Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-3-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 489. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/489 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mostly Fair, s—(Tfi Continued Mild y Hiiitfa-,!^ y V oAayNews Aos / . Tonight, Tuesday Vi^o*«B^,jflr? : . '.:.¦ Goldwater, In State, Raps Viet Policy LyndonJohnsdrr Says Jojinsoit 7%^ Greets GoJdwdMr Administration MINNEAPOLIS (AP)"—About The official greeting party In- Bursts Info 75 persons, mostly young peo- cluded Clifford Sommer of Owa- j 2 Clijrhbrall ple, were at the Twin Cities air- torina? national treasurer of the I Fumbling port to greet Sen. Barry' Gold- Goldwater for President organi- "By WALTER R. MEARS Flame After water of Arizona :when he ar- zation, ? William? McFadzean of Associated Press Writer rived today;: 7 Minneapolis, former Minnesota ' MINNEAPOLIS¦ (AP)?-. Sem OT Among first to greet him M Dead in the chairman; . Robert Forsythe* Barry Goldwater charged today was Lyndon Johnson, Mankato GOP state chairman; Mrs. the IJ.S.-backed war on Com- State College student and Gold- Nancy7 Brattas of Rochester, : "¦¦' munist rebels in South Viet Nam water supporter. ' ;. ?' State GOP chairwoman, and is: "drifting : toward disaster." Plane Crash GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP)- The student group . carried Rhoda Lund and George Etzel, He said U.S. policy " on the . HENNING, Minri. , (AP) - A South Central Airline twin- banners 1 abeled "Welcome Republican national committee dispute over the Panam a Canal Federal Aviation Authority in- engine passenger . plan* burst Barry," and "Goldwater in '64." . members for .Minnesota. is "stuck¦ in the . mud of indeci- vestigators and' Otter Tail Coun- into flames . immediately after: sion." ? • ' - ... ' ty authorities sought today to takeoff today and crashed , kill- ? Campaigning for the Republi- learn, what caused a light air- ing at least 10 persons? can presidential nomination, the plane to crash, bringing death The Beech.craft plane was Bdrry to Arizona Senator blamed the to two .Ciitherail, Minn;, men. Flight 510 which originated in Asked Johnson administration for cur- TBodies of Richard E. Nelson, Oeala and: was en route to rent troubles in the Southeast *B3 ,:. 'a resort operator, and Arn- Jacksonville, Asian and Latin Ameriaan crisis , 43, old liukken a contractor, .- _. M. Carroll, ai city errir spots. .. were found Sunday in the: I ploye; said; WMMIMMB wrecked aircraft. MINNEAPOLIS CAP) -Silver- Goldwater, ; promptly nixed the "I charge that this admini- ''It looked like the plane was' stration is fumbling, is failing,'' about 200 feet high. The left- haired Sen.'7.Barry: Goldwater! suggestion Sunday, and Eugene The two had been hunting fox driving for the Republican F. Trinnble of Minneapolis, an said Goldwater. '.'I charge that and failed to return home Satur- hand motor cut off and the en- • freedom is falling around the gine made a whinning sound. presidential . nomination, comes official of the Judd group, said /¦ - day right, the Civil Air Patrol to Minnesota today and? may the proposal would be given di- worLd."?. ? • ,; :.;,?• , The plane turned on its left sent up 20 planes from Alex- have a proposition dumped in rectly . to Goldwater today at It was Goldwater's toughest side,' just ', like a plane circles an " andria Sunday morning in a his lap by a group backing for: the first opportunity:" ? camTjaign attack on administra- search mission. 7 airport when .it's way up in the tion foreign policy. air. Then it hit the runway and mer Rep. Walter Judd as a Tlie exchange came ju st a day The wreckage was discovered , ¦ ' favorite son. : The Senator went after Min- exploded and burst . ' i n .t 'p before the first of the 3,785 GOP nesota's 26 : however, by a farmer. Herman ' precinct caucuses GOP convention Cordes came upon the crashed flames."' , . 7." The Judd partisans want or- were to begin. votes with a crowded afternoon ganizations backing other candi- The caucuses scheduled from plane on his farm, sbc miles The Federal Aviation Admin- campaign schedule in Minneapo- eastern Ot- dates to join in , supporting tha today through Feb. 11 are the lis arid St. Paul? north of Henning in istration in Miami said there first, step .-.-, ¦ former Minnesota congressman. in selecting the 26 ter Tail County. : • ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ——•? ' ' ' . ¦ ¦>—-»-'--f -:' '?' , ' " ' • .. were 10 persons aboard the delegates and 26 alternates iwho He tackled Johnson's foreign " They said supporters of Henry , Th* nose of the plane was AERIAL FOX HUNTERS CRASHV^Tw^ sort -operator, and'mrnqld Lukken, 43, Clith- plane. Cabot, Lodge and Harold Stassen will vote for Minnesota Repub- policy in an address prepared buried in the ground, indicating men on an aerial fox hunt were killed In erall contractor. Several planes took part in a [ South Central serves small Were willing •— if the Goldwater licans on a presidential nominee for a luncheon gathering of his to .Minnesota backers. to investigators that the ship this light plane, found crashed in a farm search -when ^he ^eh failed return ;from cities in Florida, Georgia and faction would agree? at the national GOP convention likely stalled and then nosed to the Carolinas, It has a fleet of in July. The precinct meetings "There is a new coup in South field near Henning Sunday. The victims were a Saturday hunt. (AP 'PItorofax) 7i;7 ¦ Cloud, Viet fcjam and the war there is earth. The engine was jammed eight of the twin-engine Beech-¦ : Willian .Holes of St: were expected to produce a-test Into tie cabin. Richard E. Nelson, Clitherall, Minn, re- crafts. ' '": chairman of Mihriesotaris for of strength in the struggle be- drifting toward disaster," Gold- tween ? Judd and Goldwater water said."Where is the ad- forces, the more actively organ- ministration? Still off making ized camps. promises to buy votes at home [ " while the world smolders and HtRMS SURtEy Trumble said the appeal to burns. ? 77 ; Goldwater was planned in the "And how can we expect tha Ranged interest of party unity? Holes same administration, the same saw" it as a "stop Goldwater foreign policy fumblers who movement," an attempt to neutralized Laos — how can we expect them to do better in Viet Nam?": he aslted, ,7 Wammti Stop Pussyfooting, On the crisis over the Panama Bj DIAL TORGERSON ure in the Ranger program. ered m a big room at the Jet Nixon Declares Canal, he ^sked: "Where has Jf|lStartling Propulsion Laboratory, listened Lyndon been while Panama Calif, uv -- The cost to date: $168 million- PASADENA/ ' "¦' " ' buraed: Fiddling with his politi- By LOUIS HARRIS Total GOP Voters Space scientists sifted through figures at $28 million a shot. to the tone of Ranger's radio • ; MISENHEIMER, N.C. Ofi ¦ ' '• ¦ ' ' ¦ cal promises, telling the nation Sen. Barry Groldwater clings ,:¦ , ?';- ¦ ' ¦? • .% ' . coded tapes today in a search Ranger 6 was the first of the signal as it was being amplified — Former Vice President Goldwater ?.. ., '.. ;' - '¦;¦;' , costly spacecraft to complete through loudspeakers. Richard M, Nixon said to- that Republican criticism amus- to a narrowing lead in the key . 29 ? for the reason why spacecraft es Mn — or maybe listening to Rockefeller ' . ....... 23 Ranger 6 plunged into the moon the difficult moon-approach ma- Then — when the five-minute day the United States should New Hampshire primary, ac- neuver faultlessly-^-which made warm-up period was over—the not "pussyfoot" around on his Bobby Baker stereo set." Lodge (write-in ) ......19 Mrs. Marina Oswald with its cameras blind to the cording to a just-completed sur- ' ' ) the blind crash even more frus- emotionless voice of a project the question of neutralizing Dealing with Cuba, he said the .: : Nbeori (write-in ...., .12 wonders of the lunar landscape. U.S. wall of isolation ''that was vey of Republicans likely to Romney (write-in) .... 2 Convinced Husband The agonizing end to a 66- trating for its designers. engineer announced the first Southeast Asia. was con- sign that all was not well: supposed to keep it from deport- 7Scranton (write-in) ... 2 Killed Kennedy hour flight came at 1:24 a.m. The camera system "A neutral Vietnam, -with? vole in the nation's first pri- "There is no indication of full fjhe ing murder and subversion Smith .?.....;........, 1 (PST > Sunuay -when Ranger 6 sidered one of the simplest tremendous: power of the mary election on March 10, mechanisms on the 804-pound video power." Chinese Communists to the , throughout Latin American :.?, . Stassen .......?....... 1 reached its historic rendezvous crumbled even as it was being In a two-man race against ¦ —and six television cameras spacecraft. Then, for a tense 600 seconds, north" would be in severe Not sure .............. 11 the hushed crowd listened to danger bunt." New York 's Gov. Nelson Rocker Presidential aboard wouldn't function. It was turned on by a com- , Nixon told a Pfeiffer The two front runners, Gold- mand flashed from the ground. the tone of Ranger's death College convocation of 1,600 feller , Goldwater is ahead 54- Laboratory directors went water and Rockefeller, can only ahead with plans for Ranger There was also an automatic song, and the engineer's words persons. 46 percent. His margin has count on winning a bare majori- 7's flight — ant identical photo timer aboard to do the job. that it was unavailing: "Seven minutes to impact — dropped 8 percentage points , tty here between them. It is mission—pointing out that the Ranger radioed back word that 'keep people Panel Questions still no video.
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