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Based on information from the goodfishbadfish.com.au sustainabletable.org.au GoodFishBadFish ‘Seafood Converter’ FOLD FOLD Cooking Technique n Avoid m Try Also Good Bream Whiting Australian Luderick & Pan-Fry (AKA Flathead (AKA Tommy Ruff) Snapper Calamari or Deep-Sea Perch) Australian (Victorian)** Trevally

Swordfish Bonito Spanish Australian Flathead or Mahi Mahi Leatherjacket (AKA Bay )* Leatherjacket Squid & Australian Sardine Luderick Calamari Bream Mullet Tailor Grill or BBQ Trevally Imported Local wild , especially King Prawns from Prawns the Spencer Gulf, SA and Banana, Tiger and Squid & Calamari Endeavour Prawns from the Northern , which both have MSC certification. Braise, Curry Skate or Ray Leatherjacket Mackerel Bonito Luderick Octopus Mahi Mahi Trevally Crab Snapper or (Victorian)**

Bluefin Bonito Whiting Australian Salmon Mullet Raw, Cured, or Sea-Cage Mackerel (AKA Bay Trout)* Mussels Snapper farmed Salmon Smoked or Pickled Flathead Octopus (Victorian) ** (Flake) Bream Whiting Mackerel Squid & Deep-Fry Flathead Trevally Calamari

* Australian Salmon are an oily, schooling species of fish found in coastal waters throughout southern . They are well known to recreational beach fishers. They are related to (Tommy Ruff), rather than the orange-fleshed . Do not confuse them with Australian-grown Atlantic Salmon, which is grown in Open-Pen Sea Cages in Tasmania. ** Snapper from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, has been found to be sustainable by the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Sustainable Australian Assessment Program. Other stocks may be overfished.