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2-3-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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Goldwater, In State, Raps Viet Policy LyndonJohnsdrr Says Jojinsoit 7%^ Greets GoJdwdMr Administration MINNEAPOLIS (AP)"—About The official greeting party In- Bursts Info 75 persons, mostly young peo- cluded Clifford Sommer of Owa- j 2 Clijrhbrall ple, were at the Twin Cities air- torina? national treasurer of the I Fumbling port to greet Sen. Barry' Gold- Goldwater for President organi- "By WALTER R. MEARS Flame After water of Arizona :when he ar- zation, ? William? McFadzean of Associated Press Writer rived today;: 7 Minneapolis, former ' MINNEAPOLIS¦ (AP)?-. Sem OT Among first to greet him M Dead in the chairman; . Robert Forsythe* charged today was Lyndon Johnson, Mankato GOP state chairman; Mrs. the IJ.S.-backed war on Com- State College student and Gold- Nancy7 Brattas of Rochester, : "¦¦' munist rebels in South Viet Nam water supporter. ' ;. ?' State GOP chairwoman, and is: "drifting : toward disaster." Plane Crash GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP)- The student group . carried Rhoda Lund and George Etzel, He said U.S. policy " on the . HENNING, Minri. , (AP) - A South Central Airline twin- banners 1 abeled "Welcome Republican national committee dispute over the Panam a Canal Federal Aviation Authority in- engine passenger . plan* burst Barry," and "Goldwater in '64." . members for .Minnesota. is "stuck¦ in the . mud of indeci- vestigators and' Otter Tail Coun- into flames . immediately after: sion." ? • ' - ... ' ty authorities sought today to takeoff today and crashed , kill- ? Campaigning for the Republi- learn, what caused a light air- ing at least 10 persons? can presidential nomination, the plane to crash, bringing death The Beech.craft plane was Bdrry to Arizona Senator blamed the to two .Ciitherail, Minn;, men. Flight 510 which originated in Asked Johnson administration for cur- TBodies of Richard E. Nelson, Oeala and: was en route to rent troubles in the Southeast *B3 ,:. 'a resort operator, and Arn- Jacksonville, Asian and Latin Ameriaan crisis , 43, old liukken a contractor, .- _. M. Carroll, ai city errir spots. .. were found Sunday in the: I ploye; said; WMMIMMB wrecked aircraft. MINNEAPOLIS CAP) -Silver- Goldwater, ; promptly nixed the "I charge that this admini- ''It looked like the plane was' stration is fumbling, is failing,'' about 200 feet high. The left- haired Sen.'7.Barry: Goldwater! suggestion Sunday, and Eugene The two had been hunting fox driving for the Republican F. Trinnble of Minneapolis, an said Goldwater. '.'I charge that and failed to return home Satur- hand motor cut off and the en- • freedom is falling around the gine made a whinning sound. presidential . nomination, comes official of the Judd group, said /¦ - day right, the Civil Air Patrol to Minnesota today and? may the proposal would be given di- worLd."?. . ? • ,; :.;,?• , The plane turned on its left sent up 20 planes from Alex- have a proposition dumped in rectly . to Goldwater today at It was Goldwater's toughest side,' just ', like a plane circles an " andria Sunday morning in a his lap by a group backing for: the first opportunity:" ? camTjaign attack on administra- search mission. 7 airport when .it's way up in the tion foreign policy. air. Then it hit the runway and mer Rep. Walter Judd as a Tlie exchange came ju st a day The wreckage was discovered , ¦ ' favorite son. : The Senator went after Min- exploded and burst . . ' i n .t 'p before the first of the 3,785 GOP nesota's 26 : however, by a farmer. Herman ' precinct caucuses GOP convention Cordes came upon the crashed flames."' , . 7." The Judd partisans want or- were to begin. votes with a crowded afternoon ganizations backing other candi- The caucuses scheduled from plane on his farm, sbc miles The Federal Aviation Admin- campaign schedule in Minneapo- eastern Ot- dates to join in , supporting tha today through Feb. . 11 are the lis arid St. Paul? north of Henning in istration in Miami said there first, step .-.-, ¦ former Minnesota congressman. in selecting the 26 ter Tail County. : • ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ——•? ' ' ' . ¦ ¦>—-»-'--f -:' '?' , ' " ' • .. were 10 persons aboard the delegates and 26 alternates iwho He tackled Johnson's foreign " They said supporters of Henry , Th* nose of the plane was AERIAL FOX HUNTERS CRASHV^Tw^ sort -operator, and'mrnqld Lukken, 43, Clith- plane. . . Cabot, Lodge and will vote for Minnesota Repub- policy in an address prepared buried in the ground, indicating men on an aerial fox hunt were killed In erall contractor. Several planes took part in a [ South Central serves small Were willing •— if the Goldwater licans on a presidential nominee for a luncheon gathering of his to .Minnesota backers. to investigators that the ship this light plane, found crashed in a farm search -when ^he ^eh failed return ;from cities in Florida, Georgia and faction would agree? at the national GOP convention likely stalled and then nosed to the Carolinas, It has a fleet of in July. The precinct meetings "There is a new coup in South field near Henning Sunday. The victims were a Saturday hunt. (AP 'PItorofax) 7i;7 ¦ Cloud, Viet fcjam and the war there is earth. The engine was jammed eight of the twin-engine Beech-¦ : Willian .Holes of St: were expected to produce a-test Into tie cabin. Richard E. Nelson, Clitherall, Minn, re- crafts. ' '": chairman of Mihriesotaris for of strength in the struggle be- drifting toward disaster," Gold- tween ? Judd and Goldwater water said."Where is the ad- forces, the more actively organ- ministration? Still off making ized camps. promises to buy votes at home [ " while the world smolders and HtRMS SURtEy Trumble said the appeal to burns. ? 77 ; Goldwater was planned in the "And how can we expect tha Ranged interest of party unity? Holes same administration, the same saw" it as a "stop Goldwater foreign policy fumblers who movement," an attempt to neutralized Laos — how can we expect them to do better in Viet Nam?": he aslted, ,7 Wammti Stop Pussyfooting, On the crisis over the Panama Bj DIAL TORGERSON ure in the Ranger program. ered m a big room at the Jet Nixon Declares Canal, he ^sked: "Where has Jf|lStartling Propulsion Laboratory, listened Lyndon been while Panama Calif, uv -- The cost to date: $168 million- PASADENA/ ' "¦' " ' buraed: Fiddling with his politi- By LOUIS HARRIS Total GOP Voters Space scientists sifted through figures at $28 million a shot. to the tone of Ranger's radio • ; MISENHEIMER, N.C. Ofi ¦ ' '• ¦ ' ' ¦ cal promises, telling the nation Sen. Barry Groldwater clings ,:¦ , ?';- ¦ ' ¦? • .% ' . coded tapes today in a search Ranger 6 was the first of the signal as it was being amplified — Former Vice President Goldwater ?.. ., '.. ;' - '¦;¦;' , costly spacecraft to complete through loudspeakers. Richard M, Nixon said to- that Republican criticism amus- to a narrowing lead in the key . . . 29 ? for the reason why spacecraft es Mn — or maybe listening to Rockefeller ' ...... 23 Ranger 6 plunged into the moon the difficult moon-approach ma- Then — when the five-minute day the United States should New Hampshire primary, ac- neuver faultlessly-^-which made warm-up period was over—the not "pussyfoot" around on his Bobby Baker stereo set." Lodge (write-in ) ...... 19 Mrs. Marina Oswald with its cameras blind to the cording to a just-completed sur- ' ' ) the blind crash even more frus- emotionless voice of a project the question of neutralizing Dealing with Cuba, he said the .: : Nbeori (write-in ...., .12 wonders of the lunar landscape. U.S. wall of isolation ''that was vey of Republicans likely to Romney (write-in) .... 2 Convinced Husband The agonizing end to a 66- trating for its designers. engineer announced the first Southeast Asia. was con- sign that all was not well: supposed to keep it from deport- 7Scranton (write-in) ... 2 Killed Kennedy hour flight came at 1:24 a.m. The camera system "A neutral Vietnam, -with? vole in the nation's first pri- "There is no indication of full fjhe ing murder and subversion Smith .?.....;...... , 1 (PST > Sunuay -when Ranger 6 sidered one of the simplest tremendous: power of the mary election on March 10, mechanisms on the 804-pound video power." Chinese Communists to the , throughout Latin American :.?, . Stassen ...... ?...... 1 reached its historic rendezvous crumbled even as it was being In a two-man race against ¦ —and six television cameras spacecraft. Then, for a tense 600 seconds, north" would be in severe Not sure ...... 11 the hushed crowd listened to danger bunt." New York 's Gov. Nelson Rocker Presidential aboard wouldn't function. It was turned on by a com- , Nixon told a Pfeiffer The two front runners, Gold- mand flashed from the ground. the tone of Ranger's death College convocation of 1,600 feller , Goldwater is ahead 54- Laboratory directors went water and Rockefeller, can only ahead with plans for Ranger There was also an automatic song, and the engineer's words persons. 46 percent. His margin has count on winning a bare majori- 7's flight — ant identical photo timer aboard to do the job. that it was unavailing: "Seven minutes to impact — dropped 8 percentage points , tty here between them. It is mission—pointing out that the Ranger radioed back word that 'keep people Panel Questions still no video. . from expressing Senate Gets however, in the , past two difficult to gauge accurately Ranger? series is designed to the order had been received at their desire for a presidential what proportion of those who gather information needed for 1:09 a.m. (PST ), as it was near- "Six minutes to impact—still months. waiting for video power, candidate of their choice at the would like to cast a write-in manned U.S. landings planned ing the end of a 5,000 m.p.h.- More significantly perhaps, "Five minutes to impact... precinct caucuses." He describ- vote actually manage to do so Mrs. Oswald later this decade. plus plunge toward the moon 's ed it as an effort "by the astute the much-publicized "show- Sea of Tranquility . three minutes—no video, D own to Work on March 10. WASHINGTON (AP)-A pres- The fruitless journey of Rang- "One minute to impact — no politicians who are guiding the " in New Hampshire looks But with Lodge appealing to down idential panel today questioned er 6 was the sixth straight fail- Newsmen and engineers gath- indication of full power. " so - called Judd favorite son now as if it could well end with almost one in five voters as a the young widow of Lee Haivey And then: movement" to divert attention an inclusive result : Four in 10 write-in candidate , and with Oswald on what she knows "Five seconds —four—Three fro m Goldwat er. On Tax Cut Nixon getting another one in about (he assassination Said Holes. "I have every Republicans indicate that they of Pres- —two—one. * WASHINGTON (AP) - Tha eight on the same basis, any ident John F, Kennedy. the musical radio reason to believe that Barry writing in the Suddenly Senate voted 56-25 today to are thinking of approximation of these percent- The first witness to appear Colored Students tone ceased. Goldwater would refuse such an knock out of the House tax cut names of candidates other than ages on primary day would take before the commission headed "Impact! Impact!" abortive attempt to throttle a bill the reduction in capital Goldwater or Rockefeller. the gloss off a victory by either by Chief Justice Earl Warren , And then: free choice," gains rates on assets held long- When all the leading GOP of the present front-runners, The blonde Russian-born Marina Os- "No video. " The Nevada senator, er than two years. wald has been the relatively weak standing of the living in seclu- NY. Boycott A check of Ranger's radioed GOP's "Mr. Conservative , The Initial roll call test on the potential nominees are put be- sion since the slay In " was declared candidates in NcW ing of her messages showed no sign of the lo address about 1,200 persons $11.6-billion tax cut measure fore the voters , moreover, husband Nov , 24 , By JUNIUS GRIFFIN the nation 's largest public Hampshire is clearly document- two days after code which, run through a com- at a luncheon here, then meet thus resulted in a victory for Rockefeller and Goldwater to- ed when Republicans are asked the President was murdered. (AP) — Thou- school system today demand- puter, would have produced President Johnson. Thisv was the support of NEW YORK with Republican leaders at a gether command to state their first-choice p re- sands of Negro and Puerto Ri- ing total integration. earth's first closeup pictures of the only major change the ad- Republicans in Mrs. Oswald, 22 , has been un- series of afternoon meetings. A only three in 10 ference , independent of the way can children, joined by many A spokesman for tho one-day the moon. Russia's Lunik 3 pho- ministration asked in the House the Granite state, New Hamp- der the custody of Secret Serv- protest movement estimated news conference was scheduled names will be listed on the bal- white sympathizers, boycotted tographed the back side of the at 3:30 p.m. and version. shire Republicans would much ice agents and several presum- that 262,000 pupils participated he speaks this lot March 10: m oon , but from a distance of evening at a rally at Macalester prefer , according to our inter- ably were aboard the plane —about 65 per cent of the Puer- more than 4 ,000 miles, Under tho House capital gains Henry Cabot which carried her to Washing- to Ricans and Negroes among College, St. Paul , with about 2,- provision, profits realized from views, to see either First Choices—Total Filed 000 expected to as their Total GOP Voters ton Sunday night from Dallas. the one million pupils in New In the world's big mhserva- hear his talk. sale of stock, real estate or Lodge or The rally is sponsored standard-bearer. Other agents were at National York City schools. torics, astronomers watched the by the oth er capital assets held two party's % Airport when she arrived, 15 Injured in Macalester College Goldwater In the head-to-hend contest moon at impact time to see if years or more would bo taxed Nixon ,29 The Warren commission has But the city 's 850 sch ools re- Club. Assisting aro tho Univer- between the two heaviest cam- the crash would produce a flash up to 40 per cent of the normal Lodge 23) said Mrs. Oswald is testifying mained open in the face of the of light or a puff of moon dust vsity of Minnesota Goldwater paigners , what looked like a po- 13) inc«)mo tax rates up to a 21 per Goldwater voluntarily. Plans originally demonstration — even those in visible from earth. Club , the Macalester College cent maximum levy, tential runaway for the Arizona Rockefeller 12 were tn hear her in Dallas. Two-Car Crash institutions with high absen- of Republican Club and tho Minne- is now There was only ono report It woulJl retain the present senator last November Romney 3 Tuesday in a copyrighted in- DARLINGTON , Wis, UP) -Fif- teeism nnd some teachers a possible sighting. At Lowell cot a Youth for Go|dwnter Com- a closer match: rates, 50 per cent of tho regu- Scranton 3 terview with radio - television teen persons were injured Sun- marching in the civil rights Observatory in Flagstaff , Avi/., mittee. lar levy up to a 25 per cent , Gohhvntci-Ho ckcfollor Mrs Smith 1 , station KF1LD, Dallas, Mrs. Os- day when two cars collided al- packet lines. Dr. Karl. Rnkns , watching with ceiling, on gains from sale of five re- Shortly after class bells rang, Trend Stassen 1 wald said she wns convinced most headon , hut only a 21-inch reflector , said he saw assets held from six months to ' mained in a hospital today and authorities reported onl y about "Undecided" Today Nov. Not sure 5 her husband had killed Kenne- a flash of light 50 or 60 miles two years, Gaihs from sale of dy. they were reported in xatisfac- 2.700 p ickets outside 300 from the point of impnet (K) sec- assets held less than six months Included Nixon and Lodge plainly schools. This was far short of try condition. onds prior to the impact time Erhard Aide are taxed at regular income Goldwater 46 5:) dominate the field—well ahead Oswald, 21, had boon charged the 8,000 pickets the demonstra- .,.,... 30 3.1 of the formal cand idates. Their The- crash occurred , po'ice rat es. Rockefeller with the assassination of Kenne- Mrs, tion lenders had antici pated. 15 14 individual pulling power with said , when cars driven by Debate on tho top priority Undecided dy, the fatal shooting of Dallas Mnble Peacock of Shullsburg Without New Hampshire Republicans policeman J. D. Tippitt and the A spot check by the Board of $11 ,6 - billion administration and William Klemm , 18. of Mon- Kills Self "Dndccidods" is proven beyond doubt when attempted murder of Texas Education nt 27 schools showed 2 Caught After measure began Thursday, but roe, collided on Highway U pupil absenteeism running from DORTMUND , Germany (AP) onl y a few speeches have been Goldwater 54 62 either Is pitted against Gold- Gov. John B . Connally, who about six miles south of this was wounded in tho ait nek on none to more than one-third . —Ewnlcl Peters, chief security m»de on it so far. Rockefeller 46 38 water and Rockcfelller in three- Lafayette County community. officer for Chancellor Ludwig way contests: the President, Normal daily absenteeism is Glencoe Break However, Scnato lenders put The comeback of Gov. Nelson Mrs. Pencock rcmnlned In afoout 100,000. Erhard , committed suicide in their colleagues on notice that Rockefeller looks dramatic and Three-Wny Race Including Darlington hospital along with The demonstration started GLENCOE , Minn. (AP) -Two jail , the state prosecutor's of- thero would be long sessions all cvcn startling nt first glance, Nixon four others. They arc Joseph throughout tho city without vio- prisoners escaped from tho Mc- fice announced today. this week In nn attempt to pass . WEATHER and Gerhart Strieker , but much of tho edge of the Today Nov. Ripp, 13, lence. Ahout 2,000 policemen Leotl Courtly jail Sunday but Peters was nrrcstcd Saturday tha measure by Saturday and recovery FEDERAL FOIUX AST 12, both of Monroe ; and Chnr- were assigned to schools and were recaptured after a chilly on suspicion of having killed seeming Rockefeller r«. n , send It to conference with the two other sets Ni xon 50 41 lenc Lnyne, M nnd Ronnie another (1,000 were ready for hour of freedom in which they Jews In Russia during World House. Is taken off hy WINONA AND VICINITY - Bradl ey , 12 , both or Shullsburg. hid under water in a creek, Wnr II. highlighted In this Goldwater 2fl 3D duty if needed. Democratic lenders held somo of factors Mostly fair tonight nnd Tues- Occ upants of tho Klemm ve- The pair walked out dur- Peters was one of two lending intensive survey of a carefully- Rockefeller 22 2D day, A little warmer Tuesday. Tho boycott and picketing hope of finishing by Thursday hicle besides Ripp and Strieker ing visiting hours, sheriff's men members of Krhnrd 's Rovern- night. drawn cross-section of New Three-Way Kace Including Low tonight 15-20, high Tuesday were James Fritz, 15, Randy dramatized minority group dis- snid. They were found in . Buf- ment accused of war crimes, Et appeared likely that thero Hampshire Republicans. Lodge In 3()s , Schwartz, 12, John Gcrh n rd l , i.'i , satisfaction with the Hoard of falo Creek south of tow n , where I» , Refugee Minister Hans Kruegcr would be only five or six ma- The primary ballot has been Total erefnt ' LOCAL WKATllKli and another passenger vvho was Education 's plan for coping they had hidden under water resigned Saturday, saying ho jor floor battles on tho complicated hy the candidncles Lodge 48 j Official observations for the taken home by his parents and with school racial imbalances with only their faces showing ns had committed no crimes bill and , hut that theso would not involve tho of Untold Stassen and Sett , Mar- Goldwater ,10 24 hours ending at 12 m. Sun- unidentified. resulting from living patterns. searchers nearcd. did not want to damage the gov- garet Chase Smith. And when Rockefeller 22 day: Mnximum, ,tfl; minimum , Those In Mm. Pcnrovk' s car Sponsors of the protest declared Tho escapees were listed ns ernment. most important provisions. potential write-ins are added TluiM tho peculiarities of 1ho 21; noon, 19; precipitation , none. besides Bradley nnd Miss Lnync that the board's intention to Arthur Haas, 41, recently re- The government is investigat- A proposal by Sen. Abrnhnm to the hard core vote for the New I Inmpshire bnllot may well Official observations for the were Shirley and Rctty Klttoc , start busing children from ono leased from prison in Illinois; ing Communist charges that A. Rlbicolf , D-Cotin., to nllow a dccLnrcd c a n d i ours Appar- through existence becomes hap- y AF OUj? ently the girl likes wool — both the kind that goes into pily baggage-ridden and wher- %U F a sweater and the kind that is pulled over the eyes ever he takes a fresh step he ^ ^X creates a new debris. ^^ DE4R ABBY: I can't understand how women who The orderly person, on the don 't earn any money of their own can go around bragging other hand, is a fellow who about the "gifts"' they give their husbands A npn-working turns something into nothing wife gets every dime she spends from her husband , He is like a man trying to bail doesn't she? So, isn 't it the same as buying him a gift with himself out of a sinking lifeboat HIS money'' JERRY He is so busy throwing things 1> away that when he finally de- DEAR JERRY : Not necessarily If a wife can parts it is as if he had never ¦*«»>H*' \ /j,, v^t^t^iftSR; _____ '^ save a little out of the grocery money by careful been there \ f J ' v c» ***' * j ^' T I f ^ ^'"^^TWMHW——B-———UngBflTilJBEfC^ i^f ^S<^!3^^^^^mSSIBS ^mwmmMM ^J r^T~W^ ^Mm\ ^BBBBCittWSWS ^BBBB ^^^*^*' H budgeting and frugal buying, the money she saves is hers. And if she wants to spend it on a gift for her hus- In my opinion the compul- band, it's a gift in every sense of the word sively neat person is the victim of an inhuman malady. This has CONFIDENTIAL TO MARCIA S AND BEV C : No to be here, that has to be there— one is compelled to prove his innocence. The burden of and before he goes to sleep at proof Is on the accuser night he has to write little memos to h imself about how he Get it off your chest For a personal, unpublished reply, will organize tomorrow. It is as write to ABBY, Box 3365, Beverly Hills, Calif. Enclose if he were deathly afraid of life's a stamped , self-addressed envelope. natural spontaneity. He lives in a world held to- gether by paper clips. His desk Nixon Speaks in Ettrick Mutual Elects J at the office always looks as if it had just been born, his home North Ca rolina Son to Succeed Father J wears the antiseptic air of a surgeon's arena. He doesn't In- (AP) ETTRICK , Wis (Speciall - ' bargains like these! MISENHErMER , N C. habit life—he just goes through —Former Vice President Ricn- At a meeting of the executive board of Ettrick Mutua 1 Fire it ard M. Nixon, on a "strictly Insurance Co., Friday, Kasper The neat person is never sat- nonpolitical" trip to North Car- Unrderheim, Hegg, was elected isfied with his own neatness, he olina, speaks on foreign affairs secretary to succeed his father , must inflict it on others: He is bc-iib I Simmons if M _»»_ce o. ' : WmWlmmlWwi abnormal , he is a fan atic. ! , ,, ,„ ,, ,„ , >s Mattress & ; _ today at Pfeiffer College. L K Underheim, who res gn- ]' Odd ubeds 4/S and 3/3 wal- ]> US«l«i «% D/t#Ji» < 2 ' H__HnNTnT_W^_H_ira__-i-ffiii---i ed. I nut and maple bookcase ? , l, < : Nixon, One ot the great beauties of ' niu8-' ___¦ dm if •j3!__H who flew to Greens- ¦ and panel ]| Ji DUX ^''"8 : boro Sunday from New York life is its disorder, and chaos is | | t HHEnfl ' ? , ARCADIA TYPING CLASS A sofa that sleeps two 1 jet I » took 25 minutes to move ARCADIA, Wis ( Special) an inescapable part of living !? VW 95 values and up. !» '! j ! | with of legs W^Bvl^Sl^lfflBSISffl - vin 2 Early Am- through a large crowd trjat met At the end of the semester at This world is more than a vast j! Out they goM \\ j | °™™ ^. <[ j J, m«fflJgfflHMM /« «ncan 2 modern nylon , ,| S (in . him at the airport. Arcadia High School , 16 semors laundry It is a great and contin- ! »^ A A ' > S, BHTWBfcrnHPf ^ K ^il. ———— Republican presidential nomi- fered at the high school, under ' worth holding on to. ODD CHESTS OF | || Regular C1AQ AA 5 5 !> Rttti____ ul-___ « *1»»-50 «pi4(MW nation , hut reiterated that he supervision of Richard Kamla, | My motto is: "Don't throw it DRAWERS ... $29.88 i{| || 36 Month* to Payl - § HS ^^ MKffiBHH would do "whatever is neces- commercial teacher. Luanne away Whatever it is, keep it sary to help select the strong- Luethi m ade 53 words a m bl- you may want to admire it est candidate and to elect him." ue- in a five-mmute speed test later " BEDROOM FURNITURE LOUNGE CHAIRS SOFA BEDS $239 1b 3 Piece Silver Giev Mahogany CO QQ A Large Selection of Styles, Sizes, High baclc, upholstered arm, Sofa Bed. 1 QQ Lounge Chairs MB OO Armless Sofa Bed room Suite with Bookcase Bed. SALE -P-J4.00 SALE PRICE ^JO B storage, your choice of all new decor- CAQ OQ ator colors. . SALE f IWIUW Give Your $189.95 n-Piece Triple Style Suite. in i »„„„„ ii,ni,c IT Art fin , ¦ blond walnut with Bookcase Bed €440 00 2-Piecc Modern Sler-p Sofa Bed .and SALEc M F PRItPR r/'L . $48.00,wv l()O r ; - J^X^mmmxiSALF jllOiOO *™ Matching Swivel Lounge C'linir . C4 AO QQ^ " : «?_UCM>0 ,7 T/ ,,.no B - rhnir« fTPO OO nylon cover . Choice ot colors. SALE 3-Piece Bedroom Suite with . sinsle Is' hALift- ip imn. «r$58.88 ' dresser, mirror , chest and panel bed . CQQ QQ ^ ^ ¦ D_"M>ilMsf* Children s Teeth s Walnut with form ica tops. SALE .,.^0.00 . . • bLDDinU /jpi py ^ ^ ^.^ «f/ O.QO Take 34 Months to Pay SALK PRICE ...... , NATIONALLY ADVERTISED OR BOX SPRING s3rV,S', ,,, ,. .„., $98.88JOAM AM MATTRESS•m*™-**''-™- A Bright RUGS & CARPETING7 Mattress or Box Spring - RR Wfk ' ¦lOO'v ' -filament nvlnn carpel SALE'PRICE^ •P076 «°° ^Jr cnntiminiis - . M J«« #»«llf»M„Aiie OnilQ ft ENI1Q '* ¦ C.»,co of man, p aUonis and colors, (, MlSCel!aiieOUS ODDS & ENDS gp __ - . f, b SAU ¦¦: - Sq' ML J^gg ^^ ^ ^ '°" ' ' , ^ 2_Maple Boston C<>A QQ SALE PRICE 7 ^45.55 A 9x12 rnyon twepd w.lh W" ta bach ' ,V00fl Rockcrs - '•' H' 00 Mattress or Box Spring - nn Future ... ^L^ rugs, thoicc of color.. SALE ^0.00528 -88 ' ' ^ " -37 . ^. >8 ft SALE PRICE .... . $37,88 ^ ^ *y 'Wm Mools^^^- V0,,r ^ ^ "W mt™ - ti^^^. . .\¦ ^ SALE PRICE*jto*** $43|88.p-f^OU , 1-firoup orid Mnlmit CC fill 2-12\lf? Hugs , hrown and R.|-cen. Ny CAQ QO Coffee Tallies. Koch $JmVV on iinc Hoo . . HCI .. 0.00 Follow these four rules for preserving good dental health : ^ 5-I' irco HiiM 'ttr- \Ulh wood R rajn tabic VAC* 2-Honnd Has.iock.s 3 ft. size ¦ ! QQ . . C17QQ Bamboo Metal 1'rame S«.ir«T Chai". CC 00 top and well- Inn II chairs. SALE ^40.00 Tnn. Reg, $2!»,50 ft / ¦OO Values lo $12.95. SALE ^)J.OO 1. A wnll-balancod diet with few iweetj included.

2. Prop»r toothbiu.hing habits startod «arly In lif«. Tho teeth ' Eflr| ' 3- Pc. Sunburst Bumper j !| Y CHFAC 1 ¦» ¦» # ! ' ¦ lT«T»] '1 A' I L*i||l d.'l ihould bo bruihed immediately after ecitinfl, *)wl r\ *J i|'! I If V O* 1' IOI S ' » i-sn,»Americdii vr ,-md chair, s B_l_aM___B______M i\ oeciionai oota $ Brown tweed. „ _. 11^HyiUjyUUA£Mi> WK\WiWv!iWi!mW |tt||M 3. Early detection and treatment of dental dlseavo. Thiv will M w% n •. ' ^ - - «. - ^^ prevent more extensive dental lilt laler on, H <| : or 2-Pc. Suila $128.00 7 LOUNGE < H««vy Nylon Cover , 1 , 1 _ < > > ''MfflMTl' ____ -f vJIH4-j7___l <[ ^sofn 10" chnrbrown" t « MTil Solid Fwm Cu*Won» 11 t^ert ; \ J ; Wnb«bl« Vinyl Ct>v»r , ^¦mjJJMIjyM 4. Use of drinking water containing the proper amount of j ^B TV r_>r_ uogiiiar ci *>7 •! IflVHsfHRHIHIill fluorides for tho prevention " .0I) 4>X3I.U(iflfl ? of tooth docay. Support fluori- CHAIR r lCC.E. U I -M 91I (t f% #%00 ;,|*m_^SiUlilSiUiil dation of our Winona water suppl y. !• Gold or M«rln» Gr«.n ' , 1-Snfa and Chair , blue , i [ S Ik Jl JQo < ! B!ffiTWWI5|ff!rfWlB!!TM ^^ ' » 5 ^^ _r ! » ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ _ Your C1QQ QC Itogutnr C17/1QQ ^~mJr M ' l lT Lf.V 1 Choke 4»A»Ja.JJ smo r.a 4>134soO , -M-H ;! ** > |?!lf ___ l m% V.AMm I CHILDREN'S I FURN ITURE STORE fjj iSjftWinona County HOME^L W IflIHI —QUALITY FOR LESS — Dental Society 350 Easf Sarnia St. , on Highway 43 — Overlooking Lake Winona , Phone 4636 f ^iffl ' ri OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ' ¦¦¦¦ - ¦¦- ' ¦ ^ ...... Lions Hold Fire Destroys AWard Night; % Charles City Council Bohnen Cited Farm Buildings To See College Presentation of a rare Grand ST. CHARLES, Minn. (Spe- Master Key Award — to Victor cial)—Fire destroyed a barn Bohnen — was the ; highlight of and four nearby structures Sun- Expansion Plan ; the Winona . Lions Club award day nighTt on a farm owned by City Council members wilt program Saturday night at Wil- Mrs? Frank Farrell, get a look at Winona State; Coir lege iexpansion and liams Hotel? " lard use The blaze, which apparently plans tonight in a. special com-, Publisher F r a:n k Callister, started in the barn, was dis- rhittee session at 6:30 at City Kenyon, Lions internationial covered about 7:30 p;hi. by Mrs. Hall 7 ? 7 counselor . and member ; of the Charles Stephen , who was driv- The meeting will precede the regular council meeting. Dr: district boa rd of governors ; ing to St. Charles to the auto- Nels Minnei WSC president, and made the award - Bohnen was matic? laundry.? She called the several state officials will show recognized for personally bring- St. Charles fire departrftent? 7 a 10-year projection of campust ing 15 new members into the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen oper- development; as dravm by tho club). Only . 409 such citations ate a farm owned by Mrs^Far? state architect's office, it will have been issued by ihe inter- rell's son, 7 Francis j Winona, include suggestions for possible national Lions organization , about two miles west of St. closing of some streets and al- which claims 750,0W members Charles oh the old Dover road. leys within campus limits to in 125 countries and geographi- Mrs. Farrell's place is just west provide maximum: ¦efficiency of WINS LION' AWARD . .. Victor 7W. Bohnen, left., receives land utilization: ;¦[. V?; cal locations. Grand? Master. Key Award No. 409 from Frank Callister, of? St. Charles: - ; Monarch chevrons for 20 years . Conferences are being held as representing Lions Internatiohal.? Callister is inter- The place is vacant during . of service were given to Boh- Kehybn, , 85, Oti THE ROCKS .. More than $200 dam- of the car was Lee Germann, La- Crcsse,, a result of. complaints by neigh- 409th of. its kind presented by the winter. Mrs? . Farrell . - . . ' neri, Irving Gepner, E. R M Bud" :national counselor. The award, whose husband died six years age was received by this car when it left .owner a body shop to which Kistler boring residents relative to park- . of . had ing in the area? TPresent off- Herman and John Tlougari. Fif- the 750,000-member organization, is for. exceptional service. ago, hVes on the . farm eight County -State Aid Highway 12 near? Dakota 1 )' ¦" . taken his own car for repairs. (Lamar Fort street parking capacity for col- teen-year chevrons were award- : (Daily News photo _ months of the year and has early Sunday, The driver, 18-year-qld Frank 7? Photo)77 lege use is about 50 cars, col- ed to Chester A. Fockens arid spent the' last five winters with Kistler, La Crescent, escaped injury. Owner 7 ¦ ¦ Lee Wiggins. Receiving lO-year itzer in St. lege . officials said, v '-7 . '•• " ' Mrs.? Augusta¦ ..Sp chevrons were John Blank , John Charles. . .. Carroll , LeRoy Peterson and All buildings ¦vyere vacant, ¦ zardous ime • '• S? A7 "Jim" Sawyer. 7? - Ws Ha T Mrs. Farrell said 7 except for Former officers , recognized two plows in the garage, some Roivaag Driyer, 18 Comes Three Charged ¦ Sure were: Past presidents. ' — Arn- machinery in the corhcrib, and > old . Stenehjern, Stanley Spoon- For Officials-Cars some expensive lumber in the - ; machine shed belonging to Fran- ei , John Tlougari and S. A. Saw- this al Hospital for observation and With Liquor yer; past secretary — Raymond . Two city officials found cis. These buildings burned to To a Midtiy Sfop a bad weefeeiiiL, otj Winona later, was released. Stoltman Punlap Wonl Dorn; past treasurers — Alfred the ground , as did ah empty DAKOTA, Minn. -An 18- by Germann, and he said that •streets; " .' suffered facial abrasions. house? Kr.icger, Fo c.k ens, Norman ,. - Estimated -damage to. each granary and hog, year-old La Crescent youth Germann had : loaned him the Law Violations Schellhas and Willard Lambert. Cars belonging to 4th . Ward The residence, about 50 yards car' exceeds $200, ? ? was charged with careless driv- car he was driving at the time Two students arid a 22-year- .7 A-wards for five years . of per- j\ld.: James V. Stoltman, 206 from the other buildings, wasn't 'Hunt Witches ing Sunday after his car -went of the ;accident ? : , In another accident, cars , . 7 ? old Winona man appeared in fect attendance went to George TMankato Ave., and Mayor R. driven by Robert Ellihgs touched but the south side of ST. PAUL CAP) over a boulder-strewn embank- Kistler said that the car seem- , , 20, the, n ea r b y Woodshed , — Gov. Karl municipal court this morning Cutler, Kenneth McQueen and X . .Ellings , 516?S. Baker St.," 516 S. Baker St., and.Erma E. was Roivaag said today he has con- rhent near here early Sunday ed to be out of alignment and Wiggins. scorched. ;;, : because of alleged liquor law were involved in separate ac- Meyers, Minneapolis^ collided at fidence in Sen. Robert Dunlap morning. ? had a tendency to turn right. violations. ' Mrs. Farrell . . estimated loss cidents. -; 3 p.m. Sunday on 3rd Street , of Plainview and doesn't believe Frank j . Kistler told Winona The driver escaped injury and ¦Roger: A. Rommes,. 22, Mil- " Stoltman, traveling south on of' the contents in the buildings County sheriff's deputies that he was able to reach a telephone just east of Walnut St. , a planned University of Minne- waukee Hotel, pleaded guilty to Mankato Avenue7 at . 7:56 .a.m. . Ellings, driving a car owned at about ;$i,000? She said the sota investigation will become fell asleep as the car he was in Dakota , where he called Ger- lumber wasn't insured. She car- a a? charge . of7 violating the open Sunday; collided with a car by his,father , Mayor ?R. K. El- witch hunt? 7 driving , approached a slight mann; A passenger in the car bottle law. . Judge John D. Mc- Police Check .going west on King Street; Gary lihgs, was traveling west on 3rd ried ; some insurance on : the curve on County State Aid High- also was uninjured. . . . buildings. ? , "Let's not call it a witch hunt Gill imposed a sentence of a $35 lee Poulin , 19, 516 Garfield SL, Street? As he was. making a ' before they hunt witches," he way 12 about 1?4 miles -soiithr fine or 12 days in jail,. ? "was driving ? the second car, right turn . into, a service sta- . Mr. and . Mrs.: Farrell, who east ? of here Tbe car, which KISTLER VPAS found guilty were married 57 years prior to said when he returned to his of- * of careless driving in an ap- Hommes was arrested by po- ¦which skid ded 41 fe et 9 inches. tion, the other car pulled out fice after a short vacation. had been heading east, went lice at 11:40 p.m. Saturday at Breakin Triex Tolice - his death, farmed the place 41 pearance before Justice of? the . noted skid: marks begin- of its , parking place along the oyer the bank , at a sharp, angle 5th and Winona streets.".' ning, 12 feet past the stop sign years. They lived ; at Chatfield Sen. Dunlap is chairman of .;¦ ;¦: '" Peace Mrs. ' Esther I>obrunz, Winona police over the week- curb. Ellihgs' car ? was hit on the Senate Education Commit- to the right. . John H. Burros, 19, Wirionai end investigated two attempted -which halts King Street traffic the right; side, receiving more prior to .that . 7 Dakota, at 11:30 a.m. Sunday. ' tee. The Comimittee voted .last IT AVAS THROWN into the He paid a $25 fine and $4 costs. Rt. 19, pleaded guilty to charges breakins and ah occurrence of approaching. . the Mankato inter- than7 $2O0 damage to . the. front of violating the open bottle law ' section. week to have hirrt name a sub- air after it. hit some large The accident occurred while vandalism. - ; - . door. The other - vehicle was not Convertible committee to investigate stand- and of being a minor with liq- Vandals damaged a snowplpw Poulin, who was thrown out damaged. '¦ .', Wrecked^ boulders, landed on its wheels Kistler was en route home ards and procedures for opera- : from Nodine at 1:30 a .m. He uor , in his possession. Sentenco at Awes Cities Service, ¦of : the car , was taken by am- No citations were issued in L^ut Youth Uninjured atop more boulders and came 176 . E. tion of the university. The in- ; rest against a tree Damage said: he had taken Dwight Kerns; on each charge was $35 or 12 3rd St.i but no estimate of the "bulance to Community Memori- either accident. to . In Millville Crash quiry, is an outgrowth of the Sib- to? the car's front, . undercar- Dakota, home from a dance at days in jail. 7- amount of the damage has as ley affair — a controversy over He was arrested by police at , riage and rear was estimated at the American Legion Club, at yet been made. The report came WABASHA. lifihn . (Special) academic .freedom centering more than $200. Winona; then went to Nodine 11 :25 p.m^ Sunday Mark and to police at 12:17 p.m. Sunday, —A , 17-year-old Rochester youth around Prof .' Mulford Q. Sib- Olmstead streets. ¦ ¦ Owner .of the car was Lee to meet a friend. He returned At 8:45 a.m. Sunday, .police apparently saved himself front ley. , ' •". . ' •' . Germann, 7La Crosse. Kistler's when the friend failed to ap- Arrested with Burros was were notified by Gene Edel; 871 Civil Air Patrol injury Saturday by throwing ' Ann E. Miller, 18, Shepard " car was at a body shop o-wned pear. W: Mark- St., that someone had himself on the. floor of his con- ''The regents are perfectly Hall, Winona State College. attempted to break into his gro- vertible when: it ditched in a capable of? handling matters at She's from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. cery store at 271 Chatfield St. 20-foot ravine. the university," said the gover- She entered a plea of not guilty Entry to the store had not been Weecfs A Dennis Wilder was traveling nor. "They haiye done so for Houston Firemen to a charge of being a minor ¦ on Wabasha County Road 2 a more than . 100 years. The poli- Milwaukee Boy gained, however. ¦:• Sputtering along and in dan- reading and general with liquor in her possession. A? erasing squad car appar- principles mile south of Millville at 8:30 cies they have followed have Rep lace Two; Judge McGill set her bail ger of cra cking up, the :'pf . -£Zyinjg. at ently frightened off a would-be Winona - p.m. He wasn't familiar with built one of the greatest univer- $35 and set trial for 9:30 a.m. burglar at Libera & Sons gro- Civil Air Patrol unit needs re- INTERESt AMONG a the highway, he told officers. sities in the nation and trie Admits Killing Feb. 11. Rommes and Burros d ii It world.' ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ Officers Renamed cery, 684 W. 5th St. early today; newed interests and help from sponsors had gradually.declined When .he rounded a curve ap- .. . ; are making arrangements to HOUSTON, Minn.- —'.'.Two hew A door on the west7 side ^ad adults to stay aloft leaders said and present indications are that proaching a bridge, his vehicle ' 'These distinguished state and pay their fines, and Miss Mil- today. ' [ the unit .will go out of existence went off the highway? on the community leaders could not be members were installed by the ler is arranging to post her bail. been broken, the policemen Mother in^ Row Houston volunteer fire depart- found. Nothing inside the store ?• • . Organized five years ago, the unless the trend changes, right side; The car, which land- classified as rabbits. Mr. Gaiin- ¦ " MILWAUKEE, Wis. (fl—Mrs.; ment at its annual meeting re- was molested or taken. The in- group is headed by Donald Basic need is for ed on its? wheels at the bottom ey and Mr. Hughes have long instructors, been leaders in the Republican Shirley Lisowski, 39, of subur- ' cently . Eddie Virock and Earl cident occurred at 3:58 a.m. to- Bauer, squadron commander, a says Wayne Himrich , a senior of the ravine, was a total wreck , ¦ ¦ ; Naval Air Reserve lieutenaht according to Deputies Everett party and - Marge THoward is a ban Greenfield, was shot to Michelson ..- '• replace Maynard day. ; member who has served as e Nelson and Roy Schhauier, who 5-Cpunly Feeder commander. Its present mem- volunteer; adult adviser Lorenz and Onner Krohse, who former Hepublican state chair- death Sunday in what police and ? woman. ¦?"' ¦¦: '¦? resigned. ;?. 7, bership is 14 cadet§. They meet teacher? It is not required that investigated. :. ' .?. ' said was the climax of a dispute , Officers re-elected: Arthur Tuesday nights for classes in adult leaders be piLots, he said , Wilder escaped without a radio communications , map scratch or bruise? No citation "Men and women like these between her 15-year-old son and Hduge, chief; ; Eugene Schroder Pig Meeting Set but only that they be interested and Mr. Malkerson and Dr; 10 Schools in was made. his stepfather over horseshoe arid Kenneth Loken, assistant CALEDONIA, Minn, — Mem- in helping to preserve the CAP Mayo , chairman of the board of cleats oh; the youth' new shoes. program for interested young s chiefs ; Paul Klein, captain ; bers of the Wisconsin Feeder regents-, are going to make cer- Greenfield Police Chief Clif- Lars Anderson, secretary, and Caledonia Hospital persons.. Tipped Snowmobile Pig Marketing Cooperative in Debate Tourney tain bad influences do not creep ford Ruck said the boy admit- Elmer Wright, treasurer. Fillmore, Houston and Winona . Boys and girls , 14 and above , intb university life. (cams- from . 10, South- Meeting Wednesday Kills Ga rage Man ted shooting his mother with a Paul Iverson reported on the counties will hold their annual Pebate are eligible to join the lo- "I appreciate the attitude ex- turn- eastern Minnesota high schools (AP) deer rifle. The youth was selection of a sign for the new district meeting Thursday at 8 CALEDONIA , Minn.—The an- cal unit , Bauer said. They en- ORROCK ,7Minn ? - Hel- pressed by the regents — the ed over to juvenile authorities were competing today in the mer Larson, 47, garage operator fire station. It will be installed p.m. at Caledonia State Bank. nual meeting of the Caledonia roll for a four-year program of statement by Dr. Mayo •— indi- and held for a hearing today. Nbrval Dvorak, general manag- annual Region I high school de- Community Hospital Associa- at Santiago, Minn. , died Sunday soon. activity and instruction which cating they will cooperate in the er of the cooperative, will pre- bat e tournament at Winona Sen- tion , Inc., will be held Wednes- includes summer when lis one-ton homemade Senate investigation. The boy hitchhiked a ride to Floyd Loken reported a net ¦ --»¦ encampments , " side. ior High School. . " day in the conference room of visits to Air Force bases and snowmobile overturned as it a precinct station on Milwau- profit of $909.90 from the fire- men's dance. S. J. Vathing, re- Multiple pricing system for Robert Neujahr , Winona de- the new hospital building at 2 some flying orientation in the was climbing from a steep kee's South Side where he sob- bate c o a c h and t ournament ditch. lief association secretary, re- feeder pigs will be discussed. p.m. squadron 's own airplane at Ma:< bed out his story to Sgt. Stan- Other business set for the pro- manager, said this was the lar- Five directors wil l be elected Larson , who had started on a told ported. Association members , Conrad Field. . Cadets get no New St. Charles ley T.? Gwiazdowski. "He . re-elected; gram is-the reading and discus- gest field for a regional tour- one to fill a vacancy and four pay, , fox hunt , was pinned beneath mother and she were ' buy their own uniforms mc he loves his Last year the department con- sion of the financial report for nament ' in recent years. The to succeed the expiring terms and pay $5 a year to belong. the vehicle , died of suffocation , loves him ," the sergeant said. winner of today 's competition according to Dr. Gordon Tcsch, tributed $1,000 to the village for 1963, election of delegates and of Dr. A. D. Davidson , A. F, Meetings are hold at the nir- The boy told police he and his advisory board members, prog- and the runncrup will be eligi- Huesmann , Grant Lapham and the coroner. Law Firm Opens Francis Lisowski, 41 , payment on the new fire sta- port administration building stepfather , tion. The money has been rais- ress report of the cooperative, ble to partici pate in the state It. E. Sprague, Tuesday evenings ST. CHARLES, Minn. — The had argued Saturday night when tou rnament at the University ¦ and are open ed from dance donations from business outlook and trends and to interested youths and adults. ' law firm of Plunkett & Peter- Lisowski; removed horseshoe the discussion of the Door Coun- of Minnesota Feb, 1,1-14. Ulcer Hospitalizes son, Rochester and Winona , has " a percentage of insurance McKAY- ADVANCED cleats from shoos the boy , had ty pilot project. Debating wns to begin at 2:30 THE CAP'S purpose Is three- opened an office in the Leo Mc- premiums paid here. . HARMONY , Minn. Dirksen in Washingto n just purchased. The hoy said The Wisconsin Feeder Pig p]rn , with each team participa- — A for- fold. It conducts Carthy building here. The department answered 18 mer Harmony man was ad- organized ho was slapped during the ar- calls last year — seven in the Marketing Cooperative was or- ting in three rounds. Winona is search and rescue missions , WASHINGTON

Another Week of 'Spring ? WINONA LODGE NO. 18 A.F.&A.M. nesota weather stations this a 38 degree rending for Ihe state I PA ST MAln STERS' NIGHT Another week of mild weather cast by the Weather Bureau (A\A r,,'r<, oos,re , seems in store for Winonn nnd says, morning, Bcmidji and Duluth high Sunday. vJ3Bi>«^ W'JPI1__B_sf^___sT" ' , is mighty hard to beat! broke all . records , 7 ? - Tony to coffee tables. I also saw exactly twice) , also some Red on •xplralloh. date. i POWELL Martin had wife Cyd Charisse's a handsome wrought iron good-look ing men's sports In Fillmore. Houston,: Olmsted. Winona, j IN Being able to get to dance slippers goldplated inside torchere or tall candle . hold- jacket s. The bookstore car- Wabasha, Buffalo/ Jackibn, Pepin and , and out, presented them to her er with glass shade. In "No- Trempealeau counties ' ries sonrte new cookbooks, 1 year ' ... . - . S12.00 3 mgnths . . . ' . tl.SO " "work" and leaving the on a7red cushion , then drank tions " there were fine children 's books and many 6 months _._. $6,50 _ 1 month . . ¦ 31.3J a champagne toast to her out pieces of new yard goods others , all in fine shape. All other mail subscriptions: "little lady" with a car of of them at the closing at the and trimmings, a Dutch sil- I year ....315 00 1 month . . , 31.41) , Come on out and poke i month] . . . 38.00 ¦ 3 months ¦ Las Vegas Riviera . ? . "The ver, belt buckle and a brand around the General Store - | her own is g reat! Send change of address notices, undellv- j way Liz and Eddie have been new hand-made afghan._ this Friday. •red coDies, iubscrlptloh .orders, and other ¦ HK TH(WsUBi>ifihiin> calling each .other names," said mall Items to Winona Dally MIWI. Box *}, | 1(tturini THE VOICES OF THE ¦ Winona. Minn. i Henry Stampler , "you'd think The Eugene Marggraffs of our vallcv are having I And the easy way to Second class postage paid at Winona, TOP TWBNTY thev were still living together.". squirrel trouble. Two weeks ago daughter Sharon reached j A BOB MELVIN accomplish this is to read TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Ev- up to the refrigerator top to get a cracker, and a squirrel A NEW MUSICAL! erybody predicted " that TV. jumped out of the cracker box. He was a very little' squirrel Lutefisk & Lefse the Daily News Want Ads would replace radio. All it's re- either a very young gray squirrel or some different variety MARY E. SAWYER U placed so far is homework. that was small , and he was extremely shy. daily for good used ¦ si^MERU OBEROM WISH ; I'D SAID THAT: A The family tried to get him near a door and shoo him DINNER . :¦ ¦ UURENCE 0HVHR-0AVIOMVE.M doctor gave his opinion that out, but it didn 't work. So they borrowed a live animal trap AUDITORIUM I car values. t«si(u ihi S> tuiueR(lMi Family Sty le Lm Crosjp , Wis. I . «*«! r people should work after 60— and caught him one night. But somehow he slipped out and ( aiid a lot of employers think it they '\e never again been able to catch him. He hides dur- WED., FEB. 5 TltseU on ul* »l th* Audltcrlu* ing the daytime and only comes out during the night to Dtnnj' Serving Starts 5:30 P.M. I ind s Housi of Musis. j drink water and eat the crackers and nuts they lay out AIL BEATS RESERVED „ '; u « n i !¦¦ ! ¦ ¦ i ' Minne« - i:ii Reservations Appreciated • DAILY NEWS : ¦ i . ENDS for him. J1.50. $2.00, 13.00, L J " ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• ' lsc-joc-isc ' -' Phone 3150 94.00 [ ^ At first he came out of hiding between fi and 7 at night READ .„.„_ ._- USE fil :m: TUES. and nibbled nuts in the kitchen , paying little attention to MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED—Mike >^ l 1 - ^ y; check or . Montr Order to Mtry K WANT ADS Mrs. Marggraff. But when she began using the electric 8»wj«r A iidltnrlum.. . Incliidi sslf- dishwasher it frightened him. so that he now stays hidden STEAK SHOP tridrsiitd, stsmptd enttlope. . until after they go to bed. In the morning his water dish ¦ ¦ ¦ —— • • 1 — is empty and the peanuts are eaten. Does anyone have any : : : : : : ' " . ' ' ' " " .11.1 I . „ ^ ideas how the Marggraffs can either tame their little visitor . ^ m ^^^^^^m/or else chase him out of doors ? ^^^^mmSMr FRANK DEAN ; |S •wouldn 't do 'em much harm be- i^w fore that , cither. WSC Offers 19 siMaTna MBRTI M 'J j > REMEMBERED QUOTE: "If mm must drive after drinking. Courses Saturday/ ' . ! ¦£ ' ' - ANITA URSULA J^SrM il. The only 'hmg PC ' eisfDEnn.HiinDceeIV %, ' drive a na WM B PBHU AWPBiSS w-^i1 you'll hit . will be your finger, " Wednesday Nip hi Ww^ —Anon, Fourteen courses •will be of- ' ¦ Shclby C ONALD S WKjBw ^^^'' ' ';*** * MM d^Mk ^*. a^K. ^s^sB^s^ ^sM ^*A\ k V j &} EARL'S PEARLS: M D ^^ fered Wednesday evonings and ¦ ^^ reports Hint Friedman of Dallas five Saturday morninR.s dur- f ¦% TEXJIS ; his wife is very good about A roa j ^y I ing the spring quarter nt Winona Pf [ missing buttons. Not sewing Slate College awoi'diiif» to ; them on — just missing them. described a for- Krunk L, VanAlstine , director oC "HOOTENAN i Milt Kamcn NY" ! mer cignret smoker a.s a guy graduate education. First class meetings will be j i who steps on his pipe to put it out. That 's earl , brother. March II nnd 14 . Students may •|/ Th Blu8 Wa,er four ¦ register dnys or prior to HEAR" Th«* Coachmen p^MiSi^Bi Ihat time. Th« Natural Fiva i i "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR !" The Wrilnrsday oveninfi cours- If tUUCsrwrtw, BsliT KEWS es: Psychology Sfi7 , Pr»lcticum along with Phyllis Guthrio in Guidance nnd Counseling : NOW SHOWING ! Psychology 414G , Psychology o» Sheri Klebi -L Menial Retardation ; Education Peggy McGrath A—iTHERE IS NO OTHER INGMAR <&k^M Hft\ j «t 7:15 and 9:15 ! ,'!M(i , Audio-Vis - 6CRGMANS * Preparation "f PICTURf IIKE THIS ONE. ^t^\\yM}**. Pricas: 25c.50e-75« ual Instructional Materials; Kd- ITS (010 PASSION r-fi TUE^^l/^ff* M- ' TflT MMMIMSaMMMMm ucntlon 502 , Hifih School Cur- AND VIOLENCE Will tfLJK - I^Z! ^^^ i(/ HIS NAME ON j riculum; Education 500, Ele-j LEAVE YOU STUNNED ^ B|I |PBIH '^& W THEY HAD montary School (Curri culum ; Art "HOOTENANNY' L_ BULLET... BUT — w^nmm^st/ EVERY 51!) , Ancient Egyptian ; Indus- "ONE OF THE 1\ CBHU 1*^ / DIDN'T KNOW HIS FACEt trial Arts fi -'O , Coui'so L 'onstruf- SOMSEN AUDITORIUM YEAR'S BEST" tion ; KnRlish 424( 1 , Modern Winona State College -«• ^ JkfWW^m^S>^?-^ Drama; History 342( 1, Far E«st *• ""» \\ ^B^ «V M in Modern World ; TJIKI , Puhlic ^dminislrfllion ; 4)00 , Hii.sine,s:i EATURDAr RfVIW Statistics ; 242 , Princip les of Ac- 7 O'clock Tomorrow Night - -^^^m^^K. 'K^jg)K ^^^^^ .^ -\\m MAGAZINE ^^T^^gfi^rl.-^l . ,V ' ^^^ vL, !!^ counting; ;rJ2(J , Modern Geome- -ttimmtit _. . ,, """'~* NO Admission -CUCUAGAflNt "LU S • try, and :i 2;iG , Goography of the SPRING TIME IN SCANDINAVIA. Orient.uneni. i( Ht&vimV' .Salimlnj morning Mailer of Ceremonies P.sycholoKy 57fi , St atistics II , — Bob Chopek Jjf • ART FI LM FESTIVAL • ai5. Design and Crafts; 51V Your Ho»t for Mc Donald's — Bob Warren 17 ONE DAY ONLY — WED., FEB. 5 Social Ph ilosophy ; -427G Reme- 1 . « , dial Reiullii K, and :vM\, Politica l Ptrformrtnc«s j it 2:00-4:C0-7:15-9:30 P.M. Drhavior. If you cqn't join in the »ing-alonfl Ih Fontures At 2:30-4:30-7:45 -9:45 folk-music fun, listen in 'If ART FILM FESTIVAL TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT OUR TICKET OFFICE. MUED A Admission J1.00 — Pavvcv Not Honored = GUN MUNTZ HI FIGHT TV & STEREO JIT COMANCHE CREEK AT f NEVER SUCH J B II J™*! la TS2 f BARGAIN f 5T0RY /Another KWNO Exclusive :| JniffcLIv WIOCKI" PRICES! ^\ r ¦• •-^P.. .•%&[ UfiiJ lA /i]ro)CT|)f; :|)(n;|i!r,Nr,j'g t^Piil AUJDIE ^ , \3 ucHwcotoH* jr—-~w^jjj fflj^j JJ pm..,¦„»,.,.. d F-J || ff MURPHY Schneider ^— . U^Br^^^H^Hi^HBBKfc¦MHMMMHM |BMMM Sales STARTS THURSDAY mo sth 5f. Gondvlow Reuther Asks ford to cut car prices $200 Bnd East St. Louis grant wage and fringe benefits pr; to its employes. He said this City Hall Robbed Thre0^ could be done by sharing profits. iJK^Ei^S^Chiropractor EAST . ST7 LOUIS, 111., (AP)— $200 Cut in AT 268 iAFAYETTE The UAW will work out new. Burglars broke into the vault at \ contracts with the auto indus? City Hall early Sunday—a ha?f- (In the former offices of Dr. Drler) ' Chitfs try this summer covering many block from the police station-- Sti^^ of its million members. and fled with about $14,000 in By DENNIS NEELD ^ ¦ manding more pay and quicker people. They put down widely iUifo Prices : Reuther's letter dwelt heavily silver; ¦? . " ' ?v; U A IIDC* 9>.m: t« 5 p.m. Dally Monday-Friday. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - By promotion? scattered mutinies with a mini- By CHARLES C. CAIN | on the profits of over $3 1-3 bil- Police said the burglars also nVUI\Vi 9 «.m. I* 1J Noon Saturdayi, , swallowing their¦ ' nationalist mum of bloodletting and maxi- ( lion before taxes reported this ¦ In Tanganyika, President Jul- mun speed. The British suf- DETROIT AP>-United Auto broke.into a soft drink machine ':'• -; PHONE 31J7 .?? . ?' pride and calling for British ius Nyerere hesitated for five Workers President Walter. Reii- . week by .*" General Motors: He and drank while they worked to troops to quell a spate : fered no casualties. Four Afri- mentioned no other7 auto corn- of briish- days before appealing- for ; Brit- can soldi,ers were killed? ther says the UAW wiLl hot seek open the vault in ,the basement? fire army mutinies three;. East ish aid. During that time his any contract gains this year pany. by name. : " 7 7 African leaders have saved mutinous army elected its own Nyerere called for an immedi- that, in the union's judgment, . There was no Immediate com- their countries from chaos on a African would necessitate ment . frorn GM or the other commanders and held the coun- ate conference of all price¦ in- ¦ ¦ Congo scale? try at its mercy. 7 foreign and defense ministers to creases?' '¦[ ' . auto companies. ?,,- The governments of newly in- , About 5,300 British soldiers discuss the East African? crisis. Reuther Saturday made pub- dependent Kenya and . Uganda , backed by naval and air power, In a message to African heads lic a letter he sent to with Br 1 tl s h ? President Shoes May Be Made | . ; military help, took over responsibility , for the of state he called the situation Johnson last Wednesday pledg- <-ejracked down hard arid fast on security of Kenya, Uganda and in East Africa critical, aiid de- Out Of Plastic ' . ing full support; of the Presi- rebellious African soldiers de- Tanganyika and their 23 million clared that army revolts consti- ' BoJIl dent's; earripaign i l against? infla^ 7 MEMPHIS 7fAP)—The Amer- tute a grave danger to the whole tionary wage or price increases. [¦ continent . He suggested a con- ican Institute of Chemical En- ¦ ¦ ¦ ference at Dar es Salaam. Tan- "Insofar as wages and other gineers-begins its convention to- 7 ' : ;: : ¦ ¦ day with talks: on how to make [? ' ,:¦:' ' : : "': .rW: ORDER . -' : - ' : y ' :¦ ' ganyika,¦ not later than Wednes- economic benefits for auto ' ''lw^^B ' mw - • ' ] day. ' ?¦ .?' ' 77' workers are concerned , you can shoes out of plastic and turn ; petroleum into food. : ; . . ' .?, ? Jobs Slump , be assured that the ,UAW will, ¦ The extent of Communist in- Donald A. Dahlstrom, presi - ;' ¦?¦ ¦?? ' ¦ fluence in the arrhy revolts is adhere to its traditional policy . [7? .7 and Tanganyika had; not been Said a: woman: ''It used to | Groundhogs the targets of Communist infil- . . be easy to get work; but not j tration. But it is difficult to nail . now. We have plenty to eat, but j down whether ah over-all Com - rriy husband doesn't rri a k'e.j S< '_SrTL_I L v^^JE£S5*^»JJ get now is work in a j Gov MOBIL HEAT N D WIW W m\ %»^/ i*<^r \ ^v^ « L _^ fJ/V^o'/?» , 7 (communal) typing hall for Robert Herr of the Slumbering ; ^^ « ? about 800 zlotys.(officially $32) Groundhog Lodge . sent four JiBfic Nt y^ ^^^^^^^h'^^ m -'a, night-shirted patrols into the month. No? good¦ ¦ typing jobs I FUEL OIL 7 now.''- ? .-• ;..'. - . /[ ' . ' bushes? in clear, 40 - degree i ¦/ The crowds have grown larger ) weather. Herr said one patrol: . -' Burns Cleaner saw a groundhog and the waiting for work in Po- 1 arise at 7:09 and Hotter . land much /longer since . the' ; a.m. (EST) , then retreat, 7 . Communist government 1 a t e ; On the other side «f the. state, last year clamped unpublicized ¦! Sam Light , president of the EAST END COAL & : but drastic control 'on employ- Punxsutawhey .Groundhog. Club,, announced his favorite FUEL OIL CO. ment in the state economy. .ground- ¦ hog appeared on Gobbler 's [ ¦:¦[-. 901 East Sanborn Sr. The controls are to combat Knob at 7:29 and also relieated. .Where you get more heat overemployment, one of the ; Each group insists its ground- : 7 chronic: ills of the Polish state- hog is the authentic' weather at loicer cost. managed "economy. Too much forecaster.


MONDAY - SATURDAY 5:05-5il5 P.M. \ the bank that SERVICE built is the financial center for farmers . ... BROUGHT TO YOU BY — FOUNTAIN BREWING CO. Brower* of "Old Hoidelberg Sty le" Fountain Club Brew ' NAT 1 BAWI Q NAI H^ ^ l PLYMOUTH OPTICAL CO. MJ IVlERCHANTS Convenient Ground Floor Location at Third & Mcdn J

on lAf Lfcl A B^^p Jp &Malpaak t i3< ^ ^ K WW II V YOUR LOCAl INDEPENDENT BANK MEMBER FEDERAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ^ ^0 ^^ More Light on ROBERT C? RUARK 'tch!Teh! Just Look Old Charlie Makinq a Fool of Himself!' TODAY IN NATIONAL AFFAIRS Panama Disorders Quiet Humor UNITE!) STATES r«*ldenu of the Ca- More 7h//Grf/6n rtal Zone • " ¦— Zbnians,; as they call them- selves?--- ought not be made the .-"whipping boy for the disorders which took place7 LONDON—There is quite a bit of quiet laugh- Feared f orUM there Jan. 9-10. 7 ter W^&^M^in London town at the moment, despite By DAVli» LAWRENCE Another false impression ought to be the snow and the train stoppages and bus-ban WASHINGTON —- Is inflation ?on the way, •and - is ;tha threat , whatever that may be, because noble purchasing power of the dollar headed for a further down- erased. It is the untruth that soldiers or America is on the hook with one of its last police from the Canal Zone crossed t h .;e"; ward¦ movement? colonies, and Panama is cutting up real nasty : • ¦ An announcement just made by: the U.S. Department of boundary lin e into. Panama during the because of how the American colonists? treat light on the subject. It states officially ¦- " Labor throws some rioting. They never did, . according to an ,. the locals. The laughter is inspired by Amer- that higher prices for food and housing raised the nation's arti cle, entitled "What.Really Happened" in ica 's effort to free the world of'.' colonialism. living costs in December to a new all-time record. This the Jain? -20 edition of The Spillway, publi- . 7Sqrne. more laughter,. and slightly better, means it takes $10.76 to catLon of the Panariia Canal Co.. a U.S. comes as a result of the knock-over in Zanzi- buy the same goods and price increases and , waga ¦ , ,, ' government agency; The "factual sum- bar, just one month- after it gained its legal • services that $10 could buy ...rises. - -' ? ?. - ' " ' " - .?¦ . ;;. . Considerably more laugh- mary" declares that defendejs of the- freedom from Britain. in the period between 1957 ;- One of the most import- ter is derived , from . the .Hitlerian tactics[. ol ¦and in Zorie fired only over the heads or in front 1959- The increase ant aspects, of the whole: Emperor Kwame Nkrumah the First, — and . consumer" price ' level ^ of. mobs to halt their destructive forays. the ; situation, however, has not very possibly last S- in Ghana. as. compared with the. pre? ' been getting much emphasis And, finally, the happy coex- vlous December; ' .was. -; 'the lately. It is that public con- /Twice, the account tells of small arms istence . of the loving Greeks largest in; five years. :.':? fire being, heard from the Panama side. fidence ih , the future of the and Turks in Cyprus, produces The increases in prices "Persistent sniper fire"" forced evacuation " rooms, dollar is something that cart roars in .the better back did not affect all things, but ,^ particu- of the 50-year-old Tiyoli Guest House some As we • say ; in May-fair? it's change overnight the total : impact on the larly by reason of the; atti- 30 hours after the . trouble started. one 'huge giggle, and we;aren't cost-ol-living index was no- home' yet. Kenya:hasn't really ' tude of foreign; countries ticeable. -Oddly enough, claims on THE FIRST INCIDENT occurred on the had time?to build a revolution. which have large "take-home pay " of factory gold in the United States. Pacific side 7 of;"/ the isthmus ? at 4:40 .';¦; The wohdrously freed 7 peo- due to longer work workers, Any fund amental change, in pro. The mob there swelled to 5 000 or 6, - ple of India are : killing each weeks and higher : rates of ^ . the international situation 000 by $ p.itl lt was shortly. after 9:p:m . other merrily in Calcutta, al- pay, . resulted in a. larger . most as cheerfully as in the old could produce a correspond- that crowds .began to form on the Atlantic amount: of individual com- ' Ruark 7 colonial days when ait: least , the ,, so that many ing mood of hesitation inside side of the isthmus pensation , some 40 miles from trains ran on some7 semblance of . time. .. ih In- citizens were able to offset America. ? the original flag-raising scene. r dia and a man could wet . a thirst?.; (India is the rise ; in the; cost of liv- FOREIGN PRODUCERS, its noble experiment, soon. Prohibi- "' : • -: ; 7 Police, firemen , giving. up. . ing. . -:. 7" ;?' ' .. ? moreover , are: watching the and soldiers were sub- tion doesn 't work in a country : where most: of ject to a hail of stones and other flying ob- ' Vie . main significance of American market carefully the locals ' -aren 't supposed to drink.;). ' ' jects. The mob also threw Molotoy cock- the department of labor s to see ; any way they, can announcement is that, des- tails— fire bombs -— and vandalized IT IS NOT practical to say a few kind underbid American produc- pite all . the claiims that in- buildings inside the Zone. Structures- de- words for colonialism, but, by golly, the colo- ers -and further invade the ¦ nials , rah it better than the clowns who try flation is a thing of the. past market in this; country. ; stroyed by flames' '. included', a" -YMCA:-. build- to- administer, themselves these days ^rid wind and that the coming tax' cut The whole ecohonaic. situa- ing, a Masonic Temple7 a7sanitation office up working for Mao or some faceless Czech will not be ''inflationary," tion is so complex and con* and a warehouse. Also: destroyed were a or. Hungarian. It took just ekactly one month , there are. evidences that an m any interde- ' sists - of so school, a:. gymnasium, a railroad; station of .priceless freedom for Zanzibar: to popple, i nflationary y/ pendent factors that it isn't and a bus terminal.? despite Prince Philip's: presence .at the uhurii ^^^^^ possible as .yet to foreseeTall festivi ties. that , as; the parrot said , is a already set < " And jjjj$f' !^^ 8 the effects of the; tax-reduc- "IN PANAMA, witliirv tight of the Ci- '-. mighty short day.. . 7 ? tion bill if?it 7goes .int0 ef- ; n'al Zone: boundary," says The Spillway's .It took Ghana a touch longer to turn it- if anything, ' h } . >^^R feet on March 1. Many of account* "rioting mo bs, partly students self into a dictatorship, but it's been a-build- be mtensi- ^li'JH i the economic; experts, how-; s reign. It is inter- THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUIsiD f hut . with. riiany adults, • overturned and ing for most of Nkrumah' 7 Tied by the Vl /d^^f ever, are beginning to wond- burned cars, and ' burned and damaged a esting to note .that he has done a-way now forth com- "* &£!&&%: ' : er whether the readjust- number of buildings in..Panama ; especiaE- with all his old buddies in. the revolt against ing tax cut. jjwgKmments that may have to be the' British , is now himself the state, and has _ ly. those occupied by US. firms," ? S e c retary M^T M\ made . in 1965 to meet; new decided to swing full left with the wilder shores Billion of MS j kM\ \ increases will make econo- love the Red. ' 7; .We doubt anyone -would contend se- pf . , Chinese.;. ; 7 the Treas- fggjfiimmm mic planning in advance for dry depart- riously that the uniformed defenders of A LOT OF good men have died in the that year very difficult in- the Canal Zone should have surrendered ment, in a Lawrenct , especially if during fruitless defense of what we have learned to on an deed and allowed the mobs to wrea k their. will cair colonialism , but none deader than in the discussion last Sunday the year 1964 the cost of liv- ABC radio and television all over the Zone. complete nonsense which has come home to Tells ing continues ' to .. 'increase.. . , A ^ program called "Issues and roost in Panama which very likely would have ': ' • in. the , same publication , Gov. Robert been, is now, ¦ and in the future , impossibly by DREW PEARSON? after the crash. - ..?' ; "1 guess you'd say that." Answers," declared that the THE DAMAGING effects '¦- ¦¦' ¦ Later he firmly repeated real effect of the forthcom- of inflation are usually due J?? Fleming of the Canal Zone tells hi s equipped to build its own canal. We Americans . - . . . WASHINGTON : - Gen. ; Aside from the above let? ¦.: 1 D., "is '¦ that the ftwo oilmen ,, hot Ei- ing tax cut will not be felt to the instability caused by '-fellow employes'.': "The? current conflict have maintained dur own enclave there, and Dwight Eisenhower, an- ter, there clear evidence ' springs from something bigger, more bas- what do you know? The locals hate us. Hate swering a question by Lou that the .Eisenhower farms senhower, were the source ih 1964, but in 1965 He said the constantly[ . diminishing ic, than we Americans; in the Canal Zone: us just as we hated , the British at the time Gordon of WXYZ , Detroit ,' were financed by Jones, of Gen. Nevins'- - salary. • the former has been errone- purchasing power of the dol- " could be Before the. existing crisis is completely re- of the Boston Tea Party. about gifts "to the Gettysburg Allen and Byars. E. Don- Although the evidence not- ously assumed because the lar. If all factors ed above does not appear bulk of "the rate reduc- co-ordinated—as the theore- solved ,, an examination will be made of the I haye.not checked if on the Jordanians arid farm , replied 7 last week : ald Scott, a former imple- ' ' ''This is one man's tissue ment ; dealer and a leading. to be exactly "one ?mah's tions take place this year." ticians constantly urge—so basic causes of the United States-Panama Israelisi-lately,;because . a sort of armed peace ' ' was declared for the 's visit "-of; "lies .,'-' .?¦ Republican of Adams Coun- tissue of lies," there is: an- He added; . . that wages would move up ¦differences.':'' ' . Pope ; and seems- ¦ . - to be holding. But just before His Holiness an- ¦ ¦He was referring ;to ' ¦a ty, ?Pa.; has ' stated?that?he ; other conclusive way of es- "It takes quite a bit of only in accordance, with pro- of: labor and prices ;; THAT EXAMINATION^ ihould be thoi-r nounced his intent , there was talk of United column? published., by this was paid by checks on an tablishing the source: of the time for these rate reducr ductivity; ¦ [¦ ' money which paid the ?up- would move up only enough bugh? ':. : ' ' -?' :; Nations intervention in border murders to writer - on Jan7 25, report- Allen-Byars account; in the : tions to work through the Avar; ; keep, of. the Eisenhower to make a reasonable profit, ¦?' ?.- ;¦¦- . , - avoid outright 7 ing that\ the Gettysburg Gettysburg National Bank; economy arid for people to Business has been brisk, air over. ; Sukarno farms . -- namely, Internal buy more and therefore the supporters of ;.a control- farm had been financed by Victor Re, the Gettysburg - is cooking about Malaysia with the Filipino three oilrheh, the late W. Al- Revenue. Tax -agents; . re- create more demand and led or managed; economy contractor who built the fused to let the three oilmen; would have more basis fpr gift? from heaven, Macapagal. Sukarno is as ton Jones of Cities Service, $30j000 showplace barn for therefore have orders to ex- Flip That SignaI! outright a dictator as Nkrumah. Dios'dado Ma- take business deductions on pand factories , and expand their argument. . George E. Allen of Washing-; the Eisenhower farms, said , " " ' capagal is supposed to be a democrat. I tell ton , and w., their payments to . the ' Get- production and so forth, the But in the .' •.natural oper- ' ' that .he?had been paid by tysburg , farm, . They were ations of a : free-enterprise ADD TO IRKSbME'. drivers the pne ' - wK'o you , friends,' it's frightening to look under the G..: . "Billy" ;-. checks , from joint Allen- . full stimulus from this tax doesn't use his directional: turn signal? This bed these nights. - ; a ruled to be; gifts. cut will, be taking effect: next system, governmen t action ; TByars ? of Byars account; also that, he : irritating- species is. subdivided into two Tyler Tex- year , not this year. And has an over-all influence TH E POOR old belabored British are reap- had built three smaller, 7 THE SENATE Rules Com- that is controlling. When , main - classifications? ? as.; - ;¦' next year is the time when ing a rich cackle out of the state;bf the world, barns oh . the Eisenhower mittee, now. probing the the federal . 'A s . . . to ' expenditures are being held for . example. , In; one can be lumped all those who fail even if the trains aren't running on time and farms at a cost of around Bobby Baker scandals, has budget: itself is continually whether, the $7,500 to S8,00Q a piece, al- the power to subpoena the down.'.'. . . to ?use the turn signal because of forgetfuL- you cannot complete a telephone call with any unbalanced" year after year confidence on the . Grosvenor exchange, let facts in this so paid out of, the Allen-By- tax records of the ? three- i\IR. DILLON called " at- ness, or thoughtlessness, or simple indif- col umn and money is pumped into alone get long : distance; ' ars checking account, oilmen from Interna] Reve- tention , to the fact that the ference to others on th e road. The fellow, in were a;tis- the economy by, borrowing The British have taken a pounding -as dirty- nue? Sen. Hugh Scott, a tax bill might take effect constantly from the citizens , thi s category; is often a bJinkety-blank nui- rat , stinking sue of lies , colonialists all over the globe, ROBERT HARTLEY as- Pennsylvania Republican , on March 1, and he men- the public sooner or- later sance, but he is not mean. Churlish, per- and being a nobly self-appraising race, they or the truth , , sistant farm manager a is a member of this commit- tioned that the increase in discovers what red ink haps; but not downright mean. rate a slight snicker out of having to send a i quote a graduate of Penn State Uni- tee and an eager-beaver Pearson income a citizen may retain means in government'.finan- gunboat to Zanzibar , alerting the garrison letter from versity of which Milton Ei- digger into all the facts re- , "Downright mean " exactly describes ) Nevins, thereafter due to a reduc- ces, -- ' and confidence in the (soon to be kicked out in Kenya and dis- Gen. Arthur S./ senhower was once presi- garding Baker. ? tion in the withholding rates, the ' , dated monetary unit inevitably secono\sort of non-user of the turn sig- patching troops to Cyprus, if only to save the Ike s farm manager dent , is an expert on black Scott is also , a close will add to the total amount addressed to weakens. nal This low-lifer acts deliberately—some- freed natives from their own exuberant selves. Jan. 28, 1958, Angus cattle. He said that friend of Eisenhower . In or- available to the econonrty. both Allen and Byars, with times out of pure malice, sometimes t o his salary was paid by der to clear Ike's name and He estimates the increase at THERE HAD TO BE gain a petty advantaae at an intersection. a carbon copy to Jones. , Byars and Allen as well as prove that the facts regard - $8 billion this year. So it is A CATCH He deceives someone into waiting for him to The letter begins with the those of the hired hands on ing , the Gettysburg farm fi- . IN YEARS GONE BY evident that the effect of PADUCAH, Ky. l.fl - Har- go by, and then abruptly turns instead. salutation. "Dear George ? the place , which number nances are or are not tis- the delay in the date for and Billy," proceeds to dis- between fi ve and ten, Ask- sue of lies , Sen. Scott should din P. McCone stopped at a the enactment of a tax bill roadside restaurant and ALL THOSE who fail to make proper Ten Years Ago . . . 1954 cuss part of the farm oper- ed specifically if Byars and move inside the rules com- will be offset by the larger use of the. t urn signal have one thing m Robert A. Krick was elected a , member of ation? and then continues: Allen paid (Ion . Nevi ns' sal- mittee to get all the tax came across'this item on the amount of money per week Boneless Chicken , common: They are a potential danger to the board of directors of the Wihjna Base- "New subject—The funds ary , Hartley replied : facts regarding these gifts. after menu: " that Ihe taxpayer , 10 cents. " , everyone else. If failure to signal brings am ball Club and replaces - ICcI Rivers , who resign- for I lie farm operation are will retain out of March 1, Not one to pass up a bar- accident , -it matters little whether dcvilish- ed. Arthur C, Tarras was elected . treasurer getting low , so would each his income. and-H. (I. Hyincs , secretary., of youN also let me have A L gain , McCone ordered tho neas or woo l-gathering was the cause. Jhn $J L When Mr. Dillon was chicken. Miss Mary Lcrbecki has returned from Las your check in the usual asked how all this coul d Vegas, Los Angeles and Long Beach where she amount of $2,500, A , sim- The waitress served him a keep prices down or labor- hard-boiled etjp. spent a vacation. ilar amount will also bo union demands from being transferred to the partner- pressed , he declared (hat Advertisement , Try and Stop Me Twenty-Fiv e Years Ago . . . 1939 ship account from W. Alton :he President was trying Mrs. James Meconium returned home from Jones' funds. ;o keep in touch with the By BENNETT CEHF ¦' an eastern trip and visited Mr . and Mrs. Keith "I bought an exceptionally wage - and - price , problem , fine cow , a daughter of Incidentall y, the auto-union MEN ' Hniery, formerly of Winona, at Cleveland , Ohio. A famous producer bought a ranch Ihat Mrs, (1. E. IMaxwoll and son Robert of-Chi- Kva 's Bandolier Lad. Kara- leaders have just indicated ho proposed to use as a haven to got awa y cago , left for I'seppa island near Fort Meyers , ma Family, nt the Thomas- that they will demand the from it all. His wife , however , bad differ- Fia., and will be gone a month. ville sale , but I can bundle biggest increases in wages PAST 40 ent ideas and invited her purchase price from .since 1955. every body she met to Troubled vwith GETTING UP NIGHTS come down for a our normal operating funds. weekend. The pruduci-r Fifty Years Ago . . . 1914 ANOTHER QUESTION Palm In BACK, HIPS, LEGf walked in on ono typical brouhaha tmd We have sold four steers Mrs. W. U. Abbott was elected president of recently (or ISO 1 ;' cents 11) ,, asked of Mr. Dillon was Tiredness , LOSS OF VIGOR heard his wife bemoaning the fact that she ' , the Voung Woman s Christian Association Oth- and will have more whether , If both manage- Jf vim mi' it \ u' lim of ibesc syinp* (I , Minn" hud not yet come up wilh an appropriate er officers arc Mrs. K. Maxwell , vice pres- to sell soon. ment and labor did increase loins llini voiir lioiiblefl mity l>» name for the ranch. He looked over the ident ; Mrs. V . V,. Iliggins , second vice presi- prices and wages, this Iriu'i-il lii 'L'itnmlulur lntlnmmuUon. "With warm regards to enn- assemblage of guests dent; Mrs. (J, .1. Tweedy, treasurer ; Mrs. K. < ilnmlnlnr Iitdninmntion is it with considerable all of you, " wouldn 't practically compel ntilutioiinl .« distaste and announced , "I've got it. 'liar B , Schoonmaker , recording secretary, and Mrs. the federal reserve system tint! Hive-temporary relief will not None.' " J. N. Weil? corresponding secretary and chair- IN T1IK I.KKT-HANI ) cor- to increase its interest rales romnvp iho i-misfs of your troulilos. man of the publicity committee. ner of the 1 ottor is a nota- Ho replied : N OR I W I f> ( (ilnmliilnr Inflnmino- , ftiin fiflffi tf'fidM In prenifllHri' senil- Arthur Hucholz and Herbert llohau.s stu- tion thnt a carbon copy is "If there is an inflat ionary Ono of our most popular aclvice-lo-lli -e- dents at the University of Wisconsin , arrived ity, nnd ini'ivritltlfl t-oi>ilitioiiR. beinK sent to W, Alton (the Federal Re- , 000 troubled columnist was stumped when she home to enjoy a week' push, Ihe Tho pus I \i-.t\ r niiii from 1 s vacation before \\\c Jones. cotnmiinitir-'S l|iivn liecn «uccessfully" opened this letter recently: "Dear Lad;y : opening of tho second serve board) would natur- semester. Nolo—Mr. Jones , a close , and Ireitteil. Thry lmvt» found noolhiniC I joined Ihe Navy to sec the world. I' ve ally take some action lolief nnd improved licnlth. personal friend of former 1 think Ihat would be ex- scon it. Now , how do 1 gel out','" Seventy-Five Years Ago . . . 1 889 I Tlin KxriO.iinr President Eisenhower , later pected, hut wo don 't expect RECTAL-COLON M nlienl r.Vwirt lions Luthyo , the well-known w<'ll digger , was killed in MI ainduiu* there will be need for that. " Are olten >i-iocl«tc 1IH how WINONA DAILY mont lis. \ while. * en route to visit Ike mand for goods ns a result t NEWS Tho Winona boys at (ho Michigan university nt Palm Springs. A total Redudbl. Hernia ^J^.t.l ol the increase in consum- m n b 1 1 An- Independent Newspaper — /.'slablislied IK/i S arc " making their mark. " Prank Dixon and of Sli1 ,01)0 was ((Hind in o-ish er purchnsing power grow- «iid iJ«! i !,. ?,.1 ''V PROVEN NON- George, Snow have been elected lo places on and travelers checks in his "My trouble is no matter what reducing aid 1 use I ing out of tax reduction may VV. iT. W HITE G. It , C I .OSWAV C. E. I. INIIK N the board of wlilors of the university p:\|wr TREATMENT S . Pu blisher Exec, Director Ihtsincss Mcir. brief case nnd his wallet always wind up looking like tho bottle. " be expected to bring more »ny ol thtti dltof - 'I'his hook mitv called Tho Ari^onaul , and Louis Pond as one den may be tmled pinvo of Illinoi s and Editor A Adv. Dhertor at th. lima iimt niiiorlitiice in of Iho editors of The Palladium , the annual OPINION-WISE . By Sakren rou ar. re ce vln i T,i,.X„rr K'*1lif/. 11 H « W.J. Coi.r. A DOI .HI R HKMER II. G.II VMKS publication of the senior class. Triifford Jnync Clindultr Inflamma - " ^ tion triittniffiti. a,l||,/l ." ''f low, Mn no ging Editor Citj/ Edho* Circulation M ar. is president of the Students Itepublican Club , I mo ohitgntum. an orjmnizallon numbering (ir>0 niembors, B. II. HAnKCK p. H, Ki./vcr.* I,. V . A LSTO N Coifiposi'j io Supl. Press Sup!. h'noTnvino.S'wpr. r NEW FREE BOOK-: One Hundred Years Ago . , . 1864 Excel »lor Medical Clinic ! (1 ' Wiu.tAM II, ENGLISH OIU >ON M OLT* fi iplnin Dnvidson , the "Sleainboat. Kinn, " is , 0«pl. MM 90 Ctcelklor Spfinm, Mo.t Comptroller Sumiav Editoi havin M five of bis slonnuT S filled out for Iho I Cinllcmrn- Kindly land mi it once , ! ¦ ¦ your Ntw rBff Dooli, I nm Inletttttt In. UE M SU Or THE ASSOCIATKD pltKSi of running lo Idaho, They ;iro adver- Hull Infoirrmllon (Plnii Check tlo«) tised to start from La Crosse April f> for Port. , I [J Hi ml i | i Rtctil ColUfi []CI»ndul«r J «^J£gJ*» Benton on the Missouri Klvor with parties ln- I Ifitlimmallon ] lendhi tf to try their fortunes in the Idaho gold! The Associated Prcsa Is onllllcd exclusivel y mines. No danger is appri'hondod Irom Indians, IMAMI ,- J to the use for republication of all the loa d by Ibis route. J«po»r«! ___. i! news printed in this newspnpor as well as a II ¦ i A..P. news dispatches. IIOWN ..... jJ And he opened his mnnll i , and laii^hl thcin. ¦ Monday, February 3 1 IHi-l 5:2, r „ _ _ 5 , Miilttiow ill J.£-—.- .. -«.- w«. . --ii ^ »• J *»ir w-j»i i"WWT^^ ,B |l y- T-' , yi ¦ w^^insi ir. ,; •i ^ / '>^ > '»' »'7Tr""'' -.^*^/^'^-^»^ "W V vWT< ^^-^ "r-» jM .j i v»i -r^ i y i ^/ i' i M'i m rJKXM^mstiassKxrvtsxv- s^^.*^ffla ^k-tM ^ - * *' ^ y ^' ^ " ^ ' IftU RG.Cola | BISK NO MAGIC NEEDED! 1 \ Everybody can enjoy those wonderful McVey's Ice 1 mWmf)u^r^m\Vk\ ^ A ^—' iNlrVe./ Creams by just asking for any of the 27 flavors in i

p MV UJAMJ A I packages or bulk . And , if you like soft-serve Dairy- j f wJL\ l e Beverage .«.. ^^B I/> fsSravnWm^mAw^9MMmMMWam IfH ^ *^ I\ Y wonderful i . ,, Hifl^^lTJ^^^H f ^ufl f , _ 1 Creme, we have that too — everyday of the year. \ $" ^ \ i Icei««c creamWI CCIIII i ICE CREAM SPECIALTIES ... including Ice Cream , i ^S||JJJJP Section of ark. 'TVAotfe« icdlb ^1 * I »k pieS) cake Rolls, Tarts and Sherbets. j ^^ I ot//' Favor/Ye I ^^^ \ ^ I Vo$rJ S/ore I* | | AdC^/ t ^'McYey's Mcievfl^" I ^^^ King & Huff Streets I S? K V J I

pay Mrv w*y ^.- ^ - ^crrf " * * f > jW/mSKsryf^^^'' '\ insuranc* from I (Do yj ojLf i&VrWmb&JL. ^. . M hJdl MONEY YOUR LOCAL flrV ^81 INDEPENDENT | ¦1 SAVES AGENT... M^SBf I ¦ I I - AH —^ -^:' " ¦:'';. CLARK ; I I iflHI SA- Es : : - : VL^"^?- ;. I I JHfr ^

I ¦ Stir Up Compliments j ' ¦ '• 1 j-!' ¦ 7 With Our fine /7 ""¦ ' :¦ ' ' ¦*¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ K / . ' i * JCJ» ' . ' ' - -' ' fiS l' 7 ' ^.: ' :-^/-? ^- ^' ??: '7-7:7 - ; ;?7 -vl ¦ l¦¦ : ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ v¦: ¦i : ¦^'-^v :?p^^ «W*^ ¦^::' ^

¦' ' ; {' ¦;- ; '' ; 7IN 'THIS , AREAl7- ? ; ,-7 'J ' : ¦ ¦' ' : ' ' ; ' ' ¦¦ |v 7 77 ' '• '•' ,--^-- Phone 4970 —— : '7 ?? I CALLAHAN'S | LIQUOR STORE i * Leonard J. Tschumper f ? 119 Main Open Fri. to 9 P.M. Sat. to 19 P.M. %

jB ™ j | Gas Furnaces 1

' ¦ : 7 ¦ ¦ I • ^T . ' 7-X ;.; ¦ :,:??7 ' ^ ' • ? , I Jj v?- . - 71 iflHHflHHHHBflBHHHHflHi

: • OPENING NIGHT at the Colonial Theater attracted many MVinona Historical Societ y, and this one shows the throngs of located on Main St., across from old post office building, operated m ¦H people. . These photographs are from a collection belonging to the people near the theater on an opening night in 1912. The theater. from 1912 to 1925. It now houses the Winona Furniture Co. . a . ¦¦¦¦¦nUliliil ¦¦¦¦¦¦ si^

\ m yaiewliMf ' ^m m\Wr ^> L fljyTTWITH A ROMANTIC NEtf j We'll Finance It -pS I I' > Comp lete 511.45 'I IHI I\ Ol I LL : For You! I ' %,. Cawipbol&u Fidelity Savings & Loan f Modern Beauty Shoppe | Association j East Broadway Phon» 4960 s \\ 474 !¦; 101 Exchange Bldg. Phone 5202 Open Monday and Thursday Evenings J | v;...,...., . .,:, ..... ,.,. .., ..,.,...... ,...; ...... ,. .;...... ;, ....;...... 7...... -; . , , ...... - ..., j

| | Dial- 3321 J ¦ \ ' ¦ \ $ | | By 10 A.M. fo Place I !¦ v%^) t | Your ' | li Family Wa nt | | | - Ad ^ v 1

' >, ' i ; ^ Ai< , , , ..;t,, 'V :, ^ ,f'^J-:l ! For Publication the I r RADEMACHER'S , THIS IS A front view of the Princess Theater, located nL "5 W . 3rd ' 'St., now Arar/. Shoo Store. The thoiittr, one of many thnt enme nnd Same Day. S !J 59 W»*f Second Street ; went during the curly thenler days liere, operated from J010 to Ifllfi. i ' , ' . . ' .:

I ¦ H ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦" ¦ ¦ ¦ v, ' . <-:l- . . :. ' ' . ' .' . . ' . "¦ ' • - '"'- .?: ''¦'''>".::. ' •f» '5C'*»nN*xv»»: : :j i Open Daily WORLD FAMOUS . Rut GIFT VALENTINE SUGGESTIONS would vrfoct, I especially recommend the : j ^ K ^Jp i' i^f ^S ho /ffitM^I ,. , , , , ¦ , , . , KODAK IN'S'l'A.MA'l'IC ,'100 C;uiH'i;t, This i.s Ihe uric Unit ^ ^ (Including ¦HlaWStoA ^ s she,,n ( f,,r M . new nnd fre sli Idea " ,"! ". f"' ' ''""M'l-'lelV . ,,|IS .„, Hl,(,,,,i( . ,.V(, ,|lfll .uitonuitlcallv sets the lens ^W l?^ | WMstk ^n»mJ ^Wam r V;,lrn,!n<: s ,)amostv ¦ ¦ s0, 1(,|hlll «wl not only iWls smnemie'' - • MICCI « nj ,- „r ,,„,-, ,„ „v |)llsm-,..s. Your Valentine will l..> ^^te Sundays) fmWW'i ^WB ^S';' M^KM riKM s a .-.I! person In your l.nok , hut , . jfij^ | ¦ o i v i i ^ l ^ k<«'ps MlinK J,,,. ,„ |ls( , his ,,„„„ .,.., xv ilh P,in, p,(l, „ t l | , Mf'y lw; <»ni)R the nr . t hnt site wha, „„. ,1M| il>s l( .:l||v HI;, . „hrmt a 31 KODAK INSTA- /j tm.k piiHiHiliir pleasure HI Ul L ' '1 in eeitoin simpslioi ol Ihe MATIC Caiuenis is the 'n(»-niinseu,se , ^Irop-in fil m load- A?~J ^ ,,||,1 lr ,s « flxf yeai-r. (I s- loolliless ri« , 6 a.m. to 2 am j i ' t * ':»- ""J"* ". "; K . ,, wilh KODA I'AK Cailiidfies . Thev like Hie automatic ; ^ » ^ P^ llll, '« 11'1 nvl llly idfeetion o„ ,h (. „••«¦ Thursday Smorgasbord ]: WWL%V -1 !"7;l ! ' 'I'W"" "!: (.MWK ,„n. ,.(l|llm| i ,|,.. hullt-in pull up (lash and¦ ihe lad S,nrt WW ll'iJ (ll,i,mV PHONT4396 ; ' ' ' " ' l n '' Slui11 " 1 1 ? Champagne Chicken, | D^liH i&^k H M - II Isn t \ i m! Jrtai7 Vvff'thV'rT'ilo with ll l» " """ " ' "'" I Roast Choice Boef , Excitinrj (f ^%TA , FOR CARRYOUTS is % f Sea Foods , Bovoraga and J) ** * * *>**' * *J *'*'** +* *r *~**j >t~ ^s< ^^ idij M J XM \ ! Dctsort . f i NEXT 9 MAIN *^ I mmm § AU YOU CAN EATI .... ]B».mi ED DITCK f atn&uiSkoft JAa Qoimihj^JKikhsirX | \ ' TO "NOTHING i ! MWmf ^' [ ::^mSmm ^:^ " ON STREET Hifjhway61 and Oi-rin Stronl :..i w.^. % ¦ ¦ r ,.^w.W ' ,¦ . ;...- s. : , ,v - - /¦/ ' ' ¦' ' * MH .' A' i; ' ¦ , ' ¦ ¦!. ¦ ' ¦ ' '"""' '' "" *'"'" " .M,uJ. ^^^ - , ..v.-^ kivi- ^ .;•., ..; : , -..: „-.,< ,r,A* , .-: . - , . . \ , , ? ^^ A^J ^.V .vl.J'.w 7 it- ^j l^tffiii. - i ii»ivJ ^ ..HNi ijtwA. .v, .,;i A A (./. , ., .;.,. i ,, 'A.w>s.' .. . - . N . ., - .,..!, . *- ,, .- ¦.. ^. .V> - . . T^ ''"' - . ,'/' ¦ L^i*^...... - : u_.,.: .r..r- ::' - ^«5:^ ' .- . . >.-" - "•«- - ' <¦ • ^;,.^??...- , .„,;. ',..i ;',^^ '^^ ;^W iWal to risk destruction of. American billions In aid Into South Viet Clothing Prke WQRLD TODAY cities to preserve European Nam to help the war against i freedom but two days later De the Communist guerrillas of North Viet Nanv-De Gaulle pro- Report Give:n Gaulle's information minister ' Panama Still warned Europe against trusting posed the two Viet 7 Nams- be its safety to America ¦ indefinite-. neutralized, with French help. By Specia list ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦;¦ : step could wreck the mnofs Mamr -]y- , -: .?¦ -7? ." . " ;¦; -: . Such a Southeast Asia Treaty Or- , outlook for The United States;.Britain, and whole . A report on. the In Search of ganization. clothing prices in the corning the Soviet Union .on July 25 ini- year is released by Miss Athe- tialed a nuclear test-ban treaty. France had been driven out of lene Scheid, extension clothing Four days later, Pe Gaulle said Viet Nam in 1954, after holding specialist at the University of N# Leader Bv JAMES MARLOW 1 This was nationalism at .' Us . France would not sign and in- it as a colony since the 19th - WASHINGTON (AP)-Freiich worst; With Britain out of the develop - its own. nu- century , Neutralization, with the Minnesota , Institute of Agricul- By ROBERT BERRELLEZ tended to ture. Miss Scheid's story fol- President Charles de Gaulle, market, France figured to dom- clear weapons. United States withdrawn, might ¦ France to recapture lows: . ' ' : ¦ '? ..! ? PANAMA (AP)-A still beard- like a . man descending the inate it, although ' the: market Then on Aug. 29 - alth ough enable less nationalistic upheaval is mountain "with two tablets of was intended -as one more step pumped some of its old; influence.7 To: be . well dressed ., in 1964, ' the United States has you won't need to put a big dent : stirring here in search of a stone, for a year "has issued toward subordinating national- in your budget, 7 leader? >-?• pronouncements saying "no" to ism to common interests: When the trailblarer is found American policy ? : That wasn't all De Gaulle did will?be in effect V That's because your personal ' \. Prices on our last7 rnonfh's special 7 —there are no visible candi- He banned the British from that day? He rejected Amerii the customers I income will probably? be going 1 the European Common Market; through all of February to accommodate ! up, but clothing prices will: dates?on -the horizon—Washing- can-British proposals for a mul- / our remodeling. •/' 7 ton 's present dispute with Pan- refused to agree to a nuclear tilateral NATO nuclear force j we could not take care of before j change very little. So, actually , j test-ban : treaty; advocated neu- '; you may be spending a smaller ama over the Canal Zone may armed with Polaris missile-fir- . j resemble a preciiwt -political tralization of Southeast Asia; ing submarines. [proportion of your disposable, iri- sovereignty ' row by comparisoii. and recognized the If that wasn't enough, De PERMANENT SPECIAL 7 come for clothing than you have . " I ' [¦' .[}' to some with experience here of Red . Gaulle cast . doubt on American m ¦ ¦ ' ¦ rfor the last few years. _ ,; ; In each case he acknowledged V Your choic«7cf Lanolim or Protein :[[ VC \W¦" .. '' V and in Havana, Panama's polit- willingness to defend France Regularly ? T ~M: ; ANOTHER factor that favors some benefit to France. Ameri- V Prescription Permanent/ j ical atmosphere seems charged from Russian attack, now that ¦ ¦ ' ¦7' ; ''/;' '*' ' you as a consumer is that prices with the spirit and passions of cans can't consider this a tile Soyiet Union had missiles /" ; - -^12.50. 7 How ;:Only7W--¦• - •;• •>' • ?•¦. - - • .7.7 .[ '. 7777 77.; itself, since they / of clothing are subject to sea- the Cuban revolution in ; its pre- mortal sin by which could destroy America? ¦ ¦' ' about benefits to V Reg. $14.00 [- ¦ :7: ' --\ ' sonal fluctuations. Consumers Marxist image? 7 7 are, concerned - , .- this country? : 7: I The agreement on the multi- MR. AND MRS. OTTO FERNHOLZ. Alma;. Wis-, former who are aware of th ese regular : This is partly because in many ! lateral force had been reached : changes '- .during?"' -the year can But he is part of the Western JMI;^^^^ '^: 7 Arcadia , Wis; residents will observe: : their ; golden wedding national characteristics Panama a few ; weeks before at a meet- , . . make, more realistic plans? for ; there" were a few |: P 4 ':[ anniversary Sunday. Open house will be held at Alma Hotel . is a startling miniature, of Cuba. alliance. If ing, between Kennedy and Brit- clothing expenditures and make more De Gaiilles there could be ^^ from 2 to 4 p.m. No invitations will be issued. CLaCroix But far more significant is the ish Prime Minister Harold Mac- ^ ¦ significant savings in their clbth.- existence in .this; tiny sliver of a no alliance. rnillan. De Gaulle may have Beauty Shop Johnson Photo)-'?-? . ing budget j7says Miss Scheid. His repeated negations have WfttfELAND ) country 7 of virtually identical felt offended by. not being in- / Phone 3194 ( Women's and?; girls' apparel conditions that fueled Fidel Cas- been explained by apologists as cluded in the meeting. I 1401 W. 5th orig regat \ona I has the greatest seasonal price tro's movement! the work of a' -nian with a mys- Heart Specialist !'G fluctuation , with the lowest point tical belief in the revival of On June 25 Kennedy pledged in /January when most stores There are the ceaseless tides French greatness. But there has To Talk at Altar Women Elect of quick laughter and lightning been pettiness in much of what ' feature 7 after-holiday sales. A Society Meeting . DURAND, Wis, (Special) — spring peak in March is follow- hate ; the gaping moat of indif- he did , almost hostility. ference and resentment, sepa- in his ob- : : ' Johanries. Circle of Congrega- ed by a downward price drift There is immaturity . V-PUR^ 1 ^ Wis.?:iSpecial> . >t tional Church , meeting recently through the summer. Prices rating; the tiny; enclave of. a nil; sessive nationalism which would Dr. Dean Emmanuel, cardiolo- elected ing elite from the legion of have been more fitting in the at the parsonage ^ offi- start to climb , in September to ¦ gist at the Marshfield , Wis., cers./. the year's highest peak in Octo- poor; and a burgeoning middle 18th Century . when Napoleon Clinic, will be guest speaker at Mrs. Warren Walter is pres- ber , then again there is a des- class throbbing with the usual was emerging and French hori- 8 p.m. today at a meeting of ident; Mrs. Russell Walters, cending trend. For men's and social growing pains—anger, zons seemed unlimited. bitterness, frustration , despair St. Mary's Altar Society : in the vice president; Mrs. Roger boys' clothing the , seasonal fluc- Europe's nation- social? and some hope. ?. ". • '¦ ' But Western church hall. Thornton, secretary-treasurer; tuation in price is only half as . _ two -world wars Dr, Emmahuel will talk on alism brought Mrs. Robert Goodrich Jr., great as for feminine apparel. With the physical 7 creation of and chaos. To try ti restore it the latest developments in heart chairman of sunshine commit- Prices [ are highest ;for men's the Canal Zone and its nearly ¦ ¦ as intensely as De Gaulle is .research.;? ^tee.- • ' ' .-. '." . wear in the fall. Shoes, however, aatiseptic neatness, mechanical ?dock back. '% doing is to turn the MANAGERSl move shop, slight increase in words out De Gaulle already Um Other officers electeel were sted County Historical Society, clothing prices to Panama. little unity 77cmf # A7Cmm M compared to greater demonstrated' how MATCHING JL ML £ Stanley Studer, first vice presi* Rochester , will be the speaker price^ ad- If they were not in the . middle "by announcing he was vances for all goods and there was VALANCES y Km dent ; James Chamberlain, sec- at the Madison ' School PTA serv- of things in . the beginning of the banning B ritain from the mar- ond vice president ; Mrs. Jake ices." ' - - MATCHING WASH CLOTHS . . . 29? meeting tonight. He will talk flag incident that left 27 dead ket. He said Britain was pot a ^^ ^^ Krismer, secretary ; Mrs . W. C. "Our American Heritage. on; " and 250 hurt , Panama's . leftist European nation. ? Cheney, treasurer;. Mrs. Donald Prior to the program , open extremists moved in . soon after- Feehan, corresponding secre- house will be held at the sjliool Parents Will View ward,?¦ tary ; Mrs. Joe Ludwig, region-^ from 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. and aft- Numerically, the Castroites YOU R CHOICE! al representative j and M rs. Ted er the speech a business ses- Dental Health film and Marxists here are not im- \Viel, registrar. St. sion will be conducted. Reiresh- Parents who attend the spe- pressive. The most reliable esti- 'immM H^ ' Mary's SWEATERS 4^ e..«e It was voted to have a bicycle ments will be served. cial meeting of the mates place: their strength at Winona ¦ ¦ - - ¦ PTA Coun- L—-* Church — r\ safety program this year. It . ¦ cil at 7:30 about 600 hard-core militants SLIPS Cardigans, Slipovers in Orion, Shetland, ¦was p.m. Tuesday in Wi- reported that the Camp nona Senior High and a considerably larger fol- M\ MARDI GRAS COTTON or PLISSE Pire Girls will have a father- Patricia Rowen School Audi- % Wool, Helenca or Mohair combinations. torium to see the film , "Picture lowing of sympathizers. But u ' " n daughter banquet March 19. Your Teeth , " will they are concentrated in the Feb. With eyelet embroidery and shadow : Slides of Bluebird and Camp In Capping Event ; know what Sun., 9 . their children in the liigh schools ur-ual strategic spots , the stu- I j panels. In sizes 32 fo 44. A STYLE — A PRICE —A FIT Fire Girls activities were Miss Patricia . Rowan, daugh- and grade schools dent federations , some labor un- 5 Dlr/E-A-SERVINQ shown. Lunch was served. will be view- ¦ FOR EVERYONE ter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Row- ing this week. ions and among working news- DINNER ' ¦ ' ' ' '¦^ : ¦ papermen. f ¦ ¦ CHURCH WOMEN TO MEET an , 205 E. Sanborn St. has com- The event is part of Winona 's r"l nijo ».m. 1» 1:30 p.m. J | pleted six months of training at participation in National WALTZ GO WHS BLAIR , Wis. (Special )—Blair Chil- More copies of the Boy Scout YlrtkBooths - Carnival Attraction* ^J $3 .-99 $5.99 $6.99 First Lutheran Church Women Glen Hill Hospital School of dren 's Dental Health Week , IKT ;lh«All Day Fun for M\ ¦ ¦ ¦ Handbook have been printed in Entlrt Ftmllyl ,.,.,, , , , " . ' '.?, ;. ' ¦ ' - . Values Values Values will meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. Practical Nursing, Golden Val- which started Sunday and will oth- ~M With lace and embroidery trims. In ley, and received her cap Fri- the United States than any ^^ The program an American continue through Saturday. Chil- arge mis- day night. er book except the Holy Bible, sizes small, medium, l , extra large. < sions will be presented by the dren throughout the -school sys- cop ies of the '^i $ Jm\ % 5L Attending the capping cere- Some 20 million Leah Circle. Hostesses are the tem are being oriented on good handbook have been printed. Mmes . Clinton Renninp:, How- monies from licrc were her par- dental hygiene in accordance ents and the Misses Rosie Abts with the national program, - ard Overby. Odin Mitskogen , AT WILLIAMS 2 $3.00 ______¦ Sr. and Philip Mitskogcm. and Joan . Sievers. The Winona County Dental BBHHHaHBIiH Society and ' ' Auxiliary are co- ZION' CHURCH WOMEN ST. MARTIN'S All) sponsoring the film showing ( to- BLAIR , Wis. Speciall-Zion morrow night with the Council. Lutheran Church Women wil St. Martin 's Lutheran Church Local dentists will be present LADIES' DRESSES S PORT SHIRTS meet Thursday at 2 p.m. The Ladies Aid will meet Wednes- to answer questions after the day at 2 \'10 p.m. in the church Rebecca Circle will present the program. H AM * FOR BOYS program which will include ' a basement. .Members are to . ¦ * film , "A Better World Begins bring their mite boxes. Host- SATURDAY STUDY CLUB SAVE UP TO J _ J^VQ With Me. " The offering will be es-scs will be Mmes John MW ^m f ^ Clearin g our complete stock of flannels, Karati , William llagedorn, E. Saturday Study Club will meet given to the Societv of Israel. AND MORE! knits, -wash and wear cottons . . . The Mines. Harry Skorstnrl A. Bart/ and Arthur Mueller . . at. the home of Mrs. Elsie and Northrup, Alfred Skor.sUul and Miss Jud- r.r»:t E. King, at 2:30 All wittli long sleeves. ith Jonsrud will be bust esses. ST. JOHN'S All) p.m. Saturdny. for your Valentine LAKE CITY , ( Values $* _ 88 Minn . Special) TO ATTEND ,»r|w*r 51.99 $1.59-$1.69 — St.. John 's Lutheran COMMUNION to $4.99 NOW Ladles ¦ Values Values ART FILM Aid of Lake City will meet St. Paul's Episcopal Church f^fK/ Thursday at L' in the church Women will meet at the church ^Y^ " r . * Values room , Hostesses will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday lo at- ZMMK JK» ^>^<' ¦ ' *? «*o^r*s^. $** 00 $144 $ 117 ^^-^- to $6.99 NOV/ FESTIVAL M mes. Fred Haiiidt , William tend Holy Communion. The ex- ^^^ J^-" « 'X. rst' "\ IA. J I I INCVll Drapoitu , Dnlla.s HgHcnberger ecutive board will meet pre- ,,s , THElfsiu. anil Jack Ehlcrs. viously, at 9:30 n.m, You adore * ""'" . 5ft* -^S. L adorrs her , and she "* tailored to twiuk- ^\V Values $ C" OO m '^ ^^ t TO ,0\ ] o $10.99 NOW ^TT fffflL Jfff \ II HR Jewelry KlepondinK %[/ J t m 1PI ' ,UI)I • n h i"- *°K m ' wflfe^t:> ^CMoo- ' "' ' ^ J&m¦ _.;' »-• •>' - ~7:__ " Jjcudi^ £IkfL "1P a""ri"R ^1} Last Week lo ? ^f'?S! *5^» a'"" c' c: ew'"' s:iln wa|lls' — Ik T wSa^^^fflNW " 's V0^1 kSv v *5tw^j*ju^M da ^'>0(lse 'r(1111 P' ll5 > cnl'" •°f)} BOXED "A CONSPICUOUS fj I'infj s . necklncps nnd ' I Ww^S^ Jz rf iM J>/c' A ¦% A J M OF OUR ANNUAL FILM ACHIEVEMENT, MATERNITY SHOP + ln';uc|ots m. ¦« ¦ - A *% n .i . 11 * ,-. Main Stroot Phone 7855 i ft» « 'Sl^>tt l!2K^?lr in our sprinp ' */\ a theme ol supreme simplicity 156 ' CORRESPONDENCE _ „. nc ,„ r . , . primeval passion And L physical power." 4t $1.00 - BOSLEY CROWT HER 3$ NOTES N. Y. TIME S v>»V J p -2As ¦ * A spocial purchase of six different styles , , „ MA \ G MM R\^ * ^/w ... . ' Stamped Cases AfB L 3fc CT T% ' •\V* pi iu u>x , in elegant note. cardi. Soc conveniont A . ®. (jI > J L L ^yL/.' -. y £M*L ^ ^ \ GREATLY REDUCED to hav« — 10 easy fo buy at fbls low m R mw Y»\ K \ &f'' ^ A prlcr. Up fo $1.00 values. '% K MATERNITY DRESSES il \V ' \/j T^''' ¦ U ' HOSIERY and l^m^//jB br ^v r^Z-RT-r: '" SLACKS , SKIRTS, TOPS 'V5-n. ,Jy$rT c / * ^vSto'O^' LINGERIE DEPT. .... *1<>o rs:!£-: ONE DAY WE D,, l Ropular $3.98 to $17,98 88 \ '%v-""" 3 ONLY • FEB. 5 $ 2;0(M;OQ.7:1S-?:30 P.M. »™ 1.88 - 8,88 Admiwlon 51.00 )\ Just say "CHARGE IT." Have you opened an account at ADVANCE TICKETS / Vc TERRIFIC! WILLIAMS Spurgeon' s? Ask your sales lady about it now. NOW ON SAIE HOOK 41 ml SI Al IOM ItV 9: 52-54 Wot-t Third NEW STORE HOURS: \:z^>Zr' ! : i aMEL N Genlral Air Force Plans Serving^ PFL m-^^e^j^^s Baby Weighs WLBE ISEWCE 'SoWSeir Drive JAMES E, FELTZ, radioman Bon Homme Richard iri the Pa-j ^^L\j ?r^ \ H ¦ ¦ ' ¦ second class, son of Mrs? Mar- cific. :¦• ' - "- . ' Against Smoking garet Mrozek, 72 High Forest Tic. Raymond A. Eichmen, Committee WASHINGTON . tin-The ' Air St., is participating in "Opera- son of Mrs7 Ed. Solberg, . is Only a Pound Force surgeon general said to- tion Springboard" while serving spending a furlough here , after day his aboard the guided missile cruis- DETROIT (AP)-A baby who service will undertake a three-year tour in Germany weighed just one pound took the ^peak lMhgudge a Vsoft sell" campaign aimed er TJSS Boston; with the. 1st Battalion, 33rd Arr BaekUof M at weaning mored Dn. spotlight a-way from, a 17%- piMWHIig;iffwaj young airmen from The operation is for training , : ; o-unce infant Sunday as both ^mAmKW MINNEAPOLIS (AP ) -- The cigarette smoking. in amphibious warfare7 and 1 ' '7.77:, :- - ' , ; *- "The continued a fight for survival Democratic -; Farmer - Labor - young ones are the . flight operations. ? , RUSHFORD. Minn. (Special) against heavy odds. 0/ ' ¦ Youngster '' ' ' ' a ones we . reaby want to get to," 7 -? : , - -7 '^- ' ?¦- .? statei central committee¦ , the 7^. -77 . —Pvt. and Mrs. Ray Olson are The 17'A-«unce baby was re- By L. J. NASON, Ed. D. vocabulary is being developed Board of Regents and ..Atty. Ma ]. G e n. Six young^ men recently enlist- stationed at Fort Sheridan , 111. ported in Detroit Satuday. The U. of Southern California it is extremely important that Gen. Walter F. Mondale have Richard L. BCK Ray is with 7 the United States child, a girl was born Jan. 18 the child form the habit of hannoni ed in the U. S. Army, accord- , . VA. scurvy : elephaht!? That's risen to the defense of the Uni- told a 5th Army Bajid there. Mrs. Ol- pregnancy. 3 grasping the PRECISE mean- reporter? ing to Sgt. Al Ohmann, local after a 6'i-mpnth what you called, my boy, Jim.' versity of Minnesota in its hir- Army recruiter. All enlisted for son is the former Roberta Barry The report was matched al- ing of each new word i ««i*¦iT3>tiw *]^fc i j 1 ' ¦¦ The key word The mother ; of the eight-year- ing policies. .". a. period of three years and are of Rushford, daughter of Mr. most immediately by one from in? ! h e cam- and Mrs. Ernie Blair.: old had come to school with 7 AN IMPORTANT element In Statements championing the at Fort Leonard Wood , Mo., for suburban Garden City, where ; university . Saturday stemmed paign is per- blood ih her eye. after receiving the training of elementary their basic training. 7 . ". . . j doctors said a? baby born Dec. / / PlASTI^ from a decisicin by. the Minne- suasion — not 10 dropped to this report from her offspring . school teachers is the opportuni- t t prohibition. . a 7weight of 16 ^ >^ sota Senate Education Commit- ounces soon afterward. The "I have never called any ty for each to develop accord- tee to investigate the institu- A nonsmoker child a name; however, I did ing to his personal needs. child, born after a 5^-month- ¦ tion's personnel practices...'- ^himself , : t he preghancy, now weighs 24% say ; your son was a 'disturb?- |Air Force' ' Such development calls for Meeting ;in Minneapolis, the s top ounces and doctors say chances ing (element'. - ':- '..- .. , - ', - something more than a series doctor said he of survival "are fairly good." I>FL said in a resolution the Gen. Bohannondoubts that any . The mystery was solved7Wha t of courses. San Francisco State WASTE? Senate investigation is neither "We believe this is the small- a teacher , says and what an College attempts to . accomplish bans on buying, possessing or est child to be born and survive needed or warranted. 7 using tobacco would ¦work. eight-yearHjld hears, are often this training through a seminar in the county," they wadded. very different:. taught by a team of. specialists. ; "The principle of autonomy teachers; are in a Grades are abandoned. At the (of the Board of Regents) Beginning . has ald L. Peterson is: US 55732551, 'particularly. difficult position.?In end of: the7semihar7students; are been emphatically affirmed by , [J± Barry M, Barry V. S. Army Hospital , Ft. Hood? college they are required to us« either recommended for certi- IASKII the Minnesota State Supreme - ¦ Texas. Peterson s pen t the Court," the resolution said. famed Penn Schroeder Brotzma.ii . ~* a sophisticated vocabulary—the fication , or not recommended. ' The new address of Pvt. Jo- Christmas holidays with his language of the pedagogues, A teacher - training program "The Board of Regents; has al^ v; . ' . ? -;-;* ' seph . S. Barry is: 1st Enl? Std. parents Mr.¦ and Mrs? Lief Pe- sometimes called " pedagese." should enhance the strengths of ways conducted itself on . a .'hon- Enlisted were ; Ronald 7 A. terson. . . .' ' " ". ' ¦?¦ . '. p artisan basis ; politics ;is left at Btty., TJSAAMS, Class No. Track ' Like most persons they spealk an7 individual ; 7 ,-It should also Schroeder , son of Mr. and Mrs. 7, Fort Sill ,; Okla.; Pvt. Barry ' : :-: '- : i the door of . its- meetings . . ." Sfaiion in John C. Schroeder. LAMOILXE; : * : two languages . .- adult talk and make it possible for him ?to was recently home on ai fur- WEAVER , Minn. ro jhrongth and dufokilily :•¦':} "Our teachers are not advo- wrecker's hammer, The de- ing: at Fort Leonard Wood Mo?,- ', , Benning, Ga., 31905. ment mechanic, after complet- i to expect the children to make j .Choics of deeoratot •t»eth. FA8TIETH , an Improvntl alka- periodically lor treatment. ¦ j late President John F. Kenne- •»• SPEC,AL«prnai $0050 l Z 'T''*- «?% * I nine (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on ' S,M" 50 :your plntca holds them flrnicr BO they In surgery Dec. 27, Roxanne dy. 1 i - 77 , ¦ j wfe"* ^: |Bmmmsm._9 lra^ ^a +m -*n_ ?--\ UVUVUVWVUWVVVY '' . - ' chine. Yovr »id ma f Seel more comrortnble . Avoid embar- received a kidney from LaVonne j Another son7 SN J ames ___ i Wmw > ¦ - S rassment caused by loose plates. 0«t , is aboard the USS TASTEETH today Rtanydni B rmi'Mer Doerr , 21 , of Red Wing, Minn - Pampuch ¦¦ L ll pv'%J^; , ¦ I "*«. u!s i.i!°^rrk ^ -! A WITH ANY TYPEWRITER OR .j^ ' PBI [^BBJ^ * : ^^ ^ | i ^L? ^^'^K- \ . ADDING MACHINE- ConditionTRADE-IN . jj {Regardless '^^^A^/v*^>^^^WVVW^ 'k ^WWMMMmmWBL^BM^^^^'fyk of Make or ) • * J. ' " --.,^. ^^^mMMMMmMm^^MMMmS^^^^^'i '¦" A SENSATIONAL ** *

TMM rnwrnymMMm ' ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ym*mw \ ' i, " - . >*^wsii JmmWaK^fMWmwmmw ^i^#fiiipf W 8 Sensa,i ^^ \> , IT- w MU-:-:- ;-:v ;-: '>. -:- . . - . .- . .,:v. - .-/.y7 _l ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦: , >^^T^* ^y7- - . - ¦''¦ ^ ' ' jjtfKBn^WM'Summitrr''' *- '''¦ '^h ^- Hfi '^'l>'i\ iJ rAMMMl"! »"al _Bl , m '• 5m • x ¦ "' ' ' /:;f@?J p\ ^ M*^^ T ^PnHi w^ StMm ^OArlAIODORf r.Lrts„ -mmWLhl —-^\/ ' |— JBIIIBII^I/* Afl _ m ^MMMMTF kwa wm^^m^J^^P * ' weirpm f^ONWT.0NtD M-Sg § ^^ ' Ipik^^w ^f w 9 X^ SHI All* Al I • ^T Mm¦SUSS • "lumn JJ«» , P^M*FET AUW Smi ¦ ¦ - wt&NBKoiw! ^ . ¦?> (, ... ' -. ' ' m wsm&LW-^^5ff ", '$\i 'V. ' girlEr W* p«(1lvely tt\di S»lurd«y, Fshrunry I, \*U. S: Adding Machines m ) '"' MB' "' -JF • ^BP^j?-- .."'¦ I L t ^^ || ONLY , yov <«n purchoti Iht moil lougtil alter , -widely worn _ ^m '' and : : [ ; ' -' '$' ONIV N° » compl«t«TISI» with tttiiii, at th* low, low tal* prlo ml ^^mWmw ^'^ - X*J 3r *'^ ^'111.49, frame pm9 ' combination of lylonlle olmoil m^m In- \ . ^ ^ ^ VlilbU ftolhttwtlBht I* GUARANTEED lo olve you light ^k ^ ^^ W»lf)ht (omlott and lotting ; ^^^ ^^ durabillly. $ 5 77;?777 : 9* ^ 100 OTHER STYLES SHAPES AND 29! ^^m* COLORS CHOOS. FROM „, ^^T TO E Mi^ You may Iho RIM ^tmMMW\. X 9 <|iooie KING or leiUct a Iramo IP «ull youf p«r- J tmmMMm^^^^ .- . . ^^ABW ^ jMw lltSrjlmm. t tonality (ociol (onlour B0P^ ^ and from cvt Itemendnut ntiotlmenl nf mVti B mm\tmmM\ (fame* nnd gold filltd fnounlingi In vorioui ihopn, ilisi ntid E£m Ar M^MmoMmmx colon-nil at tho lomo ONE IOW TWCE , Ml AT AffBffHIf lA MO AffOIHTMlHT HtCHSAWY _f mm Cfcrff^ V jflffrTfMI w'^m^MM^MWmmm^mmWidm^yKmmmmm ^SSm^sSaiAm ^MVMVMWm! ¦ am m^MKEEMmm ""™ ^^ &mW ^ ^y Guarantee! ss ^mJsS\W ^" *\'•" °- T ^ ^ WINini_„&i (IN « _ V\k *^ *^ on all N«v» or __¦r^s nAHZ A MMMMMMMMMMMMM WMT.^SiS ^mJ^S^mSlmMWSmmmm ^^A,F ^^QU Jm^^0^^^ ^ F , MMX*>*M™WMM\ ' ^^ R E IRED Uied Adding M«ehin»i ^—M* HB332 ^HC^1 ,_ „______^ mmmmWIWmnMMmm+mmMmMMMMMMmMmm{1 ^ m^ Wm^mS^lmh ''M^* l\m\mJMmMMmmW KRVP10K, UlTtX OR FLAT-TOr HOME OF wi NlY ™ ADD,T NAL Underwood- Mnchlnct to choost from In mu WSsSsfKMk|V1 ^ 3 ^ |^ H ^ ni» Hours: f A.M-5I3D P.M. d.ll, • M ^ mwMmmSiimmwMM TVDEIA/DITEDI I _ KM I I Ll« MHDP AN PI ° Of|v«tti our »t«r§ rlflht nowl WW ¦ 1%»¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ m MORGAN BLDG. lncludinfl Wed . -nd Sflf . '° _^B_I JBSUAi ^^^ H CIIITr 1 ¦- 2"OPTICAL.u^V.ISIK?.r.n^ WORKERS LOCAL 853 AFl-CIO B C C* Dl II I *% C* oUITt I O-PBN FRID A Y A„ g Bld Bnly en pr ,. r NIG HTS ^'TIL f P.M. irr-lplltm . nl llcenwrl notion , bEKvict 70'/j W. 3rd St . .rs,. ^^^^ • Essr" Atrw,r " Tz^SfT^N6 SERV| CE Phone 8-3300 161 East Third Winon.i, Winn. Phon*: S-37H v\ti \nm\ m c otiimii ' nr n> h ? u,nryv F „ dI ' „. . . St. Exiondtd Ttrms If d»nr«d . TIUI C A rrem I ytar wArtnnty available-, II tlnglt v lilnn; I] blfooli nrfvrr ll'f-mrnl nn < ,tpnl.< <lr In fl M«« API6H /p • RfO'i for ANY Mflchln* Pur- "Co.,,,' C\.t » A..» \kf*»A" mmamm *m '" ¦"'" r '''''""""""' Victor cha». jerv/ce^ Is Uur ouy-Wora hMrmMato * ,~~- *~*m^~~wmmm • „- GUARANTEE SALE ^ L . ~ S ! Property Transfers |Byi!dYmiWiforJfie Tools, garden implements and / l^oo»1 . C32IJSJ ' ' Ih^PH J Full .study, plan information on, this Architect-designed House the like can be hung from metal ; of. the Week is included in a 50-cent baby blueprint. With? it in hooks set into the perforations '. hand-you can obtain a contractor's estimate? t of hardboard. The hardboard is ^BBT/^^P 7 You can order.also, for.Sl , a booklet called "YOUR HOME- easily attached to the studding. WmMMml t^ilS I vtr%.'^^HIJ^^^Mm How to - Build, Buy or Sell it." Included in it are small repro- ]n the event that the inside of ^V j ^^^HMMamMmrv ?.7. ..[[ ..,: ....\::: .. ...[. board panels to insert the metal Electric Compa ny pS^ feet in .overall dimensions? of 78'4" wide by 43'8" deep. :: ' - hooks. g| ! STREET 7.7::.... .,.- .^.v...^., ..,;.../... ?.. . .7;,7. .v.;-;, ;.7 . 628 MAIN STREET " ¦ : ...... • • The . house was desi gned by: architect Lester Cohen. 7 '." ' IF THE INSIDE walls of yonr , H. J. Kramer "' ' ' Phone 8-1002, 8-3762, 8-1620 CITY -?- ?..;. -;;..? 7V .v:..;..,;.. ;.;?.?;. .7. ; STATE .. ...;",- ...... ,.,. ,.7 garage are concrete or some Plumbing & Heating DAY or NIGHT 520 Center St. Phone: 7334 form of masonry, attachments will be more difficult than with I H-14 StaHstici j wood. Masonry shields or an- A one-story ranch type ' chors may be the answer. These i mMMMWMWMMMmMMjMMMMmmm home with three bedrooms Basement Area are small , hollow receptacles and '. 'two baths on (he main, which ; are inserted in holes drill- DIAL level, plus living room, di n- : ed into the concrete with either \ \ J ing room, kitchen, dinette a power:drill with a carbide- and family room ; and rec- 7 Can Provide tipped bit or? with a star drill, reation room , laundry, stor- When a screw or special bolt age , facilities and lavatory 7 i is inserted into the shield or in the basement; anchor . the receptacle expands; 45f8 Basic living area Is 1,794 Space for Boy firmly gripping itself inside the | | square feet in overall df- ; concrete. . In drilling the hole, HntT^ .i^i^i^ili^ili^Bm By VIVIAN BROWN r^^PT^lB^i^i^B mensions of 78 '4" wide by i make it slightly smaller than the 43'8'7 decp. ':¦ ' [ : " \ 7 AP Newsfeaturcs Writer shield or: anchor, which is tap- ff QUALITY Why hot< give a growing boy ped into place to make a snug some of that space going to ' : s - '. " 7 ELECTRICAL fit: , -. -\ . 777 7 V [ waste in the basement? .7 Masonry : nails also can be ?It'Sa likely place for a messy fVf REPAIRS used. These are hammered into - project and you may find a bud- the concrete like ordinary nails, ¦ : ¦ : on the other .the family room? practical necessity, and . It Building Gains vsi Jm^Jk- - °nc* Between are a dinette: (with a shows. ;¦?-' ding . engineer or scientist: on hut require strong -, blows. Some barbecue fireplace for "cotik- your hands, of the: new epoxy adhesives perr iNSTAlLATION ¦)¦ ' AN INTEGRAL part of the V^Al : ins" ; • and . an: extension of the YOU CAN put the basement mit the attachment of wood or ; family room which allows it to rear bay plan is the view from $59 Million in other, materials directly to the "V^JLI WORK the main entrance, ¦ " -.. .. " ¦? . ; ¦ 7. to practical use and start a ', flow outdoors to the terrace and youngster off concrete. ' ' ' Immediately on entering the . on a hobby with ?garden.7' 77 . - .. ' 7 j a , purpose perhaps by giving FURRINC STRIPS pr stud- ' ' '¦ house through the flagstone ceri- 1 • - The result is ah expansive in- ter hall fche- focus: of attention.! him a \*ork surface, good light, ding are hammered: onto nails area, Five-Slate Area ver . r j dor-outdoor living com-7 is on the family room with its j 7'atioii , : privacy. Play the sticking Out from the ? metal ;^U - ^^m^S^A^^^l^ii^mjSa ^A^SJ^Xmmmm^'' ^^^^j ^^^ylmmmM , pletely informal, containing all'\ -¦: A $59'. million increase rest .by? 'ear.' - ' ."When his enthus- squares. , : 7 .'? V B fireplace, floor-to-ceiling glass, \ -. in val- " - ; HLg^^^^^^^RB|^H^flH|Hi^HHN*/^^<^ ^H 7the ?necessities of day-to-day arid sloping beamed ceiling; uation of building: permits 'is- iasm begins to bubble, supply Should, your garage be so ^ i family? routine. 7 sued at 249 reporting centers him with other heeds. .small that . there? is no room at Architect Cohen decided the pHR^^HSHEHw^¦ ¦ \ - - place for the fireplace was the in a five-state Midwest- area in A makeshift divider can sep- all to put anything 7 on the side ws? . ^^^BBJi BpH lyW^^^^^^ iPfct lit . *^WSi . I^y ^3 | THE REST of the modest arate him from other areas ¦walls ¦ BAUER family room rather than the for- 1963, compared ..--with the previ- — ,. you still Can make use' of 7 \\.. -rt- u | ranch style homie contains three - furnace; wash tubs and what- ¦ ELECTRIC, INC; mal living room this ous year, was reported today the space at the back end. ""? v-M ' 'EMt Third St. bedrooms, 7 formal? living: and? ever? If he is in a?cbrner , the Suspend shelves from the ceil- 57 .; arrangement it is the family by the Federal Reserve Bank | dining rooms, built-in two car- of Minneapolis. other two sides ^iay7be closed ing rafters with 2 by 4 string- ^^mmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW garage, and a basement com- : room that will get the most use ! r , i by far.; " - dollar valuation off with bamboo blinds or dra- ers, ? being; certain that the j plete with recreation room ,; . Total of per- pery rigged from the ceiling. 77- The formal living room re- mits issued in the shelves: are: high enough to per- i laundry, bar, and an abundance - district last Many homes have old coal ¦ mains, set apart from the day- year, the bank , mit the hood of the car to fit ! of storage space including a ' said was $623,- bins ho longer in use due to under them. See Us For 7walk-in cedar closet. time activity area, a sort of 202,509. The figure for 1962 was special pl ace for special gath- conversion to other fuels. These MMmWMWmMMMMMMMWMMMWMMl'. ' | . The basic plan contains only $584,376,448: structures make ideal little But a hobby can be fun and it \ ^ ^^ "Y- h^f. erings. Its focal point is a bow the increase in dollar doesn't need to be all-consum- , 1,794 sq uare feet of living area window, volume niches for work areas when > '47* overlooking the covered was realized despite a decline ing. A young fellow can appre- in over-all dimensions of 78 flagstone porch with scrubbed up and properly light- its grill- in the number of permits drawn ' ciate other recreation all the We Have a Furnace For Any Heating Need rwide by 43'8" deep. work columns. There is no need ed-:- -7 . j for new buildings, repairs and niore: Unlike other homes which ever to. cross the formal living OIL GAS ELECTRIC J alterations which dropped from BOYS WHO get a little slice of COAL 7feature something off-beat sim- [ room to reach any part of the j * ¦ * * * ¦ $48,127 in 1962 to 47,348 last home for their own devices may •There- is a ' differoice in the quiet operation of all Lennox ply for the sake of being "differ- tiouse. . I- begin to build with their hands ent.'' this house was designed year. Equiprnent . . 7 so quiet you - 'hardly know - . it 's ninning. THE DINING room " or dream and contrive some- HEAVY SHEET with considerations of daily joins the . Valuation of' permits for a thing, ; living room through an arch- worthwhile. homenxaking in mind . Whatever number of Minnesota and Wis- In contrast with other that' way and also has an unusual genera- | DEEP] ^^^^ is different about it—and s consin cities follows: tions when there were fewer so- We Do 4i) Types of amount of privacy. considerable — was dictated by It has two 19BH lflR2 cial'distractions ' I ^WitfmMM^& walls of sliding glass doors — to wean boys BHHHB STEEL WINONA $5,430,035 $2,589 ;i 17 from an eagerness lo adapt one leading to the side porch ' Our Specialized Service* (which can be screened ) , Faribault 1 ,95(5.1B7 • 1,4113 ,291 themselves to the responsibili- Carpentry the Northfieki ¦ ties of manhood , . Also Include: ^U$-r- oilier , opening to the rear ter- •4 ,152.4159 - 994 ,823 today 's young ROCK race which the dining room Owatonna 2.2C.0.797 2,481 ,0(i7 man often can 't decide about \ SM\- V ^rmMmwT^nStA • Job and Contract Welding jrfp Work i| ^^ pj shares with the dinette and fam- Red Wing - 1 ,482.9(55 ' 1 ,0(19 ,225 his niche in the world when he ' %fl ' DO WNSPOUTSsiisl \ GUTTERS is a college senior. He hasn 't • ' — *' • ! • Boiler Repair Work Wanted ily room . Rochester 10,754.650 13,544 ,070 S^^Hi l^^Jy}' St. Cloud 7,459.3(5fi had enough contact with a work ROOFING The terrace, in tact , links .Ml 6,131 ,052 9 tim i rMd I • « ¦jo/ Lliy Albert Lea 2.109,074 1 ,704 ,82(5 enterprise that appeals lo him, ^j Free Estimnlcs the roar portion into a well - in- mmmW Austin 3,01)2,978 In large apartments, some Taxes WINONA BOILER tegrated inclor-out door living , 2 ,090 ,993 25 Paid parents turn over a closet area. Mankato 9,929, 185 4,178 ,597 to a Bob/ Preston 13(5 , young fellow, and he may Ifra The sleeping area contains 475 239 ,000 & STEEL GO. ' Eau Claire 6 ,890,359 14 ,037 ,724 prompt ly use it for photography Quality Sheet Metal Works Srife^P Rolbleckl :lira? bedrooms with copious experiments. Many .artisans _ r\ JnJ(/jt^^^ MlnncsoU City Independence 47,600 77,550 Phone S96S \ closet space , a feature especial- 1 fwESTERN HAROLD OFENLOCH La Crosse J1 ,635,514 5, 2(1(1 have begun their work in cer- | ^ Phcnt Rcllinostone ly true of the 4lit , j 163 167 West Front Street " ^ muster bedroom. | 761 East Broadway VjuAl^— 5(ii amics in just such a fashion, Phono 5792 ^p>7j; Coiioct 1'his room has its bath and The Sunday News , compiling Or hi1 may find his forte is in At the End of Lafayette St. dressing urea set ;iside so it its own total from building per- electronics. doesn't interfere with furniture t < mits issued here, reported a Some parents feel their young- ¦ ¦ arrangement. total of $5,440,000 nt the end of sters will be deprived of fun if I complete 1 ' The main bath , or family the year. they take up a serious hobby. bath , is equipped with doors sep- - •¦"¦ - YOU arating the bath area from tho ^5^^T?Sf«i«»"w»rrr-''' •'¦; :r-'';, -;) ;r_r.^'-~__j2 *' tJ B|| , » ¦» . MISTAKESI ^~-^| Decorating I t? ^ i lavatory, and bus an interior BISEMa closet. yt^ SEE ll lfe i Select Your 1 - service J^\y*.PSWV j Yi s/r^ St-^ • TIIKHIC AI.S(> I H n lavatory in I he basement , .serving the "Pai^ recreation room nnd laundry . Wl | Within Your" vfeylBlC The to this important V ^J I £ ' PPl informal activity zone is con- Key ^ venient both to the main entry K50S i | "Color " I j^T M and the fmnlly room. Be Happy! ^1 a I VAL "^^ BKB i | * KT* H| The Const Guard' s famed s(|inire - rigged training ship "Magic " .started out ns the (!er- M THE COLORS nian "Horst Wessol," lt wns m H|~5 launched in l!i:t(i ;U Hamburg , M I IH MI , I POLACHEK !|l j and transferred to the United I^' ^^ ^' ' Exterior °" "sr. Slates as a part of reparations m Interior after World War il, [ GAS BASEBOARD HEATERS I ELECTRIC ] 11 | lake practically no usable floor spaco I • 875 W. Howa rd ?| /, 1 J and looks BUILT-IN nnywhero l Here ' s now , nutomnllc (jns lioatlnR comtort for closed in "Pa nts" " porchos , broczoways or homo! Tho Sloplor ! I Pa!^" Gas B.isohoartl linalcr Is vented rlRht ttwoiiBh tho wall <*M¥ mWm I nrut n vnntinfi kit is furnished with c.ich hontnr. Tho com- bustion clmnibflrissftalfldnndaif tor tho burner is brought H , In nnd seo how this rovolu- Valspar In from the outsido Conio *%U- ¦KM Valspar tlonary now Ran lioator can r.nlwe your hcatinR problom. by VALSPAR * '

« Buildinrj? • Repairing? • Romodoling? - Winona Paint & Glass Company Will Polachek " j ¦» GEO . KARSTEN KRANING "Your Valspar Color Carousel Store " 10O5 W. 5th Phono 8-2026 General Contractor _ Residential • Connnorciol • Industrial S We Deli ver 55-57 We»t Second St. „. „,.„, Phone 7466 V J Q US. Officer lican nomination for the, U.S. William F. Renk of Senate, suffered a heart attack Whafc Sun Prairie Dead in Winter Park, Fla., about a By AP Newsfeatures wall system without visible qualities arid longer, life than month ago and was brought What's new¦ on the market?¦ joints or seams, utilizing steel most other types of rollers, and COLUMBUS, Wis. tm - Wil- back to a hospital at Columbus. ? ¦¦ ? ¦" - . ?''¦ Wounded iii .. * * * Gtminq stud framing to which tapered- that its covers will fit existing bti Gei liam F. Renk of Sun Prairie, He was the founder of the Wil- THE PRODUCT—A plywood edged gypsum board panels are frames. who incorporated small liam F. Renk and Sons farm ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦' ¦' t By A. F. SHIRA j sheathing with a . special exter- attached by means -of a snap-in - * • -¦• !• • 7 farm in 1936 and built it into a and was recognized as a mas- ior glue and a water-repellent, batten joint, doing away with THE PRODUCT - Vinyl wall Viet Cong Use of Vines About the Home major business, died Sunday ter sheep breeder. He also was fungi-resistant;treatment of the screws, panels, each one foot square , de- Raid night. He was 88. nails or other fasten- ". SAIGON , ) The value of vines in improving the appearance of the home a farm credit leader and a suc- edges. ings, • . signed to capture the; texture, Viet Nam (AP — Renk, father of Wilbur N. cessful seed corn and grain Two guerrillas were killed and and yard is appreciated by many gardeners, yet in many in- T HE MANUFACTURER'S THE MANUFACTURER'S color and glaze of ceramic mo- Renk, candidate for the Repub- I producer. CLAIM — That this sheathing, one U.S. officer wounded today stances they are used only in a haphazard way. CLAIM—That a special water- siac tiles. Years ago, many porches were enclosed with available at a slight premium ¦' "-: T H E MANUFACTURER'S in the first Viet Cong raid on an vines and we proof tape, used for covering American military compound still see this; today in the case of some older houses. However, over existing grades, has. proved the joints, is completely hidden CLAIM — That these panels, superior,. in resistance to ad- since , the .Vietnamese war . be: with so many low type houses being Ibuilt today without porches, under a coat of topping com- composed of miniature vinyl ' - verse exterior effects and is gan-:. : '. . : - . ' the use of vines as screens about the doorways is practically a pound, yet can be removed squares with simulated joints, thing of the past. This does no immune to separation of the ply- can be installed quickly and eas- The grenade attack on head- mean that the value of vines quickly With a sharp; upward quarters of a detachrhient of 130 about the home has decreased. wood layers even under severe pull ily by peeling off the protec- UNIQU , enabling the wall to be E On the other hand storage and installation condi- , officers : and men was launched , they ean be it sliould be trained to twine ¦ taken down quickly and set tip tive backing paper Wetting the used with greater charm than ? tions. ' self - sticking adhesive and at 4:30 a.m. in the mountain in its natural direction on the somewhere else. city of Kontum , 260 miles north- ever before. ¦ pressing theni against the wall. support provided. Four kinds of ¦ ' - ' ¦' . *• . • *- pital the largest single 7project formerly was the American Le- and each tossed one grena de. . "A PARTICULAR variety of A.^^H^^^H bulk of this year's dollar valua- i fully. Any stems that enter such tion can be credited to permits here in 1963 was a $40,000 build, gion dance hall; vine may be attractive in one ^ One grenade went , off in the places should be removed be- ] issued for construction of a new ing remodeling job by the North- "A . $25,000 small boat harbor , location , but very much out of dredged by the Portable Dredg- room of a U.S. officer , wound- fore damage results. Among the apartment complex oil the for- ern States Power Co. . ing him and setting the building place in another. A great deal , USE IT TEN DAYS! IF YOU RETURN IT, mer site . of Winona . General Work on the brick veneer ing Company, Winona , also fill- ¦ vines of this type that are 7 afire . 7 ? -7 7" "'.'¦ . of course,,depends not only upon , GET YOUR MONEY BACK AND KEEP Hospital , ; building with . gl ass show . win- ing the Wabasha dump, was the .. 7 • . - the location . but , also , upon hardy here are the trumpet- . As the terrorists? rari for the ,. vine, Virginia creeper and sev- ! Permits, for GAS FIRED in- dows 7on two sides, modern city 's single building project in the care, given 7 the vine as it THE 1-QT. $3.95 SAUCEPAN ' fence, Flinn opened fire again, ers 1 kinds of ivy. stallations werei issued' -to-;.. lighting and air -conditioning, 1953. No new streets or roads grows?. Since many vines are ! Get your set now and aav« were constructed. They shot back, but . missed, The discussion of vines ' - for-, OJfrr good Jan. 1 3-Fcb. 22 only SieVers. Heating & Air Condi- began six weeks ago at the NSP and Flinn killed two of- them. rampant growers, some atten- $3.40. Freeze, cook, sf rve in it for tea whole day*. Enjoy the tioning, for Paul Rosinski, 1007 warehouse on the corner of 2nd At the Wabasha Marina ac- landscaping will be taken up dishpan time it Mves you. (It almost washes itself.) Enjoy ita The other .' two guerrillas es- tion must bei given so they can again in another article. E. Sanborn St.; 7and Martin and Alleghahey streets. A; por- cording to Walter Leonard , beV .'kept ' within bounds. Some heauty on youc table. manager , two new slips were caped? in the darkness. ? - .7 Rehse, 557. E? Wabasha St.: Ab- tion of the front was razed and thinning arid pruning is usually il , bring it Lack for a full erected during the year. - One The dead Viet Cong carried Then, if von ran stand parting \*itli rams Furnace Co., for Paul Ma- a complete new building, 24 by a 45 caliber pistol and a French required just the same as with refund aiid l;erp the, $3.V5 saucepan. All pieces made of PYRO- . hutka, 638 W. 4th St., and D. 60 feet, is being Terected in the houses 20 small boats and the Fi rst Patients Enter I CERAM* brand ppace-nge ceramic: heatproof, coldproof, non- ; other, three 50-foot boats, in- submachinegun. ; trees and shrubs. Using vines J. Rolbiecki, 615 Olnistead St; front to house the office arid dis- to good advantage requires care- Osseo Nursing Home ! porous. Krariihg's Sales ft Service , for play room. creasing the total to four slips. The building buined but the ful thought on the part of the OSSEO, Wis. (Special ) Royal Family Set: 3 covered saucepans (1, 1K, 1Ji qt-) i 10*. 0. N. Linden, 741 W. Broadway; Bernard Hehnjngs , manager The size of the harbor also was spokesman, said .Flinn-s alert- - The j handle, increased by excavating: 40,000 home owner.:The rate of growth, ncv/ Osseo Area nursing home covered skillet; 1wo cradles; detachable Carol ^Dietrich , .464 High Forest of the local office, estimates ¦ ness probably saved the Amer- heigh' the density at maturity j St.; Mrs. Leona Fisher, 312 the building will be completed feet. . 7 :¦- . • ;. ?. -: icans irom greater casualties. | took in its first patients today. 1 At this , time the of- A new line of boats, the Bos- - and decorative value should be Bids on the 70-bed structure, | Johnson St., and Martin Twee- March , The wounded officer,; whose considered. ten, 960, W..Wabash a St. . ,"[ fice will be moved from the ton Whaler, an ocean-going boat, identity was not announced, suf- I which will include 40 nursing has been added , Leonard said. fered burns, cuts ? and scrapes . Now, let us conside r some ' home beds and 30 hospital beds. | ;? Wabasha's historic Hotel An- but was riot ih! serious: condi- of the types? of vines that are i \ve:re let last April. derson , owned and operated by tion? He?was taken to a field hardy7 in this area and their j Completion of the hospital is ' 7 Mrs. Verna McCaffrey and Mrs.; hospital at Nha Trang. manner of growth. First, the expected by March. UP / Belle Ebner, was sold during kinds of vines 7 that climb by ¦ ' » 1963. The two sisters are con- tvyining, or coiling their stems Two girls frankly discussing i tinuing to operate the hotel, al- around available supports, even a blind date on the telephone en- : though the dining room, featur- around other stems of the sariie ' livened a New Jersey radio sta- BBVASE/ing PennsyIvariia Dutch food Pepin County J , plant. Usually a particular vine , tion 's programming in a recent : FAULTY WIRING has not been in operation for will twine in only one d irection , j sunspot-induccd communications over a year. Hew. owners are either to the right or left , and ! freak. | Mr. and Mrs.? Willianl Shepherd Farm School Set SPELLS F-l-R-E! of TNew Prague, 7who 'take pos- DURAND, Wis. — The first of session Feb. 15. Purchase price the 20th annual Pepin County IN YOUR HOM E OR BUSINESS was not revealed: farm management schools will A building, on the corner of be, held Friday at l'.p.rn, Main and .Pembroke streets, This? school will feature a vacant for ?;1 V6 years, is now short discussion on this Tyear 's occupied , by the Western Auto Falcon proves it's America's toughest feed-Grain program and later Associates store, John Dady will go into the scheduled pro- proprietor ; It formerly. housed gram in swine production and the Schhell clothing store. Be- marketing. fore taking possession in Octo- compact in the rugged Monte Carlo Rallye! . Fred Giesler., animal science ber , Dady .had the building com- specialist, will discuss swine pletely remodeled. . The outside management and the future of was painted and a new sign add- VilstrUp, ed. New fixtures and shelving the industry. Dick inside and redecorating were market specialist in animal completed. Dady estimates the science , will discuss the future cost at $500. The store sells of livestock marketing and show Makeshift extension wiring is an invitation some slides on what type of to fire. End this situation b installing ade- hardware, auto accessories and y appliances? livestock the markets are look- quate wiring. Let us give your home a wiring A new freight and storage ing for. Farm Management check-up, and get our free wire-on-fimo esti- schools are open to any inter- mate. ested person in the area. RADIO-DISPATCHED | dock next to the Wabasha EQUIPMENT Transfer Co, was erected in irI AU ' August at an approximate cost HV BnBIMF m m k •^ FOR , of $2,500, according to John W°- V Ulcle. owner. The cement block - building has two rooms for stor- /fcx£G//v/t»» I WIRING } age and a cement dock. It is t^nyBnfh - J i used for receiving and dislribu- ^^^H^^^^H^R^^^I^^^HS'^"6HII3B§MH^' nRt ^mJ ^I^^&2^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^H9 E?T3SML£K V^SP *^^ BB AHH§EH9nBsHK''k^^^^^^^lfiE9SDV' ^VB!B . E SQ^^^B^HR|^^^H^^^H?Y4fg^^^NSifiS^^^M'AMjflflp*3H^ 1%^9E-M ^^^* * "Serving Winona For Over \SUFJMBHMMM |BMWMBHfjW^ "Licensed Bonded Electricians" sign to River Vista Park , flanks

—DOERER'S II the roadway to the Wabasha bcacl) and recreation park, p ^ — ^ ^ l^~ ^^ mm mm mm mm m* w m —- ^— ^—< ^— "^— ^ Planters are Lniilt into t3ie en- tryways. A new dentist , Dr. .1, D . Nad- f reau , formerly of Janusville , I opened a practice in Wa basha. | Can YOU Identify This House? j Ills office is in the Mrs. E. B, J Wise residence! on Main St. I Ten new homes wore built i Homeward Steps at the ciitr.-mct' of a Imnse in Wabasha in 1 903, wilh sever- f ' ' immediately exemplify, the owner as a person i • al others slated lo lie com- •R. -^tfl^^H^^^^H^I .t ¦jjr- ¦ ¦¦ s,n;u'' x'yli.sli and practical tastes . These pleted this year . ^^^^^^^^HDH^mmm ^^mm ^m^mummmu ^ t pm- " - - —-sui^ °' • ' , [ J&Jm*>^^ .Lmm&i> »n>!m^. *^^>^ toP l,i H tril «K1(,( l in' 0 Monaeo-bul they Rained invaluable experience in how U ^ 1 tn... l.tnopvIf '..-,.,.,. 's2,, •> ,7110< Uv)-tntl< M.;/,.ii- > i inter.'../,.r , the American Legion in Stiptcm- inc| ud u> ,mvo f(,r four miloa in atormy weather, or II ITV - "^^ " gion Post spvual....»„,.;,./ Alpine.Al„;,.„ M>tJ„,.#;,.„« lions, ''* ' • • • ^ i 'j ljj 'L rv «Pf member that should a step be damaged iper- Street . tllla , ,„.r;orwinMrP i neouuso lho Rallye \\ w other special rally equipmo.nt- ' vtv^V la j-.- '1",w " ','"t''< hacks 'l),n 'l '"' soineone drops j I' aleon teas Jirst. overall oatuples every variety of weather nnd but it 'll sure nurprifle you I r ¦ w *: • ' AtlVCfllSCfTUIlt l ian—^ir l»,jiU-'¦ - "TBBJp¦ T ' -T ?- i" •-" a heavy object on ID it is pract ical to replace in four, t ied for fi rst in roan conditions the continent enn pro- ¦ f ¦ • - *' " ® "¦ > ,, ' (Inmnwl ' ( p n( ,,,, , > " » V V74J- '-l ? ON'I.V the section NOT TIIM WIIOI.K i 'i'i' ." " r i •!• . t v' l f " l becnuse it winds up on, the T r,. ..v . v nrnrrin.,. xtOT, " KXI'KNSI VK UNIT ! 1 one. Ihal u roridahihty J |no3 t' r(imo|e bywayR in , ,„,' ,, „,„,.,, 1R\ I .OJ.AI, PERFORMANCE \ Bfft 7 7 7 ^-^H¦ ' ¦ -^'t ti-^'Zjimi VtMyiNe NE&if yw *¦ """ .^^ImmdmMm re- i Jjbfi Miirilinio Alps, it is a Hupromo toflt of YO\K \ CI1ANGFI . ^S ,JfHB|H| Tlinm^li extensive testing mn\ nal ionu-ide [ l ' fy/^mmmmmmW^^mmm>^!^<*X•*>- -¦ " m , "° ty$/t: ' s final iilltl iar'sahllitiefl. l^lconsl.wrin« had i f^j --" '' •^J yf W M.imh it has hecn (ouiul that Homeward (iinch HX »« In the native• m^^ ' " ' elimbiiiK ,., ' ,, , t o be MawloHfl on glare ice above a 1,0011- ^aT^^I Ar^^^ k. M Hal [ risers are the best walking and liciRht j test around the Mon te fool drop. Those fabulous \'-8*s had lo ^ ^ f for elderly people nnd children , . . with patent ¦ Lj/~^ ¦ \B>B" ^ I \ surfaced for increased safety. IN- Carlo racing course, hi Icons run like dynnmon. B I I D k IMPORTANT,mruK , w,,M -- No Salt or so-called lc« ed non-skid 1 r a Mo»»c Carlo ¦ | | SIST ON THE FINEST - insist on Unlon .M;«de were first and wond. „ 'J'."" A"" ™''" '" \ /1V17 R emovers should ever b» used on Home- ,,,, ., i .., , . llallyo K"v l'nleon -ml^ plan; overall , -^^- ^—^ -^*~ ^ -^—^ ' ' JIOMKWA IID STEPS. THEY COST NO MOItK! { Ihat s inaneii reratnlil\' i H , „, fM „.m" H„f ,u., 'p,.„rin^ ,.,.i,.,.,,r,. r i r • i i- i -ri i »• » product , Phone R-l.UI for n Free estimate 1st. in Unas Hoi tlie Jounnp ciU«'Kory, lalcixi • l.urlatic • lurcl * Ihundcrotra I w«rd Steps or «ny other concrete . j 1st and 'Jnd in Clatw f> of (ho inucli MONTK CARLO- The .Tlrd Monte iuu K h«>r Clrand Tourin K mt^'ory, 1st. VAR ol ' VMR AWARii * Curio Knllyo slarl*'d with 'J!i'.-I cars. nnd 2nd in the final three-lap lest on ^IU " | STEP CO. ! Some 2,10Q miles and :P » duyrj later , the Monlo Carlo circuit. The host liniHli ,„.,,„,, ^,^i uj .»nMw« HOMEWARD AmtrWt lnrjiil Sailing ' IN WINONA SEE . . . OWL MOTOR CO. 1635 West Fifth Street p,,ono 8 ^ 33 TOILET TAUK BALL IN OTHER AREAS SEE YOUR L.OCAL FORD DEALER YOUR STEPS . . . EVERYONE ELSE DOESI { | | LOOK AT Th* •fficltnl Wol*r Mail*' Imtfint \y ilopi |h» Dow of water oll«f *a(h ftuihlng. ~____——— For it presents " ,A( rest and TnM"~M3C-TV Network—Chock your local li Mlntj s tor time and ch tnnel , 75c AT HARDWARl STORK HUGGINS MAKES GRADE Russians Collect 6 Gold Medals to^Sgl ^Roughneck j Hall of Fam? DEMARET A LITTLE OLDER Jean Saubert y Calms^ j Adds Silver y Down * (AP)-The6 Jacobs Gets a Welcomes. NEW YOHK spit- ball is legal in the Hall of Fame even if it is out of bounds jn 7 Medal organized baseball, Burleigh Grimes and Urban (Red) ittle Bolder INNSBRUCK, Austria CAP)- two of the last pitchers : L Faber, a par three on the 92rid hole, PALM 7SPRINGS.7; Calif. Plucky Jean S auberf of Lake- throw v the^ spitter legally, LP) - ' get- Demaret, whose drive left to7 :— . Tommy Jacobs is , view , Ore., added?a silver medal were among the six new mem- bolder , and: Jim- him about 40 feet to the left ting a little to her earlier bers named Sunday . by the Hall my .Demaret is getting a of the greeri; was lying three bronze7with a flashing, run in the women's gir of Fame veterans' committee. little older? Which is. not when Jacobs holed out.. . Miller THuggins, the little man only a rhyme but a reason ; That ended a tournament ant .slalom ski race and young the New ; York : that.produced so many ties who: managed the : $50,o6o Palm Springs Yank figure skaters got off. to Yankees to six pennants?in712 Golf rClassic7turned out the someone suggested it should a ' strong start Monday in the be? renamed 7the years; andJHeinie. Manusti, the Vay it . did./ 77? ¦ 7; Wembly outfielder with a life- ; 7 Jacobs won;it, beating De- Open.; •- . . • 7' ??¦ United States' "brightest day in powerful the ninth Winter? Olympic time .330 batting average, also . inaret oh the second hole of There [was -a tie after , ' every round? It was Charlie Games? 7 7?? made the grade along with, two a sudden-death playoff Sun^ era—John ? , the Sifford. and Jacobs after the .:¦' ¦ Miss Saubert; 21-year-old Ore- from the ; pre-1900 . day after they finished Ward . and . Tim '¦.: regulation 90 holes in 353 first- round , Sifford and iMohtgomery : . : gon State coed, broke the nionop- Keefe . Grimes, Faber and strokes each , seven , under Doug Sanders after the. sec- oly of France's .brilliant Alpine ond round and Sifford and Manush' are alive. par? sister, ? Demaret , 753, offered this Bob Charles : after the third team by tying Christine In some ways Wa rd was .' . the ' - - - wry salute to his 28-year-old round; ; Bill 7 Jasper and Gpitschel for second — a frac- most remarkable of the group. adversary? Chuck Courtney Were tied tion of a .second ;biehind Chris A jack-of-all-trades as a player, ""Tommy's a good boy and it going' into the fifth round tine's sister, Marielie, the gold Ward7 was the: only ?man to .was-.nice he could win it. arid Jacobs and Demaret , of collect: more than 2,000 hits, medalist. ,, ' After all, -I' ve got a lot of course, were tied after 8Q :¦ 2.151, and also,to win more, than 7 years left and he!s about , holes. '; - .- • " ' The winning lime was 1 min- "l00?:. games,. 158, as a pitcher, ? through." Jacobs got $7,500 of the ute,. . 52.24 seconds. Jean and Ward.,active from 1878 to 1894, $50,000 purse: Demaret , Demaret, who hasn't won . who Maaelie did l:53:ll7 7 managed three clubs, acted as a PGA tournament in nearly plays only five or six tourna- president of .the Boston Braves, . Jean 's two medals seven years, admitted the ments a year,.won $4 ,000. are the pitched ? a perfect game . for ' CONGRATULATORY KISS . . . Burleigh Grimes. the7 90-hole exercise left him Charles and Don January TREE TROUBLE . . . Tommy Jacobs, trapped -by a only ones collected so far by the ; 7 ' Providence in? 1880,7 organized ' finished , tbugh spitball pitcher , appears mild .as a lamb, slightly exhausted. In the in a third-place tie palm tree on; the first hole of a, sudden death 'playoff for U.S. team. The Soviet Union , on once rough ^ the Players'? Brotherhood and 7 playoff , he gave, away 25 at 354, one shot behind De- as he gets a congratulatory kiss from his wife/ Inez, at the so: was the l awyer for the ' .- : the $100,000 Palm Springs Golf Classic title Suriday. elects to the other hand , is rhaking a years.? . - '- rnaret and . Jacobs, and got horne of iriends in suburban Riverdale , where he learned National League: :• .,¦? Jacobs, who has a home at S3jl00 each. Courtney and . . chip safely to7 the fairway and give up a stroke. The strategy team runaway of the Games, with, a total of ]5—six gold, he had. beeh . named to Baseball's Hall of Fame. Grimes is set- - " neiarby Bermuda 7 Dunes Bob : Goalby were another / worked when his opponent. Jim Demaret , three-putted the : five : Ward also a record of .2 ? silver and four bronze: now a farmer at Trenton,. Mo., and is employed as ai scout assists for .a second baseman Country Club, won the play- stroke back and . picked up green , enabling Jacobs , to win on the next hole; (AP Photo- ¦ ';¦; '¦.[ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ '¦¦' ¦[¦ " ' ¦¦ ''¦[' ¦' " ' - for the Baltimore Orioles. (AP Photbfax) ;:. that still is in th-a book. :. ., : off with a nine-inch piitt for $2,450 apiece. 7 7 '¦?fax,3:. ; . • . [[ ¦[ ? :'7. ? 7 V .7-77-7 • • , .7 7 The Russians picked up an- ¦¦ o'ther; silver in the Nordic com- The . addition of . the six new 77. . iotal member- 1 , men boosted the bihed the oniy other fin al of the TO: PLAY IN TUCSON OPEN ship in the Cooperstr-wn? N.Y.,7 i day. with the gold going to Tor- museuiri to an. ever- 1°0 The mad Knutsen , a 32-year-old Nor- "new members; "were pinked by : wegi an clerk who had been the veterans? committee .. from : thought too old for siuch a rig- players ?who had been retired, at orous skiing test? PGA /?tf///ng least 20 years. 7-7 . 7 ediii ' . Grimes , 70, and Faber , 75, R ; . Khutsen sped the 9.3 miles of [¦the cross-country in 59 minutes . were among the group of four 58.6 seconds for 469120 points. pitchers permitted, to continue ^ 1 Out of Phoenix use of. the spitter after it was .lolin Bower of 'Auburn, Elaine, legislated off the book, Grimes Start of New .had the ninth best cross-country PHOENIX ,?Ariz: (API,.- The prepare for the tourney. Professional ? Golfers Associa- actually was the last. He was I time with 52:26.4 : but finished The Tucson tourney- was orig- 193.4 MdfikgtaT tion is pulling out of this week' inally scheduled to begin Feb. active until , retiring with ? { 15th-in the final combined stand- . s: mMMMMMmmiiM ^MMMlMm Phoenix , -wants to 13. a 270-212?won-I6s t recu-'d. Al- l ings with 403,76 points , 7 Open and . 7 though he finished play in the Tucson Open , in- , up with the Sports ! 'r ';. Jim Shea . was 27th , with 346. 76 ¦ Meanwhile , the Phoenix T Yankees , Grimes earned all but WM stead. " ¦;.' -". hight ¦' points, after facing the cross- Birds said they were going one of his .'victories' in the Na- ll(uSrV/es To By GARY EVANS - .. | 7 The withdrawal from Phoenix I country in 53:04.2? The. third ahead with . plans for their 72- tional Leaigue at Pittsburgh, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS urday, leads .the NIC at 5-0; 'Daily¦'-.News Sports Editor 7; and the Tucson request came - j U.S. entry, Jim Page, of Lake Sunday.;: hole event. Qualifying rounds Brooklyn/ New York , Boston ,.. ; Mankato is 5-1 and must win at .With a successful week end be: Placid , N.Y., scratched because St.: Louis and Chicago, He lives lVlankatb. State, bent on wrest- , The PGA said' its members for non-exempt pros and . ama: St. Cloud tonight, because the ?hind theni j' - ' cagers? Of an attack of influenza. teurs were scheduled today at in7Trehton , Mo. ¦ Ing the Northern Intercollegiate ,' ; 't- . the Redmen would hot play in . Phoenix be- Indians- ' aren likely to get In .the . start of the meh's fig- four courses. •.' ' ". basketball championship frorn j much help anybody else in j of. Si. [ Mary's- College tonight ; 7 . cause, it had no contract with . Faber. who works for the from ure? Skating7 competition at the perennial power St. Cloud State, the NIC. The teams; have a re- inaugurate a new week's cam- : Mondav, February 3, 1961 the . sponsoring . Phoenix Thun- Clark? Rorbaeh, tournament Cook .County highwaiy depart- j Ice Stadium , iScotty Allen, the. chairman , for the T-Bird event , turn, match Feb. 18 at Mankato. paign by. traveling, to St. Paul WINONA DAILY NEWS 12 derbirds. The no-contract situa- ment in Chicago, spent his en- gets. its chance tonight. The only | I \ 5-year-old schoolboy national said Sunday he? didn 't know Tonight' tion apparently stems from a . tire career from . 1914 to 1933 drawback is the game is at St. | s Minnesota Intercol- for a tilt with the Scots of Ma- 1 champion; from Smoke Rise, dispute over television rights; whether the T-Birds would .; sign legiate Conference si ate has Du- with the White Sox for whom Cloud and: the Indians will, have : calester? . . . . . ' .1 l- .N.J . :, shot into fourth place in the 3 contract. " . - luth , the . front-fUnrier at 9-0; , Thunderbird officials said, he wori 253, games and lost 211; their work plainly set forth. The Redmen will be bent upon first two of five compulsory fig- 7 Rorbaeh said . the dispute, in- Although Huggins was | playing at Concordia ( 2-6) while ures. The final " three will be however, they would ?' hold the a7sec- St. Cloud, which was idle Sat- ; the task of: securing revenge •: Hawk Matmen ¦ volved television, rights. He said I ond baseman at Cincinnati and St. Mary's ( 4-4 ) is at Macalester skated Tuesday, '• ' - .- '. tournament, with or without;a ' ¦ ) for an early? season defea t at¦ the PGA .wants?.'the - rights, but St. Louis : from ; 1904 to 1916 it (3-5 in a battle of. the middle Monty Hoyt of Derver , former contract. . ; that the T-Birds have already was as a manager that-he was ¦' .¦ teams. . Terrace Heights. 7. 7 7 7 U.S. champion , was ninth and Meanwhile, t h e 7 executive * . . , ¦ signed an agreemerit with Sports voted into the Hall . of Fame?', In the MIAC Diiluth stepped M a calester . t o-ok a 59-58 vie- j Top Saints Tommy Litz pf : Hei-shey ? ' Pa., board of the Tucson Golf Asso- ¦ ' .'¦ outside the conference to whip: Network , Inc. . , After five years at St. ; Louis lie Rally tory to break : St. Mary 's six- ,:¦ who shines in free skating, was ciation is to meet at 8 a.m. to- Vark Northern Michigan 85;72. In the ¦Winona High School's wrest- " ¦ : ¦¦ ¦ took over the Yanks in 1918 and game victory string and : get i 15th. 7 : ' .:' ' day and decide whether , to ad- conf^-ence, Augsbtirg remained ling team posted its second vic- managed them until his death Minnesota Intercollegiate Athle- ? Manfred Schnelldorfer of Ger- vance its tournev. COTTER TEAMS one game back of the Bulldogs tory in as many days by over- at the age of 50 in 19297 : tic Conference •'activity, off to a many assumed the lead , with If the Tucson affair Is moved the, Tops by out-sCrapping Macalester 83- powering Sh TG MEET HOKAH Manush . 62, played in Trojans poor start for the Redmen. Charles 28-11. in 36.3.0 points. up where Phoenix would get majors from 1923 to 1939 and 73 while Hamline cruised past Hoyt' RUSHFORD , Minn. (Special) , Now , seven conference games i the preliminary to the Winona s score was 321.6 and golfers is a good question as the Cotter will host Hokah spent most of his career in the '- . ! cruised past . Concordia 76-63 ' —In a non-conference game here St. Mary 's dropped Gustavus later, St. Mary 's stands witli an Stale - Superior wrestling meet Litz had a total of 306:3. PGA has' ruled that any player St. Peter in a pair of cage American League with Detroit , even 4-4 record while Macalest- Four of; Russia's six gold me- competing at Phoenix will be games today. Saturday night, Rushford of the Adolphus 74-67 and St. John 's '¦ at Memorial Hall Saturday St. Louis , Washington and Bos- er is 3-5¦ . ' ' - . I dals— a record number for one - Root River Conference dropped romped past Carleton of the ¦; ¦ • ¦ - '¦ night. suspended for the remainder of At 6:30. p.m., the Rambler ton , He finished up with Brook- : . , • . : I competitor at the Winter Olym- the year. freshmen will tangle with an 80-76 decision to Grand Mea- Midwest Conference 89-76.7 ST. MARY'S brought its re- There wasn't a pin . registered lyn and Pittsburgh in the Na- dow of the Southland '- "' NIC' ? . . pics—belonged to one person , Ricki Rarick , chairman of the the St. Peter "B" team ' Confer- . . ' . . ' cord to the 500 mark Saturday in the meet , tional and- later managed in tho ence. Conlercnc* Season Lidia Skoblikova. Tucson group 's 72-hole . tourna- while Jon Kosidowski' s Lit- . .7 ¦ minors, scouted,and coached. In VJ . L . W . L. night at Terrace Heights with a I Winona Coach Gene Nardini ment committee , said the big- tle Ramblers will meet tlie Rushford led lfl-18 , 40-38 and St. Cloud SO 12 1 74-67 -victory J 192fi he won the batting tide at ' MankMo , ;.. S 1 . 12 s . over Whitey speculated that his team might gest problem would 65-54 at the quarter turns be- ' be time to Hokah varsity at 8 o'clock. Detroit with a 7i?8 avorage. Bemidli .. - .. 3 j i . »• Skoog 's Gustavus Adolphus ' have been tired after: its hard fore falling victim to a Lark Moorhcsd .34 I » - - I troops rally. WINONA .. ...,. ,. . 3 4 » 11 fought victory over Nortlifield Michloin Tech ?... . O « 3 » With captain Tom Hall lead- Friday, but also praised St. Dale Olslad finished with 25 ing in the scoring department, Charles for a strong team ef- points for Rushford , Ed Sands- MIAC Winona ' s Largest ¦ . 75 West Soason the Redmen broke from a 42-38 fort. *mh ness meshed 20 and Vern Bunke ContTmc* W , L . W. L. haUtime deficit to take the lead I Once again Winona ' lfi. The Larks were led by Duluth :.;.,, 9 0 )4 4 i s suprem- Augsburg ,:. ¦ 1 13 1 with just over 10 minutes re- acy in the upper weights prov- Doug Glynn 's 22 markers. Herb Hamline , ,,. S 1 10 S maining. ! Hanson totaled 21 and Al Ja- ST'. MARY'S * 4 13 4 ed the difference. Macalester 3 5 a f After Hall had put the Tied- WINONA HIGH i», ST. CHARLES II cobson 16. Cuitavui 3 4 4 1 - • men back in conlonlion , Denny ts poundi—Jim Oevering (Wl d. Chuck St. JOhn' i .. 2 4 t 7 Henry |S> 4-5: 103—Tom Frlsby d. Dependoblo Footwear Since 1902 M Rushford won the "B" game • IS) Concordia 2 4 .4 lt Bui'gman took charge of the Dennis Lande (Wl 4-0 ; 113—Lyle Yeo- 47-3f>. SI. Thotnaj .... 17 7 10 victory drive , dropping four con- man (51 (I . Sieve Miller (W) 43; 130 -Len Dlenqcr (W) d , Don Snull. (S) secutive hook shots to give 'St. «-0; • 137—Rog Thornon (S) d. Ken Mary 's an eight point lead. Gaulsch (W) a-0; 133— Larry Pomcroy (W) drew with Dob Frliby (S) «0; Coach Ken Wiltgen plans no 13I-CII1I Vlerui CW> d . Donnls Thore- Jon (SI 4 0i 145—Ddrry Arem d. changes in his starting lineup Sti ve Hniuon (51 M; 154-Al Haiel- for tonight' s game. ton (W| d. lurry Younq (S) 4-0 1 U5- Hall and Hog Pytlcwski will rttt Woodworlh (W) d , Glen Hiirtey IS) my 7-0 ; 175 — nyron Bolmen (Wl d . Paul 1.ID1A SKOBI.IKOYA m he at. forwards with Jim Rock- Johoion (S) 4 1i H\M .-Bob tUeunlnou ers , nt center and Mike Mrilon- (Wl won by dtlsult , His]»i iiys 4 Gold Medals ey and Al Williams ;tt guards. RUPP SEEKS 700TH I • IN SATl'HIMY night's con- WIN 11 test . Hall led tin- scoring parade GUARANTEED 6 MONTHS • ' \ i i- II - ¦¦ . .... i i I, ,. „ ¦ with 20 points fur St. Mary's . Al ^, — — DIIISMmmW M I MmWW Williams who kept the He Wildcats ' fifth lucky basketball (cam. II was nt m I schedule for Fridnv, and Satur- straight in the league after two >.,;?:; WMiT wr » day. Wood ruff Hall. And homo-Mantl- opening road losses , g FULL CUSHION INCOLE Ilochester Lourdes , (lie team ing (liwgin, I lien as now , was a Th« game Is one of three in defensive club, thai forced Ihe Ramblers into Georgia won , volving nationally ranked learns $£ N OPBKS • 01L PROO F nEOPR E IJ c SOLE 2.VKi 1 I: 1: H overtime In l ine finals of the . tonight . The others have second- First Annual Colter High Invi- ranlwd Michigan at Ohio State , . . tluinks lo Mlnncsotfl Uotin nnd ThriMI And li« ' » entitled Chances BIT (hat the score tational Toiirnnmeiil , will he at in an important nig Ten strug- to thnt lelf-tAtisficd feeling you get when the (arrtily budget will l>e higher than Hint tonight St. St an 's Friday night gle and No. 5 V underbill nt Ala- ii undor control. Money from MlnntsoU Loan and Thrift c*n when Ilup|) again takes his put you in this happy liatiKi. position. Paying off bills and time pay- s.m itnw x it; II r titc Wildcats into Woodruff Hall • ment Accounts Is one of the popular u»e» of Minnesota Lo Iit1l» n» S50; much nt ' *i (. 'ltih is chartering a lest nf Georgia s defense . VamJcrbill |>ul its high standing 52,500 or more on terim you .irrflnqe. Then repny AI one place, bus for Ihe game Hupp will lie seeking his 7011t h in jeopardy Willi an ill-fill defeat •once n month, oi-.o p.iymcnl th/it' i |ust right for you. For ^s' ^V^^^^B^^^^SH^B^k *ul| informntlon, »«e or call Minnesota Loan and Thrift soon I following the' two weekend victory ns the Kentucky vouch hy Auburn. Michigan, 15-1 , How about tomorrow? games , only n Hash at Mondovi and Ihe Wildcats, ranked fourth romped over Michigan State Kelt |j remains bclore Kr^ion in the nation, will he gunning for !»r>-7!», Six tournament competition the Southeastern Conference Da vidson nnd DePaul .wore the Winona High , fresh from a lead. They share the spot with only other members of the elite MINNESOTA LOAN icll<> rv.K'il victory over Norlhfield and .St ate , each at 57!. to stumble last week. Davidson , Willi a new found Marling line- Georgia , currently one of the No. :i , was edged hy West Vir- AND THRIFT COMPANY hot Ies I teams in the league up, plav s host to Ownlonn a at , is ginia 7.1-7:1 before rebounding BUILT FOR CUSHIONED COMFORT.. . VALUE ,, 164 Walnut (Between Third «nd Fourth) Phone B.79H •i-:v against VMI l'Jji-fii Saturday. . SERVICE! Open Friday 'til 8, Saturda y 'fil Noon tl oiiliniicil nn I' agp i;i ) "We ' ve bail the defen: e all Del'aul, No. (I, lost to Louisville KI:I >MI:.N along." Georgia Coach Kcd. lill-TIl Saturday. i 1|Non-loop periods history. Donahue Rips Paul . Vermeersch :hit 18 Redmen Fa Dover-Eyota points to pace the winners, Gary : ters , Ika Daniels 12 and Don Lyke and Cage Tesfc 590 for Top Don Bierbaum 11 each. Larry 7 Tops Islanders Matti pushed through . 14 for thei losers. - - , .-?? PINE ISLAND,TMinn .-Dovcr- ;". TDover-Eyota lost the prelimin* Concordia Eyota handed Pine Island ft Gl- ' ¦ Set ¦ary. - : - ¦:?: TuesdaY Basketball 7 . City Score . ' Warrior Matmen 48 defeat in Wasioja Conference ' .?¦ ' •¦ Area teams get a respite in ; In second day action for th-e action here Saturday night. ; '¦' ' their chase for conference hon- " George Altnrian ,. new outfiielrl' city s only scratch league at After7 a 9-9 .tie at the end of er for thie Mets, admits to be- : ors Tuesday night as; 11? non- Foe loday Scores Westgate Bowl, Ken Donahu e league tilts arv oh tap. the first quarter , the Eagles ing ''a-Brooklyn ?Dodger fan j'?. :• A . victory .-: over . defending rifled a 235-590 / for this week-.? Squeezed in front 29-26 at half- That, coupled , with a lone con-, But Bow Saturday'! Results while growing up in Goldsboro, Improve •end' champion Macalester in its last s city topper? 7; ' ., ference encounter, rounds LOCAL SCHOOLS- 7 time and led 44-42 with three ;N. e.;": out a A strong Superior State wrest- heavyweight. ; {' .outing, , a two-game juhijj on i ' *¦ Moorhead.Slate 71, Winona Sla lt 7). Ray' Pozanc sin-ashed a?23.6 ! 12-game schedule. . -.. • St. Mary'i 74, Gutliwuj 47. ling teani defeated the Winona Larry : Marchionda Mrtr r lorldi- Ml Ups journeys to Le Roy? of District .;p.m.; :'. ; : against Superior," said Coach. Diyliun Mi, Vlrglnit M lli tiry tl. moved into second place on the Two, ?but Caledonia? will make . ¦ . Auburn Bl, Vihdtrbilt 43. Bob Gunner after tlie match, BEFORE THE week7Is. his- Duke UU, Navy 45.? strength of 692-1,921 7wHile Al- ¦ ¦ the trip to Harmony, . Canton Blair Nips "Superior is the cream of the ?tory and ; if the weiathermari Georgia Taeh'. 'u, Alabama il. •. " • - . .' . ' ley Gators ;were hanging onto *vill play at Wykoff and TMabel Wast Virginia Jl, Virginia Tach 7J. • Wisconsin College Conference. 7 changes his tactics, the Redmen Louisiana Stale 77, Mississippi 47 ?¦ ' ¦ i. the lead behind? ;S 495 : Irom will tangle with Chatfield ' , ., , the I'm well satisfied with my boys' will 7 have skated-.-vfiye .7ga'mes t . . Misslssip-pl State , il, Tulant 77. . :' Bev TBiltgcn and a 190 by Pat j Georgia 7f, Tennitsia 47 ¦ hottest team in the Mapte Leaf , showing?" not the most advantageous sit- . Weigel. '• at Chatfield. 7 . Miami ( Fla.) IS, Florda Southern 71. " Taylor 56-52 : Singled ; but .for individual j liation for a team With only two Maryland 10, George Waihlngten 7«. . ; ; WESTGATE BOW,: Guys irad The Gophers have begun a defensemeri. ? Marshall 17, Western Michigan »2, • praise by; the Warrior mentor f Virginia SO; North Carolina Stale 41, Dolls — Leona Lubjnski hit 1S2 stretch run that has carried BLAIR, Wis. (Special ' Furnian 7.1> Richmond 40. , )-BIair. were Flaherty, Marchionda , Ken ¦:. - "The schedule is 'going to?be ; arid Ferd'.', Mathisbn 520. both them to first place iii the con- the kingpin in the Dairyland Knutson and Wedcmeier. 7 real rough ," said Hanzel? "We MIDWIS-T . [ for Sundown Motel and SchmiLz- ¦ Heavy-duty, .; ' .; " : ' ~f%' : ference with a 6-1 record : Conference, nipped Taylor.; of 1 Augsburg J3, Macalliter 7J. W* : "These, boys are .' really , im- feel good about winning pvci Duluth 8S, Northern Michigan Lica swept? team honors din ' : ' Two teams from the \V»st the West 71. '•%-%• ? 7. " -. dppr;-tordoor 7 Central , 56-52 here Sat- proving, fast ," said Gunner. ''It j Mac '.'. (Sti " .Mary's topped the Hamline .74, Concordia .,:43, 7854,1457- . . ¦ ¦ Central Conference: in Wisconsin St. John's 19, Carlelon 7*7 ' f ¦[ mats; urday night, was Wedemeier 's third pin? Scots 6-3 Friday) and halving a - Kings and Queens — Ed DrSy- .' tM- 'TI [.. floor Gustam .; "will make the trip ?icross the St. Norbert .. .«, Michlsan Tech 10. ¦ ' 1 : ; Blair got 21 points from John against tough competition. I! two game jump on the rest, hut Ellendale (N.DO 77, Morr-4 74. all smashed • '201-530 for; Deuc-es .7 fit for mc»t care. : 7' Mississippi to tangle with TMjn- Bethel to. Trinity , (lit.I ? 7 ¦ Woyicki,7.16 ' from Carl Aubart honestly third, he is going toi : we still have som«. conference 71. ' Wild and Janice Neitzke-Ls' 1 S0- inesota rivals. - . ? Michigan. 95, Michigan State 7». '¦ ' [) and 12 from Jdhn McAuliffe , be better than his brother. Jer- i games to play and everyone is Wichita 100,/Maro.uctfe 41. ; 483 paced Four Aces to 2 ,042. . Cho ice of colors. 7 Alma :moVes info' ..Wabasha . ry-" ¦; ?' " - -,. -, ., 7 " ' .:- 7 . 7! going to be pointing at us." Vlllahova M, Detroit 70. ¦ 7Trbjans . la;ced 70*7. . and Gilmanton is. at Lewiston. The .Cardinals moved to . an . . . .7 Louisville »3> DePaul 3» ; : . : A crowd of better than 1,000- ' Chicago Loyola IS, Iowa 71. A third West Central team , 18-9 first-period lead , and then Following this? afternoon s ¦ cheered the Warriors' efforts 6ft Tulia 7«. Cincinnati SI; league-leading . Fairchild, will stayed off, a: Trojan rally to contest, St. Mary's will be Illinois "73,. Northwestern 71. Saturday night. "The cheering; Purdue 17, Indiana play -.';«'• ¦ pairyland? league 7 team take a 25-23 margin at halftime. home against Aiigsburg at 7:30 I*. P^c/cers Bow ¦ ¦ ¦ enabled, us to gain at least a Xaviir (Ohio) ll, Dayton li. Osseo. : ' ':. " ' ' '¦" " 7- With eight minutes to play, p.m. [Wednesday, host . Si. Olal Drak| 4J. Bradley 41 . V good moral victory," said Gun- j Oklahoma State 47, Iowa Stale 11. Other games have: Mazeppa Blair.led 44,36? 7 7 in a non-conference , bout at To NoHh 66-43 : Kansas Stata SI, Kansas 55. :;: her, "if we would have had: a ' 7:30 p.hi . Thursday before de- ¦ At Mori'istown, Lakeville at Jerry-, Tei sen g e r flipped , Colorado 90, Oklahoma 77. . , Minn,—Austin, in 5ts I '^fefe^r-55 /' li $^ 130 pounder we could have tak- Minncsoda ill, Wisconsin 9J.. AUSTIN ' Randolph, Red Wing at West St., through'718.:' points for Taylor , parting for? Collcgeville, MinTn., en the' meet:" and a two-day stand with St. Crelghlo n 104, Aquinas 49. most mystifying tailspin in : ¦ Paul and Mindoro at Onalaska Arlyn Steien got 17 and. John Missouri 7«, Nebraska »». ¦ __ y ¦ The next outing for the States- ' years, dropped its fifth straight 7? Peterson ,13 for Taylor. . : John's. E.vamvllle 79,. Valparaiso 4»- . I'In^^w^ IB ' : - • Luther: ¦' ¦FAR- ' ^ men? will . WEST . here Saturday ; be on Friday when .. St. Mary's meets the John- basketball game ^ the Warriors take on La Crosse : UCLA- S7, California-Santa lartiira If night. The culprit was Minnea- ¦ nies at 7730 p.m. Friday 7and Oregon Slate 67, Washinglen M. B 7 7: neplacernani parts 91¦ ' 7' ¦^S- ivZ)''' " - ' ' ' on': t he Winona State campus. Utah 79, Ulah . Stale 47. polis North; which took a 66-43 ' ' - - .. then tangles with: . them at 2 B extra, if needed- '- , ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ' 115—Dick Kuimlsky (S) won by forfeit; Brigham Young 57, -Denver. J4. win . 7 ¦ * ' :¦ ? :- . 77 7 7; . ^T>~*i^Sf ' :-. " - ' 123—Larry Matrchlondi XW) ¦ 4. Itti p,.m. Saturday. Oregon .72, Callfernle 44. Brown (S) 30; 130-^-Tofiy Leonarde (SI PortlanoT 75, Memphis State 44, Bob Kramer : topped Worth ' J R ?Our expert mechanics IB We adjust brakes/ add v/on by forfeit;-137—Ken knuhoh (W) d- Next Mondaiy7ljrings still an7 Wyoming 45, Air Force 5» (OT).. with' 21 points lind Dave Sttil- front wheels to ¦¦ Torn Thompjon (5) 4-2; 1«7—Terry C»l» Colorado Stale U. 77, Montana Stale 43 I alitm fluid? and clean and ¦¦ Pozpc; Palbicki " ' other contest; this one with St, ¦¦ (S) .'d. Buzi - .Mattion (Wl 311 San F rancisco 7t, weli ? gpt seven (or Austin, 7 I »antifactviref'« original lepack i ront wheal i Olaf at Northfield. ¦; [ ftudlandi (5. ¦¦ 157-Willy Falwill'.'(S) p. Mlkt Civan- ! ¦ H specifications. . ¦¦ bearings. aiigh (W) Jfj»; Ii7-Clen Getgan (S3 1 .-' ¦Hanzel expects that the con- p. Dave Haines (W) 1:58; 177—pat Fla- • tierly (Wl d. Joe. ReaibicK (S) 1-4; in i test , originally scheduled for :QUTSCOKEP 8-7 ejy —Dale Nelson ( )won ore lorfeil; Hwl7 Terrace .Heights last Saturday, Tburn —Larry Wedtmeier (W): p. Mike Giyde- ! Win Pin - Jkl (SI 2:M. . - . - . afternoon with Macalester will ": . TEsther Pozanc arid Ralph Pal- 541, The team carried a 28-pin be niade up sometime around bicki teamed ? to in the An- handicap ? the middle of February, possi- nual March of Dirties Mixed Lois, and Joe Lilia finished in bly the 15th." -"77 second place vvith 1.169 while REDMEN H(>e7r.^is Nipped Doubles bowling tournament at (Continued from Page 12) : "St. John 's and . Concordia Winona Athletic Club Saturday Marge and Ken Poblqcki were both can be; trouble ,'? stated gJSjjjL Tinstone B and Sunday7with their 1,192 to- third with 1,146 arid . .Eleanor the high?school . auditorium Fri^ Hanzel, "We walloped Concord- DELUXE CHAMPION NEW TREADS I tal; -7.7, ? and Joe Loshek fourth with 1,- JHnj ^A - day night. • ia 10-1 the last time we played RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES Ralph turned /in a 623 scratch 125. In fifth? place : with 17117 , „¦ Coach John Kenney, who had them, but they beat Macalester iy ^ert Lea Bwtt' l l ll | total on games of 189, 224 and were Phyllis arid Harvey Stey- nothing but praise, for his team 3-2> They have two real good «l ||] B i |J OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES I er. 7 .; ? SMHL : . . ? - for Albert Lea while Denny C ol- Same tipad design, same traad 210 while Esther Pozanc was after the Northfield . game, stat- defensemen. One is from • Ro- ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ; ' ¦ " ^EttHRHHf I A total of 86 couples partici- : W L - -W L strup made 36 for Albert Lea. ui(jth hammering 180 , 185 and 176 for ed Saturday that his starting seau , Minn., and the other irom Owalonna ' ¦ '. -7 . J WINONA • J 4 ^BBmm*fmMVy and same tread depth as new fl two-day event AlbertLaa 7 ^• Auilin . : ' : :¦: t II Firestone tires. I pated in the ? lineup for the tilt with? the In- Winnipeg , Canada, and they . With the temperatures soar- which found the Match of Dimes ing, e Rus ta x a nd 2 Ire de>-ln tires H ¦ would have Jim Kasten hold them together. They aren 't Ken Nelson of the Hornets j ef same size off your car B receiving: !$507 [' :¦<: dians A goal by Archie 7JVelson at at center, Bill? Squires and Pat deepi but they use? their man- 12:30 oi the third period made further scheduling attempts • Bill ?BeIV AC manager, an- Boland at forwards and sopho- power real well.'' the difference at -.' announced this morning that no 'ks ;Albert:".; Lea Sacred Heart nounced today, that prize chec m6res?Gary Addington arid Don took ait B-7 Southern Minnesot a have been made J are ready and may be picked ONCE AGAINi the freshmen: ALBERT LEA I. WINONA 7 Hazelton , . who made his first ? Hockey League victory over Wi- up at the clufe. line Will get the call. Dennis FIRST PERIOD SCORING Wmoiai— varsity appearance at North- Cooney will be at center with nona 's Hornets here Sunday. Noeike (Munson) |* ; ei . Albert Lea— Harvey i Stever had the tour- We«rum , (NelwnV V.31; Skaar (Gray) field, at guards. 7 Ph|l Reichenbach , who 7brbk6 The Rangers thus: remained a S:4Ji Weitrum (unaudited) lf):e4, Pen- Rips Luther ney topper with gairies of 223- altui- -.Winona—Morken ' ' ; Both Winona State and SL open the tilt with the Scots with half game behind league-lead- (holding puck); . ., : ^Bl-STAT E . ? . -- : - .7. 207-2l 3 for 643 and Gbrdy Tak- '¦Mary's- Nelson (roughing), f l ! ytf##t§!t# 'will be in action Satur- a hat trick in the final period , ler posted a 6.12 behind games ing Owatonna , which stopped SECOND PERIOD: Wlnona-D. Train- ' : ¦ : day iiight. : or IMunjon) lt:It; D. Trainor (Nteske) - ' .w L7 ¦:' 7 W L ' "225, 200 and 207. Ed Kauphus- and Bryan Desbiens at wings. winless Austin 7-3 Sunday. The 200 West Third Street Wabisha S.F, 7 0 Onalaik* L. 1 J of Warriors ' have the un- U:3I. Albert Lea-Cray (Malhcwi) t:04; ¦ t Ha ?The The blue line corps in its en- Hornets remain in third place , Nelion IMalhewi) l:[4; Mathews (Gray) ; Lima Sac. H. 4 J HoHah S.P. 1 t man had a 551 errorless. " ' Rolllngstom T. 5 4 Caledonia L. 17 pleasant task of hosting NIC tirety is .-ma de?up of Bob Para- a notch above 50O at 5-4. 10:57. Penalties: Winona—Hagen ( hlg* l Elsie Dorsch hammered 224— frontrunner St. Cloud. Wirtona dise and Mike Bishop. Jack ttick); Morken (illegal checking), B ' !vK y — Winona — DURAND , Wis. — Lima Sa- 565, Eleanor Loshek 554 , Helen Albert Lea jumped to a 3-1 THIRD PERIOD: Winona—B. Trailnor St . ,"..:¦ It H1B-JI ther here Sunday. . ' Colstrup (AL) . . I II IB—14 er , Minn ,, for a return clash Beaulieu. Operating at wings •^Vi^ei^seiMeiVVafleaBSiaiiaMiMeiHa ^BjaHaiieiBaBaWaVa ^^ ¦ ¦ Wayne Nocske , assisted by Rog The winners were on top 14-9, 1—Esther 'P. oianc - ' ' . ' will be Dick McCormick and ' ' wii'h- . 'thd' Giiflies. . 32-1!) and 55-33 at the quarter Ralph Palblcki .. 1,I»J tn Munson ,. rammed home (he I—Lois Lilla - SI. Mary ' s (74) Guit. Adolph. («7) Tom Fitzgerald; who replaced ¦ • - disk. ?? ¦ ; . - turns. J01 Lilla ..... 1,11* . II (q lo pi tp . (9 » pi rp Dpi 1 Berrigan. Fitzgerald is a 3—Marga Poblockl - Hall 10 0 0 :» Hagfrtnn 4 1 1 »3 Doug Trainor crashed through Al Weiss paced Lima with 19 Ken Poblocki 1,1(4 H Rockcn 10 5 1 S«ver»on 5 .1 1 »1 sophomore from Chicago , 111, points while John and Dave 4—Eleanor Loihtk ¦ Pylleskl 15 1 4 Htnelrion J 1 1 5 twice in succession in the second Joe LO-hek .... 1.11S 14 Malonay 3 5 ) ¦ i RoD'hl-* Jill period fur Winona on assists Bauer each had 17 and Dave 3—Phyllii never - William* 4 a 0 IS Laurnon 7 » ' '-' % \x,ji$it , 4>J?4* fia^^g^I p Sfaxjef* Fedie ' .ll. Harvey Slever 1,117 u Burgmen '0 4 14 Lovcmrk 1117 from MTunson and Nocske. Mean- V 'SS&I SU^ A /Jdmt^ Doracri ¦ Souier 5 0 1 Spring Valley ' ^^mh ^^^ ir^ *—Elsie counting t i ^ Tom Neidtfeidt and Ken Strat- ValalKa 1 1 1 • ToMIl 14 li II «7 while Albert Lea was ;? * ' Frank Dorsch 1,111 1> ,lolm Gray and AMmWtxi&r' ^^SmMMMmmMK^^mW ' man each had 10 for Luther , 7—Irene Co^lomskl - Matmen Triump h on fiords by 1' Don Ooitomskl 1,1C» 10.SO Total* 31 11 15 74 Nelson on assists from Ron K^^^^ ' H^^S^^K! which won the preliminary 52- I—Mary Priytarskl • 5T, MARY'S 31 3»-?<. ^MMMMMMW^S!^^^^ immmmmW9^^9^MMMM^^a9^^^^ 3,1 John Przylarskf I,l»» 1055 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS . . . 43 35-*7 SPRING VALLEY . Minn. Mathews. Mathews hit on an as- ..^ijg^jBB^jB^^^^^^^BB^^ ^^^^BBplPPIP »—Gene Cliuchna • (Special) — Spring Valley de- sist (ro m Gray at 10:27 to make ^ Advertisement Rich Cliurchna ' . , 1,101 » St. Mary 's Scoring (12-5) 10—Eln.i Auchpnbach - G FG FT PF TP Avg. feated Jiushford 34-18 in a high it fi-3 wilh 20 minutes to play. Howard Auchrnliacl ...1.0»» lit ¦ Malcruy ' . .. I' »1 » » '« »•*' school wrestling meet featuring 11—Jill schum nskl Wino:i a rallied as Mrian Train- • Ro tKrrv ,17 76 34 50 Ul 11.1 Cat KuileliW , 1,0»» ».S0 teams from District One here PVllrw'-hl . M 51 15 14 141 10.1 or , Munson , Neltzke and Don BLADDER U-Eslhei' Kflm - Does 4) 1(7 10.1 W.l'lama , ...17 70 40 Friday night . ' ' scored in the last per- Herb Kclm 1.M7 a Hnl U 44 » 14 141 ?¦* '» !-a ill BrelU'nbftctt (IV) pinned Keilli Khmann 13— tharon Piiivcl ¦ ValaiWa . . 14 34 40 10 »1 5 1 Hovland (R| :«»; 103—rom Bacon <5V) , hy flray and Nel- .ixrl 1,015 5 ¦ iod hut fio.'ils IRRITATION Irvin Pi Sauji r 14 31 13 17 74 4.7 plnncfl Jim Hollerud'IR) Ji3«; 113— Oor- y«JHB^K ^^^k' ¦ Hangers hang •^HH^ca^l^H ^flL*s ^l^l^l^l^a^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^B MAKE YOU NERVOUS? 14—Helrn Ni'!son Rurrman . 17 31 4 17 , 70 4 . 1 don lack ISV) doc. Duane Meyer IRI son helped the Allrr -Ul, common Kidney or ll l i-wtri 1'• Marvin Nelson 1,0(4 4 Bllffl . .. 4 3 4 1 10 1.7 »•»( I3»— D»l» Volkman ,(R) doc. Wlkf onto the lead. rltntlona alln'l twice ai nuny «omrn B- I IS—Maty Jane Mlynciak • Hodcr . » 11 « 11 14 Aired (SV) t-3; 117—Jim Rollla (SV) men »"<1 may make yon tense find nerwm s Barfy Nelson 1. 081 4 Hay Merles turned in 5B stops Irt-fiiiriu liiii'iiiiin or liclimn C'a-lnn , 11 1 • '? » '•' dec, L*rry HovUnd (R) 3d; 1)3- riom too , 14—Mfs, Gordon raklrr • ¦ viiHu '.lonlxitiuUy »mli\lKU|.ai i'(iiulfi(ilv, Lurtd.'n ... 1 1 ? Duane Llcbold (Wl <»«c , LeRoy Hum- Cordon Faklrr . 1,075 4 * ' ' ] >-nn may lo«e ilrrp mil snCi r (l oin llerul. ¦ Murphy * 1 « • ' l>le <;4«; Ml—Djn Jetty Meirr 1.073 4 | , In m rh li rllnl Ion. CYSIKX M Volkman (Rl pinned Rick Steele (SV) ii.tinilly brlnti i lnf.1 , relnxuu comfort l>» IB—Oonn.i Wm k • 5:45; IS4—Roger Bender (SV) dec , 1,071 4 enihinir Innniinj v'f>m> In suorn, arul Dave Wnuk Wtyr-t WoKlend (R) ?¦!; H5-R«9«r John Cierzan urine »n0R On call... yO nona YMCA .swim team , 51 scralcln total tn tahe the sinRlos TO DRIVE A 64 FORD - eliumpimiishlp In the annual YOU S I I OIIL;, traveled here Saturday for a meet with Ihe- Downtowsi This Week's Warner & Swnsey singles and since 1878 Ml YMCA. (louhlcs bowling loumnment at The Winonnns wound up on |lal-l {n«l I.anos Sunday, end of a 14t»-M count. Basketball Dave Stark and Rich Kohner , HFCs trustworthy Ihe loiiK r AND DISCOVER HOW GREAT Ifflg^jB T 0 N I (; II T who hi I a 24,> nnrnc, posted a money service LOCAL- net I , Kit total to take the (lou- vMfitwL Dakotan Wins 1st II , Miry'i at Macaleiter. hlcs title while Dick O/.nrum TUESDAY lotnled 1,20,'i to nail down flll- Household Finance has Ixrn /fiJBSSMjjV In Weight Lifting HIAWATH* VALLEY- events honors. ! Kinyon al Cannon Falli, TOTAL PERFORMANCE IS Mainline , read y to assist wirh ' In iMHijfBHiiaia Two Winonnns nnrc [^•''flMW' v dent of Dakota , Minn ,, journey- MHtppt al Morrlttcwn , Ihe iDuniiimcnt. Money and ' ! ' Lakevllle at Randolph, trophies were awarded to the than Md years. And today 111 C |j ,;j l'M JiM ed hi St. I' a II l' s Downtown Alma al Webatha, Caledonia al Harmony. winners. serves-more than 2 million YMCA this wcckciKl (or com- (|jjyyi^yj[ St, Sfinnu) Valley at Le Roy, ¦ pel il ion in Ihe l'aul Novice Ctnlttn al Wykolf, The Columbus , Ohio Country people everv vrar. 1 r-——— Olymp ic Wt' i riht Lift inn Conles» , Mabel et Chatfield c MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS Gilmanton al Lewiiton Club will be llu- scene of Ihe You, too , ran l„.n ow v "„\ They enmt' home wit h n first Rod Wln« at Weil St Paul. ,1 |» > I I Mill I'<1A golf championship on ¦ , Falrcnlld at Onto. wilh rmilitlpnrr from j, ,,_,;;„„ ,,„,„,,, ,,„;„„ | /(- ,wf( and two seconds. Julv ItS-Mi. ' Mlnitoro al Onalatka Lullier. lloti.-rliold riiuuicc. , " ti .Wi Sl« ..'td ,IeiT.v LanKseth of Dakot a ^100 s r> "l .V .II S Aclvff llarmenl ^mmtr '64 Super Torquo Ford i^Mm^ 30o ii , i!> M,:::t iti .T'.i .VI . C- I tool; II first in the HI I -poun d 300 IV : M :!i.:i:i :*¦- » .«» ¦» " ;>-i. !>:! division while (lary Morken __ ¦ 500 :;7,!M .'it. HI M .V:i (*i .r.i was .second at Hill ais was Holi Science Shrinks Piles Ford's new to tal performance was bred in open compe tition! xi w II.:IK W.W 10ft , )H b00 . : Kherl at 1IW. You can't belitove it until vou feel it! Take a test drive today. i' mimr«!\ IH .I U J I ck« 't'i al /-,<• momkh i«l< MM A MUils MIM M 'Y There wore 10 onirics In Ihe '; ( New Way J.S >1 |(\S( I ON IMAM *l • " ( ' '*• '*"' /""' "' " '"-'"'I" ""< "" meet which was announced hy Without Surgery Al OIKM I" HMIi 4ndm{ iMH ' »n irwuini .ur . Cury Cleveland , who is imikr-d OR TRY YOUR HAND AT A GREAT USED CAR , , . JUST TRADED IN sixth in the world in the 11U- Stops Itch — Relieves Pain pound class. iv~ Y.fl, ,N. V, (S p«rUl) - For thet • o UKI rfiugli lliii l nifferera IHIM I* ON OUR HOT-SELLING '64 TOTA L PERFORMERS ! BIG SELECTION! Aral llmr Klrrire )IJI » /ourifi n nrw aalfinia hlnj: Mrilrin nxt )ll« « "I'il»l FIIUUIICE^ , HOUSEHOLD BOBCATS FALL hrallnff aiibatance villi tho nhtnn> hnve cwaM'il to lie ¦ i>tnlil * iii!" C1HKKN MAY Mi -The Gree n ieMnic ability la shrink )irii)cr- The MM nt la n nrw hrnlinir aur-- Hohcats dropped furlhri rholile, atnp ilchlnR, nn-l rclWv* atanre |llni-I)yi)»*)~ilin-iivrry of WIMONA Bay tiaifl with -iiit v, of I the pace In Ih* United — b»rK<'ry. u iiiUI-fl>iiiiiiia renvHti h insinule. OWL MOTOR CO. 1 E. Third SI.-PHONE: 8-2941 In I' .^ O (-tier i»ff , while (; i-r > 11 >• Tina tiilmtiitirt U now avmtul-lr 52 ^ Stntcs Hockey Lenpuo hy losing relli-vin K pain , Rt-tual rului' t It'll In » M ;> r«ii *i(«r y or «int 'nn\t /nrw <4th and Mttin Winona, (Minn. 9,30 la I ML Rami Man. Am Ihur. 9,39 to 5.30—Fr i- a pair of weekend g ames to Ihe (ehrinliAife ) tnoli place, uiiiifr Ih* name l*rti>atvtion II *. TO WISCONSIN RESIDENTS St, Paul Steers. ^loetanutlncol «ll~ieaulu« tia Al ell drur counlrrt. WE MAKE LOANS » m-t v KIVMUU r| * k«a una i ix 1 .» ** V ¦ 11 aituji.a *^» atu .^ i » nu LIVESTOG K

SOUTH ST. PAUL SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. Ul-(USDA) Stocks Near ¦ MONDAY —Cattle 4,500; calves 1,200; slaughter iteers and: heifers fairly. '.active;'- steers mostly 25 c«\ts higher ! bellers i5-50 FEBRUARY 3; 1964 cents higher; cows and bull! steady; bulk choice ' 1.0iD-),25O lb steen Jl.OO- Cenfer; 22.00; few 1.05O-1.15O lbs 22.00-22.50; good pead ¦ 19:50-21.50; choice - 900-1,100 lb heifers At Community Winona Deaths Two-State Deaths 21.0O-2I.7S; good 19.00-20.75; canner and cutter 12.00-14.M; utility ana commer. ci*l cows. 13.00-13.50; canner arid cuiter Memorial" Hospital Mrs. Arthur Blumeiishien Osc ar Kingstad 11.5O-13.0O; utility bulls 17.0O-1I.S0; can- ! ' ' ' Mrs. Arthur Blumenshien, 68, MABEL, Minn. (Special) '• . — Higher ner and cutter 14.50-16.50; Vealers and ' Visiting fioori: Medical and surgical . Steels ' :¦ slaughter ' . .calves-. - steady;: ' high - choice patients: . 1 to 4 nnd 7 to 6:30 .pirn. (No , 85 ' .Glendale, Calif., died at her Oscar Kingstad , native . of (AP)-The stock prime vealers 34.00-35.00; cholct children under IZ.I.. : ¦ ¦ NEW YORK and " ¦ ." , '2S.00-26.OO. . /Maternity, ' home Jan. 2.; Mabel died Saturday at lbs dead calves ;. . . . patients : 2.t« .2;30 end T to ¦ market moved at around ¦ 8:30 . p,m.'-' -(Adults only.).' . ¦j The former Ethel Griese, she Angeles; Calif. ::¦.[ ¦ . ' .[.[ ' . Hogs 9.000; barrows and gills rather center early this afternoon with steady to 25 cents lower than was born Aug. 6, .1895, to Otto He was .born Aug. 2, 1878, on slow, ( strength shown in air- . Friday average; sows steady; 1-j 1 SUNDAY and Hattie Grtee at Freepprt , a farm near , here to Mr. 7and some? 90- j lines and selected issues. 240 lb barrows and gilfs l5.O0-lS.25i mix. ADMISSIONS '111.: She movedNfl Winona with Mrs. Nels Kingstad.. . ed 1-3 190-240 lbs 14.75; 240-270 lbs 14.00- of key stocks 14.75; 2-3 270-300 lbs. 13.50-14,25; 1-2 me- Mrs. ' Eileen .Hiiies, 1402 W- - .'her parents and attended Win- He' went to Bucyrus. N. D. Most changes were, small , although a few dium 160-190 lbs 13.75-14 .75;. 1-3 250-400 lt> Broadway. ? | ona schools. She had lived in iii 1908 and homesteade.d: land . ' way. sows 12.50-13.25; . 2-3. 400-500. . lbs . 12.25- Colleen Kan z, Lewiston, Minn: ' California about 30 years and On Sept. 17, 1911, he? married moved a point or so either 13.00; choice 120-160 . lb feeder pigi ¦' ' ' The market seemed to be st'tadv, 13.00-13.50. . -' - Mrs. , H. M. Gjefdrutn. ? 1710 had taught Seventh Day Adven- Marie- Halland of Grahon. N. . Sheep 2,000; moderately active . -on ¦ ¦ ¦ after 25 to mostly 50 Gilifiore Ave. .- " . ! list schools for 35 years Until D? In 1928 he returned to Mabel feeling its way along? slaughter lambs, cents gain for January lower; slaughter ewes, feeder lambs and Sibert A? Woxland, 1761 W. her retirement last year. . to build a service station which racking up a shearing lambs ' steady; hlgtv choice and ' " February, at Wabasha; St! 77; 7 ! She was m arrjed last year to he operated 20 years.- . -? ." ; ' and now entering prime 101 lb wooled slaughter lambs his- 1V.75; most choice and , prirne 90-110. lb ' month with a spotty record , 1 D i;a n. e Stools,. St? Charles, ! Arthur Blumenshien, Glendale, 7 Fpllowing^ his retixement in ¦ 1RM-19.50, ' good 80-85 lbs 18.00-19.00; ' ? :[:¦[' ''. ' : ' 7' choice and . prirne ¦ 96 lb shorn lambs No, Minn; .? . "..- j fqrrrierly of Winona . ' i- 1949 ; he went to, Los Angeles. torically. . : '?7-.7 , ¦ for 1 - pelts. 18.50; cull :td I gobd¦ - .v/ooled ewes Miss, Linda Richer; 520 Chest? ! Her "husband survives/ Her ? . Survivors are: Three daugh- News of strong demand ' vigorous .gains in 6.X0-7:50; . choice- -and fancy 65-80 lb nut, :St. 777 . I parents and one brother have ters,. Amy . and Florencj , Los steel and ot wooled , feeders 18.5O-l9.50; choice and Mrs. Rudolph Hornberg? 572 died. Funeral services were • Angeles, and Mrs. Arthur i Stel- new orders for; business firms fancy 50-95 lb shearing lambs 18.50-19.50. ; 7 served to strength- E. Sanborn St7, 7 1 held in- Glendale? la) Zimrrierfnan, Caledonia: one : WEATHER FORECAST .. . Rain is ex- Plains through the Mississippi? and Ohio val- ih January ;¦ the market background, but - (First Pub, Monday, Jan, 20. 1964) Marvin. J. Jacobs. 133 E. San- son , Norman, Milwaukee; two pected tonight from, the southern; Plains leys into ' t.he riorth; and; rnid Atlantic states en born St. ' ;¦' sisters;. Mrs." .Ed Hagen, Hc- the high level of stock prices State of Minnesota ) si. through the lower Mississippi valley into parts and .in the southern Plateau region? It will County, of. Winona •:• J ' -in - ' Prebali Court caused hesitation. . • - - -¦- ' - - ' ' Miss Judv Hazelton , 238 E. Weather trpit Lakes, Minn., and.Mrs. Os- of the southern Gulf states , with snow likely be warmer in the Northwest; (AP Photofax . ;.:. . . • .• .•M0. :1S,7. 1B . Srrl . St77 ; 7:' -? "' - :; . -7 car? Elefson, Olyimpia, Wash., Prices mo-\'ed generally high- In Re . Estate OF . EXTENDED FORECAST over the northern Rockies and the central ¦Map') : Anna Duellman. also known 11 Mrs . Michael Streuber, i"61 I and one brother, Luther, Ma- er in quiet trading on the Amer- ¦ ¦ Anna C; Duellman, Decedent. ' MINNESOTA — Temperature " Plains. It: will be colder froni the -southern Stock Exchange. O rder lor Hearing on Petition for Pro- W. Wabash a St. : 7-7 : bei7. ican -¦ will average 12:18 degrees above His wife and one;son , George , The Dow Jones industrial av- bate of . Will, Limiting- Tiriie lo Flit . ' DISCHARGES normal with no important day j Claims and for Hearing Thereon. . at noon was up 1.02 at Adolph vy. Duellman ' ; having . filed ; ; have died. George' died- as a 71 : erage » Mrs. Leslie Iverson and ba- to day changes. Normal high ¦ prisoner in the Philippines- dur- P. M.; New York ' 86.36. ; - ' 7?;; petition for the probate of the Will-ol by. Lewiston. Minn7 16-21;north , 21-27- south. Normal - ' said decedent and for. the appointment ol lihg World War IL , -. - .. - Wafner&iwasey Stock 7 Prices Corporate and U.S.-, govern- Vincent Leonard as Executor, which Will Mrs. Ted Rudnik, 309 Adams lows one below to 8 below north, mixed.. is on ,1ile in this Court and open to In- ' 9 Kil iii ¦ ' ' ¦ I The furieraL service will be Nd ment bonds were :- .: •.v- v 7 ; . '' ' : " '7' - '.?7- - one below to 77 above south -' spection; . St .; . . . : . Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Mabel All'd Ch? . 53. ?8 int'I ppr 32> s IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing | ' ' - "¦ John Fenske, St. Charles, Very little if any precipitatioh First Lutheran Church f the Rev. AIs Glial .. . 16.. ?Jns L h . 69'.8 MARKETS thereof be had ..on. February •; 19, 1964, at ' ' ?' : | Buys Ohio l ¦ WINONA¦ 11 o 'clock A;M.,. before, this Court in '- . ' '" . ? , likely. 7-;-7 Amrada? "6 ' • ' •: ' . Minn. - • . .: . . -?, . . . :.7?7 Bruce Boyce officiating. Buiial 2 Kn ct? . 76Vi : Reported by, : fhe - probate court room in - the , cdu j ' " ' .rf Mrs. 7 Ravmorid O'Laughlin! WISCONSIN — Temperatures :: vyill be in the Mabel Cemetery. Wisconsin Am Cn . .- 4'-n -2- Lrld 744. Swift Tit Company house . In Winona,. Minnesota, and . that j " ; quofa)ion« over oCieclions ;to7the allowance of said Wilt 513 E. 4t.h-SL Arn-M&F' 18"8 Mp Hon? "LWcii 'lo market , . are expected to average 6-10 de- ¦• Friends may call at Merigis . ,136^ 11:45 ' if any, be before ' ' ' KWNO at 8:45. a.m. - and . a-m. . filed . . said time of hear- Mrs. Richard Miranda , 71173 Tool Plant Am Mt :-16 : - -Mn - 'MM 69 v from. 8 n.m.. to • ing; that , the time within ,which creditors grees above norma!.? Normal Tues- 8 . Buying hours . af« , ' Funeral Home after 2 p.m , W7-"iyiark ' . 7 • "?. '7 7-7- : AT&T 7 144 Mn & Ont . 22 n:m. Monday tnrougn Friday. ;. of . said decedent may file their claims ;st' . .77 . high 19-27 northwest , 25-32 south- day; .7- ?: '-- '-;- ' CLEVELAND, Ohio - The during be limited \o four months , . There . vfill be no call market . from the Alois Scholmeier , Fountain east liccidents Am Tb ? ^an-Mn P&L — Fridays. date hereof, and that the claims , so . Normal low 1 below to, 7 Warner & Swasey Company, the winter months on . ; of noon. filed be heard on May 22, 1964/-at II Citv. Wis' :77 - 7-7- above nortBw;est 6-16;southeast. Carl P. Chrisfophersbn ? By THE ASSOCIATED Ancda 4V'2 Mn Chm f.l's . . lhese .quplallohj apply as . , PRESS wbjch operates its Badger -Di- o' clock- A.M.. .before , this Court ;in the 7 Larry ,A. " (Special )-Carl Arch Dn: 38''i Mon Dak 35'i ' . Edwards, St. "Warmer Tuesday and only mi- ! . STRUM/jWis. Weekend; highway collisions All livestock errivlng alter dosing Mme probafe court room in the court house in vision in : Winona; Minn., has ' ¦ ' and Winona, Minnesota, and that notice here- Charles; Minn. nor changes thereafter. Preci i- | Peter, Chrislopherson , 84; Stri^rh , claimed nine live.?, including a li Artne St 66's „ Mn Wd .- . • 35 will be properly cared lor. weighed; p ¦ ; following mornlhs- ;. ' '. ' ; of; be given by publication of this order acquired the business? and ?as- Armour . A&i ' Nt Dv .60 8 Knriced the - Mrs! Richard Kujala and ba- tation expected to-be light to- died: Saturday at? the Tri-Coim- 68-year-old man and four of his ' ... ¦; HOGS-V . in the Winona Daily News and by . ¦ ¦ ' by? 635 Terry ..Lane. .- .- -7' ;' ; ty Memorial ; White- sets . of Manchester Machine Avco CP 21-U N Arii Av 49' 2 . The. hog market :is steady. : mailed .ribtice as .provided by law. ' : talling less than one-tenth inch: grandchildren , and boosted Wis- ; ¦ -. Dated . January 15. 1964. Beth Sll .- ¦ 33" H Nr N Gs7. 5l :, Strictly meat t-ype additional 20-40 cents; Arthur Olson , Winona Rt. 7 2. Best.chance of rain or? snow hall, - after a two-week illness consin's 71964 death .tol l to784 , I & - s ' 2(M0 - cents per hun- MARGARET : McCREADy; Tool Company, Akron, Ohio, fat hogs discounted ^ M rs? • Christ opher GiIbertson " ¦-; He was b orn, in the .. Town .-of Brig Air 40» s. Nor Pac 49 dredweight . . ' :: • Prbbals Clerk. Thursday or Friday. compared with 48 on: this date ' .(Probate ¦- ¦ ' it was announced today by Dr. Good hogs, barrows and jilts— • . . . Court' Seal) . ,. . and baby, 381 TDruey Ct. Hale in 1879, : son of- 'Qlaiis and . Brswk ll-^^No St Pw .'ifi' z ' - ' -, ' OTHER TEMPERATURES one year? ago. ..[.. " 160-uo ...... ,.;. 13:00-1.4.00 . Roger . W, Poole, . . . James C. Hodge, president of Ctr tr?-' :: : . Attorney for Petitioner, v ; By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Anna Pederson Christopherson . Sylvester, J-. Comp, 66 , of Mil- ? 50 « NW7Air 1^2 M 80-200 ...... ;..,...,.. ;...... i4.oo-u.5o . BIHVTHS 7 ' - ¦ 7 ' A lifetime resident of this com- Warner & Swasey. Ch MSPP 15-a -Nw- .'Bk - - -- Wi ¦200-220 ....?. ; .. .;. . '. -... -...... ' 1«0 7 High Low Pr. waukee, 7 was injured . fatally ',?; ...... 14.30-14.50 , - ' Mr, and Mrs, Willard.Haigh, ' ' - 1 " ¦ 220-240. .... (First, Pub. Monday, :.Feb. . J, . 1964) • ' Albany^ clear ....7 : 36 munity ,7 he svas a retired fatni- Sunday when a car he was rid- Manchester ; manufactures a ClNW . : . .72» ,2?Pcnney- . 7? 44-; k 240-270 ...... '?.....¦'..... 13.70-14.30 . 8 7 :. ' ¦ ' : ) ' ¦ .?• • ¦ Fountain City, Wis., , a daugh- Chrysler ' ?18-" 8 Pepsi-. ". ¦ 5'i"U- 27CO00.?,:.;...:;.,...... -. State of . Minnesota ss. . - • ¦ '' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " Albuquerque snow er. He was a member of E'k ing in struck a parked7 vehicle ' , )' . in. ter. /' :..; ;¦ '¦ ' ' ; 7 - ' . '. - , .49 23- .41 line 7 of carbide cut-off -and 300-330 :.:....;:...... ; 12.50-13.10 County of Winona P robate Court . . . ? Ct Svc 66 Phil Pet 48 ' ' ¦File No. 15.663 : AtlaLnta ,7cloudy ? 7?..; 55? ;38 7. Creek Lutheran Church. on: the city's southeast side; .330.-360 :.;.;„..;.. .,.: 12.2M2.50 , ¦ lit: and Mrs. Erling Nelson grooving tools 7 and tool holders - ,: ¦ In Re Estate of , , ; ¦'¦ ': He married Amanda?Befger- Cm Ed 50 Plsby - •;¦ 7 — Gocd sows— . Bismarck, fog 7.7,, 37 2 7. ¦ ¦¦ ; - .;...... 12.50-12.75 Augusta Wolpcrs, also known <• 471 W. Sanborn St., ?a7son. ¦ ' " ' ¦¦ Henry Steinmetz Sr., 68. of used in metalcutling operations ' ¦ Slip' -' ¦ " 270-3!0 . ' ? -soh .. - . , . .;. Gn ei-7 - s Plrd ? . 134V 2 • ..-...;...... • 12.50-12.75 ' . - . -:Augusta L. Wolpers and August! T Boise, clear? .;:?. : 2R ; 157 .;.. ¦ 300-330 ¦ ;... M . and Mrs. Elmer? A7 Mat- ' Stanley? and four af h i s with ; Cn Can «4:i 1 'Pr Qil ' .. . . .' '43^7 330-340 ¦?.;...... ;...... ;... 12.25-12.50 . Louise Wolpers, Ward; ¦ Boston , clear ..,.,. 39 15 -.. . Survivors are: Two .. sons, various types of machine 4- ' zke, Rollings tone Minn., "[ .. - 360-400 . .:: ..'.....;..., H .50-12.00 • Order tor Hearing on Petition , a ' Od' and Clar- grandchildren were killed Sat: Cnt 'dil . .. .,«3'. .'i RCA -.- :ll.2"8 ! ; - Chicago, cloudy .... 35 29 ell , Eau Claire, tools. - .. 400-^so' , ;...... ;...-;.. -II.50-12.CO to Sell Real Estate daughter; .. urday rnorriirig when the :car in ' -D¦'?¦ • '" ' ' ! 11.00-11.50 The ' representative ol ' - said' . Cleveland , clear .,? 33 13 77. ence, Durant; Iowa; five daugh- ' Cntl . 86' 2 Rd .dwl - 22' . 450 .5CO ...,.; ....,.....; ..eslata [¦The firm , according to Dr.; ' s Sl.-ia'.—? having filed herein -a- .petiliori to sell ters, Mrs. Clarencee (Mary) which they were riding collided Deere.-. 7 :i7- s Rp Stl - 4l .V - - Deri-ver - cloudy. 7. . 40 17 .16 : ' 450-down .- .. ..,... ,... 8.00 certain real- .estate .described in - said ( with, a Soo Line " extra" train Hodge, will be known as Man-. petition; ¦• BIRTHS ELSEWHERE Des Moines cloudy 31 27 Swaim and Mrs. Williarh; OI- Douglas 24"8 Rex Drug WV3 \ 450-up ...... :. - .. .. 7.00- 8.00 ; .06 • -' • p.nj' ; Sunday in . .. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Two 1-32 (.1 lbs. average ) 7 . j ; peewees 1 (These-' quotations apply as of P.M.,: February 13, . 1964, at which .tirne, San Diego, clear ... 69 46 .; ^ ¦ ' ¦ 1 St. Joseph's Hospital , Arcadia. persons were fatally shot and 28-29. - -' - • ?¦";:• . 10:30 a.m. today) inlereited . persons may appear either in San Fran., clear.. .765 53 .. : . .person, in He had been a patient three - another was kicked to death in PRODUCE Grade A (iumbo) ...... -.31 . i writing, or . by agent; or by Former Durand Seatt le , clear ..; , ,. 49 33 !" . Browns: extra fancy heavy Grade A (large I . .;.,.....- ..\ ...... 24 \ atlorney. and present any. reasons which weeks and in? failing, health ! unrelated incidents over the r they may.- have- . -to' the granting or de- Tampa, rain ...... 64 56 CHICAGO (AP ) — (USDA)- (47 "-) Grade A (medium); .23 . ; T weekend. weight lbs triiri. 39-40. fan- Grade B - . . ,...... ,.....;;.... .23 fying of the above proposal. since November. Li poultry • wholesale buying - ' ¦ ¦ - They are requested' ' Washington , clear . 50 . 27' -? -. -;. ye cy nacdiura (41 l'os. average) .Grade C v ...... : ...... ' . ..W j . to. prepare their Mr, Schlesser was born here The victims Were John Walter prices unchanged fo '¦¦' [ case; in. detail, - and present , all ev|. Winnipeg, snow . . .. 46 41 ,10 z lower; ?:i4!-2-36 ;' fancy heavy weight (47 j-dence ' Couple Killed; Aug. lfi. 1913. to Nicholas; and Hester , 18; Orvilie Knutson , 45, l Froedtert Malt Corporation relating to this matter at the time ¦[ (M-Missing ) (T—Trace) roasters 2;j-24 2 ; special fed lbs. niin?) I5B-39 ; smalls (36 lbs. of' the scheduled hearing, Josephine ?Schiesser. On June and .'Matthew- Johnson , 59, all of 1 . Hours: 8 p.m. lo 4 p.m.; closed Saliiirtiiyi Respectfully. j white rock fryers lSVz-19 ,^. . Submit sample betot e londtnq ' [ average) . 31-32 ; peewees (31 . E. - "J. SIEVERS, Chairman, 1 , 19;i7 , he married Fllorence Alinneapolis. [' ., No. I barley !! ,««¦ "7AP) lbs. average ) 28-°.9. - - ,.. ¦ - 104 , Winona Planning Commission . Rites on Tuesday lioWinger at St . Bomf.-vce Ciith- \ Young Hester was shot Sun- NEW YORk - Cana- No . 2 barley ... . Munici pal Court No . 3 h.irley .54 olic Church , Waumandee: They dian dollar . 9262; previous day ' (Pub. Date Monday, Feb. 3. 1964) DURAND , Wis.. (.Special ) - day night while riding in su- (AP ) ( USDA) - . No, 4 h.irley ;.. . :. .. . - • ,e& Sentence was suspended this had farmed in the Cochrane ,925(i. CHICAGO . - City, ol V/lnona, Minnesota Committal services for William burban .Hopkins with three oth- BOARD , OF ZONING APPEALS - and . Cilencoe ¦ areas and recent- 1 Potatoes an-ivals 1119; on track Bay State Milling Company ; morning in municipal court for er youths. Pol ice said they were " ' DuBoi.s, 6fi , and his wife ,. fi4 , 1 CHICAGO (AP) - Chicago 275 ; total U.S. shipments for " rieviilor- "A" Grain Prices Notice of Hearing Dr, Lewis I. Younger , Winona , ly in Irish "Valley near Wan- .: 8 to 3:30 p in. who were killed in an acci dent told the victim put a pistol to Mercantile Exchange — Butter , Sunday none; sup- Hour' PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: mandee; He was a member of' \ Saturday 247;. (Cln-.PH ' Snlnrdavsl Rt , 2, who was charged with 't load- Thai nn application »MJ been m/tcft on Interstate 91 at Janesville, his head lo prove it wasn steady ; wh ole sal e buying moderate; No. I northern sprinq wheat -. .: J.20 ' of Foresters. ; . plies liberal; demand by Paul W.itkins Memorial Methodist .firicing?4p miles per hour in a the Catholic Order The investigation was con-[ No I northern sprinq wheal .. . JIB Wis., Friday noon , will be held ed, prices unchanged ; ' 9:1 - score AA . . . Home lor a ' variation Irom' the' - require, Survivors are : His M'ife ; two market for russets slightly No. 3 norlliern -sprinq wheat -..1 2 .14 30 in ph. zone, ' ! menls of the Winona Zoninq Ordinance nt St. Mary 's Cemetery Wednes- tinning. 57'¦:..; -92 A 57'i> ; 90 B 50' t ; !1!) , " No. 4 northern sprinq wheat . ... 2.10 ¦ sons, Daryl- and : Roger , at weaker for round reds ' steady ; so as to permit' construction of Dr . Younger was arrested , at No. I hard winter wheat .. 5.08 a car- day . at 10::i0 a. m. r C 55; cars 90 B 57; 89 C Sfi' i, por t closer to tlie properly (laiightei.s, Mary, a! Police said IVaKer l,a\ oie, IS, . carlot track sales : Idaho russets 7 hard wintrr wheat 5.06 linn than ii 10:22 p m, Sunday? Mis speed iiomo; two No . pHrmilted by ttir- Zoning Eggs about steady; wholesale :i.9<) No. .1 hard winlr-r wheat 2.0? Ordinance, at Mr. and Mrs. DuBoi.s. former- home , and Sharon, Rochester , 110 • pound plumber , signed a; ; Minnesota Nort h Dakota the followinq described property. \v:is noted on Bro.idway between No 4 hard winter wheat , 1.98 Lots ly nf Durand, buying prices unchanged ; 70 per valley ' round reds 1.90- . 5 and 6, Drew, Mead left their hom e at mid three brothers ,' Edward , In- ' .statement- Sunday admitting an red river No I rye ., 1.42 and Simp',an ' i ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . Subdivision , or at Wilson and Huff streets. He told cent or better grade A whites ' No, 2 tye 1.40 175 Cast W.iba-ha new Richmond Friday morning dependence, and Wilfred and ailack on Knutson (luring a 2.10. ' . Street. Notice Is. sehl Municipal Judge John D. Mc- :t:t ; mixed ,'M; y, to t'le applicant and were en route to.Florida on Anton. Waumandee, drinking bout. Detective Wallace ¦ mediums W- 7 and to the owne™ ot property affecte d qill t hat he was 'on In '.? way to by Ihe application. a vacation. Iii nassinq a truck , . Services w ill be at 11 am. Hyvnre ; said LaVoie told of standards 32; dirties 30; checks DENNIS THE MENACE i\n ajipointment with a patient ,29, A hearing on this petition will h« Mr, Duliois lost control of his Thursday at St. Boniface , with striking Knutson and kicking qiven m Ihe Court Room of Ihe Cily who was in need-of medicine , Hall, Winona, Minnesota , at 7:30 car nnd it overturned. hurinl iii the church cemetery. him with steel-plated boots. P.M. llu exceeded the speed limit N-KW YORK (AP)_ (USDA)- on February 1.1, 1964 , at which time, in. They were pronounced dead The Rev. Emil Hudnik will uf- terested persons mny appjnr either in passed' ' Johnson was shot fat ally in Butter offerings full y ade(pmte person, In writing, or by on a rrival al Emergency Tllo.s- when he a car , Dr, Friends may call Tucs- nrjerit, or hy ficiate, what police said was a ti ppling to anijile; demand fiu'r. attorney, and present any reasons which j iital . .lancsvillc. Youn "or said , but did not con- ttuy utter 7 \>.m. at K illian Fu- house. Kemlr ick Wootbicni, :15, Wholesale prices on bulk car- they mny have lo ihe gmnlinq nr de. .sislenlly drive; faster th;in 30 \ nylna ol this petition . neral Home, Arcadia, The Ro- in which Ions (fresh They are requested SKKVK' KS will he held Tues- nip .h. gave an oral statement i: to prepare their sa ry will be said Tuesday at he admitted the ' shooting. , Creamery, !).'! score (AA) f)IP7- rase , In detail, and present nil evldonif day morning al Immaculate Korfeils , nn rhargi's listed , arc ri-lnt rui to this petlllon at - the time of II and fi .- .'lO p. en. and Wednesday lA) ; fonc^plion Church , New Kieh- as lo Hows: 59 cents , !I2 score r>«' a-5« U' th« scheduled hearing, monii, The bodies will he nt » p.m . I»y Father Hudnik FAITH IN COVMRNMKNT 90 score (It ) 5K-r.t|i Resprcllully, .lames A. Moinkc , 2(1 . 511 Li- ' ,. E. J . SIF.VF-.fiS, C hairman, ' and at «:!«) p.m. by \\\v. Catholic Cheese offerings adequate- de- bronchi to Hlu el Funeral Home , hci'ly St,, $'.15 , driving -ll> miles MIAMI , Fla , (AP) - Commis- ' Board ol Znniiifl Appeals Dura nd. Friends may call aft- Order of Foreslers. man'd seasiinally improved ! per hour in a 30 m.p.h. /one on sion chairman Jerry Pueci of (Firs t Pub . Monday, Jan. 27, viu) er .::i (i p in Wholesale sales, American 1 :' . Tuesday. The Hos- suburban Sweetwater . voted Slate nf Minnesota ) ss Rnr.Klway lie t ween Olmstead Two-Sta te Funerals cheese ( ): . ii rv will be said at U . Tue.s- ' ' against a -contractor 's offer to whohr- milk Count y ol Winon.i ) in Prr>l>ale Court ' and South Baker streels . He was 1 No , IS 4JI Mao Meier , and as Jesslo IA . Meier, to Durand ahoul Held. He was • Pallbearers fur Hoy K. (!cp "If we were to apply for n ( flats aged 4t -; processed ' vin Heights , $ir>7 milking an il ;!!)• Ore-dent . nianiiKcr of the Wisconsin Hy perl , 'HO , OhJ Kronlciiiic , ueir government grant , we might get j American pasteurized 5 lbs. j Order for Hearing 0,-1 Final Account legal turn, lie was arrested at and Petition dio I'lieclric pkint here mil il it A lbert Wagn er . Arthur (iieni , two bridges, or four bridges, •12; domestic Swiss (blocks) for Distribution. r> ::i!i n.m. Sunday on. East 3rd grade A The representative ol Ihe aliove named was sold to Moitlicrti St ates IN o r li e r I C.rossbach, Veruie Pueci said, .tli ao ; grade H 4!">--l B , esmie h»vln --: ,7; limy , in Wisconsin lo Mr, and Aliiikel SI . The fire was out ' . r , ti 1 ifirRA , INDErKNUKA'CK, Wis. (S|«e eon Falls ; I .((Verne S ,SN Paul' al the Kern Funeral Home here :i4 ;-:Ui; fancy heavy weigh: 147 Notice of Hearing Mrs, Robert ('Winifred i Schlos- car motor nt West Sariiin and a.m. al . IVIcr & s ' MB A H\CML lo *m/Ais/D£r C.'ilholic Chu rch. after 4 p nt. today. lbs. min, ) ,'ift ' --MV ' -; No. 1 me- H TAIF 1AKI HOIK I scr , Durand, and Mrs. ,l;i nn-s Wilso n St reets. The cur belong- That an Tlirec Ma.-ses will he said, appliraliun tu,., been mart* A. i Keverly i Norton , Toledo , ed lo Ralph Voclkcr , (ir.:> ' -j Wil ' " ' by llvitfilrl /|ei„ .|t m, a v ,v tal.nn trnin MAR K TRAIL tlir fHiiinrminls Ohio : Hi grandchildren son St. hy the Hev , Pldiiiiinil .1 Kliinek, By Ed Dodd of the Wincn.s Tcmmrj , and one ¦¦ Ofdin.ince ..n „• tn ein\il ¦ pasUir of the parish: lu^ assisl - rrrr*Tr»——*—^- . -»— ~—¦ •¦- ^a ¦ - T ¦— , r 1 niv.imrlimi ureal •grandchild of a hnir.e ( ln- . fr lo fhe rear nml Irr-nt ( VS'n.K Dl.ll l T AS 'KELLY' ii/ H , I lie Rev , Donald Walc/ak, prnprrly. ||n ,., „,.„, ,, ,„,„„„.,, (ly „„ MICS. hitltiils is siti vivril In NKW YOHK ;¦)'¦ Roy Caslle , nml Die Rev Herbert /nnmn Ordlnanr r at tlir Inllowliiq it.-- f apnlif ant and In llir o/rners of piopeiiy mie, teri ii 11 ,a Milw.'iukee . Hroai lway dclnil in Ihe tit le role h.ill, will carry Ihe banner, apiilif alien v ' A hear nn on Pus |if|,|„„-i ^,11 im Mr DuMois siu\ivois tuc; of "Kelly," a musical' about Burial will be in I Ite church flls/en In the court Don,,, „, „ l0 ( t/ Five brolliers , Adolph, Minute Brooklyn Bridge . cemetery, Willi military riU's Hall, Winona , Mifiue.nta, al 1 .n p rs apoli:.; John, ( 'Indek ; AttJini', Cnslie was sflolled liy ju'oduc- h\ Sura Wie i sgalla American fin February n, \Ht , al wnii h tiinej Inlereslrrt per sons tnav appeaf ritiier HitiVPY, HI .; Joseph , Inmw'KKwl In person , , er Kilwiird l' adula on n TV Legion Post l»ov , rnsn„, , and Henry, Tonialia.wk , show. Previously Richard Har- Will be Albert Maillc . Richard . Wh lrh fhry mnv |MV e |„ „ w 0, n ,,| ,,n Wis., and four sisters, Mrs I. , ris hi id been announced for the Holaml, McK - II Sauiplowsld and 01 detiyinn nl t rs I* pelilion II. H ivard, Turtle Lake . Mrs assignment . Kdward .1 Kulig, li)(le|>endence; Ttny ate ir<|iic,tr<| )n prrna,,. ii,Mr rase, In ftptail , and prrsrtit ,ill evinpte a I.ce Hauslnd, Ml.imi , Ma , nnd "Kelly" is In ir„s sl.'iicd fur March lliiv Sbaiiklin , Whitehall , and peiitirn al |hr Mn* .Mis, Knvm C;irpnilcr and .Mrs , premiere, ol Ihe •rhediilrrl lienniid. and is being directed Andy Sroinow.liy, .lladison, Respeetiiiiy, William De.Mar, Minneaiiolis. by JVicr t'oe. Hoiuirarv pallbearers will he I -I Ml v\ pi, Cl^.mian Cloatd ot Zoning Appeal! Help Wanted—Female 26 Horses, Cattle, Stock ?? .7- 43 . Coal, Wood, Other Fuel 63 Apartments, Flats 90 Houses for Sale 99i ~ SERK^STENdGR'APHER?~Br Wl IUI TI HAWPSHIRE BOA,RS—purebred. LaVerne "MOBlLHEAT" fuel otfls Ihe -finesi FURNISHEDTAPT., wa nted by slngie j Stale College. Must be able to take Peterson, Utica, Minn. Tel. Lewistoh money can buy. The vast laboratories Luxury Apt. : man, March . 1 occupancy.. Write E-47 ! ' ' Want Ads :¦ ¦ ¦ - - ¦ ¦" ? dictation. Beginning salary J260 per <817. . . . - . . - - ' . ;•. : ' . ; " of the Mobil Oil Co. are worklnj Ground floor. Larje carpeted living Daily, News . . " Used Can 109 : .Used ; Ca r$ ; ?7„' ' - '109^ dally to perfect and bring you a ; , fireplace.. "~ ' ' month. Jlck leave, vacation leave, SPRINGING GUERNSEY cowa Bnd. hell- room with beautiful Atr . CHEVROLET ¦ —' .- 19S3 Mbor, 4.cylind?r7 BUICK—19S5, Roa rini e' ster, 3-door hardtOR? paid holidays. Tel. B-2M1, Station 251, product that will glva . you perfect tractive kitchen with latest conven- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ erj. Lloyd Wler. Galesville, W3s. Tel. : '. like .pew. ?$»J. Tel. 8-ieW . ' needs, transmission. Will sell for beif . " . for : Interview. heating eomlort. ; Order today from ience!. Ceramic bath with show- r ¦ Start Here Cenlerville i 39-26m. 111* " ~ . 'otter . Tei. 7708? ; " ¦ . ' >_ the EAST END COAL & FUEL er. Two bedrooms. Draperlu . through- . - . CHEVROLET--1956r f>cylinder $1arrdard 7 . : " ¦ '¦ ' NOTICE . " IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT / OIL ¦ -IS YDUR HOME . . CO., 901 E.. Sanborn. "Whir* you get ¦ PWti .j '' . transmission, 'excellent"-:shape. May be Ttili niwipapar . will b» For ambitious woman to ierv« Avon Poultry,; Eggs, Supplies 44 ¦ ' ' nsjMnslbl* mora heat at a lower cost ." seen »t - Gene's'. Spur ;. 3rd and Kansas. for. only one Incorrect Insertion of curtomera near home. Excellent Income Ke, now TOO BIG " any classified advertisement opportunity, Ns experience necetsary. SPELT2 HATCHERV, VVIriona^ff OAK.' - ' WOOD- . ; -7: 7 .:WALZ ' ? . :7?. pub- open from 8 to 5 p.m.i Monday ¦ lished In the Want Ad section. Cheek Must act at oncel Write Avon, Box 764, Good oak slaba sawed In ttova tengtha, Station Wagons? Rochester, Minn, ¦ - : ' . throuoh Saturday. Place your brder for Suitable for range : end furnace. Price OR TOO SMALL? your ed and call 3321/It a torrec- ' - . . . - -Tel. 3910. : DeKalb or Spelti chicks new. reasonable.: Haul It younelf You Bet We Have Them! Has the Best Selection¦ tlon must be made. ¦ or we will I ¦ - — .¦¦.¦¦¦ n . .l ii wiiinf i. H I I ¦«- ? WANTED 7 deliver. : , JVe will be glad 7 Excellent Condition BRUNKOW ?«n Main St. Tei. wy ' end Priced Jo Move. BLIND ADS; UNCALLED FOR— • LADIES needed Immediately In "Winona SAW MILL : CHIGK Trempeeleau, WU. Tel. 5H-43U 7' ,t(« - - ' and surrounding area to show end take PLAGE YOUR Ap artments, Furnished 91 7 make ?7- "7 196 1 PLYMOUTH B-jj, »; .a, w, J7, w. orders for Sarah Coventry costumi Fyrri., ¦ ¦ ,|«W ; stocked ! In order to reduce : SOFA-BED Employed - lady preferred. Available 19597 AAERCURY KEMPERr- - MEN WANTED Interested ln: photography, Wanted—-Livestock 4fi» ; ;¦ ¦:' . at;once we; will. . be making I wish to thank; everyone who sent over 20, neat appearance, absolutely A/Sarch. 1. Tel. -9)6.9. - 7 ? 7- ' ¦ ¦ ;. ;;¦ : '41,195 ' ' ¦7 ' serviceable Luxurious deep pile caramel |- 0^^77¦ '¦ '¦ : ^ 7• ;-7 .. • many 'deals that you . won '.£;. me Christmas cards. Your thoughtful- free To travel throughout U.S., working HOLSTEIN BULL—wanteds Business Places for ' Rent ®:Cfe\~dv : Tel. 2W: . 6-passenger- .stat .ioni wagon. Low mile- : ness is very much appreciated: department stores. Call Mr. Gaiivey for age or older. Norbert Speltz, Minneiska,¦ brown frieze.; Beautiful . sofa 92 ¦ age, .one-owner, -fully, equipped Induct - .. believe 7 unless . you . get 7 it , ¦- , - - appointment. Tel. 5369. ' - . . Minn. Tel. Altura IT)A. . - . ¦- .' . . - . ' 7 , 120 Center St. .' Ben Kemper, Keokuk/ Iowa . . _ _ _ by day, THJRD E. 159-BuUtflnrj¦ ¦ for ¦ . rent. Tel. | Ins power-steering- posver brakes, lug- straight frorn iis Come, in ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦ comfortable bed at ¦ 5094 - .- ' ' ' ¦ - gage reck, white ' . LUECK- ' - ,- ¦ ;¦,. THE BOARD OF D! RECTORS , of the HEREFORD OR ANGUS steer calves, - ...... ;, ;- . ..- . side.wali tires , with as soon:as possible, for • xvlsh to extend our sincere grati- Winona Athletic Club will accept writ- 350-500 lb average. Robert Seltrecht, night. . .' white body and contrasting jold in- the We . FOR RENT—small business establish- r r terior, . ' " tude to. air our friends, neigh bor* and ten applications for the . position of Gilmanton, Wis. Tel. 9M-34W . ment, Located at 252 Mankato Ave. Lpt» for7Saio ? T 100 deal of your life. Ready to relative* for. their many card* - and pa rt lime stewa rd until 7 p.m.; Feb: FEEDER PIGS-wonted. Tel; L» Crosst Contact Winona Plumbing Co, during do business on the spot. ' gifts. You helped to make our: Golden • 12, 1964.: Oral Interviews will - be held ¦ ; ' RESIDENTIAL BUILDINfS LOT—Located 1956 CHEVROLET .. • -3"nl| or 'Mtnu. -' ; ' • ' • ¦ ' business hours .; Tel. 2035 . or 2416. ' Wedding Anniversary one of . the most at 8 p.m. No Interview will be given on J«h Ave. and ?th " St. In- "Goodvlew . ¦ ¦ LEWISTON SALES BARM ; ;^iC All utilities are. Installed to property ' '7 ; ¦4495" 7 : -; 7, of our lives; to those who have not submitted a *ii^» eventful days . , Farms for Rent 7 93 (5-cylIn - , ? Tel, AI|uri 7684, . . or lease. 45x140. Elevator, stoker heat, ^_ Contact BOB SHARPEST GARS WE?SERVICE work. 5ft-day week. Good car, $90 a HOMELITE CHAJN SAWS TWREE' BEDROOM home, 6 mlleTfrom Immedi ate occupancy. . 7 7 .7 '/ IT WAS OUR PLEASURE , to host the ¦ ,; SELOVER, showing. ¦V \ week lo start. For Interview . see Mr. ¦ ' See the new 12 lb -X L-H" (Sowntown Winona on all weather road Realtor, for . ; :;; Lions Club Banquet Saturday night - . . . CARPETING " . Koch, Feb. 3rd, 7:30 to 9 p.m., at the '.:¦ AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE on Gllmore Ridge. Tel: 2960 alter BUSINESS '" ESTABLISHMENT " for" rent, . ANYWI{ERE . .: ?7 ' .. - and we hope the; members ehlbyed ¦ ¦¦ - • - ¦ - . VVHAT - 7 Winona Hotel, Winona, Minn: . - . .- 2nd 8. Johnson .-' . Tel. UU , 3 p.m. , . . , . ,;;. . . . . - ,.or sale, : Located at 304. Mankato Aye, ¦\/' ' 7 , : . . themselves as much , as we enloyed . . ; ?• Nylbn Wool Acrilan ^ • • ¦ .May be Inspected during business hours. 7 SHARPEST BUYS ; having them. R r ay Meyer, liinkeeper, Wanted to Rent\ 96 ' ' ' ¦ - ;:¦ . ¦ NO LAY OFFS Contact Winona Plirmblng Co., Tel. 77 ' 7 • - . WILLIAMS .. HOTEL , . . , - Terramycih Grumbles Professional installation ~ . • ¦' ' . ; ;\A/E SELL OR SLACK periods. Steady lob with un- 50-lb ^bag. . • '.: S/WALL HOM E-wanted "by March \. 2035 or 2416. - . - . . . ,_ -;7 ' .-" < "? ¦_ . ' -::ANYWHERE , TV UNUSUAL VALENTINE GIFT Mea : His . ¦ ¦ ¦ ; limited future, Applicant must; bs will- - • • • ' ¦ 2. adults. West location preferred. Rea- ' 'n' Her Pen Sets, S1.50, at RAINBOW -Ing ' to move wrthlri 40-mlle radius ol . > FREE ESTIMATES ; • Wanted—Real, Estate 102 1962 Ford ¦ ¦ . sonable rent. Tel." 8-3859. Fairlane 500, V-R , ' Y, .116 W. ' 4 th, .' ¦¦ ¦ ' ' "' mi Chevrolet 4-door • S1795; . _ JEWELR "¦ Winona; Man will be company trained, ER; TED MAI DRUGS TH REE- OR FOU R-Bedroom home Want- overdrive , 2-door. all vinyl NIGHT . - -the Immediate employment to man selected, Bus. Property for Sale 1961 Chevrolet 4-door $1595 DAY OR . . food is right! Your Veterinary Supply Headquarters 97 ed,- condition not Important - Tel. 8-2374 . ' ;' plus guarantee? during training. Send : , interior. Really sharp;- ' RUTH'S RESTAURANT, 126 E. 3rd; TWO-APA RT MEN tTSuiL D ING " ' "19*51- Oldsmobile F-85 . resume to Dept, 6, Box E-83 Dally " anTfroht HOUSE ? WANTED^Aprlf possession?- vl- GLASS AND PLASTIC : enclosures for ¦ ¦ > business establishment ,- Located at 252 ' News, ,. '.;- . SEARS . cinlty of McDonald' s- State, price, etc." 1960 Ford 4-door. 6 cylin^. • •. •. . ¦Station:Wagon " ? , ?:? $1895 tubs and showers on display at CUR- Mankato Ave. MaV. be .seen during.busi- ' 123 E. Third Tel. 8-1551 Donald Thompson, . M7 N. 2nd. . Man- "[ '. $795 • LEY'S CERAMIC TILE CO.,. 420 W, Bth; ; ; FARAA-Qy L 7 ness hours. Contact . Winona Plumbing der , strai ght driye, econ ^ • 1959 Plymouth 4-door . . Co. Tel. 203 5 or 2416. - i - . ;. kato, Minn. : ARE YOU A PRO¥LEM DRINKER?- 7 teCHINIST7 ., Is again; able to. offer you . "77 ,' orny and 7 performance, 1959 Fdrd 4-door ...... ?89o ' ' Household Articles 67 WILL" PAV. "HIGHESTJCASHTRICES ¦ ¦ ¦ Man or woman, , your drinking creates ' ' this frozen ground special— Fa'rm' s' i-and for Sale 798 FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY like new. ' 7 1959 Ford Station numerous problems. If /you reed and .7;;7-;7;:2nd? Shift ; - .?7;-7; ; i. ¦ ¦ ¦ SOUP'S ON, the rug that Is, so ciean " /, ; Wagon.- ".'.. .?„ • .,. ? ..... $895 Want help, contact Alcoholics Anonym- .- ¦ tlie spot with Blue Lustre, Rent 80-ACRE FARM wTthT^O acreriliiablei 7 HANK" 7) EZEWSKr 1962?:Ford. " ous, Pioneer Group, Box 622, Winona, Experienced, all around elec- good -bUIWingsj 185-acre -farm wlttv 65 Country - sedan ¦' ¦ ¦¦ tool- trie shampooer, SI, H. Choate & Co. . (Winona ' s Only Reel: Estate . Buy«r). 1958 Ford 4-door ...... S595 ". Minn. -. ¦ acres finable; good buildings, Easy ' ¦¦ Wagon , V-8, - Gniisematic, _ room machinist. Preferably - . . . : Tel j."63B8:-ahd -70M P.O. Box 345 \ 7.; ~ ~ ' •;;^HIi?- -S: terms. Byron Buross,. Peterson, Minn. . -: 1958 Pontiac Wagon S995 NO, IT/ISN'T lmposslbie to ha ve thBt ^• Radios, Television ^ 7ppwer steering, ?' power' ; someone 71 ' ¦ •¦ • ' fO SEL-ll s/our^home,. farm, business .or ' old suit restyled. Warren Betslnger; with some . die or —- Electric Clock — Tel, Rushlord. 864-7717. . ? . 1957 Chrysler 4-d66r . ;.. $795 ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ ¦ other real estate,, call. '? brakes, runs and looks Taylor, 66>,V W. 3rd,, does' - 'the. trick. ; fourslide experience. '7 " - '¦?- ' -' ' . ' '?¦'¦ : Needles and Service ¦ '¦• 1957 Oldsmobile 4-door $495 . : - . . - or • '• FOR SALE.. . . - : ; like new; 7 -' ''. ¦ '¦ ¦ ' • . BLANCHE MBCPHERSON, Registered Interesting permanent, job,; All Makes Record Players 7- W,7STAHR 7 J95S. Chrysler 4-door . 7$295 ' -~ 50 Foot Steel Tape —- 20O. Acre Farm ¦; ' Tel, «925 Spencer Corsetlere, will- be at Winona some 7 development work, ¦¦¦ : ¦ " •¦ .374 W . Mark 7_ 196L Falcon wagon,- 4-door 1955 Oldsmobile 4-door $295 Hotel, Feb.: 5 and Feb. 6, Wed. and "¦? - 'or . • ". ."; Hardt's Music Store ; ' 320. Acre Farm ; ' , ¦ ' ¦' Lot! - Acreages- Farms - Homes : Thur, . ?. ' ; . good . wages, paid insurance. 118 E. 3rd Winona straight .drive, low rni!e- 1954 Cadillac Coupe ?- $595 ~ Portor Tool Box —- . TWill accept city property In - . .Rentals - Custom Builder. - ABD0MiNAll~ Write or call Mr, Dealer in Wausau Pre-Fab Homes'. . : ' . TRUSSE5^ BELT» Eade trade or will . accept small ' agei perfect. SACRO-ILIAC SUPPORTS Transistor Radio ? CORNFOHTH : ; BEA:LTV- 7 : Shope Venablcs Lot Nowl 7 Milwaukee with the purchase of a 30 VVe have 40;. different models on hand dowii payihent7 ' 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air 4- Wire Products ? . La-CresccritcMihn. T .Tel._ 8?5-21X34 GOLTZ PHARMACY¦ at bur. store. We service all we sell. ; : ¦ ^ ^_ ' , .' :.; 4834 North 35th St?, Milwaukee gallon drum or. two 15 gal- ' - '-?: ,' 2 Lots?; door, 6 cylinder,? Power- 274 E. 3rd . ? Tel. 8547 Corhe In . -or call WINONA FIRE & Accessories, Tires, Parts 104 ' ¦ Tel. HOpkins 4-1350 lon drums of Motor Oil or .' POWER CO., 5< . E, 2nd,.Tet. 5065, • 4 Houses glide, A real beauty. . .; Auto Service, Repairing 10 Hydraulic Oil. This off er is . (Across from the new. parking lot;) Will sell on payment plan. -: Finest Electronic Repair on All Makes 7^TIRES :, 1961 Mercitry station wagr 7;VE«ABLES-7 DON'T TAKE yourself too seriously. Re- good for a limited time . ' ¦ ADMIRAL & MUNTZ DEALER :: WALTER NEUMANN? ' - .; • . Diue to the , - , ' . . . on j V-S. Mercdniatic , pow- W; ? ,' rhember, to a mosquito you'rie lust pjiiy;" FJeceptlbn 75 2nd .7 Tel. 8r2711 another filling station. WE ARE' NOT' IBM SUPERVISOR s6 place your order 7 121 E. 2nd Tremendous. ' 7 - Don Ehmann TV iService . we received from ?er steering, all, black , low Just another filling station to your now.-; 9B0 W. 5th . ¦?;. -• : - - . Tei. 6303 ' , — ' ¦Open Monday Evenings car, our expert service department . . .. , Farmer Days - ¦ mileage. - . : 7 . We wilI extend t'nesi . ..- ,- will keep It Ih top. running condition. - Drive . in and let us check H GOOD- Man to. supervise : installa- Special Prices . , 1960 Rambler, 4-dobr , 6 cyl- . .; fhru Monday and-Tuesday' .7'. : Auction Sales VIEW: TEXACO, 1650-Service Drive. Fr A. KRAUSE CO, 0I I CE? ¦ ¦ ~ 77N ' ,to ' 'during ¦ ¦¦ " tion consisting of 403, , 602, ' II you vvere ' unable. mhke It In- . ¦ inder, straight drive, real . , - . • ALVTN K6H"N ER ' .. ' ¦ For Re I tab I e :: ' In now and take ' ^ Business Services 14 "BREEZY ACRES" i 7 . Private bids -will. be receiv- our Farmer Days, come f- .sharp, -- . . ' -- AUCTIONEER, Ciry and state -license** 514, 082 and 2 key punches. advantage . ol Ihis. 252'Liberty South on New Highway l^l TV 6 r Rad i o Re pa i r ed until .10:00 A.M., Febru- »nd¦ - bonded, St. (Corner WALL-TO-WALL dlsapwlntment describe We Finance. 7 7 . :.'¦£. - Jth" and L iberty), fel. 4980. . . 'the floors In your home? From the Proficient <>n 403 wiring. ary 10th; ; 1964 toward the ? 7 FIRESTONE ? 7 7 Closed Saturday Afternoons ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' : ' ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ; finest broad looms for your party per- Call us 7 :. '' . We are your 200 West . 3rd .;. . . . Tel, g.060 . ;:', ' -V' We "_ pieal. - . - . . .; " - " - Minnesota fect ' rooms to sturdy vinyls for the 602 wiring experience help- purchase of the William- J. 7 . heavy traffic lanes stop at WINONA Norton farm; in Elba Town- 7 We Guarantee Land &'Auction Sales Hay, Grain/Feed 50 Photofact Equipped 7N£W TAKE-OFF 7 ; 7 RUG CLEANING SERVICE, . 116¦ W. M.77.7 7' - 7 ' Everelt J, Kohner: ¦ 3rd.; Tet. 3722 for free estimates, . ship, Winona County. Bids 1J8 Walnut; Tel. .8-3710, after 7814 BALED HAY—lor¦ sale. R. Kamrowskl, Electronic? Techriician v QRIGINAL EQUIPMENT hour* _ . Ptckvylck. " '" should be /forwarded to F E B7 "^Tiiesr^9736~«7mT~iir mlle5 N. Furniture Repairs 18 ¦ ' ~ :—" : 0 J Motor Go Is., on Hvfy. 52,: then Systems background '.; SWEE'FCORN . SILAG'i-^$l50 pir toii yoiir Foley &: Foley, Attorneys, &? 7 - ot Decorah/ 1 loaded. Nelsoh and Gray, Plalrivlew, "We understand set best." ' -' • Ford Dealer . . mile E. John H. L^nz, owner; '-. Erjcki FURNITURE . RE FTNTSHING and minor ; . .Wabasha ,- . - Minnesota. ; The . : son &¦ Knudsen, auctioneers ; 1st Nat'l . repairing: Reasonable prices, pick up 7 desirable, 7 Minn . . ' . . .. ' ; .- . ; ' ; ' : '- : ' . re fully equipped right is reserved to reject ^/ t^RK:^s;^ 7 ;- - - '?'St. 'Chailes, -Minn ,' - - '. , Bank, Mabel, clerk .;. :./; . . . - and delivery. Free estimate. Tel.; 9649 We' with a ^ Stamps 56 : ' ~rs;~ noon and evenings. Robert Graves. Antiques, Coins, SAM'S - PHOTOFACT LI- any and all bids arici? any FEB7 .57-Wed.7"il:30 a7mr4 7mllcs of Salary Commensurate ? ANTTqUES^chlna and glassware. 10% BRARY-tbe world's finest sale is subject to approval ^':c^^;^<4,m}-C Telephone Your Want Ads Houston, Minn. Elrriore Peterson/ own- Plum b ing, Roofif.g 7 21 discount to rcdu yellow and blue. . _ Rt> New fles, Uristly decoralcd ~ ~ Rl mciCUUKT - j PLUMBING & IIEA1IN3 fHE FORMER Winona Counly storage Stoves, Furnaces, Parts 75 WILLY" UNI ERSAL W$ i,Qt ta|c , :jj 5Btth8 168 E. 3rd Sl. SCHOOL and available tor immediate posses- S JEEP O - \m - m we __ _ _ lei. 2737 shed. Located 3rd nnd Huf» Slreets. - ' '" ' wheel drive , In v«ry good condition ™ DUST STOP - AIR FILTERS- -CeT" rnr\i- sion. Wnlklng distfince ,1o town , 1 block . Oai^S OMLY ii ; . . - r^wji ' during ' Contact Winona Plumbing Co. with V-8 Ford ennihe , Glenn Foegen, ' ¦ U AT HOME ¦ i^ Help Imum comlorl by replacing thdt dirt- In bus. rVUdl.son School district Priced : . • Wanted—Female 26 business hours. Tel, 2035 or 2 41J. . Cochi nnt-. '.Vis. Trl. J4B-J3S8. ; ::: ^ ClODQed lurnflcn filter no.v *-ltti a (nr nuirts >nle unttr-r S10.0M, AfiTS COMBINATION ; ' ~ ' " - harmald-wnUres s, age As fast as you can do the ELECTRIC WALL riXTURES, S, Indirect fjenuine Du-t Slon lilt»r . ."/\o-1 «.l/r«. AGENCY, INC , Realtors . !'-» Walnut WR HAVE ?- lo 22 Inn truck ho|sti?"~ 25-40, nnnt nppf jirinii, experience not llSlitinq, $?.50 ciclu 1 electric outside fivailnble. 44c. «on» Cf?OS. STORE, Sf. Tel. i?t1, or utter tiours; E, R . Sm ui nowl HERO'S cyionllnl, mostly tt2~-2-bedroom home . Im- person. Country KltchPn. USED TV SETS , J2.50 and up, B & B parli. RANGr OIL B' UBNER CO, 907 mediate possession. »6,9}0. Tel, J73I or '61 cy\. ~ Ford 6 WAITRESS WANTED-evening work. Ap- let. TELLS YOU HOW! ELECTRIC, 155 E . 3rd. E. 5th. Tel. 7-179 . Adolph Wlchalowskl 2??0 . ply In person Sammy ( IF YOU CANT . 's Pliia , Accredited Member NEW AND USED appliances art bargain Typewriters 77 FOUNTAIN CITY-large 11-ronm build- National Home Study prices . Como and see- them. FRANK Inp on N , Shnre Drlvi. Suiteblfl tor LILLA 8. SONS. 7(11 E lilh . ~ ~ WArehouse or store, For snle or Council. ) . TYPEV/R ITT RS and ndrilnn rnathlne) »Rti„ SQUEEZE 4 Door Sedan lor sale or r*nl . Renwn^blp rates ffnt. Alio lartie modern mobile home, OK USED FURNITURE STORE sacrifice tor nuirk snU. C, iHANK, Iree flfilvi-ry, Si'e us tor all your ol 557 Standard transmission, radio. Local Telephone Your Want. Ads 373 E. 3rd St lice supplies, firsts, fllr-s or oflue Homemaker ' i Rxcnen^e, E , 3rd. INTO A COMPACT- AMERICAN SCHOOL We Buy-We Sell Chairs , Lund Typewriter Co, Tel . S117. T HREE-nCDROOM end 4-hcdroorti honn' i ono owner. Exceptionally "Winona District Office Furniture—Antiques-Tools- " C 1 O R to The Winona Daily News WINONA TYPEWRITER It ' thr place tc for sale or trnf . Center of town, on BUT LIKE ECONOMY ^ and other used llemi hue line Tet, 6059. low mileage 4>IO/.J P.O. Box 3255, St. Paul go when you re) lonklnt) for a typewriter . Tel, B 3701 ' ' - Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker. or adding machine . New or used, we in YOU WANT in huyTieil or trade ¦this . Name . Business Equipment 62 ounrantee ell our machines for one toll be sure to see Shank. HOMEMAKER'S Then you 'll like lflfi2 year. WINONA TYPEWRITER SERV- EXCHANGE, 352 E. 3rd, Chevy II 4-w '60 Comet Wagon City Stnte Washing, Ironing fViacti. 79 homei. Dlrtlno ronm lSxle, llvlno foom radio and hpnter. Y">i <""" Itnlo nl Mlnnc\r)ln | II . Coca Coin Dispenser, com- MAYTAG AND f= RIO IDA IRE—Fast? ax- 2ll>fl6, l.aroe kitchen, oil furnace. A County of Wtiion.i I in Ptobisle Cour) Rpt an .-imaziii L! 2fi miles to ' plete with compressor , $35; pert service Cornplele stocK and parti, r»nl lamlly home. School bus hv the , Standard transmission, Solid red finish. Black No, 15,609 Business Opportunities 37 H, Choate a. Co , Tel , 3871, door . I5(l» 100 It. Inr , fiflo* 515. 000 the pallon in tkiis car. Look In Re Estate ol also kitchen refrigerator , and red interior. Not a ' ' ' Aim AC.F.NCY. IflC , Heallors, )W nt this price, (M^nCT Elite M , flutrnholl, Decedent. DUSINESS PLACE for iali, with living bake ovens, range; backbnr. Wanted to Buy CI V.Vilfuft St . !<•! 4J47, or atlfif hours: Order lor Hearing on Account high milc r Final Quarters. Tel, 4950. I;, R, tiG LAFAYETTE ST. clnsa to the lake, 5- •stain having (ileil tils llnol accounl ' and pi'titlnn for settlement end allowondo eral trrms lo rlaht man In ctiolce ter- ~ WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON^'M ETAL herlroDm homf 1 bett mom down, halli, ritory ns sales representative tor Wn- " tlirifnf and for distribution, to Ihe per- Coal, Wood, Other Fu«l 63 CO . pnyy highest price* for scrfip n»w tumnce, large yard, full lot this torn thereiinlo rnlllliidi cousin ' s Grenteit Nufsery, established Iron, rpetali, Hides, wool and rti w lur Imiise dm he Inr J9 , JtlO Arrhle i Largest Lot Staff to Show You IT IS ORnrUCD, That the tiearlng over 5.1 vetin. No dcllverlno or collec- J27 W. 2nd. lei. 70(17. Mr Gill Went Fltate , 10* W. 3rd Tel. rr tliiTful t>f> tiarl nn Ccliruaiy 17th, 1964 , t ion. Liberal oifrnntee , Nurseries ot Ctrii'd Saturflayi 4015 or (13/ (t^tt A-yfr ovtr 700 acres at Waterloo, Wis, Write " Cars You Can Chock Up On! al 10.."to o ' clock A. M., Iii'loie ttil- . Court Let Us Kee p WANTED SCRAP IRON A. -VliTAI , MEW 5-nEDROOM house , on laro« lot , ^ In lii« (no McKey Nursery Co ,, Waterloo. Wis. prnlnilii cnuit room In court COW HIOE5, WOOL fc HAW f IJRS . <\/\s futnar- , walk oul hnsrnsnnf . Quill house In Wirmiifi , Wllnm'soln, anil that Money to Loan 40 You Warm!! HIGHEST PRirrs PAID nviQhhuiliood. Ifl, ft 3149. W^CU C HrVROtfT i^CO. notlcn hrrrot be nlven hy puMlcnllon of MAW IRON AND Ml- \Al CO . AUOF. RSON ADOtTIOM hctwfen C.ood- ^ this order In the Winona Daily News 107 W. 2nd, across Spur, . Slation 105 Johnson Tel, 23',tft C*' VK- w and Minnesota City, 3 hedroofni and hy mnllerl nnlir.n AS pi ovlcled by cl For yoiir Cniwi nlcnr r- Ed G Tel , - Rolllnoslofie 5(111 law , FILL UP NOW ! Wl Art Now ArjA ri f1|.in On Snti. Open Fridny Evening Dntrd January Jflh, IW<. '59 LOANS LM„T„ rnuR nrnROorA HOME - mro* iMnq iI Ford V-8 MIGHCST PRin , PAID e. o i.iriERA, J-LAIN NOTE-AUTO-FURNITURB ' mnni and fllnlnq room , 2 car gnraae , ¦fr Commander Coal tor icrap Iron, met-ih, in»:, hlde», Probate Judne. tfO E . 3rd SI , Tel, JV1J fireilenl hasnmrnl. let 74 11 i Blue and white with standard transmission and IPifitiMr (, ,->iir| Srali Hrl. 9 am, lo 3 p.m., Sat, » a.m. tojioon raw fnr» and vynoll Four sizes of Amcri Ovonlrlvr , Tops In appearance and Sawyiir , Sawyer li Darby, Sam Wcisman & Son M livery. Rntiffl Chi-rrlrr, »1» W. Wlliow , 3 . Ritman ha appolntert Iralrlm King lump nnd egg, Petrol- Apartments, Flats 90 r finish , This is a good car Previous own- ~j r\ r mini inil St ., Chlpiff^wa r-alls, Wis , Tal, Park l|) ,»R UAMRLKR w n g n n, * II IS OtinrN' i) , That the tn-nrlnn ~ r 3-MM. "Ilulli to loan. " eum Rrlquets , Eastern Ky. NRW APARTMrNT-EteclriC ifnve , re TRUSTEE'S SALE ncr will toll you all ahout It. Onl y .,. , tlierfof ha had , l>64 , st nndni d shift , overdri ve, J)/V J nn Frliruary Jl trloerator , heet, anil hot wnler lur •I I0;H(1 o' clock A.M., hefoio tlih Court Cr-'OSS nRTO OUTS- * , due In 3 week). lump, Poenhontns egg, 6-Honm Iknisn At Memard Ouenthnr, RoMlnndone , Minn nlthed. Tel, .4741 alter n 00 Rood rubber , In the probate court innm In fli ' court Jhi by -f.lo Stoker , Zolgler htiuiii- in Winonn, Mlnnetola; that llin T K I , 3".(>», rVlANKATO AVP. 352 unfurnlilii-d l-herl- CM K, 2nd Wl DODfJK Polftrn nuto- IUiy with confiflfnro nt time ' aincl Orient Stoker. Dry Oak , within whlrli creditor! rl said de- | |Ol5Ti;iN mil. 1.5 aaes 113 monthi, r ontn npt., all mwlern wltii lie' hr' rlt malif , full power codi'nt may tile (firIr claims |m limited (fom hlnh pr txtiiclna dams 1700 900 Mock Wood , No utilities furnished Inqulrr* flirrmf i , nitlio , Vinona 's Super Market of VhcA Vices tn tfiir months Irntn tin* il«|i> iH'irnl, hii-slnfss lionr-s only. Winnnn PlmnlilnQ New Tirnkrn aulomntic fur- I o%. ) . Altiol JacKtion, mil* &W ot Rood rubber . and Ihat tlir r.lnlrn-, MI tiled lie lieaid nitua. Wis. Co. Tel. 2(m nr 3414 . nace, living room cnrji rttMl , o Always Advertise Our Prices! on May 79, 1964, nl 10 30 o ' clock A M., ^V' t»fOf«i thl\ Cour t In the prnti«t« rourl POL I ED IIERrrORO nULl. — double Kensnnably priced, Mny he room , In tho court linmo In Winona, reflhfered, ?o mnntrts old, Joa Mtn- East End Coal & Telephone Your Wnnt Ads wen hy Appoint ment. Mlnno'.oM, niHl liinl nnllre jmrenf P i\i!y News OWL pifwiiH'11 liy law , AUTO SALES I for Mflstltls 901 K. 81 b St. MKRCHAWTS X'ATIOXAI Ootid Januar y 24, 1964 KAMBI.KU - 1)01)0,K Ford—Lincoln—Mercury—CniiKt f:. n i inn llre tJnylor 's Dlalnlori . , , BANK OK WINONA 3rd St. & Tel, B-;«U9 4th and Alain, Winona Open Mon.-Krl, Kveninfl (rrotinte Court Seall nl lower" Uinl 3321 for an Ad Taker. Trust Dent. Open Friday Nights Ceornn M. Hi,tir,i\pr\ Jr., TED MAIER DRUGS Attorney tor rellticncr. Antinsl Health Center ii Cra ' ¦¦ ' B ¦ ' BUZZ SAWYEJR ;: _ . . C :/- - -: 7 K ^ "* -? >;: ? :7:: 7 '7777777? .?;W 0^^ 1« Monday, Febrnary 3, 1964

7 DICK TRACY ."..By'-Chester-GbtJld^ 7? .'7;

.;^' BEEfL|. ^ifc^^

—¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ — ¦ sV ^M ^a ^^—* ¦*—— '¦. itf ^i »— ™ ^ — , —:-' _ ^— — — . - . -. . ~ . ~-^"^ ^^"^ " ;'> THE, FlJrWTSTON ES _ By Hanna^Barbera . 7

' ¦: '' / ' By Don Sherwood 7 ^ ' -DAN?'FLAGG ?

M ¦ ¦ ¦«¦ ' »- ^ • ¦ - - • ^"*— ¦——!— ¦ ' ' ¦¦^¦^—¦—^^— i—^»^——^—«—^"f«w—i— - «v . .-"^" ^ . ' -, gi n,, | . ' ' ¦ ¦ ;7' ; 7) ?; Bl-ONDfE,." : "' ' ¦:7 :BV Chk Young

—~—' ¦¦ ¦ —^~—^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V ^~ ¦ ; • ' , ¦ 77 ' ¦ . - . '1 . . . -¦ .- 7T^. . . . ¦' ¦¦ ' ¦ • 7LI'L'; -A|'NER' ' / ' - 7 By AI Capp

STEVE CANYON By rV\ilfon Cannif* "

; ; ¦ "y ;v /;:AR^MENT;-3^ .y^ By? Alex Korzky ?;:- TOO LATE FOR CHRISTMAS!

"¦¦¦ m '' : \ ?^o f [ [ [ .V V- -v: ^ ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' V i^^TS^^ . \ " ^ \ »—: ,,^-^r^- 7 MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ernst

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