p until recently there were some III proved totally inadequate when dealing with time. In terms of MBT production, the Chinese commentators, and even some thick mud walls in , plus the MBT ZTZ99 and ZTZ96, Indian T-90S and Pakistani militaries, who predicted the offers better mobility than wheeled vehicles in Al-Khalid are dominating international markets, days of the soft terrain and when negotiating watercourses. calculated to account for 60.38% of all new (MBT) were numbered. A classic Furthermore, the heavier armour of the Leopard production through till 2017. example is Canada, which decided to retire offers better protection against improvised Uits tank fleet and instead rely on LAV III 8x8 explosive devices (IED), the insurgent weapon of EAST ASIA armoured vehicles. A Mobile Gun System (MGS) choice. Technologically advanced has forged its variant armed with a 105mm gun was to take on The fact that several countries (Canada, own path in MBT production. In service are the the ‘quasi-tank’ role. However, counterinsurgency Denmark and USA) have deployed MBTs and Type 90, products of a bygone Cold operations in Afghanistan caused a swift about- to Afghanistan – a country with notoriously War era. Japan inducted 341 Type 90 MBTs, face, with Canada despatching Leopard C2 challenging tank terrain – shows these are still but one disadvantage is its strategic mobility/ to the land-locked country in October 2006. viable military weapon systems. Asia’s love affair transportability in the small and crowded country. This was followed by a decision in February with the MBT is still growing, unlike the waning Because of its 50-ton weight, these tanks are only 2007 to borrow 20 Leopard 2A6M tanks from passion of many European countries. Indeed, deployed in two regions – Hokkaido and Mount Germany, and to purchase 100 Leopard 2s from there are ongoing indigenous MBT programmes Fuji. the Netherlands. Afghan combat experience in China, , Japan and , while Japan started developing the in has demonstrated manifold advantages of the other countries like Malaysia and Singapore 2001, which tips the scales at just 44 tons. MBT. The 25mm cannon of the Canadian LAV have recently obtained MBT fleets for the first This Mitsubishi Heavy Industries design

The Type 90 serving in the JGSDF is a capable tank but it was designed primarily to take on a Russian amphibious invasion during the Cold War. (Gordon Arthur)

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offers a number of improvements, including greater road and rail mobility. Introduction of the Type 10 will allow eventual retirement of the ageing Type 74. After taking note of lessons learned by countries like the USA in Iraq, Japanese designers sought a balance of mobility; firepower; armour protection; and command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I). A new 120mm L/44 smoothbore gun is fitted and it can fire a newly developed APFDS round that offers improved penetration. A remotely controlled .50-cal M2HB is mounted atop the turret. The Type 10 was unveiled in February 2008, and funding for 13 units was approved in the FY2010 budget. It is expected 68 units will be funded through to FY2015. Like the Type 90, it operates with a three-man crew thanks to the fitment of an . The Type 10 was designed with asymmetric The Hyundai Rotem K1A1 features a 120mm main gun, the same as that found on the American Abrams. The K2 will eclipse its capabilities. warfare in mind and its modular armour system (Gordon Arthur) can be arranged according to threat levels. This allows easy replacement of damaged modules, and offers protection levels equal to the heavier and RENK transmissions, so there is a possibility While on the topic of the Korean peninsular, Type 90, and even enhanced protection on the South Korea could resort to imported power the US Army’s 2nd Infantry Division has flanks. Its battle management system (BMS) packs if local industry does not come through. replaced its M1A1 AIM Abrams with the allows instant communication with other vehicles Officials have stated the ROKA will not deploy latest M1A2 SEP version. This was done and headquarters. A 1,200hp diesel engine the K2 until 2013. simultaneously with the update of the M2A2 coupled to a continuously variable transmission The K2 has all the bells and whistles. It Bradley fleet to the newer M2A3 configuration. (CVT) allows the tank to theoretically possesses a 120mm L/55 main gun and an The 2nd Infantry Division has two combined- drive as fast in reverse as it does forwards. autoloader that reduces the crew to three. It will arms battalions based north of Seoul, each Like its predecessors, the Type 10 features feature indigenously designed hard-kill and soft- equipped with 29 M1A2 tanks. hydropneumatic suspension that enables the kill active protection systems (APS). The latter Taiwan depends heavily on the M48 MBT, vehicle to kneel and tilt. is fully developed while the former has been with an estimated fleet of 450 CM11 Brave South Korea is another country to create its undergoing four-season field testing. It is reported Tiger tanks. These hybrids were created by own tank designs. The Hyundai Rotem K1 and the APS can intercept attacks 0.2-0.3 seconds installing M48 turrets onto M60A3 chassis. K1A1 were developed with assistance from after detection. A Hyundai Rotem spokesman The original 90mm gun was replaced with a General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), told Defence Review Asia the company will license-built 105mm M68A1 gun, and their fire designer of the . Some 1,500 K1/ be targeting K2 export sales in South America, control systems (FCS) were modernised with K1A1 tanks were produced. Even though the South Asia and the Middle East. One spinoff a ballistic computer and Raytheon AN/VSG- capabilities of South Korea’s tank fleet surpass for South Korea’s defence industry has been 2 Tank Thermal Sight (TTS). Taiwan’s most those of North Korea, the country felt the need to involvement in ’s MBT programme. sophisticated tank is the M60A3 TTS, with some develop an even more capable design known as Approximately 20 engineers are supporting 480 examples being procured in 1996-97. Taiwan the K2. Full introduction of the with the Altay’s basic development, still operates some 50 M41D tanks in its army, will allow the (ROKA) 120mm gun and protection system. while the Marine Corps has M41A3s. As an to retire its M48A5 fleet. Original plans called for Although production is focusing on the K2, island territory crisscrossed by steep mountains 400+ K2s, but budgetary pressures will cause this Hyundai Rotem has also been developing an and numerous rivers, Taiwan is not ideal tank number to be slashed. Induction of the 55-ton K2 upgrade package for the K1A1. This package country. For the time being, Taiwan is focusing has been delayed by reliability problems with the includes BMS, GPS, identification friend-foe on inducting its CM32 8x8 armoured personnel locally produced 1,500hp engine from Doosan (IFF) system, and driver’s thermal viewer carrier (APC) and any modernisation of its DST and automatic transmission from S&T and camera. The ROKA has been testing the tank fleet has been placed on the backburner. Dynamics. Prototypes featured MTU-890 engines modernised K1A1. Realistically, because of the threat of Chinese

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an autoloader that reduces the crew to three. “Army 2 10 Plus 10” plan. In 2003, Malaysia territory, Singapore performs much of its armour give Indonesia its first ever MBT. Alternatively The ZTZ99 has never been offered for export. ordered its first ever MBTs from in the training externally in countries such as Australia. Indonesia has the option of buying tanks directly The latest version under development is the shape of the Bumar Labedy PT-91M Pendekar. Introduction of the modern will allow from Germany. ZTZ99A2, which has improved ERA, modified Fitted with a Polish ERA package and Sagem Singapore to gradually retire its AMX-13 SM1 Thailand is also modernising its MBT fleet. In rear hull, new panoramic commander’s sight, SAVAN 15 FCS, the first 45.3-ton examples fleet that was upgraded by ST Kinetics beginning September 2011 the Thai government signed a upgraded FCS, digital BMS and APS similar were shipped in August 2007. The country in 1988. contract for 49 T-84 Oplot MBTs from Ukraine to the Russian . A prototype fitted with a specified a number of modifications such as Media reports have debated Indonesia’s for an estimated US $240 million. This followed 140mm smoothbore gun has also been tested. new 1,000hp PZL-Wola Type S-1000R engines planned acquisition of 100 second-hand Leopard earlier contracts for BTR-3E1 8x8 APCs, and it Because of the expense involved in this top- and RENK ESM350M transmissions, and their 2A6 tanks from the Netherlands. The latter, has further cemented Thai-Ukrainian military end ZTZ99 (estimated at USD2 million each), integration caused initial difficulties. However, as part of cost-cutting measures, is selling off cooperation. There was some controversy over the backbone of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) a total of 48 tanks are now serving with the its entire tank fleet. The Indonesian military is the selection of the Oplot with its autoloader armoured divisions is the Type 96 MBT. The 11th Royal Armoured Regiment, which was benefitting from a more generous defence budget system, with local media reports suggesting ZTZ96 is the largest MBT production programme declared fully operational on 1 September 2010. after years of underfunding, but a potential deal servicemen actually preferred the South Korean globally, with an estimated 1,500+ tanks in While additional MBTs would be desirable, any has met opposition from both Dutch lawmakers K1A1. Up to 200 Oplots could eventually join the service at the present time after production decision has been indefinitely deferred while and Indonesian parliamentarians. Although fleet to allow retirement of decades-old M41A3 commenced in 1997. The newest version other assets are prioritised for procurement. Indonesia needs a modern tank, it is questionable tanks. unveiled in 2006 is the ZTZ96G that incorporates The pride of China’s MBT inventory is the Type 99A1, an example of which is seen here participating in Beijing’s 2009 Singapore followed suit soon after in 2006 whether the sprawling archipelagic country with ERA modules and weighs 41.5 tonnes. It is military parade. (Gordon Arthur) when it procured ex-German Army Leopard underdeveloped road networks can accommodate SUBCONTINENT reported the ZTZ96 has been deployed in Tibet 2A4 MBTs. A total of 66 refurbished Leopards the 57.6-ton vehicle. So far the government India and Pakistan field very large armoured economic sanctions, the only country with the type in service is the NORINCO Type 99A1. since 2010. were purchased, as well as 30 platforms for has allocated US $280 million for the deal. It is formations, with the Rajasthan plains providing potential to supply new MBTs to Taiwan would It is based on the ZTZ99 that entered service spare parts. These tanks have since been updated unclear how serious the Dutch government is, ideal terrain for tank combat. India, via the be the USA. in 2001, and it features significant advances in SOUTHEAST ASIA with advanced modular armour from IBD, mine but it is insisting any sale must be Government- Defence Research and Development Organisation China has been making giant leaps forward in explosive (ERA) protection. The Malaysian Army has been transforming into protection, and bar armour fitted on the hull to-Government. Negotiations continue, and if (DRDO), has worked on the indigenous for the capabilities of its tank fleet. The latest MBT It has a 125mm ZPT98 main armament and a conventional force under the auspices of the and turret rear. Because of the small size of its they are successfully concluded, this would 40 years but it was not until 2004 that the Indian

MAJOR CONFLICTS WORLDWIDE: 28 SOLDIERS IN ACTION: 530,000 ONE PARTNER FOR SECURITY SOLU TIONS SECURITY OF DEPLOYED FORCES. Wherever in the world, situations arise in which interventions inevitably have to be made and force has to be applied, all while trying to avoid collateral damage. Thousands of soldiers depend on the quality of their training and the reliability of their equipment. We are proud that partners in the $VLDUHJLRQKDYHVHOHFWHGXVIRURXURXWVWDQGLQJFDSDELOLWLHVWRSURWHFWDUPHGIRUFHVLQWKHVHFRQĻLFW]RQHV And to bring them safely back home. www.cassidian.com DEFENDING WORLD SECURITY

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“Army 2 10 Plus 10” plan. In 2003, Malaysia territory, Singapore performs much of its armour give Indonesia its first ever MBT. Alternatively an autoloader that reduces the crew to three. ordered its first ever MBTs from Poland in the training externally in countries such as Australia. Indonesia has the option of buying tanks directly The ZTZ99 has never been offered for export. shape of the Bumar Labedy PT-91M Pendekar. Introduction of the modern Leopard 2 will allow from Germany. The latest version under development is the Fitted with a Polish ERA package and Sagem Singapore to gradually retire its AMX-13 SM1 Thailand is also modernising its MBT fleet. In ZTZ99A2, which has improved ERA, modified SAVAN 15 FCS, the first 45.3-ton examples fleet that was upgraded by ST Kinetics beginning September 2011 the Thai government signed a rear hull, new panoramic commander’s sight, were shipped in August 2007. The country in 1988. contract for 49 T-84 Oplot MBTs from Ukraine upgraded FCS, digital BMS and APS similar specified a number of modifications such as Media reports have debated Indonesia’s for an estimated US $240 million. This followed to the Russian Arena. A prototype fitted with a new 1,000hp PZL-Wola Type S-1000R engines planned acquisition of 100 second-hand Leopard earlier contracts for BTR-3E1 8x8 APCs, and it 140mm smoothbore gun has also been tested. and RENK ESM350M transmissions, and their 2A6 tanks from the Netherlands. The latter, has further cemented Thai-Ukrainian military Because of the expense involved in this top- integration caused initial difficulties. However, as part of cost-cutting measures, is selling off cooperation. There was some controversy over end ZTZ99 (estimated at USD2 million each), a total of 48 tanks are now serving with the its entire tank fleet. The Indonesian military is the selection of the Oplot with its autoloader the backbone of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 11th Royal Armoured Regiment, which was benefitting from a more generous defence budget system, with local media reports suggesting armoured divisions is the Type 96 MBT. The declared fully operational on 1 September 2010. after years of underfunding, but a potential deal servicemen actually preferred the South Korean ZTZ96 is the largest MBT production programme While additional MBTs would be desirable, any has met opposition from both Dutch lawmakers K1A1. Up to 200 Oplots could eventually join the globally, with an estimated 1,500+ tanks in decision has been indefinitely deferred while and Indonesian parliamentarians. Although fleet to allow retirement of decades-old M41A3 service at the present time after production other assets are prioritised for procurement. Indonesia needs a modern tank, it is questionable tanks. commenced in 1997. The newest version Singapore followed suit soon after in 2006 whether the sprawling archipelagic country with unveiled in 2006 is the ZTZ96G that incorporates The pride of China’s MBT inventory is the Type 99A1, an example of which is seen here participating in Beijing’s 2009 when it procured ex-German Army Leopard underdeveloped road networks can accommodate SUBCONTINENT ERA modules and weighs 41.5 tonnes. It is military parade. (Gordon Arthur) 2A4 MBTs. A total of 66 refurbished Leopards the 57.6-ton vehicle. So far the government India and Pakistan field very large armoured reported the ZTZ96 has been deployed in Tibet were purchased, as well as 30 platforms for has allocated US $280 million for the deal. It is formations, with the Rajasthan plains providing economic sanctions, the only country with the type in service is the NORINCO Type 99A1. since 2010. potential to supply new MBTs to Taiwan would It is based on the ZTZ99 that entered service spare parts. These tanks have since been updated unclear how serious the Dutch government is, ideal terrain for tank combat. India, via the be the USA. in 2001, and it features significant advances in SOUTHEAST ASIA with advanced modular armour from IBD, mine but it is insisting any sale must be Government- Defence Research and Development Organisation protection, and bar armour fitted on the hull to-Government. Negotiations continue, and if (DRDO), has worked on the indigenous Arjun for China has been making giant leaps forward in explosive reactive armour (ERA) protection. The Malaysian Army has been transforming into and turret rear. Because of the small size of its they are successfully concluded, this would 40 years but it was not until 2004 that the Indian the capabilities of its tank fleet. The latest MBT It has a 125mm ZPT98 main armament and a conventional force under the auspices of the

MAJOR CONFLICTS WORLDWIDE: 28 SOLDIERS IN ACTION: 530,000 ONE PARTNER FOR SECURITY SOLU TIONS SECURITY OF DEPLOYED FORCES. Wherever in the world, situations arise in which interventions inevitably have to be made and force has to be applied, all while trying to avoid collateral damage. Thousands of soldiers depend on the quality of their training and the reliability of their equipment. We are proud that partners in the $VLDUHJLRQKDYHVHOHFWHGXVIRURXURXWVWDQGLQJFDSDELOLWLHVWRSURWHFWDUPHGIRUFHVLQWKHVHFRQĻLFW]RQHV And to bring them safely back home. www.cassidian.com DEFENDING WORLD SECURITY

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DRA May 2012.indd 14 30/05/12 1:48 PM DRA-14&15KHL.inddDRA May 2012.indd 153 31/05/201230/05/12 2:301:48 PMPM CRUISEMBTs MISSILES

comprises some However, it has been collaborating closely with 1,900 T-72M1 Chinese industry on the MBT 2000, known Ajeya vehicles and locally as the Al-Khalid. This MBT, based on these are being the Chinese Type 90-IIM, entered service in upgraded via 2001, and the Pakistan Army is expected to Project Rhino. One eventually induct some 600 examples. It features of the T-72’s main a 125mm gun with an autoloader, and is powered disadvantages is by a Ukrainian 1,200hp KMDB 6TD-2 diesel its night blindness, engine. At 46 tonnes it is lightweight compared so the army is to Western tank designs, but it incorporates exploring how to technology such as ERA and Varta APS include a Thermal (derived from the Russian Shtora). Incidentally, Singapore is small but its military is very capable. The Leopard 2A4 can circumnavigate Imaging Standalone Bangladesh also decided to acquire 44 MBT 2000 the entire country several times on a single tank of fuel! (Gordon Arthur) System (TISAS) tanks from China, with delivery due over the next within an integrated two years. Army grudgingly signed off on an acquisition FCS. To this end An upgraded Al-Khalid I began testing in of 124 Arjun tanks. In 2010 a comparison test Raytheon has partnered with Larsen & Toubro to 2009, with improvements including increased against the T-90S finally granted some semblance offer a stabilised sight assembly. The full Project ammunition storage, enhanced FCS, faster of self-respect for the Arjun. The DRDO has Rhino upgrade includes a Drawa-T FCS, Tadiran autoloader, Varta electro-optical jammer, and been working on an improved Arjun Mk.II that radios, muzzle reference system, gyro-based Sagem thermal imager. It is believed an Al- features 93 modifications such as an navigation system, upgraded gun stabilisation, Khalid II is in the early developmental stage as jammer, panoramic sight with night vision, ERA, ERA package and new 1,000hp engine. However, well, with redesigned turret, upgraded modular navigation system, improved tracking and the this blue-ribbon standard is not being applied armour and 1,500hp power pack. Two prototypes ability of its 120mm gun to fire the Israeli Laser to the complete fleet. Because of the age of the are thought to exist. Homing Attack (LAHAT) missile. The Mk.II is T-72M1 fleet, a replacement will be needed The strength of MBT programmes shows that considerably heavier at 66 tons, and it will be around the 2020 mark. The DRDO is currently Asia is not fully following the European trend powered by an indigenous 1,500hp engine. The conducting feasibility studies on the 50-ton towards lighter and more mobile military forces. DRDO is also collaborating with Elbit Systems Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT) that is slated as Instead, a significant number of platforms are on a laser-warning receiver. A total of 124 Arjun its replacement. being acquired across the region via indigenous Mk.IIs were ordered on 9 August 2010, and the Pakistan relies primarily on Chinese-sourced designs, licensed production or second-hand first should be introduced in 2014/15. The unit tanks, but it turned to Ukraine for 320 T-80UD imports from European countries. Asian cost is estimated at US $8 million apiece. MBTs that were delivered from 1997 onwards. militaries continue to “tank up”. v Because of incessant delays with the Arjun, India turned to in the interim and purchased the T-90S Bhishma that had the advantage of logistics commonality with the T-72. Follow-on batches of the T-90M are now being assembled locally by the at in Tamil Nadu. The T-90M includes Western technology such as the Thales Catherine thermal sight and an Israeli environmental control system, as well as Russian Kaktus K-6 ERA. The first locally produced T-90Ms were inducted on 24 August 2009 and full-rate production continues. Up to 1,000 T-90 tanks are expected to be eventually inducted and their survivability is to be improved with the addition of a hard-kill APS. A request for 1,657 systems to be retrofitted on the T-90S was issued in April 2008, and one contender that responded India opted for domestic development of the Arjun, but the programme has proved was Saab Avitronics with its LEDS-150 system. costly and failed to deliver a workable solution until recent times. (Gordon Arthur) The bulk of the ’s tank fleet

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