peroh was reported^ under arrest as the officer sought to arrest Germ an Prisoners of UNTIL 8:30 today. Authoritative sources said Brig, Gen. Delmiro Felix him. the S2-year-old ex-con- VUIela Balaguer, head o f the Rlo'^ vlct, who vt^parently . turned BACK CvjBrto garriaon, waa being held his gun on himself, died in a the 3rd Motorised Regiment head- . quarters on the outskirts o f Buenos Truman Warns hospital early tofday. Aires. t’ Th'a gunman and p^lceman Also Urges Krei These informants said, It wap Were former schoolmates,' Itkaly Balaguar’a aaaoeiatea in the Against Cutting There waa some commoUon In, Brat raportad military plot since the crowd after the shooUng. but the abortive June 16 revolt were the racing program waa not inter­ Push Unity of Reich alao under arreet in garriaona near Armed Forces rupted. LITTLENANGY . ,tha capital. 'hla double shooting took place Not so long ago. litUa Nancy B. atood with her bike. In front fir s t Nottee in Freaa Chicago, S^t. 9 UPi— Harry 8 . new- a pari-mutuel window "uilder of PinMturat, ^ tln g for the light to turn green so that aha There were no official announce- Truman said tdday the Commun­ the track stands just as 19,000 per­ Moscow, Sept. 9 iff) — West German Chancelloi^ Konrid oauiA cToaa the Turnpike add lide’dou’n Main to her home on maote about the Sve Army officera. ist countries seem to he taking sons awaited the start of the sec­ \ Adenauer call^ on the Soviet Union’s top leaders to —— ..... ___........ ■_ i.— . .. - ___ ___ ^ NUTRITIOUS MEALS of tiM.accuea-1 a.^mora. peaceful courje but-that ond trotting race of the evening. iJirarpmonerz-held-in Ruaaia axA-preluda to ‘‘oiMeiiaaHa— A « Oua Luther, who likea to atand on this com er andf watch ilone against tham yeaterday whan America must keep up Its guard Wanted by Folica* , zation” of relations between their two countries. the traffic go by, nmarked "the little glri did Just what ahe was ,La Kpoiea, a Peronlsta newspaper, untll .lt la sure. The dead man was Edward DSb- taught la achoel, and at hease, WAITED TOR TIIE GREEN published on ’ ite inside pages an He described cute he eaid the O - daub, Bergenfleld. N. J., object of Opening his historic first meeting with the Kremlin com­ LIGHT,** but the driver speeding down Main 8t. to make a fast order fbr them to appear for a senhower ' administration is mak­ a IS-atate police alarm in connec­ mand, Adenauer also plead^ with Soviet Premier Bulganin, left turn Into the Turnpike also nad the GREEN and forgot that^ M ^n Better Grades hearing eh conspiracy charges. ing In our military estabibhment. tion with a £ergenneia~bai1tTaiV.‘ Communist party boss Nikita Khrushchev and Foreign Minis­ the pedeatrian, yes, even the little bike rider, has the right of The, publication seemed to con- His own admInistraUon, hs said, Dabdaub, bullet In his head, ter V. M. Molotov to “ dedicate all your energies’’ to speedy way at these “ left and right turn com ers” ,and It was lucky Brm reports o f unrest at the gar­ began a buildup of the .armed died at St. John’s Hospital here. Nangr'a Guardian Angal was with her. rison In the rich cattle and grain forcee that "has had much to do Wounded in the shoulder was conclusion with the western Big Three of an agreement to Won’t you please take It easy at this dangerous cor­ county of central Atgentlna 350 with bringing about the attitude Patr<dman Anthony Sebipino, S3, a' reunify Germany. '?------------------------- '■ ner until the State and the Town work out a safety solu­ milea west of Buenoa' Airea. of apparent reasoncblenesa on the member of the Teaneck, N. J., po­ Biilganin in reply ignored the 1 f T • Maj. Oen. Joae. Eplfanlo Sosa part of the Communists.” lice force the peat six years. question of the war prisoners.'On | I I I . g B I T B A tion. Molina, newly named commander Mswt be Strong Dabdaub had gone to public reunifleation, he repeated the Rus-1 X - J U U m e * SHOP HALE’S SELF SERVE o f the 2nd Army Divtalon. which “ If wp value peace and freedom, school with Scolpino in Teaneck. Sian claim that West Germ an! _ .« "w-w Includes the Rio Cuarto garriaon, we must be strong." the former Pcdice said Scolpino gave' this membership in NATO and the i TV| a -m B 'B a a signed the EpMS..notice. It waa President eeld in an address pre­ version of,the shooting: Western Ehiropean Union (W EU ) ! I M J* By Ja'Cl datad W e d n a ^ y and warned the pared for the Executives' Club of Scolpino' and Dabdaub.spotted formed the big barrier to reunion j “ five officers If they did not appear Oilcago, a predominantly Repub­ each other as Dabdaub stood near of West and Eut Germany. i ^ $3 betting window beneath the And Meat Dept. For These Specials before him within th,ree days they lican group. The Soviet Premier urged the, faced the “penalty of being de­ The club regidarly seelu prom­ grandstand. Dabdaub tried to flee PINEHURS'T'mN MEAT VALUK and Scolpino gave chase some SO establishment of normal diplomat- j clared rebels.” inent persons as speakers. Ic relations between the two gov-! m Both Ham and Lamb aracxcellent values this weekmd. We yards through throngs of bettors, Cruelty to Harden Fighting Men It was the fourth reported con- Truman's text, primarily about evnmenta, asserting - that closer feature, NOT ORDINARY BAM, but the new modem stream­ LARGE GRADE A GRANDMOTHER'S FOR THOSE DELICIOUS SANDWICHES many of whom were, knocked epiracy against. Peron this year. foreign policy, did not refer to These two photos, supplied by Newsweek Magazine, show two phases In course of manufac­ contacts thus established would Washington, Sept. 9 ((P)— lined Life adv.
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