Thailand's Shrimp Culture Growing
Foreign Fishery Developments BURMA ':.. VIET ,' . .' NAM LAOS .............. Thailand's Shrimp ...... Culture Growing THAI LAND ,... ~samut Sangkhram :. ~amut Sakorn Pond cultivation ofblacktigerprawns, khlaarea. Songkhla's National Institute '. \ \ Bangkok........· Penaeus monodon, has brought sweep ofCoastal Aquaculture (NICA) has pro , ••~ Samut prokan ing economic change over the last2 years vided the technological foundation for the to the coastal areas of Songkhla and establishment of shrimp culture in this Nakhon Si Thammarat on the Malaysian area. Since 1982, NICA has operated a Peninsula (Fig. 1). Large, vertically inte large shrimp hatchery where wild brood grated aquaculture companies and small stock are reared on high-quality feeds in .... Gulf of () VIET scale rice farmers alike have invested optimum water temperature and salinity NAM heavily in the transformation of paddy conditions. The initial buyers ofNICA' s Thailand fields into semi-intensive ponds for shrimp postlarvae (pI) were small-scale Nakhon Si Thammarat shrimp raising. Theyhave alsodeveloped shrimp farmers surrounding Songkhla • Hua Sai Songkhla an impressive infrastructure ofelectrical Lake. .. Hot Yai and water supplies, feeder roads, shrimp Andaman hatcheries, shrimp nurseries, feed mills, Background Sea cold storage, and processing plants. Thailand's shrimp culture industry is Located within an hour's drive ofSong the fastest growing in Southeast Asia. In khla's new deep-waterport, the burgeon only 5 years, Thailand has outstripped its Figure 1.-Thailand and its major shrimp ing shrimp industry will have direct competitors to become the region's num culture area. access to international markets. Despite ber one producer. Thai shrimp harvests a price slump since May 1989, expansion in 1988 reached 55,000 metric tons (t), onall fronts-production, processingand a 320 percent increase over the 13,000 t marketing-continues at a feverish pace.
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