
Quick quiz – can you name the logo? Snapchat Musical.ly


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Netflix Google The internet is an amazing thing and teaching children to use it safety empowers them to access it! A child’s https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer- internet-day-2020/i-am-educator/film-what-does-my-- say-about-me What our goals as educators are…

Ensuring our children are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

What we do in school

ICT has become a broad part of our curriculum – we teach children how to use ICT

Safety is a huge concern so we subtly and explicitly teach this to the children We promote the creative use of ICT We deliver assemblies on the safe use of ICT including children’s online identity We use outside agencies such as google to deliver about the internet and ICT We deliver inset to staff around ICT and internet usage to enable them to deliver a curriculum to our children which will ensure they are computer literate What adults at home can do

Talk to children about ICT and the internet

Establish boundaries and a routine Give the children clarity and consistency Get to know the safety features available to protect children and support adults Be curious, not furious Keep talking to them – they’re growing up in a world very different to the one which we grew up in. Their challenges are different to ours. They need to know they can talk to us. https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer- internet-day-2020/i-am-parent-or-carer/film-how-can-parents- talk-children Quick app logo quiz: Can you name the app? Quick app logo quiz: Can you name the app? Quick app logo quiz: Can you name the app?









