

Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Harald Berthelsen, Christoph Wendler, Andy Murphy, Emily Barnes, Christer Gobl

Phonetics and Speech Laboratory, Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin, {anichsid, nichiarn, berthelh, wendlec, murpha61, ebarnes, cegobl}@tcd.ie

ABSTRACT research output is consigned to academic publica- tion. The ABAIR initiative illustrates how phonetic The ABAIR initiative illustrates ways in which research can drive innovative applications that pro- laboratory-based phonetic and speech research can vide endangered-language communities with power- be leveraged for language maintenance. A key ele- ful tools and resources for language maintenance ment is that the research is carried out in such a way and revitalisation. ABAIR encompasses a cluster of that the outputs are usable for speech technology Irish-language projects with parallel basic and development. This entails focussing at times on applied research strands. These reflect its evolution developing resources that are not typically on the from (i) developing phonetic/speech resources to (ii) menu. The ABAIR cluster of projects building technologies (to date, TTS) that use these evolved in stages, from (i) laboratory-based devel- resources, and to (iii) implementing applications that opment of resources for the dialects of Irish to (ii) exploit both resources and technologies to meet exploitation of these resources in an Irish-language urgent needs of the language communities. A key synthesiser. This led to (iii) a flowering of projects feature is the ongoing collaboration with the lan- that deploy the resources, knowledge and technology guage communities. Rather than passive recipients for applications that target specific needs of the lan- of resources (developed for commercial purposes), guage communities. These three strands continue in they actively help in setting research priorities, parallel, providing a fusion of basic and applied assisting the design, testing and dissemination of research that is yielding very different kinds of outputs, and increasingly, in the collection/curation research outputs. of data. The paper describes two specific areas, edu- The scope and aims of ABAIR developed organi- cation and access – both pillars of language mainte- cally – prompted in large part by the increasing nance – where phonetic resources and applications involvement of, and sometimes, the urgent demands are impacting. of the Irish-speaking community. Community involvement strengthens the research, bringing it out Keywords: Irish, phonetic resources, speech tech- from academia to a place where it is used in ways nology, access, education that contribute to language revitalisation and maintenance. While every endangered language has 1. INTRODUCTION its unique context, the challenges faced are common. In sharing experience, expertise and tools the hope is The unprecedented rate with which are that these can benefit other communities whose lan- being lost mirrors other catastrophic ecological loss- guages are facing extinction. es of our era. Our languages are our greatest cultural artefact. They are also the receptacle of so much of 2. CHALLENGES FOR LANGUAGE our cultural inheritance: our songs, poetry, stories, COMMUNITIES , oral and/or written, the accumulation of wisdom and creative vision of preceding genera- Irish, a Celtic language, deemed ‘definitely endan- tions, which are lost with the language. gered’ in UNESCO’s atlas [1], is spoken in the Phoneticians, through their documentation of the Gaeltacht – small, Irish-speaking communities sound systems of the world’s languages, through the located mostly in the West of Ireland. The Gaeltacht provision of systems where such didn’t exist communities are losing ground: it is estimated that etc., contribute in a variety of ways to the validation even here, less than 25% of the population uses Irish and maintenance of endangered languages. Typical- on a day-to-day basis, and virtually all of these are ly, however, the language community tends to be the bilingual. For an endangered language, Irish is rather passive partner in this endeavour, and much of the unusual in being recognised as a national language, (since 2007, an official language of the EU), and it is a compulsory school subject in Ireland. While this outline the three strands of ABAIR’s research, illus- official status is important, the optics can be mis- trating how they individually and cumulatively help leading: there are increasingly stark indicators of the to alleviate some of these difficulties and contribute decline of Irish in the Gaeltacht, and its transmission to language revitalisation. and future viability as a community language is in doubt. Many consider its survival to depend crucial- 3. PHONETIC AND SPEECH RESOURCES ly on effective teaching, but sadly, the outcomes of education are often poor. The initial aim was to develop phonetic and speech Among many factors contributing to the decline, resources for Irish, in such a way as to provide the two are often cited. The overwhelming influence of components necessary to text-to-speech (TTS) syn- modern communication and speech technology, thesis. Given the lack of a single spoken standard, a dominated by English, is seen by many as a major multi-dialect effort was deemed essential. Initial influence - particularly in the linguistic shift of efforts focussed on the northern dialect of Donegal, young Gaeltacht speakers – by excluding Irish from and to facilitate extension to further dialects, a mod- what is now a central dimension of modern living. ular approach was adopted, where common and dia- The other factor, Irish language education, is seen as lect specific components were identified. falling short, both for Gaeltacht native-speakers and second-language learners. Complaints focus on Corpora: extensive recordings of a single speaker, dated methods and lacklustre materials which using authentic dialect materials were needed to pro- compare badly with those for other languages. vide coverage of all sounds in all phonetic contexts. Linguistic factors present specific educational More compact Corpas Beag corpora that meet the challenges. As in many minority languages, there is requirement of coverage are now being perfected for no spoken standard, but rather the three main dia- the individual dialects. Beyond their use in TTS, lects of Donegal, Connemara and Kerry, with further these phonetically annotated corpora are providing sub-dialects. These differ considerably in pronuncia- rich databases for cross-dialect research. tion, lexicon, prosody etc. (A written standard, which draws on different dialects [2] does not repre- Letter-to-sound rules: hand written letter-to-sound sent the speech of any given language community.) rules were developed for Donegal Irish and later For native-speakers, there are few dialect- adapted for other dialects. These rules are being appropriate educational materials. exploited in educational applications (see below). For non-native learners outside the Gaeltacht pro- nunciation is particularly problematic. The sound Pronunciation lexica: these provide for forms not system of Irish contrasts palatalised and velarised predictable from the letter-to-sound rules. These are consonants [3] – a fact generally not appreciated by essential (with the letter-to-sound rules) for develop- learners or, often, their teachers. The mapping of ing dialect specific applications. sound-to- is complex: as the Roman does not provide for the consonantal dis- Intonation modelling: there were virtually no avail- tinction, complex sequences of vowels are used, able descriptions of Irish prosody. This necessitated some of which indicate the quality of the adjacent considerable research, and large divergences among consonant, some of which signal the quality of the the dialects emerged [4-7]. It is planned to exploit nuclear target. The widespread lack of understanding these models in educational applications. of the basic sound system inevitably impacts also on acquisition, as neither teachers nor learners 4. FROM RESOURCES TO TECHNOLOGY tend to link the rules of Irish to the underly- These components allowed the building of the first ing consonantal contrast, and learners must master text-to-speech system. A beta version, put on a web- the complex spelling without grasping its phonic site (www.abair.ie) for testing among colleagues basis. The fact that these same learners are English attracted an unexpected flurry of emails from around speaking and being trained on the “English” alpha- the globe. These expressed relief at finally having a bet and amplifies the problem. Where learn- resource that allowed access to how Irish (text) ers experience difficulties with Irish literacy acquisi- should be pronounced. This was an intimation of tion, the only assessment and remediation tools are things to come: from here the language community based on English – entirely unsuited to Irish. Non- has led the way in demonstrating how such native learners typically lack access to native- resources may help them and what they most urgent- speaker models of the language. Homework can be ly needed. It also revealed an unexpected online problematic if learners and their parents don’t know how text is pronounced. In the following sections we global community, in itself a source of support for 5.2. Education the language. Synthetic voices – using both unit selection and Educational applications are being developed – and HTS methodologies – are now available at this is an area where all strands of our research come www.abair.ie for the three main dialects of Donegal, together. Phonetic knowledge and resources are Connemara and Kerry. A current goal is to extend being presented, using technology as the vehicle – as the synthesis to the more endangered dialects. A illustrated here by some ongoing developments. synthesiser is a virtual native-speaker: having one not only serves to ‘preserve’ the dialect, but support Pronunciation and : A the local community in their efforts to maintain it. multimodal interactive game is being developed to train pre-literacy phonological awareness and pro- 5. COMMUNITY DIRECTED APPLICATIONS nunciation skills [10]. Learners train in the sound contrasts of the language through minimal pairs The online provision of the synthetic voices was a embedded in a game that can be played in the class- catalyst for collaborative projects to develop specific room or at home. The heroine of the game has the applications, responding to community requests. task of rescuing her brother from the fairy fort (a common folk theme). Numerous obstacles are 5.1. Access encountered, but a friendly druid provides magic words and spells (minimal pairs and phrases featur- The ABAIR webpage [8] was used as a vehicle to ing them). By correctly identifying and pronouncing give the public access to other resources, such as the these object-pairs, particular obstacles are overcome, phonetiser, which outputs the allowing the heroine to proceed to the next level (the of input text. The resources and applications current- next obstacle). In its current form, the game is ly under development will also be shared in this intended for classroom use, but the plan is to provide way. Public use of the synthesis facility is facilitated a phone/tablet version also for home use. A simpler by a downloadable application which enables any phone app game is also under development, with online text to be read out. This provides native- less elaborate storylines and graphics, and featuring speech output (with appropriate dialect) when read- songs to consolidate the sound contrasts. These will ing dictionary entries, webpages, emails, etc. A be trialled in schools this autumn. mobile phone app version also provides speech out- put (to date available for a single dialect). From Pronunciation to Literacy Acquisition: As Long before the first synthetic voice was built, a mentioned above, most learners and teachers are not short news piece about this research brought urgent aware of the phonic basis for the orthographic rules appeals from parents of visually impaired children. of Irish, and the seemingly impenetrable nature of Without synthesis, the education of Gaeltacht chil- Irish spelling is seen as a major difficulty. As a fol- dren is compromised, and outside the Gaeltacht, vis- low-up on the phonological awareness game, an ually impaired children were largely excluded from Irish alphabet game is being planned, where atten- Irish language education. Provision of a screen- tion is subliminally drawn to the palatalisation- reader thus became a priority. Collaboration with the velarisation contrast and spelling rules. The colour National Council for the Blind of Ireland, enabled a and shape of consonant and vowel letters as well as blind researcher to work with us to implement Irish musical cues identify the link of say, palatalised synthesis in the open-source NVDA screen reader consonants and ‘permitted’ accompanying vowels. [8]. This application can now be downloaded from the abair.ie site. It provides a choice of dialects and Speech based Writing/ Application: An simultaneous output. The user choses the Scéalaí (The Storyteller) is an application currently dialect and controls the speed (very high speeds are being developed that will enable the spoken lan- needed for browsing). The system was tested exten- guage to remain central to the development of ancil- sively in collaboration with teachers of the visually lary language skills of reading and writing, spelling impaired nationwide [9]. [11, 12]. This specifically targets the problem men- A further collaboration, with ChildVision Ireland, tioned earlier that non-native learners have little entailed the production of DaisyBooks – speech- exposure to native speaker models. One problem synthesis-enabled multimedia school books for the arising from this and the rather opaque writing sys- visually impaired. These allow magnification and tem of Irish is that learners (or often parents, helping highlighting of the text as it is read out, and user with homework) do not know how text should be control over dialect and speed of output. In this pronounced. An Scéalaí is a web-based application work, volunteer assistance contributed greatly. which invites the learner to write text which is then spoken by one of the ABAIR voices (with the choice – agree/agree strongly – for “the synthesised voices of dialect up to the learner/teacher). Learners are were sufficiently clear to make the speech intelligi- initially invited to listen out for errors – as these are ble”. Similar results were found for naturalness rat- often more readily ‘spotted’ by ear – and correct ings [14]. These voices are increasingly also being their own text. In a subsequent step, the application sought for deployment in educational applications, prompts specific corrections (e.g., by colouring such as Duolingo. letters where a spelling ‘rule’ has been missed, such This ABAIR webpage also provides specific as the one corresponding to the palatalisation- resources, as well as information on ongoing work, velarisation contrast). The specific errors being and explanations on how, for example, synthesis focussed on at present are ones that pertain to pho- works. In the future, this page will include academic nological and morphophonemic alterations in the articles, and other research outputs. Education- language. However, this application can be incre- oriented application, once sufficiently tested and mented by the teacher, and it can be used in the robust, will be hosted on a linked educational classroom and outside to target any aspect of the lan- webpage CabairE. The goal is to also to supply the guage. This application is being tested currently in tools that will allow teachers and other interested second level schools in Ireland, as well as by learn- parties to develop materials, content and applications ers abroad. that can in turn be hosted on that site. Such a part- nership will leverage the talent and experience of A Chatting Companion (Chatbot): An application teachers and others interested in the teaching of the we have been working on and which proved particu- language, generating over time a virtual language- larly popular when trialled among school children, learning resource centre. presents a talking monkey who asks questions on The partnership with the Irish speaking commu- specific topics [13]. The monkey speaks with one of nity has evolved, and specific interventions from the synthetic ABAIR voices. The learner responds in groups and individuals continue to shape the direc- text (we have no recognition for Irish yet) and the tion of research. Collaboration is essential in all answer is output in a different synthetic voice. The aspects of the work, including the design, testing and monkey uses very simple level of artificial intelli- dissemination of applications. Looking to the future, gence and his conversation extends to a very limited a yet greater level of partnership is envisaged. For number of topics (which feature in school oral example, we are embarking on recognition and dia- examinations). However, it generates a remarkable logue systems, which will require very large quanti- level of interest and activity among the children ties of data to be collected and curated. We hope that among whom it has been tested to date, highlighting our direct links with the community, along with the power of communicative, task-based learning. online data collection methods (currently being per- Interactive agents of this kind have enormous fected) will facilitate this endeavour. Ultimately, we potential for language learning as they motivate the would also hope to see joint educational pro- learner while exposing him/her to the spoken lan- grammes, in partnership with community-based guage, within a simulated communicative environ- organisations in the Gaeltacht, so that the research- ment. We propose to extend the use of chatbots of ers of tomorrow are drawn from and contributing to this type, making them available for teaching. Even that pool. the most tedious language learning tasks (e.g., mem- A guiding principle in the present work is that the orisation of irregular , or complex grammat- research outputs and applications be made freely ical rules) can be turned into a fun activity where the available to the language communities who can ben- pupil competes with the monkey. Most importantly, efit from them. As a corollary, the hope is to share through the use of the synthesis, the spoken lan- expertise, experience and resources with other guage is centre stage. endangered-language communities, assisting them in their struggle to maintain their linguistic heritage. 6. CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Making resources available on or downloadable from the abair.ie webpage has been the primary This ABAIR initiative is supported by An Roinn means of dissemination to date. The synthetic voices Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta, as part of on the site have been accessed 155,305 times in the Stráitéis 20 bliain don Ghaeilge, 2010-2030. The first three months of 2019. In evaluations of the linked CabairE collaboration has been supported by intelligibility of the synthetic voices (carried out in An Chomhairle um Oideachais Gaeltachta agus the context of the Chatbot application), 73% of 288 Gaelscoilaíochta. students rated them at points 4 or 5 on a Likert scale REFERENCES [14] Ní Chiaráin, N. 2014. Text-to-speech synthesis in computer-assisted language learning for Irish: devel- [1] Moseley, C. (ed) 2010. Atlas of the world’s lan- rd opment and evaluation. Doctoral thesis, CLCS, guages in danger (3 edition). Paris: UNESCO Pub- Trinity College, Dublin. lishing. Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/ culture/en/endangeredlanguages/atlas [2] An Roinn Oideachais. 1986. Foclóir Póca English- Irish/Irish-English Dictionary. Baile Átha Cliath: An Gúm. [3] Ní Chasaide, A. 1999. Irish. Handbook of the Inter- national Phonetic Association: a guide to the use of the international phonetic alphabet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 111-116. 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