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TITLE s OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE .AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION 3 "OUR 61st YEAR" APR IL, 1968 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE APRIL, 1968 Now that our Mid-Winter Conference is behind us, we are begin ning to turn our attention to other matters of association business. Many of our committees are actively at work on projects which have been assigned to them. The results of their labors will be made known to us from time to time throughout the year and at our annual con vention this Fall. Very shortly with the advent of Spring, the tempo of our state asso ciation activities will sharply increase as evidenced by the meeting timetable shown in Title News. I anticipate the privilege of visiting some of these state meetings and others will be attended by various national officers. An annual convention program is already beginning to take shape. There will be several items of unusual interest and a number of out standing guest speakers. Program details will be presented later in the year as final arrangements are realized. May I also take this means of conveying to all of you my gratitude and appreciation for the many messages and other expressions of sympathy and condolence. It is a great comfort and a real heart warming experience to have so many friends respond so spontane ously in time of need. Both of my sons and I are grateful for your thoughtfulness and help. TITLE NEWS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION EDITORIAL OFFICE : Premier Bldg., 1721i "ye St., N . W .. Wa• hinictun , D.C. 20006 296-3671 FEATURES The Magic of Automation 2 The Uniform Commercial Code 5 The Public Interest-An Opportunity 10 Proposed Constitutional Amendments 13 A Conference to Remember 16 Walter Judd, Convention Speaker 22 Convention in Indiana 24 DEPARTMENTS A Message from the President inside front cover In the News 26 Meeting Timetable inside back cover VOLUME 47 ON THE COVER: Statesman, orator, doctor, missionary, Far Eastern expert, Dr. Walter H. Judd is probably the most sought NUMBER 4 after speaker in America. Certainly he is one of the finest. At the 1968 Annual Convention in Portland, Dr. Judd will speak to 1968 ALTA members. His s ubject-"Vietnam-The Key To Asia." JAMES W. ROBINSON, Editor MICHAEL B. GOODIN, Assistant Editor and Manager of Advertising Page 1 "THE MAGIC OF AUTOMATION'' By Jack J. Edwards, Executive Vice President, California Land Title. Company The following remarks were made by Mr. Edwards at the "Magic of Automa tion" Workshop S ession held during the 1967 A.L.T.A. Annual Convention, in Denver, Colorado. For remarks made by other panelists participating in this dis cussion, please refer to the January, 1968 issue of "Title News." feel a 1itt1 e bit like Dean the rate of 600 lines a minute. We I Martin. I was in Las Vegas re also knew we could continue to cently-on business, of course add information at the rate of and went to see his show. He hap 6,000 to 8,000 card images a day pened to mention that he had six for the next 31/2 years without any children, whereupon the audience additional equipment, or space, or broke into wild a p p 1 a u s e. He -as important as these-person stopped us short by saying, "Don't nel. Shortly a f t e r ordering the make a hero out of me-it only equipment, which arrived 21/z took six minutes!" years later, our group entered into Before I tell you how our Sys a c o n t r a c t with Planning Re tem 360 works-and I might add search Corporation to develop the we are very pleased with it-I complete program (software) for would like to review some of the the System. things that took place before de While IBM was couched in a posi livery, and the timing involved. tion to help, and did when asked, When IBM announced their Sys we relied solely on Planning Re tem 360 in April of 1964, we im search to design our software pack mediately placed our order for cer age, and when necessary work with tain equipment, which included two the IBM personnel. By contract, data cell drives. At that time we our total expense for this service had close to 7,000,000 IBM cards was approximately $140,000. Dur indexed from documents recorded ing this period there was a four in Los Angeles County. Our title month delay, due to re-scheduling plant was housed in card file cab of delivery dates on the part of inets, with the source material on IBM. While it was bothersome, it microfilm. This breakthrough of was our only major problem during the Data Cell was vi e w e d as the three years. a massive storage device (not a Jerry Koory has told you the computer) , that had the ability total man hours for programming. to store the information from the Converting-there w e r e actually cards created in a small physical two to three programmers work area and, on a direct request, give ing full time, for over two years, a chain of title in listed form at to complete the job. Page 2 Based on the joint plant agree tern for daily work, running paral ment, we found neutral quarters lel with our old plant for a few to house the Data Center. Prior days, in order to verify our new to delivery of the equipment it retrieval. was necessary to install special air At the present time an average conditioning, wiring and raised of 1,200 inquiries are made each flooring. The initial cost of these day from the System. All equip special improvements ran in the ment is dedicated, during the day neighborhood of $17,000. light hours, to searching. The ma In the latter part of December, chine is really loafing, based on 1966 the equipment was moved in. its full retrieval capacity. In the It consisted of: evening the program is changed for work on our date-down, up 2540 Reader dating, and audit procedures. 1403 Printer-600 lines per min While the equipment seems to ute be, and is, quite complex, the re 2321 Data Cell Drives (2) liability factor has been excellent. Control Units During the month of July we 2311 Disk Packs (3) logged four hours of down time .029 Keypunch Machine on Site in August, 4% hours. As you can 2030 C.P.U. (Central Processing see, the equipment is actually used, Unit) in one way or another, 16 hours 32-K Equals 32,000 positions of a day. A security copy of this in core storage formation is stored off-site on sep Above is with Selector Chan arate data cells. While there are nel internal labels, it is possible for Five days after delivery the Sys an operator to erase information. tem was turned over to us and If this should happen, or there the loading procedure began. It was some other type of destruc took 21/2 months to load the cards tion, the System could be back in into the data cells. This was done operation within 24 hours. in January through the middle of As you know, this is a joint title March of this year. I don't mind p 1 ant, with four participants telling you that there were . mo which, for the record, I would like ments when we wondered, "Is all to name. They are: Chicago Title this information really going in? Insurance Company, Stewart Title . and, more importantly, will Guaranty Company, Lawyers Title we be able to get it out?" The day Insurance Corporation, and Cal finally came-we asked for infor ifornia Land Title Company. Cer mation back. 32 searches were tainly a joint title plant is more made in both the Property and economical for each participant, General Index files. The print-out, which means you can do more and at 600 lines a minute, took 2% have more for use. It also lends minutes to complete the chains. itself to multiple use by its very We compared the chains with the nature. The capacity is there; no information in our old plant and one has to wait to get into a book found that they were accurate. We or file, and it can be housed in a immediately started using the Sys- relatively small area. Our Data Page 3 Center has 4,000 square feet; of This one turned out to mean th i s space, 900 square feet is "Scientific Wild-Ass Guess". used for the 360. In order for any one to consider We believe our retrieval is now automation, and what might be more accurate. All information is best for him, from what is avail coming from one source level, as able on the market, I believe he opposed to the Main, Current and must consider the following: (1) sometimes Current-Current t h a t The amount of source material ac exists in the standard card plant. cumulated and the volume to be The Title Officer receives his in added daily. (2 ) ·The size of the formation faster and all together, county and its real estate activity standardized and k e y e d to our has a bearing. (3) The county rec method of examination. ords and their availability, and ( 4) -of course-USE. Dedicated personnel are ex In closing, we believe there are tremely important. We have been still things to come that will aid most fortunate in this area.