Project co-fundedProject byco-financed the European from Union the Europeanunder the EuropeanRegional DevelopmentRegional Development Fund Fund within thewithin framework the Operational of the Operational Programme Programme Development Development of Eastern of PolandEastern 2007-2013 Poland 2007-201 3 Suppliers Catalogue FOOD INDUSTRY milk flour, feed & additives meat & fish beverages, wine & mead fruit & vegetable FOOD INDUSTRY 1 Table of contents Dairy sector suppliers Meat sector suppliers Fish sector suppliers food additives and equipment 3 meat and spices 11 fish and equipment 19 Fruit and vegetable processing Feed sector suppliers Beverages, wine, mead, honey sector suppliers and sweets sector suppliers fruit and vegetables 23 feed and concentrates 31 concentrates and additives 35 Bakery-confectionery Grain processing sector suppliers sector suppliers flour and additives 41 flour mills and cereal products 47 2 Dairy sector suppliers food additives and equipment Agro-Star Agrovis Sp.j. ul. W. Bogusławskiego 19-21, 20-358 Lublin ul. Markajmy 6, 11-100 Lidzbark Warmiński lubelskie warmińsko-mazurskie +48 (81) 444 01 73 +48 (89) 767 43 93 +48 (81) 442 01 75 +48 (89) 766 27 02
[email protected] [email protected] sales contact sales contact
[email protected] [email protected] profile profile freezing tunnels, cold room doors (sale, assembly, disassembly) rennet and chloride, basic, additional and special bacterial cultures, Agro-Star provides technical consultancy on the selection of food cheese coatings, butter churns, pasteurizers, small equipment, che- processing lines, particularly freezing tunnels of various types and by ese vats, cheese cloth, moulds, processing machines various manufacturers.