Phd Thesis Jonas Geldmann
UNIVE RSI T Y OF COPE NHAGEN FACULT Y OF S C IENCE CENTER FOR M A CROECOL OGY, EVOLUT ION A ND CLIMAT E PhD thesis Jonas Geldmann Evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas for maintaining biodiversity, securing habitats, and reducing threats Academic advisor: Professor Neil D. Burgess Submitted: August 2013 UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN FACULTY OF SCIENCE CENTER FOR MACROECOLOGY, EVOLUTION AND CLIMATE PhD thesis Jonas Geldmann Evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas for maintaining biodiversity, securing habitats, and reducing threats Academic advisor: Professor Neil D. Burgess This thesis has been submitted august 2013 to the PhD School of The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen Institutnavn: Biologisk Institut (Center for Makroøkologi, Evolution og Klima) Name of department: Department of Biology (Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate) Author: Jonas Geldmann Titel og evt. undertitel: Beskyttede områders evne til at bevare landskaber og biodiversitet samt reducere menneskelig trusler Title / Subtitle: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Protected Areas for maintaining Biodiversity, securing habitats, and reducing threats Subject description: This PhD. is part of the conservation theme at the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC). The main focus has been to understand how terrestrial protected areas help protect nature and reduce human impact by evaluating changes in state or pressure as a consequence of protected areas as a conservation response. Academic advisor: Professor Neil D. Burgess, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, UNEP World Centre for Monitoring of Conservation, Cambridge, United Kingdom, and World Wildlife Fund, USA. External advisor: Dr. Lauren Coad, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Submitted: August 2013 Grade: PhD thesis Cover photo: elephant: wallcloud.
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